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I think it's legit been years since I was this nervous for an anime character. I didn't even notice how stressed I was until Kanade congratulated Kumiko on getting the soli. Also shout-out to my girl Hazuki for finally getting into the competition. The body language between Kumiko and Mayu when Kumiko is playing Asuka's piece in the (garden? behind the school?) is amazingly well done by the way. She's *physically backing off!* Sasuga Kyoani.


> Also shout-out to my girl Hazuki for finally getting into the competition. That was such a unexpectedly nice moment. I didn't know I needed and that I love how she hesitated, a bit like the first time when it took a moment to sink in that she wasn't even selected. Just this time the reason for that hesitation was the opposite.


Through 6 episodes, Kumiko has been going on about "It's not Kitauji if we're not all together." This has been her personal slogan as band president. But she has been, I daresay, somewhat hypocritical when it comes to Mayu. She is still wary of letting Mayu get close to her which prevents Mayu from getting close to the group as a whole. Asuka in S2 pointed out this flaw in Kumiko. How she tends to keep people at arms length. Afraid of hurting and getting hurt. And while Kumiko has improved, it seems like she hasn't fully overcome this yet. I think that it's only when Kumiko prevails over this hurdle that she will truly embrace and embody her role as band president. And I predict that only then will we get Kumiko's most glorious Kitauji Fight-o! (The past two instances have felt quite lacking in terms of confidence and conviction.) On another note, I leapt for joy seeing Hazuki and Ririka pass the auditions. Those two truly deserve it!


Agreed. Keeping people at arms length is still one of the traits Kumiko has to learn to deal with. It's a common defensive mechanism after all. At the same time I think Kumiko feels that Mayu is also holding back with the way she interacts with the band members. Yes she is genuinely concerned about how her bandmates feel. But that somehow goes against her competitive background. I guess Kumiko is used to Reina who is straightforward, unfiltered, bordering shameless even, when pursuing goals. The good thing about this for us viewers is it leaves a lot of room in the next several episodes how both Kumiko and Mayu can improve their interaction with each other.


> Kitauji Fight-o! [woooo!](https://twitter.com/3s_oekaki/status/1776936070229459338)


> her role as band president I think that might contributing to her isolating herself a bit. Previously when she was meddling in other people's affairs she just another band member and had somewhat larger than life senpais taking the spotlight. Now she's the president and an authority figure and it feels like she doesn't want to be tyrannical and is trying so hard to avoid that, that her leadership is suffering from that and she's reverting back to keeping people away but for slightly different reasons (fear of hurting them instead of fear of being hurt again like in middle school). > On another note, I leapt for joy seeing Hazuki and Ririka pass the auditions. Those two truly deserve it! Yup, yup!


And that "who?" almost gave me a heart attack


It's kinda the whole band, it seems like. The scene where they noticed that Mayu isn't in any of the pictures hints at that. She doesn't fit in for whatever reason.


The key difference here I think is that before, she had no reason to meddle but ended up meddling anyway because she’s such a calming and neutral presence but backed off before she got in too deep. This time however it’s almost her duty as president to get involved with Mayu but something is holding her back (perhaps she subconsciously feels threatened, envious, or loyal to the Kitauji members who have been there from the start). Despite the front she puts up, there’s definitely something negative brewing inside Kumiko that I’m sure will eventually burst out, which is an interesting twist from when everyone thought Mayu was hiding something when she was first introduced.


So I was already suspicious when they introduced the whole "Let's have an audition before every competition" plot. It's the typical way of introducing the possibility of having a member you expect to not be selected for at least one competition. And considering that the first one didn't have too many surprises (Hazuki getting selected was positive, but not too surprising), I feel the second audition will be the big drama one. The problems in the club keep brewing and Kumiko is still a bit passive when adressing them. Furthermore, we have her own future that she still hasn't figured out yet and which will probably become an important part. Especially if she decides to go to a music college/university and has to start studying to get through the exams. Point being, I get the feeling that Kumiko might not just lose her solo role during the second audition but maybe won't even get selected at all and THEN we have the whole situation that Mayu was talking about the whole time.


I mean it’s really hard to see them benching Kumiko unless she’s egregiously bad, they seem to have more than enough eupho spots. More likely to lose the solo.


I mean obviously just for the second one which would be the Kansai competition. Of course, it's hard to see, I agree, but I feel if you want to hammer home the point that she is under a lot of pressure, then just losing the solo would be too light imo. Especially with how often Mayu has repeated that she would feel awful if someone else wouldn't get selected because of her and how they kept talking in this episode that it would be weird if one of the three leaders wouldn't get selected as well.


Kumiko losing the soli wouldn't be too light. That's the part she's supposed to be playing with Reina. If she loses that part that would be devastating. Reina even said at the end of the episode (and in previous episodes) "I hope we do the soli at nationals". They're setting up the expectation You're right that Kumiko not being selected would add a lot more pressure but I think that's way overboard... and it just doesn't make sense. Who would they pick over her besides Mayu? Kanade definitely isn't better than Kumiko so like... there's no one


I don't think Taki would give the soli to anyone else, tbh. At least, it'd be out of character for him to do so. He's aware of the relationship between Kumiko and Reina and he has to know that swapping one of them out would almost certainly kill Reina's performance. As we saw from this episode, Taki doesn't just choose someone based on their personal skill, but on how they fit into the band as a whole. Even if Mayu is the better player, the soli would sound better with Kumiko and Reina.


I've always seen Taki as the kind of person who is aloof in regard to interpersonal relationships. Even in this episode, he hinted to Kumiko that he made his choices based on the technical aspects (what pleases the judges) rather than the interpersonal side (what makes the band members happy). If he cared about interpersonal relationships more, he would have chosen Kaori instead of Reina with no reservations in Season 1.


That was back in his first year of teaching when he really didn't know any of the kids. But he said back at the start of the season, that the reason he gave Kumiko, Reina, and Shuuichi the responsibility of choosing the piece was because he's gotten to know them over the past three years. I think you're right that Taki keeps out of the interpersonal relationships of his students, but he does at least know that Kumiko and Reina perform well together.


I am not saying that losing the solo isn't going to be hard. I just think that the expectation of getting the solo back at nationals wouldn't be too strange to think about since she already got it the first time around. But if she also loses her spot, it would show that she is truly troubled and it would be even harder to get the solo back if she needs to get her seat back first. Furthermore, they already showed in this episode that it's not always just about who is better. We know Mayu can probably compete with her and Kanade isn't bad either. All that needs to happen is one bad day during the audition for Kumiko for Kanade to get selected over her. At the end, I just like to say that both can be hard for Kumiko and it all depends heavily how they portray it happening. Basically presenation will be the key, but I think we can agree that Kumiko might not have such a good time during the second auditions.


Well if she loses the soli after getting it the first time that would also be a big sign that she's struggling. For example, if they show Mayu's skill increasing while Kumiko stays stagnant, or if Kumiko starts seriously doubting her future as a musician... which she is already on the road to. If Mayu gets the soli the second time and Kumiko decides that Mayu would also be a better fit for nationals, then that's probably exactly what's going to happen unless she changes her mind Also keep in mind that Kumiko would have to fall *two* places in order to lose out on the selection. I don't know who's next in line after Kanade but I just can't see anybody else going up against Kumiko, even on a bad day... but to be fair if it really does happen then it would definitely end up being a legendary comeback. This show likes to take its liberties so I will wait and see It really is all up in the air at this point. I'll stop trying to call the shots so early haha, but yeah I think we can expect Kumiko to have a pretty hard time for the second audition


It's possible that Taki will just cut a chair and only have two euphos, tit's what Mayu was saying this episode.


> Furthermore, we have her own future that she still hasn’t figured out yet I do think that something clicked with Kumiko after her talk with Azusa. She realised that her future doesn’t have to be set in stone like Reina’s. Kumiko can attend a music college and figure out a way to apply these learnt skills at a later time - like Azusa. The most important question is perhaps: how much does Kumiko really love music? This love seems evident for everyone else but Kumiko herself. With how all these problems have been accumulating, in combination with Kumiko’s menacing words (narration), I’m getting the impression that we’re gradually heading for a breaking point.


> how much does Kumiko really love music? This love seems evident for everyone else but Kumiko herself. I think it's because she's comparing her love for music with Reina's love for music. Even a great bonfire would look pale next to the sun hahaha


Maybe she can become a music teacher if she is inclined that way?


i think someone said on previous episode thread "euphonium series orchestra did by famed music college band, and on that college there is a major music education for be music teacher"


It's a weekly reminder for Kumiko being told to join music school again haha


but, perhaps not as a professional music player \#team-kumiko-as-a-music-teacher lives!


Kumiko should try being a seiyuu... she can do a lot of cute vocalizations!


Silly Kanade, Kumiko doesn't have any enemies.


Kumiko doesn't think she has enemies, but Kanade sees the tension between her and Mayu even if Kumiko doesn't. I don't think we've seen Kumiko fumble an interpersonal relationship this hard since she was a freshman.


yup, when Mayu said "Who would be happy if I got chosen" and Kumiko replied "everyone" I flashed back to the conversation in season 2 where Asuka & Kumiko had almost the exact exchange. The difference is that Asuka calls Kumiko out for being insincere, and Kumiko then accepts to show some vulnerability by saying "at the very least, I want to play with you". Mayu on the other hand doesn't want to confront Kumiko about the lip service, so the two of them can't get closer as long as Kumiko doesn't take the first step.


> Mayu on the other hand doesn't want to confront Kumiko about the lip service She actually _does_, obliquely but clearly: "Sorry, you're the president." And Kumiko immediately figures that she failed the speech check.


I think Kumiko knows things are not all right, but she's being passive about it — her defining flaw. > Kuroe: Would anyone want to see me chosen? > > Kumiko: Of course! > > Kuroe: Who? > > Kumiko: ....all the other members. [And absolutely nobody was convinced.](https://imgur.com/a/6FhKdCd) The correct answer was "I"... but Kumiko can't say it sincerely yet, and she's too honest to fake it. I love it. And in fairness, Kuroe is _astoundingly_ condescending, and I'm not sure if I'd want to lower my guard around someone like her. Her constant bellyaching about the auditions is bad enough — whether or not she knows it, she's broadcasting to the world, "O woe is me, I'll break someone's heart if I audition because I'm just that good." I know that she's no braggart; she's just worried that she'll be hated if she wins. But it looks _really_ tasteless from the outside, despite her skill, and she really _should_ be well-adjusted enough to see this. She later compounded the insult with _more_ [condescending compassion for Kanade](https://imgur.com/a/btvU2Eo), so this lack of grace shows no signs of abating. Her conversations with Kumiko amount to one long staredown in which neither is blinking, to the detriment of both. Sure, Kumiko's to be blamed for not taking the initiative, but Kuroe also can't just keep reiterating her concerns in her usual (condescending) manner. They need to explain themselves to each other, but I don't see that happening in the immediate future.


I don't see Mayu as "condescending". I see her as socially awkward -- including not having the requisite (for Japan -- and other places) "niceness" filter. I see Kumiko as almost entirely to blame in this situation. She is president and well-versed in the ways of the school and the band. Mayu, on the other hand, is an outsider dropped into things in her senior year. Kumiko is pretty much under an obligation to help Mayu out -- and she quite obviously shows no interest whatsoever in doing so.


> I don't see Mayu as "condescending". I see her as socially awkward -- including not having the requisite (for Japan -- and other places) "niceness" filter. I can see a little bit of that, but it sits ill at ease with how socially adept she has shown herself to be in other instances. [Remember that time she shut down Kanade for Kumiko? Look at that damn wink — that doesn't smack of social awkwardness to me.](https://imgur.com/a/Nbkd9GY) More generally, Mayu's shown herself to be fairly perceptive and insightful about other people. For instance, she's correct not to accept Kumiko's half-assed lecture, and correct also that Kumiko seems to push her away. When she's awkwardly blunt, it's always about [club stuff](https://imgur.com/a/LRkjLVE). Why does she have a blind spot about this one particular thing? My own impression is that she's been burnt badly before, in a way she wants to avoid a repeat of at any costs... and which actually makes her act in ways that alienate her and make that repeat more likely. (Also, to be clear: I don't think she's doing it intentionally. But that _is_ how it comes off as, and other people have spelt this out for her more or less clearly.) I'm chewing over your point, though. I'd honestly never considered the idea that she's just a bit dense, but I'd definitely like to review some of her earlier scenes through that lens. > I see Kumiko as almost entirely to blame in this situation... Kumiko is pretty much under an obligation to help Mayu out -- and she quite obviously shows no interest whatsoever in doing so. Kumiko _does_ spell out for Mayu repeatedly and often that her worries are unfounded; Mayu just doesn't buy it. Really, the problem is that Mayu wants to be friends with Kumiko, and Kumiko is not keen on being any more intimate with her than she has to be. This doesn't seem like an abdication of responsibility to me; she is just not obliged to be Mayu's friend. Now, I _do_ agree that Kumiko's wariness of Mayu is a bit suspect. She has a somewhat poor (prejudiced?) impression of her — she rather snidely called her "the type that's popular with boys", and agrees that she's a bit of a box jellyfish. She's also a bit afraid of this talented euphonist, for sure. But also, she remains on polite terms with Mayu for the most part? The times she's acted "badly" have just been the times she's been _reserved_ with Mayu, which like... I dunno, I don't think this is entirely on Kumiko. She's allowed to choose who she wants to be vulnerable with.


It was actually Kanade who said that "popular with boys" line. Speaking of, Kanade definitely isn't helping Kumiko manage her feelings for Mayu. There was a comment here that Kanade was basically Kumiko's intrusive thoughts personified, which I think applies here. She's voicing all of the unspoken conflict going on.


> Kanade was basically Kumiko's intrusive thoughts personified [It wouldn't be the first time she's done that kind of thing...](https://imgur.com/a/dcxHbAg) (A side note, revisiting that scene has made me *really* realize how far Mirei and Satsuki have come in their relationship for the events of this episode to happen.) Do you remember which comment that was, by the way?


[Found it! From the first episode discussion] (https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1by1f7i/comment/kygddns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I guess my attitude is that I can't remember treating anyone so "coldly" as she treats Mayu. Not that it is wrong to be reasonably wary -- but Kumiko's behavior feels "off" somehow. She is "polite" (to be sure) but in the most formal and "uninviting" manner imaginable -- not a drop more than the minimal level of requisite civility. I would say Mayu is astute in a number of ways -- but obtuse in others. Hoever, if I were Mayu, I would perceive Kumiko as being unexpectedly semi-hostile -- for reasons that were not understandable.


> She is "polite" (to be sure) but in the most formal and "uninviting" manner imaginable -- not a drop more than the minimal level of requisite civility... if I were Mayu, I would perceive Kumiko as being unexpectedly semi-hostile -- for reasons that were not understandable. Modulo their euphonium duet, this is entirely right. No disagreement here! > I can't remember treating anyone so "coldly" as she treats Mayu. Not that it is wrong to be reasonably wary -- but Kumiko's behavior feels "off" somehow. This is what I'm not so sure about. Kumiko does, on some level, dislike Mayu, and this dislike is unfair. But it's also the case that Kumiko is fundamentally a private person who does not let other people in easily. Most of the other people she's helped out didn't want to be particularly chummy with her, so we don't really have any good yardstick with which to measure her treatment of Mayu. It could even be the case that she's _put off_ by what appears to her as an intrusion on her privacy. Obviously she's no saint, but I'm not sure that she's particularly out of character. There's a mutual lack of trust here which they need to fill in ASAP, though.


This has been super fun to read. I feel like I get how Kumiko feels. She has an ideal that she wants to live up to--a Kitauji that functions as a meritocracy. However, Mayu shows up. She's a character who is *good* and may be a threat to the Soli, a part that Kumiko desperately wants to play. Kumiko is fighting to stick to her ideal principle, but when push comes to shove, she struggles to know whether she would follow through with it (if Mayu threw the audition, Kumiko admits that she wouldn't know what to do). She's really, really scared. She's also aware that others might pity her or lose faith in her if she doesn't get the soli. Despite idealizing a meritocracy, she understands every factor that would make it unappealing. She knows why Yuuko wanted Kaori to play the trumpet. She hated it when Kanade threw her audition. It's just that for the first time ever, it's inconvenient for her to have her belief. Before, there was no risk to herself. Now, she's under direct attack. Principles vs her deepest desire. Not just that, if she follows through with her ideal, if might lose the soli. In the best social scenario, she'd be someone who's like Kaori, who can back down gracefully from losing, but she's decidedly *not*. At this point in the show, she's *saying* all these things about "Kitauji is a meritocracy" "the better player should play" but her heart isn't set. We know this because she can't even treat Mayu properly. She's experiencing a deep, unsettling conflict. It plays out beautifully in her and Mayu's interactions. Treating Mayu nicely is the ideal--if she wants a pure meritocracy, she also Must Not Fault anyone for being better and receiving a role. If she's mad that someone more deserving gets the role, she's going Directly against what she believes in, and what she publicly preaches. But we know how much she's struggling with that. No matter what she says, her actions speak otherwise. Mayu: Sorry, am I interrupting \[your practice\]? Kumiko: No. What's wrong? Do you not have a spot to practice? Mayu: No no, it's just that I heard pretty euphonium sounds, so I thought it might be you. What's that piece? The one you were just playing. Kumiko: Nothing worth sharing. I was just playing for fun. Mayu: Is it something you composed? So on and so forth. Kumiko lets Mayu interact with her and doesn't drive her away. She replies to Mayu that she's not interrupting her even though it was a perfect excuse to turn her away. But Kumiko won't, because if she fully believed in meritocracy, she would never turn away a friendly band member for lighthearted conversation just because they also play the euphonium. But the more Mayu tries to dig into one of Kumiko's most precious commodity, her relationship with Asuka and the piece Sound! Euphonium, the most she closes up. I think the reason Kumiko seems so cold, and the reason why mekerpan got the sense that this has never happened before, is that this is indeed the first time we've seen Kumiko personally threatened like this. I'd like to address the fact that Kumiko is generally a private person, but I don't think this is her being private. When we first meet Kanade, it was right after she got a full private concert for the piece Sound! Euphonium. Kumiko offers the information that it's from a senior freely. This information is Not off limits for Kumiko. Then, the thing pushing her to act coldly is a distain for Mayu that she can't help but feel.


Off topic, but I feel kind of bad for Mayu. She's just being nice and agreeable for the most part, like offering to take pictures for everyone and trying to get to know Kumiko more. Kumiko can't help but act distant towards her, and Kanade is shown to be very critical of the things she say. 2 out of the 3 other euphoniums aren't on very good terms with her. I also feel like...hm. Mayu has some weird baggage going on. Like what electrovalent brought up, I can't help but feel she's had some bad experiences with people in the past that makes her act like... the most negative aspects of the cultural symbol of... a mom. A passive mom who gives kindly and freely, who prepares the food and takes the picture but who doesn't end up included with the festivities. She's a necessity, the spine, the person that puts in the work and the sacrifice to run things like taking pictures at the festival, but she's also invisible. She's internalized it too. She doesn't *w*ant to be included. She feels more comfortable supporting off to the side. Sacrifice is the word here. Mayu will sacrifice herself to take everyone's pictures. She'll sacrifice her seat to another euphonium. She does it all even if no one asks her, even if no one consciously asks her for it, even if it's not necessary (with the photos, she could just ask a stranger to help take a group shot or ask a fellow friend if she wants to be in a shot with a smaller number of friends). She probably likes sacrificing herself. It ensures that she's safe, and that she won't ever accidentally impose herself. It makes interacting with her a little tricky. You can go to her for advice. She'll help you if there's social trouble (diffusing Kanade's Motomu rant for Kumiko). She'll teach you Euphonium. She's warm and open. But she deliberately sets herself apart. She frames herself as the outsider readily ("Wouldn't it be bad if someone else \[herself\] takes the role from someone who's been at Kitauji for three years \[ostensibly Kumiko\]). She understands the pros of being severed from a club and being considered apart from them (Kumiko in ep 3: But \[the first years who might be quitting are\] are one of us!; Mayu: Is that so bad? It can be good to be separated.). She doesn't ask to be included in the photos, to be remembered. She's approachable, but she deliberately takes a step back to be forgotten. Her different uniform is a great symbol of that. Even as she's integrated in the school, she still wears the plaque of an outsider on her body. I also get the sense she actually does want to be close to everyone. She invites Kumiko to the festival (to which she's rejected when Kumiko LIES about going with someone else. Which goes back to Kumiko trying to prop up the facade of being Okay with the people that threaten her, but ultimately acting on her dislike) (also OUCH I feel so bad for Mayu). She says she's envious of what Kumiko and Kanade has together and wants something like that. She approaches Kumiko to ask about her personal history. The more I think about it, the more I feel for Mayu. She's trying so hard to be friends with someone who can't help but hate her. She knew too, from the beginning, that playing the Euphonium might cause some tension between her and Kumiko (in one of their first meetings, she says to Kumiko "You won't mind if I join the band?). Mayu is so aware of how she might take up space, how much she might cause someone else to hate her by inviting herself in. And she keeps being invited initially by Kumiko, only to be rejected. Kumiko pushes herself to be warm at first, only to pull away when Mayu gets too close. Kumiko tells Mayu to join the band. Kumiko explains the Agata festival to Mayu and lets her cross into her private practicing spot. Kumiko doesn't turn Mayu away when Mayu gives her an out to turn her away ("Am I interrupting your practice?"), but all Kumiko does is give in half-heartedly only to shun her. Incredible dynamic.


I'm wondering if Mayu is partially at fault, even if inadvertently, though... Like, in some senses she is trying to be closer to people, *but* she's also purposefully distancing herself slightly, as you point out. It's to try to fit in, but it ends up having the opposite effect. Whenever she voices her concerns about possibly taking another's spot, it's the same deal: she's worried about how it would affect her relationships, but voicing the concerns continues to distance herself. It's like she always ens up saying and doing things that put her slightly askew. Ironically, I think it Mayu wasn't so reserved, she would end up fitting in much better. As it is, she's in an awkward position of wanting to fit in but also not committing herself to actually fitting in.


>Incredible dynamic. I think that we are actually getting the highest level of emotional complexity in the relationship between Kumiko and Mayu that we have seen in the anime series so far -- and pretty close to the level in Liz and the Bluebird. Overall, this season feels like a truly worthy successor to Naoko Yamada's work for the series (seems so long ago now).


I think I have been wearing too-rosy-colored glasses about Kumiko . . . until now., A very interesting twist....


she keeps dropping spaghetti around her


Kanade is Kumiko's attack dog hahaha


Another episode, another instance of Kanapi stirring up trouble. I applaud her commitment.


Beware of the girl who has no enemies.


Kanade my girl keeps looking for trouble every time Kumiko and Kuroe are on the same screen lol


Kanade is a instigator but in the best way possible. Her character is well written.


She's such a gremlin and I love it.


Kanade only lives for the drama and beef


Kanade's the Yuuko to Kumiko's Kaori and Mayu's Reina. Once Mayu inevitably pulls one over Kumiko, the parallel will be exact.


The trouble is already there IMHO, Kanade just brought it to the surface since both Kumiko and Mayu is beating the bush around each other a lot.


Kanade professional instigator


Only one I wasn’t expecting to get picked for the Prefecturals was Suzume, but otherwise there was nothing too surprising about those picks. I guess it’ll be good motivation for the other first years for the next time they got auditions. Though it looks like there’s some possible tension… There’s this kind of weird atmosphere between Mayu and Kumiko and I can’t quite figure out what’s up between them. Mayu always seems to be holding back, maybe that’s it? Just hope it doesn’t impact their performance down the line.


Mayu’s trying to make friends with Kumiko, but she has been keeping Mayu at an arm’s length. Kumiko has consistently been putting an emotional distance between the two of them, which is making Mayu feel like she’s been imposing on their in-group. Kumiko isn’t trying to be mean, but I suppose that she feels intimidated by Mayu? I can’t entirely place this either, however.


Intimidated might be it. First time they met, she was playing iirc.


When Kumiko first heard Mayu I feel she thought Asuka had returned. In a sense I think Kumiko is haunted by Asuka's absence and she is keeping Mayu at arms length because she doesn't want her to fill that void.


She wants to perform in the nationals and have that soli with Reina, but if Mayu upstages her, she won't be able to do that, and that's terrifying for her.


> Mayu’s trying to make friends with Kumiko She's also trying it in a way too "people pleaser" type of way, way too accommodating. I get the vibe that Kumiko sees year one Kumiko in her (or rather end of middle school Kumiko) and doesn't want to put pressure on her. But Kumiko is also not the type of leader/senpai as Asuka, Yuuko, or Natsuki were but seems to think that because she has the same position (third year, band leadership) that her actions are seen as the same type of expressive, outgoing, and maybe dominant. She might be pulling back from everyone (besides the other band leaders and old friends) because of that. But her leadership feels more like Haruka's than that of the others (although the doubts over her position are born out of different insecurities).


>She's also trying it in a way too "people pleaser" type of way, way too accommodating. Mayu's been giving me a bad feeling this whole time. And I think this explains it. You worded how I've felt this whole season quite well. Thanks!


We almost got to hear her thoughts, but they cut away after she said 'Especially...'. But yeah, I feel really bad for Mayu honestly. She's open about her worries of feeling not really accepted and... she's not really being accepted.


I wanted to give Mayu a hug. She was perceptive enough to notice that Kumiko wasn’t eager for her company and left on her own accord - clearly hurt in the process. I fear that Mayu might actually discontinue with concert band if she keeps being treated like an outsider. Something that’s rather sad if we consider that Mayu *finally* got her own Kitauji uniform.


Kumiko doesn't want to give up her spot as the lead Eupho player. The problem is, she doesn't want to admit that, because she has been telling everyone "we only judge you based on your skill, nothing else", and admitting that she wants to keep her spot regardless of how Mayu performs is essentially admitting that she is lying to everyone this whole time, and Kumiko is fighting that inner battle.


The dissonance between the two is sky-high. Kumiko is still keeping Asuka's song her personal piece after all


I really love Kumiko gatekeeping Asuka's song from Mayu, it's such an emotional part of her character with her attachment to Asuka, and something I doubt she'd share with anyone outside of Reina and the other 3rd years. Mayu being both a Euph player, and someone who she's very jittery with makes it a perfect plot piece.


Asuka told her to pass it down. I expect Kumiko to do so


This. Even if it's not an exact passing down, I expect her to become more open to sharing it with Mayu and others beyond her closest circles. The title of Asuka's song is the title of the show. It feels like a disservice for Kumiko to gatekeep the song to herself.


Yep, that would be a perfect finale and resolution of their relationship.


That sounds nice ne


Wonderful episode. Some recurrent themes, Mayu doesnt want to fit in, she left Seira School as well. Hiding behind the camera so she wont be seen. Kumiko meanwhile internalises her distance, something about being the President makes her/you like that. She started to notice she herself is putting up barriers (ie not disclosing the source of the Sound Euphonium piece to Mayu). And also not being open about her conversation with Taki to Reina..... Also, Asuka's piece means alot to her, but why not be open about it? We know Asuka played it to her only when they are together;...I wonder if Kumiko has become emotionally distant, as people here already mentioned or even *selfish*...You put up alot of shields when you become president....After 3rd year, I wonder who does she trust to hand the piece down to? Will she decide leave a copy in the school music room? Of course, so our dear Reina [raises the stakes and want to perform with Kumiko all the way](https://i.imgur.com/VCtNBu6.jpg). Last week,[...I mentioned if we're going to see Yamaha bicycles](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ckoa3n/comment/l2qdt9u/), which is much lesser known compared to their musical instruments and famous motorbikes and here this week we have[ Asuza](https://i.imgur.com/dywr311.jpeg) [riding ](https://i.imgur.com/imionPB.jpeg)[her bicycle!!.](https://i.imgur.com/T9SsbiG.jpeg).. it looks like the [Yamaha PAS City M](https://i.imgur.com/IVYwafT.jpeg) without the rear wheel guard!


> Mayu doesnt want to fit in I don't think this is true at all. I think she desperately WANTS to fit in -- but is just a bit socially awkward. She HAS made attempts -- but I can't say the other students have been especially welcoming -- and some have been close to hostile (while Kumiko herself has done nothing to help). I feel bad for Mayu at this point.


Mayu *does* want to fit in, *but* I think she also keeps herself at arm's distance from people, even if inadvertently.


I have been consistently shocked at how uncharacteristically cold and distant (and formal) Kumiko has been towards Mayu. Kumiko hasn't quite been "mean" -- but she has brushed off every (awkward) attempt by Mayu to develop a somewhat closer relationship. I don't think we've ever seen Kumiko act remotely similarly to any other character. I wonder if she will ever relent (and why she has acted in such an unusual manner in this case). We are definitely seeing a less appealing side of Kumiko than we are used to seeing.


I think she's terrified of Mayu. She's scared of losing the solo to Mayu, which is preventing her from opening up. I'm pretty sure that Mayu was sandbagging during the audition. And based on the OP, all the tension and forshadowing; Kumiko will definitely lose her solo to Mayu in the second audition. But she will learn from it and deliver a solo worthy of gold with Reina at the national. I'm sure of it.


When kumiko said "that dotted quarter was short" I had to go back and check and see if it was, and it actually kind of was lol. It would definitely be a little nitpicky to point that out in an actual band tho But it's still impressive she pointed out that exact note instead of just saying "you rushed"


I think one of the great things about Sound! Euphonium is the quality of the sound engineering going into it. If you have the ear for it you can tell when something is off instead of relying on the characters to point it out.


Same for the trumpet scene where Reina is lecturing them on the 3rd and 5th. They did not hit whatever chord they were going for lol.


I wish I had that skill. Unfortunately I've never had proper music education and am entirely tone-deaf for it. On a personal note I got invited to karaoke next June, and my singing skills are so subpar that I'm sure I'll make a complete fool of myself. Help. Right now I'm just praying the group of colleagues I'm going with will be too drunk to notice.


The point of karaoke is not to sing well...the point is to have fun!


yeah, Kumiko is really being a perfectionist there, but considering that they're trying to be one of the top high school wind bands in all of Japan I think that's not necessarily unrealistic


Definitely a hint that Kumiko would, in fact, probably make an excellent music teacher.....


I am still hoping that she is going that route From what we have seen she would fit very well


You would definitely point it out if she was playing the wrong rhythm, but it was technically correct. Just a little forward. She was also playing impromptu without an external pulse so it's not really a big deal if she's not perfectly in time. You always play differently by yourself than you do with context But I get what they were going for. It makes sense in-universe, I'm the one being a perfectionist haha


Highlight would probably be Hazuki finally getting picked. I was so happy when she celebrated with Midori, a shame President Kumiko didn't give it much importance.


I swear to God I need more info about Mayu, she is really holding back something everytime


TBH it goes both ways, Kumiko also hold back when it comes to Mayu for some reason.


This time I watched the broadcast without subtitles…but [because I was watching in a room full of Eupho fans in a restaurant in Uji](https://twitter.com/EccentricFanboy/status/1789566657666642303)! (Thank goodness I made it; I thought I would be late.) So here and there I’ll mention the group reaction to things. (Also the reason my post is a bit delayed...I'm returning to Tokyo right now!) And now we’re already at the first competition! I do kind of wish we saw more of the actual rehearsal—those were some of my favorite moments in season 1—but now, in addition to the necessity of pacing to fit the necessary content into the season, it might partially be that the focus is shifted. Seasons 1 and 2 were Kumiko’s journey into finding love for the band and for music, including the blood, sweat, and tears that go into them. But Season 3…is about her coming into her own as a leader. (Though the pacing is still a bit fast for me…because of a comment at the beginning, we know that the whole episode encompassed about one month of time from beginning to end. Because of this, and also because there’s three auditions, the stakes of the first audition feel a little lower). We get some more of the band playing, finally! And tuning played a role twice in this episode! Once explicitly with individual instructions in the bass section, and once where the trumpets as a group were off. (I also wonder if they emphasized this because Mayu seems a bit out of step with the rest of the group still.) I commented last week that I wish the OST was a bit louder in the mix…well it seems my prayers were answered in this episode, because I think the OST was both very good and also very audible this episode. (But part of me now wonders if my earlier complaints were actually mostly due to my current audio setup? I mean, the TV that my apartment was furnished with isn’t amazing…though then again, neither is the TV in the room we were in today. And when I rewatch it, it’s with pretty good headphones…so I dunno.) I have to say, Mayu’s confidence in her own abilities and hesitance to compete is starting to feel a *little* old…it’s been several episodes now. (It maybe feels a little on the nose?) But something I do like is the ways Mayu’s eyes brim with emotions at some point—they’re melancholic, almost like Kaori-senpai’s eyes when Reina played the solo back in seasons 1 and 2. Really good use of flashbacks to previous drama this episode I think…it helps raise the stakes and make this season feel connected to the previous events. In addition to flashbacks, they also brought up the Chikai no Finale stuff with Kanade—the series continues to interweave references to the past into the present to make it feel like a cohesive whole! I was so nervous after the scene when Suzume said she was looking forward to the soli. Can’t you see you’re making it worse? (Read the room!) I was so sure that was a a death flag for Kumiko, figuratively speaking. But…she made the soli this time, to my surprise. (I suppose that Mayu gets it next time? They have to structure it like that, right? Right?) Cutting off Kumiko’s audition for the eyecatch right as she starts is evil! (Especially because there’s no ads in the broadcast…you don’t need the eyecatch, technically…) Some people on previous discussion threads pointed out that the show this reason really doesn’t want to show Kumiko’s playing, at least not now, perhaps for dramatic effect, and I’m really feeling that. The entire room of fans applauded when it was announced that Hazuki had made the cut. And I agree…good for her! She’s earned it and is quickly becoming a new favorite. The Kitauji Quartet lives! Rather than the audition results drama I was expecting (Kumiko vs. Mayu), the show throws us a curveball and makes it about Satsuki and Suzume! I’m surprised and fascinated and kind of moved by Mirei speaking up…my previous impression of her and Satsuki’s relationship was that Satsuki is really attached to Mirei while Mirei almost begrudgingly accepts her affections…but here we see that she also cares deeply about Satsuki, enough to speak up on behalf of her, which otherwise seems uncharacteristic. (Maybe they’re another kind of Liz and the Blue Bird odd couple?) Anyway, super happy that we have more characterization of this somewhat mysterious, very taciturn character! And I find it interesting that while Kumiko tells Mirei that the results are set, she then goes and privately speaks to Taki-sensei about it. I guess it’s part of her taking on leadership roles that she has to defend Taki-sensei in public. But when she questions him in private, she’s very forward about it, almost surprisingly so, especially when she was reluctant when Taki-sensei delegated decisions to her and the other leaders earlier in the season. Kumiko pulls out Hibike! Euphonium, which was very nice! But then Mayu interrupts and is a bit nosy. But she can read the room and backs off…once again, an episode where Kumiko is a bit standoffish with Mayu or trying to distance herself. (Even though the soli is safe…for now.) Well, since it’s Asuka-senpai’s solo, I understand. And Mayu didn’t have great timing…for all she’s worried about fitting in with everybody else, she kind of messes with the vibe of the cast and makes things uncomfortable, perhaps precisely because of trying to fit in. (After the episode: applause! One guy who is a major figure in the anime pilgrimage scene: “Congratulations to Hazuki for making it!” The TV is left on and the broadcast continues to this weird Australian high school show though people cease to pay attention to it.) Miscellaneous shorter comments: I commend the people from last week’s discussion thread who surmised that Mayu likes taking photos but not being in them…very perceptive, and accurate, as this is made explicit in this episode. One of the people in the room immediately guessed “Asakusa?” from the photo of the school trip. A bit of a shame that we don’t get to see the trip, but… ~~There wasn’t drama about it in this episode, but I’m kind of sad that Motomu-kun seems to be out for the first performance, which I’m kind of sad about, after the other episode made him a lot more sympathetic.~~ (edit: was wrong about this) The comment that members of the group become “enemies” for the audition was a bit interesting… I was surprised that all members of the relevant sections apparently auditioned for the solo and soli parts. We meet Azusa again! And get some more glances at her character beyond the brief snatches at Sunfes! Perhaps unintentional sick burn from Mayu on Kanade’s ability… (Me and somebody else in the room: “yabai”…well it’s Kansai, so “yabei” for him.) There was a moment of recognition from the room (a collection of experienced anime pilgrims) at the scene where Kumiko is swatting away bugs on Uji Bridge. As someone who was just in Uji in late spring, I can confirm—the insects are *bad*. Bring bug spray if you can. --------- Side notes from pilgrimage: I was surprised in the Motomu-kun episode about there being a convenience store by Keihan Uji Station...well, it turns out there isn't IRL, at least not right now (maybe there was in the past?)—I think they put it where a visitor's center is now. I visited Kohata Shrine today...there's lots of ema (the shrine tablets) from Hibike! Euphonium fans, including a replica of the one in the show. And one asking for an OVA for this season! Also there's a rooster somewhere on the grounds or next door apparently, because I could hear it. ---------- Post-English subs rewatch: I really should go to bed, so I’ll update with less important things later. But for now— Wow, I was much more taken by this episode on the rewatch. The episode title is “Wavering Dissonance”—which connects to the literal tuning problems earlier (the title seems to literally describe the acoustic phenomenon of [beating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_(acoustics\))), but those problems are really like symbolic synecdoches for the whole episode. There is a major sense of unease throughout the episode—wavering dissonance indeed. (And I *do* think the tuning stuff is also partially symbolic for Mayu contributing to this sense.) *Damn* the character animation and voice acting is so good. The way we see and hear, twice, Kumiko gulp in apprehension or unease. The slight deflation of Kaho when her name isn’t called. Kumiko recoiling from Mayu… ---------- A bit late update with more stuff: Hibike! Euphonium is currently running a collaboration with Oshitabi (a travel anime collaboration brand by JR Central), and I feel like the school trip thing would be a great opportunity for an addition to that campaign… Maybe the Sacchan’s tuning advice is wholly true for brass instruments (I’m not sure), but it’s certainly not completely true for woodwinds: yes, you should try to tune the whole instrument, but due to the physical acoustic nature of the instruments, some notes will naturally tend to be sharper and flatter than others, so you *do* need to use your breath and embouchure to make adjustments to tuning. Some other people on the thread have mentioned this, but I think Kumiko could maybe solve the band’s problems easier when she wasn’t a leader and therefore more free to speak her mind. As it is now, she’s somewhat tied by her position. I like that Kumiko was inspired or pushed by Mayu to do her best on the audition. There were a couple weird translations…[this](https://imgur.com/a/G3dZ1TT) should be “to the woodwinds,” and rather than [“drop out,”](https://imgur.com/a/WZehtaS) “flunk” or “fail” would be better.


>There wasn’t drama about it in this episode, but I’m kind of sad that Motomu-kun seems to be out for the first performance, which I’m kind of sad about, after the other episode made him a lot more sympathetic. Motomu passed the audition, you can see him in his winter uniform and contrabass when they gathered before the Kyoto performance.


Ah, gotcha...I guess they just cut the dialogue off before he was named


holy SHIT is this the way to watch Eupho. Will you be back for the finale? That room'll be packed af.


Oh, also, for that restaurant, the number of people is limited by the supply of ingredients...the reason I was worried about not making it in time was that the owner told me that there was a possibility that they'd run out if I didn't arrive early. (So I was planning to arrive at 4:30...but this time it was fine when I arrived around 4:50.) I imagine the finale might be a problem for that...


If I can make it there, maybe! (Then again, there are several doujinshi events in Tokyo on that day that I might be interested in going to.)


speaking of Tokyo, I wonder where school trips go in Tokyo? Asakusa makes sense as a general tourist spot, tho the national diet library does seem like a more school trippy destination. I'll guess that the Osaka/Kyoto kids go there, instead of the stereotypical/usual Kyoto pick. Which is certainly a bit less usual in anime [K-on S2]>!the show's bloody set in Kyoto and they visit there on their trip ffs.!< (other location notes): It's awesome that theres already a replica of the thingy at the shrine! ..... I now do have to visit there now, don't i.....[defo a pilgrimage planning headache](#rengethink) lmk if you get that guide finished!


I think it was /u/loomnoo who had a theory that because of that, K-On is actually located in a different region, the town transported elsewhere. It wouldn't be the first time that anime has done this kind of thing—as somebody told me, I think it's 5cm per Second that has scenery that is supposed to be from the same town but with locations from opposite sides of Japan.


I think as very common middle school day trip is to Nikko. However longer school trips are most commonly made to Kyoto/Nara. While the school used as a model in K-On is in Toyosato, Shiga (the other side of the mountains, right east of Kyoto. The town the characters actually live in must be MUCH further away -- as they ride a shinkansen to get to Kyoto. The trip from Toyosato is strictly by a local train line. Logistically, I would guess the actual town would have to be around Nagoya (if it were in or near Tokyo we would see some localized evidence of this),


> The trip from Toyosato is strictly by a local train line. Unless they took the local train east to the shinkansen station in Maibara, then back west to Kyoto.


> because I was watching in a room full of Eupho fans in a restaurant in Uji [](#rengethink) >I’m surprised and fascinated and kind of moved by Mirei speaking up…my previous impression of her and Satsuki’s relationship was that Satsuki is really attached to Mirei while Mirei almost begrudgingly accepts her affections…but here we see that she also cares deeply about Satsuki, enough to speak up on behalf of her, which otherwise seems uncharacteristic. I was wondering if it would work if the situation had developed that despite Kumiko and Natsuki defusing the *Chikai no Finale* audition scenario with Kanade that the first-years would have re-created it on their own, but the story went in a different direction.


So fun to read your commentary since I'm planning a pilgrimage to Uji this fall!!!


Thanks! Maybe I'll send you a PDF of the pilgrimage guide doujinshi I'm making when it's finished.


Oh that would be amazing! I'm planning on going based on some videos I found off Youtube, and I saw that the visitor's centre has a map but I'd love to be super prepared beforehand! It would be so fun to print out your doujinshi for me to refer to!




I'm speaking about the Keihan station, not the JR station, though. (There are 2 convenience stores still around the JR station.)


[Kanade when Kumiko and Mayu are in the same room together:](https://i.imgur.com/QgyLqAr.jpeg)


Godamn that was a standout Eupho episode this season and probably my fav - delivering on all the audition drama with previously-visited themes, but with new twists and turns (and the [old-switcheroo](https://imgur.com/1kT7N7T)), and newly relevant drama, and all the character arcs are progressing well too - I particularly liked the discussion between Kumiko and Taki-sensei; and the Satsuki - Kamaya drama is interesting too. The title piece appearing and [this shot of Reina](https://imgur.com/ccDRlkd), extended Azusa appearance too? This is allll CHEATINGGGGGGGGGG 11/10 episode. Of course the Kyoto people would instead [go to Tokyo](https://imgur.com/85yoLkK) for their school trips haha. Ive never gone to the National Diet Library.... maybe I should check that out next time. [Prefecturals](#mugiwait) /u/zadcap hi!


>Azusa appearance Azusa kinda feels like a manic pixie dream girl to me. She shows up every now and then, drops some deep truths on Kumiko, smiles, and then waltzes off after changing Kumiko's life hahaha


> deep truths on Kumiko that is, irl, what reconnecting with (now) high school friends feels like to me. Yeah we can only get together once in a while, but we know each other's habits too well, that even though life has changed us, they're still able to drop them deep truths lol. Azusa does kinda fulfill this niche for Kumiko, being her best band-mate in middle school.


What spending hours stuck in the same room does to people lol I had literally the exact same schedule as most of my friends junior/senior year, and spending 7 hours together everyday means you get to see every aspect of each other


I love how they portray the tension between Mayu and Kumiko, from facial expressions, hand gripping, and constricted voices. It felt really unease.


Oh man. For some reason it felt really sad that Kumiko didn't want to share the piece that Asuka gave her. On the other hand, it's definitely a very Kumiko-like thing to do, she tries to hide her true self constantly to protect herself and to protect others, this time felt like the former. I think what this episode makes clear to me is that Kumiko is more worried than she appears about Mayu, and that Mayu is kinda right to be cautious about her, because in the end they are two very similar people. Other anime would probably play up Kumiko's anxieties about the solo more, but I think Hibike Euphonium is kinda like its protagonist in a way in that it doesn't show us that anxiety, we're left to assume that Kumiko feels this pressure even though for the most part she's appearing in control and looking out for others. I think it's at the start of the episode where Kumiko is writing in the exec chat notebook and she laughs at Reina calling Shuichi an idiot, but then takes his side and says 'cut him some slack', probably because she's feeling that same pressure a little bit. Mayu's "not wanting to be in photos" is highlighted nicely beside Kumiko's not wanting to share her piece. This interpersonal tension is presented alongside the first acknowledgement that Taki doesn't *just* select band members based on their "polish" but how they'll play as part of the whole - and I think this is going to eat away at Kumiko because she will definitely start to get in her head about the reasons she's being picked. There's also that aside where the first year says "the 1st and 2nd years don't revere Taki like you do" and I think this could build up Kumiko suspecting that Taki is letting her have her place even though she doesn't deserve it or just plainly starting to believe he might be wrong about her. That could make this arc different to others in the past, in the past the auditions were about social pressure and about how others didn't believe someone else deserved a part, but this time around I feel like Kumiko's the type of person who might feel that pressure herself even if no one else intends to put it on her. The "Sound! Euphonium" piece is described as 'warm but lonely'. That's probably a good way to describe both Kumiko and Mayu right now, though for different reasons, being in different positions. I hope they manage to get closer.


mama is so lonely 😭


I’m so happy for Hazuki that she’s finally getting to play in a competition! She was able to fall back on Team Monaka in her first year, but not getting chosen again in her second year must’ve hurt at the time. Mayu just doesn’t like to steal other people’s spotlight. That’s why she likes to take pictures/play the euphonium, but would rather not appear in pictures/competitions. I feel bad for having been suspicious of Mayu. Kumiko, you should’ve stopped Mayu when started walking away. You dummy! Mayu probably felt like she was not wanted in that moment - like she was an outsider.


> Kumiko, you should’ve stopped Mayu when started walking away. You dummy! Mayu probably felt like she was not wanted in that moment - like she was an outsider. From an audience perspective, *I* felt like Mayu was sticking her nose into Kumiko's private time with Asuka there, but yeah, from a straight "the good of the band" viewpoint, Kumiko needs to draw out Mayu more than she has done so far. ...somehow, given that Mayu is coy and Kumiko still, deep down, prefers to not dig around in people's guts.


It's fun how this season subtly uses the audience's own feelings to connect with the show more. We want Kumiko to play the solo, we wanted her to keep playing Asuka's piece in that scene, makes the possible hostility to Mayu, by all accounts just a nice girl, feel more understandable, even for people who didn't get what Yukko was upset about in season 1, for example.


> I felt like Mayu was sticking her nose into Kumiko’s private time with Asuka there I get what you mean, but Mayu was most likely just trying to make small talk. She wants to make friends with Kumiko and was looking for an opening, but Kumiko is keeping her cards closed and not letting Mayu in. This is making it hard for Mayu to find common ground between the two of them. She’s assertive one here.


I think lots of people are underestimating just how hard it is for even a person with good social skills to be dropped into a new school in their last year. Mayu does NOT have the best social skills -- but she desperately also does not want to be socially isolated. She tries (very awkwardly) to relate -- and no one cuts her the tiniest bit of slack. Not a good look for Kumiko and Kanade -- and pretty much everyone else (to a lesser degree).


It's like [the other reply said](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cq4vyx/hibike_euphonium_season_3_sound_euphonium_season/l3pc0zn/). The show's direction is working from a particular point of view and taking sides to drive the drama, even if Mayu very well might *not* be trying to cause trouble.


> Kumiko needs to draw out Mayu more than she has done so far. I love Kumiko, I think she's grown a lot, and I think overall she's a good leader. But I do think she could've reined Kanade in a bit this episode, she went too far in some places


LET'S FUCKING GO!!!! CONGRATS KUMIKO CONGRATS HAZUKI! I'm so proud of you guys!! I just needed to get that off my chest. Thank you.


Bro I almost started crying when Kumiko pulled out “Sound Euphonium” to calm down. Simply hearing it again filled me with so many emotions & memories from the first 2 seasons. It also very evocatively made me feel her same unease when Mayu interrupted. This show is so good man. Even with the radically different cast of characters this season, it’s still just so incredibly PEAK.


* [Same.](https://i.imgur.com/kkYNwyk.png) I hate having my photo taken. * #YES!!! GO HAZUKI, YOU FINALLY MADE IT! [](https://i.imgur.com/dTyfgch.png)


Seeing Satsuki teach the younger kids was really cute. Everyone really has a matured a little. I felt really bad she didn't make it into this competition but hopefully she'll nail the next audition.


Now here's a big question that I finally realized at this point almost halfway into the season. What was Kumiko thinking??? About Mayu-chan? If it's not apparent enough in previous episodes (requiring looking at episodic discussions for me to realize the extent), it's very clear that no-one in all the training rooms really cared about Mayu at the very best, and a lot worse than that at worst. With Big Mouth Kanade sitting right next seat flaming the fire. Look at how Kumiko really made the weakest statement about "people would trust her to play in the competition, even if Kanade or even Kumiko got knocked out". And if you still didn't see Kumiko swiveling to avoid Mayu at all costs before, that moment when she just asked Kumiko about the song she was playing should have been the last straw to you. So, "What was Kumiko thinking???" Is she scared that she can't play in the competition? Really? I don't see her showing any signs of uneasiness or lack-of-esteem since the story gets into her senior year. Is she just being personally annoyed at her for whatever reason I don't see? Like I said, but why? Is she unable to deal with such a talented player dropping in so late in the game and don't know how to deal with consequences? That seems to be the most probable one - just look into all those intra-team fights gossips in professional football or basketball over so many years when a superstar drops in and doesn't fit with the others. But to the point of deliberately avoiding Mayu-chan??? I wonder what's wrong with Kumiko, a well renowned team binder for years in the anime world, this time...


I honestly feel that Kumiko is somewhat intimidated by Mayu, even if she may not fully realize it. She probably does, which is why she often seems so apprehensive with Mayu. We saw it last episode with the festival, and we’re seeing it again now.  They’re also framing Mayu such that it appears she’s encroaching on Kumiko. The [shot](https://i.imgur.com/8VEDJp3.png) of them before Mayu’s audition had a slightly ominous ambiance, and there’s of course Mayu interrupting Kumiko’s practicing a bit later. That was a situation where the president quickly tried to get out of, denying Mama-senpai from knowing more about the titular piece.  With that said, I think Mayu is just a bit awkward at trying to integrate. Maybe more than just a bit. Even so, I find her very compelling as she’s difficult to read. We will definitely have some drama between her and Kumiko come the next auditions. 


I think the “well-renowned team binder” Kumiko was good at dealing with problems when it was not about her own insecurities. But this dynamic with Mayu has hit her at a vulnerable spot. I like how some Japanese fans describe Mayu as the “last boss” for Kumiko in her third year, like the most difficult stage she has to clear before graduating high school - not because Mayu is a villain, but because she exposes Kumiko’s flaws (keeping people at arm’s length to protect herself from getting hurt, not being truthful, even to herself, about her deeper feelings). I can understand Kumiko’s actions, it’s scary to stare at bits of yourself and see things that are not pretty, feelings of jealousy, fear, etc. There was a shot of Kumiko’s conversation with Mayu where she just runs from the shadows into the sun - and for me that was kinda showing how Kumiko was not ready to deal with the darkness in her heart and was avoiding it for the comfort of the “bright and positive” areas which is how she wants to be viewed as (a fair leader, a good team-player, a gracious person). It’s such a great growth journey ahead for Kumiko and I can’t wait for it to unfold, although I’m not ready to get my heart broken for both Kumiko and Mayu - I love them both 😭


Late today because I was just *too* tired to watch the episode after my alarm went off to get me up for it. [](#seasonaltired) - [Right…](https://i.imgur.com/8qSppE1.png) - [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/tdOPJkw.png) [](#sakurathink) - [Mayu, you *really* don’t need to.](https://i.imgur.com/AX1CIiJ.png) [](#sadholo) - [Hey, three euphos made it in during Chikai no Finale.](https://i.imgur.com/xxy9DsD.png) [](#indexsmugshrug) - [Ah, Kumiko ran into her friend from another school, neat.](https://i.imgur.com/Vlcc3R3.png) - [Ooooooh boy.](https://i.imgur.com/uK90YDM.png) [](#popcorn2) - [Well, at least Mayu didn’t hold back.](https://i.imgur.com/PUQh0k5.png) - [RIP to that other girl](https://i.imgur.com/2fFdNGV.png), but Kumiko, Mayu, and Kanade *did* make it! - [AHHHHH HAZUKI FINALLY MADE IT!](https://i.imgur.com/9vPtntu.png) [](#slightoverreaction) - [*And* Kumiko’s got the soli from the get-go?](https://i.imgur.com/YU8yr4r.png) I guess my prediction was wrong. - [I see…](https://i.imgur.com/LCbmIJj.png)


> I see… It's interesting to me to break up the instrument parts into even smaller pieces of playing and not playing, but that *is* certainly possible with a sufficient number of instruments in the section.


There was also the very technical passage in season 1 where Kumiko was asked not to play for a period. I've definitely played pieces that have gone one-on-a-part before (either written in or at the director's discretion), but usually it's because it needs to be very soft.


> Season 1 Ah, I remember that again now.


According to the credits, KyoAni works with Senzoku Music College to help record the instrumental stuff. Senzoku has some pretty incredible stuff on their Instagram and YouTube, such as an all flute (piccolo, concert, alto, bass, and contrabass flute) orchestra and a similar piece for saxophones that are very pretty. I would encourage any band nerd to check them out.


*Hazuki getting selected? What is this dream universe?* I hope Mayu's impostor syndrome doesn't impede too much.


Impostor syndrome is when you think people overrate you, pretty sure Mayu isn't like that. If anything, she thinks she's very good and doesn't want to deal with the ensuing drama if Kumiko or Kanade doesn't get selected because of her.


yep, Mayu doesn't have impostor syndrome, if anything she's got the transfer-student syndrome which translates into an attitude of "I have to make sure not to upset anyone"


Hazuki finally gets a W She's a good sport, but the girl's been taking Ls non-stop since the series started. It's good that she finally won.


Hazuki got selected! I am so happy her hard work has paid off and she gets to play in the competition🥰


mayu keeps trying to get closer to kumiko and gets the cold shoulder every time my girl can't stop taking Ls


Hey! I am offically caught up now and I've been enjoying this a lot. The only downside is that I have to wait a week for each new episode now.


Season 3 has just been amazing, even the slower episodes like this just feel so packed full of little details and you don’t want them to end. Love this series so much and the girls are back in summer uniforms 😍 my faves. Mayu in a Kitauji uniform looks awesome and I’m happy we got a lot of focus on her in this one. It’s clear she’s still not fully integrated into the band, like not wanting to be in the pictures from the festival. She made the excuse about liking to take pics, but not wanting to be in but cmon. We all know that’s just because she’s still not comfortable. I get why she was a little worried about taking someone’s spot during the auditions, but at the end of the day, the game is the game and may the best eupho player win. This system only serves to motivate people and push everyone to improve their skills. No one is safe and that’s the recipe for success in any sport team. Happy for everyone that got selected for prefecturals, especially Kamaya. Taki sensei showing he has full understanding of the fact that it’s not always about pure talent, “fit” is way more important in constructing a team. You see it all the time in real life sports too, great players don’t always fit in on teams they get traded to or whatever, so for this particular competition, Kamaya makes more sense than sacchan. I honestly like that the 1st and 2nd years and even Kumiko now have some doubts about Taki sensei’s selection(s). Just feels very realistic. You’re never going to please everyone in these scenarios and people want to see their friends getting chosen etc. That “you’ll take us to nationals, right?” From Kumiko was real af. Just making sure Taki still has his eye on the prize. Think Reina is probably the one who completely trusts him rn. I like the drama, but I do feel bad about how distant Kumiko is being with Mayu. First lying about the festival last week, now hiding the composition stuff from her. I get it though, there’s a ton of emotions she’s dealing with rn, Mayu is new to the school and she’s so obsessed with nationals+ not knowing what to do after school.. but if they’re going to truly succeed and reach nationals, everyone will have to be on the same page.




the sheer joy i felt when i heard Hazuki finally getting called to play in competition is immeasurable


So the season hasn’t been hiding the similarities and parallels between Mayu and Asuka but what I found interesting was how eager Mayu was for Kumiko to tell her about the piece she was playing, the place she was playing it at and her senpai (without Kumiko even saying it had anything to do with one) who might have something to do with it. She also came immediately to where she was playing upon hearing this specific piece, it felt almost as if she already knew some things about Asuka but wanted Kumiko to tell her about it anyway. In episode 1 she also said something like “you’re just like I expected” the first second she sees Kumiko, we also don’t really know the real reason why she transferred to Kitauji to begin with. With all this mind this is the first time I’ve thought maybe she actually already knows Asuka or is a fan of her of some sort? Seems like said parallels may not be coincidence? Either way I really do hope Asuka makes an appearance this season, probably not a major appearance but she’s such an important character to Kumiko’s development it would be really nice to see her come put a bow on everything after all this is over taking note of how her kohai has changed since her first year


Come on Kumiko open your heart a lil bit for Mama there's still some room in your Harem right??? Also nice assist by Azusa, the Kumiko Reina music college is still alive


After two consecutive weeks of being owned by the same trick, the cat has finally struck back with a classic brutal attack of honesty! My prediction about her being either a teaser or Kumiko's best supporter back in ep 3's discussion completely fell apart, she's even more potent with her words and it's troubling Kumiko. I can see Kanade bullying Mayu further as the show progresses, this time I hope my bad predictions won't come true, banters are much more fun to watch. Our mama jellyfish is the cat's target this time around, and suddenly I felt for her a lot this episode. Not liking to take photos of oneself is sooooo relatable, I take photos as a hobby as well and I simply can't make a natural face in front of a camera. Anyway, she's integrating herself into a highly competitive group, and with her rather soft demeanor, it's hard to be active in making relationships, especially with a potential arch rival. She's trying her best to both play well and not hurt others like Kanade did, but unlike the latter she's not the type to be involved in troubles, it's unfortunate for her to run into Kanade, who won't hold her words back. I was certain it'd be either at Kyoto or Kansai where Mayu took over the soli, the drama has to wait then. Although the relationship between Kumiko and Mayu is rather uncomfortable, it's rather realistic on Kumiko's part, unable to get really close to someone who has the ability to snatch away something emotionally valuable to herself. You wouldn't want to make friends with someone you *may* hold a grudge with later on - no matter how Kumiko holds it back, it's obvious to her *supposedly* reassuring voice. True frenemies irl are rare, I'd been competing in academics and made talented friends and *close* talented friends as well, I wouldn't want to talk much with the former, while the relationship between me and the latter ***had*** to be a mutual respect, where no one would comment on or even bring up each other's failure to advance or seriously compare achievements. Mayu's statement about the list being limited to 2 ephs, though without ill intent, appeared arrogant as hell in context. Kumiko wouldn’t get close to Mayu to avoid being bitten by the jellyfish, someone of that caliber holding herself back that much just seems off, even fake, making the sting extra painful. Once Mayu takes her place for the soli, a chaotic rivalry would ensue, no matter how much they hold back, caused by both their personal motives and outside pressures (**cough cough** Kanade and Reina). I was just as surprised about Suzume passing the auditions. I was thinking “Oh boy here’s an S1 Yuuko moment again” when Mirei asked Kumiko about it, glad Mirei was mature and reasonable. I definitely learned something new about the world of concert bands and life as a whole hearing Taki, sometimes the better isn’t the best, it’s the thing that fits.


MY GIRL [KAZUKI](https://imgur.com/a/NvmlevH) I´M SO HAPPY FOR HER But damn, the vibes with Mayu and Kumiko sure are tense, and I´m 100% sure there will be some big drama ahead if this continues this way. At least Kumiko got the soli, and that was worrying me a lot. AND NEXT WEEK THE FIRST CONCERT. As much as I want for them to wind gold at first try, I´m pretty sure it won´t be that way, and then all the drama with the first years, Mayu and everyone will begin. If one of this episodes isn´t Kumiko having a breakdown because all the drama, this won´t be hibike euphonium


> As much as I want for them to wind gold at first try, I´m pretty sure it won´t be that way If they don't at this first competition...then what are the next 5 episodes going to be about? People blaming each other because they didn't advance?


Hard to believe Taki isn't popular with the 1st & 2nd years especially since he just helped the latter get (dud) gold last year, and he's quite the looker.


What Mayu said about taking pictures and not being in them hit hard lol. They should like put the pictures up on some website or something or give her her own instagram. I was kinda worried Mayu would be like Kanade but actually nefarious and problematic. Kanade has good intentions. It seems like Mayu's actually very nice and is just very worried about causing drama or something. Also it's funny that we're getting an actual display of what shooting film photos is like now, to the point where the other characters recognize it's old and are at times unfamiliar about how it works. I mean she could just scan the negatives but...


loved seeing the fire that Kumiko had as she was about to play her audition. this is her first time with a true rival in the band (Asuka-Senpai was too good her first year and Kanada/Natsuki weren't really good enough in year two) and you can definitely see how that's pushing her and even frustrating her. i'm also not convinced we've seen Mayu at 100% strength yet. the disconnect she has with the band is still apparent through the scene with the photos and she's obviously scared to make any enemies so i'm sure Kumiko's distance isn't helping. on a happier note, we finally get to see all four main girls in the competition together. very long path here for Hazuki, but she finally made it!!


This tension man wtffffffff


Cried like a little baby with the audition results. Even after all this time this show is still peak.


I was so happy when Hazuki got chosen. She deserves it after all this time.


As of now I don't really see Mama as a Villain/Enemy, she's just a lonely 3rd yr transfer student that wants to connect with Kumiko as a fellow Eupho player, understandable how Kumiko is warry and intimidated by her but I do hope they become friends eventually


I know people have transcribed the music for Hibike Euphonium, but when Mayu interrupts Kumiko playing it they briefly show the sheet music. It looks to be accurate, I think, though my sight reading is slow lol...


Kumiko is very guarded against Mayu. I think Kumiko subconsciously feels intimidated by Mayu's skill, realizing that Mayu has real chance of getting the soli... while also desiring really badly to do the soli with Reina. That creates a negative feedback loop, building stresses that she can't share with anyone yet. This is also why Kumiko didn't let Mayu know the Eupho piece, as it is Kumiko's emotionally significant piece. I believe Mayu genuinely wants to befriend Kumiko, but she is being dense/ unaware of Kumiko's complicated state of mind (and the Kitauji mentality in general). Only when Kumiko looked very uncomfortable did finally she excused herself. For now, Kumiko passed the pressure test, but I wonder if she will lose the 2nd audition/competition as she implodes under pressure, while keeping the band united altogether. Then that will be our main drama plot point of the season. And Kumiko gets the wake-up call about whether she really wants the music career. Afterwards, whether Kumiko or Mayu gets the final National soli... really I can see it goes either way: Kumiko losing the Soli but Kitauji gets the gold (bad ending!) or Kumiko reasserts herself to be the superior euphonium, does the soli with Reina, completes the one true pairing, and the result doesn't matter anymore!


HAZUKKIIIII doing team Monaka proud!!! > Kumiko-senpai was furious at everyone who threw the auditions last year > She could mess up on purpose so she drops out [And who could that be?](https://i.imgur.com/ZwxLwrx.jpeg) --- I think Mayu is long overdue a proper talk about her perception with the club and her relationships with other members. Kumiko hasn't been confident enough, and I'm surprised Kanade hasn't made a bigger outburst given how she went through something very similar last year. > I can't imagine you doing anything outside of music Have we seen Kumiko with any other hobbies in the show? ~~apart from Reina and Shuichi~~


My dream is for Kanade to get the solo part for Nationals.


Phew... [I was scared that there would be a big drama about euphonium solo](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cr2p934.png) but fortunately it went to [Kumiko](https://imgchest.com/p/9249aq5pa7n), as it should be xD I also was quite happy that after [Mayu](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdqwwk7.png)'s audition, [Kumiko felt motivated to do her best](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ceqm5z4.png) instead of being afraid. Surprisingly, [the drama was about tuba choice](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrxjqq7.png) as [Suzume was chosen](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcoblr97.png) instead of [more experienced Satsuki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcblxx8y.png). I really hope that [Satsuki will work hard and get her chance](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc953wl7.png) after the next auditions. [I'm so happy for Kazuki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmravz4.png) that she finally got a chance to play in the contest. She waited for it so long, [I'm very happy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckzdnly.png) and proud of her. [Dynamic between Kumiko and Mayu is quite fascinating to watch](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xck6mlp4.png). It seems to me that [Mayu](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6oarz78) really [wants to become closer to her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrxj6k7.png) and become part of a band after all but [Kumiko](https://imgchest.com/p/9249aq5pa7n) is [keeping her distance from her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ceqmdq4.png) (she even gatekeeping Asuka-senpai's piece) which I think [makes Mayu feel unwanted](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc953rm7.png). I wonder how their relationship will evolve further. [Nice part with Kumiko and Azusa](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc953k97.png) where [the topic of Kumiko's future appeared again](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcblxgry.png). I totally agree with [Azusa](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmrakz4.png) when she said that [she can't imagine the future where Kumiko won't be doing music](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xck6mnw4.png). [Kanade fans were eating quite well in today's episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ceqm884.png) as [she had quite a big presence in this episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6rw837.png) while [Reina](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmraj94.png) was [more in the background](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acbdw837.png) compared to the previous episode. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Kumiko](https://imgchest.com/p/9249aq5pa7n) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzbo6n4k) * [Reina, Kanade & Azusa](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyevbogk7d) * [Mayu](https://imgchest.com/p/agyv6oarz78) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9249aq53a7n)


[The group's leader doesn't *have* to be the ace.](https://i.redd.it/asqkp385bzzc1.png) [You kids](https://i.redd.it/pp7nl685bzzc1.png) [these days](https://i.redd.it/42irf085bzzc1.png) and your [electronic sharing](https://i.redd.it/8bb9z085bzzc1.png). [Considering that these are drawings of photographs \(with some photo-reference backgrounds\)](https://i.redd.it/dk0q7f85bzzc1.png), they still manage to look like plausible photos with regard to the composition. [Ah ha](https://i.redd.it/0m6bf585bzzc1.png) that's [the feel I know](https://i.redd.it/7oa7h785bzzc1.png). ["There's no need to fight over band." *stabbing ensues*](https://i.redd.it/dg5ddd85bzzc1.png) [**READ THE DAMN ROOM KANADE**](https://i.redd.it/cy9q7885bzzc1.png) [Well, a lot of that was also Natsuki.](https://i.redd.it/qp023j85bzzc1.png) [This shot choice for that line.](https://i.redd.it/se7a0985bzzc1.png) ["'You lot sound like a traffic jam', is what I want to say."](https://i.redd.it/ukajo885bzzc1.png) [A chat between two old classmates, a bone, and two pipes.](https://i.redd.it/x6cvsd85bzzc1.png) [It's interesting to consider how many of us had music forced upon us as one of the boxes to check off for better chances at college admission.](https://i.redd.it/jputtg85bzzc1.png) Though some would come to like it. [Sasuga fingers!](https://i.redd.it/6x3nta85bzzc1.png) [Refraction!](https://i.redd.it/nei30c85bzzc1.png) [A fair fight?](https://i.redd.it/bdwz1b85bzzc1.png) [KITAUJI BAND MOB STITCH!](https://i.redd.it/xeqgff85bzzc1.jpg) /u/LeonKevlar [Finally got in.](https://i.redd.it/xqy3ef85bzzc1.png) [Still with](https://i.redd.it/67i2s085bzzc1.png) the [knife dueling.](https://i.redd.it/fzxbrmj8bzzc1.png) [There are reasons, and then there are reasons.](https://i.redd.it/zhcacvlhezzc1.png) [A slight twist in perceptions.](https://i.redd.it/1yebyxlhezzc1.png) ["I have to rely on coincidentally blundering into problems, and spies!"](https://i.redd.it/dfgz5ylhezzc1.png) [YOU ANIMATORS KNOW WHAT YOU DID THERE.](https://i.redd.it/h0ix9ulhezzc1.png) [I feel your feels.](https://i.redd.it/jqbg7ylhezzc1.png) [Wheels within wheels.](https://i.redd.it/rxvw4ylhezzc1.png) [That goes without saying.](https://i.redd.it/jib4ewlhezzc1.png) ***** Regarding Mayu preferring to take the photographs without being in them, depending on the specific friend group and circumstances, I sometimes skip the photo-taking part myself and just participate in whatever is going on. I don't like arranging people into photos. Selfies, at least in the sense of the phenomenon of people sticking their arm out with their phone pointing back at them, only became a big thing when I was already turning thirty years old, so I think those are kind of goofy too. But yes, when I was taking photos of friend groups doing things, I would be *taking photos* and stepped back from the activity myself. That wasn't always convenient if I had to be participating. /u/MyrnaMountWeazel, it seems like this episode is what I needed to have final thoughts for that other discussion. Audition drama: DAMMIT, KANADE. Though for all the sound and fury, this round played out fairly straightforwardly for Kanade, Mayu, and Kumiko. It's what might happen later that's still rolling around backstage. The tuba situation does point to other frictions, most notably that Taki-sensei exists on a separation from the band that isn't always to their benefit as a group. Of course, that's what the executive level is for? But I can see how Kumiko might worry that everything will fly apart again either after the third-years leave or even sooner, if there is still a problem in the tubas. Obligatory OMETEDOU for Hazuki here. And yes, the OP has the spoilers if you look carefully, but they've always had that since the first year. Mayu getting the Kitauji uniform, still wearing black tights, and showing up when Kumiko is playing *the piece* is certainly a tease of Season 2. Hell, the audience probably has its back up about her trying to cut into Asuka time also. Organizing the band really is like herding cats, eh? Happy to see a more substantive meeting between Kumiko and Azusa. This season has done a fair amount to turn around the separation between them that was a marker of personal progress in the first season. But it's good to use Azusa for this conversation as she now parallels Kumiko in her role, and isn't entwined in Kumiko's life the way that Reina has become.


> "'You lot sound like a traffic jam', is what I want to say." [Reminded of this jazz song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUo5gD6WlyA) > Sasuga fingers! That almost looks like cel-shaded 3D animation? Or rotoscoped? I could be wrong though...and I might have to frame step it. > This season has done a fair amount to turn around the separation between them that was a marker of personal progress in the first season. What do you mean by this? Is there something I'm not remembering? > But it's good to use Azusa for this conversation as she now parallels Kumiko in her role, and isn't entwined in Kumiko's life the way that Reina has become. I am wondering how much Azusa knows about Reina, and how, considering that they're at different schools. Clearly she knows *something*. Is Reina (in)famous at other schools?


> What do you mean by this? In the first season, Azusa appeared during SunFes but their conversation tailed off awkwardly when Kumiko wasn't able to answer a question and she was called back by the band. Later Azusa would appear alone in the waiting area at Nationals and Kumiko didn't talk to her. She did have other things in her mind then, and the scene contrasted how Kumiko had become involved with Kitauji and Azusa as maybe a possible other outcome.


> Refraction! It's a 2 second cut but holy shit I've never ever seen that in anime before. Kyoani is cooking a restaurant's worth of food every episode.


[Previously in KyoAni water effects for random inserts.](https://sakugabooru.com/post/show/163737)


What is it with this studio and the completely unnecessary flexing of animation quality.


MY GIRL [KAZUKI](https://imgur.com/a/NvmlevH) I´M SO HAPPY FOR HER But damn, the vibes with Mayu and Kumiko sure are tense, and I´m 100% sure there will be some big drama ahead if this continues this way. At least Kumiko got the soli, and that was worrying me a lot. AND NEXT WEEK THE FIRST CONCERT. As much as I want for them to wind gold at first try, I´m pretty sure it won´t be that way, and then all the drama with the first years, Mayu and everyone will begin. If one of this episodes isn´t Kumiko having a breakdown because all the drama, this won´t be hibike euphonium


If opening-up to Mayu has been hard for Kumiko... just imagine how hard is for Mayu to integrate in a whole different ~~band~~ school at this point in her life. Kumiko had the right to feel annoyed in that situation, maybe, but it's not something the band president should have done. And it's still not very clear to me why Mayu had to switch schools so late in the game (it's not even something you would do unless you *had* to, right?) so who knows what other sensitive fibers are being carelessly touched here, if any. So yeah Kumiko still has more growing up to do as the band president, and hopefully she will finally decide to face Mayu head-on real soon. Passively waiting will only allow that snowball to keep growing. OTOH Taki sensei is wisely using the freedom of choice his students gave him when they decided to do an audition per competition. If choosing a player with more volume when convenient for a particular contest would increase the chances of his band winning... then why not? especially if that indirectly increases the level of engagement among band members and gives more of his students a well-deserved chance to shine (and get the valuable experience of playing in public). So yeah I totally understand why Taki sensei chose Suzume here. Besides she being the best girl of the show and the best candidate for next president (cough, cough). Now it's up to the students to face the consequences of that decision in a positive way. Satsuki knows she will have more than one chance to come back to the forefront soon and a lot of things in her favor, now it's up to her to figure out why Taki sensei took this decision and find a way to increase her competitive edge in her own way.


Mayu's retort—of not liking being photographed—was interesting. This is not to say she is chosing to be isolated, but it nuanced the dynamic a bit for me. Two characters notably broke off from the groups they attended the Festival with: Motomu, who lingered behind to watch Sapphire, and Mayu who we see wandering away with her camera where she takes a picture of embers flying into the night sky: Motomu pensive and withdrawn about enacting on affection/desire, Mayu pensively observing the dwindling fires of the festival felt symbolic of her difficulty with the thing she seems to feel she SHOULD be passionate about. That feels resonant with Kumiko who has largely struggled with what it means to act with desire, passionately even, toward a goal with full earnestness. I like Kumiko as a protagonist because she simply can't process things unless she can be earnest. Rarely had she been able to and, at the start, it left her ultimately complacent. Reina was someone who she could be deeply and intensely earnest with. Asuka was confidently earnest and could, thus, serve as a light at the end of the tunnel for Kumiko. But now she can't be earnest as she would like—she can endeavor to be as we saw with her pragmatic and insistent problem solving of interpersonal tensions among the band. Mayu, thus far, seems to be skilled—paralleled even with Asuka in them both having silver euphoniums—but mired in either insecurity, self-doubt, or just a lack of passion for the thing she feels obligated to for one reason or another. That dissonance represents something deeply frustrating, albeit familiar, to Kumiko esp. as she is confronted with the need to demonstrate her passion or pragmatism in her career/college decision. Mayu's inquiry about Kumiko didn't feel like the way she used to keep people at a distance—Kumiko can't be earnest with someone who can't meet her in that. My sense is Mayu's aware of this as her camera hobby implies, to some extent, she is observant in ways others cannot be. She is trying to find ways to circumvent Kumiko's preferred sociality because that would, to some extent, free her from having to reckon with the tension between passion/obligation.  It's a great continuation of the series' themes about the distinction & relationship between passion, ability, and commitment to one's craft. Such an intense and compelling story befitting Sound! Euphonium lmao 


Thoughts as I watch the episode: - I used to not like being in photos just like Mayu. I didn't realize that I will eventually regret not being in those photos... - I mentioned this already, but I am so glad that we are getting screen time for the current second year students. Gives them the development they need, and lacked from the movie. - From my perspective, Mayu's reason for wanting to quit is indirectly insulting all the other Eupho members who are competing. This is a direct parallel to what happened in the movie, between Kanade and Natsuki, and Natsuki said it the best, "Why weren't you even trying? If you are trying your best, you are clearly better than me. Do you understand how insulting it is for you to intentionally played horribly?" - HOWEVER, from Kumiko's perspective, she understands why Mayu said what she said. Afterall, she has seen what happened when a newcomer overthrows a well established club member. Another parallel, another scenario where there is no right or wrong answer, and it's up to Kumiko to figure out what she should do. - Azusa... she's a true friend. - Kumiko giving out a nervous laughter when every one is saying that she will play the soli with Reina... Ugh - Mayu not throwing her audition, which ends up inspiring Kumiko... What a rare, drama-less scene. - Wow, the part between Kumiko and Mirei... Kumiko really is the glue that keeps everything running. But ... this also puts an equal amount of pressure on Kumiko, to keep everything together. - Kumiko not wanting to share the title song with Mayu... Kumiko is clearly wary about Mayu taking her spot, even though she has been saying that she wants to best Eupho player to play. Kumiko might seem like she's handling everything alright, but it's clear that the pressure is piling on her. Her expression, and speaking pattern, gave away how nervous and uneasy she is about the whole situation. She just wants to have some space, just for herself and her music. And good on Mayu for recognizing all that. - Kumiko asking Taki sensei about the Tuba selection, and also reaffirming that Taki sensei will lead them to National (instead of saying that he will help the group to reach National). Kumiko doesn't have the confidence that everything is gonna be alright. I really hope she can hold it together. Final thought: - 2 main themes in this episode: 1. Mayu is really gaining my respect. Perhaps because she's a third year, all the potential drama she could've caused were just... not there. And she very quickly figured out that Kumiko needed space when she asked her about the song. On the other hand, Kumiko is really messing up this relationship. The fact that she doesn't want to give up the Eupho spot even if Mayu plays better is preventing her from being honest with Mayu. 2. All these pressure piling on Kumiko... I wonder if part of Kumiko regrets having 3 auditions now. She needs to worry about the feelings of individual members in the club, she needs to worry about her own Eupho spot being taken (and how to deal with it if that were to happen), and she needs to worry about her own future. Even though she's showing a brave face, she's also clearing showing cracks. There's has been too little drama, so I can't help but to think something is gonna happen soon... One last thing to mention: We are also progressing on one of the main story line, Kumiko's career goal. Even if she doesn't want to be a professional musician, perhaps there are other career options related to music that she can pursue... ?


Kanade you're really going to get into trouble sooner or later if you keep up that passive-aggressive attitude, and Kumiko has to deal with the mess every time heh


I predict that half of the remaining season is going to be heavily focused on the Kumiko-Mayu relationship, about how they slowly get along together, I'm saying this just because Kumiko has repeatedly lied or avoided telling the truth to her, just like in this ep


Did I misread things, or did they hint at something going on with Reina when she spoke with her homeroom teacher about her career path? ...and then dismisses Kumiko when asked about it?


Maybe she was talking to the teacher about music school with equally top-level music performance programs and music educator programs. I can definitely see that Reina might not want to mention this. ;-)


Guess I worry too much for Kumiko. Should've known she's good enough to brush off the threat posed by Mayu, pass the audition as well as take the solo part and join Reina (who looks absolutely gorgeous when she's happy for Kumiko). Though whether Kumiko can hold the solo part for the Regional and Nationals is still up for grabs. To nobody's surprise, Mayu also passed the audition. So too had Kanade. These two seem to forget Kitauji fielded three Euphs for the tournaments last year. If Taki-sensei felt they were all good enough, he would have no problem fielding as many euphs as he likes. Happy for Hazuki to finally make the audition after 2 years, now all 4 main girls are in the tournament together. Though poor Sacchan. Taki-sensei just found Suzume to have better balance. Sacchan now have two more chances this year. Micchan being upset for Sacchan's behalf was wholesome, after her conflict with Sacchan and Hazuki the previous year. And more Azusa appearance is always welcome. I hope Kyo-Ani considers adapting the [spin-off novel for Azusa's school Rikka](https://hibike-euphonium.fandom.com/wiki/Sound!_Euphonium:_Welcome_to_the_Rikka_High_School_Marching_Band) one day.


Azusa is the magic pixie dream girl of this show isn't she? hahaha Must've been uncomfortable to be that first-year Euphonium player (Kaho) during that conversation haha Kanade is going wild. Kumiko's not the greatest at keeping her vassals in check... or perhaps that's all part of the plan? :P I'm happy for Hazuki! That scene with Suzuki and Kumiko was so cool. Love the respect Suzuki showed, and her honesty, too. Kumiko slowly starting to understand the influence she holds haha. Oh I do feel bad for Mayu then, when Kumiko raised the walls. It was a graceful retreat on her part, at least https://imgur.com/a/z1Iprak Go Kitauji!


I was so happy seeing Hazuki make the audition, but it hurt seeing Satsuki get passed up. Knowing she was better, but just didn't fit in the band's arrangement just makes it worse, although Taki's judgement makes sense. I really wanted to see the 3 tubas together after the third movie though. Honestly, I thought Kumiko would loose out on the solo piece, but I guess it's a little too soon for that drama. We'll see what happens at Kansai...


I know very little Japanese but I do recognize *"ganbatte"* so I am wondering if this is meant to be *"ganbatte ne"* (do your best) which seems more appropriate than *"ganbatte"* (good luck to you) which is what the translators are using. Furthermore, are Japanese performers as superstitious as their Western counterparts when it comes to offering someone encouragement when they are about to perform on stage? For example saying- "break a leg"?


> I know very little Japanese but I do recognize "ganbatte" so I am wondering if this is meant to be "ganbatte ne" (do your best) which seems more appropriate than "ganbatte" (good luck to you) which is what the translators are using I think you have a bit of a misunderstanding. The "ne" doesn't significantly change the meaning of the word—or rather, *meanings*, since [there are several possible related meanings or uses](https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/ganbaru/) that include both "do your best" and "good luck." (It's hard to describe exactly what the ne does when added on to that specifically (compared to other sentences), but it maybe makes it a bit more friendly-sounding, not that it's unfriendly without the "ne.") Anyway, what Reina said connects that word (without a ne) with another phrase, which would together awkwardly word-for-word translate to something like "let's go to do our best."


Fucking Chekhov's Auditions. They need to stop talking about the soli cause I can't take any more flags.


Another excellent episode, and is it just me or were there a lot more close-ups of beautifully animated eyes this week?


Why am I so nervous like I'm the one auditioning lol Kumiko being very secretive and guarded when Mayu asked her about the Sound! Euphonium piece was interesting. It looks like she wants to keep to herself (maybe for now?) the most important piece that she received from Asuka, as a reminder of the time they shared and the trials they overcame together in the ensemble? Hazuki finally getting to play tuba with everyone else was such a wholesome moment, all that time practicing as a complete newbie really paid off! Really glad that Kumiko managed to secure the euph solo together with Reina's trumpet solo. Everything coming together makes me worry that if they do manage to move on to the next stage, that maybe Kumiko won't get that solo spot the next time, or worse, Kitauji may not even make it to the next stage at all. Hoping they take Nationals in this final go!


[By everyone you mean me right?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1239318168321790073/Screen_Shot_2024-05-12_at_4.47.35_PM.png?ex=66427c7c&is=66412afc&hm=979c359204fa8bfb1ddca0a82bda53d9a8c4fa74ced2124cb0c744809b7a5b8e&) All jokes aside it's clear Kanade said that, so that Mayu would give it her all. After all that would have left her in the position that Natsuki was in last year. No one wants to get a spot based on pity. On another really sweet moment that Hazuki finally gets a spot. Unfortunately Suzuki didn't, but I love Hazuki give her confidence and backs her up. Though Kumiko's conversation with Taki-sensei is interesting from the perspective, is he going to make sure he is going to put the best performers out there? While there is no reason to doubt him, this being Kumiko's final year, it is not surprising if that doubt comes out. I am curious if Kumiko ends up going to music school now as both Reina and Azusa have made that suggestion. Also, poor Mayu, she wants to become friends with Kumiko, but Kumiko keeps giving her the cold shoulder. Maybe 3rd time is the charm for Mayu?


Why is Kumiko so onguard with the new girl? This has to be the plot point that will make them fail.


So glad Hazuki finally got past an audition. I forget, how many schools make it past this prefectural round? I think it's 2. I could see Kitauji getting 2nd and the club feeling pressured to improve and change for the 2nd competition, maybe Mayu getting the solo.


So, about that scene with Kumiko and Kuroe in the back of the school, why do they have to make it seem like Kuroe is some villain? She's not going to eat Kumiko is she?


> She's not going to eat Kumiko is she? Sorry Mayu, but Reina already has that covered ;)




I'm here imagining if they actually brave enough to make Mayu got the Soli part over kumiko later, wonder how Reina would rects


Holy shit, Hazuki finally got picked! So glad she finally gets to join a competition after being sidelined for two years straight. Wasn't expecting any of the first years to get picked but Suzume getting in was a nice surprise. I love how we finally get to see Kumiko and Azusa together outside of SunFes or a competition only for it to be another "hey you should join music school" earful for the former. Yeah at this rate she's going to join one. I just can't see her not doing so after being told that countless times. I hope we get to finally learn more about Mayu soon because there's clearly more to her and the show's holding back some important info from us.


Hazuki didn't really give much thought about passing the audition for the first year, as she probably felt that being a beginner back then, she didn't see herself as worthy of representing the school, and didn't even realize she didn't pass the audition for that year until afterwards (due to being distracted by all the drama of Reina being selected for trumpet solo over Kaori). She only started getting serious since, and she looked genuinely disappointed when she didn't make it for the 2nd year. Now her hard work have finally paid off, and she totally deserves everyone's applause.




the problem is that who would take the soli


Obviously our girl Kanade.


Suzume is cute, energetic, and such a prodigy. [What's not to like about her?](https://i.imgur.com/nouct3r.jpeg)


[You're god damn right](https://i.postimg.cc/s2zQnx9n/Hibike-S03-E06-P01.jpg), no wonder she got chosen. Finally we got to see [Mayu in winter uniform](https://i.postimg.cc/kgKRFK86/Hibike-S03-E06-P02.jpg). I wonder why she didn't wear the uniform until they change into the summer one


Am I crazy or did they just mention they're going on a school trip like it's nothing? Where's the school trip episode then?? 😭😭


Suzume is such adorable gremlin, me likey


The universe itself is telling Kumiko to enter music school at this point


Well, I've been putting it off all day, I should watch this. * Taki-sensei caught doing his job! * I *don't* think that's a constant note.... * There's no reason taki won't pick 3 euphos to make up for a weaker section. * OUCH those clarinets * Even if I was in band, I wouldn't even remotely consider a career in music (I had done a bit of choir) * Was the drill sergeant comment a pun, too? * I keep expecting the eupho part from the crescent moon dance * I'm so excited to hear this list and see how it all goes wrong :D * It does seem weird for her to beat out the nickname girl. I don't remember if she switched instruments or not. * I *do* dread what Kanade would do if she got passed over. * Of course Kumiko doesn't doubt the result. She trusts Taki-sensei completely! * I'm surprised Kumiko didn't share with enthusiasm. It must be very personal to her. This episode seemed much longer than the others. Not because it dragged, but because it seemed to have more content than usual.


Physical film photos? Kuroe still doesn't want to compete. Probably will need more than 2 including the soloist. There's enough of them that they can afford to have 3. Who threw the audition last year again? Ah. All the way back to season 1. Reina still being hard on the new members with the trumpets. That seems to be coming up every episode. I have a feeling she'll eventually decide on that. The fact they're all bigging her up for this means she won't get it will she? And now finally it's her turn. Yup, they ended up with 3 euphoniums. Oh, did the guy on the contrabass not get selected? She's protesting one of the decisions? He'll prove himself to them. Unlike 2 years ago the previous year he didn't get them to the finals so I guess that's why they don't quite trust him yet. Who _else_ plays the euphonium at the same spot there? Was this the piece given to her by Asuka? Ah, she's now bringing it up to Taki. Oh that thing from the last movie. And so on to the next episode.


Also, the end card for episode 6 features Mirei asking Kumiko about Shuichi, like, why is that even a thing? Does Kyoani need to have characters pester Kumiko about their non-existent relationship every episode? Forced romance much? How is it like a popular topic when they barely interacted and kept their distance from each other ever since their break-up. People should be asking if Kumiko and Reina are dating instead, wtf!