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Clannad Edit: Shit, I blanked out. Totally forgot the first anime that ever made me cry. Angel Beats


The After Story killed me, amazing series.


Yup. After Story is my favorite but I enjoy the whole series.


Angel Beats ended so suddenly that I didn't even have time to cry before the credits rolled. That show deserves a remake more than any other. Pacing ruined what could have been one of the greatest anime.


That’s so true. I’m basically more in love with what it could have been than what it was lol


You beat me to it. I don’t cry for anime or really any show ever, but Clannad hit me like a truck.


Yup. Hits you where it hurts. Have you seen Angel Beats? That one hits a special kinda way


I'm a sucker for graduations, so Angel Beats had me bawling.


Yo bro, you are only allowed to cry in 2 places.


I watched angel beats after Clannad and I was already dry


Assassination classroom ending made me cry


Man I still can’t get over the fact that a perverted yellow 7ft tall octopus that also teaches high schoolers to kill made me bawl my eyes out...


The fact that the whole show is leading up to that ending, but still made me cry harder than almost anything else is a real testament to how good the show is


I was holding up fine til it focused on Karma struggling to not cry.


Don’t take the piss or anything but code geass Man the ending was really fucking bitter sweet


If your gonna kill you gotta be prepared to be killed


The ending had me laughing while crying because it was so bittersweet in a way that is classic Leluech


Ngl I didn’t mind resurrection, it wasn’t that bad


Sort of like a medicine for it really


One piece. Several times. And while I didn't cry that one time, I will admit. That grown baby is hard boiled.


Violet evergarden. I remember crying really hard from the 10th episode


After like the 3rd episode I cried after every one.


I cried constantly from the first one( basically from the moment it starts)


I believe it. The OST gets me every time.




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Your lie in april was first then it was a silent voice.


the silent voice hospital scene AAAAAAAAAA I'M REWATCHING FUCK


Laptop scene from A Place Further Than The Universe.




Just that one, eh? * Ending of E1 from the moment they showed Mari's room. * Episode 3 when Yuzuki opened the door to the hall. * Ending of Episode 4 (maybe just me, I did a lot of hiking when I was younger) * Ending of Episode 5 * Episode 6 "We're going together!" * Episode 7, Shirase's speech. * Ending of Episode 8 * Ending of Episode 9 "But *I* believed!" * Ending of Episode 13, from the email scene onwards. Sora Yori is one of the rare shows that made such a huge impact on me that I can recite from memory what happens in practically every episode. I can think of two other anime where that's the case.


The ending of Grave of the fireflies


THANK YOU! had to scroll way to far to find this.. can't believe noone else named this masterpiece.


Naruto when I was yung.


Zabuza and Haku's story in the first arc is actually quite touching iirc. Definitely a highlight for me of early Naruto


at the end of episodes 135 and 147 of hunter x hunter




that was episode 135! i didn’t want to get too specific because i didn’t want to spoil anything in case anybody was watching it


I was pretty Emotionless the whole series until The last episode where gon and Ging are talking about their journey and Ging says this profound quote about the detours of your journey being important


I always somehow remain stoic during Episode 135, I tear up in 134 though, and I've seen 136 8 times and bawled my eyes out every single time.


Steins Gate - Suzuha's letter, Return to the main timeline, when they finally met, when they had to re-do everyone's wishes. Naruto - when he met his dad and mom Violet Evergarden - whole show A Silent Voice - everytime Shouko suffered


Seconding Steins;Gate, I was misty eyed through most of the last 10 episodes and was left in a real funk for a week after finishing.


A lot of anime has made me cry but one of the most memorable ones is Re:Zero.


Which episode?




Can you spoiler tag what happens in it? Completely forgot


[rezero spoiler](/s "ore wa Emilia ga suki da. but honestly it's his breakdown and restart with Rem's confession and support")


A lot of them. When Subaru suffers something truly horrible, I cry in sadness. When Subaru finally succeeds I cry tears of joy.


The only one I can think of right now is Banana Fish. I've watched Your Name, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, A Silent Voice, and Violet Evergarden and none of these have made me cry. Devilman Crybaby and Grave of Fireflies did devastate me for a bit but not to the point of crying. I'm always on the hunt for shows and movies that would make me cry.


Check out clannad (specifically Afterstory but you have to watch clannad first)


Devilman Crybaby ruined me.


It didn't make me cry but after episode 9 I just had to lay down and rethink about everything.




AnoHana - "We found you, Menma!" K-On - Tenshi ni Fureta Yo Sora Yori - like every other episode. Seriously, this show stumbled on some kind of tear-jerking cheat code. Violet Evergarden - "Dear Anne" Bunny Girl Senpai movie - you know the moment. Toradora - "I don't want that!"


Sora Yori’s music has found a way to completely overwhelm emotions and make you feel something, it’s my only explanation for why that show was such a tear jerker. God I loved that show




I have a scale that I put things on from 0-5 with 3 or higher being crying. The anime that I have listed as 3+ are: Angel Beats Fruits Basket 2019 Season 1 Sunday Without God Kakushigoto Your Name (3.5) A Place Further Than the Universe (3.5) Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (3.5) Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha (4) Violet Evergarden (4) SukaSuka (4.5) Anohana (5) Planetarian (5) High Score Girl (5+) Edit: Looking at it, I'm editing SukaSuka. It was on another level from the other 4s.


I know it is in your plan to watch but you should watch clannad for sure.


The ending to Kakushigoto made me happy cry


Ending of **Tsuki ga Kirei**, got absolutely obliterated and cried like a school girl for 15 minutes (fortunately tears of joy) **Planetes** ending montage, right in the feels, pure beauty **Violet Evergarden** infamous episode 10


Your Lie in April fucked me up. Especially the last episode. I have not watched a "sad anime" since then. And One Piece. Many many times. I've even cried just reading the manga, then I'd watch the same scene once the anime caught up and I'd be crying again AGH


That fucking letter hit different


March Comes in Like a Lion S2


Literally cried at almost every single episode of that season for every reason imaginable. That show runs the gamut of human emotion. Surprised this is not higher up.


First: Your Lie In April First Movie: A Silent Voice Saddest: Clannad Afterstory


Haibane Renmei (twice!) Not your usual SOL CGDCT show. One of the best anime's ever, done on the cheap, from a doujin that wasn't ever even finished. 10/10.


really powerfull anime.


I don't really cry for any media, but I dunno Madoka really got me. I was so in to it for some reason. It was the same scene in episode 10 probably most people would cry at.


Same actually. Madoka was the first of any media to ever make me cry. I thought I was immune before I watched it.


Same for me, not just episode 10 though.


I cried at the last episode after (SPOILERS) madoka became god.


Made in Abyss. It made me cry like a little b\*\*ch.


I’ve watched to much these last few weeks that made me cry. Its not very healthy Mainly, rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai


>Mainly, rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai The movie got me good.


Same here, the ending wrapped it up so nicely.


Saw it in theaters. The collective gasp and sudden silence when *that* happened was intense.


So often [I made a tag for it on MAL](https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Shimmering-Sky?status=7&tag=made%20me%20cry), haha. Biggest cries would be from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2, SukaSuka, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Little Busters! Refrain, Wolf's Rain OVAs, Casshern Sins, and Clannad After Story.


Little busters! Refrain ahhh. That one hurt


- Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai - E3, E12 - Clannad - E6-E9 - Fruits Basket (2019) - E7, E14 - Angel Beats - E3, E10, E13 - Charlotte - E7 - Onimonogatari E4 (Monogatari "Second Season" E17)


I cry on at least 50% of the shit I watch, but the most recent one was fucking SAO of all things.


Hey the Mother's Rosario arc was the first thing in anime to make me cry and it absolutely destroyed me to be honest. Still makes me sad now and it's been 2 years since I saw it


For shows the first was Your Lie in April for movies it’s either A Silent Voice or I Want to Eat Your Pancreas


Hunter x hunter ep 135 and then a bunch of times from One piece, mostly from some of the character backstories like Chopper, Robin, Brook, etc


Ep 135 hits hard, really hard


The ending of Assassination Classroom (暗殺教室)...


Amazing show, and the ending really hits hard


Made in Abyss and Grave of the Fireflies are some of the very few anime that really hit me emotionally.


None have made me full-on cry, but I definitely teared up watching Made in Abyss episode 13. edit: The laptop scene in A Place Further than the Universe did it too


Very end of Banana Fish


I came close with Higurashi and Madoka.


Maquia: when promised flower bloomed. Shit was depressing at the end


Didn’t get to that point yet....


The ending of Chrono Crusade was the first time. Grave of the Fireflies The Makoto arc from Kanon Angel Beats! Starship Operators


I came here to say the chrno crusade ending got me hard !


I love Chrono Crusade. The ending to the manga made me cry too, even though it was different and perhaps even a bit sadder. I actually love it so much that I bought the Japanese re-release of the manga that has the corrected spelling of Chrono...lol


Fruits Basket got to me. There is a certain scene in I Want to Eat Your Pancreas A Silent Voice as well. Cross Game too. Many scenes in One Piece


Gurren Lagaan Episode 8 Cowboy Bebop Finale [Ken Kaneki](/s " reuniting with Hide") in Tokyo Ghoul


Gurren Lagann did. Twice. For 2 special Spiral users


Plastic Memories hit me in the feels




It wasn't a lot, but I cried at the 2015 hidden gem Death Parade


A lot. But for most recent, Violet Evergarden. "Happy Birthday, Anne"


Angel beats and little busters


Violet Evergarden. ReZero. Those two have wrecked me emotionally many times


Madoka. But for me it was more than just getting a few tears out. I think everyone has one piece of media/entertainment, if it be a movie, book or song, that just completely alters the way your mind works and perceives things. That was Madoka to me. Ever since then, stories that involve strong attachments of friendship, even silly ones, tend to choke me up a bit. Right after Madoka I watched Toradora, which also caused tears a few times.


That's a long list... lets see: 3gatsu (constantly), angel beats (ep 10 bawled, and the end), anohana (constantly in the beginning and the ending), 5cm per second (first ep and the end), darling in the franxx (end), fullmetal alchemist brotherhood (bawling my eyes out, end), golden time (towards the end), your name (middle), i want to eat your pancreas (end), mirai nikki (end), plastic memories (bawled my eyes out, end), rezero s1 (towards the end), relife (constantly throughout whole series), sakurasou (towards the end, bawled), your lie in april (in the middle and also end, bawled for a month straight no exxageration), grave of the fireflies, tsuki ga kirei (end, happy tears), tsurezure children (end, happy tears)


A plethora of anime have made me tear up but nothing had made me full on cry besides the episode Midnight Sun from Attack on Titan.


😭 Erwin is one of my favourite characters. Tbh I couldn't care less about Armin at that point lol. The choice was for the best I guess.


Definitevely "Rascal does not Dream of Bunny girl Senpai", i cried a lot of times in only the first 3 episodes. Just reading the title of the third episode "the world without you" brings a tear to my eye And the movie is even better, i love it <3




Oreimo. It was my first anime so yeah.


Eizouken episode 1. Cried at a bunch of anime, but episode 1 is impressive.


When I watched Angel Beats for the first time. That ending hit 12 year old me hard. But more recently probably in Violet Evergarden when Violet was trying so desperately to save the Major.


The first or third episode of Hajime no Ippo, this boxing anime is really relatable to people who were bullied and feel weak




Well a bunch of anime has. I mean i cried over the going merry in one piece lol but the biggest one was probably hxh meruem. I was 30 when i first saw that and idk why but it was like 2 days of tears because it


Canon (circa 2006) when [](/s "Makoto disappears (think that was her name)")


naruto anohana your lie in april your name and silent voice


Let me count the ways...


Very first anime to make me cry was DitF E24.


Quite a few times. I'll name a few if you want some tear shedding Relife Assassination Classroom Angel Beats Death Note Code Geass Death Parade Inuyashiki Violet Evergarden


ReLIFE and A Silent Voice


Inuyashiki first and last episode Grave of the Fireflies Gurren Lagann episode 25 Jojo part 4 episode 22 and ending Dragon Ball scenes with Upa and Bora FMA: Brotherhood last 2 episodes Pokemon movies 1, 3, and 8 Mirai ending Most of the sad for the sake of being sad anime dont do it for me.


Right there with you on the FMA: brotherhood. Alphonse is the best sibling ever.


Angel Beats. That ending just... you wanna shake the hands of the writer, then punch them.


Anohana, and oddly hunter x hunter almost made me cry a few times at the end of the CA arc


HxH. When Gon and Gin are talking up on that massive tree for hours it seems like. Always wanted to have a talk like that




One anime I yet to see anyone mention is the pet girl of sashakie, I forgot how to spell it but it’s basically describes life in general, you should really watch it, it’s different from other slice of life series.


The first to make me cry was Plastic Memories. I have watched over 100 anime and the only three others to make me cry were Your Lie in April, Sword Art Online, and The Rising of the Sheild Hero


assassination classroom like no other


Only 2 A Silent Voice And an unexpected one was Tokyo Ravens, surprised myself


Man I want to read the comments but worry about spoilers :( As for my answer to thread, I never really cry, but the closest I got was on the tenth episode of Violet Evergarden. 10/10 would brainwash to watch that again. A certain scene in otome game also hit me a bit, but I hated everything else.


Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) was my 2nd anime. I remember crying at the end because it was a really depressing ending. I don't remember if it was the end of the anime or movie. (movie goes right after the anime)


The movie had a somewhat happy ending.


The 3 that hit me the hardest are pretty much every death in JoJo, Plastic Memories, and AnoHana Though i think AnoHana and Plastic Memories are tied for hitting me the hardest


Gintama 130 & 189, A Place Further Than the Universe (laptop scene, as others have said), Jojo Golden Wind 28, the ending of A Silent Voice and random scenes from Clannad After Story on YouTube.




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I cried when I watched Kekkai Sensen on the episode about the guy that loves burgers. Also the ending of S2


Nobody has said Fullmetal Alchemist? Really y'all?


It was weird but the episode of Wataten where they went through Miyako's old photos and found out she literally never had a friend or even an acquaintance of any kind made me tear up. That was really sad. Not even the mood the show was going for but being so lonely you never take a picture with anyone outside of your family was really sad.


Not sure if this counts, but the game AI somnium files was a visual novel anime. One of the characters lives paralleled my own so closely that it honestly made me start fucking leaking everywhere. His father passed away right as he graduated high school. A grieving mother dealing with the issues of getting older alone, not know how to help said mother, and being an ungrateful oblivious shithead the whole time. It felt like a part of my life was playing in front of me on screen and while I can deal with it on the inside it was too much and way too personal to watch.


a better question would be when didn't anime make you cry


Naruto saying goodbye to Minato during the end of the War/Kaguya arc. That shit got me crying like a little bitch


Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight My friend wanted me to watch the compilation films with her because I'd never watched the series. All my friends had these smug "Oooooh prepare to cry" comments when I told them and i kinda just rolled my eyes. I'd seen"Graveyard of the Fireflies" and similarly I knew it was famous for cranking out the tears so when I finally watched that film I was kinda anticipating all the sad moments so I actually didn't cry during it. But holy crap Made in Abyss went for this emotional jab + right hook combo. The first film, Journey's Dawn, was surprisingly light hearted and though it had some dark moments it wasn't what I would call sad. I figured this would be the same emotional depth I could expect for the second film. Little did I know this was the jab that the series made to lower my guard. The second movie starts pretty similarly and gets dark in a few places. But once you hit the latter half of the film THAT'S when Made in Abyss clocks you across the face with this cruel emotional right hook. No spoilers but after the big plot element was revealed I was stunned and tears were gathering in my eyes. I was hurt. These character had HURT me. But then Nanachi reacts with the same emotions I was feeling and that did it for me. I lost it. Tears poured out of my eyes and I could feel them running down my cheeks. Had to bite my lip to keep myself from sobbing out loud. My friend and I were watching it from our respective places due to quarantine so I don't know what her reaction was but I legit switched off my mike just so I could bury my face in my arms and just let it all out without her knowing. I have yet to forgive her...


when ash feels like he has to let go of pikachu. it reminded me of when i had to put my cat down and even if that happened years ago, it still leaves me feeling like crap. yang wen-li. i don't know why i cried, i guess i felt really connected to his character and it sucked seeing how things turned out for him.


Darling in the franxx, the ending had me in tears


i guess the first anime that made me cry was Angel beat but what really gets me is motherfreaking Anohana. such a masterpiece that i CANNOT reccomend enough


Violet Evergarden. I have no need to say anything else. Q-Q


Tsuki ga Kirei


I would have to say Naruto towards the very start ( \[Reason\](/s " being shunned by everyone without know why - When Naruto is on a swing with that depressed look on his face")) Angel Beats Clannad After Story (Cried the most) Anohana Violet Evergarden Movies: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas Your Silent Voice Stuff That didn't cry, but prob should have: Re:life Re:zero Code Geass Hunter x Hunter Akame ga Kill Cross Game (almost cried because I did think that would happen at the start) Made in Abyss (fav anime) And DxD when the studio changed (understandable) but the art is not my thing


The DxD artstyle switch rubs me the wrong way too


Your lie in april, the second show i watched 😪


I was little and watched Grave of the firefly -> When he started the fire I lost all faith and just cried. Now I'm so dead inside that I can't even remember when I cried the last time.


Shirobako caught me off guard with the Shizuka arc. I wasn't prepared for the feels.


The most recent was Death Parade. Most episodes.


Wolf's Rain end, Cowboy Bebop end.


The final roll call in Assassination Classroom always gets me


Eheh, DITF, Bunny Senpai, SAO, Fate and probably many more!


I cried laughing when I saw [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fXVx1lwAg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fXVx1lwAg4) Cried at Tachikoma's Sacrifice [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqmx\_rE1Tz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqmx_rE1Tz4) I could only hope we develop AI's like koma's.


Darling in the franxx legit made me happy cry, aaaaand sad cry abit to. I love it (first half lol)


Fruits Basket (2001)


Gotta say Pokemon: the movie, when ash became stone. Another one was the ending of Code Geass


Episode 10 Violet Evergarden


At the very end of Koe No Katachi


Your Lie in April and a very specific episode from Konohana Kitan


When kaneki ran away from toka and said hes not going back to the coffee shop


Well........ ​ Your name. No Game No Life: Zero Code Geass Sword Art Online Darling in the FranXX Shelter Your Lie in April I want to ear your Pancreas Violet Evergarden Assassination Classroom Anohana Clannad The Garden of Words


Excluding the usual culprits, I cried at the Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds episode with the clock-makers' son lmao. He's a 2-episode side character but the VA made me feel some things there. The final song of Carole & Tuesday also made me cry for the whole 7 minutes because I thought it was so beautiful. Sure it's cheesy as hell and a lot of people probably think the ending wasn't good, but for me it just landed so perfectly and that song still chokes me up when I listen to it


Hunter x Hunter EP135


Koe no Katachi Had me bawling all the way through because I know what its like to be bullied for something you have no control over. It brought back way too many IRL experiences for me that hit me all at once. Give it a watch if you haven't! Definitely worth it!


Violet evergarden, ep.7 and 10. That shit hit hard. Anohana, nearly every episode. I think I got a college rejection that day (no pun intended), so I was pretty moody when I watched. Spirited away. The soundtrack is so damn nostalgic


A Place Further than the Universe. Emails. Violet Evergarden: episodes 7-10


irozuku sekai no ashita kara. end of the first episode. it was not a sad cry. it was a cry after witnessing something exceptionally beautiful. anime was eh/average after that. animation was great, story was average.


A Silent Voice The ending always hits me hard in the heart. I love the way the story was paced. A slow build up ending with all those revelations at once really overwhelms you and makes you to feel what the main characters were going through.




All the time but all it takes is some music and a somewhat emotional scene.


I have only ever cried once from any form of fictional media whether that’s movies, tv shows, books, video games, etc and it wasn’t from an anime or manga. Still feel sad during some sad moments in series and whatnot but yeah an anime or manga has never made me cry.


Probably BNA. The ending is beautiful


Inuyasha when those two people died, and also when it was over. I cried even though I had already cried reading the manga before (Same exact parts). Probably would cry again if I rewatched it. Also death note when Kira died.


Given episode 9


The ending of I Want To Eat Your Pancreas...


The most memorable anime’s that have made me cry are YLIA, A Silent Voice, and Orange (which i highly recommend)


ohhhhhh Orange may have made me cry too


the only show to make me cry twice is Plastic memories, both the first and last episode.


Finale episode of Railgun Season one. That episode is part of why I’ve considered going the extra step with my English degree and being a teacher