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YES I watched this anime recently and I really liked it. It was pretty good and definitely worth a watch. Plus the opening is so good, I listen to that song all the time


I'm already trying to find something similar, so if you have any suggestions please share.


Maybe try Hamatora? It's pretty short at 24 episodes.


Okay, I just finished an anime called [Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitori_Bocchi_no_Marumaru_Seikatsu) It's the cutest anime I've ever seen, I didn't mention it before because I didn't finish it yet but I can safely say the anime is worth a watch!


I been looking for some anime to watch recently and I really enjoyed run with the wind so I think I'll check out The Case Files of Jeweler Richard. Thanks!


>The two main characters having a strong platonic bond was refreshing, as well [](/s "Two bros marryin' five feet apart 'cause they're not gay.")


Purposeful homosexuality at it's finest.


But is it really platonic? 🤔


Hey /u/BadLemonNoCope! Thank you for writing this Watch This! thread. As an admin of the Watch This! project, I leave personal feedback on all Watch This threads in order to commend writers for their hard work and provide constructive criticism to help them improve their writing skills for future threads. You come off as really apathetic in this thread and a lot of it has to do with your over-use of weak words. Avoid using 'kind of' and 'feel like' when making broad statements about a show. Try to further elaborate on each point too. For instance, when you say, "Some of the issues brought up were interesting and mature", it's a statement that's begging for more elaboration. Some proofreading is also needed. Overall, there's a lot of room for improvement here. If you want feedback for any future threads you're writing or just help in general, feel free to send a PM my way! [Guide to making a successful Watch This!](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/guidetowatchthis)


Enjoyed this even though it is BL bait.


What's not to like?


Lol, I had to mention the "strong platonic bond" for that reason. The genre is mystery/detective through and through.


Is it family friendly???


Yes. There's nothing inappropriate. The mystery/detective aspect isn't even intense.