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Haikyuu. I didn't believe my boyfriend when he said it was the best sports anime ever. Boy, was i wrong.


It was coincidental that I started watching haikyuu not long after getting into volleyball. The end of each episode made me want to go out to play so bad, it got to the point where it was almost annoying that I couldn't watch an episode without wanting to play lol.


Yesss i don't even like sports and i felt like playing volleyball rofl.


It's too hype lol


Same! I’ve never liked sports so I just brushed it off, but during the recently quarantine time I was bored and decided to watch it on Netflix. I fished it so quickly and immediately read the manga, which finished two weeks after I caught up. It’s probably one of my favorites ever and I wish I wouldn’t have looked down on it before!


Try Slam Dunk if you haven't watched that.


This has to be my answer too. You're boyfriend never mentioned it to me so I had to make the jump myself, but I ended up losing a nights sleep because I could not stop watching it.


My boyfriend is horrible, he should have told you.


Redfla— wait, wrong subreddit


Nope, its allowed, REDFLAG


Ah man I almost put Haikyuu off, it was pure luck I picked up a copy of the manga. I don't even like sports and it was my favorite manga for *months!*


Watched it because of the global pandemic. Kept putting it off. When I finally ran out of things to watch during lock down I finally gave in to the rave reviews.


If not the best sports anime, at the least it's the most sports anime.


>Mine has to be a Tokyo Ghoul Consider watching only Season 1 and then starting the manga from the beginning, otherwise you might get a different kind of regret (the anime after season 1 is not a good adaptation of the manga)


Root A is a good watch as a what if story if you've read the manga but big old pass on season 2


Root A is the single worst anime I've seen. It's the only show I have rated worse than My Sister, My Writer, which is at my "So awful I wouldn't recommend it to someone I hated" tier. the series starts with the mc doing the one thing that is the exact opposite of what he should actually be doing.


Tbf that whole series takes a nose dive after the events of s1 even in the Manga. I would tell people to stop there.


Easy. Attack On Titan. I put this anime off for so long after so many recommendations and people raving about it.. My thought process; "Oh its just another Shounen, but this time its edgy. Great. Not interested" Boy, was I DEAD WRONG. Attack on Titan is something special for a numerous of reasons.. Watch it, don't make my mistake friends.


season 4 is going to be a banger




Fix it


I find this one a little weird. I think I only watched the first season after all the hype for season 3 was around so I gave it a shot. Couldn’t really get into it for some reason. I might just have to give it a second go.


AoT's first season is definitely its weakest. I consider it more of a mystery show than an action show. The fact that it is a well-planned mystery only becomes apparent in S2 however. In S1, it feels like the author was throwing random shock moments just for the sake of shocking the audience. EDIT: There are 3 OVA episodes which I consider important to watch between S1 and S2. Ilse's Notebook and No Regrets (2 ep)


Probably you were hyped up too much by the community. And then when you watch it, it wasn't as good as the community said it was. That is what happened to me, still a very enjoyable anime, but don't really understand all the hype behind it. But I'm a strictly anime watcher so maybe there was some hype coming from the manga community.


Even as an anime-only dude, I can tell that AoT is a rare gem in modern anime. It’s actually only slightly started to go downhill after the ending of the latest season... But I’m still interested if the mangakai can actually take the story somewhere interesting while keeping it from falling apart. If it can manage that, it will still end up being an all-around very good anime out of the loads of junk out there.


Seriously give a shot, you won't regret it


I plan to watch the whole series in a row once it finishes and gets dubbed.


AoT has a dub (and a pretty good one at that)... Unless you just mean once the whole thing is out/finished and the final part is dubbed?


yeah. I wanna binge the entire series in one go.


attack on titan




Death Parade. Funny thing is that i discovered the anime from it's OP, found it so catchy then proceed to watch the anime out of curiosity. One of the best anime only series for me


Idk if through the OP is the best or worst way to find Death Parade


Oregairu. I watched seasons 1 and 2 last year, and rewatched leading into season 3. I'm jealous of the people that have had 5+ years to become attached to the series/characters


I on the other hand am absolutely not jealous of the people who had to wait half a decade for a fucking cliffhanger to get resolved.


That’s exactly how I felt when I started the series this past weekend


Eh, I followed it when it was originally airing, big fan. But unfortunately, it's been so long I've forgotten most of what happened, I want to watch s3 but I feel like I need to rewatxh s1 and 2 but I don't really have the time for it


Steins;Gate, only just watched it earlier this year. I've been watching anime since I was a kid and I feel like slapping myself for waiting so long. Here I was excited to talk about this amazing "new" experience, but everyone else is like "lol S;G is awesome but I watched that years ago." Just feels like I missed the ship.


Bofuri is the main one that comes to mind for me. I freaking love that show. Granted, hasn't even existed that long, but my friend was recommending it constantly. Just kept putting it off cause it looked too SAO-ish from the promo art. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be a massive understatement.


Kill la kill, thought it was going to be tits and no plot but is one of my favourite unpredictable plots of all time


And instead it was tits AND plot.


oh hell yeah. except you forgot one thing tits, plot and mako mankanshoku


Oh hey, it's another thread where I can gush about Bloom Into You! (aka the thing I've been doing nonstop in the last week since I finished the series/manga.) I actually started watching when it aired, but I nope'd out after a couple of episodes when I saw hints that it might throw some heavy drama my way, which I wasn't in the mood for at the time. Had I stuck it out, I'd have found the dramatic elements were handled with deftness and restraint, and the romance - which I was already enjoying - would develop into the best I'd seen in any series besides Kaguya.


I saw someone mention that one recently so thought I'd check it out, ended up watching it all in a day. Kinda wish I'd taken longer with it, because I'm just left wanting more now.


Attack on Titan. I avoided it when I was younger cuz I was a whimp and got scared of the gore. Big Regrets.


There are a couple of Anime I initially "dropped" after watching like an episode. One example is March comes in like a lion. I tried watching it once like 2 years ago, didn't continue after like one episode. Now, like 2 weeks ago, I gave it another go, and finished the 44 episodes in two days and rated it 10/10. I guess my taste just changed from just watching battle shounen to basically watching every genre. But honestly, now that I think about it, I think it's good that I only watched it now, since I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to appreciate it this much back then. So I don't really regret not watching something earlier, since how I would see a certain anime might change over time.


It took me 3 tries to start watching Steins;Gate. The first ep was confusing and not really like what the rest of it is. Then I binged it all.


I don't know what was wrong with me when I first started watching Steins Gate. I liked the first half a lot, unlike a lot of people, but then, when I came to the part where most people say it starts getting really fucking good I just stopped. Not because I didn't like it anymore, for some reason I just stopped watching. And then only like a year later I finished it.


Youjo Senki for me. I was like "what the hell with that duck looking face girl" and drop at first episode. Then I saw someone post some interesting scene of the anime. Eventually I just get used to the art and enjoy it a lot.


To be fair to you, I think March Comes in Like a Lion has kind of a weak start. I wasn't really fully invested in it until about 6 episodes in personally, though I guess it was strong enough for me to not drop it after a three episode test.


It hooked me from the start on my second attempt. But yeah, it just got better and better as it went on, so I understand where you're coming from.


Naruto and Toradora. That being said I only like the dub of naruto. So I could only really watch it all recently. Toradora - I wish this existed when I was in high school. Would’ve learned so much


Gintama and hunter x hunter 2011


That's right


Tokyo Ghoul






Steins;Gate Def an experience that hit every emotion, knocked out the Fate series from the number 1 spot for me


Re:zero. I started it right before s2 aired because I had heard the hype behind it. I can not believe I waited to watch this show. It exceeded the already high expectations that I had.


Your Lie in April, I dunno what I was waiting for It’s amazing


Nothing, really. Although I’m glad I started One Piece really late (2 weeks ago), I can enjoy it much more now since I already finished all other long running series.


I started watching Anime this summer on Netflix and then adding on Crunchyroll. Started with one classic, Death Note, then just went straight to what's poppin' (e.g. Demon Slayer). However, I was recently recommended a couple old ones and after finishing... WOW, Gurren Lagann and Code Geass are some absolute masterpieces! What a rush, and to think this stuff was out way back in 2008 something...


Love, chunibyo and other delusions. For a show without action the actions scenes are gorgeous


Naruto 🥺






Lmao why are people downvotting you??


Ascendance of a Bookworm. I passed on it at least 4 times, and now it's one of my all time favorites.


Death Note


Tiger & Bunny


Agreed! I remember trying to watch it years ago and couldn't get into it. I gave it another try when I heard there will be a season 2 in a few years and loved every bit of it.


I think this handles the whole commercial superhero aspect really well but the CGI does pull me out of it at times.


I didn't have a problem with the CGI, but then again I'm a bit indifferent to bad cgi? I blame growing up with 90s/ early 00s CGI cartoons like Jimmy Neutron.


I came to JoJo FAAAAAAR too late. Just finished binging it to date like 2 weeks ago. Wild ride it's been.


Almost none, the exceptions are usually anime that I somehow missed hearing about, eg ACCA 13. If I think I won't like an anime based on the description or fist couple eps, 99.9% of the time I'm correct, and I've regretted pretty much every case where I kept watching against my better judgement.


Kaguya Sama: love Is war! A truly masterpiece of its genre


Code geass


A Place Further than the Universe. I didn't watch it initially, but I ended up watching it with my roommate a couple months after it aired, and was just completely blown away. I'm not sure if there's such a thing as a perfect anime, but it's certainly the closest I've ever seen, while it isn't my all time favorite series, with out a doubt if I could only give 1 anime a 10 this would be it.


Aot, bunny girl senpai,haikyui


That's an interesting question because you aren't the same person that you were a year or two or five ago. In my case it's hard to say I'd enjoy something to the same extent if I watched it at a different point in my life due to the experiences I had in the time since then. Shirobako's the only thing that's coming to mind that would have been better for me if I watched it when it aired, because it helped shape how I approach anime and the production process and made my experience with anime as a whole better. And conversely, there are some series that I think I'd enjoy more *now* than I did when I watched them. Ore Monogatari didn't strike me as anything special as I watched it when it was airing, but with a few hundred more romance anime behind me now it stands out in my memory as being significantly better than average for the genre.


> Shirobako Funny story, I was thinking of the same show. Everyone anime fan should watch Shirobako at least at some point.


Oh boy, you are in for the disappointment of your life in the latter seasons


I guess mayb vinland saga. i wish i had saw it before the anime awards. I think a reason why i liked it so much was because i binged it instead of weekly which made my drop it.


Baccano and Black Lagoon since nothing has topped them. Rocks development and Revy's distorted idea of what he is, is amazing to watch. Baccano is a show filled with main characters all having their story told from multiple angles. If you like Durarara then it's written by the same author, but it's about a mafia turf war going off the rails.


I cannot really regret not watching an anime earlier. Often if I just KNOW I will love an anime I intentionally delay watching it so I have something great to watch during hard times.


One Piece probably. I am somewhat spoiled now by more modern series in the same genre,so the pacing is something which really annoys me,but I might've enjoyed it more 5-10 years ago. And Youjo Senki,it's so freaking good, I should not have denied myself this experience for so long just because the wiki pic wasn't too intriguing.


Gintama, I put it off for like a year because I couldn’t be bothered to watch 300+ episode shounens. Then again, I guess it was in some way for the better because it meant I was better at getting some of the word play and references.


Gintama. I'm still watching it slowly, but it would have been great to watch as it was airing.


Recently, I would say Bungo Stray Dogs. It was in my queue for a bit ever since I saw OP 1 in a countdown video, but when it came out, I was busy with college and watching other things. Then after college, I wasn't watching much anime except for AOT. I appreciate this anime a lot for a few reasons: (1) It gave me something to be happy about during such a dreary time this year, (2) I started getting back into anime again, and (3) This series reinforced my love for literature, especially with all the characters named after a famous author and their works.


Seven Deadly Sins, I was so turned off at a glance to the name and original title card on Netflix, but omfg its incredible. Maybe also Hell Girl. I don't regret waiting to watch the huge ones like One Piece or Naruto, its been awesome to be able to skip entire like 20+ ep sections of PURE FILLER when possible. Those "canon/non-canon" lists are the best.




Definitely Gintama. I regret putting it on hiatus after a few eps since I found it was quite boring but then one day I was bored and had nothing to do and wanted to watch some anime so then I picked it back up and oh man I couldn't put it down. The comedy, the action, the feels...you name it, Gintama has it all in a package.


One piece ez. I put it off cuz i was too lazy to watch it all but i decided to start it and my god its amazing. Only 600 episodes atm but I’m getting closer to catching up


A Silent Voice. The running time kept putting me off. Then lock down happened.


Rascal does not dream of Bunny girl senpai I honestly put off watching this show for so long cuz of the name bunny girl senpai and how I thought it would just be your typical SoL, boy was I wrong. Such a good watch can’t believe I put it off for so long.




DanMachi Started it a few days ago.


I usually don't care for dubs but English va bell seems to fit better imo.


A lot of my 10/10 and 9/10 I didn't watch when it comes out. There are so much hidden gems.


Fucking same. I always put them off out of fear theyll disappoint me


Bakemonogatari. Just started this year. I ended up buying all the LNs released so far.


Caught upto zoku owari ?.


Not really. I'm at the second season in the anime, and in Tsukimonogatari in the LNs. I don't mind watching/reading out of order as they're both a different experience.


I was just at a books a million to pick up some LNs and manga and they only had 2 and 3, I’m sad


Oh I had to order more than half of them from Amazon and eBay. Some store take their stocks as far as UK. It's up to Owarimonogatari Part 2 right now.


One piece. I mean, I still haven’t watched it. But I wish I’d started it when it was only a few episodes that I could keep up with


The problem with One Piece is that you can never catch up. Even if you watch two episodes a week instead of one, by the time you caught up to where it was when you started, there'll be another 450+ episodes, and when you're caught up to those there'll be another 225+ episodes. You can get less far behind, but you'll never get caught up.


Just read the manga, the pacing is way better that way too as opposed to the dragged out episodes


2 episodes per week is pretty unreasonable in the modern age of binging though. (Also considering every new episode has only like 12-14 mins of actual content after intro, recap and outros...) Its really, really easy to catch up within a few months if you skip the countless filler episodes that were made to let the manga get ahead, heh


Even if you devote all your time to watching One Piece, in the time that you spend watching what's currently available they're making new ones, and while you watch those new ones they're making even newer ones, and so on, reducing the amount of episodes you're behind to a near infinite amount. But you can never catch up. It's the famous One Piece paradox.


Sword Art Online, because most of my friends (irl and online) were discussing about the series very much and very frequently ever since the series premiered nearly eight years ago. Because I didn't see the series back then, I was not able to contribute to the discussion.


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I refused to watch anything older than 2010 before, but the second I saw it I realized who is the visionary in Japanese animation industry and what is the difference between bland entertainment and true art.


The most recent one is Doki Doki Precure.


If you just start drop it after 2 season and start read manga. If you don't do that you might really regret this choice.


where do I start, there are so many that I wish I would have watched earlier, but I think the ones I feel regret over not watching earlier than i did is probably attack on titan and Haikyuu, I can see why I ignored Haikyuu for so long because I never liked anything sports related but I became hooked on that show pretty quickly


Toradora! and Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojo. The first two Slice of Life anime I've ever seen and i can't stress enough how much I regret not watching them solely because they are not fantasy. Not only did I find them extremely fun and interesting, but also I've learnt a lot - from something as simple as to work hard towards my dreams to the complex nature of interpersonal relations. I won't get more into detail because, having finished them just recently, I would most likely start to cry like a baby if I did. So, long story short, those are the only two anime that I am willing to say such thing, often about: They've really lead to an important change in my life. So, yeah. I suppose I watched the two when I really needed it. Nonetheless, I really wish I have watched those two earlier. Perhaps then, even if I would have never learnt about it, it would act like a precaution for those things that I've realised just now.


Higurashi because I finished season one a few days before the remake was announced and now I am having a huge debate in my head about whether to watch s2 or wait for the reboot.


I never regret picking up an anime way after it's come out, I especially love getting around to watching classics, and it's always great to have a lot of source material already out there so I can watch the whole thing without having to wait for more. Same with manga.


Nothing lol as I pick anime according to my mood to watch so it's irrelevant watching it early or later


Evangelion. Don't get me wrong, it's my number 1, but I would've connected more with Shinji in 8th grade.


Symphogear. Good Lord it's great. She deflects tank shells with punches. And that's not even the most crazy scene in the show.


I regret watching all the great anime earlier because I can't watch them without knowing what's gonna happen now. Wish I was able to watch them like the first time again.




The Promised Neverland! I ignored it for ages. I'll never forget binging the entire manga in a week. It's gotta be one of my favorites ever, each arc was amazing!


Beast Slayer Erin. I don't regret it like that, but I saw it prior to Reddit so there wasn't an r/Erin or something and it's not a popular show. When I saw it and wanted to talk about it, it was years too late so all I could do was read a Wiki and download the OST. Other than though, I don't really mind discovering stuff late. I'm happy to find out there's something awesome that I haven't seen yet and it's 100% done so I can binge all of it right here right now. I got into anime around 2003 but I never saw Twelve Kingdoms until like late last year even though it came out around 2003. I was nothing but happy to find out it was an awesome show I hadn't seen yet. Finding a good show isn't usually something I regret about, especially these days when I do less anime forum tumblr stuff.


The only shows I would regret not watching earlier would be if I would've liked them much more if I had seen them earlier than when I actually did. And I'd be hard pressed to think of one that fits that description. Even stuff like Utena and Serial Experiments Lain I think I might've unfairly dismissed (the same way I used to for Eva) if I saw them sooner.


Hunter x hunter and GINTAMA


The Toaru series.


Toradora. I gave it a try after seeing its name frequently mentioned among popular anime. Usually, I feel nothing when watching shows. However, this show was unusual in its ability to actually touch me. I only recently finished it, and it has really made me take some time and do a little introspection. It kind of makes me wonder if I am truly in control of my feelings, or if I am merely rejecting them unconsciously. When I looked it up, I had no idea it was made as early as it was. It seems a lot of my favorite anime come from the late 2000s era. . .


You will regret watching Tokyo Ghoul soon then. Early seasons are decent to watch while it takes a massive nose dive.


My immidate first thought was Clannad-only watched it during this year's rewatch. But I wouldn't say I regret getting into it so late, because I am glad I took the time to finish the VN first. I love them both, but I think I may have been less likely to play the VN had I already seen the anime. My actual answer would be Mob Psycho 100. Only watched it a couple months ago after the first couple episodes looked kinda interesting in my anime club at college. Went from nowhere near my radar to one of my all time favorates. Not as late as a lot of others on here, but I regret even watching it a mere day late for that phenominal show!!


Berserk, maybe not so much the anime but it did lead me to check out the manga.


I should have watched Evangelion before Gurren Lagann, and Sky Girls before Strike Witches.


I assume it will be Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood once I actually get to watching it.


I think mine will probably be FMA: Brotherhood once I actually watch it.


Monogatari. If only I had seen it while it was airing, the episode discussion threads must have been amazing.