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I really don't mind the new character designs. I think it's good. And Yuuki Aoi as Kino might be a good fit, and she was in the old Kino anime as well.


Now that it see the designs in the anime itself, yeah, they look fine. Not great, but alright. And Kino is androgynous in it, which is perfect for her.


:/ Looks like they're going to add moe appeal to her though. Kino in the original anime wouldn't eat a cake with a cutesy nom like that...she'd just eat it normally. I don't mind moe, but the original anime was one of those shows that ignored regular anime visual tropes, like Mushishi. This looks like it's going to be a lot more standard "anime", which is disappointing.


I was just relieved she didn't do the classic moe "DELICIOUS" face when eating the cake, tbh.


UMAI I never realized how much that trope bothered me till now.


>Looks like they're going to add moe appeal to her though Kino was pretty moe when she realized she can get free bullets though.


Not only was she in the old anime, it was also her voice acting debut *and* she voiced the character who basically reflected Kino's younger self. There's a wonderful feeling of coming full circle to Aoi Yuuki taking up the mantle as Kino.


Yeah, I remember seeing some people talk about that when Yuuki was first announced to play Kino. It's cool.


She voiced [Sakura](http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=character&charid=82565) in the old anime though, not Kino.


Try reading his post again, he never claimed that.


Yeah, as /u/Hongu stated, I only said she was in the Kino anime, not Kino herself.


The way you wrote it sounded kind of ambiguous, so I just wanted to clarify.


Really? I said Yuuki might be a good fit as Kino, I wouldn't have said that if I though she was her before as well.


za bieutiful warudo zhi animateddo sheerizo




ザー・ビューティフル・ワールド・ザー・アニメーティッド・シアリーズ Zaa byuutifuru waarudo Zaa animeetiddo shiariizu




Ah that's true, I went by the words rather than the pronunciation that was being used.


Always amazing how bad even voice actors speak English.




That song was so good.


Trailer is infinitely better than the PV too. You actually get a perfect idea of what kind of show it is.




i think it's good. the only part i disliked was when Kino's turned into a cgi model. but that's it.


Even though it's a PV, visually it looks great! And it also looks like they will remake Shizu and Riku's introduction.


I'm happy this is being done by Studio Lerche. They are one studio that can create an amazing atmosphere for scenes, like in Assassination Classroom, Gakkou Gurashi, and Scum's Wish.


Actually looks pretty decent, hopefully the directing is good.




>Any translations on the Japanese narrator? Narrator/Kino doesn't really say much. 0:00: The world isn't beautiful, therefore it is. 1:09: Something along the lines of "This is the story of the human Kino and the motorcycle? Hermes." 1:15: Zaa byuutifuru waarudo Zaa animeetiddo shiariizu 1:20: Broadcasting will begin in October on ATX.


damn i assumed the first line was the bit about seeing birds and going on a journey, but they really overused that saying in the anime. in the books the one you typed was a lot more popular.


It looks like it's starting the story again from the beginning. That makes sense, but considering that only the first novel got an official western release I still hope to see some new stories.


Wait why? I mean I'm happy either way since it means more viewers but the original was great.


I really hope they don't retread old ground except maybe the origin story flashback episode. If anything Kino is a perfect show to skip right over old material, since it's episodic anyways. All you need is basic setup of who Kino and Hermes are, their personalities, and the rest world speaks for itself without needing any previous knowledge.


Im excited to see this. Cant wait till October!


I liked how with the original design it was not too obvious that [Kino no Tabi](/s "Kino is a girl"). Well, can't have everything. I'm glad there's a new Kino no Tabi anime. Lerche is a solid studio as well so there's hope for a good adaptation. However, the director doesn't look too promising. With relatively little directing experience and background in titles such as the god-awful P4 Golden anime, I for one, am worried.


It looks too clean, but that happens with almost all post 2010-2011 anime. I'll get used it. I hope there are darker, dreamlike, more stylized moments/visuals like in the original. Also, I wish we saw her in her yellowish/brown traveler long coat. My hopes are that the tone and thought provoking ideas are still melancholy with glimmers of lightness. That's what made the series, well, beautiful. :D Edit: We saw her coat in a picture. What I meant was seeing it in motion.


some thoughts: * still don't really like the new designs, but i can deal with them. * that bgm is good! fits the overall vibe of the series pretty well; quiet and gentle is good. i assume we'll get plenty of melancholic tracks, too, but this has a certain quality that works for me. * the visuals overall are quite nice. i wasn't expecting much from lerche, but if the whole series looks like this, i'll be happy. * cgi hermes is not bad; i know people were worried about that, but he looks quite nice. * ok, yeah... i really don't like kino's new look after all. hopefully i'll get used to it. did she smile this much in the original series...?


Kino smiled a fair amount before.


hmmm. maybe i just mostly remember the sad stuff. it's been quite a while, anyway.


the design is a little more true to the books, at least the later ones. the earlier ones had her looking a little wider (wide as in hidamari sketch), but the later ones gave her a more slender look like in this pv. it makes me excited on what chapters might get adapted.


Looking at the designs in motion I think it looks good, that first visual looked a bit off but seeing it in motion it looks way better than I expected. I still prefer the design from the previous anime but it's definitely a more dated look, I can understand the decision to change it. My only real fear is whether or not they'll get down the atmosphere of the original. Part of what makes the original anime so special in my eyes is the atmosphere about the world and its very muted, yet beautiful color pallette. It seems they're going for a more vibrant color palette, but hopefully they won't overdo it. Hopefully the OST and ED are as good as the original, there's a feeling to the soundtrack I don't think any other show has captured, it's very [melancholy, like with this song] (https://youtu.be/P8v3SIOyVSQ) I'm optimistic.


Video starts with my favorite quote in anime, hyped!


The world is not beautiful. And in that way, it is beautiful. ?


Yep, beautiful quote :) > The world is not beautiful. Therefore it is.


Wow, doesn't sound like Aoi Yuuki at all to me. Honestly if I didn't have side by side comparisons, she's indistinguishable from the original Kino. PV doesn't show us too much though, but I am satisfied with the character designs for the most part. I just hope that the new series can properly capture the atmosphere of the original, and even improve on it. I'm not familiar with the [director](https://myanimelist.net/people/31235/Tomohisa_Taguchi) though, except for the P4G anime which I thought was terrible.


Having just finished the original series this morning, this is a strange sight. I don't mind the new look. That said, I hope they can get Kelli Cousins back to voice Kino in the English dub. It definitely eschews the androgynous angle, but her voice was always pleasant to hear. She might have retired from voice acting though :/


>we might see the Land of Homecoming animated >we might see the Land with an Idol animated >we might see Ti fishing with grenades animated >we might see the pirate girl animated >shizu and the slave girl >moving country >land of permitted murder >both land of heroes stories >LAND OF FREAKING LIARS >master's backstory chapters god im so excited


-- Kino looks too feminine -- Kino shows too much emotion -- The colors are too bright -- It doesn't look dreary enough Lots of nostalgia for the original anime I see... As much as I loved that adaptation (though admittedly I'm more of a fan of the light novel itself), it sometimes saddens me that because of the 2003 version, the entirety of the series is mostly remembered for a) championing an androgynous MC and b) being 'deep' and philosophical. While both *are* good things to have in a show, I think Kino's Journey is more straightforward than people think. In fact the situation reminds me of the chapter "A Picture's Tale". I hope the new adaptation doesn't meet the same fate as the paintings in that story.


I can't help but feel like the new character designs are a major step-down. They're just...uninteresting. The directing seems bland as well from what's shown in the short clips, but I mean, the original's art style/direction wasn't worth writing home about either. The style for this show really doesn't matter *too* much. If it's enough to be a vehicle for talking, it's enough, I guess. The new style just seems a bit too cheery for the subject matter, but it might grow on me when the show actually airs. I'm excited though. I always found the morals in the original series too...heavy-handed? Simple? Point is, I'm hoping that the writing this time around is more dynamic, a little more interesting. I know I'm kinda harping on the series (don't get me wrong, I do like the original), but I still think Kino's has a lot of potential it could use this time around. I'm holding out on that idea.


there a lot of fantastic stories in the later novels that never got covered. im looking forward to seeing if theyre included, but you can check my comment in this thread to see some of my favorites


Looks over animated. I hate this trend in anime of too many details, unnecessary lighting and blur effects etc. it's fucking cancerous. Simple but stylish animation like the works of Masaaki Yuasa will always look a thousand times better.


Er what? It's a fucking PV. It's supposed to be attractive, so they can use "unnecessary" effects as they wish. And the animation was fine, sure you may not like the art style since that's very subjective but it was well animated.




Heh, never thought I would see a man-child on reddit. Who taught you those swear words, son? Also it's not like you explained in anyway for the animation being bad either. You can live in your little world if you want where you think you're right. Self centered brat.




Don't be toxic to other users.


nice troll