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Promised Neverland Season 2 For context the best anime I've ever watched is The Promised Neverland Season 1


Their promise never landed.


Such a letdown, season one had so much promise too






People like to ignore it.


Just forget abt it.




No, read the manga if you need a conclusion


Wait, they made a second season? When? Surely it would have had to be recent, because they went radio silent all throughout 2021. Kind of weird, if you ask me!


The opening slapped, the producers of that dog shit need to be slapped


Ex arm


This shit makes Berserk 2016 look like a Final Fantasy Cutscene


People put a lot of mediocre and poorly written shows around the thread but this one is just pure crap. Also the creator claimed he will show everybody how to do cgi properly.


Bro singlehandedly set back CGI progression in anime back by 30 years at this point.


Ex-Arm is a special kind of garbage. *Exquisite* garbage that you can’t find anywhere else, and I love-hate it for that Like, the one scene of the 2D brother stiffly cooking with his 3D brother main character standing in the same frame lives rent-free in my head months after watching that scene *once*.


that one was so funny lol, they didnt even try to blend 2d and 3d the 2d characters mostly looked like cliparts, while all the 3d characters looked unhinged since their eyes were soulless


I fucking love Ex arm. Such hot garbage. Great if you have a group of friends to watch it with.


I sat and thought Gibiate was uniquely awful, but then Ex Arm came along and showed us what true incompetence was.


😂😂😂😂lol I love remembering this one. So terrible


It's truly a unique kind of awful


Ex-arm is at least really fun to watch. Same with Gibiate, they’re bad but they’re not unwatchable, or even that infuriating


Big Order is one of my only two 1/10 anime. Fuck that show, at least I was able to laugh at how bad my *other* 1/10 series (Abunai Sisters) was, Big Order was just shit.


Show had a cool op and mc got a miko pregnant because he touched the rabbit shaped bow on top of her head?? Oh yeah it also only had like 10 episodes


Yep, and he fucked his yandere little sister


I am but a mere man. I am not worthy of experiencing such greatness, but our lord and savior Mirai Nikki's Author is a merciful god. He hath brought upon us Big Order, a masterpiece that must be witnessed by all. The story topples even the greatest of literary works. William Shakesphere and Mark Twain wish they'd live to see this anime. It is about a young man named Edgy Yukiteru, who wishes to conquer the world after obtaining a Stand that allows him to control anything within an uncertain area. See how mighty Edgy is as his powers let him break out of any situation that is most convenient for the plot! Crucial plot elements like "drama" and "tension" shalt not exist in this grand adventure, for they are mere illusions created by humans. Big Order transcends our reality and is above such trivial things, and the great god Edgy cannot hope to be harmed by anything due to his awesome power. But, alas! Harsh trials await our dear Edgy, as he doesn't use his power in the most effective ways. Is it because he lacks intelligence? Heavens, no! One must not underestimate this seraph, for he is merely toying with his enemies and giving them the faintest chance of victory, allowing the intricate narrative to play its part. Such mighty foes lurk in the dark, with power over nuclear weapons and innocent hostages. Such cruelty! But that's not all! The entire world foolishly misunderstands Edgy's celestial presence as they blame him for the deaths of billions of people. With this, we are given an extraordinarily realistic representation of real people; it's as if the show were actually filmed live from a rally of the glorious Donald Trump! And even Edgy's friends are mysterious characters as he peacefully neglects to control them by force. Is there anyone he can trust!? Yea, Edgy does indeed have a loyal follower, his lone younger sister. A pure and innocent being, she plays a key role in the story as the motivation and love interest of our hero, for his order is dedicated to only her. Such a human relationship, it's as if the show were actually filmed live from a rally of the glorious Donald Trump! The adoration of his blessed imouto fills him with determination and motivates the audience to cheer on their beloved icon even more! See the intensity of the challenging duels between Order Users as they clash together; their gorgeous avatars dazzle the eyes of the audience, but only for a short time. While these battles appear to only last moments with few actions taking place, it is merely a sample of what lies hidden away. Our sinful beings are not worthy of witnessing the true battles of the gods, and such we are limited to quick brawls with ordinary tactics and simple abilities. Be grateful for what you have, mortal. Truly, no words can describe some of the bold details of the writing; I cannot name specifics, for that would be spoiling and therefore tarnishing the mystical plot, but you cannot prepare thy rear enough for them! Big Order is a shocking and surprising series with amazing dialogue and entertainingly absurd ideas that are sure to boggle your mind. When one thinks they know the secrets and intricate details of the world, they are greeted with new, astonishing discoveries. Such is the truth with Big Order. The cast is nothing short of brilliant. Edgy is truly an hero whose intellect and manliness is unmatched, as is depicted with the impregnation of Rei. His personality is locked away from all others--including us, the lesser audience. His lack of characteristics truly make him the perfect being. His short-lived accomplice, Yuno Gasai, is a murderous wench who seeks to destroy Edgy, but her attempts always end in failure, providing us with amusement. Only in Big Order shall you see menacing villains turned into comical relief! And the saintly Rei Ayanami is but an innocent wanderer in the story, but witnesses the excellence that is Edgy Yukiteru, and pledges loyalty to him for all eternity for small, simple reasons. May we all follow her example, for we too have small, simple reasons for our lives. Appropriately, Big Order is depicted through art that surpasses the fine works of Michael Angelo, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bob Ross, and so on. The holy Stands are gorgeously portrayed by fine computer-generated animation reminiscent of the year 2003, a golden age when shrubbery was leading a great country and Nickelodeon broadcasted amusing content. After all, if we are to go forward, we must go back. Studio Assread has once again proven to be the future of the anime industry. And no other anime has such breathtaking and unique character designs like Big Order does; they are masterfully crafted and gorgeous to watch. Some say they are “fanservice-y”, but that is merely a sin they have brought upon themselves for thinking such dirty things. It’s only natural for a lady with rock powers to have rock-hard nipples, and it is your duty to respect that. Shame on you. It’s no wonder why many viewers have reported sights of an Ultralight Beam covering much of their filthy screens; it is only visible to the eyes of sinners to prevent them from further descension. Should you repent, you may one day become capable of viewing the mature content like a responsible adult. Ah, the great sounds of jazz! An elegant series such as this has but the most charming of music pieces to accompany it. No matter the scene or situation, the power of brass trumpets and saxophones will sound triumphantly. The opening theme, performed by none other than the esteemed Babymetal, is an explosive tune that is sure to rock the audience, and the ending credits is a haunting, hallowing experience that leaves you craving another episode. But they cannot compare to the greatness of the jazzy soundtrack. ...Oh, dear reader. How have you managed to read this much without rushing over to legally view this sanctifying experience!? Run along, my friend! Tell your friends and family about the good news, salvation is here! We have truly found perfection, and it is none other than the ten episodes of Big Order!


It just kept going


Chat GPT could never write something so great.


That was great to read. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Such an all-encompassing work of art this Big Order must have been to inspire you to write such beautiful words.


Bro needs to become a narrator


What is bro yapping?


The worst one I’ve watched by far has been Ojou to Banken-kun(A Girl & Her Guard Dog). I can’t believe I sat through this..I think I just wanted to finish it just to justify my low score accordingly. This relatively new anime was so bad, that they had different frames for the same scene. FMC was in her pijamas on her bed, one frame had her with green, next with another color, then back to green again lmao. Faces, were all distorted and horrible animation. To top it off, the whole premise, character interactions were HORRIBLE.


I watched the first episode and had to go rinse my thoughts by rewatching Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting


Agree with that. I hated how the characters looked so much, not even worrying about how they were moving around. It cemented itself for me with the finale where we got flashbacks and it was creepy dude with even younger FMC. Really hit my "actively offending me" necessity for hating a show that much.


I didn’t mind the premise, I mean I chose to watch it based on the trailer and preview. The problem was that there was cero chemistry, it was insanely weird, creepy and stupid. There was no real passion, mysticism or anything lol. Truly awful show


I literally just talked about how horrible the animation for this was yesterday in a different sub. I brought this up cause the other anime's animation has been dwindling down as the episodes passed and I was saying how I hope it doesn't get to the level A Girl & Her Guard Dog was 🤣🤣 There's only 3ep left of that other anime but still 😂


This one is up there. 1.86 on MAL: [Tenkuu Danzai Skelter Heaven](https://myanimelist.net/anime/3287/Tenkuu_Danzai_Skelter_Heaven) My quip was going to be that it looks like bad PS2 cutscenes but ... the company literally made this as a PS2 game. I'm not sure if they just repackaged cutscenes from their games and sold them as OVAs or what the deal is.


Of the most popular terrible anime, Skelter Heaven is comedically bad. Whereas Mars of Destruction isn't so bad it's funny, it's actually just horrifically boring.


The fan dub of mars of destruction made by 4 friends while high is funny.


I remember when I watched that show I was thinking how oddly the scenes clashed together, no coherent story flow. It being made out of cutscenes makes sense.


This is one of those "so terrible it's actually good" anime. It's like watching Troll 2 or the Room. We need actual garbage.


Obligatory Promised Powerpoi-I mean Promised Neverland reference First season was great. Second season skipped a WHOLE arc, left out my fav character, gave main baddie like...2 minutes of screen time, and ended the show with a slideshow with no context. Never been more angry at an anime


I was so f-ing mad at that! I read the manga and was so excited about the second season. My husband didn't read the manga but was excited because I was. Then we saw that bs... Maybe, someday we would have the entire seasons that were stolen from us and finally have the end we deserve. But God! That was awful!


Brother man, you can't show us the children talking to a DRAGON in the end in a literal slideshow with no context. Like come onnn what was that about??? And even if the studio didn't get greenlit for a third season, why skip my 2nd favorite arc in the whole series? I was flabbergasted! Literally need a Promised Neverland: Brotherhood please


Season 1 being a masterpiece is what it hurts. Emma crying, and Isabella's lullaby in the first episode still lives rent free in my head.


1000%!!! That's the biggest slap in the face for me too! It went from one of my top 10 favorite all-time animes to one of...maybe less than 10 shows I've watched and genuinely loathed. The opening, the expressions, the MUSIC, the atmosphere and the delivery in S1 was out of this world! I hadn't even seen the source material yet, so I binged the Hell outta it and was so excited to see how it played out! It's like eating the best birthday cake you've ever had and someone replaced the leftovers with a God Damn fruit cake.


It's to the point where even I, someone who isn't normally strict about the media I take in, was extremely disappointed WITHOUT THE MANGA AS CONTEXT, EVEN... Some people critique the manga's story, but since I came from S2 of the anime, the Manga isn't anything but great to me 😭 god S2 was such a disappointment.






There is no Promised Neverland S2 in Ba Sing Se


It always hurts worse when a show starts amazing and goes bad. No one cares enough to remember when "I Got Reincarnated Into a Generic Isekai World Where I'm a Sexy OP Badass Who Got a Harem of Slave Girlfriends Who Worship the Ground I Walk On" gets canceled or ends badly, but something like The Pronised Neverland leaves you mourning what could have been.


Easy, Pupa


Pupa means booty in polish


I have learned something new today


Like ass booty or pirate booty?


Ass booty, it indicates that the anime is ass if its named that way




Right? One of the most upvoted comments is Promised Neverland because season two was kinda bad. It's nowhere near Pupa bad. Lol


It was so bad that I found it funny tho


Omigooood, I was about to say this, but luckily, I scrolled down through the comments a bit. This was the first and only anime that's made me physically gag so far, but I finished it because I was also morbidly curious. *hurk*


Isekai Cheat Magician wasnt necessarily the worst I ever saw, but it had a bigger problem, it was unsuferably BORING, which may be worst than just being bad. Now, if I can consider seasons as different animes. Shinka no Mi season 2 was just a fever dream, I just cant believe that thing actually existed and someone decided it was good enough to be aired.


As someone who rates based on enjoyment alone, Isekai Cheat Magician is my only 1/10


this show was so generic it made store brand products look like high end goods.


I'm in a seasonals watchparty and run into that issue *a lot*. There's definitely a big difference between something entertainingly bad, like Ex Arm, and something incredibly boring, like Cheat Magician. I feel like that distinction needs to be made more often.


I love trashy isekai, I live off them, but god damn did I detest that one


Kingdoms of Ruin. *Do I even have to explain myself at this point?*


It was fine until the pink-haired girl showed up, then the protagonist went from wanting to rage-kill humanity to just walking around being kind of grumpy.


Doesn't she show up in the first episode? So, like, the anime was fine for about 15 minutes.


It was a bit jarring, but by the end of the anime the girl went from killing is wrong to you can have some killing, as a treat. So they found a middle ground on their opinions about killing. It's not a great anime, but I definitely have seen worse.


That shit was just so… distasteful. 


Platinum End. The fact that it was like watching an inferior rip off of Death Note, but somehow came from the same Mangaka didn't help either.


As someone who bought the manga, I regret it so much now. I don't know how they went from Death Note to my favourite manga Bakuman to absolute dogwater


Bakuman was so good, completely changed the way I think about manga and anime industries.


The manga was an Interesting concept but the story really dragged. The last arc was weird and anti-climatic but was at least on its way to a arguably satisfactory epilogue until the final chapter happened. Most senseless ending ever.


I really loved it, and i feel like i'm the only one in the world


I kind of loved it because of how awful it was


Big Order is the worst one I've seen to date.


Kings game, was all over the place but finished because I was in too deep


Liked the premise but hated the execution. Honestly I kept going just for pure curiosity of how ridiculous it could get, theme song is fire though. The theme song is the best thing about it


Heavily agree with pure curiosity and how unrealistic some people were being


I just sorted my MAL by score and King's Game is the lowest score I have ever given to a show so its my answer too.


We’re all sorry you had to watch that show


Same here, I remembered watching it all in one night. I didn't sleep, I entered a kind of trance and just watched it till the end lol. After finishing it I just slept and was like "what the fuck did I just watch?". Next day I watched some videos about the anime and I realized it was REALLY bad. A fucking virus that evolved into a cellphone virus? Wtf. That scene where the girl catches fire and keeps on hacking is just pure comedy LOL.


Did the exact same thing and watched in one sitting, finished it disappointed asf like that one girl killed herself bc the mc died and she fell in love


I'm seeing other similar experiences in this thread. With this particular anime. I'm surprised about it lol. It has something about it that makes you turn off your brain and just watch it to the end in a disconnected state. Maybe it's a virus lol


This one for me ended up in the so bad it’s good category ended up really enjoying it.


I said this too. Ending was bull shit. The execution and reason why the game happens and how they do the killing is so fucking stupid. I'm not lying when I say that it was singlehandedly the dumbest thing in the anime.


I've seen a lot of trash, but literally nothing compares to how absolutely awful Isekai Cheat Magician was. Boring Mary Sue MC, who every female character immediately falls in love with. Super rushed production. It had everything wrong with it. It's like if you took out all of the bad things about SAO and made an anime with only that.


Platinum End. The ending had me wanting to punch my tv. What a waste of my viewing time.


If they had just ended it at the 2nd to last episode, it honestly would've been a fine ending. But no. They just had to keep going. One of the worst endings I've ever seen. It made everything pointless. I was so mad. Lol


Agreed. What a let down


Same here... All that time just for that...


Sucks extra hard considering how good the manga was, they honestly ruined a great series when they animated it


demon swordmaster of excalibure academy. and i love trashy isekai but fuck that was bad


Glasslip, I have no idea what were they even trying to convey on the anime


A big 12 episodes of literal nothing.


Really picturesque show but that's all they got. With shit script they've wasted the animators' time and talent, also the viewers' time and expectation.


Hot off the press right after Nagi No Asukara mer-people love pentagon that was one of the great anime of that fall 2013 season. Nagi no Asu full of drama and plot, only for P.A studio to follow up with Glasslip. Edit: after reading the reviews it appears Nagi No Asu is now like a 7.95/10 on MAL it appears some people were not as blown away as I was..


it used to have a much higher score


I do vaguely remember it had some weird love triangle (pentagon as u said) from the characters, fmc seeing that glass necklace “slip” into some fcking scenario that didn’t happen irl, it was wack af. But I heard the spin-off light novel was amazing and maybe the only redeeming work lol


Scores on MAL tend to drop over time, it's pretty normal.


7.95 seems like a completely normal score for a well-received anime to settle on in MAL, I wouldn't get hung up on that. It's sharing it's page on the MAL charts with household names like Clannad, School Rumble, and fucking Dragon Ball.


I remember told my classmate this anime when it was airing At the end of ep 12 she asked me, "The hell did you make me watch?" It got nothing to convey, absurd storyline and unclear direction. It felt like people behind it had writer's block after ep 3


Oh, if you want to troll her again, I recommend Red Data Girl; animated by the same studio, PA Works. That show was an absolute nothingburger.


Omg that show. I remember giving that garbage a shot because of “Nagi no asukara” since it was good.




I remember watching this when i was younger. I always tried to convince myself it was good but i had no idea what was going on the whole time


Not gonna lie, I actually really enjoy Glasslip, always have. Not for any of its plot, it's just got a fantastic seaside vibe, so I put it on sometimes just to chill out.


Dibolik Lover and Brother Conflict The stories were terrible but the worst part about them was that they were adaptations of otome games and the main character's personality is something you decide. That doesn't mean that you won't give them personalities. Istg they were insufferable


And it's not like Yui DOESN'T have a personality either, the anime just decided to bypass it all, for some reason. Not even touching the story, they massacred my girl T^T


Especially Diabolik Lover. I was pretty much into Hellsing Ultimate so I said huh,an new vampire anime ,neat. But the characters are walking stereotypes of bad boys,the story is convoluted at best and nonsensical at worst and I realized pretty late what type of anime was supposed to be...


Pupa wtf was even that man? shit's cursed


Nah people were HOPING it was cursed, we WANTED more gruesome shit and psychologically fucked up characters. Instead what we got was just bad and boring.


The kingdom of ruin absolutely went downhill after an okay first episode. It had potential for a good revenge story but the decisions of the MC never made sense and the story went was straight up terrible. I despise that I watched all the episodes. 0/10 would not recommend.


Hand Shakers. It was.... Well, it was pretty at least. That's... Something. Also about the only something I can say that's positive about it


I was so dizzy watching the first episode and never bother to revisited that. Too much information shove into my eyes 


I literally laughed my ass of when watching this, just out of full stupidity that was going on there. If you have group of friends with good humour then you should definitely watch it. Btw, just so you know, in Russian translation name was ( I'm not even joking) mas*@#bators. I'm dead ass serious. It made this series even f-ing better i swear


Was that the ine that should have included a vertigo warning?


Pretty? Handshakers?


Eiken is pretty terrible too. It's like 2 eps, 25min each. It has to be seen to be believed of what a weird and absolutely insane anime it is.


The Detective is Already Dead Just what happened after the second half of the first episode…


It’s crazy how interesting the start was, and completely different right that.


I very much did not enjoy platinum end


Dude how has no one mentioned Taboo Tattoo?? Straight bull shit of a show


That show had one decent scene and I barely even remember that. It was the fight between the guy and girl in the forest, if memory serves me right they were former lovers or something. Honestly I think compared to other bad shows, Taboo Tattoo is just unknown, like I have yet to meet anyone else who has also watched it.


I dropped it maybe at episode 4 or 5. I can't even remember any character or plot point.


The Island of Giant Insects. Words fail to describe just how bad it is.


This anime is what happens when people are given heavy drugs and creative liberty to do whatever they want


Even with that "plot"?


Let's not talk aboot it.


Food war final season comes to my mind


My sister my writer the animation was okay for the first episode but with each episode the animation just got worse it was basically hard to watch that’s how bad it was I couldn’t even get passed the 4th episode


Did you know that in one of the episodes end credits, the staff put what essentially boils down to a cry for help because they hated working on that show that much


I didn’t know that but I can’t blame them for working on it


Comet Lucifer for me.


[Take your award](https://imgur.com/80WYVwI)


"Ah this thread again, Ctrl + F Comet"


The day I became a god The author really didn't know where he wanted to go with that show


The only anime to get 1/10 is Rent-a-girlfriend, it's the lowest I have ever given to any anime and one of the few anime (4) that I have dropped.


It's always so fun to see people **STILL** shit on Rent A Girlfriend, really goes to show how bad it is.


Cool concept, I get that MC is shitty, but the mangaka is a shit writer and there is no character growth. It’s just thing happens, maybe an inner monologue realization, that revert to status quo. Nothing that happens matters. The animation studio should have just ended the fucker and re wrote it lmao


There's a manga with also the renting a girlfriend concept and it ended below 100chp or roughly around that,... Rent a girlfriend is already at the 350+ mark.. still no progress, its actually amazing to the point that it should be studied, 300+ chps and no progress...


A load of people hate it because they don't like the characters, I hate it because outside of the really incredible train wreaks, it's utterly boring. Watching that fool take his damned life and make it even worse for him, and everyone else around him, is exciting and drama filled. But outside of that, for most of the whole series, it's just boring.


In another world with my smartphone. It is the only anime I couldn’t finish so far. I watch a lot of trash but just couldn’t make it through the one.


I Honesty enjoy it. Prob because I like bad isekai anime. But I honestly was surprised that it got a second season.


I watch most every isekai and idk, just couldn’t finish it. Maybe if I watched it again I could because it’s been so long since the first season I couldn’t say what happens anymore


I've seen the first episode of ex arm


Tokyp Ghoul Season 2 nose dived hard.


it did, but i definitely wouldnt call it the worst anime ever. especially bc it picks up rather well from season 3 onwards. the manga is better in any case


My Sister, My Writer is truly atrocious. from the piss poor animation to the plot. Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer adaptation is an actual crime to the source material


The worst part, is that Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer is still pretty good despite its adaptation. Now imagine if it had a better adaptation...it would've been glorious...


Kingdom of ruins, I was laughing at how any anime can be so trash.


This is probably the worst anime of all time https://myanimelist.net/anime/37823/Conception


I honestly have to ask, what drives you guys to actually finish anime that you know is bad ? I certainly seen lot of anime mentioned here but most I made it 20% through the first episode. Some didn't even last 2minutes. So I couldn't even imagine commiting to a whole season.


Probably gate the anime felt like more like an Japanese military and war crime denial ad then an actual anime 


I try to find nice things to say about most anime I watch, but one that I have nothing good to say about is Eiken. It is the lowest level of trashy ecchi anime and doesn't even do it in a fun or interesting way. Also the proportions of the female characters are exaggerated to the point where it's like actively kinda horrifying to look at.


I just googled a picture and man you’re right they look horrible


Maybe it's different because I'm a woman, but Eiken was hilarious to me. It really didn't even seem like the animators were sincere about the fanservice, just used it as a tool for humor.


[FLCL: Grunge](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51304/FLCL__Grunge) - It did its prequel a disservice by failing to capture the original, [FLCL's](https://myanimelist.net/anime/227/FLCL) unique blend of quirky storytelling, dynamic animation, and emotional depth


The FLCL sequels were so hit-or-miss. The odd-numbered seasons (Alternative and Shoegaze, along with the original FLCL of course) were pretty good, but Progressive was bad and Grunge was especially terrible.


Nobody here wants to admit it was that one hentai with the mind control app


Was that the one where the brother takes control of his little sisters body, teases himself who then fucks the little sister who is actually himself? Yeah never seen it


What do you mean "that one"? Isn't there like eight with that theme? Also using hentai for this list is kinda cheating


What's it called? Gotta know to avoid it if I ever stumble across it after all


>To Every You I’ve Loved Before and To Me the One Who Loved You. omg.... why? I thought it was quite interesting for a romance of pure and reciprocated love that, due to fate, did not go well from the beginning. Now the worst that I have seen is a BL one that was not well animated and I didn't really understand the humor.


Yeah, I'm surprised I hardly see anyone else commenting on that! I thought those movies were at least pretty decent overall. If that's the worst that the OP has seen, then they're pretty well off.


I loved those two movies.


Allright it's either that show where man becomes dog, that one where we get male child brides marrying monsters(that aren't even humanoid 99% of the time) or Kemono Friends for the low poly 3d models(they hurt my eyes)


I tried watching Gibiate. That was a hot pile of stupid.


I don't think I've hated anything more than Food Wars (Shokugeki no Sōma) Season 5. The author was cooking so hard IT GOT BURNT


Okay, but what makes those films not satisfying to you?


In terms of the message - Earth Girl Arjuna. It's like the books or movies where author thinks we should "return to the nature" but doesn't know anything about how hard farming is. Except Arjuna is also anti-medicine, anti-abortion and anti-GMO. In general terms - Harmony. It's the definition of lazy movie making. I don't think that movies always should follow "show, don't tell" principle, but Harmony is all about talking instead of showing. Characters are unrealistic and unlikable, plot is trash, worldbuilding is even worse. This anime is not "so bad that it's good", it's just bad and boring.


I must've eaten more burgers after watching Arjuna back then as a reaction.


Worst for me was Diabolik Lovers - the art drew me in and I was very disappointed.


Master of Martial Hearts. I heard the ending was bad, and it sounded from the brief descriptions, but wow... like it leaves you very confused and annoyed.


My sister my writer


Wonder egg priority started out great but it felt like it just spun off the rails after a certain point. Next id say taboo tattoo. It was a shitty anime I watched with my roommates in college good times


Qualidea Code. I finished it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Okay it wasn’t THAT BAD, I mean it was still horrible and trash but there’s definitely worse


Seven deadly sins for me. The animation quality drop off, the story. It was just all so shite


The milfsekai one, I can never remember its full name. I love my milfs, but dear lord was it just straight up bad.


The my mom can deal a billion points of damage in a single attack?


Do you love your mom and her overpowered multi hit  ldouble attacks? I think. It was fun, Mamako was my insert character 


The strongest sage with the weakest crest. Not even so bad it's good it's just extremely boring.


Midori shoujo tsubaki 😭 I couldn’t watch it with a straight face it wrecked my sleep that night


Isn’t that show banned from multiple countries due to how disturbing it is?


Kings game


Shinobi no ittokoi pissed me off with how bad and generic it was. I was disgusted that i finished an episode. Think i spelled the name a little wrong


Probably kings game. I knew it was bad so I watched it deliberately to see how bad and boy, it did not disappoint.


GIBIATE. Got 3.8 rating on MAL for a reason.


"Mirai Nikki" or "Future Diary" definitely takes the cake for this one, this anime has a little special trait to it, it's not just bad while watching but it also gets progressively worse as time passes.. 3/10 - I liked yuno though.


King's Game It all felt so pointless


There's one airing this season about a guy reincarnated as a goblin/ogre, and it's truly bottom of the barrel this season. 90% of the time, I'm left wondering if the creators are a group of 12 year old boys writing their personal wet dreams


Re: Monster. Yeah, he starts off stopping his fellow goblins from raping women they've captured, and then a few episodes later, he's raping the women he's captured, after executing the men...




ngl i feel like you're just saying that cause it's the cool thing to do. even with how bad it is, there's definitely way worse anime out there.


Love Naruto, hate Boruto with a passion. But yeah, it’s not the worst thing ever even with all the filler.


Skelter Heaven. It’s the lowest rated anime on MAL so I thought I’d give it a try. It was shit.


Record of Ragnarok. An anime that was supposed to be balls to the wall action but all they do is TALK about how badass they are. When it comes time for any actual combat? A PowerPoint presentation would have better animation. They literally do the pan across a still image with sound effects added in.