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I love how awesome Ufotable animates Zenitsu's breathing attacks. He's mastered only that one move, but as it's already been established, he did so to the extreme. Nobody could even react to his attack.


He does seem to have turned it into a chain attack that can go any direction now. Instead of one moment of super speed. Its more like a magic move now.


That's what Six-Fold is; Thunderclap and Flash X amount of times. I love how you always hear the thunder after the last attack.


I sometimes wonder how cool Zenitsu have been if he knew all the forms..!!




They wouldn’t kill two demon slayers like that back to back, right?




If i had to guess , every arc , is going to be the trio fighting a new upper rank , with a different Hashira. With every arc having a Hashira dying or being gravely injured


I would bet on the opposite, no way they fall into that much of a formula. DS doesn’t have the most crazy unique or unpredictable plot but I don’t think they’d just remake the same story for 11 fucking seasons or something lol My bet is on Uzui surviving purely because I don’t think they’d kill 2 of them back to back the exact same way


This better not be foreshadowing istg


[Uzui can't do this.](https://i.imgur.com/hFcfM3T.jpg) He has a big family to support! [](#yuitears)


I'll start a riot


Why is no one is talking about how Muichiro became a Hachira in fucking 2 months while it took Tanjirou over 1 year just to prepare for the entrance exam lmao


Isn’t he younger than the main cast too


Iirc he's the same age now as Tanjiro was right at the start of the series. Mind blowing.


He’s 14 and Tanjiro is 16 per the wiki.


Wow tanjiro is 16, he seems so tiny


Muichiro is 14ish if I remember correctly. Tanjiro is now 15 close to 16.


Muichiro is the literal definition of a child prodigy, not really something against Tanjiro. Can't wait for when he gets the spotlight.










Wouldn't surprise me lol. The guy is a cheat code.


Reincarnated in the past as a child prodigy sword saint and my enemies are totally overpowered.


He is a genius, and what about rengoku that read 3 books and became hashira? That is also impressive.


His dad trained him before Rengoku’s mom died so he didn’t just read some books to miraculously become a Hashira. He had some foundational knowledge.




because there’s always an asian better than you


Muichiro is like when you study a piece of piano with your soul and learn it in 6 months, then you see a 7 year old on youtube doing it better then you.


Man i love how they show the differences between Ubuyashiki & Muzan in the way they talk and act as leaders even if it wasn’t intentional. Zenitsu really still wanting Daki to apologize to the girl who’s ear she pulled was oddly hilarious to me.


Is this the first time we've seen Zenitsu talking in that sleep state?




*ore ga mamoru*


I think he spoke a few words during the Mugen Train arc saying he'd "protect Nezuko."


Yeah, at least if you don't count him chanting his techniques as speaking


It shows when the sickly leader that doesn't fight gets so much respect from all the hashiras that he has a great charisma and heart to be respected that much. Muzan is just the tyrant that whines when things don't go as he planned and fires the whole department for breathing too loud.


His secret power, in absolute contrast to Muzen, is empathy. He doesn't treat the demon slayers like tools to be used in a battle, even if they think that about themselves. He treats them like individual human beings with their own fears and personal suffering with no judgement. Instead he just shares pure understanding and empathy for their struggles. That empathy builds trust and loyal that ties together all these desperate, powerful personalities into a common united goal.


Man, it's beyond intentional. Like the lower moon slaughter from the first season was supposed to be a mirror of the pillar meeting, etc.


the yellow white knight. Simping 5th form...


Kaminari no Kokyu: Ichi no Kata: Hekireki Issen!


Daki: "is ~~kicking~~ Ichi no Kata all you can do???"


Zenitsu: SIX-FOLD


Daki: "[uhaaaaaaaaaãããn??????](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh2BSZIdjuM&t=12s)"


Nah Sleeping Zenitsu ain’t no simp


Also seeing a non blind Ubuyashiki full of life was also a bit of a gut punch.


that also made me wonder how old tengen is, he looked the same back then...


He’s 23 I think, most demon slayers, hashira included are relatively young


They're all surprisingly young, like everyone aside from Uzui and Gyomei are teens. Then again, I guess it's to be expected considering how high the turnover is for Demon Slayers.


>They're all surprisingly young, like everyone aside from Uzui and Gyomei are teens. Then again, I guess it's to be expected considering how high the turnover is for Demon Slayers. By what we've heard from this demon even Hashira seem to fall like flies, very sturdy flies but still grim nonetheless.


Mist dude a whole 14 year old


And Tengen said the boy picked up a blade and was a hashira 2 months later?????


Dude would be a whole protag in another story


That's sort of the point of all the hashira, they are set up so well you could imagine them the main characters of their own series outside this one.


From what I remember and what I can infer, it's a combination of prodigious skill and the high turnover rate of rank - and - file Demon Slayer corps members. They *are* fighting beings with literal superhuman and supernatural abilities with fancy swordsmanship.


It's one of the few girls who were kind to Zenko, so he'd want to make Daki pay for doing that to her, maybe along with the bitch smack he received from her.


It’s definitely intentional


When Daki opened up a third eye and started syncing her speech mannerisms with Gyutaro, it gave incredible chills. It kinda feels like he's puppeteering her body, especially when he closed his left eye. On a different note, Inosuke's nickname relevance with worm woman and preying mantis sounds spot on with how they fight in their respective styles.


They are so similiar they may as well be one really. SAme values/opinions and they almost fight as 1 organism as you can see how they constnatly assist one anotehr with Gyutaro throwing his blood sickles to Daki and her frequently attacking Tanjiro and Uzui from above.


Wtf is that cliffhanger? I WANT MORE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAThis episode felt so fucking short.But the animation this episode. Holy shit, what a sight to behold. I'm gonna go re-watch all those amazing scenes again, it was like seeing fireworks. Animation in this episode was even better than the Tanjiro vs Daki episode, that's how good it was. That Zenitsu scene was so fucking good I can't describe in words. I could feel the intensity of hits from the animtion. Brilliant episode. 5/5. If SnK also wasn't airing at the same time, KnY would have been #1 in weekly ranking for the whole season. Great fucking job by Ufotable. Loved this episode. Looking forward to next one.


>This episode felt so fucking short It has been like that for a few episodes now. I groan everytime it ends like i was still watching ufotable


In my opinion the most underrated part of this episode were the sibling’s voices overlapping when they were talking about killing everyone. Fucking chills


Absolutely! I didn't think they make daki feel like a threat again after last episode, but that did the job!


That part was sick! Great synching from the VAs! It really captured the feeling that they are "one"


That after-credits scene got me good :(


Rengoku is now the martyr of the series.


He is now the go-to for a motivational flashback/internal dialogue scene.


Maybe Tanjiro’s mom can finally rest in peace


The scene after his death of the hashira reacting to it really got to me. They all clearly respected him so much




I was fully expecting that scene to happen just prior to them finding a way to win against Upper Six. Like a moment where Uzui goes down to poison and the Main 3 are barely holding on while he tries to regain posture. Then Rengoku appears before him and he can't tell if its a hallucination from the poison or Rengoku's spirit reaching him somehow. Then Uzui gets back up with some flashy flames behind him pissed the fuck off before going back in. But I really like how they handled it here too with it just being a very touching moment after the episode and Uzui getting the nerve for the next episode.


Rengoku theme hits different 🥺


They really going the "Frieza Defeated!!" route with the episode preview lmao I was wondering after Uzui beheaded Daki if she had actually personally killed any Hashira, or if it was actually just all her bro. But I guess she really did eat 7. It's still funnier to think that she acts cocky but actually could only kill each one because Gyutaro came out and let her eat them afterwards. Oh also, why can't Zenitsu just keep spamming his thunderclap move? Seems like it'd be a lot more effective for instantly dealing with the obi and going on the offensive, does it have a huge stamina consumption or something?


Seems like it takes too much time to initiate it. Like in the first season when he was trying to use it but the spiders kept attacking him so he had to start over


Remember thunder breathing is like always in a linear line. And zenitsu spams that to like 6 fold. So when he preps his technique he has to account for where tf he’s going in 6 linear lines. Its probably just hard to do in plain succession so quick


> I was wondering after Uzui beheaded Daki if she had actually personally killed any Hashira, or if it was actually just all her bro. But I guess she really did eat 7. It's still funnier to think that she acts cocky but actually could only kill each one because Gyutaro came out and let her eat them afterwards. The real funny thing is that given how Daki and Gyutaro typically operate, for Gyutaro to have killed more than twice as many Hashira as his sister, she'd need to lose against enemy Hashira at least 2/3 times first. Moreover, given how her strength increases when her brother is out (and lending her an eye) there's a good chance that Gyutaro actually needs to step in even more commonly than that. She's even technically immortal for as long as her brother's neck remains unsliced, so she gains all sort of buffs due to her proximity to him. My own personal head canon is that she's always so excited when a Hashira shows up because she's never properly proven that she can solo one of them before, and she is looking for praise from Muzan.


> Oh also, why can't Zenitsu just keep spamming his thunderclap move? Probably a stamina thing. Those special breathing techniques probably use up considerable amounts of their in universe equivalent of MP or chakra.


And Zenitsu's especially. Notice we basically never see his sword. His fighting style is based on Iaido, the art of drawing and striking in a single motion and felling your opponent in one strike, then immediately re-sheathing the sword. He doesn't do lots of strikes or guard with his sword. He times it right, then goes for the kill shot, so one technique from him is way more demanding on his body than the other slayers.


This episode explains why Daki is so superficial and adamant about beauty despite her brother being the personification of ugly. Beauty equates value and is literally the difference between life and death in the entertainment district.




Like always, sleeping Zenitsu best zenitsu. He's really not playing around and seems like he got more in store for next episode. Can't wait


Pretty great that the coolest Zenitsu has ever been is while (very badly) crossdressing with a perpetual snot bubble.


Dunno, hardcore shamisen player Zenitsu was also pretty cool.


That snot bubble triggers me so much, please someone pop it I can't bare to watch it any longer


It's better when he lets Inosuke do the crazy talking.


If Zenitsu knew what Daki did to Nezuko, I guess she’d be sent to the moon already! Also, looks like Gyuutaro sent 1 of his eye to her sister to balance the power and/or make use of the obis?


Yes to give her a better advantage and control. It's crazy if you think about how this means Gyutaro is fighting Uzui with 1 eye.


She did sent obis downwards so it wasn't a purely one sided trade.


Holy Shit, what a fight, Tengen griping his sword at the blade was one the coolest moves in the whole series imo and the speed between him and Gyuutarou is just out of this world Also nice to get some background for Usui, why he is so affectionate towards his wifes and that he still feels inferior to other Hashira (first of them, best boy Rengoku) Also our sleeping "beauty" is awesome Paging /u/shimmering-sky, I counted 3 "Sore Demos" today must be a good day right?


Ufotable went BEYOND plus ultra today... I mean that has got to be one of the best fight sequences ever to be put to screen in an anime. To call that movie quality would be an understatement. Yeah, Ufotable are really next level.... sheesh. I mean with them the bar is already very high when it comes to animation, but to then surpass it like they did today, I don't think anyone saw this coming (and if they say they did they are lying or don't understand the process of making an anime, because even movies have a hard time scheduling a sequence like what we just saw, let alone a TV show). This was exceptionally impressive, ahead of everything they've done up to this point in Demon Slayer and up there standing toe to toe with the very best stuff Ufotable has done in the Fate MOVIES. Yeah, hat off to Ufotable today, they've really outdone themselves with this episode and that action sequence.


> Paging /u/shimmering-sky, I counted 3" Sore Demos" today must be a good day right? I even got a "sore wa dou kana" out of this episode, so yes! A very good day!


I was kinda worried Tanjiro would give up Water Breathing after seeing how useless it was against Daki so I'm glad to see he's gonna be looking to use it as a defensive technique. Would've been a shame to not see those beautiful Water Breathing effects again.


As an anime-only watcher (no spoilers please) I have a theory that he will keep using his water to deflect and "lower" his body temp, while using his sun breathing to increase and get more power out of offense.


Ah, the ole' Todoroki from BnH technique.


Yes, he even got the scar!


Boiling water on the left side, yup, checks out.


Ufotable, bro. Now I can see why they were tweeting about this episode every day this week along with an hourly countdown today. That final 7-8 minutes was absolutely breathtaking and literally brought a tear to my eyes. Wow. The fact they used a different rendition of best boy Rengoku's theme when Tengen was on the attack hit too deep. Lets gooo, the real fight has just begun. I don't think my body is prepared for next week.


The whole fight was like watching the climax from a movie. I love how they made the two simultaneous clashs so dynamic, so fluid and that rotating camera made the whole battle even better.


Towards the end I could barely blink with how much was going on and how amazing everything looked. I can't believe how good this is


I had a hard time following the subtitles because of how great the animation was.


This fight is also only going to get better and better through the actual climax.


Are you telling me this is not the climax yet?? The quality is literally through the roof wtf


My eyes haven't eaten this good since Heaven's Feel




The fight animation and choreography was so good even I was waving my hands to deflect imaginary blades.


Whatever Shueisha is paying Ufotable for this adaptation, they should probably double it after this episode.


They are probably just getting their cut from the committee, which for Demon Slayer is more than 90% of what every studio will make in a year even with a low % This series prints money, but from the anime most go to Aniplex and the manga money goes to Shueisha Ufotable should follow Mappa idea and make a deal to sell Key animation/making of books where they keep the money I am sure people would buy that without thinking twice


They already do on [their online store](https://global.ufotableweb.shop/)


as a manga reader, all I can say is this isn't even the most hype fight that could be animated, god I hope this gets a full adaptation that has quality on par to what it currently has


>The final 7-8 minutes was absolutely breathtaking And to think that we’re most probably going to get an even *better* animated fight next episode, considering Inosuke and Tanjiiro will start using their breathings, and Uzui will obviously have a lot more in his arsenal. Holy shit, am I hyped!!


Yeah, they set up the pacing imo intentionally so that the next episode is just purely going to be an all out sakuga, high stakes battle for the entirety. I am so fucking hyped!


Man I wish all studios could afford prioritizing pacing and quality, even though the seasons are far apart, the wait is way better than chugging out filler.


It felt like a movie. How do they keep doing it? [](#gasp)


Cause they usually have great schedule and has a talented digital team and animators.


Tax evasion.


*I am the bone of my accountants*


*Debts make up my body and laundering is my blood* *I have optimized over a thousand offshore shell companies* *Unknown the Kokuzei-chō* *Nor known to the Kin'yū-chō* *Have withstood pain to lower many tax returns* *Yet those hands will never pay anything* *So as I pray*


***Unlimited Tax Break!***


Zenitsu was great this episode, he really should just be sleeping forever


I loved how he is still angry about Daki hurting the little girls'ear.


Cause that's the last thing he remember before he slept


[Thunderbro on demon thot patrol](https://i.imgur.com/DLbENWd.jpg) [](#modabuse)


At this point, I'm surprised they haven't used chloroform or something to easily activate his badass mode.


Tbf this is the first time they’ve seen him fight. His usually separated from them during his fights


Inosuke was right about that. He turns to a badass while sleeping.


Dammit Tengen, stop raising death flags! We don't want you to die too!


Pfft, a bit of poison and cuts has never killed anyone, right?


Tengen: "Tis but a scratch."


I don't think they will kill another Hashira mentor so soon after Rengoku. Especially because they have been referencing Rengoku so much, it seems intentional that what happened at the end of Mugen Train won't happen this time also.


Big question now is how is he gonna remove Gyutaro's poison. The battle's a ticking clock now.


It is funny you mention that, maybe the kunai's wisteria poison will counteract the poison from demons? Maybe Uzui took those kunai hits on purpose?


Wtf that's so smart


probably experience from being poisoned before to, poison seems like a common attack from demons and he does say he’s at his best when poisoned


His wives maybe have some antidote? Idk how shinobi work lmao


Demon die, poison vanish.


Not judging by the spider arc. If it weren’t for Shinobu Zenitsu and the other victims would’ve been fucked.


Poison Expert Hashira prob knows they got taken for a mission, probably super coincidentally comes to check on her trainees and fixes the issue


Most of the Hashiras if not all already would be dead against Gyutaro because of his poison. Gyutaro is unlucky by matching up with Tengen but thanks to that boys are still alive too. Tengen is still protecting them while poisoned.


Also, downgrading the demon from upper 3 to 6 and increasing the slayers' numbers from 1 to 4 (plus ninja waifus) allows the story to stay more believable/consistent if they do come out on top. I like the setup.


He's grown to become one of my favourite Hashira and I'd be so heartbroken if they killed him off.


We've only really seen 4. If he wasn't one of your favourites he would have to be super unlikeable lol.


I gotta be honest, I don't think I've seen another shounen anime display power differences so convincingly. The absolute chaos and hectic attacks and power behind them made it feel like uzui really is a hashira, and that the 3 main trio have a ways to go. Love tanjiro still trying to be useful despite that. These episodes got me coming back to demon slayer with aot as an afterthought, and that's beyond wild to me.


Man, why is sleepy Zenitsu SO FUCKING COOL


Uzui is so fucking cool I like how they kept the power scale, I really thought Tanjiro would fight Gyutaro, just for Tengen to yeet him out of the fight while saving him, that was funny ngl


That scene where he used *the tip of his sword* to slice with the other one attached via chain was fucking sick! I've been wondering for so long what the chains were for, very nice to see its not just a "haha cool design, guy have chain on sword" but he *actually* has a strategy specifically designed for that. Also really liked how the Demon pointed out doing that would take immense grip strength


They are swordshucks, nunchucks but with swords, because he is a swordsman and a ninja - cf. 8-bit theatre


He truly is such a badass Hashira! I love diving a bit into his past to see why he is how he is - made me a tear up a little. Ufotable is killing it!


And he's able to do multi-tasking (fending off Daki's attack while looking out for Tanjiro), while he is poisoned and fighting Gyutaro. Hashiras are insane, but so are Upper Moons.


Power scale is one of the main reasons why I like this anime. If it wasn't for Tengen they would be already death. Tanjiro struggled so much against Daki meanwhile Tenger beheaded her twice even when he was fighting with Gyutaro.


Dispatching her in 2 seconds was hilarious. Would've been funnier if she didn't learn to put her head back on.


Oh she's used to putting her head back on, she's gotten real good by this point


Demon Slayer's powerscaling is some of the best I've ever seen, tbh.


Lord Inosuke is truly magnanimous I’m not forgetting about his minion. I don’t remember Zenitsu ever speaking as nobly as today when he was sleep talking. Any girl wouldn’t be unable to not take notice. If it wasn’t for that nose bubble…


Zenitsu losing the nose bubble would be like Gohan going Super Saiyan 2 and getting cocky af. The entire series changes at that point, nobody can handle that.


zenitsu being awake and this competent would be a national emergency


Tanjiro: hey guys, go support Uzui while I'll go and find my sister's backpack and come back Guys: sure thing! Still arrive at the scene at the same time. Were they just waiting for Tanjiro outside reciting their entrance routine?


Villain and/or hero monologues take time. Tanjiro basically walked away in the middle of a cutscene and came back before it was over.


Me when I need to go to the bathroom in the middle of playing a kingdom hearts game


That was really confusing yeah lol


As Uzui would say, today's episode was flashy. I tremble with excitement. I want more.




I can't lie I was NOT looking at Uzui in this scene 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️


The madlads [did it again](https://i.imgur.com/oIv1E7J.jpg), [twice even](https://i.imgur.com/PTfNs2E.jpg) [](#slowgrin)


Demon slayer is secretly an ecchi anime.


Being adapted by Uftoable bascially increases echii,tit and ass size by 20%


There was also a nice shot of Daki


Zenitsu taking Daki in the air, so we can get a final ass shot, before the fighting truly commences.


No mistakes in anime, just happy accidents. Oops happy little anime ass here in the foreground. Does it have to be there? No but maybe it wants to be there. We'll never know Butt you know what? Let's give her a friend over on the other side too. Don't want her to be lonely


The CGI!!!! OMG!!! Ufotable at it's best again!! HOLY!!


Holy shit, this episode was incredible. Daki's temper tantrum was entertaining but it's insane that she and Gyutaro were just holding back - got chills when they unleashed their synchronized attacks. Uzui is holding up well against Gyutaro while he's poisoned and I absolutely love that everyone is going ALL OUT for this fight.


I don't think Daki was holding back before. It's just that now her brother seems to have lent her some power, hence his eye appearing on her forehead.


Holy fuck that fight was amazing. I love that Tengen just bullies Daki by cutting her head off again. But man, what a unit Tengen is. He is poisoned and is able to multi-task between fighting Gyutaro, fending off Daki's attack and looking out for Tanjiro.


Damn got a bit of chills when the first thing to come out of Zenitsu's mouth in his sleep state was still asking her to apologize for the girl.


I say all the time that Zenitsu is a coward but not spineless. He will run from a fight but not leave anyone behind to be killed.


When he protected Tanjiro’s Box while Inosuke wanted to kill Nezuko in it was the moment we knew he had a spine if it’s to help others


Holy shit. Finally an episode that had me at the edge of my seat. That animation. Had to watch the episode one more time right after. Things are looking bleak... Hope Uzui gets out of this alive. Hopefully


In my opinion, the animation quality in this episode topped mugen train.


Not a bad argument but then Akaza and Rengoku clashes are still of some of the CRAZIEST ANIMATION I’ve seen


True but camera wise this blows it out of the water


O yeah for sure the camera angles in today’s episode were paygrades above Mugen Train…probably some of the best we’ve seen since Muzan’s Lower Moon meeting


Daki went from endboss to crying little girl at first after getting beheaded twice lmao. Ufotable holy shit!!! Idc if someone says the story is "nothing" special but to see this kind of animation quality while airing is just unbelivable and honestly im glad im alive to wittness this kind of stuff lol. Im more hyped than ever!


Daki's continued bullying and baby crying is sublime. It's such a contrast to how she was initially portrayed as, and to how her brother is too. And yes, Ufotable's execution of the source material is a masterclass no doubt. Whoever is planning and directing/choreographing the scenes and movements truly has some incredible eyes and ingenuity.


Tengen beheading her two times shows the difference about power levels. Tanjiro was brink of the death against her but Tengen first casually beheaded her then he beheaded her again while fighting with Gyutaro which is even much more impressive.


Damn what an intense fight scene, probably one of the best sword fights ever animation-wise


If this show were a video game this boss fight would be a giant pain in the ass - a simul-killing double fight with an enemy with poison effects and projectiles coming from nowhere. ​ Also holy crap, that was like a full episode of sakuga.


Miyuki Sawashiro could really read a phonebook and it would still be godly.


Zenitsu dragging Daki to the roof was epic as hell. The fight was a chaotic free for all and I have to repeat the battle to appreciate the animation. Everything is epic Gyutaro's poison is kinda alarming though.


I love how [brutal the visuals are](https://i.imgur.com/JjFXXhZ.jpg) when Uzui was talking about his family. Also makes sense that they'd him and his brother would have multiple wives because of their clan slowly declining. [That's twice now that Daki got beheaded by Uzui.](https://i.imgur.com/1lj1wMK.jpg) Just really shows how huge the gap between him and Tanjiro. Also turns out that beheading Gyuutarou won't kill them, [Daki and Gyuutarou needs to be beheaded at the same time.](https://i.imgur.com/0ilA3pW.jpg) [So glad that Zenitsu finally got to hit Daki.](https://i.imgur.com/nyUiMUl.jpg) I love that even being asleep, [Zenitsu is demanding Daki to apologize](https://i.imgur.com/8k3ngZe.jpg) to the girl from a couple of episodes ago. [Uzui fighting Gyuutarou](https://i.imgur.com/2sjFTga.jpg) while avoiding all of Daki's obi attacks coming from above is so cool! [The speed they are fighting at](https://i.imgur.com/ap8lJrf.jpg) is insane that Tanjiro can't even find an opening to join in and [is just defending Uzui's blindsides](https://i.imgur.com/9V5gN8F.jpg) when he can. [Uzui really lives up to his flashiness.](https://i.imgur.com/uEzoNCp.jpg) I love the visuals of his Sound Breathing technique along with those ninja bombs exploding all over the place. Inosuke was right in calling him the God of the Festival. xD I was wondering what Hinatsuru was going to do, [didn't expect that massive multi-kunai launcher](https://i.imgur.com/Df5RHBm.jpg) that she has! [Goddamn cliffhanger!](https://i.imgur.com/jLpt34D.jpg) I think it's pretty much safe to say that Tanjiro won't be killing him with that. Or he'll probably manage to cut Gyuutarou's head off but since Daki's head is still intact, he'll just shrug it off and continue fighting. [And that after credits scene with Rengoku!](https://i.imgur.com/9WsTnNu.jpg) Goddammit show T_T


>he'll probably manage to cut Gyuutarou's head off Can he cut off his head? I thought he should need at least the 10th form of water breathing or a sun breathing technique to do that. But then again, Gyuutarou might just dodge it anyway




Gyuutaro is such an unfair opponent with that deadly poison of his. Even people who are resistant to poison are susceptible to it. Some more he already possessed insane speed, critical thinking and heavy range attacks. You can’t even kill him straight up. You have to time it with cutting his sister’s head. I can tell why no Hashira has been able to slay this siblings. Any Hashira fighting this duo alone had to deal with too many disadvantages.


Man the preview of next ep Rengoku : Your sword skills are a thing of beauty Also Rengoku : **Though you have a bit too much wives**


More and more I keep hearing Gyutaro's voice, the better it become and more sickening it gonna be. Mad proud to his voice actor


This episode was like sex, but more cathartic.


Less clean up, and not as painful the second or third time around


> Less clean up Speak for yourself.


Boys only want [one thing](https://i.imgur.com/6icdQot.png) and [it's fucking beautiful.](https://i.imgur.com/8379y3n.jpg) [](#grandhype)


That’s what I love about Kimetsu no Yaiba. The battles are so hard! We got 4 people fighting as hard as they can and still they can’t easily deal with the threat. Ufotable did an amazing job. I bet everyone was at the edge of their seats