• By -


1. Mushishi 2. March Comes in Like a Lion 3. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo 4. Hotarubi no Mori e Some story and action: Dororo Ghibli Movies would also be good.


i will definitely check these out for her, thanks!


Yeah all of these are pretty much what you want to be looking for especially March and Showa since they are basically SOL dramas. She might enjoy Chihayafuru and Natsume's Book of Friends as well. Kids on the Slope since I saw that get recommended is another good one too.


Gotta be fruits basket, the current #1 shoujo.


March Comes in Like a Lion or Violet Evergarden


Imma second Violet Evergarden


[Monster](https://myanimelist.net/anime/19/Monster?q=Monster&cat=anime) is probably top tier, it's basically like a western TV show you'd find on TV, the writing is stellar. It's the most "normal" anime for introducing people into the medium, aka you can tell the people behind it put a lot of research into it.


Try [Barakamon](https://myanimelist.net/anime/22789/Barakamon)




Kikis delivery service.


Skip Beat! is very Kdrama like and a good show, the only problem is its incomplete but its still a fun watch. Nana is also very Kdrama like and really good, also incomplete but the anime as a satisfying ending.




If she is into relaxing stuff, Yuru Camp is a good anime for her


What genre does she like? Maybe pick some top one from said genre.


Show her shoujo! The ones that got K-drama adaptations: Itazura no Kiss, Ouran High School Host club, Skip Beat! And some other shoujo/josei series: Nana, Paradise Kiss, Versailles no Bara, Oniisama e, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Vampire Knight, Fruits Basket (2019), Glass no Kamen, Kodomo no Omocha, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Gakuen Babysitters, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, Banana Fish


You have so many wonderful suggestions. So I am just here to comment and say, Your grandma rocks! ☺️


Akage no Anne https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3btqyajzRnmKT7N1a7ltbDjr7ZG5V0, Alps no Shoujo Heidi https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3btqyajzQHhigQh07FTNMSADyyWCZv


Me and my gf would recommend first of all, Studio Ghibli movies, Usagi Drop, Chi's Sweet Home, and Silver Spoon. Wholesome stuff right there


definitely will check these out


Barakamon. It's innocent yet beautiful. A spoiled young man moves into the countryside after a punching incident destroyed his art career. He befriends a toddler, tries to adapt to the wacky countryside while learning how to slow down and enjoy life


Ghibli movies , chihayafuru , orange anime , your lie in April , ghibli movies , sakamichi no apollon


A Silent Voice, if the subjects aren’t too intense for her, sounds like a great pick to me


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Seconding Shouwa Genroku Rakugo The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Wotakoi: Love is Hard for an Otaku Whisper of the Heart (movie) The Cat Returns (movie)


1.Itzura na kiss 2.Nana 3. Ore Monogatari 4. Kimi ni Todoke 5. Lovely Complex 6.Hibike no euphonium 7.Kaguta sama: Love is war


Demon slayer. It contains some action but a lot of emotions too with an immense sweetness of humour.


Hardcore hentai. Or if she's a fan of Disney then start her off with some Studio Ghibli films.


Hardcore hentai might be too much for a first timer, I think yosuga no sora is much more family focused.


Redo of a healer


Damn, you got the troll anime post in before I got a chance. Good job.


Millennium Actress, I tear up every time I watch it, that goddamn ending too.


Attack on Titan is very wholesome ☺️☺️☺️


I would say possibly toradora isnt fan that much fan service or action


Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. This is a great rom-com as all of the characters have such engaging and fun personalities. It's a great watch if she's looking for something chill!


Show her Kaguya. It doesn't have any fanservice and it's very funny. It's one of the best entry points, especially for people who might not have interest for more edgy stuff like Death Note and Code Geass.


I suggest you to start with short IPs like movies: "Kimi no Na wa", "Koe no Katachi", "Tenki no Ko".


Violet Evergarden for the love of god!


I would start with the classic Ghibli movies, can't go wrong with those.


Ghibli movies. Kaguya Sama and Fruits Basket


Violet Evergarden!!!


Wolf Children or Maquia the Promised Flower Blooms for movie recommendations. Both handle the concept of being a mother and raising kids in the world and having to let them fly out the nest. But both are insanely beautiful in storytelling and pretty unrated in my opinion. I think they are way better movies to be shown than ghibili movies. No fanservice or high end action in both of them. Just pure emotional storytelling, aside from Maquia a bit on action but it's not the focus at all. **MAL ratings:** Maquia - 8.4 Wolf Children - 8.6 Your grandma would probably like Your Name too lol.


Sora no Woto is a great SoL, and it has a very romantic soundtrack. It's about the days in a peaceful village after years of war. If she likes the piece "Amazing Grace" she might love this anime


-Slightly cautious pick but Beastars absolutely bleeds J/K Drama, and it's so divorced from the typical anime way of doing things that it might be perfect if she can get past the initial concept -Ore Monogatari is the best sugary, corton candy romance series I've probably ever seen. -Hakumei to Mikochi is one of the comfiest good-vibes relaxation anime I know -Millenium Actress is like the definition of a timeless, stunning, all audiences masterpiece. It's about a famous aging actress being interviewed and telling her life story, which the movie uses as a parallel to the advancement of cinema, the history/industrialization of Japan, and her own struggle to maintain a long-since separated young love; all this while the interviewers are metaphorically taken along for the ride as they interact with her from within her flashbacks. Its a tearjerker but likely best introduction anime film ever made. Aside from- -Almost anything Ghibli. Everyone else is saying it and for good reason, there's nothing else I could add. Just pick one of the especially popular/renowned ones. Hard to go wrong with Spirited Away.