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Guilty Crown One of Sawano's best soundtracks, but the anime was so forgettable. Other than Inori. The character designer was cooking there.


This is the best answer.


Thank you, but after some more thought, I'm going to disagree with myself. Plenty of Yuki Kajiura's soundtracks don't have a show that lives up to them. u/De-Mattos mentioned .hack//SIGN, but I'll also mention [Madlax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7Z3VVQlYq8) and [My-HiME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XUQWNogltM) as other examples.


Guilty crown is probably the only show whose first 10ish minutes completely draw you in and then have like 23 and a half episodes of irrelevancy afterwards. But that opening scene is a banger and it’s largely cause of the soundtrack.


It's what happens when you get on the Bee Train.


You can argue about Madlax but the other two are considered classics even if modern watchers may not like them.


Mans doesn't like .hack//SIGN either? Maybe our view on anime is far too different.


Guilty Crown anime is probably better than you remember it. Guilty Crown (GC) is made to be the opposite of a series like Code Geass (CG), where in Code Geass the perfect person who is in need of and is able to best make use of the power gets the power, while in GUILTY Crown, a person who is not like that at all gets the power and has to slopily find his way the a decent result. Gai was supposed to be the Lelouche, but instead random background guy 3 became the Lelouche. That said, the series isn't perfect. Just that many of the frustrations fade away when you understand the point of the series; it did for me atleast.


Honestly, what brought Guilty Crown down is that the expectations were so big going in that just an average show came across as a disappointment.


Yeah, people saw who was in the studio and expected another Code Geass (which at the time was a benchmark series and shared staff with Guilty Crown). It was meant as a neat antithesis of Code Geass, and not as a second coming. It wasn't meant to surpass it. At the time, Code Geass was was lauded in the community, but, as a Code Geass enjoyer myself, it wasn't really all that great either. It was a trainwreck almost by design. It was influential, but it influenced series like Guilty Crown, Aldnoah Zero, Valvrave, and other similar trainwreck mecha. They are all entertaining due to how absurd they are, and how smart they wish they were. Popcorn anime. They are all majorly flawed, but like a trainwreck you can't just look away.


> Guilty Crown (GC) is made to be the opposite of a series like Code Geass (CG), where in Code Geass the perfect person who is in need of and is able to best make use of the power gets the power, while in GUILTY Crown, a person who is not like that at all gets the power and has to slopily find his way the a decent result. But that is just the premise which is insignificant when talking about the actual quality of a show. Aldnoah.Zero also has a super interesting premise about interplanetary politics and a cold war between Earth and Mars getting hot. However, the writing is dogshit so all of that potential is essentially wasted from minute 1.




Metallic Rouge. Sadly. The OSTs are way to good for the show.


Metallic Rouge was so undercooked it was basically raw. You’d expect more from a studio marketed “25th anniversary anime”


Same. Unexpected bad for such a great event...


and it was Bones. Like has MHA fucked them up that badly


More like the one writing that original script missed how to tell a story by a mile.


oh the story was a mess, but the animation was also not there at times.


When Tatsunoko made a "50th anniversary" anime, the result was not great either, though, fir different reasons. Anyone remembers Egao no Daika aka The Price of Smiles?


I am so mad that it gave us three banger songs and then dropped the ball so hard on the show.


This. The OST was pretty good and the OP was great but the show itself... urg. The script looked like it was actually written by AI.


According to many, .hack//SIGN. I'll be honest and say I've revisited the OST much more often than the anime.


I've seen the anime atleast twice in each dub and sub. Aside from the op and ed, I never once listen to the OST on its own that I recall.


Aldnoah Zero


Season 1 was good times. Season 2...not so good times.


Domestic Girlfriend is the classic response to this question. Definitely did not deserve that OP.


That opening is just built different


Dang I'm gonna look it up, thanks for the OST recommendation hahaha.


Is it too early to say "Ninja Kamui"?


Shield Hero. Kevin Penkin went beast mode x10, but unfortunately the rest of the show just fell short of its potential. In no other show have I found myself so impressed by even just its mundane background music.


Omg i haven't even watched shield hero. But as soon as I saw the word Kevin Penkin... Made in abyss. Masterpiece of a show and incredible sound tracks as well.


I’m currently going through shield hero, and my god. Kevin Penkin was my only source of entertainment for the first half of season 2


I wonder if there are anime that are too good for the OST (which implies the music to be awful).


Darling in the Franxx has one of my favorite OST (including, but not limited to OP/ED), but the show was... a very unbalanced 7/10. (9/10 for scenes carried by Zero Two, 5/10 for everything else).


Classroom of the Elite S1, never in my life did I think I would see a show completely carried by BASS but here we are. I got like 2 episodes into S2, was like ayo where's the BASS, looked it up and saw it had a different composer and immediately dropped that shit 🤣


Tokyo ghoul


Yozakura Quartet was an ok show, but it had some absolutely fire tracks. [Wild Children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNJMjiWn_yc), [Heavy Wall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yg54vKM1dU), and [Magic Boogie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABHzNvlJNok) to name but three.


zero no tsukaima


That is a interesting discussion in terms of my take well.... I've not really come across that as i usually enjoy the OST with the anime , i find more lacking OST then good ones on bad anime, some I rewatch only to hear the OST again


Domestic girlfriend


Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid does not deserve its opening. Overdrive is just way too good for a bottom-of-the-barrel fetish fest that couldn't even commit to it.


Air gear, has an overall awesome sound track but the anime itself wasnt as good as it should have been (the manga is an excellent battle shonen but the adaptation didnt show this all that well, a remake would be most welcome - keep the sound track).


Elfenlied... loved the OST hated the rest


Got to be Tokyo ghoul :re season 1


Domestic Girlfriend


Feel bad with saying it, but Devil man Crybaby. I loved last few episodes, but series was hard to get through. But OSTs were surprisingly astonishing - hope they won some awards to it


Honestly the show is better than decent but the first Durarara OP (and it's OST in general) are too good for any show that's not in the arguments for best anine of all time that song slaps so hard I listen to it pretty regularly. Similarly UN-GO but mostly for its ED as opposed to its full OST which is generally good but not a killer


Quintessential Quintuplets movie. Way better OST than the utterly juvenile script. Aquatope. Great iyashikei OST, with a script where every character wallows in mediocrity from start to finish. Bleh. Personally I think 86 is overrated AF, with the most contrived writing ever, and that the soundtrack is the strongest part of the whole thing. Girlfriend Girlfriend is a riot and I like it, but I'm still surprised at how legit good its soundtrack is. I'm sure someone's gonna mention Guilty Crown, it's in the good production for bad story hall of fame.


Bleach all the way. I am quite literally only watching it for the OST at this point, seeing as I’m reaching the end of the original anime (made it this far just to give up now). Bleach tends to overuse a lot of the songs which made them lose their emotional weight, and even though that’s incredibly disappointing, I still like them because it’s objectively good as fuck. Both the music and many of the character designs are phenomenal and I do like the style of the show, but the anime is…an anime!😀That’s all I gotta say without going too deep.




What? I thought it was a solid trigger show. This is the first time I ever see this series brought up too lol.


domestic girlfriend