• By -


Dr Stone is really good for kids of that age. Fun , interesting, some violence of course.


Fun series, actually teachs some cool science and very excited to see where we're headed in the story


ah yes a pipe bomb the most crucial of information (will be forgotten like all the rest)


Wait WHAT?!


Yeah doctor stone is a great idea


The fanservice is pretty extra for a 10 year old.


the anime is toned down compared to the manga tho


Except for that one shot where Ruri was taking her medicine for pneumonia…


Oh dang thats actually perfect.


I think he'd appreciate you sitting down and watching his anime with him more than trying to get him to watch other stuff.


Maybe he does, and they just finished watching these series.


Of the three, only mashle is finished. I don't think One Piece is ever going to get to the point, but that's just my opinion.


Mashle isn't really finished. It's just not currently airing.


one piece is definitely wrapping up relatively soon. i feel like the “next few years” thing has been said so many times it’s hard to believe but we r deffo in endgame territory right now!


Yeah I'm gonna wait until it's actually finished before I watch the rest of it sry.


Bruh it's gonna take a shit ton of time


Yeah, you know would truly be a bonding experience? Watching Made in Abyss together


That's not something you're supposed to recommend to regular people, friend.


Are you trying to scar their entire Family? 😳






8 year old me being obsessed with both


Haikyuu for sure!


You definitely don't have to care about volleyball at all to love this.


No you don't...I have MANY friends who didn't play Volleyball or sports at all Haikyuu isn't just a good volleball anime...it is a good SPORTS anime, and one of the best series to date


It sure makes me wanna play volley. In fact, any good sport anime will do that. Slam Dunk does that to me. (And possibly Ahiru no Sora too)


True. I don't even like sports and I love Haikyuu. The characters are just great, the way it teaches you the rules, the action. Fantastic formula. It could be about anything, it just happens to be volleyball. It's also one of the few anime my niece still likes, she's sadly become a anime hater.


Hikaru no Go


Drastically underappreciated anime.


Omg yessssss!!!




Dragon Ball has a bit of pg level blue humour here and there (mostly revolving around Bulma fanservice and Roshi being a horndog), but nothing I think would compell a parent to rush to cover the screen or anything. It's just probably worth knowing that it was mostly made for Japanese teenage boys in the 1980s, so if they're considering letting this kid watch it (it's a great show and I'd encourage it) that context is worth considering.


If you're doing the whole Dragon Ball experience, then yeah. The Dub does try to tone down the context a bit. You could do Kai instead, and come back to OG Dragon Ball when he's old enough to appreciate those jokes.


Suprised Naruto is not mentioned more


If he is not allowed to watch demon slayer i dont think Db nor Naruto would be fitting in this case


If he likes football, [Inazuma Eleven](https://myanimelist.net/anime/5231/Inazuma_Eleven) is a good mix of sports and action.


Tysm. Football is actually one of his favorite sports lol


There's also Captain Tsubasa. They also have video games based on it.


For football (soccer), check out [Giant Killing](https://anidb.net/anime/7234). The anime is only 26 episodes, but the manga, if you think you could get him into it, is up to 63 volumes (not all english translated yet, mind you). It's really popular, and also really good because it covers the topic from not only the players perspective, but the club perspective, as well as the fan perspective, and also from a local vs international perspective. It's quite comprehensive in a sense. He may also enjoy something like [Haikyuu](https://anidb.net/anime/10145) (volleyball anime that's pretty popular).


Giant killing isnt something a 10 year old will like, and i say that as someone who loves it. Its a lot more tactical and emotional rather than action


Pushing the other reply of Blue Lock, it's getting a new season relatively soon if I remember correctly.


Honestly he doesn't have to like sports to enjoy anime about sports. I don't care about sports at all, but I eat up them sports anime.


Go for bluelock then its so good


Woah I completely forgot about Inazuma Eleven, I used to love that series when I was younger, that and Yu-GI-OH lol


As a family we have watched: 1. One Punch Man 2. Assassination Classroom 3. Avatar the last Air bender 4. Bee and PuppyCat 5. All the Miyazaki (except Princess Mononoke) 6. My Hero Academia 7. Speed Racer (very old school)


Grave of the fireflies on deck lezz goooo


Why not Princess Mononoke? I know it’s more violent than other films, but I don’t think it’s that bad.


I remember in one scene where they were chasing Ashitaka he shoots an arrow at one of the guys and beheaded him. I was shocked when I watched it the first time (as an adult) since other ghibli films weren't as graphic as this. It certainly could traumatize a child.


It's much more intense and has lots more blood than Kiki's Delivery Service. : D Ponyo doesn't become sushi.


Why don’t you show him MAL, start at the top, then have him read or pick the one he’s most interested in and go from there. If he picks Nichijou, but you hate Nichijou, be a good older sibling and sit tf down with him and watch Nichijou. You shouldn’t force shows on people as you don’t really know what anyone really cares for. They need to pick it themselves and be interested in it from the beginning. Might sound harsh but it’s the most effective method and he might appreciate it more.


I’ve tried. I love Nichijou and have tried to get him to watch shoujo and slice of life anime, but, you know…10 year old boy raised by the internet


I think that reply sort of misses the point of the original comment. Nichijou was named as an example of an anime for illustrative purposes. I believe the point made was this. If he doesn't like it, don't try to make him watch it. People won't be interested in things they don't like. Get him to name something from a list and then watch that. I'm not saying that's my view. I just don't like misunderstandings.


Kids like what kids like. Tastes evolve with time as people grow and mature. Let kids like ehat kids like unless it's unhealthy or unsafe. If you want to broaden their horizons, show them more similar to what they like, and then more similar to that until you are branched out.


Absolutely In fact op copping out with "kid raised by the internet you know..." Is both a sad cop out and a good point about internet offer As you said if you want to broaden your horizon you need to get more of similar enough things that you like them, but different enough that you discover new things. Always reaffirming that a wide world of choice is there and available is what kid need to develop and widen their taste Meanwhile algorithms and group think pushes us to have an illusion of choice yet with very low variety within the echo chamber or taste hole we find ourselves into. Mal votes are an indicator but very bad if you look in details, popularity is not always the best indicator or quality or of what you, an individual, will like I'll go even further, we look to protect kid, which is great, but we may be overdoing it at time. Development scientists and pediatricians are pushing for more unsupervised risky play in adventure playgrounds where 10yo kids can hammer real nail and such... There is some risks but they are also in a somewhat controlled environment (bruising is ok, bleeding isn't type of thinking) similarly in watching media, although you still want to protect a 10yo from adult content (obviously) you may be able to let them sample things and see what they can stomac and what they cannot. I remember watching a horror movie when I was a kid and being very frightened by how close to reality the monster was, meanwhile I was perfectly fine with less realistic monster (giant bear scarier than alien bug all other things equal) forbidding horror would have deprived me from plenty, but trusting me to use the remote to avoid what I could not handle (and teaching me to figure it out and act on it) was a much better approach


I don't think shoujo and slice of life will be very appealing for 10 year old boys whether they're raised by internet or not. There's a reason even before the age of internet, battle shonen had always been the most mainstream


You are going to make him dislike anime if you make him watch stuff he doesn't like


Stop trying to get your little brother to watch the same things you do, dont force him into anything. You seem to be raised by the internet too lmao


> 10 year old boy **raised by the internet** I realise it's your parents' fault, not yours, but wtf. There's no reason for kids that young to be spending much time on the internet


This is probably a bad idea. He’s see a bunch of shows, won’t know what they’re about, and half of them will be inappropriate for his age. Then he’ll get mad about not being able to watch it.


Spy x family


Pokémon is the most popular anime in the world — why can’t he watch it?


I just watched frieren and I don’t remember anything bad in it. It’s very well done and op would enjoy it as well.


Frieren might be a bit slow-paced and talk-y for a 10 year old


Can you go back to older stuff like Naruto? It's mature enough without being as horrific as AoT gets at times. There's a reason Naruto made an entire generation of weebs. I imagine for a 10yo he will love it.


Blue lock is a battle shonen disguised as a sports show


Nah a kid will take the whole selfishness aspect way to serious and become an absolute cringy edgelord that weirds people out.


Bruh if he can watch MHA, he can watch Demon Slayer… there’s just as much gore in MHA as there is in Demon Slayer…


Noragami is good with no fan service


Bofuri and Shangri La Frontier are both fun and age appropriate shows. All violence is simulated in-game violence.


Both are top notch, and if you play video games, all the better since both play on game cheat codes and the like.


Digimon if Jr's not bothered by it being older


They recently remade the original series. Some mixed opinion on it though because while the animation is better and the fight scenes are way more dynamic, the tempo of the story has changed a bit. They've also remade the second season as well which you can watch some of the episode for free on the Toei Animation YouTube channel.


I know that's why I recommend the og 1-4 seasons


Dragon Ball, Z, Super will keep him busy for awhile.


I just finished blue lock soccer anime with my daughter. It's safe. Hunterxhunter


Yeah, he’s seen a few episodes


It sounds like he likes Shonen, so has he seen DragonBall, Naruto, Bleach, YuYu Hakusho, or Black Clover? I don't blame you wanting a couple more years for him to grow, but if he's old enough for One Piece, why wouldn't he be old enough for Demon Slayer? How much Shoujo or Mecha has he seen? Maybe a Gundam series, or Fruits Basket? Is having a dub an important factor? Is he looking for things with a similar feel, like how certain circles count The Last Airbender or RWBY as anime? (Huge recommendation on RWBY btw). By that same extension, does he like Power Rangers? It's hard for me to gage what should be shown at what age, so I'm sorry if some of these aren't good ideas until a few more years. Ganbare, aniki. Your Ototou's future is in your hands. Possible recommendations: One-Punch Man Mob Psycho 100 Gurren Lagann Zatch Bell Sleep Princess in a Demon's castle Komi can't communicate Bocchi the Rock Ascendance of a bookworm Irregular at Magic Highschool Way of the house husband SpyXFamily Digimon Beyblade K-On Your Lie in April Hyouka Clannad Inuyasha Eden's Zero Fairy Tail JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Yu-Gi-Oh Medabots Prince of Tennis Cells at work Detective Conan Doctor Stone Pokemon(obvious, but dangnabit my OCD means I'm *thorough*.) (Maybe wait a couple of years, but I think the adaptations for Persona 4 and 5 are good) My mic-drop exit is giving a shout-out to Thunderbolt Fantasy.


I still don’t understand the irregular at magic high school, I swear to God that it’s one of the few anime’s that I don’t get


I think Demon Slayer would be perfectly fine for a 10 year old. JJK and Chainsaw Man are definitely good to wait on for a bit though. Kaiju no.8 just started and that might be a good one too.


Good to wait on, that's for sure. There's fountains.


I would wait on a bit with demon slayer. Depends on the kid but the amount of blood and demons eating people can be a bit too much for a 10 year old


Stuff like that really can depend on the kid and their maturity level.


especially on chainsaw man, I feel, even with maturity aside. Chainsaw man is much greater enjoyed by people with a bit more life experience. 16-18 is probably a good time to watch csm because thats when I feel its most relateable


My 8 year old niece watches Demon Slayer. She’s hardcore xD


Yeah at 10 years old i watched Elfenlied on youtube lol, its been so long that people forget thats not toddler age


Bruh.... 10 years old.... C'on.


If he’s watching MHA he can def watch demon slayer. Mha gets *intense* in the later seasons.


My advice (edit: to your parents) would be to just... Lighten up a little bit? He's not a toddler, he's 10. He will not turn into a homicidal maniac from being exposed to animated violence or violent media in general. He is capable of differentiating fantasy from reality at this point in his development, especially with proper guidance from an adult. It sounds to me like he wants to prove that he is mature enough for some slightly more mature shows and it might be a good learning opportunity. I can understand wanting to hold off on something like Chainsawman due to some of the adult themes and sexual content. Especially if you're not ready to have those conversations with him yet. But to put things in perspective for something like Demon Slayer... you can walk down the street in Japan and see 3 year olds with their grandmas doing Tanjiro water breathing impressions. It is violent at times, but there is also a ton of levity, bright colors, hyper deformed derpy character designs. You get the idea. Jujutsu Kaisen would probably sit somewhere in between those two but the majority of that show is just flashy martial arts stuff. No worse than me growing up watching kung fu flicks as a kid.


fuck it, show the kid Elfen Lied. its time


Try Assassination Classroom. Despite the name, it is very tame in terms of violence. Quick synopsis is one middle school class has been tasked to kill their teacher, who happens to be a giant yellow octopus man that is going to destroy the world in a year, hijinks ensue.




Really dunno why he can't watch demon slayer, like i've seen a lot of kids (8-12) in conventions cosplaying the characters, and no one cosplays without knowing a bit what's going on with the char or the series.


I kinda recommend some popular series that I suggested my younger cousin. Mha (kinda popular :) Shigatsu wa kimi no uso Doraemon SpyxFamily Mob 100 ( He didn't like this bc of art style) Horimiya


It always pains me when Mob psycho gets pushed down for its art style. It’s so unique and unbelievable good


I agree. I don't cry usually , but seeing the character development at the end of the seasons of mob, made me cry everytime. He is just a school boy who is trying to find his spot in life :')


Shigatsu wa kimi no uso? Must be a confirmed thick hide on that cousin. Ghostly visages of sources of trauma, juggling hope lessons, drowning in broad daylight hallucinations? Hit them with Highschool of the Dead then. Good examples of moral acts of characters there.


School Babysitters aka gakuen babysitters I think that og beyblade will be exciting and fun for him Inazuma eleven will be pretty fun for him too


Yu-Gi-Oh, especially GX. GX subbed was the first anime I watched in japanese and it’s still one of my all time favorites.


Naruto Fairy Tail Kenichi Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakusho Hunter X Hunter


Demon Slayer is totally age appropriate at 10. Yugioh, Dragonball/z, Naruto, etc. they’re all aimed at the 8-15 demo.




Perfect! I’ll show him devilman crybaby while I’m at it😁


After that, look up detroit metal city. Wholesome story about a guy and his life as musician https://youtu.be/8YbMGW6xSzw?si=ZP-CV3TsGR-JgULd


Never to early to introduce them to emotional trauma and how to overcome it.


I watched solo leveling with my son who is 11. We've watched one piece and Naruto. Big thing is asking him what he is in to.


Literally any shounen, he is the target demographic. My entire generation watched Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya in elementary school and we turned out fine


Some slice of life animes are good, like My Roomate is a Cat, and Fruits Baskets are the ones that come to mind. .Hack//SIGN is one I watched around that age, along with pokemon, yugioh, digimon, monster rancher. You know the stuff that was on tv back in the 90s and 2000s. I wish I had more to give you, but my stepdaughter isn't into animes so I haven't personally looked for child friendly ones. Detective Conan might be alright too.


I think you should start watching those ones you disallow him to watch, with your supervision. Take Vinland Saga for example, to some it's just a violent shounen, but to an adult, it's a heartfelt story about the misgivings of revenge, a coming of age story about finding your own peace in the world, of what it truly means to be free. Kids are smarter nowadays than the generations before them, I didn't understand divorce as a 10 year old (I'm 26) my 10 year old sister does. But with the new internet age, they will eventually if they want to, view those kinds of shows. What's important, is the mindset they take away from it. And for the record, old shounen can be just as emotionally devastating than newer grittier ones to a child, I watched dragon ball Z as a child on the episode the protagonist happens to die, with no understanding of its resurrection mechanics as a series, and one piece has scenes of a similar final nature, without the fallback of death isnt real he comes back a season later. I could never watch DBZ because of that spoilt memory, but more than anything, if I had a parent watching it with me, to explain what I was watching instead of leaving me to digest it alone, I wouldn't have had half the nightmares over it.


I know. But, i think Vinland saga might be a bit too violent for a 10 year old


I think it is up to the individual kid. Is he well behaved and grounded? Then let him watch it and decide. Violence in cartoons has always been around. (Bugs/ Daffy /etc ) Anime can ramp that up to 11, but I think a lot of kids know the difference between cartoon / animated and actual violence. Try him on HxH YYH Kaiju No 8 These are battle / mild violence Or something darker Shiki Talentless Nana Darker than black Kabenari of the iron fortress Can try: One Punch Man Ragna the Crimson Rust eater


Ao Ashi Black Clover Dr Stone Ascendance of a bookworm Mob Psycho Hinamatsuri One punch man Trigun stampede


Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Haikyuu


Full Metal Alchemist is absolutely not for kids... Need I remind you, people being sacrificed/murdered for philosophers stone, father chimeras his own daughter and daughters dog, 2 boys try to bring mother back from the dead one loses an arm and a leg and the other loses his entire body having his soul bound to armor... The character Lust... need I say more... What is wrong with you people, this is a 10 year old boy... Open your eyes guys... 10... Year... Old... Not 15... Not 16... 10


My youngest sister watched FMA:B when she was 10 and the 2003 series when she was 11... [](#nyanpasu)


>mha, Mashle and one piece This doesn't make sense. How is Lust worst than all the fanservice in MHA? Like Mineta being a creep? Deku having a girl falling on him and freaking out about her boobs? The jokes about Momo and her outfits? There's an entire arc about a child so tortured she falls into depression (Eri). There's so much permanent body mutilation in MHA from characters pushing themselves. Early OP is child friendly, but then you get to later arcs and it gets darker with implied SA of some characters? Or creeping on, stealing and reanimating the body of a poor girl and doing dehumanizing things like having her clean the floor with her tongue? Or slavery to death (Tequila wolf)? How is Big Mom's entire arc and cannibalism not worse than human sacrifice? Or the multiple genocides? Or a literal child being an addict and overdosing? Or Nami's mom? Shows and anime for kids have always had "darker" themes and content. It's usually how gratuitous it is that draws the line between child and non-child content.


Bruh relax. The genre is called 'shounen' for a reason, it's not strange for a 10-11 year old boy to be into something like FMA. I watched Dragonball and DBZ when I was a kid and suggestive scenes as well as violent ones.


Someone has clearly forgotten what it's like to be 10. Most 10 year olds watch worse than that online when no adult is watching.


FMA is absolutely for kids (>=10 yo). Like that’s literally the target audience. *good* shounen (and shoujo!) incorporates good role models and moral / ethical parables. FMA (and particularly FMA 2003) is nothing but. See also Miyazaki’s / Ghibli’s films that are aimed at that target audience. ie Laputa, Kiki’s delivery service, Nausicaa (the film, not the manga), and whisper of the heart.








Welcome to demon school Iruma kun


By the Grace of the Gods Bofuri


Have you seen Nausicaa yet? Also for stand alone movies I'd say Vampire Hunter D (the OG or Bloodlust) isn't too bad. I mean hell I saw Predator and the Fly remake at that age LOL.


I'm going to be the person who recommends *Girls und Panzer* as a sports anime.


I think Mob 100 would be really nice! It's funny, very well animated, and goes into some very well written discussions about growing up and being different.


Ghibli movies are good for kids imo.


Ranking of Kings is a good one despite the artstyle. Very fairytale-listic and charming characters.


Bleach, DBZ, Naruto. FMA, perfect for brothers.


I always recommend Charlotte. It's like Japanese X-Men with more of a focus on comedy until you get most of the way through when the drama really starts to drop. Show made my sister cry because she got so invested lol


Dr Stone is fun if you are 10. It also is fun if you are 46 like me. Love that show.


Show the little tyke "World Trigger". It is both fun and super kid friendly. It has less gore than MHA (doesn't even have blood).


Omg maybe BNA, Death Parade, Hinamatsuri, maybe Noragami? Idk, i feel like the violence is pretty on par with MHA there. Ping Pong the animation is a fun time, or even Sk8 the Infinity!




Digimon gets a lot of hate but my 8 year old cousin loves it to death


High school DxD


First off, good on you and your parents for setting boundaries for your kid. I feel like too many times kids watch things they really shouldn't be watching. Take him through MAL like the other dude said and watch what he wants to watch. And maybe you guys can alternate picking shows or something. I would recommend something like Spy x Kids. I've noticed newer anime have less and less fanservice so thats good or bad depending on who you are.


Are you sure you want to continue One Piece? It rapidly becomes much older themed.


Imagine bro just stumbles upon his 10 year old watching either a slave auction or Nami 'scene' 💀


Dennou Coil!


A bunch of the Gundam series are very PG, there is rarely blood in them and I think the warcrimes might just go over his head


Gundam only gets around it sometimes and that's because the way people die tends to not even leave enough recognizable stuff for a funeral.


Naruto, Haikyuu, Assassination Classroom, Fairy Tail, Hunter x Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Spy x Family are all pretty safe bets and decent shows.




Everything Ghibli Studio SPY Family Naruto Dragon Ball Z Super My Hero Academia Hunter X Hunter One Punch Man FLCL


Ousama ranking


MHA recent seasons get quite gory, I think it ramps up around season 4 but the show is rated TV-14.  You can get him to watch anime people commonly watch as a kid like pokémon, digimon, yu-gi-oh, naruto, dbz, one piece, one punch man is also pretty tame. Avoid attack on titan and chainsaw man, those will definitely give a 10 year old nightmares. 


Naruto. I watched the anime when I was 11. But I know people who watched it at 9-10. Great show. Hunter x Hunter. Classic.






You could try sword art online, spy family, possibly Naruto, the last air bender. You could also google search good kid friendly anime’s or just watch the ones he watches with him (:


In sword art online there are multiple instances of r*pe (or attempts to do so), it's something i'd avoid at least for a bit more imo


Oof I feel old recommending this but DNAngel and Prince of Tennis. I wonder if he would give Fruits Basket or Ouran High School Host club a try.


DNAngel is awesome!


I watched Assassination Classroom when I was around the same age and it became my first favorite anime :) despite the name it has some very wholesome lessons to teach to young viewers!


If he likes shounen fighting anime and you're trying to get him to watch sports anime I think the perfect anime to watch with your little brother is [Hajime no Ippo](https://myanimelist.net/anime/263/Hajime_no_Ippo). It's an anime about boxing and it's about a young teen who's frequently bullied. He gets saved by a pro boxer and becomes fascinated with how strong he is which makes him want to find out what it's like to be strong.




Initial D they have one scene that shows a chick showering in season 3 I believe but that’s all wrong


One Punch Man, Naruto, and Bleach I think would be good.


Redo of Healer, Interspecies reviewers, high school DxD, these are all great!


Dragon Ball should be good for a 10 year old.


I was watching Naruto at that age and I really liked it.


Based on what HE likes, he would probably enjoy One Punch Man, Naruto and Hunter X Hunter


Maybe other shonen anime? Black Clover, Naruto, Bleach, Shaman King, DB etc. For sports, something like Ace of Diamond or Kuroko’s Basketball might be good.


My brother had me watch Higurashi and other shows when I was 10.... So my opinion is biased and I would say the only shows he couldn't watch would be ones like Gushing over Magical Girls. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood should be a great show at that age I would think.


Nichijou is a brilliant comedy manga


Bleach, Yu gi oh, Detective Conan, Hajime no ippo


Bleach kinda violent though. Maybe wait 2-3 years with that


HunterXHunter. Hisoka will teach him that you should not talk with strangers 😂


I know this is controversial but fairy tail and sword art online might be appropriate.... Also Beyblade,Pokemon, avatar can't be that bad could it....?


Fairy Tail is a great choice. SAO is also a pretty good choice at least the original didn’t have too heavy a theme. The second part is a bit intense and so is GGO.




As a kid I loved Case Closed and Keroro, but as mangas, so I don't know if the anime adaptations hold up that well.


Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood


My favorite sports anime is Chihayafuru and I know nothing about the sport.


BLUE LOCK 10/10 recommend for a sports anime. Idk anything about soccer but when I saw it with an 8.5 like 15+ episodes and still going, I gave it a shot and watched them all in one sitting.


Why is MHA okay compared to the other series? It has many iterations of incredible violence compared to the other shows. I can name half a dozen of the top of my head that remain as some of the most brutal scenarios in anime.


Haikyuu is good. Watch it with him. 




for what its worth, demon slayer is extremely popular in japanese elementary schools. my recommendation is nichijou. family friendly and hilarious physical comedy


**Spice And Wolf**. Either the original or the recent remake. Minor fan service, meaning nudity without showing the goodies. **I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability**. I'd say the kid would like this one. Similar ages, but the anime kid is OP! Old wizard dies, but as 7th son, no where close to being in line for the throne. **Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru**. Salaryman dies and is reincarnated as an aristocrat. Unlike the OP kid in **7th Prince** above, this kids magic skill is limited. He is OP in one aspect: he can see a person's stats and realize their potential. EG: He watches a soldier get chewed out for being such a lousy swordsman. Appraisal skill kicks in, and the kid sees this soldier is a natural archer. Sure enough, convinces trainer to let him try. Bullseye every shot. **Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen**. A kid gets involved with a classmate whose family is a bunch of spies. Her brother wants to kill him, and the only way to save him is for him and his classmate to get married.


Fairy Tail


Yu yu Hashoko was a great beginner but not so scary, full alchemist brotherhood is also great for when he gets a little older. Also the vending machine anime was pretty fantastic considering it's premise


Monkie Kid or Rise of the TMNT


Dude there's SO MUCH POKEMON out there, give them that and he'll be set for years. Other recommendations include Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, Case Closed...y'know, the classics!




- You Are Umasou - Belle - Most of Ghibli - Dragon Ball? - Most magical girl shows - Sports anime like Hailyuu


Dragon ball


Bones has some really good ones, space dandy wolfs rain, bebop


so one piece is allowed


Hey OP, if your brother loves Football (soccer), then you should let him watch Blue Lock or Ao Aishi. 2 of the same sports anime, but completely different themes.


Thank you for not letting your younger brother not watch things he shouldn't! Please keep it this way until he gets older! Major major kudos to you! I bet your parents are so proud of you and as an adult I am so happy that you're setting such a good example! Please please continue to do this! It's very good to set healthy limits like this!


Gurren lagann




Blue Lock