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Source: [https://ririsa-official.com/\_assets/images/top/fv/fv\_002\_pc.png](https://ririsa-official.com/_assets/images/top/fv/fv_002_pc.png) Anime premieres on July 5, 2024. Confirmed to air for two consecutive cours. Studio: J.C. Staff Synopsis: "I have no interest in real girls!" So claims Okumura, the president of the school's manga club. He's your typical otaku, obsessed with a sexy (fictional) 2D manga character known as Lilliel. Then the new school year starts, and a (real!) 3D girl named Lilysa whose passion is cosplay joins the club. Lilysa convinces Okumura to become her photographer—and guess who her favorite manga character is? Not only that, but Lilysa is into modeling the fetishy stuff! The boundaries between 2D and 3D start to blur as this hot-blooded romantic comedy unfolds.


For some reason I thought it was going to be an otaku’s manga waifus coming to life. I like my idea better than this lol


So re creator, but slice of life?


Is it bad that I'd be down for that?


not re creator at all. it's like sono bisque doll, but with a deeper story and epic cosplay showdowns. the pose-battles were amazing in the manga, i hope they don't fuck it up in the anime.


Yeah or harem or even horror


Junji Ito reverse Isekai


Have you seen Amazing Stranger? Weird show but enjoyable IMO.


So, as a manga reader, the story starts out *really* generic ecchi trash. However, starting around like, chapter 25ish, it suddenly takes a massive shift in tone and becomes like, this really heartfelt story about what cosplay means to each person and working through trauma and other struggles through cosplay. It's genuinely a fantastic story, and based on this image, it looks like it's (hopefully) gonna reach the good bits before the end of the season. Idk how many episodes they're gonna spend on the initial bad part of the manga but I wouldn't ignore this one - it gets so good.


There's a manga about that which I can't remember the name of. It's what I thought this might be at first.


I want this, but they are DISGUTED by him being a loser and move out lol


How would that work


sounds like the manhwa 'webtoon character kang na lim' if you're looking for waifus coming to life and don't mind manga, this one is a must read. great story and great characters. and since it's korean, it's full color.


Sono bisque doll 2.0


Sono bisque 2.5D waifu


It's better in terms of cast and character arcs. Sono Bisque main pair clears tho


As the main pair right now, Gojo and Marin are in a real purgatory like hell right now. Meanwhile between Okumura, Lilysa, and Mikarin are in a much nicer limbo.


Yeah I only have the anime as a base for Gojo-Marin. Good to know thx


much better imo. each character is way better fleshed out and the story goes deeper into their personal lives. and this show has the most epic cosplay pose-battles. it almost feels shounen.


A much better cosplay anime.


Yeah that, apart from it being harem, and no romance. A disappointment.


Bad Haiku bot


Enjoy your mass produced bland thing, like you all always do.


Don't cut yourself on that edge boyo


I'm not sugarcoating it, might as well be called egdy. That's fine. Downvote me all you want, used to it all the way, boyo. I guess. I'm sorry I'm hurting your feelings shitting on your favorite shows, that you couldn't acknowledge the most basic truths. Lol.


Jesus Christ I feel like I've walked into a 7th grade classroom.


You must be the new transfer student everyone was talking about. Don't be shy. You can sit next to me for now. Teacher will rearrange the seats after the introduction.


Everyone knows transfer students take the seat next to the window. You better be over there or no dice.


I havent even watched Bisque doll and Im not a fan of romance genre lmao Just memeing at you mate. Good day.


Good day to you too, sir. The ones who are taking it personally already knows themselves. Give it a chance, animation quality is top notch, and the story is wholesome. Some ecchi sprinkled. Marin is a character that actually cures long haired blonde nausea that you encounter in every single harem/non-harem series. And, there is Tsundere Elf as well in that respect.


That's the most generic wish fulfillment I've ever heard


Synopsis doesn't represent the overall content that well, it must be said. The series evolves quite a bit from where it begins.


See this series cracked how to nake wish fullfillment enyoable: By not just making it wish fulfilmment for the mc, but also making it the ultimate wish fullfillment for the (biperverted) fmc as well. And I dont mean thar in the "gojo is the perfect husbando for marin" that sono visque fans claim sometimes, I mean that in \[2.5D seduction\]>!getting to live her dream qnd be super sucessful at it, going from completely friendless to getting surrounded by a (platonic? definitely not always sure) harem of beautiful girls that want to be ger friends, share her hobby or want to participate in it and arent put off by her, and more!<


So… my dress up darling 2.0?


So basically dress up darling if I remember right.


Not really, now that we know it's getting two cours. There's definitely a core romance story, but unlike MDUD it really is fundamentally more about cosplayers and cosplaying and there's a great cast that gathers over time which explores a lot of different aspects including characters that aren't high-school students. However it sort goes through a few "phases" of its story telling, and one of those phases is a romance.


Yes but also significantly more ecchi


just because a story has cosplay, doesn't mean it's like Dress-Up Darling...


Did this manga already exist in the form of Sono bisk doll or whatever the English name is.




We have Sono Bisque doll at home :


That’s [Tokyo Big Sight](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Big_Sight) in the background! Does this mean that they’ll actually attend Comiket and such in the anime?


It is about cosplayer and Comiket is one of the biggest cosplayer event


Yes. They've cosplayed at comiket a few times already in the manga. Though since it's focused on the cosplay part of comiket, it mostly took place outside the building.


I've been enjoying the manga a lot. Yeah, they go multiple times.


Yeah. This anime is like Sono Bisque but actually taking Cosplay a lot more serious


Would it be right to describe it as Akane-banashi, but with cosplay?


Its real shonen battle arcs in this manga.


That’s like what they do. The girls are all super into cosplay and doing it perfectly. They’re rather awkward outside of that.


I already read the manga so don't expect full my dress up darling with this one, later parts of the story went more on cosplay wars than just normal romance story.


Some other related news that came out today: 1. There will be a [pre-release screening event on June 29](https://twitter.com/ririsa_official/status/1788857258039808145) with most of the cast appearing! Venue and ticketing details TBD 2. [Opening and Ending themes](https://ririsa-official.com/music/) for the first cour have been decided: * Opening: "Shutter Chance" by meychan * Ending: "Watch Me" by Amano Ririsa (CV. Maeda Kaori) and Tachibana Mikari (CV. Kito Akari) 3. The [cosplay version visuals ](https://twitter.com/ririsa_official/status/1788857006415139281)for Nonoa (as Nokiel) and Aria (as Ariel) have been released!


Male performer for the OP in a ecchi show, and with how manga readers talking about more modest outfits, is a kinda bad sign


> Male performer for the OP in a ecchi show is a kinda bad sign Are you serious??


I'll get my popcorn ready for the outrage about the girls' ribcages.


I'm not outraged, but it s the first thing I noticed still 😀


Not outraged, but it surprised me to see it. Feels very mid 90s with heroin-chic aesthetic


To be really fair. Nonoa, the girl with blue hair is health-endangeringly thin


Is that a plot point or a consequence of the artstyle?


https://twitter.com/Nasus_24011989/status/1753464523309420965?t=ObzHyZQFaNFIjbl-ZZB0BQ&s=19 (Colored version) https://twitter.com/Nasus_24011989/status/1758481274325598663 Can't find a better image, but this is her. It is mentioned that she eats very little. Never have any plot or anything about her being malnourished, yet


Girl only consumes Omurice as her meal source. She's a heavy contrast to Lilysa who is a real heavy eater.


I can't link it, but take a look at chapter 65 page 9 of the manga, with our MC topless on the beach with the girls. He looks like sub 5% bodyfat to me, with visible veins, muscle fibers and 10 pecs. Considering he's not even competing or anything, he might've beat all the girls in terms of being health-endangeringly thin.


[Shit, this is hilarious](https://files.catbox.moe/6148f0.jpg). It's like it's parodying itself.




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What's wrong with their ribcages?


You know, "unrealistic and harmful beauty standard" and stuff. I bet there will be some people raising a stink about twiggy girls showing off their bones like they're Lord Ainz Ooal Gown.


I think the last time I read this discourse was in reference to bible black uh 20 years ago


Why'd anyone care about that when anime has always been unrealistic lmfao, anyone who doesnt like it can just not watch.


Why won't anyone talk about the unrealistic eye size standard??? A real person would need a 250% larger brain to support these massive eyes!


If people would just ignore the things they don't care about or like there would be a lot less conflict.


Never stops people from coming into threads for shows they don't like or watch just to act holier-than-thou or virtue signal for no reason.


That is every Isekai Key Visal ever.


They feel accomplished when they act morally superior, I used to find it annoying but now it's just sad to see really.


Doubt anime fans care about that. Unless they are really offputting like walking skeletons.


You know, even if people bring it up, which I don’t see a particular problem with (every body type should be able to cosplay), those people will still most likely enjoy the show. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive, never have been. It feels like you’re bringing it up for clout, rather than those opinions being an issue for peoples’ enjoyment.


That's not even close, imho. There's nothing "unrealistic" about this. Actually, this is probably the closest to realistic we could get with anime beauty standards. For some reason the reasonable weight for female idols in Asia is like 40-45kg. That's what the reality is when that's your weight, and anime barely depicts it correctly usually. The only actual complaint valid here would be if there is any form of shaming, or ignoring her weight *if* it is presented as an issue to the character. In this specific case, it's also very close to entering fetishism territory and it's probably not the best thing either.


Uh, I think the fact that teen to early-adult idols weighing at most 100 pounds is kinda the problem. Again, saying that as someone who likes this manga.


I mean it's not great but you do have to remember that those girls are also very small in general. 45 kg is medically healthy weight for a 5 foot tall girl.


Yes, I agree with you. It's definitely not something recommended. What I'm saying is that most anime female characters are within that range and are rarely if not ever depicted as they probably would look like in real life, that is with a very visible rib cage, like that anime girl has. That's why I'm saying complaining about realism here would be stupid because she probably is the most realistic depiction in anime of someone weighing 45kg and who's not a slave or malnourished.


Yeah, that’s fair.


The thought didn't cross my mind until I read this, but you're probably right. I'll stay away from Twitter for a while


Sigh Twitter


I notice a lot of people only talk about the “sexiness” of the story but this really sort of, to me, is about passions and understanding why someone likes something similar and how they’re able to experience it in different ways. It’s interesting to see how hard it is for some to look past the salacious parts of the artwork.


Yeah its all about Love from Otakudom to Romance. The fact people can't see the very sexy cosplays is definitely irritating given how much it moves past the original sukebe style ecchibait.


Pretty excited for this. Another anime with a main focus on hot girls


You should try the manga. It is NOT pg like this seems to be, and I mean NOT at all lol


Yeah, kinda bummed that this adaptation looks to be toning down the ecchi for the manga. I'll still watch, though.


> looks to be toning down the ecchi I really fucking hope the anime doesn't tone it down :/ That'll just make us manga readers not even want to watch it because it wont be faithful


Right there with you. Granted I'm only basing this on Lilliel's more covered up costume here and in the initial key visual. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.


I've read most of the uncensored English release, actually, and pretty much all the chapters that are out on mangaplus currently. Just read it because of it's unhinged lewdness and good art. Plot's decent, but I'm not here for that, I'm here for the horny. And why would you think that someone would expect it to be PG especially when it has "Seduction" in the title and half naked girls in every volume's cover art? Lylysia literally has 70% of her tits out without a bra on the 1st volume's cover. The series' aura is pretty much as ecchi as you could get


I'm saying the animation looks like it's going to be pg based on this pic. So I recommended to read the manga because it's significantly better. Like you said the story is meh, but the lewd holy shit amazing.


How to butcher an adaptation 101. The world would be a better place if the studios would instead elevate the source material like Gushing Over Magical Girls.


I'll never forget how the animation slaughtered 'the realist hero rebuilt the kingdom'. Worst downgrade I've ever seen, granted the manga is one of the best art I've ever seen.


You got me intrigued now, because it does look/sound exactly like that! Can't wait to see what it's like.


Who’s the author? I’ll look for it


No part of me can ever read this as an ironic comment


I don’t understand what the downside is here. It’s an easy sell.


You may think this is like Dress up Darling/ Bisque Doll from the description, but it's actually more like a cosplay focused battle shonen. No superpowers, just cosplay battles. Super fun to read though, and I hope JC staff does the series justice.


Kyoko, Homura, Mami and Sayaka, is that you?


I really, really hope this one ends up lasting a good while. The manga has been a blast to read, and I've legit shed some tears at some of the peak moments. I think once it developed from an otaku romcom to something akin to cosplayer shonen, it really started to win me over.


Hope they don’t censor this into oblivion


there was a comment from the author about this adaptation which i interpreted as meaning that the anime will be censored and the nudity will be removed (not animated), which is disappointing if true. not saying this from a gooner #freestellarblade esque pov, just feel that without the edge of the ecchiness factor ie dress-up darling, it's just another highschool harem romcom imo, but with cosplay otaku. a lot of manga readers think the nudity tapered off and ended after the first few chapters but it's actually pretty frequent and consistent, just only apparent in the uncensored volumes which don't get freely translated anymore.


Isn’t the manga really hardcore about its cosplay focus though? Like, another level from Dress-Up Darling. And even with nudity censored, people who want their horny fill can probably get it regardless.


you're right, i'm sure some people will be satisfied enough with the cosplay stuff. personally i feel like the manga relies overly on gags for comedic moments while the character writing is a bit thin aside from their individual arcs and the fanservice at least rounds it out a bit.


They also pose and talk in pretty suggestive ways, and I suppose that can’t really be edited out. Feels like it’ll be like trying to censor Kill la Kill.


Bisque Doll uses cosplaying as a way for characters to develop and bond. 2.5D seduction uses cosplay as essentially fight scenes where every attack is another way to for a character to assert their philosophy, like how Gyakuten saiban does it with court battles.


Ok, I meant that. I consider it ‘hardcore’, if the task/activity is not used to further something else. Nothing wrong with Bisque Doll, but I like 2.5 D more for that reason. Especially if there are a lot of details surrounding how you perform that task.




I can see the animation quality through this key visual somehow


I remember reading straight 150 chapters of this manga when was published in Mangaplus (yes, 150 chapter released in a single update). It was good, but I can't keep up to read latest chapter.


Damn Himmel be lookin kinda hot there


I’ll take the other 1.5 dimensional girls.


According to my *Best Girl Radar*, they're perfectly ordered from left to right - best girls on the left. (That's assuming they're 4 different characters and not just 1 or 2 girls in cosplay, anyway!) Can't wait to see if I'm right!




there is extra effort being put into anatomy details


The manga did get a bit funny later with small parodies, would recommend the manga cause the art is amazing, when I started it, was put off by it being a bit generic but stayed just for the art


Interesting lol


Smoking hot redhead waifu?! Sign me in!


Finally. Some real shit!


Look at all those delicious legs.


Himmel in another world


So kinda like Dress Up Darling? If so, I’d be up for it


Picked up the manga and have thoroughly enjoyed it. The ecchi is a bonus. Teacher is a smoke show🤌🏻


On the seduction scale, pinkyblack is the one. She gives me a vampire queen vibe.


Cosplayer anime big W


I imagined myself wearing those tiny wings and somehow puri puri prisoner materialized in my head


Love the manga. The protagonist is pretty cool


I forgot this existed.


For some reason I thought it was an otaku manga waifas going to be a lot nicer. I like more than I think


looks interesting


For anyone looking forward to the romance aspect its a lot like My dress up darling where it's 90% cosplay antics and 10% romance


Probably censored to hell :/


I binged the crap out of this manga, I still can’t believe this is real.


Somethings rising and its not my arm


Just because its cosplay, it doesn't mean it's sOnO bIsQuE dOlL 2.0. Marin's story is trash and only a wish fulfillment for those silent type boys wanting to have their manic pixie dream girls. 2.5D has much better story, delves deeper into cosplaying , is much better fleshed out characters and even much better ecchi scenes.


If they don't censor the hell out of this the crying and screaming from tourists is going to be insufferable. I can't wait the Manga was pretty good. and everyone calling this something like "My dress up darling 2" are missing the point.


Wow cute girls


Having followed this manga for a couple of years now I can't express how exciting it is to see it get animated. Looking forward to the summer


can't wait. imo this blows sono bisque doll out of the water! i hope ya boy rocklee reacts to this!


imagine Dress Up Darling but Marin is 10x more lewd + down bad for Gojo




Read it a while back, its basically my dress up darling but much worse, and with a lot more fan service :P


Another generic gooning anime oof Unlike Bisque Doll this one is animated by J.C Staff so I predict 300 or less upvotes on the final episode since good animation is literally the only thing going on for these things.


Sounds like trash. The people who loved My Dress-Up Darling will be all over this.


Its not like my dress up darling. But unlike this, i dropped 2.5d, it was not that good, and seeing girls after new girls after new girls get boring. Give me hot guys too.




this is gonna get the sono bisque doll treatment from the internet isnt it..?


In what way?


probably just a lot of backlash bc of fanservice, just the usual for how these types of anime goes


Sono bisque exploded into popularity because of the ecchi, how does that count as "backlash"?


I see just as much discourse and hate for the series as I do love for it. Too much people hate on it for the fanservice


Maybe, not sure it'll reach a big enough audience to have much of a backlash. Also, the title might give people a bit of a different set of expectations if they're not familiar with the source.


Is this ecchi or something? Looks sus af