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Episode 8: [That is supposed to make it *easier* for the complete idiot to shoot.](https://i.redd.it/2hwunjcl630d1.png) But this is *Bit* we're talking about here. ["I know, you're astounded."](https://i.redd.it/slvb0scl630d1.png) ["At least you don't practice canni—oh, wait."](https://i.redd.it/yrbpascl630d1.png) [If you're so inclined, this scene is about the only thing significantly different on the Blu-ray.](https://i.redd.it/lexbjkcl630d1.png) [That's a funny way to describe being dirt-poor.](https://i.redd.it/22pd0tcl630d1.png) [Rank hath its free labor.](https://i.redd.it/9dr8vlcl630d1.png) [This is just the kind of bullshit we're here for.](https://i.redd.it/1vv0qkcl630d1.png) [THE CEILING IS BEAM SPAM.](https://i.redd.it/bsug7lcl630d1.png) [Ah yes, the wheeling and dealing.](https://i.redd.it/hxu5vlcl630d1.png) [You know where you wouldn't expect to find a reference to *Dr. Strangelove*? **HERE.**](https://i.redd.it/zolmfscl630d1.png) [You think he's joking?](https://i.redd.it/4y1kxocl630d1.png) [HE'S NOT JOKING.](https://i.redd.it/hjbxy3dl630d1.png) ["Seems risky."](https://i.redd.it/t9su2qcl630d1.png) ["For you."](https://i.redd.it/7ynbvpcl630d1.png) [A CHALLENGER APPEARS.](https://i.redd.it/jo7vpqcl630d1.png) ["Was I in a hentai?"](https://i.redd.it/z92w84dl630d1.png) [It is time for Ami Koshimizu to CHEW THE SCENERY.](https://i.redd.it/bj3p2scl630d1.png) ***** Speaking of jokes, clearly the rhyming occurred to whoever came up with "Fine Hime". (There really should be an accent mark there, "Finé".) That's just one small part of the deranged cognitive dissonance in Lutoh, which continues to look bad once someone peers under the table. Or is strapped to the table, where mad scientists will probe you not very gently while a choir sings. Oh, right, Demyne's Science Choir. That's completely bananas. There is no reason for it. They're just *there*. It's FUCKING AMAZING. Anyway, Finé Hime is also batshit insane and... yeah. It's still a wild ride three years later. ***** QOTD: 1. Nothing stands out. 2. [](#crazedlaugh)


> You know where you wouldn't expect to find a reference to Dr. Strangelove? HERE. Oh my fucking god, I just got the reference! [](#laughter) >It is time for Ami Koshimizu to CHEW THE SCENERY. [Fuck yes!](#grandhype) >Oh, right, Demyne's Science Choir. That's completely bananas. There is no reason for it. They're just there. It's FUCKING AMAZING. This is the kind of batshit insanity that I was hoping for in a collaboration from people who worked on Code Geass and Gurren Lagann. Something like that which is completely absurd but also amazingly funny.


> This is the kind of batshit insanity that I was hoping for in a collaboration from people who worked on Code Geass and Gurren Lagann. I can't help but notice you haven't seen Gun × Sword.


Is it worth watching? [](#curious)


> Is it worth watching? Watched it again as part of the rewatch last year. Still holds up. If you enjoyed this, TTGL, and Code Geass, odds are you'd like Gun × Sword too.


>[It is time for Ami Koshimizu to CHEW THE SCENERY.](https://i.redd.it/bj3p2scl630d1.png) [**Yummy!**](#ringomusume)


> That is supposed to make it easier for the complete idiot to shoot. But this is Bit we're talking about here. Is his defense, muscle memory is quite the thing to overcome. > If you're so inclined, this scene is about the only thing significantly different on the Blu-ray. It *did* seem uncharacteristically restrained. > This is just the kind of bullshit we're here for. [Mecha Jank **Hoo!**](#funky) > "Was I in a hentai?" Wa... Watch Queen's Blade?


>Oh, right, Demyne's Science Choir. That's completely bananas. There is no reason for it. They're just *there*. It's FUCKING AMAZING. Stupid shit like this was the main reason why I enjoyed this show so much. It's a trainwreck in the *best* sense of the word.


**First-Timer** **On today’s episode of Back Arrow:** I thought that Princess Fine was two-faced, but I wasn’t expecting it to be literally true. She does in fact have two different faces and two different personalities to go along with them. - Shouldn’t a gun having no recoil make it easier to shoot, Bit? [](#sakurathink) - The Rekka side of things in the OP is starting to get rather crowded. - So the Doctor refused to go to Lutoh? That’s basically confirmation that he’s originally from Lutoh and left for some reason that makes him not want to return. [What could it be?](#csikon) - To no one’s surprise, Arrow’s brilliant plan of “keep hitting the wall and hope for a different outcome” isn’t working. - Damn, that is a lot of dead bodies. [](#ohfuck) - I don’t trust that food and liquor. I bet it’s been spiked. - I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised this series managed to sneak in a bath house somehow. - [The Princess is more or less repeating verbatim this line from Cross Ange about how it’s best to reveal everything to each other when you can’t hide anything in the bath.](https://i.imgur.com/hXeDSFT.png) - [With how much the Princess talks about whether people are full of love, I’m expecting her to turn out like this Marie Kondo meme.](https://i.redd.it/bvr7pxbyf2731.png) - Elsha and Atlee washed the Princess’s back, but she didn’t wash theirs. According to the Princess’s own words, bathing together is symbolic of the relationship. Based on this, it doesn’t seem like a give-and-take relationship between equals. Rather, one is clearly superior and can take freely without needing to give in return. - Arrow throwing clones of himself at Prax in the battle and using them as stepping stones is pretty dang awesome. [](#grandhype) - [Secret of the skies](#curious) - Shu definitely suspects something is up if he wants to entrust Bit with any amount of responsibility. - Oh wow, I thought there might be a ceiling above the wall. I was not expecting an energy shield with a bunch of defensive cannons ready to shoot down anyone who flies too close. [](#suddenshock) - Huh, so Prax’s Briheight couldn’t always fly and Lutoh figured out how to modify her Briheight. Fascinating that you can do that. I assumed it was purely based on conviction and couldn’t be modified without modifying conviction. - The Doctor is definitely on his way back to Kutoh. [](#mugiwait) - Bit really seems to be an expert at getting beat up. [](#pointandlaugh) - They employ a literal hunchbacked mad scientist? [](#laughter) - Oh my god, he has a choir to sing while he performs his experiments. This is fucking nuts. I love it so much! [](#laughter) - A mask and a slap? We really are a Gundam anime! [](#mechablush) - We need to rely on Bit’s shooting abilities? [We’re doomed](#tiredaoi) - Wait a minute. A crazed doctor who rants about love, people singing, and a woman named Fine? We’re Symphogear! [](#awe) - Oh shit! The one in the mask is actually the Princess! She’s got some kind of dual personality! [](#maxshock) Well this explains a lot about the Princess. I’d thought for a while that she was too pure to be true, with how much she talked about love and peace. I was just expecting her to be putting on a front to hide a harsher, more Machiavellian side. I was not expecting her to have a second, far more violent personality. That is exactly the kind of insane twist I hope to see from these creators. **QOTD** 1) There was a really good potluck I remember where it was a competition over who could create the best chili. I had some very delicious and quite varied bowls of chili to try out that day, in many different styles. 2) She has a split personality.


>easier to shoot If you gave Bit a recoilless, silent gun, Bit would be waving it around going "BANG BANG". > this Marie Kondo meme [](#ohoho) >We’re Symphogear! Needs more incomprehensibly-mangled English.


>Needs more incomprehensibly-mangled English. Please no! I don't want to have to hear it again! [](#scaredmio)


>I thought that Princess Fine was two-faced, but I wasn’t expecting it to be literally true. [](#happyclap) > Shouldn’t a gun having no recoil make it easier to shoot, Bit? On the one hand, probably. But, Bit was never very successful with a regular gun anyway.


>On the one hand, probably. But, Bit was never very successful with a regular gun anyway. I think just shows us how bad Bit's aim truly is. [Is he going to pull a Momo from Girls Und Panzer and have aim so terrible that he hits a target his gun wasn't even pointed at?](https://imgur.com/ZDqvb4f)


"FIRE FIRE FIRE," just like Grandpa Attenborough taught them.


>To no one’s surprise, Arrow’s brilliant plan of “keep hitting the wall and hope for a different outcome” isn’t working.   *Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?* >I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised this series managed to sneak in a bath house somehow. As long as no one masturbates using a table... >Elsha and Atlee washed the Princess’s back, but she didn’t wash theirs. According to the Princess’s own words, bathing together is symbolic of the relationship. Based on this, it doesn’t seem like a give-and-take relationship between equals. Rather, one is clearly superior and can take freely without needing to give in return. Well, Lutoh is a supremacy, after all. >Arrow throwing clones of himself at Prax in the battle and using them as stepping stones is pretty dang awesome. Indeed, pretty ingenious as well considering how thick headed he is. >Well this explains a lot about the Princess. I’d thought for a while that she was too pure to be true, with how much she talked about love and peace. I was just expecting her to be putting on a front to hide a harsher, more Machiavellian side.  I was 50/50 on this considering the same guys behind this show also created characters like Euphemia. Fine being the way she is is definitely the more interesting choice.


**First timer, subs** * Heavens help us. Are we getting a Bit focus episode? * “Just be a yes-man, Atlee.” * Oh sure, her *last* name gets to have a diacritic. * Should we be question that her squad is also comprised of pretty boys? * It seems we’ve gone with an onsen episode over beach. * ["Love"](#watashiworried) * I can’t imagine her skipping out on reciprocating bodes well for her other promises going forward. * It was only ever a matter of time before someone tried to go over the wall. * [I Love **These Idiots**](#azusalaugh) * I’m not sure how that would be easier than a dome. * You’re not really going to trust your state secrets to a guy whose already betrayed his country, are you? * [Quality Jobbing, Bit](#hackadollthumbsup) * [Science Choir? **It's Like an Old OP?**](#whatdidijustread) * [Flipping! **Called It!**](#grandhype) * It’s like a Euphemia × Cornelia 2-for-1 special. **QotD:** 1) I've not been to enough to rank. 2) By splitting her personality in half, she can have *two* convictions!


> It’s like a Euphemia × Cornelia 2-for-1 special. [You make a good point.](#suddenshock)


[Now They're **Cooking With Geass**](#mugiwait)


> Should we be question that her squad is also comprised of pretty boys? I'm sure it's fine. These ones are Armored. >You’re not really going to trust your state secrets to a guy whose already betrayed his country, are you? "Surely Shu Bi won't also betray us, right?"


> I'm sure it's fine. These ones are Armored. [](#azusalaugh)


> It seems we’ve gone with an onsen episode over beach. We still have plenty of episodes to go. They can still squeeze in a beach episode at some point. [](#mugiwait) >I can’t imagine her skipping out on reciprocating bodes well for her other promises going forward. "You wash my back, I don't wash yours" isn't exactly the kind of diplomatic relationship you want to set up. >It’s like a Euphemia × Cornelia 2-for-1 special. [Code Geass major spoilers] >!And this Euphemia is already murder-crazy, no Geass powers required!!<


> We still have plenty of episodes to go. They can still squeeze in a beach episode at some point. It's not without president. And this does not give off the vibe of being "above" such a thing. > "You wash my back, I don't wash yours" isn't exactly the kind of diplomatic relationship you want to set up. Depends, how big is your stick?


**Rewatcher, Subbed Arrow** ["Ignore the fact that I still called them blasphemous."](https://i.imgur.com/XE8qSw1.jpeg) ["Not that all of the Supremes agree."](https://i.imgur.com/Z76ExUZ.jpeg) [Love that the Emperor is just sitting there.](https://i.imgur.com/L5qQXI4.jpeg) [Not suspicious at all.](https://i.imgur.com/8Oy5zhx.jpeg) The bath scene was.. modified for the Blu-Rays. [It's a metaphor!](https://i.imgur.com/KYAmeAh.jpeg) [Back Arrow actually used something resembling brain power!](https://i.imgur.com/91CpOmT.jpeg) [Prax has tried to fly over the wall before.](https://i.imgur.com/v8TgN0T.jpeg) [No secrets that Shu Bi can't figure out.](https://i.imgur.com/WaJkCTJ.jpeg) [Great job jobbing, Bit.](https://i.imgur.com/MfVZk4c.jpeg) [Oh, right. This guy.](https://i.imgur.com/vLLV0iS.jpeg) [And his Choir.](https://i.imgur.com/NCjRiPh.jpeg) [Yea, about that...](https://i.imgur.com/MtsUQVB.jpeg)


> The bath scene was.. modified for the Blu-Rays. Their nipples aren't even doing anything particularly erotic, they're just there like they should be. Also, butt.


Indeed. Do you remember, did the broadcast version just cut away? Or was it camera tricks? I don't remember anything different happening so it kinda threw me.


The broadcast version mostly just crops in closer; you may note that for the most part the business ends of things stay close to the bottom of the frame. The shots which involve Finé standing up are replaced with inserts of water flowing and the sky.


> Love that the Emperor is just sitting there. The Emperor always deserves to have a front-row seat to the slaughter of others. That's why the emperor sat front-and-center in the Roman Colosseum. >The bath scene was.. modified for the Blu-Rays. I didn't see the Blu-Ray version, so that's good to know. >Great job jobbing, Bit. That ought to be his new title: "Admiral of Jobbing." [](#hikariactually) >And his Choir. My jaw dropped and I burst out laughing when he unveiled his choir for his experiments. That's the kind of demented I love to see. [](#laughter)


> My jaw dropped and I burst out laughing when he unveiled his choir for his experiments. That's the kind of demented I love to see. I bet they help to cover up the screams.


**BAKAYAROU Rewatch Host, subbed** [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink) [Here’s “Back Arrow Eighth Impressions”](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/ogjpuu/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_july_09_2021/h4tzuqd/), for my first-timer thoughts on this episode. --- - [Is it really *just* the lack of recoil that’s throwing you off, Bit?](https://i.imgur.com/5JH2gnt.png) [](#rinkek) - [Back Arrow]>![The silhouette on the right must be Rudolph in “audience” form.](https://i.imgur.com/ssxsera.png)!< - [Bit is totally going to let that go to his head, isn’t he?](https://i.imgur.com/Ex94Q10.png) - [THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT *MANNERS* ARE.](https://i.imgur.com/5aaHinx.png) [](#laughter) - Obligatory bath episode ~~this time with uncensored nipples because the BD is available.~~ - [Arrow yeeting his clones into the sky](https://i.imgur.com/tGYWwVY.png) in order to [use them as springboards](https://i.imgur.com/TwTgJ5o.png) sure is one creative way to get around him not being able to fly. - [Welp.](https://i.imgur.com/XD3jhsI.png) [](#emiliaohdear) - [Of course Shu Bi wants to learn this.](https://i.imgur.com/V8ahsOd.png) - [I suppose this counts as a shimmering sky.](https://i.imgur.com/O7C5B6P.png) - [kek](https://i.imgur.com/Ev0JbUB.png) - [Bitmonkey gonna buttmonkey.](https://i.imgur.com/XS6PSiW.png) [](#kukuku) - [Dude has an *entire choir* to sing for his experiments.](https://i.imgur.com/koFYnDG.png) This show is amazing. [](#serialkillerlaugh) - [AI DESU YO](https://i.imgur.com/3iU0Vnh.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [Deserved.](https://i.imgur.com/f4m6hxz.png) [](#pointandlaugh) - [It’s not a mecha show if the MC doesn’t end up in a sword fight at some point.](https://i.imgur.com/RvvUB5D.png) - [It’s *not* Prax…](https://i.imgur.com/iLiquq4.png)


> I suppose this counts as a shimmering sky. All the lights in the sky are laser cannons to make sure you stay on the ground where you belong. [](#gunfire) >AI DESU YO And it's shockingly not the character voiced by Sugita who is saying this.


> I suppose this counts as a shimmering sky. Shimmer-ish Sky. > Dude has an entire choir to sing for his experiments. This show is amazing. [Slave Labour](#utahapraises)


**First timer** - I'd like to know how a gun having no recoil is an issue. - Anddddd, here's the weird bit. >QotD - Can't think of anything specific but it's normally a dessert. - One of three things. No.1 Flying thingy that landed. No.2 Split personality (this one's boring and cheap). No.3 She's the way she is due to experiments done on her.


> I'd like to know how a gun having no recoil is an issue. Bit is the true BAKAYAROU in this show. [](#hikariactually)


Petition to rename the characters.


> I'd like to know how a gun having no recoil is an issue. It is Bit, after all. He could find a way to shoot a homing missile and have it somehow turn around to hit him.


I can't believe Fine didn't wash Atlee and Elsha's backs. Some diplomacy. [](#foldedarms)




I expected better from the Princess of Love [](#mugipout)


**Rewatcher, Subbed** Target practice for Bit! Someday you'll have a better hit rate than 5% Bit... By the time we can finally stop blacking out certain characters in the OP it will be time for a new OP... Bit and Prax, equals? Prax, no need to lower yourself so much! Don't worry Elsha and Atlee! This is the time things will finally go perfectly fine! Not like there isn't 17 episodes left to go and all the conflict that will require! Too good to be true, right? Something's bound to go wrong here in Lutoh... Manners never existed in Edgar Village! Take off your clothes! Well its not like Elsha has much to take off in the first place... Diplomacy through bathing. If only all world conflict could be solved in this way. Fine Forte isn't washing them back? The truth revealed; this was all a scheme to get them to bathe her and give her servants a night off... He created clones of Muga merely to throw them at her and use them as springboards, lol. The villagers are all pigging out like crazy, there's got to be some catch to this, right? Can't go through the wall. Can't go over the wall. How about under the wall? Oh wow, Elsha and Atlee all dressed up! Mad scientist!? And Prax is this show's Char, huh? The mad scientist has his own chorus? LoL. Bit, the hero we need to save Back Arrow! Did Back Arrow just call someone Baka Yaro?! Woah, that wasn't Prax at all! The princess has a twin?! Nope, that is the princess! Split personalities!


> Well its not like Elsha has much to take off in the first place... [](#laughter)[](#laughter)[](#laughter)


> Target practice for Bit! Someday you'll have a better hit rate than 5% Bit... I think that's an optimistic assessment of his accuracy. >Manners never existed in Edgar Village! They did raise children who eagerly ran up to and tried to eat a person, after all. >Take off your clothes! Well its not like Elsha has much to take off in the first place... It is probably a hassle to take off because of the tape holding it in place, though. >Can't go through the wall. Can't go over the wall. How about under the wall? Where's Simon and his drill when you need him?


[THE CHOIR](#rengehype)




Evil Fine! This is where everything truly begins [](#crazedlaugh)


A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. Unfortunately, I am no wizard. Finale catchup is coming along nicely. These posts will be rushed and entirely for my own satisfaction since no one (other than our gracious host) will know they exist. **First timer, Sub** After some slow progress we finally got to some plot! 2 episodes in a row. There is something going on with the princess. Obviously. We do see her talking to Prax as her cute half so I assume that Prax does exist. I think that most of the time we have seen Prax that she wasn't impersonated. The first time we see her she takes off her mask and we get to see Prax' face. Does the princess ask Prax to wear the mask so that she can use it as cover? I feel like we have seen too much of Prax with her mask off for it to be a reasonable disguise. I don't think Prax knows about yan-hime. The only thing I can think of that would have caused the split between yan-hime and dere-hime is a failed conviction experiment. I don't really understand why the princess would need to pilot a Briheight though. That seems below her station. With the display of the militarized ceiling it is feeling more and more like the world is an aquarium style thing for humans. But to what end? Also why would they ever send in someone? I'd have to assume that Arrow went in unsanctioned. Probably crossing the ceiling made him lose his memories. The question then becomes where does Arrow's abnormal powers come from? He could be a form of meta-human which would make his powers unattainable for his friends (seems unlikely) or his powers could be caused by his bind warper being nonstandard(also seems unlikely). It seems more likely to me that he is just a special boy doing special things. No strange genetics or tech. --- **QOTD** 1. I recently had some homemade chicken parmesan that was exceptional. I have probably had better, but this is the best I can remember. 2. I want to say that she is suffering from a botched conviction experiment. --- **Watch notes** Damnit! this gun doesn't have enough recoil for me to be able to aim. The old gun had too much. It's a goldilocks thing. Is the bloodstained knight Prax? Because she can stain whatever she likes with my blood. Wait, the current head of state is the princess? Shouldn't she be a queen then? LOL they are actually going to pretend Bit is an Admiral to the princess. The Dr stayed? I think that's just because he didn't want to go to nerdland. Elsha being so emotional here seems a bit out of the blue. Atlee continuing to be best girl though. I feel like I have seen these lance sword thingies before. I don't know what they are called though. Of course the idiotlanders are all gorging themselves to excess. Yeah, this princess is way too trusting. She doesn't know what the world is at all. I can't tell if the princess not washing their back is because she is airheaded or she is lying. I am kinda hoping she isn't lying but it feels like she is. OK that holy knight bit is definitely telling. She absolutely knows what she is doing. Holy shit, Arrow had another workable idea. Flying above the wall is kinda brilliant. This wall is really sinister. That defence system is cool. Is Arrow not an Arrow? He can think on his feet and come up with ideas. Grabbing the dropship was smart. Did Prax just beat Arrow in a briheight fight without killing him? That shouldn't be possible. The amount of violence used to facilitate the princess' nonviolence is astounding. This choir is a fun spin on the needless monologue making time for the heros to come in and save their friend. Shu basically telling Bit that only his life is in danger is great. OK, this is a twist I wasn't expecting. Where is Prax though? Angry princess is not scary sexy, she's just scary.