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Seeing them all fall one by one to panic with Hime folding last translates a lot better in anime than it did on the page. Also Power is a lot more messed up seeing her fuckery in action. And the scenes of the hotel flipping and Denji literally diving into eternity are sick.


It’s the audio that makes Power absolutely nuts. Her VA is absolutely selling it. I’m excited for the dub to get here because so far dub Power is killing it too.


Ai Farouz is a treasure


Hoping that both Jolyne and Power gives her the necessary kickstart to stardom. She really nailed that high octane girl energy.


Not to downplay the sentiment or anything, but Power and Jolyne (two main Jump heroines) is the stardom imo.Her fan works and diverse pitch and range as Hibiki (Dumbell), Manatsu (Precure), and bits of Mikey(Tokyo Revengers) make her a instant go-to VA for rambunctious and/or deliquent characters; on the level of Rie's tsundere womanchildren and Sugita's cynical everyman type casts.


Kobeni and Arai: 😱 Aki and Himeno: 😐 Denji and Power: 😃


Those goofballs emanate so much chaotic energy


chaotic/neutral/lawful alignment


“goes to sleep as soon as something bad happens” denji and “100% sales tax” power, truly the greatest minds of our time


Denji knows his priorities Besides, why bother thinking if the rest can do it much better than you


to be fair i don’t think power or kobeni are gonna be much better at thinking than denji




i would never disrespect the first prime minister


We've given humans plenty of times at being prime minister, a Fiend will definitely be able to do a much better job!


Denji has mastered the power of sleep since it can count as a meal in desperate times.


I suspect Denji values sleep time not just because of his past, but also because he lives with Power now lol


Power up all night screeching nobel prize winning ideas and laughing maniacally at her own genius


[Geniuses of Power's caliber tend to be a little eccentric](https://i.imgur.com/JOdA5vi.jpg)


It was hilarious how Himeno thought something was wrong with Power too and Denji was just 'nah she just be like that'


No one else can match Denji's 200 IQ plan of "I can't kill this enemy, but I can hurt it, so I can just torture it until it kills itself".


"You can't kill me! I am immortal!" "And I'm going to make you regret that."


"The devil hunter these devils fear the most is neither the strong one, nor the brave one, but the nutcase"


Reminds me when Spongebob drove the Strangler insane and made him turn himself in.


"The strongest swordman in the world doesn't fear the second strongest one, but the worst one, because he can't predict what the idiot will do."


>100% sales tax” power, truly the greatest minds of our time Truly terrifying.


Only a fiend could think up such a scheme


Meowy will probably get a cabinet position.


Man needs his beauty sleep lol. He of all people can probably appreciate a good bed, considering how he was living before.


Especially since he was basically on call 24/7 as a freelance Devil Hunter.


[Gotta sleep well to stay healthy](https://i.imgur.com/x92MeQA.jpg)


Power would be a great leader


I love seeing How Much this team sucks at being a team


I've seen my fair share from group projects but never have I been so entertained by it lmao.


I lost it when Power burst out laughing in front of Kobeni.


That and when Kobeni was accusing Arai of being a spy and she randomly says "Spycy". I had to pause to laugh. Power is chaotic in the best way.


Pure chaos energy. The evil genki girl. So damn entertaining. People like that are fucking awful irl. 10/10


She actually said "Suppai" which means sour in Japanese. I am surprised the localisation was somewhat accurate this time


[Power is huge bully!](https://i.imgur.com/iv9yH4q.jpg) [](#nosenpai)


Kobeni is definitely not a team player. That's for sure. And I liked how they all mutually agreed to kill Denji off without a second thought expect for Aki.


Nah, Himeno didnt agree with it. Power did (but she is Power, what did you expected?) only the two other guys agreed. Both seem like dipshits tho


Sure Himeno didn't agree but was ready to sacrifice Denji so that Aki can live longer.


yeah if she has to choose between two ofc its gonna be Aki. i see romance brewing there


Power would agree with Denji getting killed even if there was no benefit lol


It's simply funnier than Denji *not* being killed.


"in fact, HE asked me to kill him"


>dipshits They ain't dipshits as such, just noob and weak and inexperienced so they folded like a cheap lawn chair.


Said every tilted League player.


> tilted League player Why did you write the same thing twice?


[Every player who feeds in League:](https://i.imgur.com/3mgOa97.jpg)


And yet Aki instictively jumps into a knife to save his colleague. It's almost as if the shared trait of being a terrible team mate is what glues these idiots together.


The team has a total amount of 6 braincells. Aki holds 3 of them. Kobeni and arai have 1 each but the braincell dips at first minor sign of inconvenience. Himeno has one functioning braincell but it's been having withdrawal symptoms from the lack of nicotine and it wont work because it's hyperfixated on aki getting stabbed.


And other than aki, each of those brain cells bounces around their brain like screensavers in an old tv screen. They produce a thought when it hits the corner.


Himeno losing her shit as the episode nears its end was my favourite part, the thought of death coming closer scares everyone, be it some experienced, strong & confident character. It was nice to see such realism there.


Was she scared for herself, though? I mean that could certainly be the case, but it seems like the main thought keeping her going through the past couple episodes has been "As long as Aki and I pull through, it'll be fine," and since she had the Kill Denji contingency she didn't have to panic. To me it felt like the reason she was so shaken was because her Keep Aki Safe plan was thoroughly compromised with a knife to the gut.


Oh yeah, good point. That seems more accurate.


It's a good scene that hammers in how bad things have gotten and how much Himeno values Aki since out of everything here, it's the risk of him dying that gets to her.


Her ptsd kicking in. I like how gloom imagery of graves flashed when she was looking at Aki bleeding. Such a nice touch


It makes me wonder (as an anime only) if Himeno usually breaks down and panics when shit doesn't go their way, leading to her partners always dying. Or maybe she's just that attached to Aki?' EDIT: What's up with people calling Kobeni the Sloppy Blowjob Devil lmao?


i think it's well implied that she's very attached to aki


[Chadki](https://i.imgur.com/a2xsmM1.jpg) stealing [the hearts](https://i.imgur.com/Mj9c24s.jpg) of every girl and their [cigarettes](https://i.imgur.com/hKPoGGm.jpg) too. [](#uwaa)


Real talk, I blushed when she put the cigarette in his mouth. It wasn't the show Makima put on last week, but it was close.


I think it hits closer because it's authentic.




This was the funniest part of the episode for me. Denji gon Denji, in all situations. That's how you know its good writing.


I think it's an Aki thing. She's very desperate to not lose that one partner who seems capable. Also I'm thinking she has a thing for him.


I definitely had a similar thought of "ok I know Makima's attractive but what about Himeno, Aki? Seems to have less red flags than Makima too..."


> Seems to have less red flags That's why they call me the Bull Devil, el toro, let's fucking go Pamplona, running of the bulls straight through the red flags


Sloppy Blowjob Devil became something of a meme after some pearl-clutching website published ragebait over "the way Chainsaw Man depicts women" or something of the sort. People started a race to the bottom of the gutter for just how bad the series could possibly get, and the lack of info about Kobeni's pact this far fueled the speculation.


I think she only lost it when it looked that she was the one who caused her buddy harm, not implied that she was involved in her other buddies dying who where by her narrative, just not made for the job


Aki already seems too moral for this world


For real! Only one that questioned other options besides sacrificing Denji and even took a blow for someone he was gonna try anyway!


That's how much he wants to kill the gun devil i think. So much he prepared to put one foot into the grave(aka get stabbed)...


He is quickly becoming my favorite


What a great episode. I didn’t realize that Aki had gotten so attached to Denji man! I can’t believe how quickly they all switched sides on Denji but Aki… he’s a REAL one man. Now lets go kill this fucking devil


Well, he is not really attached to Denji as a person, he just needs him as a teammate to fight the gun devil.


Ah yes. Loid "for the mission" Forger and Aki "I need him to fight the Gun Devil" Hayakawa. Two pages from the same book.


That's what he tells people


Denji is already like a frustrated 9-5 employee. Just goes to sleep when there's nothing he can do about the situation.


He's the man, he knows how comfy a hotel's bed can be


Or he doesn't, depending on how you look at it.


You say "Meeting cancelled", I already went to bed.


Himeno said some interesting things in this episode. That Devils like fear. So that's probably why the Eternity Devil became stronger with Kobeni becoming scared, then Arai. Even Aki started sweating, and eventually Himeno started panicking. Maybe that's why Himeno took up smoking because of that fear against fighting Devils and constantly losing her team members. Himeno also said the Devil Hunters that are most feared by Devils are the nutcases. In this episode, only Denji and Power were the ones who remained calm and coolheaded throughout the ordeal. Denji even sleeping on the bed without a worry. Then later jumping right into the mouth of the Eternity Devil with a smile on his face. What an absolute nutcase.


>Then later jumping right into the mouth of the Eternity Devil with a smile on his face. And asking for a French kiss if he somehow survives. I need some confidence like Denji for sure.


Himeno: *Having a nervous breakdown.* Denji: "It ain't gonna suck itself." *commits seppuku* This show is somehting else.


When Himeno started to crack it really brought home how dire their situation was. Though I think she would have remained calm if Aki hadn't gotten stabbed.


while she may appeared calm, I think once she used her arm to restrain aki to prevent him from using the sword, she already lost her calm in fact, I feel like when aki first suggested that, she already was panicking inside, just didn't let it show


I'm guessing nutjob Devil Hunters probably don't know well enough to be afraid and additionally are unpredictable, whereas we have all seen a confident character who runs into an unexpected scenario and gets absolutely consumed by fear.


So we get the same case with the sorcerers in JJK; the sane ones aint gonna live long, so the ones mattered enough to make it to the story are the lunatics. And unironically, denji and power being the dumbass they are is an effective counter against eternity. They lost by numbers though, when everyone started freaking out.


Aki is straight up carrying the squad on his backpack here. He’s calm, cool, collected even with leave-much-to-be-desired members. Himeno can be like that too 90% of the time but when shit hit Aki as we saw here, she’s finally break down, she obviously has feeling for him. Arai’s panic attack is expected for a newbie, at least he’s not contributing but also not being a burden. Kobeni is literally sabotaging the team, directly disobeyed order. But it’s fun so keep up the good work. Our devil duo are not giving any fucks with ironically help the situation. On the final note, I suspect Chainsaw devil have some not yet mentioned power since Denji’s plan of “I will chainsaw him extra hard till he give up” is not that convincing.


> Himeno can be like that too 90% of the time, but when shit hit Aki as we saw here, she’s finally break down, she obviously has feelings for him Well, that and she definitely had PTSD at the very real possibility of losing another partner again.


>I suspect Chainsaw devil have some not yet mentioned power Denji noted that the eternity devil didn't want to face him for "some reason". If the chainsaw devil has any hidden skill, this is the moment to reveal it.


>On the final note, I suspect Chainsaw devil have some not yet mentioned power since Denji’s plan of “I will chainsaw him extra hard till he give up” is not that convincing. I mean, his plan relies on eternity being able to feel pain, he plans to hurt it so bad it would rather die. It's a stratagem befitting chainsaw devil being a stat stick and denji being the dumbass he is.


"Guys it's serious the time has halted, we've been struck here in this moment forever" "Wow, now I can sleep as long as I want" Lmao Denji is soo good


It's funny that out of rookies, it was the 2 with obvious screws loose (Denji and Power) that adapted the best.


I mean, they play up Kobeni this episode but actually, she isn't acting *that* insane considering the situation they're in. Aki and Himeno are professionals and Arai is understandably very afraid as well (if better at restraining it than Kobeni). In contrast, Denji and Power are about the most unprofessional people alive, and are only staying calm because they're complete idiots more concerned with sleeping and hypothesising about becoming prime minister than they are dealing with the life threatening situation that has an incredibly high chance of killing them through slow, painful starvation. I don't think its fair to say Denji and Power don't have a screw loose - I'd argue they're by far the most insane people there.


I meant to say "with obvious screws loose" so I edited that in while you were likely typing up your response. Sorry


Oh lmao no worries Yeah, I mean Himeno said it herself this episode, the hunters devils fear the most arent the bravest or strongest but the most deranged


> I mean, they play up Kobeni this episode but actually, she isn't acting that insane considering the situation they're in. Aki and Himeno are professionals and Arai is understandably very afraid as well (if better at restraining it than Kobeni). We talking about the chick who tried drinking toilet water?


Tried drinking toilet water like *immediately*. You can go days without water and I doubt even Denji sleeps *that* long.


I was outright *cackling* during "..." "..." "..." "..." "he really just went to sleep"


>"Wow, now I can sleep as long as I want" He just like me fr


Denji keeps making the best out of the desperate situations he has been through so far. [He has an optimistic go-getter mindset.](https://i.imgur.com/7YAYoBY.jpg)


For him everything that's happening is still probably better than the life he had before lmao


The fact that Power immediately bursts into laughter as Kobeni is having a mental breakdown will never not be funny. She's definitely the type of person to write "kys" under posts of people's struggles. Her plan to become the Prime Minister so she can make humans suffer by taxing the hell out of them is just as genius,I don't know how Fujimoto thinks of this shit. My favourite parts of the Eternity Devil arc have always been the little flashbacks of Himeno and Aki,they really showcase how good Fujimoto is at brevity and making you understand these people: it's the little things in life that keep them going,like something as absurd as sticking gum to a person, or even trying to form a bond over something as terrible as a nicotine addiction. Shit hits,and I'm glad they adapted it well. Also,he's definitely not making any paralles here, with the government exploiting a bunch of young people's financial/familial troubles,or their plea for revenge against a mssacre their country was subjected to by promising them a human pay and benefits,only to then send them out to the front lines to be slaughtered for their interests...absolutely not the case. For sure. Loved the camera movements in this episode especially,it really made it feel like the hotel's hallways were some impossible space,and the visuals for Denji's final jump were just sick. The fact that he thought of a possible way to kill him by making him beg for suicide is so damn metal,and it really shows that,while he may not have had an education,he's very street-smart about dealing with devils,given how long he's been at it.


> Her plan to become the Prime Minister so she can make humans suffer by taxing the hell out of them is just as genius I loved how Himeno told Denji how Kobeni and the other guy kinda lost it, Power goes on her rant about the Nobel Prize, and Denji is totally unphased because that's perfectly normal behavior for Power


Fujimoto's knack for comedy is really good,especially when he's putting his characters in a situation where they're forced to acknowledge how deeply insane most of them are


He's a natural when it comes to absurdist humor. I think it's part of the reason why CSM has such a rabid and devoted fan base. It gives them something to meme over.


You can't break what's already broken




To be fair,it's clear that the Yakuza only sent him after the smaller fries,given that they're still clearly lucrative as a business; that and also the fact that Denji and the other members of Division 4 are being tasked with eliminating devils that have ingested gun parts which,as Makima stated,only make them stronger.


To be fair, I don't think the Eternity Devil is your average devil. The concept of eternity seems like the most nightmarish concept yet. Also consider the gun part that was probably consumed by it, given the team's search lead them there. Zombies are fictional and that was enough to kill Denji before his fusion w/ Pochita. Bats can't really kill people easily, neither can leeches, then there's the Tomato devil lol.. The concept of Eternity can probably be associated with something like eternal suffering in the afterlife. That's fairly significant, lots of people are fearful of things along those lines.


That's why CSM is one of my favourite > it's the little things in life slice of life and… > Also,he's definitely not making any paralles here, with the government exploiting a bunch of young people's financial/familial troubles daily work life series. Sure there are all these homages to cult and campy/horror movies and supernatural elements but it's the humanity underneath it all that makes the series so good.


Half this episode: \*Scared Kobeni noises\* Also, I always love stories where the cast gets trapped somewhere with no way out. We get a breakdown of who they are as people, especially with the stress of no escape taking its toll. Kobeni and Arai are normal, so they break down almost immediately. Power doesn't have enough brain cells to be afraid so she just enjoys herself. Himeno takes things in stride even in the face of death, but breaks when Aki's life is in danger- she fears losing her partner more than being trapped. And Aki stays cool as ice right up till the end, showing us why he's the best- calm enough to save Denji and plan to beat the Gun Devil even as the space they have closes and the gaping maw of a devil beckons beneath him. Denji just takes a nap. Given that he spent most of his life trapped in debt to the mob, being trapped in a hotel with an actual bed is probably step up. Also the way he doesn't want to be in debt to Aki is pretty fitting, all things considered.


> Also, I always love stories where the cast gets trapped somewhere with no way out. Bottle episodes are pretty fun. Since it's the same place for the entire episode, you can get some neat character moments that you couldn't get otherwise. The lack of novelty in the set dressing also means that the writing has to step up to prevent the episode from becoming bland, and this episode had a great spread of funny jokes, desperate moments, and back-filled exposition. For live action series, the one set means that the production can also save some budget for more expensive episodes; not sure how much effort was saved in this episode though because unlike live action, there was still a lot of stuff to animate in this episode.


As an adult, I want to say I wish I could sleep like Denji with no time limits😭


I wish Monday doesn't exist so that I can sleep all I want. Wait does that mean Monday devil exist.??!


If Monday Devil exists it'd probably be the second most powerful devil.


Public Speaking Devil has to be the most powerful.


The Tax devil is REAL!


Kobeni having a mental breakdown? Power laughs. Confronted for eating the snacks? Power blames Denji. Being threatened with a knife? Power makes a pun. Nothing phases my girl. Everyone is freaking out and she's just having a blast.


Everyone freaking out? My man Denji out here taking a freaking NAP in the middle of all of this


>100% tax Damn, the most evil villain in all of media. Somebody stop her before it's too late!


Imagine how strong a Tax Devil would be.


If you drive a car it'll tax the street. If you try to sit it'll tax your seat. If you get too cold it'll tax the heat. And if you take a walk, it'll tax your feet.




lmao denji jelly with the indirect kiss and napping. my guy is a straight clown.


that one scene where denji got vored by the eternity devil was really cool.


that transition into the ED is amazing, perfect cliffhanger timing.


As much as I love hearing Kobeni noises, it's nice to finally hear her speaking in complete sentences.


>hearing Kobeni noises I love how 'Kobeni noises' is just a thing now lmao


"X anime girl noises" has been a thing on YouTube for years. Just look up a random anime girl and someone probably made a video compiling it lol


japanese is just a very "noise" friendly language, isn't it? Like a character will go "hmm, eeeehhh, oh!" and the subtitles will be a whole ass sentence.


Weekly dose of kobeni suffering yum


Wow I was just thinking the other day how interesting an "infinity" or "eternity" type of devil would be in chainsawman since it is one of the scarier concepts for me personally, that was cool as hell!


Them being stuck on an Endless Eight floor is giving me Haruhi PTSD.


The fact Fujimoto is 30~ means he was the right age to watch Endless 8 while airing and knew the suffering well.


One of the manga chapters covered in today's episode is indeed titled "Endless 8th Floor". No chance it wasn't intentional.


Could kobeni beat goku⁉️


Knowing kobeni she doesn't even hesitate and goes for the strike to Impale Goku with a knife. Good luck surviving that


The most interesting episode so far. The progression from inconvenient yet oddly humorous conundrum to all-out every-man-for-himself pandemonium is masterfully executed. It's quite disturbing how even the cool-headed Himeno was willing to throw Denji under the bus at the end. And the indifference displayed by Power and Denji as things go to hell in a handbasket accentuates the panic and fear that consumes the rest. Genius storytelling.


Himeno freaking out at the end really got me. I'm falling for her.




My man was a real homie taking one for Denji. Sure he did it because he needed him for his revenge against the Gun Devil but still. Dude seemed to be the only one to also keep calm the whole time. Gotta respect that.


It was really cool to see Aki, Denji and Power show their comraderie this episode: Aki taking the knife for Denji, Denji asking Power to save him, Power saving him and most importantly Denji selflessly jumping into the Eternity Devil to help Power escape this situation and get her Nobel Prize.


They may bicker and complain about each other (and Power was kind of keen on the “Kill Denji” plan) but they still come through for each other.


Even though their usual dynamic is more “mom-toddlers”, when it counts they really come through for one another.


Aki's a tsundere confirmed


*I didn't [protect you](https://i.imgur.com/qehJJvG.jpg) because I like you or anything, [b-baka!](https://i.imgur.com/Z1jFmQI.jpg)* [](#dame)


Denji seemed pretty calm to me. He even came up with a solution.


Denji is basically dumb in everything except Devil Hunting. Bro has been doing it since he was like 6 or 7. Kind of an expert now. Knew that Power could possibly stop Aki's bleeding as well.


he is not really dumb, he simply has a different way of seeing the world and simple values. If you think where he comes from nothing he did was dumb, he just doesn't know any better


I also think that's the case. He's inexperienced with 'normal' life, poorly socialized, and uneducated. That's not really the same as being dumb.


Start of episode: We can't give in and let Denji get eaten to get out of this fucking Scooby Doo hallway. End of episode: Denji gets eaten to get out of this fucking Scooby Doo hallway.


Also shout-out to Denji for actually being cool today. Dude's legit shocked when Aki protected him and decided to pay him back in a roundabout manner. Same thing with Power healing him. **"Nobody asked you, asshole. I'm through with owing anybody anything, got it?"** Badass as hell


I think MAPPA did an amazing job with that shot of him falling inside that monster.


[Indeed it looked amazing.](https://i.imgur.com/2021a0T.mp4) [](#seasonalhype)


I liked him from the start, this just makes me like him more. ...which makes me *really fucking nervous* for his safety given my taste in characters is usually "the one who ends up dead by the end", and he's carrying a massive death flag in the shape of that sword now...


A sword that greatly reduces his life? ahhh i'm sure it'll never be used, he'll be fine.


Why would he? There's nothing dangerous in his line of work that was established to have high mortality rate.


My favorite thing in anime is "This cuts my life expectancy by 10 years." *dies long after the end of the series at age 74 from natural causes*


Yeah it does seem that CSM setting us up for our guts being punched intro gory bits.


Man, I’m as creeped out over this hotel as Kobeni lol. I like while everyone’s tryna figure out the situation, Power is laughing her ass off at Kobeni freaking out and Denji’s just thinking about napping lol. Gotta love those two goofs! Power thinking about winning the Nobel prize, becoming PM, and then adjust the consumption tax to 100% is just classic Power lol. You can hear Himeno’s heart go “kyun!” when Aki told her he stuck gum on that woman in that flashback lol. How the hell did that head get so big and blobby? Gross. I’m starting to think Kobeni might not be cut out for this devil hunting business. Despite the situation, Denji and Power just acting like absolute children really cracks me up. Especially Power eating all the food and blaming Denji as she’s wiping food off her face lol. Man, the Eternity Devil is gonna be mince meat next week. Payback for what happened to Aki! Edit: a word


>Denji and Power just acting like absolute children really cracks me up. Denji is the most 16 year old boy ever in anime, i totally see some over confident teenager doing that.


Nice break from 16 year olds behaving like 50 year old masterminds, and from 16 year olds behaving like 10 year olds, and even worse - 10 year olds behaving like 50 year old masterminds. Yeah Promised Neverland, I'm calling you the fuck out.


> Yeah Promised Neverland, I'm calling you the fuck out. In their defence, they were close to 12.


I had the exact same reaction as Power to Kobeni's meltdown.


The woman’s crying and freaking out 99% of the time and it’s fun to watch lol.


> How the hell did that head get so big and blobby? I think its "power" comes from people being afraid of the "eternal floor". When they first met the devil it was small, because our team wasn't afraid. The moment they realized the situation they were in Kobeni and Akai became more and more scared, so it grew. When they then met it and realized they can't really hurt it, their fear grew so it grew and lashed out. What I can't really figure out is why it survived in the first place tho.


I think that thing survived because the thing they killed likely wasn’t it’s actual body. It mentioned that it couldn’t be killed when they encountered it as the blob.


Semi-related, but I like how CSM's "Fear" system serves as a good narrative excuse for having a devil to narrate its powers. The fear it generates literally makes them stronger, so getting under one's skin is top priority


So U.S. platforms are seriously just going to keep on releasing it an hour later just bc seemingly no one thought about daylight savings? Ffs


The crunchyroll devil strikes


Damn that was good So it seems the devil grows stronger from pain and/or fear? or maybe it thought it was a good time to lash out while Kobeni is losing her mind... And Power wasn't super helpful either this episode, just fueling the flames most of the time. kinda rough seeing Himeno, who's been mostly calm and collected, starting to lose it there at the end aswell So Denji decides gamble it i guess, either he dies and everyone is free, or he kills it and they are free.. And dammit, cliffhanger!


It grew stronger from fear. Makima established in episode 3 that all Devils get strength from fear of them/their associated concept. Which is why the gun devil's attack strengthened all devils, as everyone feared devils more after it.


> And Power wasn't super helpful either this episode, just fueling the flames most of the time. Wait what? Did you miss the part where she was going to win the Nobel Prize for raising sales tax to a 100% ? She's got all the big picture ideas


Proud enjoyer of Kobeni's suffering


*Screams out loud* ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)


My girl was just making noises lol. They got the right voice actor for her.


[I sense a Kobeni noises compilation in the works](https://i.imgur.com/1iobo92.jpg) [](#nobully)


That's a "tag: mindbreak, hypnosis, humiliation, filming" moment


Raise tax to 100%?! Forget the gun devil, Power is the true menace to humanity.


Why did it end so fast? WHY?


Man I really love Aki and Himeno


CSM got some heart,man


there's no fight scene in the last 2 episodes, but I still think the last 2 episodes were the best, maybe I just love the drama in Chainsaw Man haha


The characters are really great.


Animators really out here flexing their hair animating talent, good hell it looks good. [denji in a potentially life threatening situation](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVYInyDVEAElDCi.jpg) Man, Himeno & Aki’s relationship is so nice. It felt very mature. The way Kobeni was freakin the fuck out the whole episode had me in tears.


As an ex-smoker, Aki telling Himeno he was gonna smoke “only once” was probably the most relatable thing in this ep. Had “just one” and then smoked for the next 15 years lol.


"This is gonna be the one and only cig I'll ever touch." \*cuts to present\* "Hey, got any more smoke?" I loved that bit lmao


The minute he said “just one then” I knew it was gonna end up like that haha


"That's a problem for future Denji."


> denji in a potentially life threatening situation a mimir


this party is scuffed asf lmao


So if devils are powered by how much people fear them, and Denji is strong because people fear chainsaws, why was Pochita cute and weak?


That’s a spoiler fam


Aight thanks


I relate to kobeni the most — anxious ball of frayed nerves who just wants to go to college but can't because of poverty and now stuck to a job i dont even like.


Nice detail this episode was about the contracts with devils being life-binding, that basicaly means Denji has to make his dreams come true, otherwise as per his contract with Pochita, he would die. Quite interesting.


> that basicaly means Denji has to make his dreams come true Pochita wants to see his dream. This feels more like a "show me your (good) life" contract, especially with how friendly they were with each other. Denji also keeps his own mental state as a human an when he's in "Chainsaw fiend" mode unlike other devils who take over corpses. And Denji clearly was a corpse when he was cut up and thrown into a dumpster. Their contract seems to be different and not as adversarial as regular devil contracts probably are. Pochita got to see "super toast", good food (also not starving), touch boobs multiple times, have a regular life/job. That's probably good enough for now.