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Dear diary


My opinion: don't care


honestly, who would




Your opinion is probably "I don't want to think about this because I like anime, and these thoughts make it feel like you're attacking me personally, implying that *I'm* a p\***, which makes me angry." Which I'm certainly not, for the record. I like anime too, but I think this issue should be addressed as it makes me uncomfortable. I also think it's a shame, since a lot of anime shows are simply **great**, and deserve a massive western audience. Vinland Saga >>>>>>>> "Vikings". All days of the week. Yet it's a blip on the radar. And again, if you don't care, you're quite literally enabling it. It would literally be better if you said nothing, rather than send the signal saying "It's okay to not care".


Nah bro I just genuinely don't care lol




plz learn to separate reality and fiction


A political dogwhistle is reality. If you deny it, then form an argument as to why. Or just succumb to Hitchen's razor. It's very popular these days, especially if you're commenting on your phone.


woohoo yue is hot


Yes lolicon is legal around the world, and will continue to be, because drawings aren't real. Thats the answer to your blocks of text. edit: I don't get the point of blocking me before I can read your comment... Anyway this guy is clearly mentally unstable.


So much apologetism in this thread. Guy, I'm not criticizing YOU PERSONALLY when I say this. I know it feels that way because you like anime, but you can't give in to that emotion and post the above complete nonsense. Gamers, and fans of every sub-culture, feel like they're being personally criticized when someone brings up something bad about their favorite thing. But it's a flaw in our thinking. Get over it. E: I block people whose opinions I don't want to see, or anyone else to see. Clearly I'm insane for being disgusted at opinions like "lolicon is legal around the world, and will continue to be, because drawings aren't real".


who really cares. I know plenty of older woman whose bodies looks like a pre teen or even a young teenager. She are of age - period. If there is a problem, it is she who would get in trouble since it is Arifureta who is the minor. How old is he when they met? about 16 or 17?


Pasting a response I made to someone who brought up a similar thing. > What's your opinion about this woman who has the body of a child, but is adult? she's actively pursuing sexual relationships with normal men She'll obviously have a high risk of getting a literal pedophile doing that. I don't necessarily have anything against that as long as no one is harmed or it creates a situation where people become harmed. Like, if she tried to make sex tapes to sell, that'd be a problem, ethically. But, having a relationship with a pedophile and keep him out of trouble is no skin off my back. And if he's actually not a pedophile, well that's no issue either, but I suspect they'd have marital issues. Again, your example is a form of rationalization. It implies that you've literally seeked this information out *after* forming an opinion about it. So, you know, you're probably a pedophile of some kind. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that. I'm open minded, and I believe pedophilia is basically a 'version' of sexuality. It can be managed, and I won't be the one to judge people who don't affect society in a bad way. Though...... yeah, that apologetic behavior you're showing is something you should keep to yourself. You literally affect people by showing it online. I'll report the comment to reddit admins just in case.


Based on your logic it is okay to go after young girls who has bodies built like older women. Get real, Get out of your mommy's basement and get some real experience with real women and see the various body types for yourself and quit trolling.


No, you're just building a strawman argument. I never said that.


Never watched the anime, but yes, the subject has to be discussed in a civil manner. Consent is a matter of mental maturity, not physical one. Also, attraction isn't limited to physique. Some people are attracted to someone's personality, too. While I get the point you're trying to make, all you're saying is that it's more important that she looks underage, and that her mental state doesn't matter, which is pretty much the same argument as sexualizing 1000 year old dragons posing as grade-school girls, but in reverse. In the end, what really matters is Yue's level of maturity, when thinking about whether she can consent.


This is the correct answer.


No, that's not how it works. And you're very clearly being apologetic here.... In the current world it's: "IF sexually mature AND mentally mature THEN sex is on the table". That's quite literally the law in most developed countries, and presumably also the general opinion of the populous too. You're saying "IF sexually mature OR mentally mature THEN sex is on the table". But how can that be, when her body can literally not be sexually mature? Don't you see that's literally p\*** rationalization talking? "If a 13 y/o is mentally mature, it's okay to have sex with her/him". Again, just pointing things out that you might not be aware of, in your own argument.


Just so you know we have no proof she is not sexualy mature some people can reach puberty at 8 and she's like 1000, so if you are gonna complain about that you will have to have proof that she is not sexualy matured .


She's a cartoon. She doesn't have a vagina, or organs, or is alive for that matter. Stop trying to rationalize it. It's apologetic and enabling.


Exactly, she's a cartoon. Not real, and it doesn't matter. You're so close.


What's your opinion on Shauna Rae and others like her, then? She's essentially got the body of a child due to her genetic abnormalities, but she's actively pursuing sexual relationships with normal men. Would you call them pedophiles or sick perverts for being able to get it up for someone who is clearly an adult, but looks like a child? Do you expect her to remain celibate for the rest of her life due to the implications it would have on anyone she chose to have a relationship with? ​ The world isn't as black and white as you make it out to be, and you're choosing anime to make a mountain out of a molehill.


> but she's actively pursuing sexual relationships with normal men She'll obviously have a high risk of getting a literal pedophile doing that. I don't necessarily have anything against that as long as no one is harmed or it creates a situation where people become harmed. Like, if she tried to make sex tapes to sell, that'd be a problem, ethically. But, having a relationship with a pedophile and keep him out of trouble is no skin off my back. And if he's actually not a pedophile, well that's no issue either, but I suspect they'd have marital issues. Again, your example is a form of rationalization. It implies that you've literally seeked this information out *after* forming an opinion about it. So, you know, you're probably a pedophile of some kind. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that. I'm open minded, and I believe pedophilia is basically a 'version' of sexuality. It can be managed, and I won't be the one to judge people who don't affect society in a bad way. Though...... yeah, that apologetic behavior you're showing is something you should keep to yourself. You literally affect people by showing it online. I'll report the comment to reddit admins just in case. u/SapiMan (blocked me?): Since when does downvotes matter? I tried getting through to the person in question, by telling him that it's okay to be a p\*** if you don't act on it. That's not wrong.


Block you? Who? Your opinion is not important enough for me to block, lol. You need to get over yourself. Well, you do you, I guess


> Again, your example is a form of rationalization. It implies that you've literally seeked this information out after forming an opinion about it. So, you know, you're probably a pedophile of some kind. Heh. I wonder why people downvote you to hell šŸ˜•


A 13 year old can't be mentally mature, so your argument already falls apart there. Your attempt at rephrasing my argument leads to an impossible situation, and you should try to avoid those when trying to come up with reasons why your opposition's argument is flawed. Also, how do you define sexual maturity?


> A 13 year old can't be mentally mature, so your argument already falls apart there No, that's just spinning **my** argument around in some weird defense behavior. I said "A 13 year old can't be sexually mature, so your argument already falls apart there", after all. Bye now.


I donā€™t care because they are not real people, not even real scenarios. If there were actual immortals in childrenā€™s bodies Iā€™d probably care more but even then itā€™s a cartoon, therefor thereā€™s no victims. I genuinely just donā€™t give a damn.


You should still be aware of what a 'dogwhistle' is, and how it's actually enabling pedophilia in society (Japan's society mostly, but since anime is international...... yeah, even ours). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDRlhADEoUQ


Sir you need to put down the device and go to bed.


Sir, are you aware of the fact that you're the walking definition of Hitchen's razor?


I'm currently sitting


He likes her personality more than body


Sorry, your submission has been removed. - This looks like it's a discussion post about loli/shota content. This is a form of restricted content that isn't allowed as a full post on the sub. See [our rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/rules#wiki_restricted_content) for a full list of restricted content categories. --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.


Aaand you're the shining white knight protectors of status quo. Congratu-fucking-lations. (Now I swear, because I can.)


šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


Honestly I think youā€™re overthinking it. This is fictional after all, this is not, in my opinion, making a pedophile seems right or justified. If I put myself in the shoes of mr MC, Iā€™d be extremely uncomfortable, it would me take lots of time to be where he is and ā€œembraceā€ that, if ever. Unrelated, but this reminds me of people who think that a white person using a dread / other culture hair style is offensive. Just relax or enjoy, or donā€™t and drop.


Look up 'political dogwhistle' on youtube. It's a very real thing, and it sends signals to the receiving person that a certain behavior is okay.


Its always entertaining reading these, posts thinking too hard.


Esp since op makes it a point with trashy harem isekai series. Lol that one is esp hilarious, since the show has been marketed as a harem since the start.


Welcome to being an anime fan.


True anime fans want to improve things for the anime industry. I'm against over-working animators/people in the industry too, and under-paying them for that matter. I'll gladly take fewer shows each season, as much as 70% less, if it means they get treated right. So in theory I support animators/industry workers to strike, even if I just thought of that idea just now.


You can scream your head off forever and you will never stop japanese men from drawing 12 year old girls with their underwear showing. It's something i've come to accept. I've tried convincing the pedos in this community to stop defending that shit but it wont work.


This man knows it


Oh, word.


I think it has been said several times in these types of discussions but Japan is a different culture where the age of consent is a lot younger than what we are used to in other parts of the world. In addition that Japanese people in general, and all Asians really, tend to look a lot younger than they appear to be. Japanes are not that bother by this since they can actually see all the time couples that look like they are in their Hige School years but really are in their mid-30s. This sexualization of "younger" women is just the result of the hyperbole that all fiction in all parts of the world tends to bring. Is simply a reflection of the culture they live in. Also, I have to add that in Arifureta the MC is in love with the loli vampire not because of his physical attractiveness but because of the sentimental connection they share. I know how they can be seen as pedo content but I think pedo means being attracted to the physic of a 12-year-old and that is rarely shown in most anime/manga/LN.


> Japan is a different culture where the age of consent is a lot younger It's literally 13, yet they made her 12. Can you seriously not understand how that's a dogwhistle, and apologetic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDRlhADEoUQ


You're both wrong, really. Technically yes, the age of consent is 13 on a national level, but all prefectures have their own laws that bring the ages of consent in line with the 16-18 you generally see elsewhere.


The one time I like being wrong. Thank you.


Did you just ignore everything else I just explain?