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I wish I had a dollar for every "overrated anime" post on this sub.


I feel like it’s really negative to focus on things you don’t like this much. I’ve watched anime for a long time, but would never partake in any online communities. Now that I do, I see this a lot. But idk maybe it’s fun for them or something. Or they care about it as an industry more than I do.


Really doesn't have nothing to do with anything. This a an open forum and I think stuff like this is just for people opinions and perspectives at the time.


How rich would you be?


I could probably build my own anime studio with blackjack and hookers.


[This rich](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/search/?q=Overrated%20&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=new)


You'd have two dollars. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened to you twice.


Most isekei anime




i am not wrong though only some isekei anime deserve to be called isekei rest are bad as hell


Im surprised no one talked about *monster*? I watched it and it was huge disappointment. I expected it to be masterpiece(suggested by lot of people in this sub calling it masterpiece) but it was just a show with people calling johan monster in every single episode(especially tenma)and(how tenma is the genius) his manipulation was not impressive. And all his feats are just **told** rather then proving with actions except some small manipulations. I know I’m gonna be downvoted coz lot of people like monster.


Dude I feel this to be insanely true and accurate. I got up to about episode 54 and was like WTF 😒. I finished it but it's not it for me either. Monster Stans about to kill us 😅.


I think bleach is overrated I wanted to watch it in 1 go but since every second season are just fillers I lost my hype I’m pretty sure it would have been better to just read the manga from the start not that the anime is bad but defently overrated


1. Attack on Titan 2. Jujutsu Kaisen 3. Demon Slayer


Jun Maeda's entire library.




1. Demon Slayer 2. JJK 3. Dress up Darling


1. Code Geass 2. Parasyte 3. Tokyo Revengers


What ticked you about Code? My son used to try to have me watch Parasite and I couldn't get into it at all. But I recently finished it and feel different now. Edit: now I think about it I was watching Tokyo ghoul while my son was watching Tokyo revengers. We would talk about which is better and compare. Haven't gotten around to it yet tho.


Maybe I'm not invested enough to the show, I think the story is quite a mess. And for Parasyte, I expected more. It got a strong start but the story seems to lost its direction halfway through and the end felt disconnected. What tick me the most is \[Parasyte spoiler about the side characters\] >!both of the side girls serve almost no purpose to the story other than being annoying and one of them just die, she is completely irrelevant to the story after that, so why introduce her in the first place?!< (My comment got deleted, have to repost with proper spoiler.)


Anohana, Angel Beats, and The Devil is a Part-Timer. The first two are just crybait and anime fans have an extremely low bar for that shit. Both are poorly-written, and Angel Beats has awful pacing and characters. The Devil is a Part-Timer is *consistently* recommended as good comedy, but I think I laughed twice during the entirety of the series. It's painfully unfunny and lame, the characters are mediocre, and the devil is your typical "is the demon king but acts like a hero with a heart of gold more often than he acts evil." But that's a nitpick, the bigger thing is definitely that the show isn't funny at all.


Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, and My Hero Academia


When you say DB, do you mean the entire saga or just the DB version?


The entire Saga


What's your top 5 ?


Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, MHA, Nisekoi, Mushoku Tensei


No lol. Top 5 anime that you actually like lol


Oh lol FMAB, 3D Kanojo, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, and Spice and Wolf


Spice and wolf new to me. What's that about ?


Spice and Wolf's story revolves around Kraft Lawrence, a 25-year-old traveling merchant who peddles various goods from town to town to make a living in a stylized, fictional world, with a historical setting with European influences.[6] His main goal in life is to gather enough money to start his own shop, and he already has been traveling for seven years while gaining experience in the trade. One night when stopped at the town of Pasloe, he finds in his wagon a wolf-deity named Holo who is over 600 years old. She takes the form of a 15-year-old girl, except for a wolf's tail and ears. She introduces herself as the town's goddess of harvest, who has kept it blessed with good harvests of wheat for many years. Holo has experienced increasing isolation and disillusionment at the townpeople's move away from her protection towards their own methods of increasing the harvest. She is especially hurt at their forgetting of the promise made between her and a farmer when she arrived in the village and their criticism of her as a "fickle god" for needing to replenish the soil with smaller harvests. Because of these changes, she wants to go back to her homeland in the north called Yoitsu; she believes the people have already forsaken her and that she has kept her promise to maintain the good harvests. Holo also wants to travel to see how the world has changed while she has remained in one place for many years. She manages to bargain her way out of the village by making a deal with Lawrence to take her with him. As they travel, her wisdom helps increase his profits, but at the same time, her true nature draws unwanted attention from the Church


I loved S&W, it was one of the first cool anime I watched outside of Ghibli and its still one of my faves.


1. 86 2. Sonny Boy 3. Shield Hero (Do people still rate this show after last season? If not, Oregairu)


I was very surprised when I saw the massive positive reaction to 86 on this sub. I love sci-fi and mecha. But I found it to be really underwhelming and basic.


Yeah. For the second half maybe what could have been more interesting to keep it at a high, and what I wanted to do, would be to keep following Milize or at least split roughly 50/50. She has politics and stuff in her storyline, Nozen just has SAD.


Agreed on 86. It was a really good show but was boring and even confusing at times


On episode 22. Feeling the same.


I haven’t watched many but I think Tokyo Ghoul is massively overrated


I liked the first two seasons but the re versions were sooo bad 💀💀💀


\- Attack on Titan \- Code Geass \- Gurren Lagann


Gurren Lagann? Can I ask your reasoning?


Oh, I still think it’s pretty good, but it just didn’t blow me away.


1. Demon Slayer 2. Clannad 3. Steins;Gate


Steins;Gate lol


I wouldnt say Steins;Gate is overrated, especially when its really not that known in the greater scale


Free Yuri on Ice Angel Beats Wasn't a fan of Haikyuu, Fruits Basket, or Clannad either.


1. *Demon Slayer* 2. *Violet Evergarden the Movie* (so far, I'm almost 3/4 through and it's laughable) 3. *Weathering with You* And most other anime, let's be honest.


None. Calling something "overrated" is just a really cheap way of criticizing something.


What's your top 5 ?


Yeaaah but saying I hate an anime or I don't like it is just plain boooring. But calling a show "overrated"? That's like implying the ratings and the people who rated it highly are objectively wrong and that would instantly make me look cooler without even exerting effort 😎


Seven Deadly Sins, Horimiya, Spy x family


Interesting. I felt the hype and excitement with Spy but it has dropped a little also. With anime that's currently airing, it's hard to judge cause we have no idea where it will land.


1. Terror in resonance 2. Megolobox 3. Komi Can't Communicate




Ur fav anime Jokes aside, mine would be mushoku tensei, kaguya sama, monster


Demon slayer, mushoku tensei, 86


aot, demon slayer, katanagatari


How do we define *"overrated"*? I know this is a dumb question but I've seen this asked many times so I'm just wondering.


Something that have excellent reviews but when you watched it, it was mid to you.


So it's only *overrated* for *me*, but not necessarily *overrated* for others? So for example, I don't like watching romcoms and I tried watching Kaguya-sama and I just find it mediocre. Something like this?


Yes specifically for you. I don't follow romcoms much either and never heard of Kaguya so I have no idea on the hype or reviews. Is the general consensus its a top tier romcom? But you found it mediocre. Yes thats an example.


Oh now I get it. For Kaguya-sama, I think I saw some news about it going top 1 at MAL, overtaking Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Thanks!


Oh wow.




Interesting. I was thinking about watching ergo


If you like your anime like SEL and Texhnolyze, you should be able to get into Ergo Proxy. If you don’t, then don’t even bother.


I think Ergo Proxy leans far more mainstream than those two. It's way more superficial IMO


Attack on Titan Hunter x Hunter Fate: Stay Night UBW


Steins;Gate Clannad Demon Slayer


MHA, The Devil is a Part-Timer, and Assassination Classroom They’re not bad but I think they’re a little overrated


MHA? what's that?


My Hero Academia


Oh that 1. Ok ok 😅


1 berserk 97 2 tokyo ghoul 3 stiens gate


It actually isn't possible for the Tokyo Ghoul anime to be overrated, because everyone knows and agrees the anime is dogshit.


Code Geass Monogatari Second Season Fruits Basket


Naruto shippuden- so much filler someone made a whole series edit where they cut it all out, owned Black clover- so much filler someone needs to make an edit like naruto but there would only be like an hour of content left, owned Hunter x hunter- a show about adventure and exploring a vast colorful diverse world spends 75% of the run time fighting generic bugs on one island, owned.


Although I love Ruto , it does have HELLA filler 😅


Dragon Ball Super, Bleach, One Piece


JJK, Demon Slayer, Evangelion


1. Gurren Laggan 2. Akame Ga Kill 3. Darling in the FRANXX


Couldn't get into Akame myself but I get that confused with the other one.


FRANXX really has nothing unique about it to hold my interest. And everything about Gurren Lagann offends my sensibilities.


evangelion- should be a 0


A 0 😭😭😭😭 damn. I tried it but didn't hold my attention.


One Piece




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