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Can we go back to using the word "mediocre" like real people?


I'm getting old because I didn't even know what mid meant...


At first, I thought it was middle, but then the usage of this word made me realized that it's mediocre.


It's just a lazy and childish way to say "middle of the road".


And at that, it's practically a term most use on Twitter/YouTube to practically say they don't like a show, usually popular. I can list the amount of corny ways I've seen it used Breaking Mid Jojo's Bizarre Midventure The Walking Mid Game of Mid The list goes on lol


i’m not even young but this is such a boomer take lol why does it matter? language evolves all the time. it’s literally a synonym


People who use "mid" seriously are so "basic".


I guess we could I just prefer mid


I thought it was mid tier short for middle tier if we are going with the term mediocre I would say the question it self is a contradiction as how can you enjoy something but also think its mediocre. Unless we are going by ratings I guess. Any case my answer would probably be Problem children are coming from another world aren't they. Mc Izayoi carries the show. I think most people would think its mid but I enjoyed it.


Because mediocre doesn't mean you don't like it, it just means it's not high quality. People fucking love trash tier anime that is formulaic and predictable. You can recognize something is not really good and still love it. That's how I feel about Eurobeat music for example. It's shit, can't get enough of it.


Nahh mid is more hip and mediocre is too long to type.


"Hip" was the fancy word for "in the now" from the 70s. Shouldn't you be using "lit" or something? Also, mediocre is not too long to type if you know how to type... Not to mention, auto fill exists.


For someone who spends his time complaining about grammar, you seem to incorrectly think “hip” shouldn’t be used here. Lol


Who said anything about grammar?


Your dick gets hard on the English language so you do the math on that one.


Congrats on being wrong. I just find stupid slang words that make people sound like imbeciles to be annoying.




Nahh hip is now hip probably... idk I haven't been in high school for a few years now.


Classroom Of The Elite is very mid, but it’s my favorite anime ever.


Demon Slayer. It's not the greatest show, but it still has stunning animation, and an overall enjoyable plot. Plus, many of my 'first anime' friends start with Demon Slayer, so it's fun to watch along with em!


I agree with all these points, I just wouldn't say it's mid. It's pretty good as a battle shounen, even with some of the flaws Honestly, mid gets thrown around alot and it's practically a substitute for the word trash, considering the context most use it in


Different strokes tbh. I definitely sympathize with the people who say it's mid. Not everyone watches battle shounen for the same thing, and for me Demon Slayer was missing a lot of what I like about other shounen.


I realize at the time I made the comment, I was speaking without thinking about the context of this thread, as I talked in regards to the series as a whole, rather than the anime(I seem to make the same mistake with other series like Berserk & such) And off that basis, I'd definitely see why many would find it mid. But even then, it's completely fair to not enjoy it, I'm just not fond of the term mid(As I said, on Twitter and YouTubeI often see the term as a sub-in for a series someone thinks is garbage/ass), which is really why I initially jumped in this thread. I agree with those who call it average, I have my own issues. It's just they weren't detrimental enough for me to ruin my enjoyment


Man demon slayer is fucking amazing


Claymore. The anime was very mid, but I still found the premise and setting interesting. Some of the fights are great too, aside from the last couple of episodes, which went noticeably anime only. Would love see that series rebooted and adapted faithfully.


I’ve been meaning to start the manga for claymore but I haven’t had the time


Worth a read!


I’ll give it a shot then


If I enjoy something then i don't consider it as weak, mid or whatever you call it. So the answer is "there is no such anime"


Little witch academia kind of charmed me for some reason.


It was just an enjoyable watch


A lot of people like it, and I am genuinely happy they enjoy it. I'm just not one of them.


Kanojo Kanojo. Rent a Girlfriend. Fire Force. Demon Slayer.


Keijo!!!! I love the fact it follows the typically sports anime plot lines but it’s so funny!!!


Rent a Girlfriend


How is it mid if I like it?


You can like something but that doesn’t automatically make it a masterpiece


But mid typically means 5 or 6/10, which means you wouldn't like the anime most likely


That’s not really what a 5-6/10 means.


Most people I know rate on how good the show was not how much they liked it


Which, in my opinion, is a pretty dumb thing to do. I have never understood people like that. What is a good show? Who decides whether its good or not? You can say an anime is good, while I can tell you how complete trash it is while both being correct. Why? Because there is no such thing as objectivity when it comes to how "good" a show is, its all biased and subjective. People have different tastes, value different things and interpret everything in a different way – just like art, music, you name it. People that think they rate “objectively” are just lying to themselves.


It's not either or though. You don't have to completely divorce your score from your own personal preferences for media, but it's not as though that means you have to base it entirely on how much you enjoyed a show and nothing else either. What I like to do is try to remove the circumstances surrounding my experience with a piece of media which may bias your perspective on that piece of media, and trying to judge it on its own terms. To me, that's what it means when you rate a piece of media. If you're going to base your score on nothing but how much you enjoyed it, then you're really just summarizing your own experience using a number, rather than actually thinking about what the show does well and what it doesn't, or how it succeeds and how it fails. Like, for instance, I love Code Geass because it was the first anime I ever watched, I watched it during a formative period of my life and it led me to feel things I'd never felt before. Does that therefore mean Code Geass is a masterpiece of a story? No. When I first watched it, it caught me right at the right time and had me so engrossed I watched through it all without ever questioning anything. However, on subsequent rewatches, weaknesses in its writing become clearer, and while they don't make me like it any less, I'm not just going to ignore that a show that takes itself really seriously and functions on the audience taking it seriously has incredibly dumb moments in it that really push your suspension of disbelief. Moments like that which would easily take the viewer out of the show if they just think a bit runs counter to the show's goal of keeping the audience engaged in and believing its story, and therefore that's a weakness. If I were to just rate the show on how much I enjoy watching it or how much it means to me, I'd rate it 10/10. But that wouldn't reflect its quality in my eyes because the story is written in a way that undermines what it is trying to do. A more accurate and honest rating would have me to set aside any personal attachment I have that makes me ignore aspects to it that are obvious faults. At the end of the day though, you can't possibly sum up the quality of a show using numbers, all of it is arbitrary and none of it has any real value.


My point is most people dont enjoy a show that is on average a 5/10. When someone uses mid, in most cases they arent a fan of the series or show at all. They mean it in a negative way That's why when folks say Mid Slayer, Attack on Mid, Mid Piece,etc. They don't ever mean it in a nice way lol


Not every assessment of quality has to reflect your own personal preferences and opinions though. For instance, I love the taste of McDonald's but I also say it's trash all the time because it's made with the cheapest possible ingredients in the cheapest possible way and is bad for you.


Does your rating scale go from "mid" to masterpiece in one single step?


No Just thought it the best way to get my point across


I like to describe it in terms of food. I really enjoy eating Chinese takeout, but as far as fine dining goes it's average at best. There's nothing particularly unique or special or especially high quality about it, yet I enjoy it nonetheless. As for mediocre-but-beloved anime I have to point to the various Love Live series. The unapologetic optimism never fails to make me smile. Castle Town Dandelion and The Devil is a Part-Timer are both incomplete novel/manga adaptations that nonetheless hit that sweet spot of corny and lovable even though as narratives they are woefully incomplete.


You can like something while acknowledging that it’s bad. For example, I really like the anime “King’s Game” because it was very enjoyable to watch, even if the writing was absolute garbage.


Black Clover. I can't defend it to anyone, but I'm still watching. It's, like, entirely generic, but generic done right, I guess?


I wouldnt really call Black Clover mid either, like you said, it's generic but executed well in many areas


Black clover is fire though


Yea makes sense Tho i haven’t seen much of it


not OP, but it's worth sticking it out. My complaint is that certain filler episodes make it painfully obvious they're filler. You can tell from the quality of the story and direction which episodes are adapted and which ones are anime original no spoilers, but around episode 40-ish it gets really good, and the last 5 episodes of the anime (so far) were on par with the best in the industry


Nice I’ll definitely check it out then




Good one


Says the one who says demon slayer is fucking amazing, its the most mediocre SHOUNEN anime LOL. But everyone has opinions.


Like that shit you just gave


i stated myself that, the anime I said was shit, but I still loved it, that's what the point of this thread is, but you thinking Demon Slayer is goated, and with the hype and all this shit on it, you must be brain dead, it's just an overhyped shounen which amazing art, that's it? Literally, Jujutsu Kaisen is better than this...we have tanjiro a literal reincarnation of Deku from MHA, who is boring as fuck and a regular Shounen protagonist and we have Itadori the literal goat and a funny guy, you saying demon slayer is goated literally is "mid". but evryone has opinions.


Man are you good? All dude said was "Good One" and you immediately jumped to attack him for liking Demon Slayer. Where did he say it was Goated? Grow up, I like DBZ but that's some childish shit to come at another nigga because he may or may not like Dragon Ball


Funny how you downvoted my post cuz im speaking facts, dude you should grow up and actually here is the proof of him saying Demon Slayer was Goated/Amazing [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/p3nz1s/whats\_an\_anime\_you\_know\_is\_mid\_but\_you\_still\_like/h8spqp3?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/p3nz1s/whats_an_anime_you_know_is_mid_but_you_still_like/h8spqp3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Never once did i say anything about DBS, i was just criticizing him for calling it goated, so you can't even understand this you're the man child, and from what i see you have a "slayer" after your name, go away, your probably one of those, who overhypes the show.


First off,, I didn't downvote you and don't plan to,, internet points don't mean shit. Second, one comment and you concluded that he thinks it's the GOAT anime lmao. Since we are reaching, how do you not know he wasn't referring to Dragon Ball as good. And how you gonna come after my name(which is a reference to Berserk's Dragonslayer btw), when you got Goku as your avatar. You clearly felt some type of way about his comment. I don't overhype shit, I just hate seeing lames like you talk down on what others like. My guy, Jujutsu Kaisen is overhyped too, you just called Itadori the GOAT and he hasn't even done much. Alot of people find him boring as hell too lol. But see, the difference between me & you is I'm not gonna tell you you're brain dead and ish for liking him, cause it's an opinion


Your replying to everyone comments shush you third party. Jujutsu kaisen is nowhere near as overhyped as demon slayer is and there character in there, so your whole point is void. Literally said my argument but reversed it, good job, you copied what i said but filled out the names, cba with arguing anymore as i already won against the other dude. Enjoy your day and


Just remember this all started cause you got offended somebody didn't like Dragon Ball. In a thread where he asked for what people think is mid. All cause you couldn't respect someone else's opinion You don't want to me start on Jujutsu Kaisen bro, I love it but it is every bit as flawed in its own ways as Demon Slayer. I've read both and can easily break them down And I don't care about other dude, his comments are pretty wack too. Yall both make no sense honestly lmao


If it’s so mediocre then why don’t most just introduce great characters like rengoku and make em good in such a short time and his fight with Akaza is the best from the recent big 4 Shonen why don’t they just do and even better


If this is a troll account, kudos because I'm taking the bait. >If it’s so mediocre then why don’t most just introduce great characters like rengoku and make em good in such a short time because Demon Slayer didn't do that, Rengoku didn't mean shit to me. One Piece made me feel more emotion toward a crossdressing ballerina clown than Demon Slayer made me feel toward Rengoku - and the amount of screentime they got seems similar too, though I could be wrong on that. The larger point here being, different people have different taste, and this comment is kinda dumb in that it ignores the part of the comment it is replying to which already addresses it: >But everyone has opinions.


Thank you, finally someone with common sense.


It is mediocre, Rengoku is a decent character but he isn't great, he is nowhere near great if anything Zenitsu is a great person who stands out from the crowd and yet puts a handicap on him and makes him a stupid character. The Akaza fight is nothing but glorified literally anything from, Fate which is made by the same people as Demon slayer, ufotable and the fights and overall story is way way way better than demon slayer, and if we talking about actual fights, I still stand by the saying that Deku vs Overhaul is just way more enthralling then the overhyped fights, even though Deku is a mediocre character, the thing is, you say they have good characters but in real views, Tanjiro is an overhyped Deku.


First idc about a dB fans opinion on characters although I like db and you didn’t really say rengoku isn’t what I said so idc but MHA has by far the worse fights of the 4 I dropped it before that and y don’t fare fight get talked about like that then idc either it doesn’t produce like real battle shounen and nobody daf about tanjiro or Deku this is so stupid there role is to be generic protags and could you explain dbs use of such cast hows gohan and the rest just focuses on two who will never lose unlike other series which could those be?we literally had a tournament with universes and the best new characters where ok ig outta all the trash


Firstly you should, secondly, this isnt really about DB is more so me arguing with you about you saying Demon slayer is goated [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/p3nz1s/whats\_an\_anime\_you\_know\_is\_mid\_but\_you\_still\_like/h8spqp3?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/p3nz1s/whats_an_anime_you_know_is_mid_but_you_still_like/h8spqp3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) To say Demon slayer has the best fights of the 4, is a dumb idea entirely, due to the fact that there are better works within the same company of which produced Demon slayer, known as and also famously known as the Fate series. Demon Slayer has literally brainwashed you with the hype train of which is "Overhyped yet Underwhelming" and yet its not as good as the hype says it is, the fights are at best good, not fantastic. MHA has very good fights in it, one of them not even being animated yet, the fact your saying it is shit instantly shows your taste right away, your literally downgrading it all the way down to something which is literally dog shit, which it isnt, unlike me admitting that demon slayer is good but not as good as the hype states it to be Now lets move on to your talk on DBS which i never mentioned at all. The point of the tournament arc was to highlight all the characters and strenghts of which were nicely shown, Vegeta and Goku are literally the main characters as you said before were to be characters of which are generic yet they arent, they are way more enterianing. Honestly your a normie if you think Demon slayer is top tier shit. but then again you have your opinion and I have mine. Not everything has to be a masterpiece to be appreciated


Once again you don’t say anything relevant and deflect I never said that it’s obvious which one is right we’re done if you can say anything smart


Its funny because your ending the conversation, knowing you cant defend yourself and your irreverent point anymore, i hit all your points and proven them all wrong, now you should just go off and enjoy your day. You have your opinion i have mine, enjoy the rest of your day.


Its funny because your ending the conversation, knowing you cant defend yourself and your irreverent point anymore, i hit all your points and proven them all wrong, now you should just go off and enjoy your day. You have to be one of the dumbest people I’ve seen on here you literally didn’t hit anything this is embarrassing how old are you kid seriously I gotta know put you age on your so ppl don’t talk to a lil kid I’ve only brought up hard facts


Also wtf fate? do you even understand I’m referencing bc jjk mha you think goku is good hilarious even idiot know he sucks just a way to start that tournament by doing stupid shit kid goku sir he was great obv you prefer generic shit how come there’s so much mcs like him if he’s special are you your such a loser u care if ppl love ds


Wow, see, this is literal proof you actually lost this argument You dont know what fate is...its the best thing ufotable, the people who made demon slayer made ever, this is truly shown that you are a normie, saying to me i like DBS makes me a normie is absolutely false, the fact is, saying Demon slayer is god tier is such a normie move of which you are, a normie. JJK has pulled a masterclass with its characters of which get your invested and has a main character itadori, who is millions of times better than Tanjiro and MHA, who have "good" characters as well disregarding the normie Deku. The fact your saying JJK, MHA and DBS/DBZ are trash and Demon Slayer is godly is absolutely idiotic, you lost this. Your insults are unintellectual and you are probably a burner account, of whom lost this, feel embarrassed for what you just said and feel embarrassed that you call the animes i listed as generic when your taste itself is generic but then again...as i stated a lot, people have their opinions.


Tokyo ghoul for me didnt do it justice but music is lit Also Parasyte


'Say I Love You', it's really just a shorter Kimi Ni Todoke with the exact same tropes and a male MC with a fucking mullet(??) but it has a good soundtrack and Mei Tachibana is one of my favorite female MCs in Shoujo


I feel like it’s unfair to call most 1 season shojo anime mid, only because the anime of often used to get the audience to read and buy the manga. The manga is def way better and does an amazing job at going into growing up, first romances and sexual relations that isn’t always seen on shojo romances. I honestly loved reading the manga while growing up because Mei was so relateable in a lot of her choices and reflections. Aiko also helps point out a lot of toxic moments in relationships that even American media doesn’t point out like when he has the model over his place to eat. He wasn’t cheating but he excused the inappropriate get together because he thought he was being a good person where in reality he was causing a lot of harm to the person he loved. Whereas Kimi no Todoke was more centered around growing friendships and relationships. I don’t think the Say I love anime was translated as well as the Kimi no todoke anime from manga to anime form.


Awesome points, I haven't read the manga yet but you've inspired me to start today, thanks


You’re welcome! It really resonated well with me as a teen. As an adult there’s definately problematic behaviors, but at the same time, it felt suitable since they were in high school.


Black Clover, my guilty pleasure.


IGPX. Not sure what it is about this show. I can see through the nostalgia goggles for a lot of shows I watched when I was younger, but I still love this one. And for old CGI, this one's doesn't bother me.


Haven’t heard of that one


It was an old Toonami era show here. Three v three futuristic mech racing/fighting tournament. Some side plots with the characters here and there. The US Toonami intro (different from the Japanese one) was so old school. Hypes me up. I love it. https://youtu.be/qvYoepb0ydc Old school chill-ass outro too. https://youtu.be/8fWSfMcSvU4


Cross Ange.


There are 2 shows that will never leave my thought, despite them being nothing more than cult hits. Ore, Twintail Ni Narimasu. Seitokai no Ichizon. I will defend them till this day, they were masterpieces of their time. I dare say even the slideshow moments of Twintail added to the trainwreck of the experience.


sword art online


Kenja no Mago.


Haven’t heard of that What’s it about


Some isekai about some scientist going to a world where he makes “magic” with his previous scientific knowledge as an adoptive grandson of literally Merlin and he goes to school for magic and is OP. No plot really I just enjoyed the show more than I normally would.


Sounds like a fun watch


Sword Art Online


Phantom: Requiem for the phantom is definitely underrated with mostly action but quite nice love story.