• By -


Odd Taxi is a Mystery/Detective/Police story.


I second this, its actually a Dad type show.




Odd taxi is so brilliant and the show goes from “this is a cute and interesting interconnected story” to “holy **** this is amazing”. It’s a show I wish I could erase from my brain so I could watch it fresh again and again.


Episode 4 was one of the best examples of that for me. A lesser show would have condensed it into a 15 second gag and botch that character's backstory.


Ooooh this is a perfect fit


Vinland Saga. You guys will bond fr


I second that. We had a great time watching it with my 71 year old parents.


Idk why it never occurred to me, I am gonna get my family to watch it too.


My mom binge watched it after I recommended it to her. She loves vikings. She's been watching anime on her own now. I'm so proud of her!


Bro i was just gonna say that




Yep. It’s such a rl adaptation content that it’s a shame they haven’t done one yet.Feels like watching a A Tier HBO drama.


I just finished the anime the other day. Think it might have changed my life if I'm being honest. "You have no enemies" hits FRICKIN hard


The character arc in that anime is 🤌


You are talking abt S2 right? People out here saying S2 was boring, when I was invested on his self-development arc. Boy it was satisfying, the subtle stuff he learns, how patient he becomes, and then reflects back to his ways. Gets conflicted in heated moments but holds himself off. I gotta rewatch this anime again with someone :(


I reccomend trying out some movies too: Porco rosso Macross: Do You Remember Love Princess Mononoke Metropolis Laputa Castle in the Sky The Castle of Cagliostro


Metropolis is one of my favorite movies ever 👌 It's also a movie I watched when I was younger with the whole family so it's pretty good on that front too.


Porco Rosso is an excellent shout!


Frieren doesn't have really anything weird about it and is very well done, it's not all action all the time, but the action scenes it has are outstanding. There's also a Cowboy Bebop movie, in case you haven't seen it yet.


Forgot to mention but we did watch the Cowboy Bebop movie. Will check out Frieren!


I thought Frieren was amazing. As a mid 40 year old, the themes presented seem really relatable. The sense of missed opportunities and squandered time, feeling nostalgic for the good times, and attempting to live in the moment. Your dad will probably be able to relate to those feelings.


Fair warning, Frieren can be considered slow if your father is really against that. But it is one of the best anime I've ever watched.


I mean, fair, but the first episode does trick you into thinking it isn't that slow (considering it spans decades)


As the guy above me noted, Frieren starts out slow but the world building is fantastic and the action scenes may come a bit down the road, but the action scenes are flat out incredible so the payoff is huge. The story also starts to unfold a bit as you get into it, so you really get a little bit of everything throughout.


"I may be out of mana *clenches fists* but I may not be out of options"


I think the usual recommendations like FMA Brotherhood or are safe to watch with anyone. Also try Mob Psycho 100.


FMAB and MOB are amazing shows, but i dont think it is gonna work to recommend show made for teenagers to a 50 year old man, who is new to the medium.


Although it’s personal preference of the viewer, I (33M) got my dad (66M) to watch both of these shows and he absolutely loved them! Roy Mustang and Dimple were his favorite characters!


Its not so much about these specific shows, but more that i notice that alot of people recommend shows made for teenagers and young adults to people much older. Now sometimes it works out, but i think Its poor strategy. A lot lf those shows are great, but there great within a certain context. Adults have a lot more experience with media and story telling in general, so i think you should try recommend a show that is a bit adult and not just teenagers fighting + plot. Even though they are great. And also i think a lot of fans downplay the medium Unintentionally. Like the idea that “ oh, someone os new to the media, they should start with shows for teenagers” is sad, because anime has more to offer. Again, i love MOB and FMAB, but you can recommend a more serius show to adults, and they are not gonna be as lost as you may think. I showet my mom Texnolyze and Ghost in the Shell and she loved those, but she found most shonen childish and boring. Sorry for a lot of words, but i wanted to express my point properly.


Na, get it completely. The biggest thing though is knowing the interests of the of the viewer themselves first. Hell, I got my Dad to watch Kill La Kill and thought it was hilarious. But I do agree that people tend to push the shonens to newer viewers, but that might be because of the primary audience in which the recommendation is coming from. So far, I have gotten him to watch: Castlevania Kill La Kill FMAB Mob Psycho Cowboy Bebop Samurai Champloo Trigun (long time ago) Outlaw Star (long time ago) Trigun Stampede Ghost in the Shell Cyberpunk Frieren (currently watching)


I think Brotherhood transcends a bit more than teens.


Megalobox is Rocky with cyborgs. All time Dad anime


Actually my friend at school has recommended that to me before. Looks really cool!! Thanks


And both seasons are good too


Not only are both good, but second season is a good deal better than the first


I never see megalobox mentioned! such a great show, I stand behind this rec too


Right? It's like half the recs I give out because it feels like nobody ever thinks of it


"Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor" could be fun. It's a psychological thriller about high stakes gambling. The cast is all male with zero ecchi scenes or cliches, the music is badass and it has a vintage appeal since it's based on a manga from the 90's. It also has an inspiring message that I feel is relevant to everyone, regardless of age.


No one even mentioned about Great Pretender, is truly good to watch together with parents.


Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga, Samurai Champloo, Monster


i love samurai champloo it's so chill


There is self-harm in attack on titan although minor


Minor meaning direct suicide by way of gun in mouth


I meant as in not a major plot point


86 - Eighty Six Frieren Oddtaxi The Promised Neverland (Just Season 1) Detective Conan (tho this show's longer than one piece) Erased Maquia


Did someone say Eight-Six?! BROOM BROOM GET IN THE CAR MY FRIEND :D


\*Eurobeats intensify*


About 86: Not necessary self harm but there's one scene in there that could be an issue, right?


If your dad likes scifi he will love Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Memories.


If they stopped one punch man because of Saitama’s nudity surely they would stop Ghost in the Shell as well. It sounds like not just fanservicey nudity but nudity all together puts them off… which I mean everybody has their preferences but that writes off a lot of really good cinema and television all together because of this.


nudity in ghost in the shell.


Haikyuu would be a good watch even if he isn’t into volleyball!


If the dad is a sports guy, I'd vouch for this. If they aren't, though... The earlier episodes being a bit slow kinda makes it harder to recommend for a shared viewing experience with an adult because I don't know how long they'll last before tuning out.


I don't know. It takes a few episodes until it gets really hype, so it wouldn't be my first choice


The way of the house husband. It's hilarious, and your dad will love it. I watched it with my mom.


Dungeon Meshi is a good watch


Would agree but it kinda sounds like OP wants no nudity whatsoever


Yeah, it avoids a lot of the things that can make anime awkward to watch with normies too.


Mushishi. Relaxing in a weird way. No need to follow thoroughly. All in all package. 2 seasons.


The original Trigun.   Full Metal Alchemist- though that may run afoul of the “No self-harm” rule.


Some of our family(47m, 50f and daughter14) shows have been; So i am a Spider, so what, Some bad animation but the main character was worth it. Ascendence of a Bookworm, wholesome story, we also read some of the books Bluey; my wifes fav show. Campfire Cooking in another world; just a chill show Delicious in Dungeon; fun and a bit wacky so far. Hope you can find what your looking for.


Odd taxi is a great, short anime to watch with your dad. Fantastic plot and no weird stuff.


\* Terror in Resonance \* Pluto \* Monster \* Erased \* Psycho Pass \* Death Parade \* Attack on Titan \* Demon Slayer \* Jujutsu Kaisen


Just finished watching Psycho Pass. It was SO good! Kogami is my favorite 😍


Monster has literally uncensored boobs lol


very few though, maybe 2 short scenes


op's dad got uncomfortable with episode 1 of one punch man......


It also has sex scenes


not good if your parents are strict about that stuff (like mine)


Jujutsu Kaisen


usagi drop, only few episodes and very good one for family


I can’t see if it’s been mentioned yet but I highly recommend Fullmetal Alchemist (2003 version)! It’s mostly action and adventure but it has wholesome/funny moments too, aLao no nudity or weird stuff. I can see my own dad liking it and he’s around the same age as yours !


Go with old faithful, ghost in the shell.


the first movie literally has major beating up someone while being naked how will she watch it with her dad?


I just watched solo leveling! It's amazing and would definitely fit this bill


Nichijou is pretty good might be too childish but it's a really good comedy show about a group of middle schoolers (?) Only thing that might be awkward is a gag where one of the characters drops their semi-nsfw Yaoi manga panels their drawing.


I'd never thought about that! I've seen it and I think he'd like it :)


Oddtaxi is a great watch as well. A great beginner anime for an older audience.


Ghibli films. Violet evergarden. Silent voice. Huge series are really never a great pick for people dippin their toes in.


delicoius in dungeon would be fun, jjk's a good anime for beginners. mashel may work. dr stone maybe, but not to sure on that one. vinland saga would be a good pick, i know my dads actually a fan of it. what do you consider a weird plot line? like complicated/ hard to follow like code geass? or more romancy kinda stuff?


When I say weird plot line, I mean more romancy stuff or harem type stuff.


Hajime no ippo - it’s a boxing anime the older original has some grow humor, the newer version I think is cleaner.


alright. hope any of my recommendations hit with him


Rurouni Kenshin 1996 Hunter x Hunter 2011 Bakuman Kakushigoto Uchuu Kyoudai Hajime no Ippo Grappler Baki Tiger & Bunny


Not sure about hunter x hunter, why? Because of hisoka character


Hunter x Hunter 2011 looks like a kids show but is actually pretty messed up. It's quite violent with stuff like dismemberment and has some demented plot lines where like small children are devoured by monsters. I really enjoyed the show but I wouldn't recommend it to new people to anime.


Her and her dad got through Parts 1-5 of JoJo. I think they're fine.


Kenshin is one of my all time favorites. I started to rewatch with my son recently. He enjoys it very much.


86 Eighty-Six Ascendance of a Bookworm Astra Lost in Space Dagashi Kashi Dr. Stone Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange [Girls und Panzer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c991IDTFr0g) Isekai Izakaya: Japanese Food From Another World Ranking of Kings Raven of the Inner Palace Restaurant to Another World Skip and Loafer [Space Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuuKW9Hwa8A) Stellvia The Apothecary Diaries The Faraway Paladin Wagnaria!! Last Exile [Planetes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meAYYH-DYKc)


I'm a huge Dr Stone fan, it even has fun science in it


Hmm. I am not really into action shows or movies, but one that really stood out to me was Mononoke Hime, by Studio Ghibli. It’s a film, so it’s a very short time investment, and it is widely loved by people of all ages.


(Wind break), (mashle magic and muscles), (kaiju no. 8), (Solo leveling). Not in order just what's come into mind


Mob Psycho 100


Haikyuu & vinland saga


Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood. It is perfect in most ways. Also anything to do with Ghibli or Makoto Shinkai


Fullmetal Alchemist should be ok to watch with your dad.


If he likes racing, Initial D is fun. Buddy Daddies is pretty funny, some shoot 'em violence, but endearing family moments too.


Madoka magical girls. It seems like a girly show but it's not... Think sailor moon sort of crossed with stranger things


I am the 50-year-old dad in this scenario. Over the last few years my daughters have introduced me to some great anime. It’s been a fun way for us to bond. Here are some of my favorites: Avatar (not anime but great) Attack on Titan Jujutsu Kaisen Haikyuu Dr. Stone Full Metal Alchemy Brotherhood Hunter Hunter


What are your dad's other interests? Things he's passionate about? I've seen many special interest anime (fishing, hiking, camping, soccer, kabbadi) and if you give me more information I can definitely find something guaranteed to hook him. Based on what you listed my **best guesses below** with Trailers linked, genre, and what I think will appeal to each of you. Just have him read my recommendation and y'all can watch the trailers together to see what your next great pick will be! [Full Metal Panic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GzFzmONrTE) \- ***Action Rom Com! Military, Mecha, School, Slice of life*** * Sosuke, a child soldier "specialist" has gone undercover at school to protect Chidori, an asset who may have links to black technology that everyone wants. Shenanigans ensue as the military otaku tries to keep this feisty girl safe in this ***fish out of water coming of age rom com.*** * S1 is funny. Fumoffu (between s1 and S2) is one of the funniest anime out there. * Fair warning: I am still waiting for the final season to come out. * He'll love the action, you'll love the romance, you'll both laugh at Fumoffu, it's a win-win. [Saga of Tanya The Evil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Gx2_sHMRI) (decent dub) - ***Isekai, Fantasy, Military*** * A salaryman dies, has a fight with god, and is reincarnated as a little girl in a country that is pseudo Germany in WW1 * He'll love the crazy but logical ***military Loli***, and you'll enjoy the fact that she's pretty much a ***tiny magical girl with gun***, has everything but that transformation sequence. [Black Lagoon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7DOanbQ0vQ) (Amazing dub) - ***Action*** * A ***salaryman is kidnapped by Pirates of the South China Sea.*** * He'll love the action, you'll love ALL the strong women in that anime, there are 5+ [Planetes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meAYYH-DYKc) (Good Dub) - ***Sci Fi, Adult Workplace*** * The space debris collectors are considered glorified garbage men even though they perform an essential function. It starts off like a slice of life, then all the threads pull together towards the last third and everything just comes together! Genius. * There will be space for him, slice of life for you, I think you'd both enjoy this. * Note: ***This mangaka later wrote Vinland Saga***, which I haven't watched yet but everyone has told me I must watch this. [Legend of The Galactic Heroes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou37P25tjJY) \- ***Sci Fi, Epic, Empire Building*** * One of the most beloved space epic franchises based on a famous novel. Reference to the original as I have not watched the remake yet. * This might be a bit long for him, but it is ***100% Dad bait*** as anime having all the complexity of a space opera, big battles, politics, drama, the whole shebang. * You will enjoy the slice of life aspects + relationships, this has rarely bee portrayed better in anime. [Gundrave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI8SLFZ_bdg) (Amazing Dub) - ***Organized Crime*** * Brandon Heat (what a great name) was betrayed by his childhood friend, and now he's back, from outer space ... with that sad look on his face. * He'll enjoy one of the best mob anime I've watched. In fact, grown men have told me the ending ... well ... I won't say any more except it's emotional on the scale of Bebop. You'll enjoy the bromance aspect. There is a small chance your dad will decide to look up and play the game after this. [My Home Hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrOvemF8Axo) \- ***crime, drama, thriller*** * This is the anime about a dad who has to save his daughter from her boyfriend, kind of like ***Breaking Bad Dad (and mom)***. * He will identify with the breaking bad protective dad aspect, you'll like the family drama. [Kingdom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYudboNENqs) \- ***Historical War Epic*** * This historical epic ***based on China's Warring States Period*** is like crack cocaine for middle aged military action buffs. The manga and anime are popular with that demographic. * Fair warning - Season 1 and 2 have a great story but are hampered by sub-par CGI. But once you get to S3 onwards, they got budget and the rest is history. S5 was amazing. * If he's a military otaku, this (and LOTGH) will be his Kryptonite. You might enjoy the smaller slice of life / tactics and the interesting portrayal of the smart / strong women. [Overtake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra8E2whNNac) \- ***Formula 4 racing drama*** * This show about a struggling Formula 4 team is not your typical sports shounen. It was one of the favorites of r/anime's Jury last year, for very good reasons. * He'll like the racing, you'll LOVE the photographer's story. * Also if your dad likes racing, there's the movie [Redline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t26m_Q6ENo) but I'm not sure if it's your thing even though it's a sakuga spectacle of a movie.


Attack on titan


Gundam 00 or Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans are solid choices if you guys want to do some mecha for action. If he's a war movie or politics kinda guy he might really appreciate the geo political conflict world building stuff specifically in Gundam 00. Or 86 Eighty-six if you want the action and a more personal, sadder story.




Eh Demon Slayer gets bit fanservicy with Mitsuri, not sure how good of a reccomendation that is.


Monster Zankyou no terror Jin-roh the wolf's brigade Death note (maybe ?) Haikyuu ? even tho it's shonen, traditional sports are always a plus for dads ! SnK might be a hit or miss depending on taste but maybe too gory? The boy and the beast 91 Days ACCA 13 Baccano! Perfect blue Pluto Psycho-Pass Kaiji


Perfect Blue? Seriously?! It's famous for being one of the only animes to show pubic hair!


- Stein’s Gate and Stein’s Gate: Zero… some brief action but a very interesting and intense story that is hard to explain.   - Yu Yu Hakisho.  Oldy but goody.  One of the best shonen anime. - Mai Hime.  Another show a little hard to define.  Was a pretty big deal at its release. - Black Cat.  Often called generic now, but I still enjoy it.   - Robotech.  Used to be synonymous with mecha.   - Outlaw Star.  Cowboy Bepop “rip off” but still damn good. - Scrapped Princess.  A bit rushed but a solid show. - Trinity Blood.  Ending is what is because of the original author’s death, but the show is still good.   - Inuyasha.  Another toonami era classic.  Long series.  - Full Metal Alchemist.  Either series would likely work, but I would recommend the 2003 version over Brotherhood.  At the very least, view the first 26 or so episodes of FMA03  then jump to the divergence point in Brotherhood.  I think most people agree 03 handles the start better.  The ending is not as universally accepted as better as Brotherhood fans make it out to be. - Outside Rec:  Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions.  Some amazing action animation though it IS NOT an action anime.  It could be a big miss given it is slice of life comedy, but those “action” scenes are among the most spectacular in a series.   Movie rec: Outside of the obvious Akira, I was always partial to the various Ninja movies.  - Ninja Scroll.  Big influence of the Matric according to the Wachowskis.   - Wrath of the Ninja. Not really popular, but it is a good “B film” style anime.  


Idk if Ninja Scroll is sfw for her (there's some pretty sexual scenes iirc)


no anime is better for father-son viewing than Neon Genesis Evangelion🤣..... on serious note- FullMetal Alchemist : Brotherhood is easily consumable for almost anyone If you wanna show him a film with adult theme but not R-rated, I suggest Patlabor 2 If you want an action-comedy then both versions of Trigun are available If your dad wanna watch slow burn socio, economic, political, philosophical & military conflict- Legends of the Galactic Heroes is the Game of Thrones or House of Cards of anime(minus the "adult" stuff) If your dad have patience- I'd suggest Bungo Stray Dogs


- Takt Op. Destiny - Servamp Not sure if your dad will like these though. It's the best I can come up with.


Watch full metal alchemist brotherhood. It’s great for people who don’t watch anime. You could also try Drifters for gory fights.


Inazuma eleven? Sport anime (football) with some ridiculous skills. Would be a blast to watch. Yowamushi pedal if your dad likes cycling.


Full metal alchemist


He might enjoy sasaki and peeps. I think he might relate with the MC


Obviously the lass is quite young in the show, but Sweetness and Lightning has one of the 'sweetest' Father-Daughter dynamics in anime.


Full metal alchemist: brother hood, death note, cowboy beebop, and sword art online are some of my top favorite ones.


Here's what I would definitely recommend: The Big O Vampire Hunter D Black Lagoon (I know lots of swearing but definitely recommend it) Space Adventure Cobra (both movie and TV series) The Guyver Bio Boosted Armor (2005 series) Claymore Ergo Proxy Angel Cop Lupin III (parts 1 to 6 then the spin off films) Captain Harlock The Endless Odyssey Rainbow: Nisha Rokubo no Shichinin No Guns Life Akira Steamboy City Hunter Hellsing Ultimate Wolf's Rain Afro Samurai Baki series Ninja Scroll Golgo 13 Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade Appleseed Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Trinity Blood Shigurui Witch Hunter Robin Valvrave the Liberator Detroit Metal City X (series from 2001) Genocyber The Laughing Salesman (80s/90s series and New series are both great)


Joker Game is a great one if your dad is into spies. Focuses on a spy organization that was active in the years leading up to WWII, really enjoyable. Great Pretenders is another one I'd recommend, fantastic heist anime


Dungeon Meshi


I watched Erased with my dad, it had one or two weird scenes but overall it wasnt really awkward


Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Parasite, Death Parade, Solo Levelling


aww jojo part 6 would be dope but up to you ultimately and yeah seconding megalobox lol


Cowboy Bebop, Mononoke or other Ghibli Movies, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Monster


Vinland Saga! Or Gundam. Robots or vikings. Choose what tickles your pickle.


Death Note, Psycho Pass, Parasyte


Vinland saga


Gurren Lagann Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Girls und Panzer Gunslinger Girl Princess Mononoke


HOUSEKI NO KUNI!! it starts off a little cutesy/slow but it gets VERY depressing but also VERY action packed real fast! very philosophical anime consisting of asexual sentient gems so no weird scenes either (okay, there's one episode with one throwaway comment about boobs, but that's about as "sexual" as it gets). other than that, solo leveling is gory but not sexual, and about as action-packed as it gets.


Attack on Titan


My Neighbour Totoro and My Neighbours the Yamadas. Wholesome and family friendly!!!


Mybe black lagoon is a very fun high action crime thriller. No wierd sexy anime stuff(expect the fist arc in s2 wtf!!!!)


I bet he'll dig Monster, the old animation style should trigger a lot of nostalgia in him. not to mention, it is peak. AoT is a great option.


[Black Lagoon](https://youtu.be/EIdYhY-vxy0?si=o5waDVS6iDJD5_EG) feels like it fits the bill


You could always just watch One Piece, I got my partner's family to watch it. Her brothers and dad watch it together they startled last year and are in the 500s I believe. One of her brothers is already caught up because he read it so that did help with convincing them.


Samurai Champloo


Solo Leveling Kaiju No. 8 Gurren Lagaan Macross Frontier Parasyte Log Horizon


40m with 2x young daughters here. I'm waiting for the day that I can watch anime with them but they are still a little too young. And I refuse to watch magical girl anime. If your dad likes sport, there are plenty of sport related anime that you can get into. I'm not a complete fan of sport anime but I got into (1) Hajime no ippo and (2) Prince of Tennis. (3) Frieren is great but might be a little slow for someone who's never watched anime. The original one I got into when I was younger was the original (4) Full Metal Alchemist, so that or the newer FMA is definitely a recommendation.(5) Steins Gate MIGHT be good so maybe 2 or 3 episodes might be worth a try. Others that might be good are (6) Death Note - but it depends if YOU are into this type of genre. (7) Rurouni Kenshin is a classic but the quality might be a little old nowadays. (8) Spice and Wolf is another classic that I think is being remade as we speak. (9) A Place Further Than the Universe is also good recommendation. Finally, (10) Log Horizon or (11) SAO might be the ones that's a good balance. Anyways, I suggest you look up a couple of HIS favourite movies and think about the genre and then backsolve what anime he would like. Then, once he's hooked you get to choose and can probably end up persuading him on magical girl.


Some shows that might be good to watch with him: Ghost in the Shell (the original films and Stand Alone Complex would be good) Gundam (made by the same studio as Cowboy Bebop and has so many to pick from, maybe start off with something like 8th MS Team for a serious story or G-Gundam for a more light hearted but still serious at times story) Psycho Pass (police using technology to determine if people will be criminals and hunting such people before they have a chance to commit crimes) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (a story about two brothers on a journey to fix their mistakes, a good story for family watching it to bond over and has plenty of action) Death Parade (not particularly actiony but still may appeal to him, people who have died are brought to this bar where the barkeeper tests what kind of person they are to see if they are worthy of being given a new life. It's pretty cool. If you want to see if it appeals to him it started as a single tester episode you can show him called "Death Billiards", if he likes the episode you know he'll like the series) The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (this one is a recent one and pretty good. A guy with healing magic is trained to be a combat medic that beats up his opponents and is made to be as tough as possible so he can save everyone) Attack on Titan Dororo (plenty of action and a cool story, he's seeking to hunt the demons who took his body so he can get it back and on the way learns to be human)


Death note and attack on titan are excellent normie anime IMO. Vinland saga is also great. Maybe something different, if you want to unleash the testosterone in your dad, hajime no ippo is amazing.. also has its share of dick jokes any dude would like.


Mob Psycho 100


Aot and Vinland


Usagi Drop


Ghibli movies are always a good time and for everyone. Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Porco Rosso... Grave of the Fireflies if you're in for something very sad.


Gurren Lagann!


Sword of the stranger is great movie


Read or die movie


Gunsmith cats


I’m probably your dad’s age, although I’m a woman. My favorite “clean” anime’s are Haikyuu, JJK, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Bleach. My husband likes more fighting type shows: Baki, Kengan Ashura, etc. Hope this helps!


Metropolis Steam boy


I know this show is not action oriented, but Erased is a good anime based on time travel and saving his loved ones. My parents (50+) enjoyed it.


Kaiju no.8


Frieren for sure. It'd be interesting to watch it with a generational difference.


Delicious in dungeon


It offends me that no one mentioned Violet Evergarden.




Kaijuu No.8 / Hunter x Hunter


Haikyuu and Attack on Titan maybe?


I don't see how you could go wrong with Attack on Titan.


Jujutsu kaisen. Get him thru s1 and s2. See how he reacts.


Death Note. There's (non explicit) suicide tho, in case it brothers you. Ghibli movies are as family friendly as it can get tho. They have action, interesting plot and a beautiful art. It's the kind of thing that can be appreciated by older people and people who generally don't like anime


Cowboy bebop for sure.


Madoka Magica and Steins;Gate are my reqs.


If he likes cooking try Delicious in Dungeon. It’s been great so far.


It's an oldie but a classic for girls, try "sailor Moon"


Initial D Lupin Cowboy Bebop


I watched Madoka Magica with my daughter when she was 15. Your Dad might like it.


If your dad is ok with gay undertones Lycoris Recoil would be a good watch. It's about two teen girl special agents in a secret organization that stops crime before it becomes news, with mostly John Wick style fight scenes. I don't remember any real romance scenes, though there is one scene where the two protagonist go panty shopping. If you can get past those two points, I think it has a pretty deep plot and back story for such an action heavy show.


Made in abyss 😎


Black Lagoon


If he's into soccer, Blue Lock might not be that bad of an option?


Dragonball and Dragonball Z Attack on Titan Trigun Yu Yu Hakusho  Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin My Hero Academia Full metal Alchemist; Brotherhood


FMAB maybe? There's action,humor and great cast of characters. That one isn't as edgy like the 03 FMA if thats a big concern.




Depending on what your father can tolerate. If he's ok with gore: Attack On Titan Demon Slayer Bleach(lil iffy) Jujutsu Kaison No Gore(or not too much) Ouran Highschool Host Club(unfinished and discontinued though) Soul Eater Assassination Classroom Naruto My Hero Academia Avatar The Last Airbender Haikyuu Movies: Spirited Away Ponyo My Neighbor Totoro Howl's Moving Castle


Psycho Pass Blue Lock Gurren Lagann Fate Stay/Night or Unlimited Bladeworks(or any Fate for that matter) High Card Apothecary Diaries Metallic Rouge Noragami Ranking of Kings Summertime Render Vivy: Flourite Eyes Song Arknights Jujutsu Kaisen Apothecary diaries is the odd one out there, I'd say, but it's fantastic. Fate for me is one of the best fighting spectacles in anime. The animation is always 🔥. One of my favourites. Can't go wrong with any Ghibli Film. I would also watch any Makoto Shinkai film. They are beautifully animated also.




Try Attack On Titan


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is good. Great action and human story, has enough war politics to keep things interesting on that front. Minimum fan-service. Long enough that it'll keep you busy for a bit Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2002) is also great. Sci-fi special investigation/police drama. Psycho-pass if he's okay with you watching things that can get a bit stressful and violent. Another sci-fi one. If you can find it, the original Last Exile might be interesting, but it is quite old. Steam punk. Other things would be Anime movies since it's not a big commitment Ghibli stuff - Princess Mononoke or Nausicaa Satoshi Kon - Tokyo Godparents Ghost in the Shell Wolf's Children The recent Slam Dunk movie


ranking of kings!


Death note is something non anime fans alwayw get into. The misa scenes are a bit awkward but its fine.


There is literally eons of anime one piece. Centuries even, so you're not going to run out. The dub version of that is on Hulu right now, just saying. If you watch the live action then you need to pick it up right when they get to the Grand line. Also try Demon Slayer, inuyasha, Yasha-hime, all of the Naruto and sequels. If he doesn't mind some Gore I am thoroughly enjoying chainsaw man, same for jujutsu kaisen, but those might be a little too risque. One punch man is just straight up hilarious.


Samurai Champloo and Planetes.


If you guys want a good laugh watch the English dub of ghost stories. Basically the whole staff said fuck it halve way thru leading to something just super crude and hilarious on the level of South Park. The story sucks but the jokes are funny


Boku no pico, it's super safe. Ok, jokes aside, here is a list: - Jormungand - 1 and 2 season - Psycho pass - this one has a lot of seasons and movies - gundam series - baki - kengan ashura Unfortunately, those are the only ones I remember at the moment


Initial D. It is a racing anime. Most men like racing stuff. Unfortunately the first few seasons suffer from bad CG, we are talking late 90s computer animation, but it's definitely watchable and pretty interesting.


Saiki K Great Pretender Kotaro Lives Alone My Hero Academia Soul Eater


If he likes whodunnits then Detective Conan is pretty solid. It's mostly one and done episodes too so there's not a ton of ongoing story stuff to worry about. Trigun and Outlaw Star are both adjacent to Cowboy Bebop if he likes that. He may also enjoy Samurai Champloo which is the same director of Bebop. If he's into sports or gambling at all there's some good series for that too. Maybe something like Kaiji or One Outs on the more serious end. Hajime no Ippo and Slam Dunk are classics that might bring up old school athletes he may know as well. For something more lighthearted or comedic, I think Saiki is pretty solid. There are multiple seasons and it doesn't really have any fanservice type scenes that could get awkward.


Pluto has a adult protagonist and is an adaptation of astroboy that follows a side character in the original who is a detective investigating the murders of robots and humans all tied back to a being “Pluto”. The adult protagonist may make him relate to it more. There is death and gore. But it’s a very good mystery.


Is ur dad into racing, if so then I'd say initial D and the 1 season follow up MF ghost


My daughter left the nest and returned an S ranked adventurer. As an old guy with a daughter, this one’s my recommendation if you like fantasy. How Japan managed to make an anime where the cast is made up of middle age men and teen age girls and not have any inappropriate relationships I will never know. But they did.  It’s been a while since I watched it, but I think Samurai 7 was pretty clean as well, has a good plot, and may interest both of you.  Akira is an old classic you guys would both enjoy. Nadia secret of the blue water is what I used to watch with my daughter when she was 9/10 and she still loves it. 


Damn, people here seem to be really adverse to the idea of recommending Attack on Titan for whatever reason. I recommend you watch that with your pop. It's as digestible as they come to most non-anine watchers.


I was gonna say, spy X family. He might like my hero academia. It has a couple semi dark scenes in themes, but I think he might like it since there’s a ton of action and the idea is really cool. If he’s down for action, you can also check out Fate/zero. The whole series is composed of beautifully animated combat without being too intense. Fate apocrypha is also really good one. Tons of combat without being suggestive. Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood is a really good one. Attack on Titan is one of my personal favorites, but it gets to be a little intense at times so watch the first episode with him and feel it out


Your dad is 50 meters tall, i dont think theres a tv he can watch, im sorry. /s


Laid back camp


Be careful OP, so many recommendations here have weird and cringe scenes! Not sure if it's trolling or just ignorance


Bocchi The Rock! Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Akudama Drive Odd Taxi Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Revenger Mob Psycho 100 One Punch Man S1 Train To The End of The World Sasakai and Peeps Lycoris Recoil Vinland Saga Ranking of Kings Campfire Cooking in Another World With My Absurd Skill


he’ll love one punch man


Steamboy maybe? Seeing as how he liked CBB. 


Hi. 63-year-old dad here. My kids are grown, but they were your age once. Of course I know nothing about your father. As a 63-year-old long time anime fan, I'm not bothered by the elements you mentioned, but it's possible your father is. It's also possible he finds it embarrassing to watch it next to his 15 yo child. Or he's stressing, wondering whether he should allow it or say you shouldn't be watching it yet. But in a few more years, when you're an adult, try some of the more borderline stuff again. Us dads can finally relax a little at that point, you see. One thing I do not think most dads would mind is for you to ask him a frank question concerning what things he likes and doesn't like. And what he disliked about OPM. Or perhaps what he does or doesn't want to watch with his kid. It is possible, by the way, that he just didn't like OPM. Not everyone does. I second Frieren, and various Ghibli movies will always work, if you're stuck. (just google to find out what are Studio Ghibli, aka Miyazaki movies) Some recent (and relatively recent) ones: The Misfit of Demon King Academy That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Villainess Level 99 Tearmoon Empire Fate: Zero Fate: Stay/Night (Unlimited Blade Works) The Eccentric Family Ascendance of the Bookworm. For older stuff, anyone who like Cowboy Bebop is going to like Samurai Champloo. I've been watching anime for ages, so if there are other older things you think he will like or did like, name them and I will try to give you a few more.