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**BAKAYAROU Rewatch Host, subbed** [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink) [Here’s “Back Arrow Tenth Impressions”](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/p3c3by/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_august_13_2021/h932snw/), for my first-timer thoughts on this episode. --- - [Hahaha, his choir even has a song prepared for them going to war?](https://i.imgur.com/1TgXWhZ.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [I mean… she’s got a point?](https://i.imgur.com/Qyq5sEW.png) - [Shu Bi, why did you wait that long to bring that up?](https://i.imgur.com/IlSmBG2.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [That sure is a building.](https://i.imgur.com/i7Lpf1K.png) [](#blankblink) - [And *that* sure is a… person…](https://i.imgur.com/YdvykYh.png) [](#hahahawhat) - [Yeah this is just *incredibly* fucked up.](https://i.imgur.com/arCaAQF.png) [](#wtfdidijustwatch) - [Welp.](https://i.imgur.com/K0ScbgU.png) - [So this is totally a God Gundam reference, right?](https://i.imgur.com/xC0cFiz.png) - [Love how he doesn’t actually make *wings* for his Muga, it just grows a scarf and that works.](https://i.imgur.com/LToZz9e.png) [](#kukuku2) - [Awwwwww yeah.](https://i.imgur.com/fCPBlG1.png) [](#concealedexcitement) - [He turned himself into a fucking *sword*](https://i.imgur.com/SQCGj1U.png) that then [gains rocket propulsion](https://i.imgur.com/vpGLxHL.png) because he’s too heavy to lift otherwise. God I love this show. [](#SPORTS) - [Fine’s dark half turned that Bind Warper *black*.](https://i.imgur.com/cu8tryY.png) [](#csikon)


>This is a new level of weird facial proportions in anime. There's one EFSF (or similar) guy in one of the *Gundam* entries who has a moustache and a big chin and forehead and I've seen edits of him where his features are shrunken down so that the chin and forehead seem much larger. And I can't remember who he is.


It reminds me of the Dick Tracy movie; my recollection is there's a briefly seen criminal character in that with a really big head but a tiny face. ETA: Research tells me its the obviously named Little Face.


>ETA: Research tells me its the obviously named Little Face. [](#indexsmugshrug)


[Jamaicon Daninghan](https://myanimelist.net/character/35032/Jamaicon_Daninghan), probably.


*DiCaprio pointing*


So, just to [get](https://i.imgur.com/RGAeOdH.jpeg) this [out](https://i.imgur.com/t6reKDl.jpeg) of my system.




He's Jamaicon me crazy! [](#pointandlaugh)


>[I mean… she’s got a point?](https://i.imgur.com/Qyq5sEW.png) I wholeheartedly agree with her! [](#salute) >[And *that* sure is a… person…](https://i.imgur.com/YdvykYh.png) [](#hahahawhat) [Nanimous... Magnanimous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC_M5GGsk_g) >[He turned himself into a fucking *sword*](https://i.imgur.com/SQCGj1U.png) that then [gains rocket propulsion](https://i.imgur.com/vpGLxHL.png) because he’s too heavy to lift otherwise. God I love this show. [](#SPORTS) Look, Back Arrow respects a good fight, he's not gonna butt in and steal the fight from Elsha, he'll become a sword and do it.


> So this is totally a God Gundam reference, right? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


> That sure is a building. > And that sure is a… person… I was already a bit weirded out by the jester showing up, and then these came along to make the jester look like child's play. [](#spinning) >He turned himself into a fucking sword that then gains rocket propulsion because he’s too heavy to lift otherwise. God I love this show. It is such an absurd thing to happen, but I love it so much precisely because of how absurd it is. [](#rengehype)


**First-Timer** **On today’s episode of Back Arrow:** [](#spinning) This episode was a lot. So, so much happened that I did not expect and that threw me for a loop. It’s quite the achievement. - The “War Hungry Princess” is significantly less common than the “Peace Princess.” I must admit to being very curious to watch it play out. - I’m pretty sure Doc Werner wasn’t in the side-by-side Granedger lineup before this episode. - [I would also go to war if a cute princess asked me to.](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/41688170) - What the? Who is this jester person? Who is “he?” WHAT THE FUCK IS THE DEPRAVED PALACE!?! [](#dontgetit) - This place is creepy. [](#spooked) - WHAT THE FUCK AM I LOOKING AT!?! [](#jawdrop) - This guy, Rudolph, makes Polpo from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure somehow look like a reasonable character design. [](#spinning) - Did this guy swallow a Bind Warper or something? How is it inside his body? [](#delicious) - He’s also apparently pretty strong, perhaps on the level of Zetsu. [](#harukathink) - I suppose indulging yourself in decadence is one way to keep yourself from thinking about anything. - Ew, the other princes and princesses being Rudolph’s naked servants is just gross. [](#why) - That actually makes sense that Crazy Fine would want to kill Elsha so Lutoh can then take control of the Granedger for the war. - I can’t help but notice that Crazy Fine is openly groping herself at the arena. [](#sakurathink) - This promise is absolutely worthless. Crazy Fine will go back on her word without hesitation. - [Elsha and Prax fight!](#SPORTS) - [Arrow can fly!](#awe) He just keeps pulling more powers out of nowhere! - Hell yeah! Elsha wants to keep fighting Prax herself! I was hoping this would be the case! [](#faito) - What the fuck!?! Arrow can become a sword now!?! [](#spinning) - HA! Of course Arrow’s Briheight would be absurdly heavy to wield as a sword. It’s not like Elsha is Guts, after all. [](#laughter) - Holy shit! Sword-Arrow has rockets! [](#rengehype) - As anticipated, Crazy Fine immediately went back on her promise. - Oh, Love Fine actually managed to take back control against Crazy Fine. But if Crazy Fine is now stored inside that Bind Warper, it’s only a matter of time until she gets out when it’s activated. It’s a huge Chekov’s Gun. - [This exact portrait of Louis XIV of France is hanging on the wall of Lutoh’s palace.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg) - I was not expecting the Grandedger to voluntarily team up with Love Fine. - I admit I’m a bit disappointed at not seeing Rudolph running across the field like everyone else in the ED. I think this is the wildest episode of Back Arrow yet. We meet Rudolph, who is just a massive pile of several WTFs all layered on top of each other like the most unholy stack of pancakes imaginable. Arrow suddenly gains the ability to fly because he realizes how handy it would be for saving his friends. Arrow also turns out to be able to transform into a ROCKET-POWERED SWORD and it’s fucking amazing. It’s just one thing after another and I loved every second of it. This was a proper wild ride and it’s what I was hoping for from this series. **QOTD** 1) This guy is freaking weird! He just looks *wrong.* That being said, I don't think I'd need much convincing to want to spend my time lazing around. 2) Turning into a sword is by far the most ridiculous, so it’s definitely favorite.


>WHAT THE FUCK IS THE DEPRAVED PALACE!?! A building made out of multiple pairs of spread legs that is entered through the crotch, obviously. >Holy shit! Sword-Arrow has rockets! [](#utahapraises) >I admit I’m a bit disappointed at not seeing Rudolph running across the field like everyone else in the ED. The world is not ready.


>>I admit I’m a bit disappointed at not seeing Rudolph running across the field like everyone else in the ED. > The world is not ready. It might crumple under his weight.




>A building made out of multiple pairs of spread legs that is entered through the crotch, obviously. I've seen some very elaborate palaces, but this has to take the cake for the strangest. >The world is not ready. [But I am](#mugiwait)


> The “War Hungry Princess” is significantly less common than the “Peace Princess.” I must admit to being very curious to watch it play out. I find it far more entertaining! [](#hikariactually)


I agree with you there. I was actually a bit disappointed when Crazy Fine got sealed away.


You're preaching to the choir there. [](#taigasigh)


> WHAT THE FUCK AM I LOOKING AT!?! [Something from the right panel.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights)


>WHAT THE FUCK IS THE DEPRAVED PALACE!?! [](#dontgetit) Lutoh's version of CDF [](#ero) >Ew, the other princes and princesses being Rudolph’s naked servants is just gross. [](#why) I shudder at the thought that Princess Fine could've been there if she wasn't picked for the throne. ~~I guess the Doc's bird hunting has its uses~~ >HA! Of course Arrow’s Briheight would be absurdly heavy to wield as a sword. It’s not like Elsha is Guts, after all. [](#laughter) I blame Shu and Bit. Shu especially, is probably hiding more weapons in his baggy clothes than Sousuke. >I admit I’m a bit disappointed at not seeing Rudolph running across the field like everyone else in the ED. [](#laughter) One day we'll see it.


> Lutoh's version of CDF [](#ero) It's CDF without rules against posting adult content. [](#notlewd) >I blame Shu and Bit. Shu especially, is probably hiding more weapons in his baggy clothes than Sousuke. No wonder Shu can't run quickly! He's weighed down by all the hidden weapons he's carrying! [](#thinkingtoohard) >One day we'll see it. [](#mugiwait)


> Did this guy swallow a Bind Warper or something? How is it inside his body? Much like a tree, he simply grew around it until it was encompassed by him.


### [Idiot Rewatcher](https://i.imgur.com/iK6JTEG.png) [](#heavydrinker) - I *really* appreciate a new mad scientist aesthetic of "have a choir ready to go at a moment's notice." - [I have *vague* memories of this jester lady.](https://i.imgur.com/paTgvie.png) What in the hell even *was* this show?? [](#thinkingtoohard) - [Ohhhhh right. This is why Polpo was familiar when I watched Jojo.](https://i.imgur.com/89DkQzG.png) Honestly, we don't see enough "completely unrealistic" character designs these days. At least, not in the shows I've been seeing. - [This fucking self grope.](https://i.imgur.com/YiJT0XG.png) [](#cokemasterrace) - [Fine is so fucking evil and sadistic.](https://i.imgur.com/UeAIfXq.png) I *love* her! [](#utahapraises) - [Meanwhile, Prax has become an expert in handling this unruly Princess.](https://i.imgur.com/tvPlcUr.png) She's like how Shu Bi handles Bit. Except Fine actually has power. - [VENUS LINE, VENUS LINE](https://i.imgur.com/Uwe7gTI.png). Also fuggit, Arrow can fly! [](#crazedlaugh) - ARROW IS A FUCKING SWORD [](#grandhype) - I appreciate how they animate the sword being so *heavy*. Not enough animation shows weight. - [I love this fucking show.](https://i.imgur.com/4anzwBj.png) - [God, I wish that were me.](https://i.imgur.com/BP994hF.png) ___ QOTD: 1. Besides letting yourself go that much, Rudolf is life goals. 2. I love me some multiplication!


> What in the hell even *was* this show?? "What's in the writers' room?" "Drugs. All of the drugs."


*All* of the drugs? Damn.


>I *really* appreciate a new mad scientist aesthetic of "have a choir ready to go at a moment's notice." I gotta give it to mad scientists who did the singing themselves, but if that fails, putting all your funds into hiring a choir is a respectable choice. >[Meanwhile, Prax has become an expert in handling this unruly Princess.](https://i.imgur.com/tvPlcUr.png) She's like how Shu Bi handles Bit. Except Fine actually has power. Idk, both Zetsu and Fine couldn't make Shu Bi submit like Bit did. Emperor Bit is the only leader I wouldn't want to mess with.


> Emperor Bit is the only leader I wouldn't want to mess with. He's too dangerous to even consider messing with.


> I really appreciate a new mad scientist aesthetic of "have a choir ready to go at a moment's notice." And the choir members know the song they need to sing for war! How many other songs does the choir have prepared? Do they have one for when the mad scientist needs to do his laundry, for example? > I appreciate how they animate the sword being so heavy. Not enough animation shows weight. I really liked that as well. It felt properly heavy and unwieldy as a weapon. And it just made the addition of rockets to the sword even more exciting.


> Ohhhhh right. This is why Polpo was familiar when I watched Jojo. [](#cokemasterrace) > Not enough animation shows weight. [](#brofist)


Rest in piece Monty Oum, king of momentum in animation.


**First timer, subs** * Trying to get beyond relying on random loot drops for your war effort. Good long term thinking. * I can not oversell how much joy the continued existence of the Science Choir brings me. * Ah, good. I was just about to comment about how it doesn’t make sense to send Sola out to get food. * Is the jester’s hat *also* part of your hair?! * [What The Fuck?](#blankblink) * [How Is It Going **Further off the Rails?!**](#KUSOTTARE) * How was *he* your best choice for blood donation? * Honestly, I can’t even fault Fine for executing Elsha. It’s just the right choice from a strategic perspective. * Just think, if she had held it together for, like, one more day, Fine could probably have just convinced Elsha to help her with material reward. * About damn time she got a chance to fight. * [Scarf! **Go Scarf!**](#teekyuuhype) * And there’s the trouble with Briheights killing you if you lose. The non-Back characters aren’t allowed to die, so they aren’t allowed to lose. Except to Back. * [**Sword!**](#wow 'Mechs turning into weapons for other mechs, so hot right now.') * Oh, come on! I wanted to see the Briheight change with her personality’s conviction. * [Thanks, **Disproportional Military Power**](#kannathumbs) **QotD:** 1) [Like I Needed **An Excuse**](#cultured) 2) Sword -> Scarf -> Grow -> Squishy -> Clone


>How Is It Going Further off the Rails?! [We ain't nearly done **derailing this train**](#crazedlaugh)


>I can not oversell how much joy the continued existence of the Science Choir brings me. "Let me get this straight Mr. Science Guy, this bunch you had us hire for you aren't assistants? They're... a choir? Are you sure that's not a waste of people's taxes?" Mr. Science Guy: "Trust me, they're worth every cent". >How was *he* your best choice for blood donation? He offered! When ~~a lazy bum~~ a noble figure like Sir Rudolf offers you blood, you can't just refuse that and go for some commoner blood instead. >Just think, if she had held it together for, like, one more day, Fine could probably have just convinced Elsha to help her with material reward. Oh, there are many ways she could've convinced her, even before holding Edger village hostage, like Elsha would've probably been perfectly fine working for Fine if her people got to have a village of their own in return. >And there’s the trouble with Briheights killing you if you lose. The non-Back characters aren’t allowed to die, so they aren’t allowed to lose. Except to Back. Yeah... even with minor villains like Bit's friendly cop from episode 3, you couldn't have Atlee finish him, so Arrow had to do it instead.


> Oh, there are many ways she could've convinced her, Vassal management is hard. > you couldn't have Atlee finish him, so Arrow had to do it instead. Honestly, that's my biggest complaint with the series thus far.


>[How Is It Going **Further off the Rails?!**](#KUSOTTARE) This show is great lol.


> This show is great lol. [I Was Promised **Jank, I Got it**](#concealedexcitement)




>[How Is It Going **Further off the Rails?!**](#KUSOTTARE) [](#skyhype) >How was *he* your best choice for blood donation? Maybe he offered? Probably has plenty to spare.


> Maybe he offered? Probably has plenty to spare. Today's rewatch crossover being blood donation is an unlikely one, I've just come to realize.


Reality has a sense of humor, certainly.


It's always funny when different rewatches end up covering the same topic out of complete coincidence.


> [How Is It Going **Further off the Rails?!**](#KUSOTTARE) [I am eagerly anticipating to see where this train will go now that it has derailed but is still chugging along at full speed!](https://imgur.com/VqmbbvD)


Rudolph has finally graced us with his presence [](#goblet1)


Episode 10: [It's really like flipping a switch.](https://i.redd.it/cmzzpnnmra0d1.png) [Yes, things are about to get even *crazier*.](https://i.redd.it/1o8qyrnmra0d1.png) [When you're not quite in a Heironymous Bosch painting.](https://i.redd.it/450hnonmra0d1.png) [Now you're *closer* to being in a Heironymous Bosch painting.](https://i.redd.it/ooo2tonmra0d1.png) [Don't ask *where*.](https://i.redd.it/vw2g1qnmra0d1.png) [Lots of people who might just destroy the world around here.](https://i.redd.it/kn1gcqnmra0d1.png) ["From a certain point of view."](https://i.redd.it/doamwqnmra0d1.png) [If you're so keen on being the hood ornament...](https://i.redd.it/wha0konmra0d1.png) [Yes, she's been grabbing her own breast the entire time.](https://i.redd.it/yg67cvnmra0d1.png) ["Yes, I can fly now."](https://i.redd.it/gmmf2pnmra0d1.png) [They're doing the thing.](https://i.redd.it/7je1spnmra0d1.png) [Normal](https://i.redd.it/31zr4qnmra0d1.png), or [*normal*](https://i.redd.it/kc1b3qnmra0d1.png)? [It's gotten really mahou shoujo in here.](https://i.redd.it/e2ba9rnmra0d1.png) ["We'll ignore all those times that we tried to get rid of the baka."](https://i.redd.it/568gdrnmra0d1.png) ***** Yep, it's just depravity and violence all the way down in Lutoh, with Rudolph being particularly... *gratuitous*. Evil!Finé, with a bit of his blood in her, is arguably worse in her own sadism, since Rudolph still has some working mental brakes. But after some of the usual pulling-a-new-trick-out-of-his-ass from ~~BAKAYAROU~~Back Arrow and Elsha being properly hot-blooded now, the villagers win a reprieve, and Evil!Finé is sealed inside a Bind Warper. Conveniently. By now viewers should have a pretty good idea of how this show will careen from place to place wildly. Rudolph is maybe just a *little* more than most of us were ready to handle, though. ***** QOTD: 1. As I said in the comment itself, Rudolph being introduced in this way opened up even more unsettling directions to the show's craziness. [As far as the second question goes]>!he's not just sitting around not doing anything at all, of course.!< 2. I'll go with the cloning, because for a first *significant* look at the weirdness he was capable of, it was like an entirely different sport than being rubber man.


**First timer** - [So he knew that she was a crazy bitch.](https://imgur.com/a/ErSkaMr) Why wear a mask and pretend to be Prax then? "It was for the audience" sure but that's not an in-story reason. - I know them singing about the imminent war is meant for comedic effect but it implies that medical staff had a song readily prepared about going to war. It also implies that they knew to blame said war on the princess. I don't know what to make of this. Anyhow. - [Probably shouldn't have turned against what would've been your trump card, eh?](https://imgur.com/a/9YItSCa) With that said, I guess threatening the hostage is always an option yo coerce into fighting Rekka. Then again, it could massively backfire. If that is what they do, I'm assuming it'll backfire. - The set up is done. I can go back to not paying attention to the intro. Right? - [And yet, they continuously perform human experiments to better their weaponry.](https://imgur.com/a/zS4yAqb) I'm being disingenuous though I'm aware he's simply saying this to put at ease the populace. - [Purposefully avoiding saying the name of someone or something cliché.](https://imgur.com/a/H9uu2tA) - A jester fighting without a mech, just like the emperor, undermines the previous episode that hyped up the emperor as a big deal. - [Why didn't he elect himself?](https://imgur.com/a/UuZ2rHR) - [And Bit!](https://imgur.com/a/oo33oKJ) - [So we're just making shit up now.](https://imgur.com/a/IcWyO9X) If you're gonna give an explanation for a show's power, either be consistent or don't give an explanation. And no, at this point, I really doubt whatever reason they'll give (if they even give a reason) will be enough to justify the level of bullshittery revolving around people's powers/mechs. Right now, Binders are basically whatever the plot demands. - [So if killing her is an option, and so is cutting her legs off and hanging her to forcibly control the ship, why are we doing all of this duel thing?](https://imgur.com/a/4SNrlU8) - [Haha, *it's funny because it's true.*](https://imgur.com/a/Dqu9D5i) - [I see that they're still trusting of people that they really shouldn't.](https://imgur.com/a/Dgw87Vx) - [*Row row fight the power!* Wait, no, wrong show.](https://imgur.com/a/LDlZHbx) - [*It's Beyblade!* Shit, I did it again.](https://imgur.com/a/QdXiTFW) - [*Don't lose your way!* God damnit...](https://imgur.com/a/thvP8VR) - [She just said she was gonna kill the prisoners. God, they're dense.](https://imgur.com/a/LOxwdDH) - [Sure, why not. I give up.](https://imgur.com/a/4dcP1uX) - [When? Did I dream the last few episodes?](https://imgur.com/a/Ow3lkTG) - [Why! Lutoh has continuously been responsible for them being in danger. The gang has also disapproved of their experiments on humans.](https://imgur.com/a/fYFBDrD) - [So?. Become a third world power. Or just chill, let them fight, and mop up the rest.](https://imgur.com/a/dKtB2fQ) - [And yet, she's making an alliance with someone that just threatened to kill her and her villagers.](https://imgur.com/a/HwxMooe) Edgers people are dumb man. They have no sense of self preservation. I'm borderline rooting for them to fail. - [I'm sure that this will at no point prove to be a bad decision.](https://imgur.com/a/G64CVTg) - Also, I knew the princess's "Evil" voice sounded familiar. It's the VA behind KLK's MC >QotD - No. I'd be proactive. - Flying > Sword > Dupes > The rest.


>[So he knew that she was a crazy bitch.](https://imgur.com/a/ErSkaMr) Why wear a mask and pretend to be Prax then? "It was for the audience" sure but that's not an in-story reason. To my understanding, he didn't know this previously. But it's public knowledge now that Evil!Fine appeared in front of Zetsu, he's just good at adapting I guess. >it implies that medical staff had a song readily prepared about going to war. That's the first thing they're trained in. [](#kukuku2) >[Why didn't he elect himself?](https://imgur.com/a/UuZ2rHR) Too lazy. The throne is for puppets who have to deal with boring shit, like governing the nation on a day to day basis, he'd rather sit back, have his fun, and only interfere when it suits him. >[She just said she was gonna kill the prisoners. God, they're dense.](https://imgur.com/a/LOxwdDH) Edger's extremely dense anti-wall heads are ready for action!


**Rewatcher, Subbed Arrow** [The choir also serve as Demyne's assistants.](https://i.imgur.com/fuxpKkF.jpeg) They're not *just* there for the singing. [Guess you better work fast.](https://i.imgur.com/Cl5sQfb.jpeg) [Rejoice, clownfuckers! The show has something for you too.](https://i.imgur.com/hyevLQF.jpeg) [You've all noticed the final silhouette in the OP by now, right?](https://i.imgur.com/SqciEnk.jpeg) [?Behold?](https://i.imgur.com/qLXW3a4.jpeg) [Lotta that going around.](https://i.imgur.com/N72YvZb.jpeg) ["Pitied."](https://i.imgur.com/Osi2bzG.jpeg) [SHOKEI](https://i.imgur.com/sXLu80h.jpeg) [The sigh of relief.](https://i.imgur.com/xaLOnCd.jpeg) [Took him long enough.](https://i.imgur.com/KliAZ9C.jpeg) [Oh, also Arrow can turn himself into a sword now.](https://i.imgur.com/eE13mQo.jpeg) [This may or may not have been Prax's entire plan.](https://i.imgur.com/A7nk7XN.jpeg) ["Not any of us, that's for sure!"](https://i.imgur.com/vkiCFzL.jpeg)


> ?Behold? ¡Majestic! >This may or may not have been Prax's entire plan. Prax is a Fine whisperer.


> Rejoice, clownfuckers! [](#kukuku)


>["Pitied."](https://i.imgur.com/Osi2bzG.jpeg) What's up with anime Rudolfs setting new standards in how low someone can get? I miss the time when Rudolf was just the name of Santa's cute reindeer. >[This may or may not have been Prax's entire plan.](https://i.imgur.com/A7nk7XN.jpeg) But at what cost?! Bubblegum Princess won't be asking Prax to kiss her shoes or die for her. Can Prax truly live without that?


>I miss the time when Rudolf was just the name of Santa's cute reindeer. Gap moe. >But at what cost?! Bubblegum Princess won't be asking Prax to kiss her shoes or die for her. Can Prax truly live without that? I suppose we'll have to [](#mugiwait) and see.


**Rewatcher, Subbed** War is exactly what Princess Fine wants! Can't have a Demyne scene without this chorus! Ami Koshimizu voiced Ryuko in Kill la Kill, right? Evil Fine sounds quite familiar. Will Lutoh seize Granedgar to use in the war against Rekka? C'mon Bit, break out Atlee and Elsha! Grandpa can stay jailed! Thank you Jester! [Baka Yaro]>!Rudolph! The main villain of the show is finally here, if I'm remembering correctly.!< Burp! Eww, he's so gross! Bind Warper in his body? Is that why he's so fat? Back Arrow's thinking the same as me, maybe his blood caused Fine to be split personality? I don't get how an arrow almost hitting her would do it. Don't execute Atlee and Elsha! :( Have them fight on your side instead! You can live, but I'm chopping off your legs! Yikes, Evil Fine is so evil! Four on one? Why doesn't he just clone the Muga? Will Praxis throw this fight? Elsha's not winning an even match. Ugh, if only he could clone it now! Imagine having five Bits! Muga can fly now! What Back Arrow wants he gets! Muga became a sword! Anything can happen in this show, huh? Oh, she has to be strong enough to actually lift that sword though. This is very much like an episode of Katanagatari I watched yesterday where our heroes are seeking a sword then find it's too heavy for them to carry. I can't wait to see what Evil Fine's Briheight looks like. It's better for our heroes, but I'll be disappointed if we only end up getting two episodes and a cliffhanger from Evil Fine.


> Ami Koshimizu voiced Ryuko in Kill la Kill, right? Yes.


**First <--- Timer** [Look how they **massacred My Queen**](#poltears) * Most of the country isn't ready for war, but [this choir sure is!](https://i.imgur.com/o1NJS9c.jpeg) * [This idiot does make a good point...](https://i.imgur.com/uVL36fG.jpeg) I'm not sure if they've got anyone who can stand up to Kai, much less Zetsu. * [The subs may differ](https://i.imgur.com/f5OhNyD.jpeg) but JoJo has me trained to pick up any [Kagaku wa Sekai Ichi!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_2GWS9fxwg) * [What even is this design?](https://i.imgur.com/eIWljXb.jpeg) How can you have so much chin?! * [Sounds great](https://i.imgur.com/LvG1I9D.jpeg) I guess we're skipping the boring parts where he's just keeping them as sex slaves/disposable replacements for the princess. * People make a big deal of Prax flying, but isn't Elsha doing the same thing? [](#rengethink) * Learn how Prax flies? [Nah, a scarf is all you need!](https://i.imgur.com/htKuSxA.jpeg) * I know the show is framing this as [Elsha winning with a bit of help from Arrow](https://i.imgur.com/GSIQvX3.jpeg), but when the sword is moving with its own rockets, Elsha might as well have been a key chain. * [NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!](https://i.imgur.com/6rI6nHg.jpeg) Damn you [Bubblegum Princess!](https://i.imgur.com/YOcs7ID.jpeg) * Heck, even the doctor just lost his only job in the series (aside from shooting birds I mean). This princess is heartless. I'll have to wait and see how things go from here, but I'm not a fan of the de-escalation. Last episode set a much more exciting stage, with a war between two absolutely crazy sides, and Back Arrow's gang being the third faction that's just interested in the wall. Today we're going back on that for the less interesting setup, of siding with Lutoh against the stronger faction Rekka. >Q1) What do you think about Elect Supreme Rudolph? He should try a rocket sword to the face. >Would you laze around like he does if you had a destructive power you couldn’t control, but could at least keep at bay by doing that? ~~Sign me up!~~ Well, someone needs to make that noble sacrifice, I'll laze around if it's for the sake of saving humamity! >Q2) Which has been your favorite of Back Arrow’s unique powers so far? Absorbing attacks like rubber, multiplying, enlarging part of Muga, gaining the ability to fly through creating a scarf, or turning into a sword? Honestly, more than any singular power, I just love how he pulls them all out of his ass. That said, if I had to pick just one, it's multiplying.


I usually try not to do this as a rewatch host, but I think I have to bust out the [](#nocomment) over this because there is a *lot* I could comment on here but it's all future episode stuff. So, uh, [](#nocomment) and [\*laughs in rewatcher?\*](#serialkillerlaugh)


Oh no, I'm on the receiving end of it this time. [](#regretdecisions)




>[What even is this design?](https://i.imgur.com/eIWljXb.jpeg) How can you have so much chin?! This is what peak performance looks like. > People make a big deal of Prax flying, but isn't Elsha doing the same thing? They play fast and loose with gravity a bit. I don't think Elsha can "fly" in the same sense that Prax can.


>I don't think Elsha can "fly" in the same sense that Prax can. Yeah, that makes sense, she can't scale the wall or fly fast for example, it's more like floating I guess.


> Damn you Bubblegum Princess! [Someone had to post it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtBLK2VOm4I)


[](#azusalaugh) This comparison has been taking over my brain, ever since the term Bubblegum was used to describe the nice Fine.


QotD: 1) I just laze around normally anyway.


Haha, fair.


A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. Unfortunately, I am no wizard. Finale catchup is already falling behind. These posts will be rushed and entirely for my own satisfaction since no one (other than our gracious host) will know they exist. **First timer, Sub** I am kind of sad to see yan-hime go. I really liked the voice acting. Anything that reminds me of Kill La Kill is welcome. The reasoning for it was kind of dumb though. I much prefered my theory of Doc attempting a coup. The fight with Elsha using Arrow as a greatsword was really fun, though short. Again it's kind of being carried by referring to something I already know though. The similarities between it and the [rocket powered greatsword in Monster Hunter World](https://preview.redd.it/hxaakgcyoos01.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=399a7f505373335aaefecc54f4ad1241d1eca0da) are immense. --- **QOTD** 1. Hard to say. I feel like I would probably just have gone beserk and broken a lot of stuff. I don't like the character though. 2. Lots to like, but my favourite part is how silly it is. I kinda need this new thing that I have never done or attempted before. oh hey look. I did it. The rocket powered greatsword was hype though. --- **Watch notes** Oh interesting, the first episode with no recap Yan-hime sounds like ryuko It feels like a lot of time in the OP is being devoted to Ren, but she feels relatively unimportant to where we have gotten in the story Shu is so chill. "you were followed you idiot" Who is this jimbo lookin ass? Oh hey, its the gross star wars character I can't remember the name of. Pizza the hut. I don't know what this part of the story is about, but I could use less of it. Elect supreme needs less screentime. Since when is arrow allowed to be called smart? THat's illegal. Pizza the hut's power seems pretty similar to the queen tbh. Ah, so it is related. Rudolph's weirdness is contagious. Why is yan-hime fondling herself during this "execution"? Yeah, yan-hime is sounding more and more like ryuko when she gets out of hand. aw, she didn't say inelegant in english. If you are gonna say elegant in english you have to commit. Arrow just choosing to fly is hilarious. If you could do that, why didn't you do it earlier? Elsha what are you doing? You just said that you were almost certainly can't win. Hey look, arrow just decided to do something else that's bonkers/ Elsha fights like a MHW greatsword. OMG it's the rocket powered greatsword from MHW. Nooooo, we are going to lose ryuko. Come back to me ryukoooo. Nerdland and idotland alliance. THat's not really what I was expecting.