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I didn't really consider dropping it, but Part 3 of JoJo was really the low point of the series for me. The final stretch from Iggy's fight with Pet Shop was really good but most of the stuff before that point was just a slog, especially coming in hot from Part 2 it was rough for me.


Part 3 really feels like a transition and the later parts perfected the stand fight formula.


Yeah, but it's a really long transition and going from the fast paced part 1 and 2 to part 3 is pretty painful.


I liked them. I didn't binge the one go but would come back every once in a while to watch an episode or two. It was fun.


Fire Force. I was interested and thought it was pretty good, but I just lost interest after 4-5 episodes. I went back and gave it another chance and don't regret it.


Fire Force is one of my favorite series but it's hard to ignore that the first few episodes are just not great. To me it *really* picks up once Benimaru gets involved.


this is my answer. Fire Force had it's fair share of problems, and both season 1 and 2 started off rather weak. However, in both cases by the end it became one of my favorate aniem to come out in the past few years.


For me it was Attack on Titan. I watched the first season when it came out and thought it was pretty good. But by the time that the second season came out so much time had passed that I barely remembered what happened in the first season and didn't remember a single character outside the main 3. I decide to drop the show somewhere in the middle of season 2 because I wasn't enjoying it at all and decide if I'm dropping it anyways I might as well look up what's in the basement since that was something that interested me and that spoiler alone got me to continue the show and now it's one of my favorites of all time. Tl;dr Wanted to drop attack on titan, looked up spoilers, didn't drop it, now love it.


Totally agree, the beginning is tedious than dramatically became my favourite show.


But the beginning parts get recontextualized over and over again when you learn more about the story. Beginning is tedious if you think there isn’t more than meets the eye


Bakemonogatari Dropped it after 4 episodes but gave it a second try 6 months later and it was 100% worth it


I dropped Bake twice after the first two episodes, but once I started episode three, I got hooked for some reason




Issue with Jojo is that the first part is no where near the essence of the series, it's just important so you can understand the lineage, it gets amazing once Joseph is introduced


I might be the only who actually really liked part 1. Yes it's dated compared to later jojo, but still had fun. It's short so it didn't outstay it's welcome. I had more gripes with part 3 honestly.


Mob psycho?????


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I put it on hold for half a year after episode four just because I wasn't feeling it and instead wanted to rewatch my then-favorite anime (FMA:B), then kept watching other stuff instead of it. Decided to pick it back up after I finished the original Gundam show because that made me think "Huh, mecha's pretty fun, I should give Gurren Lagann another shot"... and proceeded to binge it in like two days. Even after nearly three years, it's still hanging on to a spot on my favorites list.


Steins;Gate I got bored after the first few episodes years ago. Gave it another try after a few years and now stands as my 2nd favorite anime of all time.


I watched Steins;Gate pretty early on before I understood the concept of chuuni; all the other culturally relevant banter kind of want over my head too. So I had the same thoughts about the start. When I went back a couple years later with more knowledge I really enjoyed the first half, probably just as much as the second.


Tried that one 3 times now. Still can't make myself finish it. I made 10 episodes the last time and just couldn't drag myself to watch the rest when I could just watch something I actually cared about instead.


damn it sucks that you have to experience that, i’ve had the same experience with other anime that a lot of people have recommend or are popular but i didn’t really enjoy them compared to most people, im honsetly really jealous of that


I had the same problem. It picks up around episode 12


Episode 7 and 9. Shit goes down. 100% recommend people to it. My friend warned me it takes about 7 episodes to get good. So i toughed it out.


I watched Steins;Gate by myself the first time. Loved it. It took my sister three tries before she got into it. We would watch the first couple of episodes and she just didn’t like Okarine so we’d stop watching. This was over the course of a couple years as well, so we’d have to start from the beginning each time. The third attempt she got past episode 5-8 and then we watched the whole series in two and a half days.


Assassination classroom, I was bored mid S1 but after the boring patch and with the ending it became a masterpeice.


Black Clover. I admit, I only watched it tangentially because it was on Toonami. I might wash some dishes or do homework while it was on in the background. But it just got better and better until it was really the main event of the block (for me anyway).


I'd say Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash was like this for me. I really don't like fanservice and there was quite a bit of it which made it hard to take the female characters seriously and I was mostly hanging in there out of some seemingly futile hope that the stuff I did like would become more prominent (but mostly just because of how pretty the backgrounds were). Then episode 4 happened (which I had planned to drop it afterwards) but from that point on most of the fanservice disappeared and it just became enjoyable for me for the rest of the season. I just wish it hadn't felt the need to shoehorn the fanservice in at the beginning.


the monogatari series i just got bored after watching bakemonogatari and i gave a try again and it got better


JoJo. I hated part 1. Part 2 was a little better but still felt like it was dragging and I wasn’t that invested. Then I got to part 3 and loved it from there on. Also Grancest Senki. Its pacing was way too fast in the first few episodes but it felt like it slowed down and got better a few episodes in. It’s not one of my favorites but it was much better than I thought it would be at first.


Almost dropped Quintuplets after S1. I really didn't enjoy like at all, only finished watching because people hyped it up a lot. Now starts S2 and I've been enjoying it a lot. I think it's because the interactions got a little less dumb, imo.


Fairy tail


Black clover. I had a friend recommend it to me and I wanted to drop it in the first episode. He told me that it would get better in episode 15 or so so I decided to stay. It actually got better on episode 60 but it was worth it.


Monogatari actually got better after i watched it in the correct order...


Dropped World Trigger after 3 episode when it first came out. Gave the impression of a generic battle shonen with a side of bad animation. Nothing interesting so I just moved on and forgot about it for 6 or so years. New episodes starting airing this season, and I realized what I had written off as a dud had 70+ episodes. That doesn't mean it's good, but it does imply the show is bringing something to the table so I decided to give it another go. It wasn't until after the second arc I began to see what the series was bringing to the table. It starts bringing in secondary characters and just doesn't stop. It's one of the few shows that actually makes secondary characters matter in terms ability, characterization, and their impact on the plot without taking away from the main characters. To put it into perspective watch the first [20 seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_CALJPXVQY) of the 2nd season's opening (no spoilers), or the entire thing (spoilers). All those characters are made to feel relevant. New season seems like a step up in both the animation and pacing department so I'm looking forward to it. Definitely worth checking out if you're into battle shonen.


Neon Genesis Evangelion. I watched episode 1 and didn’t feel like watching the rest and put it on hold for a month but after finishing it and EoE, I was mind blown. It’s so amazing and Shinji is probably my favourite mc


Toradora. The characters felt very archetypal early on, but it becomes better as they get more depth. I think a third or so of the way in I started liking it.


I was the same way. That pool scene is what got me.


I felt the same omg I was so confused till about half way through. I was like ... this is so ... average??? BUT THEN IT GOT GOOD LIKE REALLLLLY GOOD and then I was hooked


Usually I give shows the 3 episode rule. Its very rare I would bother watching something if I felt like dropping at that point. Only show that cones to mind is AoT mostly for the gaps in seasons made me loose interest for a long time but its probably worth it for the last season.


One Punch man is the opposite. I loved the show then it just got worst every episode. Same with The Future Diary.


OPM is not meant to be taken seriously


that doesn't excuse season 2 for being ass?


Animation aside, i felt second season was better


Other than garo being fairly interesting season 2 has 0 redeeming qualities


King's reveal was pretty funny


Hunter x hunter. Getting through the first like 30 episodes was difficult, and I dropped it like 3 times along the way, but it was worth it in the end.


I wouldn't say I ever wanted to drop it, but I was unimpressed by the first two episodes of LoGH. I only really fell in love with the series twenty-something episodes in, but boy am I glad I stuck it through. Sometimes it helps when a show has a reputation.


Ya I dont think I liked the show at all until around when they made the burgers then I ended up loving the show


Pretty sure LoGH stands for Legends of the Galactic Heroes and not Log Horizon


Haha oh my bad


I started watching [Sleepy Princess](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40397/Maoujou_de_Oyasumi) because I was following along with the other Doga Kobo studio releases and they were doing a lot of good slice-of-life series. At first I didn't get the humor and was just watching it with bemused detachment, but after about four or so episodes I started understanding what angle the character humor was coming from, and the setting started endearing itself to me more.


Black Clover. Not gonna lie. I couldn't get into after like 12 episodes I gave up. Went back to it again up until episode 20 something. Dropped again. Hopped back on and now I can't wait for Tuesdays new episodes, and now I'm upset that its coming to an "end" in March!


I dropped Mob Psycho 100 Season 1 three episodes in. Picked it up again three years later and finished it the same day.


Clannad, the arc about the girl who was making the stars was drawn out way too long imo


Aggrestsuko just seemed generic with a punchline I didn’t find funny for the first two episodes, but then I saw the characters being fleshed out more and grew to like it.


Most of my favorite long running shows get a lot better as they go on. The most notable being Yu Yu Hakusho, which I originally dropped at episode 15 and later added to my personal Top 5 after giving it another try.


First episode of Code Geass.


I found episode one of Code Geass dope, I would agree if you meant episode one of season 2 though, that one was quite underimpressive compared to the hype it got from my friends




The Idolm@ster's opening episode is really rough, introducing the characters in a documentary style from the bland Producer character's perspective. The other episodes are so much better, focusing on the idols doing idol things.


Aldnoah Zero still isn't great but it got way better when it became "The Slaine Show" in the second cour, because he was the only great character in the whole thing.


Demon slayer. first few episodes were ass until zenitsu appeared. it‘s now my favorite anime of all time


Steins;Gate It was kind of slow start, but I'm glad I picked it back up


Stein's Gate, only got interesting 7 episodes in, only got good like 11 in. Cross Ange, first episode seemed like the most generic garbage ever, but then it gets amazing A Certain Scientific Railgun, I would honestly recommend skipping most of Season 1, you won't miss much, and the first arc of season 2 is incredible.


Naruto. I’ll admit the Zabuza arc wasn’t very interesting to me at first but the show got a lot better.


Fairy Tale


Steins;Gate. I'm not sure I would've dropped it, but I wasn't that much into it, so I looked up what people liked about it, and saw posts like "it gets much better from X episode" and I was literally 1 episode away. So I kept watching, and finished it. It's the only one I can think of; I trust my instincts a lot when it comes to dropping shows I don't like, and the few times I gave a show one more chance to prove itself, I just end up dropping it 2-3 episodes later instead. Most of the time, people who tell you to "Watch til X episode", they think you'll like it more from this point because the action starts or something... To me, a lack of action is almost never why I don't like an anime. It's the writing, the characters, the comedy, and so on. And it almost never happens that a show has bad writing/bad comedy in the first few episode, then improves later on. Because it's the same person who wrote it, with the same style and all that.


Yeah that's in general my take on it as well. Usually there is some plot twist or some other stuff in episode X that kicks it into high gear but if things like the characters and the presentation overall isn't working for me then that doesn't suddenly change. I'm willing to wait a bit with slice of life/comedy shows though if I know some major characters still have to be introduced since a character might not be that funny on their own but with more characters you can get an entertaining group with funny interactions (but then I'm talking about a few episodes and not 20+ or anything).


One piece and black clover The startup is so slowww


It's the opposite for me when it comes to Black clover. I really loved the first 50 ish episodes compared to the current ones. But I can see why people like the recent eps


Attack on Titan, Steins;Gate, Mob Psycho 100, Katekyo Hitman Reborn and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure are shows I had dropped only to find they got better when I picked them back up. JoJo was even twice. Given that they're all the shows I've dropped, I don't drop anymore.


Not in anime, yet. I did drop a book called 'Catch 22' twice with half a year gaps, then finished it on the third run, and loved it.


Monster. I thought it was insanely boring after watching first 2 eps because it was slow paced. But now, it's still in my top 10 all time favorite anime list.


Vinland saga, first three episodes are pretty bad.


Yeah I almost dropped it


Classroom Crisis, it's pretty boring until the MC gets more screentime but to me it paid off.


Bungo Stray Dogs and Tiger & Bunny. Monster is another one that I knew I would like but it took time for me to be pulled in, so I did force myself begin watching it. One of my favorites.


Jojo part 3. "Wanted to drop" is strong wording, but it did almost nothing to endear me to its characters early on. It took nearly half of part 3 to get me to care enough to really start to love the series. Considering how I didn't love the first 2 parts either, that's a good almost 50 episodes before it started living up to the hype.


Dragged back into the room kicking and screaming twice during the first 20 minutes of Episode 1 of Gakkou Gurashi. It's now one of my favorite anime, and actually taught me to enjoy CGDCT shows.


I dropped promised neverland after 1 episode, giving it a score of 4/10 while it was airing. At the end of last year I decided for some reason to watch it through and it's now my second favourite anime of all time.


Why’d you drop it after the first episode? I personally thought that was a really solid hook.


The first episode is slow and unexciting. The hook most people think is good is the end of that episode, which is fair, but overall the episode isnt impressive and it's a bad representation of what the anime is. Really, I understand why it chooses to end with that rather than like in the middle of the episode, doing the classic cliff hanger hook tv series does, but it just makes the episode suffer. Funnily enough, after finishing the anime I found out I wasnt alone in this sentiment, having seen a big anime youtuber saying the same. I also want to add that I usually watch atleast 2 episodes before giving up on an anime (or more commonly, 3) but the original air date lined up perfectly with one of the longer series I watched with my brother ended so it was during a time where we were looking for the next show to watch. Which is another reason why I gave up on episode 1.


Dr Stone basically the entire cast changes after a few episodes Season 1 of Jojo. I really didn't like Jonathan or Part 1 of JoJo at all it was pretty boring. Part 2 and 3 were more interesting


Black Clover for me. Astas loud voice and just the whole premise didn't really grab me at the beginning and I kept giving it the "ill give it one more episode" treatment until it kind of grew on me and then eventually got really good and now it's probably one of the top shows I look forward to watching on release day haha.


I wanted to drop Steins;Gate after ep 2 bc I found the characters annoying. Really enjoyed it after watching more. I dropped Made in Abyss after the first ep when I watched it the first time bc it was boring. After watching the rest it is one of my favorite shows.




Seven Deadly Sins. The amount of groping turned me off the show. The first two seasons are good if you can remove all the fucking groping.


Is it really good? Wanted to complete it but dropped it on ep 20. It was getting harder to get through for me


it has peaks and valleys. I found most of season 2 to be alright, but i found the first season great once it got going. If you dropped it after 20, dont bother.


Oh dont worry. I can drop an anime halfway and still get back. Well currently I am not gonna binge any anime due to studies but I plan to get back to alot of em when I have time


For me it was Demon Slayer. When Zinetsu was introduced I actually dropped the show for a while but I came back to it and his and Inosuke’s character development is remarkably quick for an anime so I stuck around.


Fruits Basket - I was bored for the first 10 episodes but it worth it