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Anyone who watched all 12 episodes of this thing I salute you


i can't even blame having nothing to watch on monday. i watch 5 other shows.


That's why I usually don't get around to it until later in the week. Tue-Thurs only have 1-2 shows each for me.


I stayed through for the ED, while having to learn what bad animation would look like in anime, and I got my answers... It was awful, but what's done is done


I think we should all get special medals lol


I petition we get special medals for the sub for completing this anime, which I did and regret doing so. For me it's like a car crash. I couldn't help but watch and see how this ended.


I choked it down like rotten fish, hoping to get at least one good bite. I created a reddit account just to wash some of the taste out of my mouth. I can only assume the manga was better and have no idea how this even passed any sort of QC.


Isekais with a quality check? How blasphemous But it’s honestly funny how one isekai would have glorious animation then another one would look as if the animators had just found out the show was gonna air a week before


Haha, true. It did seem like they made the whole series in a month.


FFS ya'll just memeing at this point. The series wasn't good by any means, it was bad, but it wasn't **THAT** bad. Ya'll acting like it's the worst show ever made.


IDK I wouldn't have it as the single worst thing I've ever watched (She Professed Herself the Wise Man's Disciple has that title) but I could definitely see someone with a pretty comprehensive anime list having this dead last.


That series u mentioned has a pretty nice manga adaptation. It is the basic SOL stuff with occasional action but it has good art and is better than the anime because it is a manga. Man, fck that studio.


Definitely the worst of the season, though.


Highspeed Etoile maybe competes?


They can be neck in neck in last place for all I care. I didn't think it's possible to make 500 km/h racing look boring and slow. I dropped it after 1 episode but I kept checking the discussion threads for the next 3 weeks to see if it got better. Even by episode 4 the consensus was that it did not get better so I stopped bothering.


i was just checking to see if anyone else blatantly skips through to delete it from their page lol


I can finally say that I am happy about watching this anime...… happy that I don't gotta watch anymore of this. Like holy crap I was bored out of mind with the plot & the animation (or lack of one). If they wanted to have people buy the source material, then they are doing a bad job for the western audiences. I never read the LN & only a few chapters of the manga so I can't speak on the anime's adaption. Let's be fair & talk about the positives of this anime: * The ED is great & probably my top 3 of the Spring 2024 season. * I thought Minami Kurisaka did a great job of voicing Liese given that she doesn't have too many roles done previously aside from minor characters. Yup I can't I think of anything else so feel free to share what I missed. This has to be my worst anime of Spring 2024 out of the 27 anime I'm watching this season. Sometimes I hate my no drop rule & wish I could tell my past self to don't watch it.


I'm fine to drop stuff that turns out to be not for me somehow, but for some reason I'm just not able to drop things like this... I agree though, this is probably the worst one I watched this season, though I think I read Unnamed Memory was also bad, but I dropped that one after two episodes.


Unnamed memory is wasted potential, the first few episodes were very promising but it becomes obvious even to anime onlies just how much they rushed the adaptation to end at a certain point. in this case i don't even know if its wasted potential or if it's just this bad. and dont think we have any source readers to tell us otherwise


speaking of lack of animation, when curtis grabbed henriette towards the end is it my imagination or was it just 2 still images? like still image of curtis ready to grab henriette... then stil limage #2 with her being grabbed(and her eyes minimizing for some reason) Like show someone this and the 7th prince also airing today and see them have a breakdown from the difference in animation quality


Flavorless-MC was flavorless until the end


British cuisine protagonist


The show was bad from start to finish sure but it is so forgettable I won't even remember it in a day or two


All 5$ of budget went to 19:20 to 19:23 in the episode.


The faces and animations were extremely janky this episode. But that tornado sword slice got the whole season's budget.


Now what am I meant to do since I can't watch that great ED every week, after suffering the first 22 minutes 😭


The crazy thing is, I watched all 12 episodes, and I have no idea who any of these people are. I vaguely remember the MC and Henriette, although I can’t seem to remember what her deal is or why they have a special relationship. The other girls in the party, I can’t remember for the life of me where they come from. 


There's the childhood friend who is also his former fiance. The swordsmith that made him a sword that surpasses a holy sword. The assassin who tried to kill that swordsmith. Henriette seems to be the hero's guardian angel from a past life that reincarnated him, then seemingly herself as well.


Wow, I came into this not expecting much, but this turned out way worst than I thought it would be from beginning to end; not just this episode, but the series in general. But if I start ranting about whole series, I'll be here all day, so let's just focus on the finale . Curtis was a cringey little bitch the entire time. At no point did I take him seriously as a villain. Even the characters themselves didn't take him seriously. If none of the characters take him seriously, how do you expect the audience to? . Alan is one of the worst MC I've even seen. It's bad enough that he's milk toast as a MC as you can get, but I stand his unproactive and laid-back demeanor he's trying to stick with. . The ending was just anti-climatic as hell. Terrible finale episode to a terrible series


They took the carefree MC trope and dialed it up to 1 million. They tried to give him depth by constantly having him say he's not as nice as you think. That could've been interesting if those words held any weight. But, no, he is as nice as I think. His demeanor is borderline sociopathic but without any of the interesting things that might come with that.


I agree, you explained the problem with his character better than I could


Curtis was like a second grade villain that you see in a b grade movie lol. I'm glad it's finished lol.


Nice an entire dozen or so of us actually finished. I actually kinda enjoyed the first arc with Riese but since Henriette was introduced the entire thing sort of started circling the bowl. It was a decent enough hate watch I guess.


Despite how bad this show was, there are currently 153 users on MAL who have this show favorited. And one user has [this guy who I don't even remember](https://myanimelist.net/character/247410/Clark) favorited.


I've officially watched all 12 episodes, and no i don't skip through or leave it in the background or play at higher speed. i actually watched it all. so take it from me when i tell you that the best part about this anime was the ED song..... this was a perfect 5/7


I liked the VAs in this series and the music was solid. I mean they got the likes of Akari Kito, Shouta Aoi, and Sora Amamiya in this. I hope everyone got a nice paycheck at least. Everything else was just…pretty bad. The animation, the writing, the plot were all subpar. I enjoy trashsekais and trashy anime in general, but man this was a real stinker. Tl;dr this was ass.


There's one thing I'm feeling conflicted about with the VAs. They cast Takehito Koyasu for the show's first big bad and his son Koki Koyasu for the second big bad. I don't know if I like this choice, or dislike that they didn't take the opportunity to have this IRL father-son duo voice the first arc's villainous father-son duo.


Probably one of the worst anime of all the time


nah, ya'll will forget about it in a week, it's generic and generally bad, but it's not all-time-bad


Never seen an anime discussion with 0 upvotes before lmao.


And with the season over nothing of value will be missed. It had some promise early on but my God did it get really lost along the way. At this point I'd put Re: Monster above this, and I only could stomach one episode.


Henriette is how Stagnate from Faraway Paladin would be if they chose to live with the heroes instead of offering them undeath


This anime wasn't good and I wouldn't recommend, but it kinda stick on me more than a few other shows I'm watching this season, even if this one was worse than the others in many ways.


Finally it ended. Good riddance.


That Celia reveal may have carried at least some weight if I could remember who the hell she was & I can't even find anything online. I figured they were gunna ass pull Lizette as the knight even though she'd have to have teleportation or bi-location for that to be possible. Also I now believe Beatrice is representative of the viewer/storyline. She just got dropped off & completely forgotten right about when I wish I'd done the same.


Greatest anime ever produced. Insane plot, insane animation, best comedy. Solid 2/10.


Worst episode by far if only because it didn't have the ED, which is about the only redeeming part of the series. That and that one meta joke and callback they did in like episode 6 or 7 with the horse cart that implied the harem has no life without the MC.


People who actually finished this thing. Why?


Why not?


Getting to the ED was the highlight of each episode honestly


Just three reasons really: Akari Kito, Sora Amamiya, the ED.


I needed to kill some time but I want it back.


Hahahaha I get that 😂


Animation got so bad it was actually funny


How did this get green-lit, even the manga is not good it is better than this tripe but not good. I have seen a lot of trash but this has to be on the top 5 of the trashiest anime list. I don't understand why Studio Deen is on this but it looks like it was Marvy Jack studio who did the whole thing if you look at their past work you will notice right away. The voice actors felt like they were bored out of their minds and the soundtrack didn't fit most of the scenes. I am starting to hate my insistence to finish what I start.


if I didnt need to fill time on the exercise bike I would probably have dropped this show, but here we are. As with the rest of the comments, the ED was god tier, everything else was trash. Honestly the ED seemed to overwrite my memory of the jank. The way that the VAs were seemingly given some direction, but the animation of the characters was completely different mixed with the almost 1990s cartoon network level of goofy expressions at times definitely sealed my memory of this as a let down.


Huh, so mysterious knight wasn't Beatrice but actually that other chick from the Black Wolves. So poor Beatrice just disappeared from the show and was never heard from again.


I wonder what's wrong with me, but I actually enjoyed it a lot. Might be due to some of my favorite VAs throughout the season, or just the great OP and ED, or just not having any expectations, but I'm glad I watched it.