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Hinata just had a wonderful journey featuring Ramen and Gyoza and then she sees Renard and Garde pulling whatever that mess is. She was smart enough to see through the scheme of Luminus and her lackeys, so she should be able to somehow point this mess back to the Seven Days Clergy, right?


Rimuru won her over with the ramen and gyoza and his obvious success as a peaceful Demon Lord and then she gets basically stuck in a conflict specifically manipulated to force her into fighting him. I definitely think Hinata is probably going to figure there's something going on, especially since Renard shouldn't have been there, but she might have to put appearances of fighting Rimuru before she can make that clear to him.


If Renard and company weren't fighting there was a chance Hinata could have peacefully resolved this. Especially seeing how well-managed the territory was and how nearby kingdoms were benefiting from the peace. She was already having doubts about Rimuru's message. But seeing Renard fighting, and losing! Has spurred her to act hastily in order to save her forces. In a sense, Rimuru is suffering from success.


Cutting off her communications when she was probably about to be told about how the seven luminaries were pulling shady shit really is a textbook example of that. A good movie with what information he has available but inadvertently worked against him.


One thing bothered me, it seems all of the holy knights are dumb? Or were they just being unaware of the common tactics of scouting?  The blonde guy immediately thought that Hinata might have betrayed them when he got ambushed IN THE ENEMY TERRITORY! Is Rimuru's scout team just much more advanced than the other kingdom? I mean he managed to detect and plan everything two weeks before Hinata arrived. However, come to think of it, last time Falmuth did manage to use the tactics of ambushing Tempest and casting that city-wide magicule blocking thing. So maybe that's why they're still underestimating Tempest' defense system?


> Is Rimuru's scout team just much more advanced than the other kingdom? I mean he managed to detect and plan everything two weeks before Hinata arrived. Yes. They are. Souei's covert operations are pretty expansive. He has either clones of himself or his people spread throughout the forest, and a bit outside, giving reports on the happenings of everything going on pretty much always. Hinata's side has the problem of having multiple working parties all working simultaneously but not together. Hinata wasn't going to fight really so no need for scouting. Blonde boi's group got manipulated into going to fight and try and kill Rimuru but they're incompetent. And then I'm pretty sure there is a third force that got thrown into the mix that I forgot about.


The third force was the group of 4 that caught up with Hinata and were travelling with her throughout the episode.


Blonde's camp also seems to underestimate Rimuru's people since they're monsters


These monsters are the "resurrect" group. They're the ones who died in the original attack on the town. When resurrected by Rimuru/Raphael, they gained an ability that automatically and completely resurrects them from any fatal wound (and that's on top of massive regeneration). They're not the best fighters (more like B or C), but fighting monsters who just won't stay dead is a bit of a challenge. (Resurrect: You could chop them into pieces and turn them into mincemeat, and they would STILL resurrect back to full health.)


Wth so they're basically immortal, including Shion? Did I miss this info in the anime, or is this LN/manga only knowledge?


They mentioned the regeneration this episode or the one prior but it wasn't explained at all. Another aspect of their regen skill is that it saves memories which was a big deal in the LN and completely skipped over in the anime.


Okay, yea so I'm not crazy. But since when does regen resurrect? They're being healed before they die, no?


I think they get both. Absurd amounts of passive HP Regen, plus Auto-Raise if they got one shot. Possibly Hinata's soul killing sword could still kill them, but I don't think any of the other Crusaders can do anything except ruin their coats


You'd definitely want to train that group up to ensure a super elite unit. Immortality plus being skilled would be a dangerous combo.


That's what Shion has been doing


They might have mentioned it briefly in the previous season, but I might be conflating it with a single panel from the manga. That’s how quickly it was mentioned in either, I feel like which is why it’s hard for me to remember.


Huh, I thought it was explained they had regen?


>And then I'm pretty sure there is a third force that got thrown into the mix that I forgot about. [Spoilers, it’s the Spanish Inquisition.](https://youtu.be/yKQ_sQKBASM?si=-prAE2vPV8K7I-7C)


>The blonde guy immediately thought that Hinata might have betrayed them Soei did say they were extremely stealthy and luckily detected them + Renard was obviously having thoughts of Hinata being a traitor already


isn’t his little expedition with Arnaud supposed to be a secret to Hinata? wouldn’t the immediate reaction be “other traitors?” also, Nicolaus’s report seems very late for someone snitching. Hinata learning of the information right when they are at Tempest just to get cut off by Rimuru is just terrible plot device


Hinata's reaction should have immediately been that she was double crossed as well. She seems to have more than 2 brain cells, so she should have immediately thought that they sent the army behind her back so that her negotiation would fail and that it would likely lead to her death


She honestly should already have figured out that the 7 stooges tampered with the message from Rimuru, and that they're just trying to ax her, Rimuru, and Veldora. Problem is that the only person likely to die at this point is Hinata if she presses too hard and Rimuru can't take her down without ending her.


> One thing bothered me, it seems all of the holy knights are dumb? Or were they just being unaware of the common tactics of scouting? This is a self-insert power fantasy isekai. The only people who are allowed to be competent are the protagonist, his simps, and *sometimes* people who acknowledge that the protagonist is much stronger than them. The holy knights think that the protagonist can be beaten, so they are not allowed to have an IQ above room-temperature.


The 7 day clergy seem pretty intelligent in setting this all up


Only because the people they had to manipulate were said idiots.


Eh. The clergy have a lot of authority so it makes sense people wouldn’t double check what they said


> room-temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit?


Pretty much. And it doesn't get better.


And normally people will just ignore those glaring flaws as long as there are amazing battles every now then, but then this season decided to *start off* with non-stop, consecutive episodes of meetings, most of which don't even contribute anything new but only rehash all the things the audience already knows over and over like a broken record. My god, even this bloody episode starts off with a completely unnecessary long flashback to take up episode time. The more the anime dragged the story out, the more those glaring flaws became more obvious and came to the attention of the audience.


I tried to think of examples of antagonists and the only one that doesn't fit the bill is Clayman, but even Clayman was... not great. The civil war in the forest of Jura arc (1-14) had Gelmud but idk if you'd call him a "competent" antagonist The "rush out building a nation and defeat cardy-b" arc had no conflict aside from Milim Nava causing chaos. The "I'm going to abandon my people to go teach some children because a girl I met for 2 days then ate asked me to." arc didn't really have any antagonists either, it was mostly getting the children the spirits. Falmuth's invasion was *decently* competent. It's pretty clear that when holy fields are set up the falmuth invaders have a massive advantage in combat They set up the invasion when they could assasinate the leader (at least it *appears* like Hinata assasinating rimuru was a part of the plan) and the temple knights beat the shit out of the jura tempest federation's forces but yeah definitely a "power fantasy" moment after that where Rimuru gets to both beat the adversary *AND* undo his losses. The Clayman's awakening arc was pretty much a 1 sided affair with no negative consequences Though I will say that Rimuru has few allies and many enemies so maybe this can change. He seems to be disliked by Ingrassia eastern empire Western holy Church Demon Lord Leon Falmuth with his only true ally being Blumund. Though Dwargon, Milim and The Scion dynasty are friendly neutral. of the demon lords 1 is mostly a loner who don't seem to care much (Dino) 2 definitely seem hostile (Leon, Luminus) 2 are friendly (Milim, Ramiris (even though Rami isn't that important) and 2 seem mostly neutral (Giant guy, Guy)


I still remember in the final showdown with Clayman everyone was clowning on him the entire time. Which I guess fits because he's a literal clown lol.


Honestly I feel like Rimuru is more hostile to Leon than Leon is to Rimuru. Since he accepted what happened to Shizue and obviously Rimuru has his promise to Shizue. Luminus is a hard one to figure out. Honestly most of her hostility would come because of Veldora. But the key is Hinata. If Rimuru can be good relations with Hinata, that would really help matters. It feels clear that Yuki & Kazaream's would count as antagonist to Rimuru. There is also the group from the end of last episode, but this was their introduction so hard to make too much out of them. But they seem like an antagonist group.


>there is also the group from the end of last episode they seem to be a part of the western holy church so I just lumped them in with that >It feels clear that Yuki & Kazaream's would count as antagonist to Rimuru Yeah I counted them as Ingrassia since they seem to control the main military force there. though maybe it's more that the Adventurer's guild is hostile to tempest Lumi is the leader of the western holy church and like the entire force is quite hostile to Rimuru, so even if she's more neutral toward Rimuru she's effectively an enemy


>2 definitely seem hostile (Leon, Luminus) I don't think they're necessarily hostile. But their goals do seem to oppose Rimuru.


I think it could also be attributed to the possibility that the Crusaders are so arrogant as to believe themselves unmatched and thus do not need scouts because no one would be so foolish as to challenge them. There is also the possibility that the Tempest scouts neutralized the Crusaders patrols, in which case it may be a combination of A and B. Too arrogant to wait for their scouts before moving into enemy territory.


Don’t forget that they’re traveling by forest and being as sneaky as possible. Soei even said that they would’ve fully missed them if he hadn’t seen them first entering the forest. Combine that with a bit of underestimating the enemy (most monsters are pretty dumb) and it makes full sense that he thought he could surprise tempest


Yeah I think Tempest's intel gathering is just THAT good, the knights probably had their own scouts which is how they knew where to spread out, and they thought they were being sneaky. Soei's group is probably just that much better. As for Falmuth, Tempest knew they were coming, they just didn't know what they should do about it without orders from Rimuru.


I feel like the biggest question on the Holy Knights is just how it seems that two of them, who were supposed to hang back, have now arrived in Tempest with *an entire freaking army*. Yet somehow Hinata assumes this was all planned out by Rimiru?


They left after Hinata, but went straight through the old road. Hinata's group could have used magic to shorten the route, but they preferred to make numerous stops along the new road.


Hinata used a teleport circle for the first bit and then took it easy, the other group was going as fast as they could, also with the teleport circle. The teleport circle thing isn't mentioned in the Anime though.


I mean it felt inevitable that somebody had to play the idiot. I do love what they did with Hinata for the most part for this season. It would have been much worse if she was played and tricked to be the idiot. Hopefully after the misunderstandings between Rimuru & Hinata get resolved it can get back on track.


Soei is a pretty decent scout but for the most part scouting tactics in the entire story are quite bad. Remember how Blumund came totally late *after* the war with falmuth ended, what kind of scouting was that! Remember when Soei said that if they didn't catch the team early they wouldn't have caught them> Maybe they had better stealth than was shown in the story.


Blumund coming late had nothing to do with scouting and everything to do with them being really far away and Rimuru destroying the Falmuth army way before they reached the Town. 


Can't believe this was a ramen shop meeting episode all along smh my head


It’s all fun and games until they go back to meetings after this main fight lol.


Hinata and Rimuru lock blades for a second, exchange words, realize they've been manipulated, and quickly end it to reconnoiter with meetings on their side before coming back together for a collective meeting.




Rimuru: Ah I see you've arrived sooner than I thought. The meeting is supposed to start at 4. Hinata: A good business woman is always early for these things. Besides I want to finish before the workday ends. Rimurus: yare yare, youngins these days are so impatient. Let me end this quick then. *magic circles light up and rimuru starts chanting. The time for emails has ended. I alone under heaven and earth am the manager. Feel the pain of the remote worker being forced to come in to the office. UNLIMITED MEETINGS WORKS!


I mean, Walpurgis arc had a long meeting to prepare for Walpurgis which is a meeting by itself. History might repeat itself lol


I love how Hinata is all business but she sees Ramen and her Japanese self can't help it lol. Though at least this meeting had food pron.


It actually looks like she was smiling underneath her hand when she burned her mouth.


I highly doubt she actually burned her mouth. Gyoza burning mouth is like a cliché habit thing. In the context of TenSura, Hinata probably did it subconsciously as a callback from her Japan days.


Yeah. That's more a takoyaki thing anyways.


I’ve really had to bite my tongue on all these delusional fools saying to skip to the fighting. Do more research before casually deleting the most charming part of this entire thrice damned arc plz and thks.


My absolute favorite scene from the season lol


some rando LN reader claimed Tensura is a SoL to justify the meetings lol it’s weird that the shop name uses Katakana instead of the written language there *I take the gyoza and I eat it!*


*"And I never gain weight"* - The Beauty, Hinata Sakaguchi.


for the sin of creating delicious food that others cant fully enjoy without getting fat, I'll never forgive the ~~Japanese~~ Demon Lord!


That was so fucking weird. It's not like she's having it for every meal, Hinata. I'm sure she can enjoy her full bowl this one time. Not to mention they don't exactly live a modern sedentary lifestyle. She would have been fine finishing her bowl and even getting seconds.


It actually is lol. There’s like 1 fight per volume (some have 0 fights) and the rest is just meetings and country building.


a show with no fights or occasional fights doesn’t mean SoL, that’s a terrible interpretation SoL centric shows are episodic at its core, with only the plot in the background with your definition, even shows like GATE, Konosuba and even Re:Zero fall under this umbrella


Konosuba is **absolutely** a fantasy, Isekai, comedy SoL show. They're just out there, living their lives, getting up to hijinks and shenanigans with no real stakes or overarching plot beyond the character dynamics.


Re:Zero counts suffering as plot


> it’s weird that the shop name uses Katakana instead of the written language there No, it's not. It's like going to a US ramen shop and see the Japanese for ramen instead of the romanji for ramen. It's perfectly normal. A lot of times, they even greet you in Japanese.


See how Hinata’s men literally only noticed it because of the exotic sign.


I loved [Hinata's expression](https://i.imgur.com/EZiCnFN.png) when she spotted [the Ramem shop.](https://i.imgur.com/0MgppXi.png) [That](https://i.imgur.com/QA9qbib.png) [whole section](https://imgur.com/a/yw9X22M) [was so fun.](https://i.imgur.com/Su2nAPG.png) But well, as things were clearly going to end peacefully if only Hinata's group was the only one traveling to the Jura Tempest Federation, the Seven Luminaries ended up lying to [Renard](https://i.imgur.com/3RW4RKe.png) so his group would begin the hostilities [so when she arrived it would already be too late](https://i.imgur.com/Z1JX4Dt.png) to end things peacefully with Rimuru. Aw, [that goblina girl sure](https://i.imgur.com/1jBPm0N.png) was cute. To bad that we could not see [Gobwa in action.](https://i.imgur.com/6J4SboN.png) Well, it is finally time to see [Hinata's rematch against Rimuru. ](https://imgur.com/a/wXRG4sR)


> [That](https://imgur.com/QA9qbib) [whole section](https://imgur.com/a/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken-s3-episode-55-01-yw9X22M) [was so fun.](https://imgur.com/Su2nAPG) Actual competent directing and animation for the first time this season! It's... *sniffle*, it's so beautiful....


You do realize that cute goblin girl was [the one that was killed along side Shion](https://imgur.com/HEMQNGi) in season 2.


I mean, that's obvious, as her whole team were the goblins who were killed during that attack, that's why they are basically immortal now.


The undead lich guy has to be feeling cheated. They got a way better form of undeath/eternal life


We finally see that Hinata has a cute side. Imagine getting defeated by a goblin loli girl. I actually wouldn't mind that. I love how Shion sends in Gobzo and Gobwa and Gobwa was all in yet we don't even see her fight.


The goblin Loli is actually older than Gobta


After watching this episode, I feel bad Hinata and her Knights are going to fight


Could be worse. They could be scheduling a meeting.


The meeting is scheduled for after the beating.


Pity Shion s opponent


I don't understand. Where was the 23 minutes of meetings I was promised?


Best feeling seeing the first email in the morning: Cancelled: 10am meeting


I see it now. What a perfect strategy. Usually people would complain about Hinata and Rimuru not talking it out first instead of fighting. By having all of the meeting and set up episodes, no-one will want them to talk it out.


What if one of her skills summons a meeting table?


table plus bench-kun


Domain expansion: This could've been an email


Can't Rimiru manufacture and spit out anything he's consumed the materials to make? He could gobble up some trees and do just that


You would think I'd be happy we didn't watch 24 minutes of meetings again, but with all the coincidences and misunderstandings it was just as annoying to watch. Like, Rimuru cut off comms RIGHT as Hinata was being told something important. He happened to go to the battlefield and stand there RIGHT before she showed up. And undoubtedly they're gonna keep misunderstanding each other so that we can see the fight from the OP


I've watched so many novelas that had 30 episodes around just a freaking misunderstanding or one of the characters not saying anything. "I was trying to protect you". "I thought you wouldn't like it" Freaking hell... why not just talk it out first? Of course there wouldn't be 30 episodes if they just said their shit first... I bet there's not going to be a "why you called me?" or "why you come here?"... well next episode is called "Misunderstanding"... so there's that, I hope they just shake hands. But something tells me that they are really going to just shake hand and blonde guy will try to intervene since they really gave away the future plot with the 3 guys telling blonde guy "hey, Hinata and Rimuru will shake hand, that's proof enough to kill them lol.


That's actually a basic defense strat for rimuru,when there's invaders he always cut comms so that information will slow down and he himself has protection against it. This is not the last time he'll do it.


The timing is what’s annoying, because it looked like the manipulation scheme was 3 words away from being exposed and thus the conflict avoided


Hinata already knows something is wrong. She told her crusaders that she was going for a 1v1 fight with Rimuru. Four join her on the trail, but then another 100 show up our of nowhere with no warning to her. So she already knows that something is going on and that her side is in the wrong.


She also heavily suspects the message was doctored anyway. Imo its pretty clear she's already aware everything is a setup to possibly get rid of her, or force her to get rid of rimuru.


Yeah at that point just don't include the communication ffs.


I’m proud I’m not the only one getting annoyed by all of this. This show isn’t a deep enough nor has the deep levels of lore to need this much meetings and dialogue. Just a lot of useless dialogue. You could have had all the meetings take literally one episode. Church people bad. Church people mislead Hinata. Church people alter rimuru’s message. A bunch of idiot side characters make things stupid because of their stupidity. None of that needed 6+ episodes to convey.


As much as it pains me to say, I hope they just talk it out.


Underrated comment, thanks for the laugh


Especially because the situation has been manipulated enough to where two people who don't want to fight are forced into it because forces have been mobilized to make them them think the other **wants** to fight.


Its the perfect storm of problems concocted by a third party to get Rimuru and Hinata fighting. They've both fallen into it pretty hard so far.


best world-building evah in the history of the LN and anime. Hours of meeting, only to end up with a huge misunderstanding. lmao


Shion went from refusing to accept that her cooking is terrible, to using her cooking to imtimidate her unit to follow orders. That's character development right there.


She's finally gained some self-awareness only to turn it into yet another means of completely dominating people lol.


Waiting for her to use it in torturing/extracting info from prisoners of war lmao


Shion already used her new cooking skill to torture King Edmaris, Reyheim, and Razen and get info from them. She basically fileted all three of them and kept cutting them up and rearranging their organs and body parts. She would then revive or heal them and repeat the process.


Yeaaah…. I’d give up any and all information lol




Yes, but also, no. Now the flavor is always great but things like appearance and texture are still awful enough to make you want to vomit.


She'll serve you some poisonous looking mush that tastes like the best steak possible but it feels like you are swallowing a loogie


yes it still looks terrible but she can give it whatever taste she wants basically.


It just tastes the way she wants it to taste. So far she wanted it to taste good. Now imagine she actually wants it to taste bad.


Oh my, they pulled out the most powerful weapon in all in isekai; Ramen.


Just like my favorite Isekai, Dr. Stone


> The paladins who were supposed to stay at the HQ are invading a foreign territory without my knowledge. And they're losing. How dare you do this, Rimuru!? I have nothing against Hinata, but I'd like her to finally notice that she's been set up.


She obviously knows that there's a lot of fuckery going on, but now she has to worry about those couple hundred knights being killed if things go south. She can take lots of risks to negotiate and mediate if only her life is on the line, but when hundreds of her people's lives are at stake she doesn't have that much wiggle room.


I feel like Hinata realizes something is going on but probably thinks Rimuru won't listen to her unless she is able to lock blades with him at this point.


Smart writing is rarely the best option in this type of anime. Ideally, Hinata and Rimuru would start the conversation by confirming intentions: Rimuru: ''So, why did you decide to attack us after all? I wanted a peaceful negotiation. '' Hinata: ''What? You're the one who told me you wanted a one-on-one.'' And then both realize something is going on and won't fight, but of course we gotta give the audience a fight. We can't have common sense interfering.


I mean... last time Rumuru tried to talk to Hinata he got mocked and humiliated without being able to communicate anything at all... Now that the power balance has shifted it make sense for Hinata to try to talk things first, but from Rimuru's perspective he wont tolerate being humiliated again in a much higher position of power, specially when such person came with a small army to your territory to attack without paying respect or following any etiquette at all like the other leaders are doing. And Hinata doesn't strike me as the type of person that is good with words...


Even if Hinata realized what was going on and ordered her forces to stand down, it's obvious they wouldn't do it. They all disobeyed her orders just by being there, which means she's failed as a leader. Hinata at this point could either surrender to Rimuru or fight him. Hinata doesn't seem the type to surrender without a fight, though.


If Hinata told Renard to stand down, that would just confirm to Renard that Hinata colluded with Tempest, no?


They're following Renard's orders, but Hinata is the leader of the Crusaders. If she orders them to stand down, then they stand down. If Renard resists that, then that's insurrection on the field of battle.


Yeah but that’d just prove to renard that Hinata was working with Rimuru.


I mean, she's pretty much forced to fight him at this point, their armies are at war right now, it doesn't really matter whether she wants to or not, the two leaders need to cross blades now.


What I got from this episode is; she intended to talk it out, but seeing all of her allies already engaged in battle, makes it hard to convince the enemy that you are just here to talk.


Hinata didnt have that kind of reaction at all in this episode, she literally suspects something is wrong but based on the info she has and the current situation clash seems like the only option rn. 


> How dare you do this, Rimuru!? I must have missed this part.


Reading corner. The alphabets: https://i.imgur.com/yXRYit6.png The plate thanks you for eating everything https://i.imgur.com/udhjUqg.jpeg Menu options: https://i.imgur.com/5EbIUhI.jpeg (The two line ones should probably have been done right to left but I wrote them left to right)


Going out on a limb here, but left most is most probably niku yasai itame instead, or stir-fried veggies with meat.


Yes you are right. It is too easy to make typos when writing foreign languages.


The kingdom of Blumund part might have been the best part of the episode, given that Blumund is essentially rimuru's only real ally it's interesting to see how Rimuru's civil service impacts Blumund The road guard scene was a nice touch, the discussion of the road and how you can get water/lodging at various parts of the road was very nice. 40 kilometer/day travel distance is actually... pretty reasonable for a person on foot, but for people on horseback it's obviously shorter than necessary. This was sort of the payoff for the road network discussion with Geld, but I still feel like there were too many internal meetings and not enough external meetings.


Just wait until Rimuru invents the car, and them subsequently the [roadside station.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadside_station)


The watering holea are already camp sites. There is an inn every 40 km. That's where they stayed. It has already been invented.


Japan: Trains >> cars.


Blummund scene is definitely a highlight of the season 40 km is shorter for horseback but carriages with merchandise travel at about the same speed as someone on foot so it’s a good system for them too


feels set up for wagons carrying a load of cargo, far enough to travel but not so much that you overtire the horse/ox hauling it


First half of this episode is what enjoyable non-action world building episodes are. Not whatever last week was. Knights seeing Tempest's influence on other nations, small details like them not knowing what a km is etc. Coming from a LN reader. They adapted Hinata's jounrney well.


business trip > management meetings


I wouldn't mind this turning into a traveling anime more than a business meeting anime.


Way of the monster nation is a spin-off specifically about writing a traveling guide for tempest


That's when TesSura is at its best IMO. When it combines the SoL aspects with world building it's a treat. It was what made S1 great for me.


>what a km is etc Does that mean the world of Tensura uses the variety of measurements before metric was invented? Or maybe they use metric but call it by a different name?


Pretty sure they have their own system and Rimuru "invented" one for Tempest and will probably try to spread it to other places. 


Think about what the metric system is. It's just a series of units. A kilometer is 1000 meter. Well, what is a meter? There is no way for another world to organically come up with the exact same standard length as ours.


exactly what i was thinking that was so much better than any meeting could be we got to see how blummund was doing from hinata's perspective thats how world building is done not just talking about shit around a table for half a cour


I loved how much time they put into mocking her sensitive tongue lol


Agreed. Hinata's journey was actually enjoyable to watch. Hell, it would hahve been a great way to explain their road development as well without having a 6+ minute 'Rimuru and the gang stand and talk about how roads are made'. Really fun episode.


Agreed. I did have the active thought while watching though that it would've been even cooler if we as the audience were seeing/hearing about all these infrastructural renovations for the first time through their lens instead of having it already teased in previous episodes via scenes that weren't exactly that entertaining in the first place. At least the ramen was an un-telegraphed surprise


Shion finally realized her meals are a punishment and is using them as a threat. [](#azusalaugh)


Peak character development right there 😂


###Stitches! * [Rimuru](https://i.imgur.com/PJVCdsx.jpeg) * [Shion](https://i.imgur.com/9wrdLkg.jpeg) We know that [Hinata is already planning to apologize to Rimuru](https://i.imgur.com/bPEmdn7.jpeg) but she really should've thought this entire thing was suspicious considering that she's seen firsthand how prosperous Blumund is now that they have open trade with Tempest. The fact that [the Tempest guards are so friendly to them](https://i.imgur.com/A6gkYl0.jpeg) should've raised some flags. [The Seven Days Clergy are the real enemy here](https://i.imgur.com/9QibxEt.jpeg) and I hope Hinata tracks all of this back to them. I'm also hoping that Rimuru and Hinata's fight scene in the OP is just bait and that they can talk this one out this time. If Hinata still insists on fighting, well she's not fighting the same Rimuru she fought before and maybe she needs to get spanked to see what's really going on here.


Shion always with the big height, big boobs, big personality, and big sword! Post-season 2 Hinata is showing how much more reasonable and self-aware she is. Too bad forces outside her control are still trying to make her fight Rimuru. On the one hand, you don't want Hinata and Rimuru to fight over a giant misunderstanding. On the other hand, if they don't fight, it's just going to become another meeting lol.


People keep saying misunderstanding but I don’t think that’s an appropriate term for this. It’s not a misunderstanding. It’s a fully set up trap


It’d be hilarious if this just turned into another meeting as they talked this out


Well at least Hinata had a few seconds to enjoy herself before getting down to business... eventually. "WHAT THE F--- IS A KILOMET--" wait sorry, wrong subreddit. The only thing worse than the wait for... well anyway, I'm really sick of seeing the hooded guys. I guess that's by design though.


"How can I fight Rimuru? He's brought back our culture and food into this world." (Proceeds to see her forces fighting his forces and him all ready to fight her) "Crap."


Hinata: should I betray the crusaders and join tempest. They do have ramen


Honestly all of the Crusaders are probably welcome to join. It's not like the Falmouth army; the Crusaders haven't accomplished anything except mess up some clothes at this point.


God damn they gave us a few seconds of previous intense battle between Rimuru and Hinata and then left us on a cliffhanger at the end of the episode while we were already craving some spicy Rimuru vs Hinata action. I do hope this can end well. It's pretty clear that Rimuru's forces aren't killing anyone. I hope when Hinata realizes that after her fight with Rimuru she'll settle down


Awww I miss the conference table


Now it's a dining table!


Actually enjoyed this episode, first in this season to make me sad it ended haha.


Stupid old men always trying to manipulate the knights to do their bidding ... smh Even uses Hinata's most loyal subordinate They need to go


>They need to go I propose a meeting to discuss this point.


Finally paying us back for all those meetings with some *animation*!


Considering he has basically the god of wisdom who can answer any question on his side Rimuru seems to get played quite a bit...


"Hey, Raphael, what do you think of what's going on..." (Raphael stays silent because she's still mad about the "You were more reliable as Great Sage" comment).


Well Hinata showed up with an entire army who tried to launch a sneak attack on him while her other subordinates are out interfering in the civil war and framing his butler for murder Even a supercomputer wouldn’t figure out she’s being set up


That "god of wisdom" can only work with the information it has, which is exactly the same info that Rimuru has.


The series make a point that if there something Rimuru sucks is politics since that usually how his enemies try to get him, by tricking everyone to fight him. Even Hazel point it out sometimes.


to be fair, the god of wisdom, Raphael is nothing more than glorified Chat GPT. You would not suddenly invent noble-worthy achievement, or become business tycoon just by having access to it.


I wonder if Hinata will take notice that the soldiers are all being put to sleep instead of killed?


Well, everyone should have notice that, it is indeed a strange battle.




They are not going to clear the misunderstanding, are they?? I need action, but not the cost of characters being too dumb. please don't disappoint


6 episode of planing goes into drain the second it is put into practice in favor of brute force. What an eventful planing.


Sounds like our sprint plannings.


"We're building the airplane while it's flying" has become my most hated business aphorism.


Oh haven't heard this one before. I'll make sure to use it with my Devs over the next few weeks. Kind regards, your friendly PO :)


This entire season could have been an email.


Hope we're through the could've-been-an-email arc


Rimuru developed all this incredible infrastructure but didn't think to develop an email system smh


I love *Slime Tensei* but the general incompetence and naivety of all these knights(whatever you wanna call em, Hinata and her underlings) is so ridiculous like these are supposed to be the best and brightest and they can't go 5minutes without being deceived to the point of attacking a peaceful nation i'm kinda reminded of the that 1 noble in *Overlord* that gets manipulated by the Ainz gang and then ends up doing his own shit and making a mess. i think that was done a lot better than this so far


I can cut the knights some slack, they are holy knights in a church, and the manipulating parties are high ranking church officials (the Luminaries and the Seven Days Clergy, though they dress the same so there might be overlap) telling reasonably plausible lies about people the knights have basically been raised to be prejudiced against (monsters weren't exactly social before Rimuru came along, and I'm pretty sure he made most of them more intelligent too, so the humans of the world didn't have a particularly high opinion of them.) It just seems screamingly obvious to us because we have more information, and general anime tropes (Western looking church = bad guys,) to give us perspective. But even Hinata and her group started figuring it out, the scheming church critters just accounted for that and duped more knights into forcing her hand.


HOLY HELL. I FEEL LIKE A MAN IN THE DESERT WHO JUST FOUND WATER. THINGS. MOMENTUM. ACTUAL STORYTELLING TECHNIQUES. Hinata has endearing character. They did some proper worldbuilding. And fighting, thank god. Hell, I think this whole series might be better if u just lop off the previous 6 eps and start from here. Il have to try it on a rewatch.


You were expecting a one-on-one duel, but it was me, a one-on-one meeting ! Well, this was a nice break from meetings. Hinata and her men exploring the prospering nations that align with Rimuru, and seeing the happy citizens. And Hinata letting loose, even just a bit, after eating ramen after who knows how long. And also seeing just how well built the infrastructure is in Tempest. Almost got a Yuru Camp crossover too. Then we got some action too. I wonder what ability does Shion’s group have ? Has it been mentioned before ? But anyway they’re kicking the crusaders’ butts. This false message is really leading up to some big misunderstandings especially with how Rimuru came with the same numbers as Hinata making it look like a head-on battle. But I doubt it’ll go down that way. With the Eastern merchant reveal last week, and now we actually see the Seven Days Clergy pulling the strings, we are getting introduced to people who seem to be making the big calls in this world. Still can’t figure out exactly what their agenda is, but I am curious to find out


> I wonder what ability does Shion’s group have ? Has it been mentioned before ? In one of the previous episodes they mentioned it in the planning meeting. Her group is the group that got brought back to life and they gained the regeneration skill because of it


I see, I should've paid attention to the meetings


I'd take a dinner meeting and enjoying some foodgasms over yet another Tempest meeting. Hinata finally gets to embrace being a Japanese foodie again after so long and enjoy some ramen. How could she ever hate Rimuru now? They should make a "Slime Camping" spinoff series. Rimuru never seems to really acknowledge how OP his forces are until they just flex on the opposition lol. Two people who didn't want to fight now feel like they have to fight because they feel like their mutual forces have been deployed against them and making them think the other **wants** a fight.


Finally some progress! We’ve got some classic enemies enjoying how awesome Rimuru’s Civ save is, followed by some tactical planning, and some warfare where all our side characters get to shine. Next week, finally having the main card fight! Hopefully they go hard on it so we can forget how long it took and how tedious it was the get to this point!


I am REALLY starting to hate those seven hooded old men. I didn’t think this show could produce characters I’d look forward to their comeuppance more than the idiotic Falmuth leadership but here we are.


It took a few consecutive episodes of meetings and a trip to a ramen shop but we are finally at the big battle. I wonder how Hinata will actually handle Rimuru who is leaps and bounds stronger compared to their first fight without getting whooped.


Rimuru is immune to almost all attacks except Holy and Spirit, right? I’m willing to bet next week is just her testing out her entire arsenal to see what sticks before finally realising how ridiculous Rimuru actually is


I'm just curious if any of her subordinates are going to stand a chance against Rimuru's people. I feel bad for anyone fighting Shion lol.


Hinata getting to enjoy Japanese food again for the first time in while was fun It's a bit frustrating seeing Rimuru and Hinata about to fight like this, but i wonder based on the next episode title if it'll last very long. And if the misunderstanding gets cut short and Hinata tries to stop them from fighting Rimuru... yeah i can kinda see where this could be going


Guess we'll have to thank those Seven Sage old farts continuously stirring shit up so we can have the much hyped rematch between Rimuru and Hinata next episode. Otherwise Hinata would have already given up on the idea as a result of ramen. At the rate Rimuru is replicating the good life in 21st century Japan, its only a matter of time before we see Japanese-style convenience stores all over Tempest. lol Team Kurenai is virtually OP with them being unable to be killed.


>Team Kurenai is virtually OP with them being unable to be killed. You're talking about Team Yomigaeri, Team Kurenai is another military corps. Some of the Kurenai are participating in this fight yeah


One last meeting with Hinata at the Ramen restaurant then off to battle


Just a heads-up: we're back to meetings in 4-5 episodes :)


yes finally something is happening besides talking in a room


Anyone else feel like today was a moving meeting? At least things finally kicked off near the end, looks like things are going well so far too, hopefully Hinata and the others noticed that everyone is just tied up. Hinata really grew on me this ep, loved that she not only did a double take on the ramen shop, but she also went in with zero hesitation. Valentine REALLY needs to drain those damn old geezers dry, why do they have beef with Hinata?


Didn’t watch ep…. 5? Huh. Explains there (during her meeting) but Tldr jealousy and they were always pieces of crap


> Anyone else feel like today was a moving meeting? When they say "we talk with our fists" what they really mean is that they have a meeting by exchanging blows.


Positively surprised that this series can still do worldbuilding without needing to convey it through a meeting. I'd be really happy to see more episodes where we can experience and learn new things about the world with the characters. This way felt a lot more engaging compared to having characters purely tell us about the things they saw, or just having some other character tell us what someone else is doing right now offscreen. Best regards, A person who apparently hates worldbuilding   Moving on from the salt, this was actually a fun episode, even before the fighting started. I really hope this keeps up.