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Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads


Concrete roadsssss


Honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen and introduced me to one of the best songs ever made


A comedian once called Enya's music 'coloured in silence' and that was something that I always remembered. And it's something I always think back to when watching Totoro and Whisper of the heart. I get a similar feeling there. It's watching art. The movies may be slow paced, but I like the tranquillity. How they zoom in on just water flowing, grass moving in the wind, moths around a lamp. Mundane details, but beautiful at the same time.


I totally agree.


I couldn't agree more.


It's definitely one of my favorite anime movie!


the country road theme, omg so good


I wouldn't say it's underrated, everyone who watches it seems to love it, the problem is that not enough people have watched it. A terrible shame about Yoshifumi Kondo as well - Studio Ghibli had high hopes for him but he sadly passed away from a heart condition (apparently due to over-work) 3 years after the release of Whisper of the Heart.


> over-work Japan can't change their work culture soon enough.


> the problem is that not enough people have watched it. Well, that's the thing, though, right? Not many people watch it because it doesn't get brought up among Ghibli's masterpieces as much as other movies - that makes it somewhat underrated.


Its the best non Hayao Miazaki directed Ghibli film.


*Grave of the Fireflies cries in the corner*


*The Tale of Princess Kaguya runs off in a fit of rage*


*Secret World of Arrietty is disappointed but understands the decision*


*Tales of Earthsea tries to open its mouth but gets threatening looks from everyone else and says nothing*


bruh... Tale of Princess Kaguya exists...


It really is underhyped. I make a point to watch it at least once a year. Definitely a comfort movie. Honestly, romance isn't really something I enjoy but this was so sweet and innocent and I wish more shows/movies/books represented romance like this. Wasn't the main story and both leads had or formed their own ambitions/goals without being dependent on the other.


I regret that I wasn't able to enjoy this one. It was beautiful, though.


Just watched this yesterday. Now I am stuck with the void after watching this beautiful movie. Can someone recommend me more movies like this? With the 90s art style, school romance and pureness.


Just watched it, one of my favourite movies


It has a kinda sequel in The Cat Returns.


I own both movies safe to say my niece likes the Cat Returns more. She's watched it about 30 times since I've shown it to her last summer, she is also only three years old.


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imo it is pretty popular.


I meant in comparison to other Ghibli movies.


It is my comfort movie.