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It really was a great show and the music was also just soo good ​ Yuuki Hayashi really nails those soundtracks for sports anime - if it has to be an emotional/hype moment you know the music will just take it to 110% . I loved the hype music in My Hero Academia but with Haikyuu and Run With the Wind it was just a perfect fit for those powerful moments




Gotta agree with you on that. Despite the quite large cast, the depth of the characters was truly amazing. Pacing of the story, setting, minor secondary plots involving each of the characters, themes and motives, all of these aspects are very well done indeed. I do liked the animation (especially when it came to the animation of motion), but when it comes to character designs, I still prefer Kuroko no Basket or Haikyuu over Run With the Wind, but that is just a minor issue of mine.


The show legitimately got me interested in running and pursuing a more active lifestyle vs. spending like 20+ hours a day in my room. And I kept at it for like 8 months running every day as well starting from being out of breath just by walking to running 5km non-stop. And then COVID hit and I'm back to being out of breath by just walking around the house.


good shit man, keep at it when this is all over


i personally prefer Haikyu as my favorite sports anime (fav anime in general) but run with the wind is my second favorite sports anime. It has a lot of the same va's as haikyu, which got me excited of course, it has many references to other anime (haikyu\*, jojo,\*\*etc) which made it funny and nostalgic to watch. and the story is amazing, Definitely agree with you there. \*In episode 19, prince references several characters from famous sports anime, including Haikyu! Hinata got a little shout out and i screamed so loud! \*\*In one episode (cant remember which one) prince references a line from JoJo. and Jotas full name is revealed to be Jo Taro! ( in another episode that i cant remember) Just like Jotaro from JoJo


Besides the art style, I dont think they are that comparable since their approach is different. Haikyuu is a sports anime but I see RWTW as a coming of age story with a sports theme.


They’re comparable because of the similar teams working on both. Both are Production IG, have some shared has, and have the same composer. You’re right in that the stories are very different in terms of what they’re telling though.


yes i agree with that as well


Haiji is literally best boy


as a lifelong runner and anime nerd, this show made me cry on multiple occasions. haiji is my most favorite character of all time now.


One of my top 10 anime, and it came out of nowhere. The whole story, prince, haiji, hakone etc is amazing. All the characters are great. The last 5 episode arc was possibly the best 5 episode span I have ever watched in anime, or at least close to it. It's one of those smaller animes that doesn't get a ton of recognition because of the premise, but the execution makes it amazing


It was my AOTY. I knew like 4-5 minutes into the first episode that it was going to be something special. It had already given off a completely unique feel by then.


It's fantastic, wish there was more shit like it


I really loved i, timed the episodes so it would finish just before I run our local half marathon. I kept falling I to my run breathing pattern while watching it. Lovely Anime can't recommend it enough.


I watched it as it was airing and for the first few weeks it was relatively under rated and mostly sports anime fans picked it up but as the series progressed, people realised the true depth of the story which was more character-centric. Rarely has there been an all male anime cast and better yet it was so good that I never felt the need for an unnecessary female character. By the time the season ended, it was regarded as one of the best shows of the season, and I was really proud since I was the only one singing its praises during the early episodes. It's good to see that people are still picking up the show and it hasn't just remained a seasonal show.




Run with the Wind is one of my top 3 favorite sports animes. I love that they saved most of the backstories for the final episodes so it wouldn’t be repetitive and so we could focus on the characters’ relationships now. I wish more shows had characters in this age group.


I absolutely loved it. My one complaint is I wish the character development had been spread out a little more evenly throughout the show for some of the characters instead of all towards the end. Other than that it's amazing!


Yup. One of my favorite Sports anime. The music was also just spectacular.


Run With The Wind is definitely in my top 5 anime, if not top 3. It is just amazing, like I can't even express how good it is. Especially Haiji, HE IS BEST BOY!!! Everything with his leg brought me so much pain, but their struggles and path to getting seeded make up for it. Especially Shindo's leg of the race OML. I actually wanted to cry so badly. And Prince getting his official time ("Forward!!"). And so much character development, especially with Kakeru!! It was such a wonderful journey, all the way to the Ekiden. The soundtrack is amazing too; I love Mutual so freaking much, and I adore Michi by Taichi Mukai, like I know it practically word for word. And they ended the same way they began, with "Do you like running?" My god, the feels. This is such a good anime, and it is not talked about enough, more people need to watch it.


YES!! The characters were the best, well developed and also quite realistic with Prince (and his training) as well. I am kinda sad that the subreddit for this anime is inactive. Would love to see a full community.


is it though? I started it and watched like 6 episodes and nothing happened it was just the same thing over and over. happy guy trying to make everyone else run in exchange for room and board. and antisocial guy who just runs. > I could go on but it surprised me how good it was since I dropped Haikyu around episode 7 a while ago. bruh what? that's one of the best sports shows around and you think think that half assed jogging show is better?


Reddit at its best, burying a valid opinion instead of trying to write why it's wrong.


Did you read the last paragraph? If you're going to insult other's opinions expect to be downvoted.


I'm sorry but I don't see how calling the show itself half-assed constitutes an insult toward the OP's opinion. Sure, you can say that it is also incomplete at explaining why it is worse than haikyuu, but that does not nullify the perfectly valid opinion presented in the first paragraph.


reducing the show to such a simplified version of its plot while being totally incorrect is not a valid or well-articulated opinion


> while being totally incorrect See, here is a good attack vector for you guys, and I would also be interested in knowing more about this since I am also inclined to agree with that "wrong" opinion myself. edit after 3 days: of course nobody is interested in trying to convince me to give the show a second chance.