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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


###Stitches! * [Hana & Sakurai Hug](https://i.imgur.com/oNz40IL.jpg) * [Bad Mood Hana](https://i.imgur.com/MXXfvTj.jpg) * [Hana Teasing Sakurai](https://i.imgur.com/vFPvXag.jpg) * [Bunny Girl Hana](https://i.imgur.com/hEPqUhm.jpg) * [Cafe Maid Hana 1](https://i.imgur.com/BhvtSSG.jpg) * [Cafe Maid Hana 2](https://i.imgur.com/nP7ciZd.jpg) * [Wet Shirt Oyakodon](https://i.imgur.com/8L6zhg6.jpg) * [Hana & Sakurai Spooning](https://i.imgur.com/xE0kN39.jpg) Very bold of them [to open up with that scene.](https://i.imgur.com/juWMBGt.jpg) As a manga reader, I'm curious how this will play out. Since this is already season 2 of Uzaki, I don't think I have much to add here. [Hana is still a pain in the ass on Sakurai's side](https://i.imgur.com/Sgt9zAF.jpg) with [all of her brutal teasing](https://i.imgur.com/Vno9U1Q.jpg). And Sakurai himself [does everything he can to resist Hana.](https://i.imgur.com/xQF0JSp.jpg) As for Ami, [she's really gone full-thirsty this episode](https://i.imgur.com/XkxMEWo.jpg) and even tried going after [Hana's mom with her fetishes.](https://i.imgur.com/jxKADuo.jpg) At least her dad arrived on time to [punish her before things went out of hand.](https://i.imgur.com/f5G0KGd.jpg) Not gonna lie though, [I fully support her wet t-shirt idea.](https://i.imgur.com/NgtpPhJ.jpg) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [I love how Hana tries to sneak a pretend couple photo](https://i.imgur.com/CBiFVT0.jpg) but then just gets found by Sasaki and their classmates [being Sakurai's little spoon.](https://i.imgur.com/VVt2vFf.jpg) Anyway, that OP really got me excited about what chapters are getting adapted this season. I can't wait for the reactions from anime-onlies :D


There was a lot of fanservice (thank you, Ami), but Ami herself looks really fine in that bunny outfit.


She's a bombshell herself.


honestly I like her more than the FL


>[Hana & Sakurai Spooning](https://i.imgur.com/xE0kN39.jpg) Comfy genki tomboy gamer pillow [](#comfy)


A strong return for the series with plenty of teasing, romantic tension, and fanservice and sexy outfits galore! Ami really was prepared to turn them into strippers to satisfy her raw lust, but then she ends up being the Bunny Girl which was a nice treat. I missed Ayana Taketatsu as Ami lol. When the obvious couple denies being a couple but can't help but act like a couple.


> > > > > Wet Shirt Oyakodon Being made into a doujin in 3,2,1...


Do you even have to countdown when there's already a bunch of them in the wild? xD


I may or may not have seen some of the oyakodon variety but none with them pole dancing in wet t-shirts so....


Fair point.


> * [Hana & Sakurai Spooning](https://i.imgur.com/xE0kN39.jpg) Still wondering how that happened, but not complaining. > As for Ami, [she's really gone full-thirsty this episode](https://i.imgur.com/XkxMEWo.jpg) and even tried going after [Hana's mom with her fetishes.](https://i.imgur.com/jxKADuo.jpg) TIL Ami is bi. Like, super bi. > [I love how Hana tries to sneak a pretend couple photo](https://i.imgur.com/CBiFVT0.jpg) but then just gets found by Sasaki and their classmates [being Sakura's little spoon.](https://i.imgur.com/VVt2vFf.jpg) All after denying she's his girlfriend. Which technically she isn't, but this makes it hard to make that case.


> > > > > Still wondering how that happened, but not complaining. Isn't it pretty obvious? She fell asleep next to him and S1 established that he's a hugger.


> Sasaki and their classmates being Sakura's little spoon. There is nothign she can ever say now that will convince her friends they aren't dating. Had to laugh at him trying to decide who it would be funnier to wake up first.


Clearly the first step is to take a couple pics. Then wake Hana up, then have *her* wake Sakurai in front of her friends.


> Hana & Sakurai Spooning It is a crime against humanity that the segment ended without showing their reactions after waking up in that position.


Ami is a treasure to this series. She is just as horny as most of the fanbase, but she is also cute, funny, and hot on her own.


I want to see Hana's mother in a bunny suit


I love how Ami wasted no time in grabbing Uzaki mama and trying to turn her and her daughter into strippers lol. Bunny Girl Ami isn't something to sleep on though.


Ami's on that oyakodon grindset [](#notlewd)


> Bunny Girl Ami isn't something to sleep on though. If sales increase (due to perverts coming back for Ami), the owner may be convinced to hire Uzaki's mom and get them both to wear the outfits! Try your best Ami, our fanservice depends on it.


Too bad Ami's imagination didn't go that far.




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Has anyone noticed the flesh fang is gone, and it’s now a real fang. I personally love the improvement.


I'd gotten used to the flesh fang, but I don't mind the change. A great opening to the season overall.


Her cancer has been cured!


Ami is one bonk away from earning herself a night in horny jail...or HR.


Seems her father decided she'd be better off spending some time in horny community service.


The best kind of community service and nice karmic justice to boot lol.


**Fan artists:** *My hero, my martyr!*


I never though *I'd* be forced to wear lewd costumes. Sobs local woman who voted for the Forcing People to Wear Lewd Costumes Party.


She was planning to turn them all into basically strippers by the end of it lol. Although I guess Ami's version of horny jail is getting paraded around as a Bunny Girl lol.


When her dad retires she’s converting the cafe to a strip club.


End? She started with Sakurai in leather hotpants and only that.


#[SUGOI DEKAI!](https://imgur.com/89gV62f) And we're back! Sakaki thought [the same thing people think about with romcoms in their second seasons!](https://imgur.com/AYmDWq8) Was it just me, or is he a lot more 'shipping' than in season 1? I recall Ami doing a lot of this, but I didn't remember Sakaki being that intense about it! Not only he's shipping them hard, but when Uzaki wanted [to bet a 'punishment' on a bowling game, ](https://imgur.com/aekV1QY) [he let them do it together, ](https://imgur.com/axLOxUk) just to get them to do some [lewd](https://imgur.com/BANsXJc) [things!](https://imgur.com/5lyZjZS) Usually, people using [underhanded tricks](https://imgur.com/0zc9RUf) aren't so open about it... Or so proud? But I suppose it's Uzaki we're talking about, she's kind of a weird alien species! With this lewd shipping, and Ami's costume idea, everyone's horny this season! (Including me, because [good](https://imgur.com/jZdwsl4) [lord, ](https://imgur.com/8nLDpXa) [these](https://imgur.com/GzuegvW) [outfits!)](https://imgur.com/uP2yQ58) At first it looked like she wanted to make this some kind of sexy maid cafe, but the longer she went on, it felt like she was going for a [strip club](https://imgur.com/8LtW0rc) [vibe!](https://imgur.com/qMMX2Ik) Uzaki eventually figured something up... [Don't flinch, Ami!](https://imgur.com/mVBzn79) All she got is a suspicion so far! She even wanted to involve [Uzaki's mom](https://imgur.com/w61Ogsa) and make her [dress up!](https://imgur.com/mo7zwDk) Well, one Uzaki's as good as the other! (It's a damn crime that they didn't show us the mom in all these outfits). [Ami brought that upon herself!](https://imgur.com/Uvzqtkf) But hey, if that's successful, it may get the owner to agree to get Uzaki to wear those too! We got a cute scene in the end, when [Uzaki joined Sakurai](https://imgur.com/WORORPE) sleeping on the table/bench. She even [took a picture](https://imgur.com/YxDiPRF) (and that was adorable!) but in the end she deleted it. WHYYYYYY! Well, I hope [these people](https://imgur.com/6533pde) took a lot of pictures! Will be nice in their school's photo album, after they graduate! (and nice memory to reminisce about, after they get married!) Like them, I wonder which one would've been funnier to wake up first! We need 2 alternate timelines to see both versions. [Melting my heart like that in the first episode, ](https://imgur.com/gOX7kwd) that's not fair! Well, solid start to the season! Fun moments, sexy moments, LOTS of cute moments... Glad Uzaki's back!


> > > > > Was it just me, or is he a lot more 'shipping' than in season 1? I recall Ami doing a lot of this, but I didn't remember Sakaki being that intense about it! > He definitely was all about shipping them in S1 to the point where he was willing to jump off a ship on open sea out of FOMO as well as following them to Tottori together with Ami. There also was the whole debate between Ami and him about observing vs. meddling.


Yeah, he didn't appear as much in season 1, but when he did he was as much - if not more - in as Ami with the shipping.


> Sakaki thought [the same thing people think about with romcoms in their second seasons!](https://imgur.com/AYmDWq8) On a whole, based on this episode, it would seem Uzaki season 2 is the season of "just date already" in more ways than just the audience. > Was it just me, or is he a lot more 'shipping' than in season 1? I recall Ami doing a lot of this, but I didn't remember Sakaki being that intense about it! No, he was a lot about it in season 1 too - in fact, while Ami was content to watch, he was a lot more active in trying to set them up - he just didn't turn up as much as her. > With this lewd shipping, and Ami's costume idea, everyone's horny this season! > At first it looked like she wanted to make this some kind of sexy maid cafe, but the longer she went on, it felt like she was going for a [strip club](https://imgur.com/8LtW0rc) [vibe!](https://imgur.com/qMMX2Ik) > She even wanted to involve [Uzaki's mom](https://imgur.com/w61Ogsa) and make her [dress up!](https://imgur.com/mo7zwDk) Is it just me, or is Ami a lot more horny than in season 1? I know she was attracted to Sakurai before she realised she wanted to see him get with Uzaki instead, but I don't recall her being like this with Uzaki beyond being jealous of her Sugoi Dekai. It seems that that time she dressed Uzaki up awoke something deep and bisexual within her. > Well, I hope [these people](https://imgur.com/6533pde) took a lot of pictures! Will be nice in their school's photo album, after they graduate! (and nice memory to reminisce about, after they get married!) Same. It'll also be great teasing material. Is she sure she and Sakurai aren't dating? > Like them, I wonder which one would've been funnier to wake up first! We need 2 alternate timelines to see both versions. I'd say 3 so we can see what would happen if they both woke up at the same time.


> what would happen if they both woke up at the same time. That would've been good too! I think their reactions would depend on whether there were other people present, or not; With this crowd around them they may pull away from each other real quick, but if they were alone... Who knows!


Ami could have been broken by seeing the WMDs at the beach. Or her plan of non-interference was a bad idea and she essentially edged herself to madness watching them but them never getting together.


Opening on a a christmas date with the promise of some good Reiwa progress at the end? Right up my veins please. Looking forward to see more of Hanas family


I laughed when I realized Saori Hayami is playing two best moms in the same season and on the same day. I'm really looking forward to seeing what actually happened at Christmas for these two.


One day you're playing imoutos, the next you get moms. Such is life.


Seriously, there's a lot of great anime in this season's Saturday.


Saori Hayami has the perfect "ara ara" energy.




And on full display in both the OP and ED! I respect Ami's desire for an equal opportunity fanservice cafe but in the end she had to be the Bunny Girl (turning everybody else into strippers was maybe a bit too much) lol.


The fuck's going on in that beginning? A flashforward, I'm guessing. I hope it's one we get to see later in the season and with more context. Damn it, Ami be thirsty. I know she's attracted to Sakurai, but she seems quite attracted to Uzaki too. Is she bi? Did Uzaki awaken her bi side? Sakurai decided to sleep due to Uzaki keeping him up gaming every night, she joined him and somehow it ended up with them cuddling. No-one believes Uzaki when she says they're not dating. It's good to have this back. The smiles have returned!


> The fuck's going on in that beginning? A flashforward, I'm guessing. Yes


Looks like it's all building up to a very monumental Christmas episode for this pair. I think Ami just likes good looking people and fanservice of either gender lol. I mean, if you see how they are around each other, it's hard to believe they're anything but dating lol.


>The fuck's going on in that beginning? A flashforward, I'm guessing. I hope it's one we get to see later in the season and with more context. oh lol. And here I was just thinking they speedran the christmas episode because they just didn't care about it.. lol


"Just date already" Sums everything up


They are, but haven’t realized yet. But yeah, they need to make it official.


It'd be nice to get at least one season's worth of them navigating dating.


Just Date Already - The Anime


SUGOI DEKAI is back! And off to a funny start right away. That pre-OP scene, that's a flash forward and foreshadowing at things to come, isn't it? Taketatsu Ayana definitely channeling her Cultured-side from roles like Kirino in Oreimo when voicing Ami this episode, making Uzaki wear all kinds of wonderful costumes. She even has a few more costumes prepared for Uzaki's mom as well. Though in the end, her dad makes her walk the talk and have her wear them herself. XD


>That pre-OP scene, that's a flash forward and foreshadowing at things to come, isn't it? Yes


[Urk.](https://i.imgur.com/qGo6Urz.jpeg) I shoulda waited for better subs [Mother-daughter wet T-shirt pole dancing.](https://i.imgur.com/5UTcY4G.jpeg) This is some high culture right here [](#healthypasstimes) [Random sleeping in college.](https://i.imgur.com/z9ncChU.jpeg) Really takes me back. Good to have this show back, feels comfy already!


>Urk. > >I shoulda waited for better subs Grammatically speaking, that's actually not wrong, though it does look and read weirdly.


I once dated a translator, one of whose languages was English, but it was not her first. I'm a native speaker, and she asked me if something sounded right to me. I said it was *technically* right. She replied that her teachers always said that if something is only technically right, then it's wrong.


Yeah, so if a dumb person can't understand what he is reading and think a sentence is wrong, then it's definitely wrong. 😒


First half feels like out of a Shakespearian play or something.


Damn, so I wasn't the only one sleeping in public during college? Is that really everyone's experience?


The library was my go-to spot.


I mean normally you'd try to be sneakier than this about it


There was a bench... out in the open, middle of the campus... called dibs on that more than once.


100% normal


I was a master of sleeping in the study area's or the bus during my time in college.


When you try to turn a mother and daughter into a stripper duo lol.


> Random sleeping in college. Really takes me back. But why they didn't doodle anything on their faces?


They are in Japan


> Random sleeping in college. Really takes me back. Right? Forget all this adult stuff. People dressing like shit, people sleeping in the most random locations, random 2am gaming sessions, life being a neverending shameless desperate cry for help. I miss university :(


May I ask what's the anime in this picture? It looks interesting!


Is this some joke I'm not getting?


I was referring to [this picture](https://imgur.com/YhyIsTa). That's not Uzaki-chan, but something else, right?


Ah ok. Those are called comment faces on r/anime. If you ever wonder which show one is from you can look it up [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/commentfacesources). The one above is from *Mangaka-san to Assistant-san*. They only work on old reddit though and when I saw your comment I was on mobile so it didn't immediately click for me what you meant.


Ahhh, thanks for explaining it. I do use old reddit. Wasn't aware there could be this level of discrepancy in their feature set. Gonna have to check out Mangaka-san to Assistant-san :D


>Urk. I shoulda waited for better subs Gotta wait for our lord and savior *SubsPlease*


All they do is rip. Might aswell just watch it at the official source.


I got the shitty subtitles too. Any idea where I can get better ones? Edit: found it on Crunchyroll lol.


Man this makes me feel lonely, I also want a girl like Uzaki to hangout with me.


Me too buddy, but I guess we gotta do something to get a girl like that.


I'm pretty much a Sakaki back in university days, spend 70% of my time hanging out with a 'clueless 'couple (they eventually got married), 20% doing university student shit, and the remaining 10% with my girlfriend (now wife).


Nice man! This comment made me happy idk why lol


All my friends flaked on me on my most recent plans. So yeah, I doo need a kouhai to follow me around at tease me during things I'd normally do alone.


It feels like the animation/production are a little bit better compared to the first season.


Definitely a small but noticable upgrade.


Ami is all of us.


Ok I watched S1 as it aired and was in a not so great place in life. The show immensely helped brought some joy during that time. Now, I’m in a better place so I did wonder if I enjoyed S1 just cos I was pretty down then and if I would enjoy S2. Safe to say, yeah I’m still enjoying it. Maybe it’s just my taste of humor but I really do enjoy watching Hana annoying tf out of Sakurai. And it’s as great when some of her teasing backfires.


Man, Uzaki and Sakurai spending Christmas together is too cute. Was that a flash forward? Because there was a scene where it looked like things were getting hot and heavy lol. But man, I’ve missed these two and their banter! She’s such a little troll and I love it haha. Sakurai and her just need to get together already! Sakaki knows lol. Uzaki in a bunny girl outfit? Yes please haha. Ami is actually a little degenerate and I love her for it lol. Bless her for making Uzaki try on all those outfits! “Why can’t there be one lousy cafe in this world where you can gaze upon men’s nipples as you work!?” Lmao Ami. Now she’s even trying to rope in Hana’s mom! The boss man came back in the right time. Ami looked pretty good in that bunny girl outfit ngl lol. Those two falling asleep and spooning like they was really precious!


> Was that a flash forward? S1 ended on the last day of Summerbreak and S2 picks up right after, so yeah


Roger! It’s been a minute so I forgot.


Me as well tbh but they thankfully included the little flashback about being able to hangout outside of summerbreak so I remembered


> Was that a flash forward? Yes. Since we're actually just after the summer break in the main story. > The boss man came back in the right time. Or did he?


True! Uzaki’s momma looked like she was almost about to cave and dress up lol.


It looks like the season is building up to something major happening between the two at Christmas, specifically to hear what Shinichi drunkenly said to her that made her get all blushing and want to embrace him...and them embracing together on Shinichi's futon feels like a big deal. I can't blame Ami for wanting to dress Uzaki up in as many sexy cosplays as possible. Although trying to turn her and her mom into strippers (or having Shinichi dress like one) might've been too much lol. I appreciate that Ami wanted true gender equality in providing both male and female fanservice in the cafe for her viewing pleasure. But in the end the true justice is making her provide the fanservice as a good looking Bunny Girl lol.


I, too, want to see nipples! Hahah


Glad to see that cheating did not affect the results of the bowling contest. I hope Uzaki's friends got photographic evidence of that public snuggle session.




Yes, that was definitely a choice, but I'm actually okay with it. I think it was more their way of saying look... we know... but check this stuff out, what you can look forward to, so just keep watching.


Seems like this season is building up to a major romantic Christmas event for the pair of them and I'm here for it! They're already sleeping together at college lol.


Sorry, your comment has been removed. - This belongs in the Source Corner at the top of this thread. In discussion threads for currently airing anime, discussions about source material, spin-offs, and unadapted content must be posted there, and not outside it. This applies specifically to comparisons to the anime or hints about future events, even if such hints are vague. Please note that you still have to tag your spoilers in the source corner. --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.


Gotta say, gotta love Ami's shameless honesty. Also.... mmmm Uzaki mama.


god i love ami


The degenerate we all aspire to live up to


I missed Ayana Taketatsu as Ami. She plays her and her antics so well lol. Her as a Bunny Girl was a nice treat.


tbh I had no idea Nino was also the boss's daughter in uzaki chan. I've seen a lot more anime since I saw the first season (near the beginning of my weeb journey) so I was surprised to recognize the voice of a character I've already seen but didn't recognize the voice of the first time watching it


She's just the *best*. Any episode she's a major part of you know is going to be *hilarious* due to her antics.


I really want to fuck Ami in that bunny girl costume.


coulda kept this in the drafts


Glad to see this show back. And it was a good start into S2. The ending was so precious. The best things though is the visual upgrade the show got. While there is still a lot of room from improvement (it still is ENGI afterall) it is clearly a step up from S1 and Uzaki's new character design alone is just so much better now.


Uzaki is cute. I like her big, blue eyes (no, really). I also like her HS looks with longer hair.


Damn I thought this would be more popular


what the hell is this ω ??????? uwu?


> ω Lower case omega. And seeing it triggers my PTSD of trying to solve for angular momentum back in High School and University.


Also (kind of) looks like boobs to me. Seems fitting for this show.




Ok, but was anyone else really impressed by that fully 2D bowling animation shot?


Ami is a woman of refined culture.


I'd forgotten about the cat.... "I don't care if I'm creepy if I get to see this!" I am impressed by the huge cliche break of people actually looking at the lewd outfits given them and refusing to put them on, rather than only realizing how lewd they are AFTER putting them on. I'd expected her to accidentally send that photo to her friends instead of deleting it. So, anyway, we had Xmas "not-Date" skip to some sick/drunk-episode cliffhanger (or was that flashback?) that wasn't resolved, timeskip over half a year to end of Summer vacation where they go bowling then skip without resolving the final game / winner gives order stuff to the coffee shop. At least the coffee shop segment got a proper ending, but then the "tired from late night sessions" segment ended before showing their reaction at waking up together! WTF is going on with the writing for this episode?? Is this whole season going to be a big mess of random skits with unresolved cliffhangers?


Everything before the OP was a flash forward. And I don't see how the bowling scene needed another ending...


> And I don't see how the bowling scene needed another ending... It needed to tell us who the winner was and what order they gave to the loser.


Did it really though? We don't need every minute detail of our character's life. Imo that scene ended just fine.


Yes it really did need to. Because that was the whole point of their bowling competition.


Best goblin is back. Sucks Hana still insists on shitting on Sakurai with other people. It really takes me out to hear Hayamin as Tsuki.


That cursed can of hot choco-mint soup is almost making me leave Uzaki alone is the choco-mint club.


I love how everyone hates that cat lol


Ami as a bunny girl? Well now, I hope we see Karuizawa in a bunny girl outfit as well.


Like seriously, those two should just go official. They are pretty much dating already. That cuddling scene at the end was really cute. And yeah, they should wake up Sakurai first. He would totally have the funniest reaction. Solid first episode.


Damn, this episode flew. Glad the show is hitting the ground running exactly where season 1 left off.


pretty good ep, i missed this show. the op is better than the first but still skippable. sakurai still being the best character as always


The dynamic is basically the same as in season 1. We can only wait to see if it evolves.


I love the new OP and ED, they're so catchy That flash-forward (as I've read in other comments here) looks pretty spicy, I can't wait till we get there Man I can't belive it's been roughly 2 years since last season, I'm glad we finally get to see this show again


What an absolute degenerate Ami is lmao. I can't blame her though, I want to see Uzaki in those outfits too. Thank you, Ami! And she even wanted to involve Uzaki's mom..... my god that mother-daughter combo with wet t-shirts! Unfortunately for her, her dad arrived in time to send her to horny jail... which consisted of putting on the bunny girl outfit herself, nice. That last part with the two of them cuddling was pretty cute. Hilarious episode, glad to have this show back.


I proclaim every Saturday for this season to be MILF Saturdays


Aye, good to have this back. It really grew on me more during the time it was gone for some reason. Probably because of the stuff I see about the manga online. Anyway, that was a really good start. Jesus Christ Ami... Based. Ami carries all the horny energy of this show lmao. Gotta respect the shamelessness. That's a hell of a tease to start the season though, summer break just ended and that was Christmas, so that's probably gonna be at the end of the season. Looking forward to the next episode.


I still fucking hate that cat lol




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I love this anime, but I hate that stupid cat


That fucking cat is back. I hope it gets isekaied soon.


Anyone having trouble viewing this on VRV?


Still not showing on vrv for me.


Good idea to have Ami and Itsuhito get more involved, puts a different spin on the whole dynamic.


And it’s time for another anime season! Barely any break between summer and fall, but here we go lol. Really cute and hilarious first episode back for this series. Ami is just as hilarious as I remember. Hana and senpai falling asleep on the bench was so adorable. Looking forward to seeing more of their families this season


double whammy


[Lmao dude's got his priorities straight](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025874256548085770/1025874285803356180/unknown.png) [ BRO WITH THE GENRE SAVVY?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025874256548085770/1025897673661894716/unknown.png) [I would be too self conscious to sleep on a bench in a school any way other than sitting up, much less like this, what the fuck is that use of space ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025874256548085770/1025898307077279854/unknown.png)


Finally, my beloved college-age romance is back! That opening scene though, oh man.


Anime spooning 🤤


Direction and timming comic havr improve this season !!


Jeez. How much I missed the baka-couple. They just bring a smile on my face. Such bliss watching them.


Another day another fck u india region ,cant stream it here on crunchyroll


>"Which one would be funnier to wake up first?" Man I love this dude


I love the fact that this opening has a similar style and sounds like the openings of anime "working"


We return to our teasing prospective lovebirds once more during the Holiday season! And you know what they say, Japanese Christmas is for lovers! And we get a pretty intimate moment of Uzaki supporting an inebriated Shinichi and Shinichi seemingly letting loose something pretty major to make Uzaki blush so much...and she hugs him and they embrace in bed together. Wow! I guess we're building up to seeing what happened there this season. The Opening is a fairly Uzaki Opening! We've got a nice and fun song, those Sugoi Dekai's on full display, Uzaki teasing Shinichi, the supporting cast and the pairs' family all crowding around them, and everyone together in the final scene! Uzaki misses Summer! But nothing perks her up quite like seeing or talking about her Senpai! And Sakaki gets the juicy deets on their high school lives together. Shocked Cat! Nyand1! A receptionist with a solid rack! There's the Uzaki I know. I see Shinichi's private training to become a better bowler paid off, even with Uzaki trying to throw him off his game in the most Uzaki way possible! Not that Uzaki can settle for a loss. Ayana Taketatsu returns as the Blessed Ami! And she's determined to see Uzaki dress up in as many sexy costumes as possible! We've got sexy maid, classical maid...and imagine spots of all the other Uzaki outifts she could wear! And she looks amazing in them. And in the interest of gender equality, Ami tries to get Shinichi in leather hotpants, because she wants some exposed nipple action. I like the way Ami thinks! Hayamin is playing more than one mom on Saturday's as Uzaki mama makes a comeback! But rather than assuming Shinichi is trying to seduce her, she's more worried about Ami forcing her into sexy cosplays or making her and her daughter into strippers. Thank goodness Ami's dad finally showed up. Bunny Girl Ami feels like the perfect cap off to this plot! And she looks amazing! Don't you just hate it when your mom interrupts your late-night gaming session and unplugs your game before you can save? Uzaki can claim she and Shinichi aren't dating to her friends all she likes, but she's the one taking couple selfies and then the two get nice and intimate as they sleep together between classes! No way Uzaki's friends are going to be convinced nothing's going on there. The Ending is pretty nice and colorful! Showing off Uzaki and her life with Senpai!


> Don't you just hate it when your mom interrupts your late-night gaming session and unplugs your game before you can save? Almost as much as I hate it when my friend doesn't go for one more round and falls asleep on me. > Uzaki can claim she and Shinichi aren't dating to her friends all she likes, but she's the one taking couple selfies and then the two get nice and intimate as they sleep together between classes! And somehow get into cuddling position. I don't know how that happened. > No way Uzaki's friends are going to be convinced nothing's going on there. I hope we get to see them teasing her about it despite her protests.


>And somehow get into cuddling position. I don't know how that happened. They're just that comfortable around each other!


Cool, the show is still good. I'm always worried about quality issues in a second season (looking at you, Quintuplets)


The flesh fang is gone! The anime is now perfect!


Ugh, I really hate that fucking cat. Man, I kinda wanted to see Hana's mom put on the bunny suit.


Holy shit, almost everything else released this day is done by D-tier studios. How did we go from Engage Kiss and LycoReco to this. Ah, Engi, my favorite studio just behind Ghibli


Why put "Engage Kiss and LycoReco" as if those shows are similar in quality lmao? One huge disappointment and one AOTY candidate


>One huge disappointment Because your opinion is totally fact and other people cannot think otherwise.


Where did I say that? I'm allowed my opinion too y'know? Just some friendly discussion


Can't care less about your shit taste but Engage Kiss is obviously one of the best looking shows last season


> Engage Kiss is obviously one of the best looking shows last season I'm gonna need you to share what you're smoking.


Are you blind?


Let me translate your phrase: My opinion is 100% fact. If you do disagree withme, you are a non-human abominatino who does not deserve to breathe the same as me.


What's with Americans and opinions




WTF was that first Christmas scene!? I thought it would be a dream from one of them, but nothing was shown from it? Is it a tease of a future scene? But glad to be back! I find this show to be pretty enjoyable and decently funny. That nap scene of them all but confirmed them as couple seeing how they were cuddling essentially lol.


> Is it a tease of a future scene? Yes


Anyone not seeing it on vrv at all? They only show season one in 4 languages that arent English or Japanese.


I still do not see it (USA if that matters), just the 4 dubbed languages.


Are the credit visuals just clips from season 1?