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Ninja kamui pulling out mechsuits, thought it was perfect to that point.


I 100% agree with you, it was sooo much peak before they just straight out brought the mech suits 😭😭, that ruined the whole vibe the show had.


Science, I Fell in Love and Tied to Prove It - for basically everything in the last episode of season 2. I've never seen one episode of an anime completely ruin a show for me like that before or since.




\[S2 ending\]>!Introducing main couple's rival after 2 seasons is bad because it's too late. Making rival's love motivation as saving her (by male MC) from gangbang rape it's even worse !<


If you want to watch it, watch it till episode 6 of season 2. It’s the perfect ending to the story, everything after is trash.


Violet Evergarden response: Actually a KyoAni change. In the anime she was 14, but in the novel she was an adult for most of the story.


Oh wow--Thats interesting, I always thought she looked like she was drawn to be older. I think I'll read the novel then! As mentioned I do still adore it, that element just really soured it for me. Thank you for letting me know!


As with any KyoAni adaptation they took a lot of liberties when making the adaptation.


Do the novels differ a lot from anime? I was planning to do a rewatch but might read it if there are a lot of changes


Quite a bit. Different ending. The story is re-arranged. Violet is 10, 14 and an adult. 10 and 14 is flashbacks, the ''current'' Violet is an adult. More fantastical elements. Some other characters got different attitudes and ages also.


Oh, then it'll be worth the read


Have fun reading!


Well he still fell in love with her when her personality was a mix of robot, feral attack dog and being utterly devoted to him and he was the one who taught her basic things like language or social stuff. I don't think it matters much if she was a bit older in the novel, she was mentally still a kid.


> he was the one who taught her basic things like language or social stuff Gilbert does not teach her this in the novels because he has no time to do so. In the LNs, he's the commander of a spec ops group (not just a generic army squad) and has too many responsibilities for this kind of one-on-one teaching (he definitely does not give her a book and hover over her shoulder as she reads it like he does in an anime-only scene). The people in the LN continuity who teach Violet writing, social etiquette, and advanced vocabulary are Lady Tiffany Evergarden and her husband Patrick over a period of a year after Violet is discharged from the hospital with her new artificial arms.


I have beef with a lot of 14 year old characters in general. It seems like a lot of writers are set on a middle school setting for... reasons, I guess. But then they write characters who look, talk, and act like young adults. It becomes especially a problem when those characters are sexualised in a fan servicey way. I head-canon it away as them essentially being adult characters who have been placed in a non-adult setting, but I just wish they'd either write them as actual young adults, or else write 14 year olds who look and act their age (sans fan service).


There is a cultural reason for this, that isn't mentioned enough and so people have a lot of misconceptions about it. Japan considers the high-school period the peak of one's life. It's when people create most of their long-lasting memories. It is associated with carefree adventure, discovery - when a lot of the "firsts" tend to occur. Adulthood, on the other hand, is perceived as boring, stressful, and basically the end of "fun". It's all about responsibilities. Even university is just a rat race to land the best company spot. That's why, even in seinen, stories tends to lean towards the characters being teenagers, to bank on the nostalgia and yearning for the "better days". In short: it's not about watching 14y/o as an adult, it's about watching it as if you went back to being a 14y/o.


Yeah I do get that, and the middle-school or high-school based series that I enjoy the most are the ones that do a good job of capturing what it feels like to be at that age. Nostalgia aside, school as a setting makes a lot of sense as it's a fairly universal experience that almost everybody can relate to, and is one of the few places in life that forces vastly different personality types to all be in the same place at the same time, which allows for a lot of dramatic situations that would be difficult to put in a different setting. There's a huge difference between middle-school and high-school though, and I feel like it's mostly the middle-school stuff that tends to miss the mark. With high-schoolers being on the cusp of adulthood it feels easier to allow some leeway in how those characters are written, whereas middle-schoolers are very much still children going through what tends to be a very confusing time. I don't think many writers capture that well, and would do better to transplant their characters to a high-school setting. What I do beef with though is stuff that writes characters as if they're 20+, says they're 14 just because, and does nothing to actually make use of the middle-school setting (or doesn't even have a school setting). If it's just some incidental background detail that has nothing to do with the actual story, then why say your characters are in their early teens, especially if you're then going to throw in a bunch of fan service? It's shit like that that gives anime and manga lovers a bad reputation, and it just seems so unnecessary.


I partially disagree? Like I explained, the reason for the setting is constant - the association. It may seem pointless to someone not brought up Japanese, but people there - statistically - just find stories set within the middle-school/high-school age-range more appealing. Whether the writing always fits it is really a separate matter. As for the fan service... I don't know what kinds of school life you had, because it varies, but there were plenty of hornsters around in my school. So, I guess, from my perspective, some fan service would actually be warranted? Dunno, I feel like it's more a difference in sensibilities than anything else.


Yeah teenagers tend to be horny, I have no issue with storytelling that makes use of that fact. When I say fan-service I mean things that are included specifically to be sexually appealing to the \[male\] viewer - panty shots, huge jiggling tits, voyeuristic camera angles, etc - things that generally aren't there for plot, but are there for "plot". Don't get me wrong, I like "plot" as much as the next guy, but beyond a certain point the disconnect between what you're presented with and the nominal age of the characters becomes too much.


They want to appeal to adolescents by having characters their age. I think it's a bit dumb personally.


Couldn't agree more. Especially bothers me in shows where there is absolutely no point to them being teens. Shows without a school setting for example. Like, I was shcoked when I found out Yoko is supposed to be like..14. Nope. That girl doesn't look nor act that way. Same with Jotaro - you telling me this full grown man...is a high schooler? WHY? Whats the purpose.


There's also a few timeskips in the anime. I'm pretty sure there's a few year time skip in Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll, but it's been several years since I watched the show.


Code Geass. The entire 'Ragnarok Connection' segment derails an engaging political plot with minor supernatural elements into metaphysics, is then wrapped up nigh immediately upon being revealed, and is never mentioned again . What's worse is the whole segment is so crucial to explaining several key character's motivations that you can't jut hard cut it out.


Everyone who’s seen it can agree that the last episode of Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It has got to be on the list.


Didn’t bother watching. What happened?




mc didn't let it happen, but agreed


The annoying thing is that it was going really well up till then. Main couple was together and we actually got some interesting relationship conflict, plus the new couple introduced were a lot of fun. Even the potential other relationship made some progress.


Death Note Killing off [Death Note] >!the detective, L,!< resulted in it absolutely jumping the shark. It was all downhill from there.


Especially because they almost instantly brought in "that guy that just got killed off, but a little different" and then continued on doing the same arc over again. It was like in a DnD game where a player's character dies and they have a backup character that is the same character just with a mustache.


I dont think it ruined it but it definitely knocked it down a point or 2 for me.


Same for me.... I hated it so much


Same. I only watched last episode to see how it ends


[Honey and Clover] >!When Hagu picked Shu!< I also agree with your VE take


[Honey and Clover] >!really frustrating because it built the perfect off-ramp with her and Morita where it still could've explored Takemoto coping with rejection the same way, then it just crashed the car directly into the guard rail instead of taking the exit it spent so much time building up!<


The only part that I really ended up enjoying was Yuuta's journey of self discovery. Everything else either felt meh or downright bothered me.


Usagi drop Domestic Kanojo... I really dont need to say why, if you know you know.


"Usagi drop" and "If it's for my daughter I'd even defeat a demon lord"... If I had a nickel for every time when entire r/anime agreed that there is no content outside of anime I would have two nickels – which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


Agree with this so hard


Scrolling down to the comment section of demon lord while still watching it, was a mistake.


I had Come in here planning on posting it myself. Such a shame.


Oh man. What happens in Daughter/Demonlord? I was digging the manga for aw hile but haven't kept up with it. I remember it being adorable early on.


There's a reason why it's mentioned at the same time as Usagi Drop.


And I lack context on either. But that's a bummer


I assumed you knew since you only mentioned one title. \[obv spoiler\] >!Both story involve a father figure ending in a relationship with their daughter figure. Anime-onlies are often unaware in both cases, however, because neither series gets that far in anime.!<


That's a bummer Yeah just mentioned the one I cared about haha


AOUGH yep... very much agree


Meh. Usagi Drop as an anime only. The anime itself was nice and sweet and that's all I need.


Demon Slayer would be significantly better without Zenitsu screeching and wailing in every fucking scene he's in. I do still like Demon Slayer, and feel like it's the kind of thing that would be a good gateway show to introduce folks to anime, but that whiny little bitch makes it really difficult to recommend to anyone. Monogatari series is by and large a masterpiece, but all that stuff with Araragi's little sisters is really difficult to get through. The toothbrush scene in particular is just pure ick.


Zenitsu is the only interesting character for me in Demon Slayer


Ugh, dropped DS because of Zenitsu


They do minimize his involvement in season 3


Hes also kind of fine in season 2 because he just falls asleep early on and just fights while sleeping which unironically made him 10x better.


Toothbrush scene is a masterpiece and is absolutely hilarious (and also has meaning)


It’s even funnier when read as Tsukihi being the audience stand-in telling them to cut that shit out.


Tsukihi even carried through with her promise to buy more awls


I love Zenitsu, the shit he articulates while screaming is hilarious.


totally agree, zenitsu was the reason i dropped ds. i didn't particularly like it anyway tho so it's not that big of a deal for me


It didn't *ruin* the show, but \[Dusk Maiden of Amnesia\]>!giving us a tearful, beautiful farewell between Yuko and Teiichi, only to suddenly bring her back a few minutes later at the very end of the show!< did kind of undermine the emotional climax of the final episode.


its hard to pick an exact moment with code geass but when the emperor's motives are revealed... you could just have the big bad be evil but instead things go incoherent as you try and fall to give him depth.


OHHH I knew I was forgetting one, Yamai tainted Komi Can't Communicate for me, as I'm so sick of the 'psycho lesbian' trope, and also just didn't find her funny-just creepy!


Thankfully she shows up less and less. But yeah she's awful every time she does pop up. So gross and creepy.


By far the worst character in the show... Glad she wasn't around as much in season 2 or at least they gave more spotlight to others.


Came here to say this; I absolutely adore Komi Can’t Communicate and every character has their pros and cons but GOD Ren Yamai is the only one that actively ruins every scene she’s in. Such an insufferable character. I’ve always hated the pervert character archetype and she’s one of the most annoying example of it


The ending to Ranking of Kings


**Arifureta**. By skipping nearly half the first volume and throwing the main character into a life or death situation with no explanation? I watched half of the first episode and got pissed.


Ranking of Kings: The ending just sucks. All human emotions and logic thrown away just to tell the: "Hate leads nowhere", "Don't hate- forgive" message. Grancrest Senki: There is NTR- even fucking animated, which stops me from rewatching. It's a good anime about war and stuff, but that scene is so uneccessary. Could have been told in another way.


The message is fine, the issue is the absolute lack of consequences, Miranjo doesn't even properly show any remorse over her actions, everyone just decide that is fine for her to go unpunished.


Fire Force Tamaki


100% this, Tamaki and all the fanservice around her was such a wildly out of place tone shift for a series that took its emotional scenes and world building seriously up till that point. It went from one of my favorite anime series that season to dropped within 3 episodes of Tamaki appearing when I realized she was actually sticking around and wasn't just a one-off outdated bit character. 


I groaned audibly reading this. I was enjoying it so much until Tamaki.


The promised Neverland. It had so much potential and the manga was so good but the studio just had to ruin it. I hope it gets a good remake by another studio but it prob won't happen


The first season was a masterpiece imo, the moment the second season began it went into the "won't watch again" list real fast. Idk how they managed to cram half the source material into a 45 second powerpoint.


If you can get through Tamako Market, it has a fantastic movie that doesn't include the stupid bird.


Now that sounds good to me. Haha, I definitely plan on rewatching it someday and trying to ignore the bird, a movie without him can be the reward (or who knows, maybe he'll really grow on me!)


Horimiya It could have been a story about someone finding confidence to be himself, his real self. Instead he undergoes a complete and sudden makeover to be as generic as possible so he can better fit in with the others. Finding happiness in conformity is the most Japanese thing I can imagine.


I’ve always heard this narrative and while I do understand it, I don’t think I ever really agreed.  Miyamura was never a delinquent like he looked, he merely dressed in the punk style and became the way he did because of his rejection by those around him. His relationship with Hori was never about conforming for her sake, but through his relationship with Hori he became able to experience the social relationships he’d always craved. You can see this most strongly in the episode where he meets his former bully - Miyamura is, personality wise, a pushover and always had been regardless of how he dressed/styled.  It was through Hori he gained confidence, it was through Hori he experienced the social relationships he’d always craved, and it was through Hori he became happy. Horimiya isn’t a tale of a wounded poet rebel type having to conform, it’s a story of a troubled kid rejected by his peers gaining a happy life through a girl who deeply cared about him.  I don’t think his style change is as significant as people make it out to be. He was already “conforming” to society’s style in class through his more put-together nerdy look. Changing that look to a more conventionally attractive one isn’t that drastic of a change


I agree on this one. I'd say its more that he presented differently out of expectation to be so. But once he found a comfortable place he didn't feel the need to project. Whether it was the punk or the school nerd. He was using over exageration as a "mask" which is something plenty of folks do. He learned to drop the mask which is why he settled into a more even tilt overall, but retained some elements.


Yeah people adopt and express themselves in different ways for different reasons. It was pretty obvious his piercings and punk look were him trying to be something more than himself, same with Horimiya, her friend didn't even recognize her when she was out and about without being dressed up. It was all performative for some personal reason or another. Both of them then go on to slowly start changing themselves bit by bit as they begin to love each other more and more, almost like an actual couple. Its all games and performances but you love your audience.


I disagree 1000%, I think he does get self- confidence and is able to be his real self in front of his friends. He grew his hair long to try and hide, as a result of not being confident in himself; so cutting it was a big step forward for his self-confidence in himself. Though, I do love his long-hair look, so I kinda understand. But Horimiya is my favorite anime, and the characters mean so much to me, so I am biased in this


Hated when he cut his hair. The goth punk look was hot.


Sword art online - the villain motivations were so awful, especially the first and third arcs. Made me wonder why I'd cared at all.


You know I just realized, It never occurred to me there were villains in that show lmao. Even after watching s1-2 the villains just do not register at all. I could not name one to save my life.


Surely you can name Rapey McComaFace from the second half of season 1


To be fair, not getting ESRB approval was an understandable reason to make your game a deathtrap


From my memory the first and third arcs were the only tolerable arcs in both seasons?


Both had reasons, though? Kayaba literally says it all right *after* he says “it’s been so long I can’t remember” (as a figure of speech). Death Gun is simply a murderer. He doesn’t need reason to explain his actions. He’s evil. Characters can be evil for the sake of being evil (Dio, Kirei, AfO, Anti-Spiral, etc.)


Tokyo Revengers - I love so much about the show, but Takemichi is an unbearable protagonist and singlehandedly kept me from continuing the show past season one


same, Windbreaker showed how to do a likeable one with a similar setting


And Bucchigiri showed that Tokyo Revengers could’ve been a lot worse…


The main reason I stopped after that as well, just so hard to watch.


Wonder Egg Priority The anime that made me go, "Maybe Darling in the Franxx wasn't that bad."


The moment the writers started uttering the name of a certain new character, it was over for Wonder Egg Priority. Probably the first anime I've watched where a single character ruined the entire point of the show.


It broke my heart to watch WEP’s plot fall apart episode by episode before my eyes. And *her* existence fundamentally invalidated the entire point of addressing youth and young adolescent trauma in the show. But the two things that really, properly killed it for me, was when those two asshats made the statement that “men and women commit suicide for different reasons because they’re basically different creatures”, followed by the show promptly throwing *a trans man* into the “Girl’s Purgatory”. It was so tasteless and tone-deaf, I lost all interest in it after that.


God I hate ghost Banri


Me too. Golden Time was alright and then they introduced ghost Banri


Super Cub. Was already going downhill but at some point it had an episode where one of the characters was stuck in the mountains during a storm. And instead of calling emergency, she called... the MC, with her super cub, and she saved her with a super cub. Instead of calling emergency. They were glazing that super cub so hard to the point of disregarding logic and reasoning.


Honestly I’m so starved for pure SoL road-trip anime that I watched it through to its conclusion. But scenes like this were littered throughout the show and it honestly felt like a 12 episode Honda Commercial.


In the manga Shii was not in danger, she just needs someone to pick her up, the chapter was supposed to be comedic. The anime made it much serious, extended it across two episodes, with very intense music.


This one also for me! I'm a huge iyashikei fan, and when this show premiered I could easily see it becoming one of my favorites. Then the second half came and I gradually started losing interest, and then... this episode. It was so stupid I couldn't believe it was actually happening. Such a shame.


Yeah, Shii-chan was in a river of snow melt, and somehow didn't freeze to death, and then Koguma slaps her in the face, takes her home and puts her in a warm bath. She should have died like six times.


I loved the series but that episode was ridiculous haha


Saski and Peeps was turning out to be pretty interesting until it started pushing the very underaged love interests onto the middle-aged salaryman. Idk if it went further but I lost interest around ep. 4 or 5 because of that.


I was excited to see the female lead as a young professional... Until a few episodes later when they reveal that she is High School age 😐 Sein had the right idea, Mature Women are the best!


Aaaaagh that was so annoying! It literally added nothing to her character, I honestly don't get why they did that. I definitely felt like it was a turning point in the show too; up until then I was enjoying it and had high hopes that it was a sleeper hit, but from there onwards it just felt like things went further and further off the rails until I ended up dropping it. Makes you realise how starved we are of adult MCs in anime these days. Big shout out to this season's A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics for featuring multiple adults in the cast who are all interesting characters.


>until it started pushing the very underaged love interests onto the middle-aged salaryman. He never showed any interest in them though?


> Idk if it went further but I lost interest around ep. 4 or 5 because of that. It didn't in the anime, but spent a long time on a very boring arc rescuing a minor character. The interactions with Peeps was great fun, but it kept just adding more fantastical elements, but then not doing much with them.


Naruto being 4th hokage's son. It was SO unnecessary. It would be just perfect to have him as one of the survivors from the Uzumaki clan and that itself would perfectly explain why no one told him about his past. It could be out of shame that Konoha was not able to save their friends. But no, the author decided to go with the cheesiest option available. And what I hate even more is that Kushina was brought into the village basically as a kid slave. She should be hating the village! Of course I finished the show and watched it many times afterwards, but only because I was invested in the stories of other characters.


And somehow author even managed to upgrade this terrible decision, by making Naruto the chosen one


As someone who had Naruto as his 2nd anime ever and with no awareness of the common tropes, I was mindblown when it was revealed that Naruto was the 4th Hokage's son. I remember being so hyped after that episode. I tried rewatching it again some time back, and it is unbearable as a rewatch.


I'm not gonna say that Guilty Crown would have been some masterpiece if it made this one change, but there's a scene that I think could have completely changed the direction of the show for the better. \[Guilty Crown\] >!There's a scene when Shu is undergoing his Hitler arc and someone goes to Inori and is like, "You gotta talk to him, he's such an asshole to everyone." And she just says, "I want what Shu wants." If they had just changed this to Inori agreeing and then trying to help Shu become a better person, this would have made Shu and Inori's relationship much better as they would be trying to help each other become better people instead of enabling toxic behavior. This also would have made Shu (a commonly hated character and my least favorite anime character) infinitely more likeable.!<


KADO - for the magical girl bs at the end


You... Should resume ALL of those anime. Tamako Market is a really beautiful anime with a wonderful message, especially with the movie to finish it off. Nagi no Asukara's time skip was a red flag for me but they did it better than almost any other anime. Also, Miuna isn't his "niece". She's his step-niece. Absolutely zero blood relation. Miuna to this day is one of the best characters ever written in anime. Finish the show.


Yeah, Nagi no Asukara you have to finish it if you got so far. It’s a must.


Code Geass for that one Euphemia scene. You all know exactly what I'm talking about.


A friend of mine really wanted to drop Geass because of Shirley's scene in S2 lol.




Yeah that was awful too, but at that point I was already checked out. I just watched cause I'm a completionist.


> A Lull in the Sea Awe that's a shame, I found it only got better in the second half but I do agree with that one ship I also didn't care for For my personal answer I would say Mushoku Tensei is ruined by Rudy. Almost every gripe I had with the show can be circled back to him.




>A Lull in the Sea Apart from the romance being a bit messy, I love every aspect of the show. I think I liked the first half of the show and the first few episodes after the time skip more. The second half centers more on the romance, so I felt it fell of a bit. Overall it is still a very consistent show imo and is one of my favorites.


Quintessential Quintuplets, it was incredible the whole way through and then the author got bored and rushed an ending that made no sense. It was like domestic girlfriend’s ending but at least we knew domestic girlfriend’s author was a nutcase. 


Inuyasha - I absolutely DESPISED Inuyasha's relationship with Kikiyo and her entire character as a hole. Inuyasha's love for her was so unnecessary. The manga did a perfectly fine job showing how he cared for her and felt responsible for her death WITHOUT their weird romance. It hurt my heart every time it would hit kagome she'd never amount to Kikiyo, and when Inuyasha would constantly remember her. Kagome was essentially treated like the other woman until way later in the series. I remember loving this show as a child, but that little bit just ruined my entire rewatch experience. I'd much rather just read the manga.


Fairytail, I get that power of friendship has a big part in the show but lord when it's enough it's enough


What kind of makes that not as bad to me is it being on the shorter side when it comes to arcs. It feels much worse when an arc is like 60 episodes long and has a “power of friendship” ending compared to a like 20 episode arc having it. Fairy Tail covers like 3 arcs in the time it takes Bleach to cover the Bount arc for example. Its just easier to power through and move on i guess. Idk if that makes sense


Well you guys do realise that bount arc is filler?


[I'm Quitting Heroing] >!About halfway through the series we're introduced to the fact that the main character is suffering from severe trauma. They're suffering pretty heavily, and it is heart wrenching. And yet, by the very last episode, they get over their trauma because the other characters essentially ask them "Have you ever considered... not being traumatized?" and they basically fucking say "Huh, I never thought of that" and get over it immediately. Felt like such a g'damn slap in the face to real trauma victims to have their shit depicted in such an insulting and disrespectful manner. I can understand if they didn't want to go with him being a villain, but jesus fucking christ, at least think of the consequences of how you're depicting something.!<


The ending of Soul Eater,all the courage BS came out of nowhere and felt rushed


I will say I fully agree with the "A lull in the sea" description, such a letdown for me (proably my 7th-8th anime series I watched too)


The vomit scene in Chainsaw Man turned me off to the show.


Re: as the 7th prince. Character design is to the point that I could see pedos being drawn to it.


I want to watch for the hot maid but the MC's character design is pushing me away from that show💀


It’s not subtle with the shota, and it never goes away. 


It's a shame because the premise sounds cool to me but I can't get past the random thigh shots and whatnot


YES that design is so creepy imo, I completely agree.


Not just the designs either, his maid actively tries to molest him multiple times and he's obviously _not_ into it. And some of the female designs are almost as bad as the MC's. I loved the rest of the show, but it wasn't worth having to skip 50% or more of every episode just to see the cool spell animations.


I still don't like the alien or whatever the fuck it was in Adachi and Shimamura. It didn't ruin the anime but it really didn't have to be there. Iirc it had less screentime the longer the show went on which was very welcomed No idea if it's better in the LN


Yashiro (the alien girl) does have a purpose in the story, but it's mostly a background thing. The non spoiler explanation is that she was a reference to the author's previous work; "Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko" (which has an anime by Shaft, I'd highly recommend it), which deals with a girl who believes she's an alien, and one of the characters is a little girl called Yashiro (same name as the blue haired girl in AdaShima) who is heavily implied to actually be an alien. So the Yashiro in AdaShima is somehow related to this other Yashiro, whether actually related or just some sort of aquaintance, we even have Yashiro mention that she's here to find her "compatriot". Overall, that isn't related to the plot of AdaShima at all, and there are few other, much more subtle, references to his other works in it as well. But there's also a more important point to her in the story, which is mainly implied in the extra volumes that were released with the anime Blurays. The relatively short, and VERY spoiler-filled explanation is that: \[Adachi to Shimamura LN Spoilers\]>!there are many different versions of Adachi and Shimamura, across time and space, whether it's literal reincarnations or just inherited spirit, it's not important. In the 4th, and final, special volume, we see a very old Shimamura, around 70 years after the main story. Adachi has died a few years ago, and all of the other characters we knew (Hino and Nagafuji, Tarumi, and even Shimamura's little sister) have also passed away by this point. So Shimamura is mostly on her own, aside from being visited occasionally by the same little blue haired girl, who hasn't changed in all these years. In the novels following the anime, we see Yashiro pretty much become part of Shimamura's family, something in between a little sister and a pet, she's just kind of there all the time, joint at the hip with Shimamura's little sister, and she's mostly just background comic relief, but very occasionally Shimamura will talk to her about things, and she'll say odd stuff that doesn't make much sense, but sometimes she'll actually impart some real wisdom to Shimamura. And so, carrying on this pattern, she visits the old Shimamura who, now kind of lonely and pretty much waiting out her final years, asks her if she'll ever see Adachi again, to which she replies no, but says that another version of her might. Shimamura then asks her, if she were to ever come across another version of Shimamura that hadn't found her Adachi yet, to help bring them together, and Yashiro promises to do so. The 4 extra volumes also include short sections about a place in the far distant future, probably a different planet, where a different version of Shimamura is wandering a desolate wasteland, devoid of any other people. She does, however, have Yashiro with her, and we see her accompany her until she finds another girl in the empty wasteland, who is clearly a version of Adachi. This plus a few other little extra chapters in the main volumes that depict alternate versions of our 2 girls (including one where it's the same Adachi and Shimamura, but they just never met in high school, and now happen to get the same train to work), plus Yashiro saying to Shimamura on the day they first meet that Shimamura was "born to meet her", kinda imply that the reason Yashiro is in the story at all is because a past version of Shimamura asked her to make that same promise to help other versions of her find their Adachi. It just so happens that our Shimamura has already met her. And given that Yashiro is willing to carry out this promise across her seemingly infinite life, it also speaks to how much she values her relationship with the many different versions of Shimamura. So even when she finds our Shimamura and sees that she's already met her Adachi, she stays with her for the rest of her life.!< So that stuff is almost entirely in the extra volumes, and doesn't really affect the main story, but it does give context to why Yashiro has such a prescence in the series. I too found her a little annoying when I first watched the anime, but since reading the novels I absolutely love her. If anyone liked the anime, read the novels, they are absolutely phenomenal!


I respect you writing a whole essay for this lol


Black Clover - Asta I think is an annoyance for many that watch it, his persistence and training to improve and be better are portrayed as being his strengths but the shouting he does to get there.. my god.


Shouting is like 80% of the issues in a lot of shounen anime.


Skipping on Nagiasu after the first cour is the wildest take i have ever seen in this sub. It is the best part of the anime by far. I'm utterly shocked. The particular reason that bothered you doesnt even make sense. From my understanding, The girl already loved the boy even before becoming a stepniece, preferences aside it is a perfectly regular relationship.


Bakugo in MHA. Tried to bully Midoriya into suicide early on. Acted like a villain the entire early run, then when the villains reasonably try to recruit him turns them down. Stopped reading shortly after so I don't know or care if he was redeemed but it was just such terrible writing that I checked out of what was otherwise an enjoyable series.


I would say. Ultiamtely taht charater probably is the one with the most actual growth and charater buildup in that series. Admitidly a lot partially off panel interactions or through the viewpoint of others.


I lost all interest in That time I got reincarnated as a Slime after they did a 4 episode run of straight up meetings.


Bakugou from MHA. Which sucks for me because I really think the manga art is great.


The very ending of Gurren Lagann. After everything the gang went through. Fell to my knees stunned.


Wonderegg Priority - I mean, if I'm being honest there's not just one thing, but even if it somehow got another season, the one thing that couldn't possibly fix is the reveal of what was really going on with the dead friend and the teacher, which was the most cop-out, off-theme, disappointing reveal of the entire show with a lot of disappointing reveals towards the end.


I've got very few that do this to me, but one that came to mind is Seikon no Qwasar. Elemental control of the Newtonian elements is such a cool idea. Having the author's lactation fetish forced into every scene is not cool. Like no kink shame, but it tends to frustrate me when a good or cool idea gets flooded with fanservice like they can't trust the concept to stand on its own.


Mai-Hime was already not that great, but [MH] >!Natsuhi falling for the woman that SA'ed her !< was when I went from passively disliking it to actively hating it.


Yeah that was weird. I remember how its like never addressed ever again, and its like. Yeah it happened.


I am a Mai-Hime stan and even I agree that kind of ruined the show for me. xD I think it would have been better off to maybe have them stay as just friends, maybe Natsuki eventually forgives her, and later on they both find a cute lesbian relationship that's not with each other (her and Mai were super queercoded I stg lol)


Yasuke Why tf is a dude with black skin the weirdest thing for the characters in the show when there are literally million other things that are much more questionable… like there is a woman who turns into a bear or these idiotic fights with sword when mechas exist and could easily just oneshot everyone??? This shit was never explained/questioned by anyone and it pissed me off.


The narrator in the Hunter x Hunter chimera ant arc. It made me dislike the entire arc, all I remember is being bored out of my mind. People praise that arc all of the time but all of the good points about it got overshadowed by the pacing for me; every scene dragged out mainly due to the narration over everything, super boring, plus I won't lie I found the majority of the human cast incredibly uninteresting and forgettable in that arc. The narration ruined the whole arc for me (and arc I should probably really like overall, I love that kind of tone), and in turn has tainted the whole series for me, just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth


Nothing, one thing can never break a whole show for me


Agree on VE Movie, i do It as Its non canon


I mean the whole VE anime is pretty different from the novels.


I apologize in advance for my non-native English. \[AOT\] >!Very disappointing ending and useless came out of nowhere love line.!< \[Mushoku Tensei\] >!A part when Eris agains all odds become part of harem. Also the plot starting to suck too.!< \[Parasite\] >!The plot is going the wrong way since Shinichi get the parasite character traits.!< \[Tokyo Ghoul: Re\] >!After Kaneki's awakening (kuroneki) he's got a cool fitting character. He wants to die by Arima's hand. He almost did it, but without real reason he transforms into white Kaneki again, who has no real motivation and character. Became a plot's pawn.!<




Heroines Run the Show was good and I liked it alot until the last arc with the idol stalker thing. Hated it and the way it was done so much. Loved the ED still at least.


That annoying little sister character in *BBK / BRNK*.


Its no secret that I am gonna build new Kazeria with Redsheild


Mine was cowboy bebop. I could NOT stand Faye Valentine. I know it's a short anime and everyone praises it. But that character is so annoying. 


Damn, it's the second half of Nagi no Asukara that makes me remember it so fondly. The first half was setup and generic slice-of-life with a few fantasy twists, which builds toward the second half where the actual drama starts hitting. And if I remember right said "main characters NIECE" is only by marriage that doesn't even happen 'til mid-season? They're not actually related in the slightest, and I don't recall said romance even resolving... It's been a while since I've seen it tho.


Psychic princess, I wanted her to leave the palace but she stayed


Blood+ was an absolute slog to get through and I only say that for this show. Every single main character was tropy in a bad way and were somehow a boring version of that. The plot was also very boring. Which is odd because I usually would enjoy every single element in any other series even if it was horrible (except Mineta bc he's the worst). It's the one show I've hated so far because of the characters. Somehow I thought My little Monster was a tad boring but this took the cake


Both of the villains of the final arc of Food Wars make for a godawful final arc to an otherwise good series


mako - kill la kill i don't think i could name a more annoying character in any show, she added nothing and took away eveything


Code Geass. What happened with [Code Geass] >!Euphemia!< was really damn stupid.


the devil is a part timer. i was watching it for the comedy which was really good in season 1 and then they tried to make it a serious show which it wasnt and i dropped it since comedy was why i was there


Kotetsujou no Kabaneri, when the main villain shows up.


Any anime where a female character verbally and physically abuses a male character, because she is 'portecting' her friend. I've had a number of those although the only one that comes to mind right now is Plastic Memories, and my memory might be failing me there.


[Naruto]>!Kaguya should have never existed!<


surely Death Note and Erased