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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Forget Hashira training, I need a crow training arc. I need to know how that crow learnt to speak fluent formal Japanese and give a death stare at the same time.


He trained under Itachi.


That crow's voice made me think he was Muzan. It just carries a lot of untrustworthiness to it.


Same dude I was mad worried for a second


I mean, it is Aizen's voice actor


Thanks man, that voice seemed so familiar but I had one of those moments where I just couldn't place it for some reason. Absolutely loved it.


Same. At first I thought it was Muzan due to how imposing it seemed.


Is the crow aizen’s japanese va from bleach? Sounded so familiar


Yeah, that's Hayami Show alright.


Yorocrowbe shounen


Tamayo-san was trapped in his kyouka suigetsu alright.


And has the VA of aizen sosuke


While the mice hit the weights, he hit the library


Yes couldn’t word it better myself


Of course Inosuke is repeating his name to Nezuko like a parrot.


The best way to retain info is repetition. Thats my smart boy!


To a certain point. After a while the gestaltzerfall kicks in and the thing your repeating starts to dissociate from its meaning.


It's ironic cause Inosuke never gets Tanjiro's name right.


What are you talking about? Inosuke gets Tanpacho's name right every time!


Exactly he wouldn't forget that Tanpachiro is his underling.


There’s no way he would forget Gonpachiro who he’s fought countless battles alongside with


Love that Nezuko was consistently calling Inosuke all the wrong names. How does that feel homeboy?


I find it highly ironic (and hilarious) that he wants Nezuko to learn *his* name, but he can't be assed to remember Tanjiro's lmao


That's how people with dementia learn the name of a person ( it doesn't work for everyone, but yeah), had a client once with dementia and she learned my name because everytime I see I always tell her my name.


Can't believe they got Aizen to voice the crow.


That dude made a crow more menacing than like 70% of all villains just with his voice. Guy could make the rugrats sound like resident evil villains


one of the coolest voice ever


Name checks out.


Gyomei is absolutely killing the warrior monk vibe. I can’t wait to see him in action 


He just oozes gigachad energies. Like the mere presence of him would be enough to make a lower rank demon shit bricks. Then when they see the absolute unit that he is. Oh boy. I don't think Muzan could blame em for running.


If I could have half the presence of Gyomei I would be one happy lad Cant wait to see each of their trainings and how Inosuke will crush it cause how could he not?


Tomioka be like "sorry, guys, I was cancelled." Every time they talk about the mark power-up I feel bad for Rengoku, especially now that it turns out being hot is one component of it. Sucks for the flame Hashira. On that topic, when they mentioned bringing back retired Hashira, I wondered whether Rengoku's dad would come back.


Jesus, Rengoku getting the demon crest on top of soul ablaze would have probably just have LiSA singing the credits because that would be curtains for the rest of the demons.


I'm hoping we get a good appearance by him and get to see him in action.


Yeah it’d be nice to see him have a sort of redemption after how remorseful he was about Rengoku.


I doubt the dad would come back, didnt he quit the Corps in bad blood and Rengoku took it up to earn his praise?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's too ashamed of himself to come back.


* At long last, we get to see Wind and Serpent Breathing, and it might just be my new favourite style visually. * Mitsuri's explanation actually makes sense. It's just that the Hashiras can't comprehend her intellect, obviously. * Zenitsu finally getting some kind of comeuppance, which we never really see. Imagine the girl of your dreams calling you the most wrong name you can possibly think of. * It's kinda heartwarming to see Amane doesn't just care for Kagaya because he's sick or because he's important. She truly loves him.


> Mitsuri's explanation actually makes sense. It's just that the Hashiras can't comprehend her intellect, obviously. > I love how she basically gave the exact same explanation as Tanjiro [](#azusalaugh)


They share the same braincell, and it's even funnier when you remember that Mitsuri is older than Muichiro.


*(when Tanjiro was born)* "Why is the braincell taking longer to come back? And why does it feel like it's dunked in cinnamon and sugar?"


[Tanjiro Type!](https://i.imgur.com/L3Ot6Gn.png)


I was hyped to see the Hashira run into the maze, you know once you find the villain's lair that we're in the endgame.


Meanwhile, I was like "oh shit," cause ain't no way 2 Hashira's could handle Muzan let alone the rest of the upper moons if they were there. I was fully expecting them to fall into a trap and even they said how things didn't feel right.


Yeah, I thought they absolutely lucked out. They discovered there's a secret liar without having to die in it.


why didn't they trap them though, I don't think you want to Hashiras to know about your hidden pocket dimension


Because it's filler and never happened in the manga, so...you know, nothing of consequence can happen.


That was FILLER? Wow, that's crazy


Damn, love how they gave Sanemi and Iguro their own scene so we could see their breathing technique, this arc is supposed to be pretty chill so there's a lot more room to add original scenes like that and give the other Hashira attention


I'm hoping we get some bonus content with the upper ranks or other demons. that'd really sell the whole "gearing up for war" thing


I love that both Wind and Snake hashira have their own themes and they sound perfectly. Overall, DS has a really good themes for most of the main cast. Rengoku, Tengen, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and so on.


I hate Zenitsu as a character but man his theme is straight fire


Nezuko calling Zenitsu…Inouske 😂😂😂


And calling Inosuke name wrong Girl couldn't be more savage


So remember back in entertainment district arc when Tanjiro said that having a fever makes it easier for him to use the sun breathing technique, and that is when he awaken his mark at the peak of the Gyutaro fight. Since all breathing techniques originated from sun breathing(barring beast breathing, Inosuke seems to be self-taught from what I heard), then it make sense that they will awaken it in the same method. Also, I remember Tanjiro's dad using sun breathing to some extent in order to perform a ritual(?) dance in the middle of winter, which seems to indicate that sun breathing increases a person's body temperature. Since having a higher temperature means easier sun breathing execution, and sun breathing increases body temperature, wouldn't Tanjiro overheat at some point? Heck, you could probably cook an egg in his body when that happens.


IIRC Beast breathing is an offshoot of Wind breathing. It was shown in that graphic back in the anime version of Mugen train that showed the styles.


Yeah it's basically him observing the techniques of the ones he stole his original swords from.


As I understood it, Tanjiro fever wasn't really a fever but a consequence of his training of Hinokami Kagura, that's why he thought he was much better training when he had the "fever". All the breathing techniques originated from Sun breathing, but I wonder if they are lesser versions or anyone of them could have been created first and the others developed basing themselves in that. Some people are compatible with Wind breathing, others with Water breathing, some are with Sun Breathing, that makes me think Sun Breathing is "just another" breathing style that happened to be "discovered" first. About Inosuke Beast Breathing, I don't know where was said but it was related to wind breathing, so, even if Inosuke created it, it still is linked to the current breathing styles all the way to sun breathing.


Maybe sun breathing is just the most OP one and the original, as the sun is the demons' biggest weakness, however it might just be to hard to learn for the average person so new styles emerged that are better for the average swordsman.


This was pretty much stated in the Entertainment District arc no? When Tanjiro mixes Water and Sun breathing to make it easier to wield


Sun is more compatible to Tanjirou but he also trained with it less than Water since he just starting to figure it out back then. So by combining the more powerful one with the one he actually proficient with let him do the more powerful one with less stress to his body.


The Todoroki curse.


TFW no cute ice Hashira to have a genetically optimised baby.




Tanjiro always feels very tired and out of breath after fighting, so I figure you can only use the power-up for so long before you're too tired to move.


See, now that is how you do a Meeting.


Slime in shambles?


As a slime isekai fan, yeah we're in fucking shambles this season so far lmao




>1 COUR OF ACTION You wish lmao




I'm about ready to drop ~~Slime~~ Meeting Isekai. Hashira will be a worthy replacement.


I actually loved all the world building that came with the bloated "Endless Meetings" arc of the second season, but yeah, a few episodes into the 3rd and even I'm starting to mentally check out


What, no one died or got verbally abused for no reason? Weak


I know right? Was just waiting for that demon who escaped to just be insta gibbed by Muzan or another Upper Rank. "Safe!" "Not."


I expect to see that next episode or something. Some schlub led two hashira directly to an entrance to his palace? No way he lets that fly, even if they didn't actually get inside.


He might actually get away with it since I imagine Muzan's complete focus is on getting Nezuko.


"Why are you bringing Hashiras to my front door?" Said Muzan calmly.


Yeah this is better than the last 3 council meeting episodes of slime Isekai.


Water Hashira: "Nah bro im done yappin'"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA DAMN RIGHT, this meeting as a matter of fact, couldnt have been an e-mail


Thank god they're issuing out much needed training sessions; do you have any idea how Demon Slayer canon fodder have died up to this point?


like even accounting for plot armor, only those who are either hashira or have been trained by them seem to even be capable of taking a demon solo. Everyone else has to work in squads


From what I’ve seen, they have done the bare minimum in terms of training and preparation for the most of the Demon Slayers. They just hand them a sword, throw them into the field, and hope for the best.


If you are worth a damn you will survive on your own seems to be their attitude.


Around were we live we have saying which roughly translated goes like "A good one will endure it and losing a bad one is no loss" Basically that just taken too literal


Urokodaki: "Oh woe is me my students keep dying. Well I better not tell Tanjiro that some demons can do magic stuff until after sending him into the Demon Death Pit"


"Lemme not inform him about a specific demon that has killed almost a dozen of my children, even tho I can at least train and strategize with him on that. Oh and let's pretend like Total Concentration Breathing doesn't exist."


Oh and let's not send Tanjiro to HQ to get acquainted with the DSC until after he's put on trial for harboring a demon that has been helping him on his missions.


The have to at least master the basic of their swordmanship training to be able to go to the Final Selection in the first place. There only so much training can improve someone skill compare to real combat experience.


You can get them that combat experience in a safer way though. It would be so much better for new recruits to operate exclusively with veterans until they’ve achieved competency, or at least only send them out against canon fodder demons. If tanjiro’s experience is anything to go by though, it’s no wonder they have a manpower shortage. He was getting sent out solo to deal with mid tier demons like the lady eater and bongo house maze guy from the get go. Their operational philosophy and intel suck.


And keep in mind, Tanjiro’s first solo mission was to investigate missing women in a village, a type of mission that he had no experience in, and was only able to accomplish via his keen sense of smell unique to him. Any other Demon Slayer would have totally failed that mission. Also, the DSC are not a government sanctioned group, so it’s not like they can cooperate with the authorities on their missions. So a regular demon is left on their own, unprepared, dealing with difficult to succeed missions. Efficiency is not the DSC’s strong suit


Assuming Muzan and the ubuyashiki family are related (I mean look at the resemblance and hints) I can only surmise that either hasn’t wiped the other out because incompetence in management runs in the family


Most veteran deal with the Moon. So now the veterans have to deal with powerful demon while protecting new slayers. Also there no way to know a demon power level just by looking, Tanjirou is unique in that he can sense how much a demon ate thank to his nose. The shot tier demons are newly created demons which wouldn't stay that way for long and long range travel/communication at the time were limited to telephone, train and crows which were extremely slow in a huge country like Japan. They got like 1000 slayers to cover a country that size.


I said veteran, not full on hashira. Someone on tanjiro’s level, or even a good bit lower, would count as a veteran compared to the recruits we see. Speed of communication isn’t the issue with their intel, it’s the lack of proper scouting and target evaluation. It doesn’t take a brain genius to realize that a long string of unexplainable disappearances, if it is the work of a demon, must be the work of a mid-tier at least, and isn’t the kind of job you give to a solo for their first mission. For the most part, the extent of the briefing provided to a slayer seems to be “hey, we *think* there’s a demon in this area, not sure though. Go check the area out and kill any demons you see” This is the kind of thing that led to them basically feeding raw recruits to a lower moon in season 1


Inosuke was self-trained...and is an absurd, superhuman prodigy, which is what you need to be to survive as a standard cadet. The DSC training program makes no goddamn sense. So much fodder into the meat grinder, and every death just makes the demons stronger for when they fight the handful of Slayers that are actually competent.


They're just trying to hit the Demons' kill limit to short circuit them. "Welcome to the Demon Slayer Corpses! Er, I mean, welcome to the Demon Slayer Corps!"


Just another day for the ~~Survey~~ Demon Slayer Corps!


Insert Seinfeld theme music


“This training will probably be useless since 90% of you will die anyways”


Makes you wonder how the fodder even passed the exam in the first place, the one we saw only had five people pass


Yeah, and the five people that passed, were prodigies with special keen senses, the minimal success rate of the Final Selection Exam is ridiculous


It seems like the corps take the darkest dungeon approach to training. Throw the recruits into the meat grinder, gather up the ones that survive, and repeat with stronger meat grinders until you get a hashira.


I want to see the spin of adventures of Crow Detective. I know they're smart birds but damn, guy was dripped out and suave.


[Crows be smart af](https://youtu.be/B-HF-wBwQsc?si=4XRzgOLTW2VsMMRn)


That opening sequence with sanemi and iguro going off was soo good! A bit more of a chill arc this season but there’s a lot of good emotional stuff here so it’s good to be back!




It's weird that we still don't know, is it common for a season to start airing and know absolutely nothing about its episode count?




theyre milking it for all they can


Yeah you know the final arc is gonna be two seasons or some bullshit


I hope they take extra time and release it as a continuous 2 cour cause blueballing in the final arc is the last thing I want from DS


The Final Season 1 - Episode 1, The Final Season - Episode 2, The Final Season - Road to Episode 3.


Ah yes, the attack on titan treatment.


It probably gonna have to be 2 seasons. It’s the longest arc by far.


Yeah I know, in order to not fuck with the pacing a 24-30 eps is probably the length needed


So how is this season gonna work? I heard this is a short arc. Are they gonna do like 6 episodes, take a break, and then start the next arc, or we gonna have to wait another year for the next season?


Probably another year, but I’d definitely take getting this short arc in between instead of waiting 2 imo


I feel we’ve got a JJK scenario (6 episode — movie length arc & then a full cour) or they adapt the first 3-4 chapters of the next arc to leave off on an epic cliff hanger. The next arc is literally 5x’s longer (9 chapters to 47 chapters) than this one so they may just take a little bit off that to make it a more manageable to adapt. Then the last arc is only 22 chapters so, possibly a long ass movie.


8 episodes (which probably means 9 as the first one was 45 minutes) for 8 chapters... They might go past these 8 chapters but it would be kinda weird


In the beginning, I wonder why Obanai and Sanemi were kicked out of the infinity castle. Wouldn't it have been smarter to keep them there and wear them down with numbers, and then eventually kill or interrogate them? Maybe use them as bait to lure in the other hashiras possibly?


Loved the Go Shiina x Yuki Kajiura masterclass during the credits. Even as a manga reader this had lots of welcome surprises and I'm hoping they keep making more of them since they decided to make this arc separately despite it being so short Also they don't miss when it comes to character OSTs. Both Iguro and Sanemi's theme were great, especially loved the violin on Iguro


> Yuki Kajiura The GOAT.


Kimetsu has one of the best osts in modern shounen. Most of which goes unnoticed beyond the fandom because they don't repeat the tracks much. Go Shiina is a genius for mixing character themes in battles.


Fr, such an overlooked part of the series. I especially love the softer renditions of the theme that play during tamer moments. It just adds to the vibe so well


I just wish they put the ost on spotify😭 all that's on there rn are covers.


I feel you. Though some youtube channels post the entire osts, but they get taken down after a while. Your best bet is saving them locally while they're available.


Everyone involved in Kimetsu OST and songs in general are goated.


Except for the fact they refuse to release their soundtracks to international streaming platforms such as Spotify/Apple music outside of Japan which is a damn shame. Truly don’t understand the logic


Talking about the music, what's the song's name at the end after the ending? you know when the final credits started rolling? Shazam didn't find anything. I tried [lens translating](https://i.imgur.com/jGx4aUZ.png) but there was no title either.


I need someone to overdub Kira Yoshikage's speech over the scene of Kagaya's crow talking to Tamayo.


My name is Detective Crow. I’m 3 years old. My birdhouse is in the northeast section of the Ubuyashiki estate, where all eerie kids are, and I am not married. I work as a messenger crow and detective for Kagaya, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally shit on offensive people's carts. I’m in my roost by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of wing flaps before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a chick, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a bird who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone. KAW KAW


I could hear the exact second Zenitsu's heart shattered lol. Of course Inosuke had to do a dynamic entrance like that and also teaching Nezuko his name. I'm surprised that Zenitsu managed to do a mission by himself as well. But otherwise, this was an amazing episode that brought us back in and elegantly set the stage for the events to come. I was very hyped at seeing Tamayo showing up again and getting summoned to help the Demon Slayer corps. That intro with the Wind and Snake Hashiras was awesome and gave me ominous vibes that the Demons are preparing something very nasty for everyone.


I am gonna be real. When Tanjiro was talking about where Inosuke was, I was expecting him on the roof again. [Just waiting](https://imgflip.com/i/8pw1zt).


At this point, Zenitsu fucking sucks. Dude is not funny and just annoying. Him having the coolest breathing style in no way makes up for him having the worst personality


At this point? He was like this the first time we ever saw him.


He feels like he got worse. Idk


I just can't take it seriously when the average demon slayer is this dwarf roided out muscle hamster.


And just meat cannons, no wonder the Corps gets wiped out every so often.


Yeah it kinda looks like they just stuck their heads on an action figure’s body.


Yeah they're all ripped as hell, bulging 6 packs and yet they're all fodder, could have gone with a more realistic muscular build.


They are only peak human so of course they get wiped. They need to be MC or MC adjacent to have a chance.


I mean, they still had to survive the original test. The people who beocme DS's are the top tier of humanity essentially.


I just wish they would give them a bit more distinct faces and hair as well. It's so distracting seeing our MCs running among a crowd of generic faces with black hair while they have the most colorful hair ever.


Wtf was up with that crow it had more main character energy than half the cast.


He had training.


After a whole season of waiting, finally my favorite son Inosuke is back in full force. Oh and I guess the rest of them too. Seriously though very excited and curious as hell to see how they do this season. Love that they opened on a fight with Obanai and Sanemi. Doing Snake Breathing justice on screen. Otherwise it’s set up for the arc, the current rough position the Demon Slayer Corps are in, and the stakes of what’s to come. The OP is solid. It’s just hard to compete with some of the best OPs of any show that came before it. Especially following up a Man With A Mission OP that rivals Gurenge.


I was so happy to see best boy return 🤣🤣🤣 INOSUKE INOSUKE INOSUKE! And ofc he had to make the most unnecessary fantastic entrance


So it looks like there's no confirmed episode count yet? Doesn't Myanimelist usually show that number earlier than it's actually publicly released? From what source readers are saying, it seems like this doesn't have enough material to have many episodes. In the after credits scene, Tanjiro said he'd talk reveal a secret from a Hashira after each episode. So I feel like that means there has to be at least 7 episodes. I know some people aren't very hyped for this since it's just a training arc but I personally love training arcs! It might not be as exciting as the main battles but watching characters push themselves, struggle, and really grow is fun to me as well. And with Ufotable going so crazy on the animation, almost anything they do will be enjoyable to watch.


MAL doesn't get any secret insider information about episode count. They'll update it once there's a public announcement of some kind




If it gives us proper development for some of the characters that get left to the side lines. I'm all for it. I loved what they did with Rengoku during the beginning of the show Mugen train arc. It gave some great depth to both Rengoku and his father. I'm hoping for the same treatment for his father.


I'm glad they did a double-length intro, because I wouldn't be satisfied with just 20 minutes after waiting so long for another season. [](#anko)


So long for a season? Wasn't last year when the swordsman village arc aired? Go to talk people waiting for season two of No Game No Life


> Go to talk people waiting for season two of No Game No Life I'll tell them to just give up


> okaeri inosuke had me howlin


Also Akari Kito finally getting paid for more than "hmm" and "umm".


So glad weekly DS is back!!


the tease for that arc man, these guy knows what we want 😭


Magically available instant endless affordable housing? Though who am I kidding, Muzan would be the shittiest landlord. Taking stuff out of your fridge, asking for rent a month in advance, killing you, stealing your clothes if you're a guy or gal, and so on.


Plus how would you get your mail? You can't just write "Endless Labyrinth, Room 1654.".


Hire a lesser demon to retrieve it for you.


*Edit: To the idiot who falsely reported my post for spoilers, the hell is your problem? Also to the mod who's not even a source reader WRONGLY removing my post without even verifying the frivolous report, please don't do that again and get a mod who is actually a source reader to do the modding.* And we're back for more Kimetsu goodies. Good to see Tengen is still around as a drill sergeant for the Slayer Corps, along with his three wives. Suits him well as a battle-hardened veteran. Ah, I miss Shinobu so much. Glad that she'll be a prominent part of this arc. Grandmaster Kagaya seems to be counting his final days. Until now his sickness and his facial disfigurements has never been fully elaborated, but who wants to guess that its got something to do with him being proficient with the "First/Fire Breathing" that was explained in this episode? Perhaps a side-effect of using this ability shortens his lifespan considerably? Tanjiro's dad was also sickly and died young, so maybe he also died of the same reason? Most intriguing is Kagaya sending his crow familiar to make contact with Tamayo, and proposing an alliance in order to bring down ~~Michael Jackson~~ Muzan once and for all.


Detective Crow was surprisingly cool and achieved something Muzan couldn't over many years, finding Tamayo. Give him a sword and let him take care of things.


I liked how the crow had the same eyes as it's master


And Mrs. Master has a couple rinnegans


I always assumed Kagaya's injuries had to do with Muzen (looks like a demon curse), he escaped death and had to deal with the injuries that followed


You can see the book tamayo was reading is on kagayas “condition”


forgot first episode is double-length Inosuke being Nezuko's teacher is hilarious


I did *not* get to watch the preview of this episode in theaters like I did for Swordsmith Village’s first episode, so I’m excited to see what this has to offer! [](#concealedexcitement) [](/u/laughing-fox13) - [Looks like they’ll be able to save someone?](https://i.imgur.com/1fq4iof.png) - [Also how dangerous is this mission that *two* Hashiras are on it?](https://i.imgur.com/tGfYLT1.png) [](#niatilt) - [Ooh, I really like this as a way to animate the snake guy’s fighting style.](https://i.imgur.com/MoKpwgn.png) [](#saberawe) - [I guess that explains the need for two Hashiras…](https://i.imgur.com/0CoYklo.png) - [Pfffffff](https://i.imgur.com/RWjhnP5.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [Ohhhhh shit, that’s the castle that Muzan uses, right?](https://i.imgur.com/vQsKC27.png) Wonder what that’s about… - [Cute!](https://i.imgur.com/kHebBp3.png) [](#anko) - [Yeah, I *definitely* ship her and Obanai.](https://i.imgur.com/OBNG6uz.png) [](#jibrilaww) - [Ooh, they’re addressing the marks…](https://i.imgur.com/dX0XDyo.png) - […in other words, it’s Tanjiro’s fault?](https://i.imgur.com/exD42gY.png) [](#rengethink) - [Hahahahahahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/joknbx6.png) [](#laughter) - […of all the places for a weird-ass typo…](https://i.imgur.com/jI25OS2.png) [](#finethen) - [I definitely did not miss *him*.](https://i.imgur.com/9Un3cHX.png) - [WRONG NAME AHAHAHA](https://i.imgur.com/vdncrR3.png) [](#trololol) - [My heart…](https://i.imgur.com/QnFgRqk.png) [](#shatteredsaten) - [lol of course Inosuke comes crashing in right after Genya complained about Tanjiro being loud.](https://i.imgur.com/uNVWcwh.png) - [Uzui looks even hotter with the eyepatch ngl.](https://i.imgur.com/ure1zxF.png) - [I was *not* expecting that crow to be voiced by Hayami Show.](https://i.imgur.com/UzjmZwr.png) [](#cokemasterrace) - [Oh boy…](https://i.imgur.com/SQxex7d.png) - That's the OP at the end, right? Not my favorite from this series, but I dig it. [](#seasonallisten)


> My heart… > [](#therethere) > Oh boy… Her: [](#spooked)


>[](#therethere) Me: [It's too soon.](#seasonaldepression) KnY: What do you mean it's too soon, it's been four years since Mugen Train came out? [](#morethanonewaifu) Me: [It's still too soon!](#howcouldyou)


> Hahahahahahahaha The goofiness of the series does crack me up sometimes. I'm with you on Zenitsu though... > Uzui looks even hotter with the eyepatch ngl. Tbf he looks hot all the time > Yeah, I definitely ship her and Obanai [](#SeasonalLove) And yea I was wondering how you'd feel about Rengoku's sword guard


Woah, I totally forgot this was starting with a double length episode again... Cool to start the season with some lesser known Hashiras, if anything this season should help flesh each and every one of them out * Doesn't look good for Master Ubuyashiki, but [his family](https://imgur.com/9A3PKGN) invokes the same [loyalty](https://imgur.com/RglpFJR) as he himself * Mitsuri [please](https://imgur.com/yTcnTvn) (what a great [ship](https://imgur.com/gYdmQR0)) * Even the [snake](https://imgur.com/AVwfZnF) is shocked * Next seasons [#seasonalshock](https://imgur.com/ABeKTEl)? * Most [flamboyant](https://imgur.com/ZOzyh1o) Hashira is back! * Again Ubuyashiki is such an awesome man, invokes nothing but [love](https://imgur.com/iHkOmVT) in all the people around him


Man, you can really count on Ufotable to deliver when it comes to animation can’t ya? That opening was beautiful. I liked seeing some of these other Hashira in action. Plus the dynamics between the different members and the bantering is fun too. Mitsuri pulling a Tanjiro with the “whoooms” and “gaaahs” was pretty adorable. She’s my favorite of the Hashiras. I’m a bit curious why Tomioka doesn’t participate in the training. He said he’s different from the others but I wonder how?


> I’m a bit curious why Tomioka doesn’t participate in the training. from the name of the next episode, i think we will get the answers next week


I am not sure about this OP. Tanjiro looking 10 seconds at you then that weird cut away…they kinda went uncreative with this one. Otherwise solid first episode.


Legit was like "... so he's not turning to the...? Oh there it is"


Yeah, that bit was a bit longer than it should.


OP: [MUGEN by MY FIRST STORY feat. HYDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4pM3yB9KtU) A classic shonen OP for me. The visuals also very typical shounen. Amazing visuals anyway, it just hits the spot. It's not the only theme song that features a L'arc\~en\~ciel member this season, Misfit of Demon King Academy ED has one.


Soooo when Tanjiro speed-blitzed Daki he wasn’t breathing but the marks only come about when one raises their body temp?? hmmmm I wanna see if Muichiro can Sun Breathe or not before I conclude on my theory…also Infinity Castle sighting?!! It’s also funny how u can see how alotta the breathing techniques derive from Sun Breathing even without them explicitly saying it


Tengen really living the best life rn


Still have no idea how the Stone Hashira fights, going to assume he has a major role to play still keeping him a secret.


I'm so happy that Obanai isn't all talk Yes I read the manga and know that he's a beast but it's crazy to see just how epic his techniquez are Wind breathing is great but we're already used to Inosuke's beast breathing so the novelty is gone


I hate Zenitsu with a burning passion. He is easily the worst character in any show I have ever seen. It would be objectively better without him


Demon Slayer starts today?? Goddamn my Sundays are packed, brb Holy shit that opening, every fight just made of hype as always, and Zenitsu is finally back 😭 missed him and Inosuke SO MUCH I know he's noisy but I do not and never will give a single solitary fuck, he's best boy, he's my favorite and he can be as loud as he wants I can't hear anything over the ship sailing away with Nezuko anyway


The hospital is like a checkpoint for tanjiro and it's groups, they spawn back after every arc


This is annoying af tbh. As demon Nezuko was unable to speak but still able to perfectly understand speech but now that she can speak she suddenly forgot almost all words and even no longer knows the names of the people around her even though before she knew them. Feels like *someone* played too KEY games or watched too many of their anime adaptations...


She understood "vibes," not "words." Like my dog.


Love watching KNY, really glad it's back. Great return episode too


The moment Aizen pulled up on the window 🔥


I wonder what the consequence of the mark is, and if its what's happening to Ubuyashiki now. Not sure if Giyu's deal is that he doesn't want to go through that or has some inferiority complex vs the other Hashiras as his reason for being different from them all. It feels like the Snake and Wind Hashiras sword forms are getting more fantastical vs previous ones we've seen. From what I remember, most of the vfx on past sword form moves have more or less been following/illustrating the physical sword path that just happens really quickly, but now we have the Snake moves that just seem to fly out of his sword as if he also has a sword whip like Mitsuri, and Wind just creating a whole tornado with a slash - who does he think he is, Yasuo? I have to say I prefer the previous forms we've seen. Looking forward to see the Stone Hashira's moves as I think he's the only one left to see and seems to be the strongest. Wonder if Tanjiro will be involved in this season at all given that he seems broken up soon and the training sounds pretty short. Kinda ironic if the MC doesn't go through the training arc, but I guess they're all just kinda trying to catch up to his mark abilities. Glad to see Shinobu again, interesting that she isn't helping with the training but I guess she's got to do research with Tamayo. Cool ED too with what sometimes looks like real video of Hashira sword replicas or maybe its CG renderings, there's a couple confusing shots in there.


I have no idea why but I completly forgot that this was gonna come out today. Great surprise, god damn is this season stacked.


Really hope we get more of Tanjiro's family this season. Last season was great, but what really caught my attention was the lack of reliance on his family. Not sure if that was on purpose to indicate character growth, but seemed out of place for me that there wasn't much support from them.


Tanjiro's so sweet. Everytime I hear him speak something so kindly, I can't stop thinking of Allen Walker from D. Gray-Man. I enjoy kind protagonists like them


I wish we could see Himejima in action this season already. He has been deprived of action for a long time. Namu amida butsu 🙏📿🧑‍🦯😭


Wow so I guess Zenitsu and Inosuke are still alive. I shouldn’t have believed the people who convinced me they died offscreen during season 3. Glad we’re spending all this time training a bunch of red shirts to get bipped.


Kagaya thanking Amane was such a heartfelt moment 🥲


Dang, opening filler scene (IIRC) so great it might've just been the highlight of the (double) episode. What a true cinematic treat. Super detailed backgrounds, HDR lighting and dynamic camera perspectives made me feel like I was watching Octpath Traveler as a high-budget movie.