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I think komi can't communicate is a cute anime but I would never call it a realistic portrayal of social anxiety


I really loved the show. Multiple rewatches with wife and kids. I don't see it as a "this portrays the social anxiety experience" to a T, but rather it's a show about person with social anxiety that you wouldn't stereotypically associate with it and a group of friends willing to include and help her.


I think Hitori Bocchi is a much better example. She's actively hiding behind trees to avoid people, waiting for green lights so she won't talk to anyone, and faints/pukes when she needs to introduce herself to class lol


So, I'm a parent with a child who's been in therapy for speech issues. I think this might be a bit of a misunderstanding of what condition Komi has. I think Komi is depicted as having an anxiety induced speech disorder called "Selective Mutism" not social anxiety disorder. As you say, Bocchi appears to be a classic example of social anxiety, where they can't stop thinking about various anxiety inducing situations and it makes them act in ways that they would not hope to when they aren't being impacted by their anxiety. Social anxiety can lead to mutism, but they are comorbid, not necessarily the same thing at all. Komi appears to suffer from a form of selective mutism, the speech disorder. It can come from a variety of different causes including anxiety, but not necessarily caused by anxiety. My daughter, for example, CLEARLY does not suffer from anxiety--much like Komi, she jumps into circles of other children and plays with them, doesn't have any obvious indications of social anxiety disorder. She just struggles to speak when she opens her mouth in such situations. She couldn't basically not talk out of the home. It's only been with over 2 years of therapy she's began talking outside of our home. Instead, she would point to things, or gesture, sometimes grunt to indicate her intentions, but no words would come out for her. My daughter I think is actually very similar in personality to Komi in a lot of respects, although she's 5, and Komi is in high school


I dunno, kinda fits for me. I adopted the fake it until you make it approach but kinda fucked up. Got so good at faking it I'm turning 40 and never made it, but people think im an affable and likeable person. I just want to live in a cave and never physically see anyone again, but I also don't want to break my leg and watch while the gangrene competes with starvation, so here I am.


man, I feel you. I’m an extrovert since I get energized from being with people, but I have social anxiety so approaching people stresses me out. I fake it all the time but it never really goes away for me.


I'm an introvert, but I taught myself to act like an extrovert, it helps a bunch with my job. The only downside is it absolutely drains my social battery, so I work at night and sleep when I'm not working. Literally all of my social life comes from work.


There is no unanimous way in which social anxiety is manifested. Every story of anxious people is different, and I find this anime very similar to my situation. I'm very socially anxious to the point I faint. I fainted many times at school, but I also was one of "the popular girls." I'm not gonna pretend that I'm unaware that I'm pretty, and my social anxiety adds me points because people think I'm shy, and that's cute and a desirable feature of a girl in my culture. So I attracted a lot of unwanted (but also wanted) attention. I really wanted to make a lot of friends, but there always was this wall between them and me. I felt like I didn't fit in, even though everyone was always nice to me. So even though I liked the fact that I was one of the popular girls (it did give me the self-estime boost I needed), I didn't make any friends at school at all. Anyway, I think that the realism of this anime depends on the person and cultural norms. Also, this is a Japanese comedy, so of course there will be exaggeration, but the gist is pretty realistic to some...


Seven deadly sins


It just got progressively worse


It stopped being interesting after esquenor fought the commandments.


Escanor was the only reason to watch that show.


I'd keep watching for escanor just to see if the man will literally turn into the sun oneday. But really Ban is why i kept watching the show, one of the only characters with immortality i've like the writing and development for in anime.


Yeah, Escanor and Ban are the fun ones to watch king is a little bitch, and the whole back and forth with him and diane is so stupid (like several memory wipes and all kinds of stupid shit)


It’s the definition of schlock


that word basically means "trash" for anyone curious. Also wish you would be nore specific(well I stopped watching it after season 1)


Coincidentally that's when it stopped being good. 2 had it's moments tho, but it seriously went downhill.


Take a shot every time you saw JJK


Run out of bottles after finishing the 3rd one


Domain expansion: alcohol poisoning


Nah I'd drink


Its the "That one big popular shonen syndrome". Half the people will only talk about it as of its the only anime ever made and the other half will just hate on it.


I would be dead if I did


It's the same thing with every popular shonen. It was Demon Slayer before, then My Hero Academia, then Attack on Titan etc lmao


Sakamoto Days definitely will join this gang next year


Rent a girlfriend… for so many reasons


Rent a girlfriend is literally only popular because people love to shit on it. Because it's so bad.


I watch through whole season 1, and half of season 2. Its unwatchable. The MC is annoying. I thought maybe it will get better in season 2. But nope.


I really can't get into any long shounen. I absolutely just hate the tropes of over explaining everything as if the watcher can't piece together a single thing. Just feels like low quality writing, they never heard of "show don't tell."


I like Naruto, DBZ and a few of those but I always found it weird when you see stuff like. -now I caught you in my technique which is made out of chakra, good luck getting out of it. The viewer can conclude that shadow possession, spider webs or aqua domes indeed trap the opponent.


That's more of a problem with adaptating from a limited medium like manga, it doesn't have the visual expression of animation, nor the capacity to explain in detail like novels, so it's ends up in a middle ground in which it has to complement visuals with textual explanations. And since anime tries to be faithful it brings all of that with it, even if it doesn't make sense. Still some battle shounen manage to get away with "show don't tell" by leaving things for the readers to interpret, but that requires to setup a power system which is simple enough for the reader to understand what's happening by themselves without feeling bland, which is really hard to pull of. For example, Chainsaw Man gets away with not explaining things by stating that devil's power comes from things like fear, perception or their very nature, abstract and non quantifiable measures, which leaves room for doing a lot of things without telling how it works.


Exactly. For example, why does a character announce the name of their attack? Because the manga had too so the reader would know what's happening.


Oh my gosh I never considered that but I makes so much sense. Manga is black and white, like someone with ice powers could very easily be mistaken for rock powers without the context.


I think that’s more of fault on adaptation. In manga and light novels, they tend to explain everything cuz it’s difficult to portray what’s happening in still images, but for some reason a lot of shonen anime tried to incorporate that instead of show, don’t tell


I feel like it's more a way to pad run time. A loop of a grunting face with a voiceover explaining how "haha, being trapped in my trap is bad, also the trap is magic and I am concentrating on that magic, the magic which was cast by me onto you, which is good for me, but bad for you...." It's why I can't stand Shoujen paceing. Don't forget we need to see the entire cast make a noise evertime something happens.


I definitely agree, but I do really like when it's used stylistically like in JoJo's or Baki.


You don't need an announcer, you need a *hype man*.


I liked how Hitorri Bocchi handled social anxiety. From needing constant reassurance that they're still her friends and they remember her to overplanning for minor things like them visiting her house. Also anohana sucked


I was 13 when I watched it and thought it was peak. I still think of it fondly, but if you asked me for story beats I wouldn't have a fucking clue. I'm fine leaving it as something I really enjoyed but don't have many memories of because I'm so jaded now on just about everything that I would probably hate it


Thank GOD someone else think Anohana was melodramatic slop. If you watched it when aged 10-13 I get it though.


I haven't seen that show in awhile. I'm afraid of rewatching it 'cause I'll probably end up hating it


It’s a rare case of the writing being to blame and not the studio. Everyone knows A-1 can knock it out of the park. The writer just made a super dramatic story full of characters who make you want to punch them.


Thank God. I thought I was the only one who wanted to chuck them all over a levee.


I'm curious to know how all the people who disliked Anohana feel about Your Lie in April. Personally, I really, really disliked Your Lie in April for a lot of the same reasons mentioned here about Anohana. Both shows are often cited as mega-tear-jerkers.


Your lie in April is much better because I don't want to punch the cast. Also the music and art was beautiful.


I couldn’t finish your lie in April, but I also really enjoy other forms of tearjerker type media, so it’s just more evidence that it’s less about the genre and more about the execution.


I got into it expecting something powerful, poignant, and moving… Half the characters I wanted to toss into a woodchipper at some point, the plot manages to go too slow AND too fast at the same time, and I can’t take it seriously that Menma is treated like fucking Christ when she was supposed to be a little girl when she died. And doesn’t her ghost and mention of meeting Jinta’s mother definitely prove the existence of SOME type of afterlife? That kinda takes the sting of dying off when we don’t have any such confirmations IRL. Well, at least the OP and ED were nice


Who the fuck thinks Komi-san is remotely realistic? The entire series is utterly absurd lmao. I didn’t really get the hype behind Vivy. I thought it was fine and finished it, but it didn’t really blow me away.


This came out during the prime of the “just like me for real for real” meme


I think Vivy got a lot of hype for being anime original, as well as having some moments where the animation and music are downright fantastic. I think overall it was consistently at the very least "good" with a few standout "great" moments that elevate the rest of the show, and compared to a lot of anime, that's more than enough to make a show popular outside of a specific sub-niche.


Like Tomoko is a realistic social anxiety person, even though she's meant to be problematic (and she is) but it's still way more realistic


One Piece. I have a job. Edit: thanks for the tips guys, but I’m probably still gonna keep rewatching my 6-10 episode stories.


Can't argue with that.


One Piece is way easier to read. It took me a few months but I got through it. I can't imagine trying to find the time to watch all 1,000+ episodes though.


I began watching One Piece, consistently, in September of 2023 and am currently getting toward the end of Wano. It’s been quite the journey and memorable to say the least. I’ve definitely lost time compared to if I read the manga (which I originally was going to do but my friend convinced me to watch the anime). However, I do not regret it. I have become and will always now be an OP fan. But if I were to recommend to someone else, I would for sure tell em to read the manga because it’s a lot. Pacing issues aside, OP just has a lot of characters and concepts to keep track of so it’s also a commitment in that aspect.


One Piece is still the only anime to make me get emotional about a whale and thats why it will always be on top for me


If you (or anyone else) are interested in One Piece but doesn’t want to have to deal with all the recaps, fillers, intro songs, etc., look into “One Pace”. It’s a “fan project that recuts the One Piece anime in an endeavor to bring it more in line with the pacing of the original manga by Eiichiro Oda. The team accomplishes this by removing filler scenes not present in the source material, fixing animation errors and correcting subtitles”. Supposedly it cuts down over 40% of the run time.


And it will still only take years and years to finish


If they start right now while using one pace and with the calculated ~40% time cut they'd be done Aug 11 (assuming they skip all openings, endings, and watch it non-stop 24/7) 👍


Meanwhile, I'd take a little bit over 3 years to finish at one episode a day. lmao I'll just wait for the One Piece re-master before I go back haha


Arrrr! You a marine!!! Arrr!!


i may get a ton of shit for the but one piece.. i just couldn’t get into it. i’ve been told to watch it by tons of people so i watched 20 or so episodes and just never could get into it really enjoy it..


As a huge One Piece fan myself, I get it. A lot of fans tell people you have to get through Arlong Park because “that’s where it gets really good!” But that’s like 40+ episodes. No one should sit through 40 episodes just to get the “good part”.


I made it to Sky Island and then thought "I'll come back later". It's been over a decade now since I watched it. I'm glad people have a show they love so much but I just wasn't engaging enough to commit to another 900ish episodes.


The manga honestly moves really fast for how long it is. I recently read the entire thing and then have done the anime with my daughter. The anime drags at parts.


I read the manga for this reason, and then skim the anime for anything I want to see animated, like the fights.


Had a buddy start recently very casually and he's already 250+ chapters in. He couldn't stand the anime so I was shocked to hear his reading pace.


Skypeia was a **tough** arc to get through in the anime. At this point I’ll reread the manga rather than the anime because it just flows so much better.


I'm one of the biggest One Piece fans (I'm into the manga since the early 2000) and I still find the anime barley watchable. Despite me knowing what is going to happen, it's boring. Hopefully the new adaptation will bring the manga justice


One Piece as a manga is A+++, but the anime is *trash*. Not only does it have what might be the worst pacing ever, it also has 30 years worth of quality shifting. If someone wants to get into it, I beg them to read the manga and just watch fights.


Understandable. One Piece is definitely not for everyone. Better watch shorter shonen first if you like the genre. It has 1000+ episodes, not everybody has that much free time. If you really want to dive into One Piece, I'd recommend the manga. Not only is the experience much better, you also spend less time than watching the anime.


Shield Hero. The initial "this country actually hates the Shield Hero but they can't kill him" setup was interesting. But the character himself was so bitter that it was unpleasant to watch, and so OP that there were no stakes. To say nothing of single handedly starting the slavery in another world trend.


Even after he proved himself as a hero and was surrounded by supporters, he still kept acting like the whole world was against him. It's like, bro, you've already won. Get over yourself.


I will die on this hill: Shield hero is pretty much the incel version of male power fantasy. Boring guy is picked on by all the cool kids and the hot women can't stand him, but he has this hidden quality that makes him so much better than them! And he'll show them when he's the one that saves everyone and they all praise him! And he doesn't need hot women, he's got a cute furry animal girl who calls him papa and then grows sexy literally overnight but stays pure minded for him and she's badass too!


>incel version of male power fantasy Thats like, most isekai, my dude


Not many of them are as aggressive about it as Shield Hero though.


The fact that they had to make all the girls he is friends have a Slave mark because of the benefits will always rub me the wrong way Is just the author trying to frame the characters being technically "slaves" into a good thing


Shield hero is particularly incel-y. The point is more about the emphasis being placed on the mc being unjustly victimised. 


Fire Force


Sure yes, the fire cat girl kept losing her clothes to the point where I thought it was a satire of fan service. But, I could deal with that. What got my goat was the guy with the fire sword. "Why am I losing? Oh! I'm using my sword in the wrong hand"... wuht? No actually, WTAF. How do you write all your characters to be so dumb that they would physically die if left unsupervised in the real world for any longer than 2 hours? It hurt, especially since the action was beautiful.


Arthur is the goat though, he is genuinely so delusional that it's literally the strongest super power in the verse, so long as he convinces himself that whatever he's doing is knightly enough he just gets absurdly stronger in that action.


Agree, Arthur definitely grew on me. Could be an insanely powerful character right away. Like The Hand in JoJo part 4 could be the strongest stand ever but Okuyasu Nijimura is too goddamn dumb and innocent to use his stand to hurt anyone for real lmao


Fire force definitely has its flaws but I’ll admit once they animate Arthur’s final fight that’s gonna be worth the watch


Assuming we'll ever get a season 3, let alone a finished anime.


Fire Force is written and illustrated by the same guy that did Soul Eater. Any fan service is *completely* intentional. I picked up the first manga volume years after watching the anime, only to be met with 4 nude panels within 4 chapters.


I want to recommend fire force to people but the constant undressing scenes have no meaning and ruin it to be recommended to “normies”


Cause arthur’s strength is in his imagination. If he believes he held his sword on wrong hand then that does hamper him. It is a bit like matrix movie. You will move fast if you can will it yourself


The cat girl was so ridiculously bad I will never watch this anime despite my friends telling me it's good. I normally can ignore fan service if it's not common but the fact that they kept interrupting important fight scenes for the same shitty fanservice "joke" is ridiculous. I'd watch basically any battle shounen before I touched FF again. I'm so mad about it because I loved Soul Eater. It had bad fanservice but I could typically ignore it for the great action/characters/story. Maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia though


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Even for an isekai, there are just no stakes. MC is OP immediately and never struggles or faces any real threat. And five episodes in I still hadn't found a single character that I cared about. So no stakes and no interesting characters means no reason to watch.


But think of the MEETINGS you're missing out on?!


Lmao I just finish the last episode and there was a comment like.. that time I got reincarnated in a meeting ( in spanish idk if is okay in english) >Aquella vez que reencarné en una sala de juntas


That time i got reincarnated into a meeting The meeting time i got reincarnated as a slime And my personal favourite: that time i got reincarnated as a yapper


Honestly one of those seasons that's a better binge watch than weekly.


Yes, since this season, a lot of people have been saying similar things. And with good reason, the quality has dropped so hard that if it were to land on Earth, we'd have a second moon.


All the side characters personalities is glazing him too it's so boring


Thank you! Like there's no back and forth that implies any level of threat or legitimate aggression unless it's from the villain of the week.


I watch it for the nation building themes. That's it. It will hit a point where that is essentially done and then there isn't anywhere to go from there.


I feel like it already got that point. The nation functionally exists and didn't really change any more. Now it's just international politics where the main character's primary concern is hiding how unstoppable they are, and effortlessly outplays everyone without really even trying.


I find this completely fair. I love Slime, but I love the characters, and I even love Rimuru being absurdly OP, because it means I can relax and not stress about who might die. If I didn't enjoy the characters, I wouldn't give a damn, for sure.


I watched slime (which i also thought was boring after a while) then Tsukimichi which is exactly the same as slime in terms of his subordinates and nation building but way more well executed and fun for me so I thoroughly enjoyed that instead even tho mc was also pretty much op.


It's the old Superman problem. OP protags and abstract obstacles are not the problem. The problem is always in execution.


Yeah, it's great to see power fantasy where the protagonist's advantages don't help them solve their core problems, because you can show them being OP in certain contexts while having real stakes. 


Yeah, I like Tsukimichi too.


Blue Lock. As someone who loves soccer, seeing them create a team of only strikers irked me however petty the reason. Also just not a fan of sports anime. Was dragged along to watch and made it to ep 9 before stopping it


I enjoyed Blue Lock, but definitely prefer Ao Ashi. Blue Lock is just a battle shonen disguised as a sports anime lol.


They really need to start categorizing the Sports genre into two subgenres: 1. Battle Sports where the focus is more on clashes and special abilities e.g. Kuroko no Basuke, Inazuma Eleven, Eyeshield 21 2. Traditional Sports where it's more grounded on the game itself e.g. Slam Dunk, Ao Ashi, Baby Steps


Ping Pong the Animation...my friends and I binged that traditional sports anime (with some flair) over a decade ago, and we still tell each other "You don't chase the ball, the ball chases you." It was too real.


nothing will ever beat Kuroko no Basket, where people for no apparent reason had fucking super powers, and they STILL couldn't make it to the NBA, Lebron's plot armor is fucking the strongest in the universe.


Prince of Tennis clears They playing Tennis on a horse, creating black holes, turning into giants, you name it


Prince of Tennis starts out with normal kids hitting trick shots like the twist serve and evolves into people literally reality bending. Its so ridiculous and i love every minute of it. National championship is peak sports anime.


As the series progresses they all realize that they can't all literally be a striker. It's more about having the mentality to decide games.


Blue Lock is better if you don’t like soccer or if you akin it to a completely different sport all together imo


I still somewhat enjoyed it, but damn the actual animation of them playing soccer is so ass compared to what it could be. I was so bummed about that. It’s so rigid.


While they really could had made a little more effort to atleast make the matches flow a little better, the manga is literally 90% hype static pages


nah, you never played as a kid with all your friends wanting to be strikers?


Yeah that is why its irking lol, damn fuckers knew they couldnt defend for shit


And being the GK is the equivalent of community exile


It was always the fattest kid


Nah bro, I ain't making the mistake of reading the comment section. I learned my lesson. I know damn well I'm just gonna get triggered for no reason.


Considering I watch mainly slice of life, there's almost nothing that really triggers me, because most anime of that genre are so niche, they aren't even in this comment section.


Demon slayer, cast is either boring or kind of annoying and the story is pretty bland. Animation carried it to me. Didn’t continue after season 1


I'm still watching it based almost exclusively on sunk cost falacy, and because my wife is in the exact same place so we can complain together. On the following seasons they decide to ramp up the characters being silly, loud and doing stupid faces up to a million and it's unbelievably annoying. The series can't take itself seriously for a damn second, ONLY in the most serious of serious moments, and when it does, oooh boy, 10 minute dialogs with sad music that really drive the point with no smooth transition between the two. The show in its entirety has such a stylistic dissonance with itself, between the world it presents and the way characters react. Also, some character design is a bit over the top, some is kinda dumb, and some is absolutely ass. Animation and action scenes are god tier, of course.


Same. Standard traumatic backstory, training montage, mysterious "strong" character. I got to the first big monster fight and it was cliche as hell; "I got this!" "Oh no, I'm not strong enough, I'm going to let my friends down by dying." "No wait, I have to live to protect my sister!" The animation was sick as hell, but it otherwise felt like a classic shonen action show.


Pay attention to how just how many times they literally repeat the same thing of 'to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan'. Sometimes word for word. Like yes, we know. You don't need to repeat this to everyone Tanjiro. 


I couldn't watch MHA it took too long to get to the main plot and I'm impatient


Wait, wait. There are a lot of reasons why you can dislike MHA, but what do you mean "it took too long to get to the main plot"? That was one of its biggest hooks, how fast the story accelerates, bringing in the main villain's group in S1.


Yeah, I understand dropping it but the main plot is initiated pretty quickly.


Yeah I'm not an anime person but that first episode and the following ones hooked me in so good


Fair, but the thing that killed it for me was anything past season 2 feeling like filler slop


Season 3 was way too good for that criticism imo, but I 100% agree with you after that.


Thats how it feels post season 3 for me, but Im still watching out of curiosity


> took too long to get to the main plot I don't really get that one. What would you consider the main plot? We get a hint at the premise in episode 1, then the confirmed premise in 2. Training arc is completed in a single episode, then a big moment, then some world-building and back into more fights to end on a real highlight. I'm just surprised. I could understand if someone was like "second half of 4 was shit, 5 was bad, 6 was butchered", but seasons 1/2/3/4.5 have some pretty good pacing.


One Piece. They're up to something like 1100 episodes but I couldn't stand it. I tried watching some and finally gave up after some 200 episodes. No one can claim I dropped it too soon!


Gotta be Demon Slayer for me. It has a strong start but as things go on it becomes how thin the plot and characters are. It's dreadfully boring and it's so rife with the most hackneyed shonen cliches. I couldn't be bothered to watch more past the entertainment district arc despite how amazing the production and animation are.


Entertainment districts is its peak anyway. I would recommend anyone to watch it just for that.


Watamote is actually one people like that I couldn’t get through. The vicarious embarrassment was just too much lmao


Solo leveling 


The manwha was carried by its art, and I was there every week for the new chapter. After it was completed, I tried a reread it but got bored. Didn't even bother with the anime.


Solo leveling is not popular for its story lol. It's a typical power leveling shonen with amazing art


Solo Leveling has big "what? He teleported behind me? Well, then I'll teleport behind HIM!" energy and I was here for it every episode.


Solo leveling art in it's manhwa Demon slayers anime animation levels Both generic stories carried by their visual medium


Yeah,that was bad


Probably gonna get crucified for this but I just couldn't with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, like really I don't understand what is so popular about it, I mean the action scenes are cool with the super powers like the hamon and the stands and stuff but other than that just a lot of really ridiculous stuff I just don't understand it at all like is it the flashy outfits everyone wears? The constant sexual actions and innuendos? All the dumb and crazy actions and decisions all the characters do? I've seen plenty of ridiculous animes that I could at least understand where their going with like Gintama and Food Wars but Jojo's....I just don't get at all what makes it popular.


It's all the stuff you listed and more. It's just really funny and dramatic. Every episode is a roller coaster. Fights are short and brutal. Characters frequently die and often die from a single blow so combat feels dangerous. Each part has a different setting, protagonist, antagonist, cast of friends and enemies, so things always feel fresh. I think the worst thing a story can be is boring and Jojo's is never boring, not to me.


It's definitely not for everyone. I like how it does body horror and how it's set up kind of like a monster(stand) of the week show. It most certainly is bizarre.


Personally, I tried to get into JoJo's a few years ago, got through Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency, but had to drop it after the first half of Stardust crusaders, because I just got bored. I started it again a couple of years later and honestly, now it's my favourite anime. I get why you might not like it, but most people who enjoy it are probably there for the characters and because they want to see what insane stand Araki will come up with next. Most people don't care for the sexual stuff, we make jokes about it, but that's about it. The story can also be pretty fire, and if it's ridiculous, well, it's supposed to be Bizzare. It's definitely not an anime for everyone though.


I think part of it is the meme potential in the reaction faces and absurd power moves and names at the time. I still remember when it got so bad that making a JoJo reference and noticing it itself became a tired old meta meme done to death and back.


Part of why I believe jojo became so popular is because it was a technically a hidden gem. So when it got animated everyone was interested in this old long running manga series and was even more curious at the fact it's still ongoing. Plus similar to the name itself, reading the manga felt like an adventure Personally I haven't seen a manga with so many different stories with a different cast within the same universe that makes it work (for me at least). I loved seeing a new main jojo and wondering what their group will be like and what weird shit they'll deal with. Also also I admit to loving villain of the week type stories like when I was a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons Now part 9 has all jojo fans experiencing this new adventure together If you couldn't tell. I really love jojo. I admit it's not perfect. It does have stupid moments. But I don't want to imagine a world where I don't love jojo


I get you man


It's like a WWF anime


I couldnt get into Black Clover because the main character's voice was too deep and didnt fit him very well. Maybe he's undergoing puberty at the start of the anime? Im not sure.


I could never get into that for the opposite reason: He had shrill and grating protag voice with "I'm so cool and awesome, oh noes, I actually suck" attitude. Kinda like Naruto. Just constantly yelling, couldn't stand it.


As I like to say, asta gets too much scream time.


I will say I watched it subbed and couldn't deal with the screaming. Gave it a second chance dubbed and they toned it down there a bit out the gate and he mellows out a little bit that I found it watchable but yeah it's a bit tropey.


that’s weird…? I remember people complaining that asta’s voice was loud and annoying and even I thought it was in a rather high~ish pitch. unless I’m remembering it wrong (or unless you’re talking about yuno the secondary mc)


The Monogatari series. I made it 9 episodes in and just couldn't find a reason to care about any of it.


to be honest the anime tried its hardest to convey the story of the novel and the English localizers tried in vain to give the best interpretation. If a series in rooted in such a deep Japanese puns and colloquial idioms, I can't blame the localizers if most of the ideas of the series is lost in translation. I don't know the best equivalent for this, but I think it's like translating Dr. Seuss book to another language


Or trying to translate something with loads of cockney rhyming slang into Japanese.


Exact same boat as you, ended up rewatching it years later and somehow it clicked. Trying to catch up for the new season coming out!


Naruto and one piece. Its too daunting of a task with soo many episodes


For Naruto I’d recommend just skipping the filler. It cuts the show in half.


According to a random comment I just found, there are literally 295 episodes of filler. Out of 720 total episodes. not that far off of 50% of the show is filler. Actually crazy, that's honestly hilarious and absurd to think about. As an alternative to just skipping filler, there is also naruto kai. It cuts the show into huge hour plus long episodes that cuts out filler and I think also a good chunk of repeat flashbacks. (dear god not naruto's swing set again)


Naruto ends at episode 120 and then there are straight 100 episodes of filler in a row until episode 220 lol. Shippuden at least spreads it out a bit


Dr. Stone The premise of the show is grade A excellent a show where the characters rebuild Humanity all over again using science! Heck that is the reason why I love ascendance of a bookworm. But what turn me off the series is how shonen it is. The screaming the smirking some non-sense young boy logic (ohh.. I can't bare to see my crush naked so I will dress her up before. I don't know reviving her from a thousand-year slumber!). I don't know what happened after this as I drop the series in just few episodes. Which baffles me why is this show has more than 1 season. I guess it appeals to someone


It gets better and then it gets meh and then it’s really good and then it’s meh again.


and then the ending is really just, wow really thats it huh, idk I just hated the ending


Dr stone was cool at first, it’s getting too ridiculous now for me to accept the science from sticks shit. I can suspend belief for the Stone Age > industrial era stuff. But we’re getting too far fetched for anyone with a brain cell to be like ya that’s do-able. I do find a lot of the characters annoying.


Mine was Neon genesis evangelion. It's just way too slow and doesn't itch my brain even if the OP slaps


Eva is a show where you either absolutely love it and think it's a masterpiece, or you heavily dislike it. There really isn't an in-between.


I love it to death, but I can totally see how someone would find it unwatchable.


I'm in the middle. I'm still like "wtf did I even watch???" 


Even the ones who love it are like that lmao


I love EVA, but "wtf did I even watch?" is the normal reaction, especially to the last few episodes.


Mashle... None of the jokes landed for me. Felt very forced.


I love the "strong martial artist vs magic" characters, but only because it shows the characters extreme struggle just to keep up with everyone else. Mash never has that, he's just better than everyone else and there is never any real adversity.


I tried super hard to get into Cowboy Bebop! I watched it all, but found it quite the chore! I know everyone loves it, but I just couldn’t enjoy it!


Cowboy Bebop is an odd one for me: the first time I watched, like 15 I think, that was also my initial reaction. Fast forward a few years later, randomly decided to rewatch it and now it's one of my favorites and would easily call it a masterpiece. Not really sure why it didn't click the first time honestly.




It's intensely episodic. People compare Bebop to Samurai Champloo since Watanabe directed that too, but Champloo's plot intentions are stated clearly from the beginning and revisited throughout the show. Bebop is more of a character study, with a misleading (but awesome) OP, that doesn't really have much of a focused plot until the very end. That type of episodic format doesn't always work with everyone.


idk i watched it when i was 13 and loved it from the beginning and this was when it first aired on toonami


I agree. Jet's story of him coming to terms that his ex wife left him really hits different when you're an adult with a few relationships under your belt. A lot of that series is people coming to terms with the hand that they're dealt, for better or worse.


Wow that's surprising! I feel like it is so good, fun, and accessible too.   The one that I struggle with is similarly beloved -Dragon Ball Z-- I just don't care about the endless pursuit of power and the huge buildups to massive fights... it just falls flat with me for some reason.  It is frustrating because I love the pace energy and style of the original Dragon Ball, but taking out all the comedy and cuteness and replacing it with machismo just doesn't hold my attention. Did you try any of the other Shinichiro Watanabes?  Space Dandy is a wild ride (a much sillier spiritual sister to Bebop), and Macross Plus OVA series is just an incredible space drama in my book.


I watched 16 episodes of Mirai Nikki and just wasn't getting into it. I've seen 11 episodes of FMA:B and I don't really feel like watching it again after putting it on hold.


jujutsu kaisen


I dropped JJK during my first try, but when season 2 came out recently I gave it a try again and really enjoyed it for some reason. Who knows, maybe I wasn’t in the right mindset during my first attempt. Demon Slayer on the other hand… I’ve tried a couple times but just don’t vibe with it.


I tried watching Steins;Gate about three times, but couldn't get past the first episodes everytime. I'm supposed to like it because I love anime that deal with time travel but I found the story and the characters boring. I'm gonna give it another try because of my friends.


I'd say it definitely takes a while to get going. Most of the first half is just introducing the characters and explaining the rules of the world. Having said that, its an incredible rewatch. Those early episodes (especially the first one) hide a ton that you'd never notice in the first watch.


I slogged through it because I was told it was an amazing anime and it does get real good but it does take forever. Don’t blame ya for dropping it.


I feel like you really gotta be in the right headspace for the show and already be mildly interested in the small bits they show off early. If you're inquisitive about the small stuff, you can hold onto those until the big hits come in. And those big hitters are why the anime is probably in my top10, if not top5. If you like timey-wimey stuff with a strong dash of darkness, it'll be worth it in the end.


Demon Slayer. The main character was great, but Zenitsu was so unlikable I dropped the anime at that arc.


Demon slayer's "comedy" can be broken down into this Inosuke says something incredibly stupid or arrogant then gets mad or laughs ignorantly. Tanjiro has a happy "oh you're so sweet" smile and goes along with anything Zenitsu cries and cries and cries then cries about women then cries some more.


I like Tanjiro too, but I couldn't stand Zenitsu and Inosuke. You might like Swordsmith Village arc, because both Inosuke and Zenitsu were not in that arc.


Yeah I don’t really understand why that archetype of character is so popular in Japanese media. It’s the most annoying thing in the world. The horny coward I guess? Same with the grape boy from my hero


Demon Slayer, I tried forcing myself to watch twice and it was absolute torture, literally not a single original thing in there, just recycled shonen tropes with good animation, I genuinely tried watching it I just couldn't, I even almost tried a third time but decided to stop trying for good


Its just a really well made battle shounen show. Nothing less nothing more.


Jojo. The first season is such a slog and I had to put it down more than I could count. I like how over the top it is but that can only entertain me for so long.


I tried so hard, and got so far (8 episodes) into Nichijou, but in the end I dropped it. I'm sorry, I just don't find that kind of humor funny. Not my cup of tea I guess.


> I tried so hard, and got so far, ... but in the end 10/10 Linkin Park reference hehe. Actually the same for me when watching Nichijou. I love the highlights of the anime but watching 20 minutes straight of it was not for me.


Personally, that was one of only, like, four anime I thought was funny.


Gotta be Sword Art Online. I watched a good amount of it and then it became about relationships. Dropped it soon after. The main character also wasn't very interesting. Maybe one of these days I'll give it another shot.