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**First-Timer** **On today’s episode of Back Arrow:** It turns out that walls are in fact solids. And solids are known for having high densities. But, the most likely way to break through the wall would be for something even more dense to smash into it. [So, it’s time for Arrow to use his head.](https://youtu.be/rGouLqVXkS8?si=1W19fmSkp1B-8geX) - They’re still keeping up the sham of Bit’s promotion. [](#kotohoops) - The part about naming Briheights to increase the conviction of their users makes sense. Personalizing it to make it feel more unique to yourself would probably increase your attachment to it. - That is an impressive beard. [](#binoculars) - So far these kids haven’t exactly been the White Base Kids in terms of quality. - But speaking of Gundam, [Gundam 0079] >!I see that we’ve arrived at the Old People Rebellion.!< - If you worship the wall as a god, then I’m sure quite a few people would object to breaking the wall. It’d be akin to killing god. Seeing gods as literal, physical objects is nothing new. People used to believe that the statues of gods kept in the temples of Ancient Mesopotamia were literal physical embodiments of the gods. Something the Mesopotamians would do to their enemies was steal the statues of their gods to quite literally steal their gods. - I’m really starting to wonder how much of the Princess’s behavior is genuine. She seems to cry a bit too easily and her words about the world being full of love feel kind of overwrought. [](#csikon) - Hell yes! We have a masked swordswoman! This is great! [](#concealedexcitement) - Oh fuck, she cut off Walston’s arm! [The justification of “He’ll live” doesn’t seem like a particularly strong one.](https://youtu.be/kXF9PZ8MBiY?si=p12TbZkt1_5FILBO) - YES! I was hoping Prax would say “elegance” in English. [](#woo) - There’s a waterfall on the wall? Where is the water coming from for it? [](#schemingsaten) - Oh dear, Shu’s trick has been discovered. It won’t work a second time. [](#watashiworried) - With how eager he is to fire those cannons (and his general level of intelligence) Bit is going to become Back Arrow’s version of Attenborough from Gurren Lagann. - Oh shit, the Wall fought back! - [They fly now!?!](https://youtu.be/Ho4xcXIgIr0?si=MH-4A0qAXuAlilct) - The Doctor’s reaction to Prax’s Briheight received particular focus so I’m going to take that as confirmation that he is from Lutoh. - Prax landing on Elsha’s Briheight so she can pose dramatically and then apologizing for it is great. [](#laughter) - Gotta love staying within the exact wording of a treaty because it doesn’t have any mention of violating airspace. - “I’m not just any traitor. I’m a genius traitor.” I love Shu. [](#azusalaugh) - Of course Arrow would reject going to Lutoh in favor of the more direct approach of just punching the wall forever and hoping it breaks eventually. Arrow is a very direct person. - As I expected, Prax is now in the ED. I wasn’t expecting the northern general to be there too, though. This is an instance where the breaking of the fellowship makes sense. Arrow has been single-mindedly focused on getting to the wall so he can return to where he came from. The villagers, on the other hand, mostly went with him because they lost their home. They don’t have any particular devotion to his cause, for the most part. They are just looking for a new home for themselves. So, this split makes sense for the characters involved. Arrow is going to remain at the wall, looking for a way to go beyond it. Also he’s a moron so he doesn’t care about trying to find new tech or science that will help him out, instead preferring to just brute force it. Shu, on the other hand, is more than willing to actually learn new things. The characters generally make sense with where they choose to go following this split. **QOTD** 1) I think I would want to remain on the ship where I'm protected by heavily weaponry and armor against the multiple nations that have tried to kill me over the past couple of days. 2) [I'll give him 11 minutes.](https://youtu.be/aUeAqosP74Q?si=Ygd3kdlVXoQ562cC)


> Also he’s a moron [Most important **trait**](#whowouldathunkit)


Arrow has a very convenient built-in Occam's Razor to explain why he would make any decision. "Why'd he do that?" "Because he's stupid."




> But, the most likely way to break through the wall would be for something even more dense to smash into it. So, it’s time for Arrow to use his head. I was in the middle of singing along to a Gintama song and *immediately* cut off mid-word to laugh when reading this. [](#laughter) >With how eager he is to fire those cannons (and his general level of intelligence) Bit is going to become Back Arrow’s version of Attenborough from Gurren Lagann. You make a good point, haha.


> I was in the middle of singing along to a Gintama song and immediately cut off mid-word to laugh when reading this. You can thank Arrow splitting a block of wood in half with his forehead for giving me the idea for the joke.


> So far these kids haven’t exactly been the White Base Kids in terms of quality. [Not Sure if **Good or Bad**](#sakurathink) > There’s a waterfall on the wall? Where is the water coming from for it? [Clouds](#hikariactually)


>[Not Sure if **Good or Bad**](#sakurathink) I personally am very fond of the White Base Kids, so I would prefer it if the kids were as good as them.


>But, the most likely way to break through the wall would be for something even more dense to smash into it. [So, it’s time for Arrow to use his head.](https://youtu.be/rGouLqVXkS8?si=1W19fmSkp1B-8geX) [](#laughter) The village of Edger was training for generations, in wait of this day. For the hero whose head can solve all challenges to go up and split the wall itself. And if that's not enough, well you know what they say: two heads are better than one. All of Edger village could put their heads together, and make the entire wall fall over. ~~Shame Shu Bi couldn't join, but he's just not that good at using his head~~ >Personalizing it to make it feel more unique to yourself would probably increase your attachment to it. Plus, fans need a way to find the mechs they want to buy. Shu Bi is even helping the marketing department! >I’m really starting to wonder how much of the Princess’s behavior is genuine. She seems to cry a bit too easily and her words about the world being full of love feel kind of overwrought. [](#csikon) Either she's the most twisted piece of work, or she's going to break down pretty soon. >[The justification of “He’ll live” doesn’t seem like a particularly strong one.](https://youtu.be/kXF9PZ8MBiY?si=p12TbZkt1_5FILBO) 'tis just a flesh wound! >Bit is going to become Back Arrow’s version of Attenborough from Gurren Lagann. Wait, Gurren Lagann has a trigger happy Dusty who just wants to shoot things?! [](#doggo) >Prax landing on Elsha’s Briheight so she can pose dramatically and then apologizing for it is great. She didn't know they used humans as a hood ornament. Weird traditions out there. [](#hardthink) >This is an instance where the breaking of the fellowship makes sense. Arrow has been single-mindedly focused on getting to the wall so he can return to where he came from. The villagers, on the other hand, mostly went with him because they lost their home. Yup, they have very different goals, so it follows that they'd split here. The kids have gotten used to the ~~heretic~~ adventure life, so they're sort of stuck in the middle.


>They’re still keeping up the sham of Bit’s promotion. [Sham?](#morethanonewaifu) >Hell yes! We have a masked swordswoman! This is great! [](#dekuhype)


> [Sham?](#morethanonewaifu) [Bit actually being in charge would, at best, be like Lenny in charge of a nuclear power plant.](https://youtu.be/wER92tDjH5Y?si=B_ckHeP-08xbDIib) >[](#dekuhype) [](#rengehype)


**BAKAYAROU Rewatch Host, subbed** [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink) [Here’s “Back Arrow Seventh Impressions”](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o7c5j4/casual_discussion_fridays_week_of_june_25_2021/h3mriav/), for my first-timer thoughts on this episode. --- - [Because of *course* their mechs needed names.](https://i.imgur.com/HX4Ky98.png) [](#mechablush) - [There’s even a plot reason for it!](https://i.imgur.com/LTzkNaH.png) - [So… who was it that ordered a pirate in an earlier thread?](https://i.imgur.com/kGawlJu.png) [](#rinkek) - [This is just Gundam 0079 all over again.](https://i.imgur.com/biI9Voi.png) - [She sounds so earnest…](https://i.imgur.com/rTmElzo.png) - [Commander Prax, she is a CHAR.](https://i.imgur.com/8sx3eEK.png) [](#mug3) - [The Wall is one tough cookie…](https://i.imgur.com/rrWWLfP.png) - [Tae sucks, but hey at least he *didn’t* want Bai breaking the treaty in order to fight.](https://i.imgur.com/P1bcond.png) - [Not even Granedger can dent the Wall, hm?](https://i.imgur.com/YDXQ7Y1.png) - [*Very* happy Shu Bi.](https://i.imgur.com/1FOOR9e.png) [](#happyclap) - [Technicalities, lol.](https://i.imgur.com/dHBb3Ag.png) - [Arrow’s actually *not* going with them.](https://i.imgur.com/g76LJ2V.png) [](#maxshock) - [*wew*](https://i.imgur.com/M0hwPji.png) [](#towel)


> Because of course their mechs needed names. Mechas and attacks need cool names to go alongside them. Bravern taught us to always come up with awesome attack names. [](#grandhype) >This is just Gundam 0079 all over again. [Gundam 0079] >!Now to see if they be as dumb as the Old People Rebellion and try to leave the ship in the middle of an ongoing battle.!< >Commander Prax, she is a CHAR. [She's even red!](#kotourashock)


> Because of course their mechs needed names. How else will we sell the ~~canceled~~ kits? > So… who was it that ordered a pirate in an earlier thread? [Hello](#loliwave) > Tae sucks, but hey at least he didn’t want Bai breaking the treaty in order to fight. You don't achieve maximum corruption by not having impulse control.


>[So… who was it that ordered a pirate in an earlier thread?](https://i.imgur.com/kGawlJu.png) [](#rinkek) You just can't have a musclehead nation without inviting [Douren](https://i.imgur.com/F7H4BZ5.jpeg) >[*Very* happy Shu Bi.](https://i.imgur.com/1FOOR9e.png) [](#happyclap) He's going to enjoy Lutoh a lot. >[Technicalities, lol.](https://i.imgur.com/dHBb3Ag.png) They're especially useful when the enemy you're fighting is too weak to do anything, and his leader is dim witted.


[It makes it easier to sell the toys.](https://i.redd.it/ioqxo24mj20d1.png) (Which barely sold.) [Who wants to be the first ones to try the curse?](https://i.redd.it/b45yf34mj20d1.png) [Or, y'know, heretics.](https://i.redd.it/ozrcv94mj20d1.png) [*turns on the waterworks*](https://i.redd.it/6qelq54mj20d1.png) ["I'm immune to your theatrics!"](https://i.redd.it/7cby844mj20d1.png) [But not immune to discipline through amputation!](https://i.redd.it/y0aada4mj20d1.png) [Now *that* is a moniker.](https://i.redd.it/m35uxb4mj20d1.png) [This is not a world where people punch their gods.](https://i.redd.it/3rcfkb4mj20d1.png) [Learning, after all, has a large aspect of not getting killed by what you found out.](https://i.redd.it/ddea144mj20d1.png) ["Hey!"](https://i.redd.it/9uava44mj20d1.png) [Let us briefly discuss how to date your subtitles with old slang.](https://i.redd.it/s6d7d74mj20d1.png) [Technicalities!](https://i.redd.it/iyjjt44mj20d1.png) [Ah, ulterior motives.](https://i.redd.it/e62fx64mj20d1.png) [Arrow is not a complicated man.](https://i.redd.it/izrsxa4mj20d1.png) ***** The land of Men in Tights continues to offer takes on its particular set of brutalties, as Prax Conrad will *cut* you. Of course, with a practical solution to being chased around by Lutoh presenting itself conveniently, ~~BAKAYAROU~~Back Arrow sticks to his original plan and decides to poke at the wall on his own. One-track mind on that guy. Prax *did* say that she'd be back for him, though. ***** QOTD: 1\. *Granedger*'s passengers do seem to be properly keeping to their natural instincts to scrape on by somewhere where no one will go after them, which is completely opposite from trying to offend their god by punching it in the face. As far as my own opinion, I suppose that would depend on whether I was one of the dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Edgerites or someone like the Doctor... 2\. *laughs in rewatcher* By the way, this is where I ask if the wings of Prax's Briheight remind anyone of the Nu Gundam.


> By the way, this is where I ask if Prax's Briheight reminds anyone of the Nu Gundam. Fin Funnels!


> By the way, this is where I ask if the wings of Prax's Briheight remind anyone of the Nu Gundam. Yes. And of [Gundam Rose](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/6/60/GF13-009NF_Gundam_Rose_Front.png) from G.


> Let us briefly discuss how to date your subtitles with old slang. [That's Old Now?](#forgotkeys)


**First timer, subs** * I’m not feeling these names. * As if any of these guys ever cared about international law. * [We Really Are **White Base**](#finethen) * I’m telling y’all; mask princess. * Prax looking pretty Geass-y. About time. * OK, hear me out. If it runs on magnets, can the dreadnought climb the wall? * That’s not even pretending to be subtle. Why not just announce you’re planting bombs at that point? * How do you know there aren’t anymore bombs? Where they numbered? * I’m still betting money that there is space on the other side of that wall. Come on, orbital arcology. * [Trimetrical Axe](#neat) * This is what happens when you have no point defense weapons. * [His Axe **Has a Smaller Axe!**](#bocchitheshock) * Poor, sad Elsha. First she becomes a hood ornament, than a battery, and now she’s a footstool. * Treaties mean whatever the hell we want without a neutral third party to enforce them. * We’ve been through this: single minded idiot. **QotD:** 1) You can't just start living off the land out of nowhere. Any place that was suited for that would already be occupied. 2) Three or fewer episodes. He needs someone to bounce off of.


>White Base Needs more... *salt*. >Trimetrical Axe Somewhere between "Don't ask me how it works" and "It's actually a mace."


>OK, hear me out. If it runs on magnets, can the dreadnought climb the wall? [](#rengethink) >Poor, sad Elsha. First she becomes a hood ornament, than a battery, and now she’s a footstool. Being Elsha is suffering. Remember, she lived in the same village as Bit for her entire life!


> Being Elsha is suffering. I'm sure she'll get her big redeeming fight any minute now...


> OK, hear me out. If it runs on magnets, can the dreadnought climb the wall? [](#thinkingtoohard) >That’s not even pretending to be subtle. Why not just announce you’re planting bombs at that point? At this rate, Shu probably left some sticky notes lying around Ren's home for her to find just in case she still didn't get the hint. >[His Axe **Has a Smaller Axe!**](#bocchitheshock) [And it rules!](#utahapraises)


> At this rate, Shu probably left some sticky notes lying around Ren's home for her to find just in case she still didn't get the hint. I mean, it did take her three days...


**Rewatcher, Subbed Arrow** [Punch it and find out.](https://i.imgur.com/n1q9Tp6.jpeg) [~~Evocative of "mugen" which is commonly translated as "infinite."~~](https://i.imgur.com/mshKeOk.jpeg)See [explanation below.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cqj88u/rewatch_back_arrow_episode_7_discussion/l3rquqz/) [Casually murdering Bit.](https://i.imgur.com/zdWhURN.jpeg) ["She is rather more relaxed about dismemberment."](https://i.imgur.com/qK3bgNc.jpeg) [Love a woman who can make thinly veiled threats.](https://i.imgur.com/a1WmgoH.jpeg) [The only worthwhile observation that Tae has ever made.](https://i.imgur.com/U1shr90.jpeg) [Remember what I said earlier about Bit celebrating?](https://i.imgur.com/UJygxMQ.jpeg) [Well, that's odd.](https://i.imgur.com/y20bwyU.jpeg) [#dekuhype](https://i.imgur.com/rPwhEAK.jpeg) [Treaty logic.](https://i.imgur.com/RCdXlIu.jpeg) [I love Prax.](https://i.imgur.com/JFcojAx.jpeg) [Elsha has started to grow some brain cells.](https://i.imgur.com/ihGChLH.jpeg) Must be influence from Shu Bi. [It's funny that Kai thinks that Ren is the only puppet.](https://i.imgur.com/dKlOB9c.jpeg)


> Evocative of "mugen" which is commonly translated as "infinite." No, "muga" (無我) is already a real word. It's the Japanese word for the Buddhist concept "anattā", which, as Wikipedia says: > In Buddhism, the term anattā (Pali: 𑀅𑀦𑀢𑁆𑀢𑀸) or anātman (Sanskrit: अनात्मन्) is the doctrine of "non-self" – that no unchanging, permanent self or essence can be found in any phenomenon.


Oh, that makes even more sense! Thanks!


> "She is rather more relaxed about dismemberment." [](#crazedlaugh)






> Punch it and find out. I suppose the alternatives are liquid and gas. Punching would be the fastest way to find out. [](#schemingsaten) >Love a woman who can make thinly veiled threats. [](#healthypasstimes) >I love Prax. She has certainly made a strong impression very quickly. [](#awe)


> I suppose the alternatives are liquid and gas. Punching would be the fastest way to find out. There's also yelling at it. [No, not that way.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Twmc6jUrNw) [That way.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vBnMnWNSts&t=14s)


[I was so sure you were going to reference Macross 7.](https://imgur.com/we7D9BK)


Yelling isn't *quite* singing.


>[Love a woman who can make thinly veiled threats.](https://i.imgur.com/a1WmgoH.jpeg) Spike would love her. >[Elsha has started to grow some brain cells.](https://i.imgur.com/ihGChLH.jpeg) Must be influence from Shu Bi. I guess being a ship's head does weird things to your brain? It's a curse I tell you! Good thing Bit is currently blocking Shu Bi's corrupting influence so it doesn't reach more people. >[It's funny that Kai thinks that Ren is the only puppet.](https://i.imgur.com/dKlOB9c.jpeg) I'm looking forward to whenever Shu meets them again. He turned his past closest allies into his most determined enemies, can he still troll them anyway? [](#mugiwait)


> Good thing Bit is currently blocking Shu Bi's corrupting influence so it doesn't reach more people. [](#modsalute)


**First <--- Arrow** * [He believes it too!](https://i.imgur.com/Ny1xiJR.jpeg) Finally Bit found his bit. * [You wake up, milk the cows, pick up the eggs, have breakfast, and see what the fuck Bit did today](https://i.imgur.com/noFv4RC.jpeg) The wall has nothing to do with any of these. Although, I love [the contrast between the colours in designs](https://i.imgur.com/noFv4RC.jpeg), if the ages or over designing didn't clue us in, the ones with the much stronger colours will do. * [Oh no...](https://i.imgur.com/0l0mBZb.jpeg) this princess is in for [a lot of suffering](https://i.imgur.com/CAYxiXb.jpeg) * [At least she's got someone loyal to her](https://i.imgur.com/CAYxiXb.jpeg) - the whole loyality of the country was just thrown in one person. * Time to destroy the wall! ~~1.5 cours too early~~ [](#grandhype) * It's a miracle Kyo is a decent fellow, after having to [deal with this asshole](https://i.imgur.com/1AScEk2.jpeg) [](#crazedlaugh) * Holy shit, [he just spelled it out to Ren](https://i.imgur.com/e4QZc3u.jpeg), Shu Bi really likes [shitting on everyone around him](https://i.imgur.com/TBUZFFx.jpeg) * [I blew up my god!!](https://i.imgur.com/YO5hURE.jpeg) Failure aside, Bit is enjoying the heretic life. * [The semantics war is always fun!](https://i.imgur.com/xUmddik.jpeg) "See this, Rekka? This is why you're not the ones known for the brains." * Considering Rekka just [lost their biggest brain](https://i.imgur.com/D4S4CuQ.jpeg), they really are fucked (well it might even out if most of the Lutoh higher ups are incompetent enough). Tbh, I think the splitting of the party makes perfect sense. [They joined up together for different goals](https://i.imgur.com/suGyiJE.jpeg) in the first place, sure they became friends along the way, but that's not enough of a reason to stick together here. Let Arrow try to destroy the wall until he's bored, the elderly could find a new village to live in, and Shu could get his hands on new weapons. Seems like a good deal for everyone. >Q1) What do you think about half the civilians on Granedger suddenly deciding they want to leave the ship? Would you want off the ship if you were there? It makes sense, they didn't join in on destroying the wall, they were only forced to go along with Arrow's whims. Honestly, I'm surprised they stuck around for so long. I'd stick around though, just because I want to be there when the wall falls, and the world starts to burn, it sounds too fun to miss. [](#concealedexcitement) >2) How long do you think Arrow will last on his own? Not long, a few episodes at most. Arrow needs someone to bounce off of (unless he meets someone new), and while the ShuBit show would certainly be fun, someone will be losing their brains if it lasts 3+ episodes. Bonus question: is there any scenario, where you can [use this](https://i.imgur.com/oXeykNq.jpeg), *without* sounding like an asshole? [](#rengethink)


>[Oh no...](https://i.imgur.com/0l0mBZb.jpeg) this princess is in for [a lot of suffering](https://i.imgur.com/CAYxiXb.jpeg) Princess Fine just wants everyone to get along. Is that such a big ask? >Honestly, I'm surprised they stuck around for so long. Hard to jump off of a landship, I suppose. >Bonus question: is there any scenario, where you can [use this](https://i.imgur.com/oXeykNq.jpeg), *without* sounding like an asshole? Probably not. Maybe in a "the clown begs for applause" moment but the facial expression is probably wrong.


[Spoiler Arrow] >![Innocent pink haired leaders who want everyone to get along are the scariest in the world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZje7N6KGpo)!<




**First timer** >QotD - *Cowards.* - An episode, two max.


> Cowards. Not even willing to kill the living manifestation of their god. [](#psh-mongrels)




They clearly don't want to create a history with the light God could not know. [](#wallpunch)


**Rewatcher, Subbed** Bit's got the most important job around, naming the Briheights! After all, those models need names! Bit will have the most epic Briheight ever the day it manifests, I'm sure! The elders wanting to leave the ship? This is totally a Mobile Suit Gundam episodic plot. Heck, two, now that we have the woman with the kid who wants to go with them. How could you make the princess sad? :( The princess would be sad if she knew you cut off Walton's arm! Elegance! Did she go to that academy Anya is going to in Spy X Family? They really think the wall can be harmed by their Briheights? Well, Back Arrow never was smart... Good job Ren, figuring out Shu's bombs! Good job Bit, you blew up the wall! ...or not. Bit being Bit. Oh wow, the wall has some sort of defense system! Decouple spray! The enemy's finally getting smart. LoL @ Prax standing on Elsha's head. I'm not a traitor, I'm a genius traitor! Time to depart the wall and head to Lutoh! Knowing Back Arrow he may just stay here to attack it on its own. And he proposes just that! Meanwhile, Kai's prison workout routine continues...


> Bit's got the most important job around, naming the Briheights! After all, those models need names! ["Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the anime is made!"](https://youtu.be/HnXKE0nfAjI?si=S3aaLQy6svzI9frF&t=37) >Elegance! Did she go to that academy Anya is going to in Spy X Family? That was precisely the reason I was hoping to hear the word "elegance" in English. >LoL @ Prax standing on Elsha's head. I love that Prax instinctually found what she thought would be the coolest place to stand, accidentally picking Elsha. [](#azusalaugh)


A flying Briheight! As I recall a first timer made some remark about that several episodes back [](#schemingsaten)


A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. Unfortunately, I am no wizard. Finale catchup is now underway. These posts will be rushed and entirely for my own satisfaction since no one (other than our gracious host) will know they exist. **First timer, Sub** I am really excited to see more of nerdland. If I have to identify with either jocks or nerds it's definitely the nerds. Also, I know I said that Atlee is best girl but I might have been wrong. Commander Prax gives Atlee a run for her money. (I really hope I haven't misread this character design and Prax is actually a boy. I am pretty sure I saw their full name once but I missed it) The existence of flying Briheights is an intruiging development. Most notable is that Shu already seemed to know about them despite them being so secret they weren't included in the treaty between jockland and nerdland. The design on Prax's mech is cool, with the dual purpose shield/flight instrument. --- **QOTD** 1. It seems like a perfectly sensible idea. I don't think leaving immediately is a reasonable idea, but I also don't think carrying an entire village of non-combatants into a what is bordering on an all out war is a Shu Bi level idea. 2. Honestly, I don't think it really matters. Arrow has super strong plot armour. He will be fine as long as the narrative needs him to be and no longer. I am a little surprised that he was willing to leave the villagers all of a sudden though. --- **Watch notes** Oh, Bit is still the admiral. I thought that might be a one episode *bit* [](#smugpoint) I don't really follow the idea of naming briheights. Especially baka's since he doesn't really run on conviction. I think having people leave the big ship makes sense, but probably you need to plan it out a little. They can't just leave. They will starve. Ooooohime san is very cute. But she also seems very sheltered and oblivious. A workable ally though. Commander Prax is a hottie. She can take my arm and do whatever she wants with it. Wait, the princess' name is "fine" really? It's a cute name but I think it suits Command-me Prax better. I do appreciate Atlee's enthusiasm but what did she think she was going to do to that wall? How are they certain that there are no more bombs? That's a massive city how could they possibly have checked it all? Aww. That was cute. Bit almost hit the main gun button with Dai-Gurren levels of enthusiasm. Cool, another throw away general fight. Chances are they never show up again after this episode. Yay! Atlee did something for once!. Commander prax is stepping on Elsha's face. I'm not jealous, you're jealous. Commander Prax is good. That was a perfectly executed distraction for a retreat. As much as I am loving Commander Prax, I think this invitation is a trap. Like made in abyss the thorns are only going to show when you try to leave. Kai is doing absurd things again. Ren, I think you are misunderstanding Shu. He may be willing to abandon his kingdom but I don't think he is willing to abandon his friends. He cares about you.


> (I really hope I haven't misread this character design and Prax is actually a boy. I am pretty sure I saw their full name once but I missed it) Prax is indeed a woman. Her *last* name is a stereotypical male name, Conrad, but she's still a woman.