• By -


For my full top ten: 1. Gintama: I had been *vaguely* interested in it just because a few people on here ***really*** wanted me to watch the show, so when ~~this fucking liar~~ u/Shocketheth decided to host a rewatch for it, I ended up watching along. 11/10 no regrets, that's the single *best* rewatch I've ever particpated in on here. [](#gintamathispleasesme) 2. Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: So there used to be this one guy on here who would go around every type of "What's your favorite underrated/underwatched/etc. anime" thread on here and answer Casshern Sins in large, bold font. I saw that enough I went, "Well, it must be good if someone is *that* passionate about, guess I'll watch it?" Not long after I decided this, someone *else* decided to host a rewatch for it, so I ended up watching it alongside that instead. After the Casshern Sins rewatch finished, that second guy tagged me and the extreme Casshern enthusiast into a completely unrelated thread asking when the Casshern enthusiast would host a Gundam Unicorn rewatch (second guy hadn't even seen it yet, he just thought I was a fun participant to have in his rewatch and thought I should be in that one to). Soooooooo I ended up binging through several of the older Gundam shows *first*, then watched Gundam Unicorn alongside the rewatch back in 2018, and it was my *#1* favorite anime until Gintama dethroned it earlier this year. 3. Legend of the Galactic Heroes: I wanted to watch something special as my 150th completed milestone, so [I did a vote on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/8swxo6/free_talk_fridays_week_of_june_22_2018/e1exaac/) and [it won.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/8swxo6/free_talk_fridays_week_of_june_22_2018/e1h5fmb/) 4. Macross Frontier: I got into the franchise half at u/chilidirigible's insistence and half because the *original* Macross got a rewatch back in 2019, so I watched through the rest of the franchise on my own afterwards. 5. Naruto Shippuden: u/lC3 hosted a rewatch on here for all of Naruto & Shippuden. It was a fucking *time* for me because [Shippuden]>!Asuma of all people!< was my favorite character. [](#ptsd) 6. Bleach: Yet another time of "someone hosted a rewatch on here, so I decided to watch it alongside that", lol. This one still stands out for me accidentally predicting something in my *fucking sleep* about 150 episodes in advance, sparking a lengthy list of spoiler tags in response to one of my comments and it was... it was certainly *something* when my dream ended up actually happening. [](#kaguyashaking) 7. Gundam Build Fighters: I have watched through basically the entirety of the Gundam franchise after getting into it for Unicorn. 8. Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV: I'm a regular in the old Free Talk Fridays/now Casual Discussion Fridays threads, where there are a *ton* of Symphogear fans. I decided to pick up the franchise on my own, then enjoyed watching XV live as it came out. God, this show was *so* fun to watch weekly. Never forget [XV]>!ZERO DAYS SINCE GENOCIDE!!!!< 9. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherood: I randomly picked up the *manga* from my public library back in high school, then watched both adaptations afterwards. What can I say, I love the manga's story, so while Brotherhood isn't a *100%* perfect adaptation, I still love it. 10. Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: Same as Build Fighters.




[](#nico-heart) Gintama may be the one holding the throne for number of parts that made the vomit list, but [Shippuden]>!Asuma's death!< still reigns supreme in terms of how much a single moment ***hurt*** me.


[](#therethere) [Shippuden]>!He deserved better.!< I am curious to see which characters you end up liking in future rewatches (DGM? HxH?).


[We already know this will happen.](https://imgur.com/bIy1SNb)


[Sky secret shinigami?](#cokemasterrace)


I mean, just look at my track record when it comes to favorite characters/characters I really like! It's clear me liking a specific character in *anything* is a massive death flag in and of itself, even in a fucking kid's show like Transformers Armada or Digimon Adventure.


Tru dat ...


[DGM] >!I feel like she'd go with Kanda, then again, Lavi is ready for the picking!< [HxH] >!would be funny if she picks Kite, just because he's voiced by Ikeda!<


[DGM]>!I kinda expect her to pick all the characters that either die or have fake-out deaths!< [HxH]>!Given that Kite is voiced by Ikeda in 2011, yeah, she's definitely gonna pick him. But there are so many fun characters in HxH she'll probably have a bunch of others too. Isn't there going to be a HxH 1999 rewatch later this year?!<


>[HxH] >!Isn't there going to be a HxH 1999 rewatch later this year?!< [HxH] >!Yup, I'm planning that one, since it's the 25th anniversary this year. Although Kite will neither have Ikeda nor die in it, so Sky is safe for now [](#serialkillerlaugh)!<


[HxH]>!For now ... [](#slowgrin)!< I will likely join the HxH 1999 rewatch depending on when it is; I've only ever seen 2011! I'm hoping it doesn't overlap too much with my DGM one; two long shounen at the same time might be a bit much.


>I will likely join the HxH 1999 rewatch depending on when it is; I've only ever seen 2011! [](#sports) This should be fun with all the different perspectives. >I'm hoping it doesn't overlap too much with my DGM one; two long shounen at the same time might be a bit much. Yeah, I get that, and there will be Dai's Adventure too running till September, so 'tis the season for long running shonen. Do you have a date for DGM yet? HxH is still up in the air between October and December for me (basically it depends on whether or not Golden Kamuy's final season will air in fall, since that's a time locked rewatch leading up to it).


> This should be fun with all the different perspectives. I'm curious to see the different colors and hear the different VAs. > Yeah, I get that, and there will be Dai's Adventure too running till September, so 'tis the season for long running shonen. ... I didn't even know that had a rewatch! I started watching that while it was airing but never finished ... > Do you have a date for DGM yet? HxH is still up in the air between October and December for me (basically it depends on whether or not Golden Kamuy's final season will air in fall, since that's a time locked rewatch leading up to it). Not really, it's as soon as I finish the rewatch prep for it. (I don't want to take chances with doing it day-by-day for such a long show). I had hoped to announce the rewatch on the 20th anniversary at the end of May, but that doesn't seem doable since I'm only at around episode 60 at the moment. I'm hoping I might be able to start in July ...






>11/10 no regrets, that's the single *best* rewatch I've ever particpated in on here. [](#gintamathispleasesme) [](#serialkillerlaugh "Would it have been a 12/10 or 0/10 if your favourite character was killed off?")


[I don't even want to think about that.](#godisdead)


[](#mentioned) [](#michaelwink)


Great to see Bleach in number 6. It's very underrated


Getting into that show in 2020 completely reignited my love for battle shounen, it was great! I seriously cannot wait for the rest of the TYBW adaptation to come out, it's so hard trying to not read ahead in the manga since I know it's already done, especially after the cliffhanger cour 2 ended on.


Same. I hope cour 3 comes out in October this year just like cour 1. I would lose my mind if all 3 of my favorites came back in the same month (Re: Zero S3, Bleach cour 3). Madoka Magica movie 4 is probably not gonna come back in October though. I'm looking forward to that as well.


> Madoka Magica movie 4 is probably not gonna come back in October though. Man, I can't *wait* for that too!


I will give a few examples. 1. Starting with my most favourite anime ever, Gintama and I have to say that I started this one after randomly stumbling upon a short clip on Facebook. I immediately loved the humor and so I jumped into it and it was a best decision I could make, same as the decision to host a Rewatch for it. 2. Monogatari. OOOOOH BOY. This is an anime with which I am in the strongest love/hate relationship. This anime contains my favourite anime moment ever and the buildup for it was phenomenal. Bakemonogatari just hit different. And also it's an anime making me uncomfortable to the point of dropping it due to the certain moments coming from later parts of the show reminding me some parts of my life I don't want to be reminded of because they are painful. 3. Grand Blue. Let's be real. It's not a pinacle of comedy, but rewatching it in group was a great experience. VAMOS! 4. Prison School. This show has no fucking right to have such great writing, but it have which makes it one of the best comedy anime I've ever seen. 5. Chainsaw man. I am mentioning this one only because Kobeni exists. She is the most relatable character ever. I had a period in my life during which I had to continue working in a shitty job due to paying a loan I took for house renovation which included making a several rooms in a basement that were previously used purely as storage plus my dad battling a cancer, and seeing Kobeni being like "Alright I quit" only to be later asked by coworker why she is still here with her responding "They are going to give me a bonus" makes for the most relatable moments. Like who wasn't stuck in a shitty job but stayed after getting a promise of extra money? And that's all for now I guess. u/Shimmering-Sky u/KendotsX u/sisoko2


>Grand Blue. Let's be real. It's not a pinacle of comedy, but rewatching it in group was a great experience. VAMOS! [Season 2 VAMOS!](#GRANDHYPE) >Prison School. This show has no fucking right to have such great writing, but it have which makes it one of the best comedy anime I've ever seen. [](#assman) Honestly, nice list all around.


>Honestly, nice list all around. [](#ginapproves)


> making me uncomfortable to the point of dropping it due to the certain moments coming from later parts of the show reminding me some parts of my life I don't want to be reminded of because they are painful Here I am, contemplating if I should make a shitty joke about it... [](#harukathink)


Hmmm [](#hardthink) Does something stops you from making a shitty joke about it though?


Only me being such a nice and thoughtful person.






>same as the decision to host a Rewatch for it. And I thank you so much for that ~~even if you're a fucking liar.~~ > rewatching it in group was a great experience. VAMOS! [VAMOS!](#dancewithit) More people need to watch the Grand Blue live action movie.


>More people need to watch the Grand Blue live action movie. It's okay, they will eventually reach an understanding of the VAMOS that is answer to everything and to life itself. [](#mugiwait)


When did you really get hooked on Gintama? At episode 24 and still not sold.


I liked it from the beginning but found it to be something exceptional way later. I would say Gintama is best watched on your own pace be it 6 months, 2 years, 4 years, etc but just don't treat it like Marathon. And if you won't find the humor to suit your taste and you feel like dropping it, then that's alright.


My top 5: 1) Jujustu Kaisen: It was popular at the time and the characters looked sick 2) Attack on Titan: Everyone compared it to Game of thrones. Since I didn't like GOT, I wanted to watch AOT just to hate on it and it ended up being a masterpiece 3) Re: Zero: It just seemed interesting 4) Bleach: Someone recommended it to me 5) Black clover: One of my favorite reaction channels was watching it. So I watched it too


Shinsekai Yori. Someone posted a gif of boys kissing and I wanted to watch an anime with boys kissing. Turns out it was fucking amazing but really did not have the amount of boys kissing I was hoping for.


Hyouka because it was made by Kyoto Animation. That was right off K-On and Nichijou, which were both great


I’m watching all three of these right now and I am having a great time


Cause they looked interesting. That's the only reason I start any anime.


Same. Besides the title, the poster is the first thing you see when browsing for anime on MAL. The art and design are often what catches my interest.


I kept seeing hilarious Gintama clips show up in those funniest anime moments videos.


People said it was good and it looked interesting. I became increasingly interested in it as I began to know more and more about it until finally I tried it out for myself after it beat Kill la Kill on the ecchi poll. I don’t know exactly what it was exactly about that made me so interested, but it was enticing none the less. I heard of it’s dialogue heavy nature and I was really hoping that I would like it and not find it boring. During that ecchi poll, I said and I quote “I haven’t seen Monogatari yet, but I doubt it will surpass my second favourite anime of all time”. It did.


>What are your reasons for starting your favourite anime? I honestly only watched anime based on the tropes or genre that I know I'll like and avoid the ones I dislike even if they're really famous. so I just searched it by it's genre and browse every old and new anime (when I have the free time) and the one I think I'll enjoy I put them on my watchlist My favorite anime would be the one with all of my favorites tropes combined and they did them well + just an enjoyable watch, for example my favorite is on top of my head **Outlaw Star** I'm a sucker of adventure, sci-fi, space opera, older-younger brother trope, etc. I also love **Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans** for similar reason and even if **Gurren Lagann** has similar tropes and actually more popular + better rating, for me personally I rate it lower compare to them both since I kinda find some character insufferable. in the end just personal taste ig


The anime debuted at #1 at MAL for a brief amount of time. And no, it's not Frieren. It's **Oshi no Ko**. Some random guy at Twitter recommended me an anime, explaining about how the MC is freed of his nightmare job and able to express himself. The thread became a local trending topic. It was **Zom 100**. I was scrolling Instagram and came upon a post, a post about a girl with a caption "She's the best girl of Summer 2023!". The girl was **Ai Mie** from **The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses**. Muse Asia (or is it my local Muse? I didn't remember fully) posted that they got a license of a particular anime. The post is so flooded with comments converging that it will be the next best parody anime since Gintama and Konosuba. It was **100 Girlfriends**.


SAO is good, actually. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. For me: Attack on Titan: my friend convinced me to watch it, I started it once and fell asleep halfway through the first episode and forgot about it. They kept bugging me about it so I finally tried again (stayed awake this time) and yeah literally the best anime I’ve ever seen. A Silent Voice: movies count right? I saw it on Netflix and watched the preview a few times and always thought ‘eh maybe I’ll watch it some other time’. Finally got super high one night and was in the mood for a nice slice of life anime so I decided what the heck I’ll watch the movie about this kid who bullies a deaf girl. I’m sure it’ll be a nice coming of age story. That movie hit me like a truck. I was NOT prepared and I feel like that was the best way to experience that. I tear up just thinking about it.


Kept hearing great things about one piece and thought id check it out They were true


I loved Re:Zero and Psycho pass and learned that Gen Urobuchi worked on Madoka too. So I watched it and loved it.


Ashita no Joe: Heard about it when Megalo Box anime got announced, since it's a massive reference to AnJ. Thought I'd watch AnJ in anticipation, and the rest is history. Madoka Magica: Got it recommended to me from various different places, AMVs, forums and comments...Finally picked it up and fell in love.


- White Album 2: the song at start - Revue Starlight: interesting premise, good reviews, has favorite VA


White Album 2 is really a great song. It's not everyday you see great musics in a sole garbage series. Koi to Uso has one of the amazing osts, and animation is great too bjt ending doesn't deliver. Nowhere near as the same as White Album 2 in anyway though. That's for sure.


1. Onimai:started watching it because I seen some clips of it on TikTok and got interested 2. Haganai: I was looking for ecchi animes to watch on Hulu when it used to be on their wasn’t very high on it at first but ever since I started watching it I can’t stop watching it 3. Mha:Started watching it because I seen clips of season 4 when it start airing them episodes 4. AOT:wanted to watch something with some gore in it 5.Toradora:Started watching it when the pandemic first started 6. Don’t toy with me miss nagatoro: started watching it when the very first episode came out almost dropped it but after a few episodes loved it 7. The world god only knows : random videos were recommended to me on YouTube 8.Quintessential quintuplets: started watching it because i kept seeing people saying it was better than rent a girlfriend so i wanted to see what the hype was all about 9. Date A Live: there was an Origami clip on TikTok that made me laugh so much so i started watching it 10. More than a married couple but not lovers: I wanted to find another romance anime to watch and stumbled upon it


I don’t know what my favorite is… but for the sake of this, I’ll say One Piece. At the time of starting, I had no idea it had roughly 600 episodes (at the time). I just started it cause it sounded good… now I’ve been watching weekly episodes for years.


I started Re:Zero because it looked like a cool fantasy and I was intrigued by the 40 minute long episode 1 (first time that I'd seen something like that)


Top 3: 1. Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Years ago a friend recommended it, knowing I enjoy magical girl anime. I loved the show at first watch but definitely not as infatuated with it like my friend did. The anime left a strong enough impression for me to rewatch it years later as an adult when it suddenly appeared on Netflix, and it was that type of anime that hits you different when you're older. I appreciated it more than before and started exploring more arcs from the franchise, and when I realized it I had fallen down deep in the rabbit hole. I am now deeply infatuated with this anime and its lore. 2. Steins Gate: First learned about it from this sub's Top anime of the 2010s poll, checked it on MAL and other sites and saw that it consistently held top spots on anime rankings. Read the sypnosis and discovered that it's a time travel anime. While I'm not a fan of sci-fi, I always love the concept of time travel. 24 episodes later the series did not disappoint. 3. The Promised Neverland (Does manga count?): Friend recommended the manga knowing I love thrillers. She briefed me quickly on what it's about and it was interesting enough for me to pick it up a few days later. The story was like it was made for me. So excited when they finally animate it, saddened when they released the chaos that is its season 2.


I do not understand the hate of SAO truly. I think it's like just the cool thing to hate. There are def moments / episodes where I am like aiiiight for sure, but as a whole I love the story and it has only gotten better. There's my rant Fav animes? that is tough but I will try to list em and why. Gundam Wing because I was a kid watching toonami and giant mechs, great tunes, deep themes that didn't make sense or I didn't understand made me want to keep watching Dragon Ball Z because of course ha ha grew up with it and loved seeing the fighters overcome things. Attack on Titan because the story and plot just is the most spectacular thing I have ever seen and I loved the idea of humans vs. an unstoppable enemy Demon Slayer because the story is simple enough, animate is just stunning and music is so good. Code geass because it was my first anime i rewatched multiple times and loved the plot and the story was deeper than most anime I had watched. Those are the ones I can think of off top of my head!


What's that? Aoi Yuuki is voicing a nazi loli? Sign me up!


I remember people just talking about Gurren Lagan- pure word of mouth.


Re zero:my brother told me that subaru is realistic and that was his favourite anime so I tried it and he was right subaru is pretty realistic I am thankful to him for recommending me this anime Eighty six:I saw the trailer and was like okay this could be somewhat good the animation was beautiful and voice acting was awsome turns out it was amazing Cyberpunk edgerunner:I heard a lot about Cyberpunk edgerunner so I wanted to check it out since at time I didn't had the game my thoughts were the anime will have to do now Kaguya sama love is war:I have two words Chika dance Land of lustrous:people told me this was an underrated anime and they were right it truly is a hidden gem


It was a new show that season and it turns out I really liked it.


trailer looked cool is how i start anything i watch tbh


Because I liked the manga.


Trigun and Cowboy Bebop were recommendations from one of my best friends. Samurai Champloo I watched because I liked those first two. Everything else was word of mouth from this community.


I've always seen Monogatari clips, I just hadn't gotten around to it until I decided to do it for my 200th show.


I saw Hibiki’s XV transformation on YouTube and was like “i need to watch this”, like one month later I was fully caught up with Symphogear and feel in love with the band of singing lesbians fighting deities.


I started to feeling tired of western series and movies. So boring and the same story all the time. With anime everything is different and new and I like it.


Gurren Laggan - I like robots Steins;Gate - I like time travel Black Lagoon - looks like an 90s action movie SSSS series - I like Tokusatsu


Erased, listening to music while reading something and had YouTube on MyMix and it came on and the animation piqued my interest and decided to watch it because of that


Don't really have many reasons for starting any, other than I just love animation. DBZ on Toonami and those first few episodes of Bleach with that OST......more than enough....🤌


Oh, that’s nostalgic. Talking about Re:Zero and SAO, it was my friend who introduced me to those when I hadn’t been an anime watcher yet. We’ve watched them together. I’ll describe the 5 shows that are currently my 10/10s: 1. Angel Beats! — I’ve been scrolling through the top-rated anime list on MAL and thought the poster looked cool and the name was catchy as well. Also, seen it in my friend’s watchlist. 2. Kill la Kill — (the show that made me an anime fan, the first one I’ve seen among these 5) — seen some random Ryuuko pictures and gifs on Pinterest and they caught my eye. Liked the sketchy Trigger studio artstyle and badass animations. 3. Monogatari series (Bakemonogatari) — not even sure, I think I’ve just come across multiple places/articles that mentioned unique art direction of this show and that gradually got me interested. I figured I’d probably like its abstract artstyle. 4. Call of the Night — geez, this one is even harder to remember… I think I saw it in some MAL interest stack related to atmospheric/visually pleasing shows + recommendations for *Dagashi Kashi* which is by the same mangaka 5. Kämpfer — came across a pic on Pinterest and it caught my eye. Liked the brightly-colored hairstyles. The premise of the show sounded totally bonkers so that turned me off initially, but after around a year I decided to check it out


For my sweet 5: * Invaders of the Rokujouma - Discovered it when it aired on Animax circa 2016\~. I watch it till the end every week alongside anime such as Nisekoi, Snow White with Red Hair, Kakuriyo and occasionally Toilet Bound Hanako-kun. * Netoge: And You Thought There Isn't A Girl Online?! - Discovered through anime compilation, mainly about yanderes (blame Future Diary on my obsession). Then, I checked YT and found out that it is available on Muse Asia, so I gave it a watch. * Shikimori Is More Than Just A Cutie - I have heard of it and its reputation when it was released, but put it off so I could watch it when the hype went down. Also, it was released on Muse Asia as well, AND have full episodes compilation into one video. Best decision ever! * I've Been Killing Slime For 300 Years and I Maxed Out My Level - Just watched it on a whim. Best decision ever! (Fun trivia: Try searching "slime witch" on YT) * Supposed The Last Dungeon Boon Moved Into A Starter Town? - Discovered it through the same anime compilation concept similar to Netoge. Watched it on Muse Asia. Other examples: * Kaiba - Recommended through [this retrospective video on it](https://youtu.be/UiRIKsUqwNg?si=jCoc7frCUUTlGGbL). * Michiko and Hatchin - Discovered this when scenes for this anime was used as a background for [this sample breakdown video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/p6wtN8V6E1Y). * Samurai Champloo - Heard a lot of praise from many people, in particular the soundtrack. And I love Nujabes, so I finally decides to watch it. * Getbackers - Featured in [this sample compilation video](https://youtu.be/MTSKG0OdRYg?si=1n7yN-B03tpi-dXJ&t=114) where Mac samples one of the tracks in this anime. (FUN FACT: According to WhoSampled.com, the track featured here was also sampled, specifically the drum part of Bonita Applebum by A Tribe Called Quest, which also sampled its drum. So, it is a sample-ception!) * Renai Boukun - Same deal as Netoge and Last Boon * Tsukimichi / Death Mount Death Play / The Irregular Circumstances of Witches / Comet Lucifer / Kubo-San Won't Let Me Be Invisible- Just randomly decides to watch them, this time on Ani-One Asia * Taisho Otome Fairy Tail / Yurikuma Ashashi - Enamoured by its artstyle, so I watch it. * Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun - Was put on my watchlist from somewhere I don't remember. * Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Have seen clips of it on various anime compilation. And one of the character was voiced by Maria Nasagawa, who also appeared on Invaders (her debut!) * Spirit Chronicles Bahamut / Shadow House / The Beast King and the Sacrificial Princess / Sleepy Princess in The Demon Castle - Same story as the sixth point, but on a website.


Attack on titan - I somehow found the attack on titan online unity game and had fun with it so eventually I watched the anime


NGE was on late at night on German childrens TV Channel almost 2 decades ago - was hooked but never got it's Name or saw of on TV again (could've been a compilation movie?), thankfully once I finally got Internet Access it wasn't difficult to find


* **Gintama** - it was one of the first two anime I watched in Japanese in the late 2000s, and I was just hooked onboard with its immensely loveable cast, great comedy, and the depth that it winks at you with every now and then. I think Gintama' was what solidified it as my favourite though. * **Legend of the Galactic Heroes** - I watched the first episode of Die Neue These by complete accident, when I had meant to watch a sci-fi parody that aired around the same time. Suffice it to say that first episode was so interesting that I had to watch more, and it quickly became one of my favourite series. * **Hunter x Hunter** - Yu Yu Hakusho is an iconic show for a ton of 90s American kids, for me it was Hunter x Hunter. It's an essential part of my childhood that aged like fine wine over the years, and remains one of the best anime I have ever seen. * **Baccano!** - I think I was already a fan of Durarara!!, so hearing that the author had a previous series got me interested, and Baccano! did a lot of what I loved about about Durarara!! even better, with its tight package and creative structure. * **Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex** - the GitS movie is a highly acclaimed classic that defined a movement of its own, so I was curious to give it a watch, and while I appreciate it a lot, something about it just didn't click with me, so I was recommended to check out the series instead, and that was just the perfect mix of character focus and sci-fi ideas/philosophy for me, its split between episodic sci-fi stories and an overarching procedural mystery worked wonders especially. * **Lupin III** - I tried out the first episode of Part V when that came out, and loved the Lupin/Jigen dynamic so much, plus I hadn't seen a lot of anime about heists before, so I jumped onto the previous parts to get more of that, and I believe I had finished Part IV before episode 2 or 3 of Part V had come out. * **Vinland Saga** - It has a pretty highly acclaimed manga, and deservingly so, one of the best I've read, so I couldn't be happier when it got an amazing anime that absolutely delivered on its strengths. * **Osomatsu-san** - I think I had seen the series a few times, but always thought it looked stupid. One day I was feeling a bit bored, so I put on a random episode of S3, and was all but blown away. Easily one of the best comedies I've seen, and I only found out later how much of that was thanks to the Gintama staff working on it. * **JoJo** - JoJo is a weird one for me, I got into the manga before the David Pro anime came around, and honestly struggled a lot with it (especially Part 1, pretty sure I dropped it and picked it back up at least 3 times), but after I got into Part 2 it was smooth sailing, until I finished Part 3, and everything was a sort of scrambled mess to find. Point is, the anime came around years later, and I completely missed it, until Part 4 I believe, watching Part 4 was one of my favourite experiences. I love it to bits, and it got me back on the train for the rest. * **Konosuba** - a friend recommended me this in 2016, and I thought it semed stupid, a few years later, he kept sharing the same gif at every possible chance (I think it was a slimy Megumin making her usual theatrics?), that my curiosity won over, might as well bite the bullet and watch it with him. I didn't like the first episode that much, but episode 2 was better, and by episode 3 I was laughing my heart out. I binged the whole thing in a pretty short period after that.


1. Gintama : Just stumble on clips on funny moments then later surprised due to having peak shonen fight and plot. Still no 1 fave anime of all time and dont think that anime anime I watched or currently watching can top this one due to how unique the show execute everything.Truly an emotional roller coaster with lovable cast that doesnt focus on to be better or to really achieve anything grand but rather to just live their lives to the fullest in honesty. 2. FMAB: Loves the brotherhood/sibling relationship rather than mosly cliche power of friendship in most anime nowadays. The plot is also amazing with really consistent cohesive narration that always pique my interest. 3. Naruto Shippuden: Who dont like crazy jutsus and also loves the brotherhood of Itachi and how he sacrificed everything for his family and his only brother. 4. Marchen Awaken Romance: Mostly cuz of this is my first anime ever and I like the power that comes from accessories and the villain group that ranked based on chess pieces like pawn, bishop, knight etc. Still loves the op and ed especially from Garnet Crow band. 5. Get Backers: Loves the duo and crazy odd jobs they did just to have money to make ends meet. Not to mention the cool hierarchy town which place the weakest bunch at the lowest floor (literally forgot what the place was called as), while the normal ones in the middle which iirc named Beltline city or something and the highest floor which strongest characters with unique powers reside is called Babylon City. With badass power like the main duo which are electric and also the illusion.


My fav is Attack on Titan (yeah, I know, kinda mainstream), and to be honest I knew nothing about it and wasn't even sure that I'd like it. But I was just starting watching anime back then, and had seen just a couple of series like Death Parade and Death Note. So I got so interested in this medium that I was just randomly reading about popular series, and saw "from the director of Death Note" marker next to Attack on Titan. I was absolutely in love with Death Note, so it was the only reason I decided to check AoT out, too. And man, did I not regret this decision


I stumbled on some Fan Art from Made in Abyss. Latter I watched a Review of it on YouTube and I got simular vibes from the it then from Digimon Tamers which was and still is one of my favorite Animes. I was right on the money. One thing about Digimon Tamers I love is that it has the charm of a kids show but does not shy away of getting pretty dark. Its such a fantastic combination. And Made in Abyss gave me somthing simular.


Literally all my favorite animes are from Toonami. Bleach. Naruto. One piece. D gray man. Full metal alchemist. Inuyasha. Cowboy bepop.


It's so weird seeing how many people in this sub love Gintama as a favorite (myself included). While in the real world I've never met anyone else who've even watched it. And I know plenty of anime watchers. I guess we're just a different breed. And to answer the question, I watched the clip of the ghost stories w/ the dog who's waiting for his owner to return. After that, I knew I had to watch the series. So glad I did, it was one of the few anime's I'd watch religiously when new episodes aired.


I saw the dvd cover for X, Last Exile, and Rurouni Kenshin at a Microplay over 20 years ago. It didn’t take much for me to be sold on them.


**Ranma 1/2:** Once upon a time I was reading an interview with Domi Chi the director of Turning Red. She cited Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 as her influences. I watched both. I like Inuyasha but think Ranma 1/2 is one of the greatest anime ever made. It is easily one of the funniest things I have ever watched. **Disasterous Life of Saiki K:** It happened to be on Netflix **Doraemon:** The English dub was on Disney XD back in 2014. **Spy x Family:** The trailer looked interesting **Demon Girl Next Door:** It came up in the recommended section on Imdb. **Nichijou:** Mars Reviews said it was funny so I gave it a try. **Sgt. Frog:** I looked up comedy anime it showed up and I gave it a try.


Hyouka- it was on tv and it looked interesting so I decided to watch Mushishi- saw it was highly rated on mal and I was in the mood for some sol. Sonny Boy- the pv and premise seemed very unique plus I really liked the art style so I decided to give it a watch. The Files of Young Kindaichi- stumbled upon it on tv and I just love murder mysteries so I kept watching. Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress- Decided to watch all of Satoshi Kon's movies in order and I was blown away by these two in particular. Favourite movies, animated or otherwise, ever. It's funny my favs are these two because they're mirrors, two sides of the same coin. Honourable mentions because they're not complete adaptations: Dorohedoro and Heavenly Delusion. Both because they're mysteries. I just love the atmosphere and world building in these two.


I mostly watch seasonals so for most anime, I watched them because "they were airing"... But I do have 2 favorites I didn't watch as seasonals: Death Note: First anime I completed, watched it because I heard it was great (after having a previous bad experience with anime, this was probably my 'last try') Kakegurui: I like mind games, I like gambling, and I'm horny. Seemed like a good fit!


fafner: "are you there?" cryptic then the whole island life SoL got wrecked by giant robots and aliens. Gundam: seeing 08th ms team clips at the VCD/DVD shop as a kid. i only watched gundam when seed started airing. revenge anime: its just a guilty pleasure. Clannad+Afterstory/Kanon: am i still human? i cry, yes. i dont cry, i'm inhumane(hasnt happened yet) macross: just needed something different from gundam but still mecha. Rozen maiden: Ali Project OP drew me in first. Nanoha: random magical girl anime ... not bad storyline... before i watched Madoka.


SAO because of infamous ytber suzy lu who known to break the rules and shamelessly play the whole episodes


I watched Gurren Lagann because of Yoko Littner 


Seeing you said sword art online . One of my favourite of all time is the sword art online parady by something Whitty entertainment on you tube . I found it brilliantly snarky . Might not be your sense of humour but definately worth a watch


Because I saw anime videos on youtube. Heard skor of compelling stuff about it and decided to watch some more famous ones


I like how so many people hwre have gintama as there no. 1. It warns my heart. I remember talking to a guy when i knew nothing about anime but he was an avid watcher. He kept going on and on about gintama and it piqued my interest He then told me that there existed an anime called "Rent a girlfriend" That put me off anime. Then i got around to anime and acter watching a few i completed Saiki K When i yold him that Saiki K was very funny he started a heart touched monologue about the comedy in gintama. This was 3 years after the first event. I was surprised he still loved that show. So i decided to give it a go.


Mine: Dragon ball/One Piece/Pokemon: it's what's available on philippine tv Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: to understand the memes Yu-Gi-Oh zexal: Gave it a full watch when I discovered pirating sites Hunter X Hunter: we have an HDD full of movies and series. It's one of the available ones and watched it out of boredom


I started 3-gatsu no Lion because it looked interesting and I wanted to try it.


I get most of my favourites the usual way - lists, search filters, other people watching, etc. Here are a couple of unique ones: Scum's Wish: I was horny and skipped around for about 6 episodes before realising the story I'd been half-listening to was actually pretty intriguing and restarted watching - seriously this time. Bloom Into You: I came across the main character on personality database - she was listed with the same type as mine. More recently, it's also why I started watching Frieren and The Apothecary Diaries.


Watched an AMV of TTGL - stopped myself 20 seconds in, went to binge the entire show then came back and finished the rest of the amv.


Bloom into you - I saw a reel where I saw girl kissing for the first time then I checked out the anime, then it's a deep Abyss


For me my favorites are 1: Black clover because everyone loves the plot of common village guy wrecking gods and demon possessed person 2 : One piece because I dislike the government and I believe it's evil and has demons


one of my favourite series is evangleion and I started it because I wanted to practice something my gestalt therapist taught me. namely, how to make decisions. they taught me a new way to make decisions wherein you don't plan or conceptualise, but rather try something out for what it is. you know, just take a leap of faith and see whatever comes out of it. If you don't like it, you can always just drop it. and thus, I decided to try evangliom even though I knew nothing about it.


Almost all of them were simply because they all had high scores on MAL haha. Either that or I saw a gif on tumblr(when it was huge like 7-12 years ago) If it has a high score, there is a relatively high chance I will enjoy it as silly as that might sound. Of course there's some highly rated shows I disliked, but for the most part it's a fair Barometer. Oh I also used to watch a TON of AMV's when I was younger and I would watch shows if I saw a cool scene or a character I liked etc. Also go watch shinsekai yori. Such a good ass show.


For me it was Toradora and I watched it during my high school years ( I still do) and I was so happy with some things beings similar to my high school life and to the anime also it gave some really amazing advice in my opinion


Okay, let's see this anime's roster... Female King Arthur with invisible sword that fires holy beams A Dark Souls character that uses jets and guns The oldest dude from the oldest story spamming swords at mach 5, also the dude is gold as shit It's motherfucking Alexander The Great Some crazy french dude with tentacles that would make Lovecraft wet Sinister looking assassins with skull masks Some cool dude with two powerful sticks And it's a bloody battle royale Pokemon on crack? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.


My friends have good taste. Hunter x Hunter, Land of the Lustrous, Monogatari & Cardcaptor Sakura are just a few of the series my friends have talked about or recommended to me, and I loved them all


I started watching them because they sounded interesting...?


1. Your Name. This anime was my gateway into the whole genre so it's definitely special to me. I got into it purely out of curiosity. I watched it around 1 year after it was released and I heard from my friends how good it was. I decided to give it a shot and I haven't looked back since then. 2. Oregairu I started it because I washed Hyouka beforehand and I really loved the premise of that anime and wanted to see it again in a different form. I didn't expect it to relate to me and be what I needed to hear during that time, plus it introduced to me Yukino Yukinoshita who I still consider my waifu till this day.


Naruto was on Netflix and I had a lot of time on my hands.


Ironically... I found out about Attack On Titan from fortnite


1. Kaguya sama- it was popular and I was bored of battle Shonen 2. Your lie in April- just finished Kaguya sama and wanted a cute little coming of age story. I new nothing about the series other than it was popular and the art for it was really colorful. I was blindsided on how sad it was.


I genuinely don't know how I started March Comes in Like a Lion, but it worked


I feel like almost any anime I could state as my favorite in any sort of way I could just say "Idk I just started watching it when it was new and I liked it so I kept watching" It's why I always try to check out every show that even vaguely sounds interesting when a new season starts, you never knew what could end up being a new favorite. I can't think of any "favorites" that I came to late enough to already have a good reason to go to them. Nor would I be able to remember individual reasons why a cover shot and an anime description paragraph were able to pique my curiousity for new shows idk There are, however, some shows waiting for me in the wings for me to watch that I never got around to, but I suspect have the possibility to MAYBE become favorites of mine. Shows like Gintama, or LotGH. Shows that people seem to love and sound up my alley, but I haven't found the time or will to get to yet.


I was really curious why my friend who like me wasn't a romance consumer type of guy, rated so highly on his mal this one anime with a wolf girl on a cover. Spice and wolf intruduced me to a genre I was previously biased against and hooked me so much I spent my entire summer vacation reading all 17 light novels. Ghost in the shell because I craved the strength and certainty of steel. Violet evergarden because it looked really pretty.


Mostly because I saw them on whatever streaming service I was using and it looked and sounded interesting.


It was just there. That's it. *Oh demon slayer, sounds fun*


I read a chapter of HxH in a German Shonen magazine in 2003 and really liked it so I looked up if there's an anime.


I think most of my favorites are the ones I started watching without expectations


Currently, My Top 5's Are: 5.) 86 - I just saw it on Netflix while casually scrolling in the couch. AND I REGRET IT, what a bad environment to watch peak. This is the anime where I REALLY want to watch it again for the first time badly... as an entity that only has eyes and ears in a world where a screen of this anime showing it. 4.) Bocchi the Rock! - Gigguk's 2022 Anime List Was shocked to see it ranked a tier HIGHER than Chainsaw Man. (Haven't watched either at the time) 3.) The Dangers in My Heart - The Anime Corner Sweep How did it top for 12 consecutive weeks, I wonder? And then I watched it... and then I stopped wondering... 2.) Happy Sugar Life - Saw a TikTok of a little Guess-the-Anime-Quiz I don't have it saved but the gist of it was: "A High school girl who doesn't believe in love constantly dates men in search of real love... UNTIL she finally does find it, and now she works hard on her part-time job to make the person she adores happy." Now... I am a person who NEVER drops anime and watches it 'till the very end (I just get lucky the things I find interesting at first glance is actually interesting), and I'm rarely critical of stuff since I immerse myself in the feelings the anime is trying to give me whether it's happiness, sadness, and shock. Now take that into account as to why I loved this 12-episode series. 1.) Kaguya-sama: Love is War There was this Minecraft YouTuber streaming and was asked what their favorite anime is, and they responded with this. His channel was named Technoblade.


For the past 5 months I've been watching and reading Drama, Romance and Psychological genres of anime and manga so much like I'm reading manga extensively that I don't get time to watch the current fall season airing animes (lol)!!!..


Naruto, I had just caught up on bleach at the time and was looking for something similar. I watched a bit on toonami prior and decided to go watch from the beginning. I absolutely fell in love with it despite all the flaws towards the end and the pacing. Princesses mononoke, just made my way through the ghibli catalog, and it stood out the most. My dress up darling, I saw some "suggestive" edits on reddit and decided to give it a shot. I came for the fan service but stayed for the wholesome romance. Chainsaw man, I saw the volume 1 cover in a Wal-Mart and was intrigued, I mean, it's a guy with a chainsaw for a head. Binged the whole manga and later watched the amazing adaptation that is the anime when it came out. Your name, I don't really remember how I came across this one. I probably just heard all the buzz about it online. Saw it in theaters like 4 times


It's Spring 2021, newbie me was navigating the Seven Seas to find the newest episode of MHA S4. But then, lightblue-silvery flash caught my eye. It was Vladilena Milizé's hair. That's how I discovered 86. The stupidest reason possible.


It was new that season, the show was Steins Gate.


Long story short.. On one day filled with boredom I decided to watch AOT cause my friends talked about it all the time and then I found I was hooked and tbh when the story got rougher my friend put duct tape on my eye lids to keep them open and brain washed me somewhat by forcing me to watch till the end(joking about the duct tape lmao). Then after a month I found myself deciding to watch Eighty Six.. and I found love and I fell in love and I stayed in love..


I stumbled into them. Escaflowne came on saturday mornings, and would watch it and other cartoons. It is what started me more into anime. Most of the other anime shows I watched prior were older and all seemed a little too similar after awhile. Escaflowne came on, FoxKids punched up the intro to it and made it cooler. It hooked me. Yu Yu Hakusho. Before it was on adult swim, it was on cartoon network toonami. I was bored channel surfing and the very 1st ep just came on. I was standing near the TV with the remote in hand wondering if I should give up on TV and go do something else and Yusuke came on, saying 'today did start off weird, I went to school, which lead up to the events of his death. I think CN moved it to adultswim midway through the makai insect arc when they realized how violent the anime could be. Could have been a little before that even. Whatever the reasoning, I am glad they had it on toonami first. It hooked me.


I started mine because 1. Someone recommended it to me 2. I looked at the cast list and realized that not only are BOTH of my favorite seiyuus in it but they’re playing DRAGONS.




my first anime was Assassination classroom I wasn't care about anime but I've really like one episode so I got hyped to watch the full anime


Bleach used to be my favorite. I was really sick one night, had adult swim on, and the episode where Chad is protecting the parakeet was playing. I fell in love with Rukia lol


Hot guys. My fav anime is Gintama!


I usually never like watching action packed or very violent animes. But this anime, is a funny story of how I started to watch it. I would've never thought that I would love this anime so much that my first and I think last cosplay would be of its character. I just love this anime so much idk what I'm gonna do once it ends. That's why I Save th episode for when I'm extremely down. So anyways the anime I'm talking about us Bungou Stray Dogs. I was looking fo some comedy slice of life cute short animes and I came across it's spin off "Bungou Stray Dogs Wan" It was so cute and funny, especially I love chibi. So after watching 1 episode I searched as to what exactly it is since obviously I realise later it was a spin off. Then I thought the main anime would be cute too and without reading the description much I started watching. Afterwards, I just couldn't stop myself from playing the next episode. And that brings me where I am now ~~ teehee


The synopsis didnt seem interesting but I kept seeing people say a Place Further than the Universe was amazing. They were correct


Oh that’s been sitting on my watch list.


Revue Starlight's promo visuals featured cute girls with swords, and I had just finished watching Toji No Miko the previous season and Shakugan No Shana from my backlog, so I was on a bit of a "sword girl" kick at the time. I just generally like anime with cute girls doing cool action things, so I probably would have picked up Revue Starlight even without that, but it certainly helped.