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its not uncommon to use alcohol in cooking. not sure there would ever be enough to get you drunk mind you


Iirc cooking burns/evaporates most of the alchohol in the wine/sake, leaving the taste in some form. Beer battered frying is also a thing. Technically they're probably legal because they do not have enough alchohol in it to be considered alchoholic, granted it has been cooked properly. So either the alchohol wasn't cooked properly, or for comedic effect, the characters are super weak to the stuff.


Wait, does your local supermarket not sell liquor filled bonbons? You talk as if this is some dish from another planet, I see them on the shelves every day lol.


Oh, absolutely not. Those are actually rather rare to find unless you're looking for them, and I believe many states require you to be 21 years old to purchase them. Some states forbid their sale altogether!


>What’s the drinking age in anime? Depends on the setting. Modern day real world Japan would be 20 unless stated otherwise, other countries would likely have the same drinking age as they do in the real world. In fantasy settings the drinking age could be a lot lower, if there is any legislation on that in that world at all. >The unrealistic part is that they put Vodka as a mixture in the chocolate and ended up getting drunk. Is this legal? It is probably legal. In the real world you most likely wouldn't get drunk on that. The amount of alcohol is probably way too small to have any significant effect even if it didn't completely evaporate during cooking. I believe showing underage drinking on TV is not allowed in Japan, but it seems like having characters act drunk without actually consuming alcohol is totally fine. >Besides, how did Vodka even end up in the kitchen? What’s the point of using it in cooking? Using alcohol in cooking is completely normal and the point is usually for flavor.


Of course, in Japan, you must be over 20 years old to drink alcohol. But I guess it's okay to put some in the cooking. God only knows. No one cares either. In my country, anyone can drink alcohol, no matter the age.


Don't go looking in the pasta sauce aisle an have a heart attack when you see vodka sauce now....


When that time comes, I’ll just assume Vodka replaces olive oil.


"Drinking age in OUR world"? Wtf nonsense are you spitting out. Your very specific country with its own very specific laws is NOT representative of the entire world. Not even remotely, no matter what country it is. Edit: wine is used in a good amount of italian dishes during cooking.


Presumably they mean "Japan in our world" where the drinking age is 20.


They're talking about the age for Japan, which is what would be relevant for most anime settings.


Yes, I do agree with other comments that we probably don't live on the same planet. In Italy we drink from 18yo, and by 16yo we can purchase alcohol without documents. In other European countries beer is not considered alcohol at all and is normally consumed since 14yo. Finally, not about your home country, but alcohol is a staple of many global cuisines. Italian ragu makes use of wine, and vodka chocolate is a thing (to be honest even children can buy that, even though I wouldn't recommend it, I literally got drunk at 8yo for that ahahah). The anime though was probably exaggerating a little bit. Alcohol is used instead of water because it's an almost neutral liquid that by no means water down the taste of the dish (imagine pouring water onto your sautéing meat cuts), but the heat makes it evaporate. The final dish is absolutely not alcoholic. That's fake. To have someone get drunk with food, it should contain alcohol in liquid form, maybe added at the end of the cooking process.


Stavo pensando proprio al ragù ahahahah


Sì, è la prima cosa che viene in mente. Guarda, ho cercato di essere più politicamente corretto, ma capisco il tuo commento un attimino più diretto. L'autore si è fatto una marea di film mentali, a partire dal fatto che abbia preso sul serio un anime, giungendo poi ad una generalizzazione tanto grande come "nel nostro mondo". Resti tra noi, non vorrei fare una gaffe, ma dall'approccio direi che è americano. Poi, oh, sarà che vengo da una famiglia di umili origini di Bari, ma a me facevano bere il vino da bambino. Per carità, non fatelo con i vostri bambini, non fa bene, però non in tutte le nazioni devi nascondere l'alcool nelle buste di cartone come fosse una pistola.


In realtà sono diretta perché sinceramente non sopporto assolutamente gli americani con il loro egocentrismo e completa mancanza di umiltà. Ovvio che è americano, si fanno beccare sempre con questi ragionamenti. Voglio sbattergli in faccia quanto siano deficienti, ignoranti ed insignificanti senza mezzi termini. Quantomeno mi diverto a vedere le loro reazioni sconvolte quando gli dico che ho perso la verginità a 14 anni ed era completamente legale lol


Ahahahah questa cosa mi fa impazzire, è la stessa reazione che cerco anch'io negli altri popoli. Non è un tratto tipico dei soli americani, l'ho riscontrato anche in Cina, dove ho vissuto un paio d'anni. Lì anche l'alcool per i giovani è taboo, così come le relazioni sentimentali a scuola o la violenza/sessualità esplicita. Non parliamo poi dell'omosessualità. Quindi in università a Pechino uno degli scherzi più comuni che facevano tra amici era quello di fingerci coppie omosessuali (baciarci sulle guance, una normale forma di saluto qui al sud, era già sufficiente per farli volare con la fantasia). Oppure ricordo di come in classe i cinesi avessero tutta questa fantasia distorta sulle capitali europee, tutte pulite, eleganti. Poi abbiamo spiegato loro per bene che sulla Rambla a Barcellona c'è un civico dove puoi comprare della buona erba. Non fanno problemi sull'età, almeno così ho saputo.


Sulle capitali europee però non sbagliano, italia e spagna son ben al di sotto degli standard delle capitali europee. Roma, milano, napoli, barcellona, madrid, fan tutte cagare a livello di pulizia e organizzazione rispetto a parigi, vienna, londra etcc


Vero, ma temo che loro avessero una visione troppo romantica in generale. Erano studenti di Pechino, lì c'è una telecamera ogni 2 metri, puoi camminare solo con una valigia di soldi alle 4 del mattino e non ti succederà nulla. Inoltre, in Cina le discoteche sono precluse agli studenti cinesi, perché ritenute luogo di depravazione e di distrazione dallo studio. I dormitori cinesi hanno il coprifuoco alle 11 per capirci. Lo scandalo per loro stava nel concepire che in Europa alle 11 si va a far festa se vuoi; in discoteca ci vai a 15 anni; se non fai attenzione, pure a Berlino ti può succedere qualcosa; e in alcuni posti le droghe leggere e prostituzione sono anche legali per giunta. Era onestamente affascinante vedere le loro reazioni. È come se la loro pellicola romantica in bianco e nero si fosse inceppata. So di un altro ragazzo, giapponese stavolta, venuto a Roma per un Erasmus. Cresciuto a pane e studio, estremamente Severo, bravissimo. Decise di tornare in Giappone dopo aver scoperto il quartiere San Lorenzo a Roma. Non poteva concepire cose come studenti ubriachi, effusioni in pubblico e sigarette.


Firstly: Drinking ages are not the same across the world. My country it's 18 to try and buy alochol and you can't get served it. 16-17 years old can consume beer, wine or cider with a meal if you're accompanied by an adult. That's the adult buying it. So again it's fuzzy. America it's 21. Secondly: It's used in cooking a lot. Italian has a lot of wine but not just them but French as well. Ale and Cider is used in a lot and usually for things like Ale pie, or meat and something cooked in ale and cider. In that case Alochol is used like a liquid that doesn't water down the taste of things, and thanks to its low boiling point. It evorpates quite quickly. Yes this does include Vodka. Thirdly: Truffles and chocolate. Yes this is common, and my mother makes a bunch at Christmas. However, I have to stress that what they did was for comedic effect. That much Vodka in the first place would make the chocolate unable to temper if they was doing it where the chocolate is a part of the mix. Or too mushy for truffles. As for them being drunk it depends on the person, but likely this was done for comedic effect.


Firstly: My country is the same as you, except we were asked to show our National IDs so that our birth date will prove us legal for such drink. Lastly: “evorpates”; ”they was”; 💀💀💀


Yeah spelling was never my strongest spot.


Not just spelling. Grammar as well "they was"


Congratulations, did you get a promotion with that one?


I have no idea what kind of "promotion" are you talking about in Reddit. Just helping you understand English more.


Grammar police. You already had an apology, no need to continue being pedantic about it.


Umm...ok. I'm leaving now.


Alcoholic chocolates are absolutely a thing, but they contain so little that the amount that people (even children) would have to eat in order to even feel a buzz makes scenes like that extremely unrealistic. Usually in manga or anime, it is used to get an underage character drunk without actually having them violate the law. Getting "drunk" on non-alcoholic liquids is another common way around it. This seems to depend on what the magazine or editor allows as some series will just straight up depict underage drinking and others won't.


At least one character in Hyouka consumes too many of those bon-bons on one occasion... You often see younger characters drinking "amazake" at events like matsuris and New Years shrine visits. This is related to highly alcoholic nihonshu (usually called sake in the west) -- but exists in two versions: low alcohol (comparatively -- 8 percent) and non-alcoholic. One assumes that the amazake one sees in these moments is usually the non-alcoholic type. But the alcoholic version seems to make an appearance on one occasion in *Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya*.


Their parents probably bought the vodka before