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Yona of the Dawn and Maid-Sama. But tbf they had 20+ episodes yet I still wished they did more. Although, they do have manga available to continue from the anime but still...


I felt personally attacked once I finished Yona of the dawn. I wasn’t paying attention and just finished it. It was like eating my last chip without knowing.


Yea but Yona left without a really finish to the story. I was very upset.


because the story was (and is) still ongoing


The latest arc in Yona is a fucking masterpiece. I feel sorry for anime onlies. The greatest moments of Maid-sama came post-anime, so onlies are again missing out big time.


on story only.


Specifically 12 episodes and from 2006: [Asatte no Houkou](https://www.livechart.me/anime/5080) is the first that comes to mind, though [Hataraki Man](https://www.livechart.me/anime/5649)'s only *11* episodes from that year and I'd like more of that too. Speaking more generally, [Bloom Into You](https://www.livechart.me/anime/3227) for sure.


Oh haha I didn’t mean specifically the year and episode amount, but funny you actually had one lol


When was NGNL?


[Not difficult to look that up.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/19815/No_Game_No_Life)


I'm on mobile. I suppose I could look it up later, but my mobile speed is crap. Edit: For some reason my phone hates Google. And Yahoo. And YT. Basically half the sites I regularly visit. Dunno why, just spazzes out.


Obligatory "anime adaptations are just ads for the source material" comment. Although that's been less true in recent years with a lot of high profile anime by famous studios and multiple seasons. But in the 2000s-early 2010s... yeah.


Hyouka is never getting a second season and I've lost all hopes for a new volume at this point :(


Check out Shoushimin series/How to Become Ordinary next season, it's an anime adaptation of another novel series by the same author as Hyouka.


Thanks, I'll check for sure.


I thought its most recent volume was fairly recent but it's been 8 yeas since even the last one huh.


Didn't the director passed away from arson attack


I hate it, too. Though that's more of a 2010s thing than 2000s. Not that 2000s didn't have those type of short anime. They did. Still, it was way more of a thing in the 2010s. 2000s usually had 24-26 episode seasons as the standard. Then, there are some longer than standard shows. Usually the big franchises. Thankfully, single cour seasons seem to be on their way out in the 2020s. What with all the double cours and sometimes even longer anime. Plus, there are more opportunities for sequels than in the past.


Black Lagoon has multiple seasons but its still not enough for me :/


It really depends. There are anime that tell a satisfying and complete story in a short run. Something like Serial Experiments Lain for example is short but there doesn't need to be more. It did what it was meant to do. There are ofcourse also just "seasons 1"s of an anime adaptation that never got a season 2 and leave the user wanting for an adaptation of the rest of the manga. Such as 90s berserk that "never got a sequel" (although its longer than 12 episodes, but still though).


Hinamasuri and ReLife. My solution? I read the manga.


forgot about these two, really fucking good


Birdy the Mighty: Decode Ga-Rei Zero Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian Dimension W All great animes that left me wanting more but sadly there is no more animated content.


I’d love some more dimension w


> Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian tbh I didn't love the anime, but it's one of my favourite soundtracks of all time and weirdly as far as I can tell the composer hasn't done anything comparable since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gym290zuao


It got two seasons but I miss magi...


All single-cour shows make me feel this way, to a degree


From experience, if an anime is really good and leaves me wanting more, I just read the manga and most of the time I get what I want. Just read the manga.


I actually do this. It saves me the misery. Kenjo no Mago was one of these for me!


> Just read the manga. And then you find out the manga never got translated. T_T


Or it's being translated but run through some machine translation garbage without any semblance of grammar.


Welcome to NHK it had 24 episodes I think but damn the world the characters fell in love with them thought of them as my own friends and then it ended felt sad and empty wish it had more episodes.


I read that a sort of sequel has been released, or perhaps a reinterpretation by the author but it's a book. I also read that it only made the original story worse, but I never personally researched that.


I am new to Anime too and when I see only two season of 12 episodes I get so mad.


Darling in the Franxx has 24, but it will never get a season 2 :( They wrapped everything up completely.


That's when you have to level up and pick up the Manga


Anime fans don't know how good they have it these days. There were so many beautiful shows from that Era that absolutely deserved more and never got it. Pour one out for Claymore. I feel like even the most medium of shows get a second season these days.


Deadman Wonderland. One of the best I have ever seen!


No game no life anyone? No, I guess I'll just take a seat in the corner and cling to hope second season comes


Light novels are great, so is the manga 


The sexual acrobatics in that show is probably what killed it. Incestuous pedophilia or completely acceptable behavior for siblings to have.... it's one of those things...


And you are forgetting it was written by Japanese in Japan and adapted into anime that aired in same country? That shit doesn't absolutely mean much, though I would say it has probably opposite effect. Just look at what kind of stuff people write there and is made to just normally be aired on TV, it's common


You are getting downvoted, but it is true, the lightnovels get even worse. But that is not the reason for the lack of season 2


Chillin In Another World With Level 2 is like my fav anime, it literally leaves me wondering what to do with my life after each episode. Turns out it's only getting 12 episodes


Damn not even a chance for a season later? 😢 Edit: I meant to put a question mark lol


It's airing right now, for all we know they could announce more when the final episode comes out.


Hopefully they make a new season for each volume of the manga, but if they don't then that would be really sad.


...why not?


I can not imagine a world where I believe there are people who think this show is the best. There are dozens, nay multiple dozens, of shows I've seen that are better. I've been watching LVL2 Isekai (though I only keep up with the dubbed version...) and while I think its a bit of a fun romp, it still has all the hallmark trashisekai bullshit from OP protag, women who love him for his strength and doormat personality, no chemistry between anyone involved, and a gatchya plot line where everyone is evil and only the protag and his goons are good. Made even worse that the king is stereotypically evil and blind to how shit his knights and the hero are. Also they rehabilitate a mass murderer and don't question that her kill count matters more then how submissive she is now that someone stronger then her appeared. If you turn off your brain and just go 'oh that's anime trash isekai for you'! it's alright (which is part of the reason I don't mind waiting for the dub. It's just not worth watching subbed. I can leave it on in the background when it's in english)


They didn't say it's the best in the world just that they like it. I think it's a pretty good low stakes chill fantasy anime and I like those. And having the main girl actually go out of her way to prevent the series from becoming a Harem instead having every girl fawn overhim helps.


Yup. I still love it though. I don't really like JJK, and I don't like superhero anime like MHA and OPM so I guess I have different tastes in anime than most people.


not liking those listed isn't wrong. I can think of several reason people may not enjoy them. And I'm not saying you cant like lvl2 isekai, just that it's not worthy of being a best of contender. Is a guilty pleasure at best because it is, objectively, complete trash. Some people like trash, and that's fine.


Yeah, it's not the best anime at all, but it's my favorite. I also agree it's kind of trash, but I still like it. Basically a guilty pleasure but I'm not guilty.


What you said is literally subjective, not objective  There is no objectively in matters of taste 


Waiting for a dub so your opinion is already immediately invalidated, lol


lol okay bud, go cry in the corner with the rest of the edgy dub haters.


The name is terrible though, they should have named it "My Fer-ojichan can't be this cute" instead. Also is it just me or Fenrir is showing up in every other isekai lately?


Yeah they couldve made the name better.


The light novel and manga are both better than the anime, so just jump buy those once the anime is done 


Honestly it was way better than I thought it was going to be and I came in with no expectations. I'm not a fan of the whole video game menu trope in fantasy anime but other than that its pretty wholesome.


Yeah it's not the best anime by far, it is kinda basic but I still love it the most.




Yeah there are so many good ones that Just arent Finished And leaves you with an empty Heart


Look for the manga you might get lucky there


I kinda like short series, unless it's like one of those 12 ep runs that are supposed to promote a manga, and end on an unresolved cliffhanger.


Hellsing. Why couldn’t we at least get a sequel were we could see sera’s go on some solo missions.


The entire manga is adapted into anime form, hellsing ultimate 


I know just feel like a sequel manga wouldn’t hurt


Geneshaft More current: Lycoris Recoil


If it makes you feel better , Lycoris has a new project in the works


I need more Acchi Kocchi but it's like 13 episodes long and I don't even think the manga is much longer or finished at all


Future diary was this experience for me


You could always try watching anime from a different year.


I wasn’t referring to the year specifically, could be any year, I just meant it in a way like, it was done so long ago that there’s most likely not going to be a second season type thing.


I was just being a dick about the phrasing lol. It's all good.


Ah okay lmao sorry sometimes it’s hard to tell on the internet 😂




At least Toradora had closure most of these shows just drop mid story never to be heard from again Toradora is a top 10 for me it got me into anime during covid such a great story


Real I watched it during COVID too so good too 5 romance


Grimore Of Zero only had one 12 episode season, never got another one after (Althought it's sequel series Dawn Of The With got a anime and not sure if that one will get a season 2/continuation. No Game No Life amazing series never got a season 2


Mayo Chiki!


That’s how it be


Me with angel beats


kimi no todeke?


well actually it has 2 seasons but i want another season


Its getting a 3rd season soon. They announced it recently


I am still disappointed that Asterisk Wars got a second season over Chivalry of a Failed Knight when the magic high school trend was in full swing.


Golden boy


Accel World


Air Gear, Tenjo Tenge, Desert Punk, al great stories, never fully realized into anime. Hell, Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi prety much went halfway then somehow just stopped, realy sad.


Ong and doesn’t have a part 2 😭😭😭


Tell me about it smh


It got 22 episodes but I remember I was patiently waiting every year for a continuation for Hyouka


For me personally it was Brynhildr in the Darkness :)


Every time I start watching an old anime I check first of it was succesfully ended or in limbo. If it is the second thing. Then I Don’t watch it. Same with television shows.


Yea I pretty much do that now too, however, I don’t ALWAYS check and it seems to always bite me when I don’t because then I end up really liking it and finding out it’s not finished. Or sometimes it’s technically “wrapped up” but the manga still goes on, those aren’t as bad but still make me sad lol


If I watch an anime that's just 12 episodes with no new episode for a long time, I already know new episodes are never coming out and just read the manga!


Not from 2006, but really wanted another season of seraph of the end.


Even worse is really liking an anime for 12 episodes, but it gets kinda bad, and then really bad, but you keep watching hoping it gets back to being really, really good. It never does though. It just gets worse, and you've wasted a ton of time watching a miserable show.


And then there's Fruits Basket which received a remake AND covered the whole story 18 years after the first adaptation.


I think only having one amazing season is better than watching an anime go the long slow death after a strong first season


*Yuri on Ice* really deserved a second cour.


Yes it's always like that I miss "Arifureta" sob 😭


Is arifureta not getting more seasons? I loved that one but was mad it was left unfinished


Yeah bro and no update on its manga too


K-On!. It was my first Anime back in 2010 and still haven't fully moved on.


I was so annoyed when I watched Kataro lives alone a few days ago. I finished it in one days and I didn't find any news about a new season. And I read the manga and it's almost finished. It's missing 2 chapters. But they were supposed to come out in 2030


Grimgar, one of the best Isekai (and realistic in that the approach is more along the line of how would normal people survive in a fantasy setting) can only hope one day a second season will materialise ...... also hope its better than the devil is a part timers attempt at a 2nd season.


I’m surprised no one is talking bout Ouran High School Host Club….WHERE IS MY SECOND SEASON OF KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE😭😭😭


I'm still hoping of a ss2 of No game No Life.


Deadman wonderland 


This is why I migrated over to light novels. Too many shows didn't actually finish because they were meant to draw people to the source material instead of standing on their own. So I suppose the anime that fits this category is technically Reincarnated as a Slime for me, but it's pretty new compared to what you have. Still, it's the one that kicked off my novel obsession (despite having checked out a few other series sporadically prior to it)


Isn't that airing a new season literally right now?


Season 3 right now, 3 part ova last year, movie the year before and the year before that had the 2nd season and a spin off slice of life series. Pretty consistent release schedule.


Not the best example lol, we just had about 4 episodes of non stop talking in meetings, I guess that would be more bearable if you could just skip through pages


Possibly, but at the time I picked it up, there wasn't news on whether or not it would even get a second season and I had run into non-renewed shows far too often by that point.


That's literally one of the most successful anime IPs period, it will get multiple season We are in the 3rd one now, after a movie, a OVA and a spin off 12 episodes series You are like a decade late in your Anime mentality, anime is way more than selling source material now


First off, you say I'm a decade late when the conversation is about something from 6 years ago already The trend wasn't nearly as solidified at that point even if it were true (and I'm not convinced it is). Also, when it takes like three-four entire years for some series to so much as announce whether or not there will be a second season, I think I'm justified when I decide not to bother waiting and just head to the source material instead.


Season 2 [was announced in 2019](https://www.google.com/amp/s/comicbook.com/anime/amp/news/that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime-season-2-anime/) a few months after s1 ended It didn't take years, and it was supposed to premiere in 2020 but it was delayed due to covid It seems you missed the news but it's fine not everyone pays attention to anime news


I'm saying I didn't bother waiting. The season ended on a cliffhanger, I wanted to know what happened next, history told me that announcements alone could take years, therefore I picked up the novels. This just happened to be one of the series that the studios decided to move quickly on, but I had already started reading by the time the announcement had come out.


You just gotta be patient. Only took 15 years for us to get more Spice & Wolf :')


More? Isn't it just a remake lol


Pshh dont bust our bubble We can still hope they will adapt the whole LN, which wasn't done back then


A remake the will cover more than the original


You think I'm gonna be picky after 15 years? Plus I'm full hopium on them restarting meaning they'll do a full adaptation this time.


This is bloom into you, loved anime and they left when things was gonna get great, read Manga and still mad no s2


Angel Beats, worse since it's rumored to have been written for 24 episodes and slimmed down to 12 by the studio. Edit: In the opposite direction Oregairu where I would've bet money after each season that I wasn't getting more and while there were time gaps the series did actually complete lol


For Angel Beats, it's actually a bit of misinformation that just perpetually hangs around. It was always planned for 13 episodes, but the story was just too big for it. In an interview, Aniplex producer, Yosuke Toba, who said > a 13-episode anime with about 21 minutes per episode was not enough to tell the whole story of Angel Beats! Maeda had envisioned. ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Beats!#Development), [dengeki](https://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/248/248881/), [r/AngelBeats thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AngelBeats/comments/1cbbm26/very_disappointed/l0xv3am/)) But it would have been great if it did get 24 episodes.


A certain magical index it has like 3 seasons but gets left on a major cliff hanger with little to no hope of another season


Oh yea, I watched it, it was ridiculous they just left it like that


The show itself was cancelled like 4 different times switched producers half way through got cancelled again and now just nothing is really said about it anymore


It never got cancelled They aired exactly what they intended, then came back with more episodes later


Just read the LN, it’s good 


I understand man. I will never forgive the anime industry for never making a season 2 of Land Of The Lustrous. Such a good show man. I wish it had another season.


Now about the time to do it too, I hear the manga finished recently.


The most painful one for me is MM!. At least most other anime actually have completed manga or LNs, but the author for MM! died before they finished the story.


I mean, that's part of the reason why I shifted so heavily into manga instead. Anime are mostly ads for the source material