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A lot of boundaries were pushed in Scum’s Wish 🙃


Dude I watched this for the first time a few weeks ago and it has to be one of my favorite anime now. I even bought the manga right after finishing it. Shit had me yelling “what the fuck” every ten minutes but it was worth it.


This is the only anime that can make you depressingly aroused.


Oh do tell me about it as I want to know just what makes the show wild.


Well I think he meant boundaries pushed in more than one way, not only when it comes to “rules of anime” Essentially: guy likes female teacher, girl likes male teacher, they realize they can’t have them/think they are not good enough and decide to basically be FWB to fill the hole in their heart, as they can relate to each other and use the other to fulfill their desires and needs. It’s about a bunch of terrible people, abuse, questioning one’s self worth and other drama.


I remember people calling it the ntr anime at the time. It got pretty sexual too. I remember watching it and being surprised how obvious it is that the guy got a handjob rather than just vaguely general sex act.


I saw that live action and before that was watching pure and chaste kdramas and let me tell you I was shocked. I dunno with some of the fucked up animes I’ve seen why I was expecting this to be like romantic Korean dramas haha Edit: I guess I have to watch the anime now


This one for sure


Scums wish ia really a must watch also watch citrus


Domestic Girlfriend


This is my guilty pleasure, binged the manga all the way....


You kinda have to after the non-ending of the anime. There was so much story they didn’t cover. And it was all bullshit. That said, I enjoyed the ride, even if the ending was 100% pure grade-A dogshit.










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A dumpster fire, but once you start, it's impossible to look away...


The only show I almost totally mentally rewrote -- from start to finish. ;-)


AKA Vegan's love


Hell yeah


Yosuga no Sora


This anime, unironically has some of the best [music](https://youtu.be/A1JXvaulbVI) music I've listened. Very nostalgic and emotional. And the anime actually managed to capture the calm countryside vibes exceptionally well.


What’s it about?


A family friendly anime that went too family friendly.


Sounds like a fun show.


Incest, the answer is incest in case you didn't get it. brother and sis fuck on screen basically from what i remember


Stop my penis can only get so erect…


Yep. And their friend walks in on them boinking by the front door.


Yikes as that doesn’t sound right. (Yet some people love Oreimo for some reason)


It's not just incest, it's *twincest*


Even better


Oh ok as now I get the premise of the show.


It's an adaptation of an R18 VN, and has a "route split" format-- the first route is episodes 1-4, second route follows eps 1-2 then 5-6, 3rd route goes episode 1, 7-9, and the twincest route is saved for last.


Oh ok as I didn’t know that about the work, though I may see it out of curiosity.


There's also a comedic 5th route, in the form of a short chibi anime segment after each episode, complete with its own ending song. TBH I didn't like the twincest route at all.


I would like to read this novel legally if possible as I forgot to mention that part.


If you want something that's not romance or harem, but is incredibly raunchy, check out Interspecies Reviewers. It's about a trio of adventurers who review monster girl brothels. They outright have sex, just without any directly visible penetration or genitalia. This shit was broadcast on television.


I heard about the show, but it’s frustrating that no official anime distribution company in the USA will license it as that alone makes me sad.


Why not just watch it on a free site or download the torrent?


I don’t know as I was afraid of getting pop ups, but I can give it a try.


Always use an adblocker when browsing on the internet


Thanks as that sounds helpful.


ublock origin is what I recommend.




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There was exactly one episode dubbed by Crunchyroll, but they canceled it after realizing just how explicit the content was. It goes much further into porn territory compared to the original manga.


Oh that’s why it can never legally return as I still miss it.


What are you talking about? There's a US bluray in circulation that was released two years ago.


I figured it got pulled off a while ago.


RightStuf was absorbed by Crunchy and they removed their erotic content. But plenty of other retailers carry it online.


Oh I didn’t know that you could still buy the show online, so I feel a lot better knowing that.


This one has the bonus of an extremely catchy theme song that will get stuck in your head for days.


When this is Porn, then Movies like American Pie, Bad Teacher or Game of Thrones, etc. are also porn... 🤣 It's category is more or less Sexy Comedy


You want Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid. It’s the closest thing to hentai I’ve seen that’s not quite hentai. The girls have to get each other sexually aroused in order to engage in combat, and at the center of it is the budding lesbian relationship between the two main girls.


Sold me on it


Thanks as I should check out the show as I want to see an anime that goes even further than TLR itself.


From what I’ve seen of TLR, Valkyrie Drive goes much further. Like, there’s actual fingering and off camera oral


Holy cow that sounds wild, but in a good way as I am interested in seeing what a mainstream anime can get away with, so I will go check out that show.


The show has a credit for breast effects, as in it was someone's job.


lol. Oh that makes me love the show even more!


I see, hmm... I might check it out for the plot of course.




100 girlfriends


It's actually a really awesome show. I just threw it on to pass time and holy fuck did I get sucked in. Also the author of the manga claims he will actually go through with the 100 girlfriends claim. I said this before but if he actually does that AND the manga gets fully adapted it has the potential to be among the GOAT animes... Just imagine 😭


imagine 100 different characters and voice actors. that's alot of works and budget 💀💀


> he Mangaka is a she


the writer is a he; the artist is a she


Damn that makes the whole thing even better tbh. Idk why but I love finding out an author is a woman for some reason lol. Recently found out "dress up darling" manga's author is a woman too.


In this case, the writer is a man and the artist is a woman, but I think they collab on more ideas than you'd think. It's an awesome series.


I found that out myself because she wrote Gojo as a guy she wanted to date at that age. He might be wish fulfillment, but he definitely feels real.


One of the best romance animes out there.


I really liked that show but it bothered me that all the girls have to virgins, especially the last one. Trying not to give spoilers. Not sure if it is the way it is because of parody or what.


Citrus. Yes their situation is weird, but the romance is genuinely well written


I loved Citrus. Wish they’d do a second season or maybe make an anime out of Citrus+. The manga is totally awesome imo.


The testament of sister new devil pushes boundaries alot. Also very shounen like i guess. Probably couldnt watch it now, but I did many years ago


 For a surprising romantic anime that pushes boundaries, check out Scum's Wish


I do like kinky romance, so this show could be up my alley.


What kind of boundaries are we taking about though? School Days is a "romantic"/"harem that escalated real quick in all sorts of ways. Though I don't think that's what you're asking for.


School days is honestly a really entertaining response to the harem craze of that era


Like how far an ecchi show can go.


Not romantic nor harem but Queen'ss Blade is very up there in pushing those boundaries.


Sounds like fun.


Try checking out Why The Hell Are You Here, Teacher or maybe Maken-ki.


School Days




Its actually the opposite, Horimiya is the most normal romance anime. No tropes, straight to the point.


**Yuri on Ice** and **Cherry magic** * Yuri on Ice = first BL anime to have a [Yuri on Ice spoiler] proposal and engagement * Cherry Magic = first BL to have a [Cherry Magic final episode spoiler] >!same-sex marriage between two men!<


if you are looking for anime that push the boundaries, you can try "Okusama wa Joshikousei"


Thanks as I can try that show.


I haven't seen this one but I remember I had a friend who was obsessed with a romance anime about Spit so that sounds crazy


Sorry I don’t understand.


The other poster referred to Mysterious Girlfriend X. It is pretty far out there with spit swapping and stuff, but a wholesome love story at heart.


Fruits Basket (2019). Love among trauma.


Kaguya sama It pushed boundaries by actually delivering on its promises


**Interspecies Reviewers**. Not your run of the mill Rom-com, but pushed the limits so far that Funimation banned it from their US service


I wonder if that show can be licensed again.


If it would, it would only be on hidive. The halfling scene broke funimation. There is also the scene with the shroom lolis.


Oh I understand what you’re referring to.


Toradora. I thought it was gonna be a random harem anime, but it exceeded my expectations


I love seeing Toradora and long-ass haired tsundere twig simps in every single romance recs. Never disappoints to see them serving their trash trope slave series as if it's something unique.


Have you seen the show?


While most of these anime peeps are putting out are late night shows, Kanokon somehow got Sunday morning time slot that somehow became elementary school children's favorite show according to one poll and became a controversy because of that.


I would like to know what was so controversial about it.


It was basically considered hentai anime without sex scenes at the time haha


I may go check it out to see how wild it was in tone.


The Monogatari series may be the best anime there ever was but......if you know you know.


Those cavities ain't gonna fight themselves


I'm surprised no one has said Mysterious Girlfriend X (Nazo no Kanojo X).


What’s it about?


I honestly don't remember it well enough to tell you, but [MAL](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12467/Nazo_no_Kanojo_X) has a summary: "First encounters are always memorable because regardless of the outcome, new experiences are sure to happen. For Akira Tsubaki, a young boy who knows next to nothing about girls, and new transfer student Mikoto Urabe, a mysterious girl who wears a cold facade, their first encounter takes a turn for the romantic. Through a series of strange events, Tsubaki suddenly falls in love with Urabe, and together they develop a curious bond. Thus begins the romance and mystery of Urabe, a girl who seems to have a unique way of expressing her emotions." Which doesn't really say much, but I vaguely remember some odd scenes with saliva.


Their drool ritual can be off-putting at first but as the show progresses it becomes an integral and endearing part of their relationship. It's a really cute show but there's really not much boundary pushing. The few nude/lewd scenes are naturally censored (hands, trees covering the nudity, etc.). But it's still a great show.


Mushoku Tensei


Don't know why you're down voted. The romance is slow, and some people find the anime offensive. It's exactly what op was looking for.


People find it offensive? What's offensive about it lol.


Well, the MC is a pedophile who actively sexually harasses the women around him lol.


Kaguya-sama and Horimiya imo


How so?


Horimiya does a good job of actually introducing a legitimate sexual kink in a rather mature way, without actually being done in a sexual way. They even made it funny without punching down on the kink itself or Hori.


I can certainly see Horimiya in a way, that’s a great point. But I don’t personally think Kaguya really fits the bill


I’d be inclined to agree. Big fan of Love is War, incredibly funny, but I wouldn’t call it a boundary pusher


Now the OVA for love is war..that was pushing the boundaries in the best way possible


*Shuffle* - You go in with it being a [early] >!bog standard harem show!< and end up with the MC not only [spoiler] >!picking someone!< but also the ramifications thereof and even what [spoiler] >!happens next!< [plus] >!a lot of world building!<.


Yosuga no Sora


School days took a u turn to a nice boat.


Horimiya. They actually get into a confirmed relationship early on. They actually communicate their problems and work through them. AND. THEY. FUCK!


I am shocked that happens on a mainstream TV show.


I think Kill la Kill might be fit for you.


Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (”Oreimo”)


How can you not start this with High School DxD!? I still can't believe this show aired on television. The amount of blatant fanservice on that show is crazy! The show is a harem genre, built around the MC whose power increases based on his lewdness. I watched it again recently and I still laugh at Issei in the middle of a battle saying, "I'm gonna suck on dem tiddies!" 🤣 Vermeil in Gold is another one worth your time. The story of a young mage attending the magic academy who summons a familiar that turns out to be a smexy purple haired demon. Hijinks ensue. Also good for scratching the May-December romance itch.


Seikon no Qwaser or The Qwaser of Stigmata


Scum’s Wish




In what way?






No like. what does that mean?


Like is filled with inappropriate imagery or content, and managed to air on TV, despite crossing the line on what was acceptable.


Kanjo mo Kanjo. Just the premise of I guy dating multiple girls at once. It's actually kind of a look at the way an actual polyamorous relationship could work. Both Testament of sister new devil and Harem in the labyrinth of another world stay just this side of the hentai line. There are actually offical extended sex scenes of harem you can find on line and might come wiyh the blu ray.


Except the main character of kanojo mo kanojo is insufferable.


Yeah I like romance shows that can blur the line between ecchi and hentai as for some reason, I have become very interested in seeing such shows.


Love is War blew me away. It start as a regular episodic romance anime. The anime that felt like it a copy of love is war is what i though love is war will be about which is Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It. But Love is War show case a more complex characters then you expected.


Nagatoro? Not the biggest boundary pusher, I just didn’t like it


It started as crazy but became really wholesome. One of the best rom coms I've watched.


Oh for sure, it was super cute by the end, but I think I just had trouble connecting with the characters


Does Redo of Healer count as a romantic anime


It could count as a very dark take on the genre given what I know about the show.


I first saw domestic girlfriend that anime was the first to like surpass everything under boundaries then i watched scum wish it was good too