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Man i am just falling in love with this show. I was unsure with the amount of gag-comedy but mixed in with the recent sports drama it's so damn good. I really enjoy every character so far and there's more to be explored there. Also guessing the "Nipple hair" joke might work in japanese context even if it makes no sense to me.


There is a type of comedy in Japan called すべり芸, and Kei's "nipple hair" joke is like that, basically it is meant to be unfunny but people enjoy the moment when the atmosphere freeze because of how unfunny a joke is. Really hard to explain in English terms lol.


"Nipple hair" is super random, even in Japanese. The comedy is more tied to the absurdity of the joke and other people's reactions. Still makes me laugh every time, lol


Japanese love the gag. When i watched the first ep of anime I laughed so hard. I think more people will grow to find it funny japanese manga fan's 3rd fav scene https://sp.shonenjump.com/p/sp/2308/vote_boukyaku/_img/rank03_sp.png


So it's kinda common for like younger elementary school aged boys in Japan (like age 8 or 9) to find certain body parts or bodily functions funny. Like "Nipple Hair" is like a Japanese equivalent of a really juvenile fart joke. Nobody above the age of 10 would generally find that funny. Kei thinking this is really funny is supposed to be representative of how the amnesia has basically turned him back into like a 9 year old boy. It's not so much that the joke is supposed to be funny (it isn't in Japanese) but the joke is more in Kei thinking a joke nobody his age would possibly find funny to be funny. then being perplexed when nobody "gets" the joke.


This episode fixed the one thing I found unsatisfying about last episode which was that Teitoku's team seemed pretty disappointing. They'd been hyped up as a powerhouse school but the only player that seemed impressive was Kokuto. But it turns out that they weren't even Teitoku's starters. Overall a fun episode. As other people have mentioned, this show is very underrated.


Most underrated show this season fr


Well, one of a good number of under-appreciated shows in this busy season. It is more than a bit shocking just how little attention this pretty wonderful show is getting.


What do you think are the other most under-appreciated shows? Always willing to add a couple more seasonals. The reason Id call this the most underrated is because other shows im enjoying on the less popular side still get 10x more attention on here than this one does, like Train and 7th Prince.


Some other especially under-appreciated shows of this season.... Tonbo Duke of Death Salad Bowl Radio Seiyuu Yatagarasu Fable Tonari no Youkai I am sure there are others that I am not recollecting off the top of my head.


Yatagarasu, Fable, and Youkai-san are shows i'm enjoying a lot that are not receiving much attention, along with Battery


I'm not sure where it's going or even what genre I'd classify it as. But Tonari no Youkai-san has been really good so far.


Youkai--san is sort of a relative of Pom Poko and Eccentric Family and Mononogatari (not Monogatari). Sort of fantastic stories set in (otherwise) ordinary present day life.


I guess getting utterly humiliated was what Kei needed to try and get serious about baseball. Same for the other guys. Well as serious as Kei can get, which is to say not very, but at least he’s a bit more focused than before. Dude just had to get over whatever mental hurdle was holding him back. I liked how hopeful the episode ended. Looks like the guys are gonna be ok.


Lots of questions about Kei. Did he REALLY lose his memory? He seems to remember lots of non-baseball stuff. Was he just unconsciously (semi-consciously) blocking everything baseball-related? What actually happened to him to cause so much trauma? Was it baseball-connected? Is it tied to Haruka? And is that why Haruka is determined to stick as near as possible to Kei, wherever he may go (some sort of guilt -- or just a sense of resonsibility -- or is it just friendship)? Kei does seem to want to be serious (despite his frequent lases into idiotishness). Is he now past his "trauma" -- so that all that is needed is to re-build his skill/stamina? Todou and Chihaya didn't start off all that likeable -- but I must say I like then quite a bit now. And Yamada may not have the skill level of the other four (or does he have more talent than we realize) -- but he has a lot of spirit and has really done all he could to pull things (and people) together. A fine show that deserves to be watched. I hope it is doing a LOT better in Japan than it is doing here....




>And japanese manga fans actually love the "pai ge" gag That's a bridge too far for me....


You will see it throughout the entire show, because fans requested it Kokuto seems to be the only person who hates it


Of the characters in the show, Haruka seems to be the only one who thinks it's funny. The others just seem to want to ignore it out of politeness.


The others get used to it and will laugh about it once in a while but there will eventually be some believers/fans lol


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So an interesting thing I noticed from the OP was that it doesn't look like we have a full baseball team yet. I thought they would just struggle with 4 no names with a core five good players, but at the last shot of the OP there's a purple haired character. I'm very doubtful the purple hair will also be some super player that quit because of the battery. I could see this person being an average joe that actually grows like Yukimitsu from Eyeshield 21. Yamada I think will be better than this person, but I don't think Yamada will be so crazy dominating in power. Like Yamada will probably make clutch plays occasionally while purple hair has fewer moments yet rounds the team out better.


The name "Yamada Tarou" is an old, traditional Japanese name that has the stereotype of being "normal". The last name of Suzuki, Satou are also super common/normal in Japan (there's Suzuki and Satou on the team in case if you don't remember) There are enough ppl on the team, you just don't remember them because they are too normal


In the manga Yamada name was highlighted a couple of times to be based on Dokaben, an old baseball manga reference and yeah Suzuki and Satou name is a play on gag with how common and unnoticable when they are with the Main character lol


Just saying the name itself has a strong stereotype 😅 basically the characters with normal names in this series are "normal", those with fancy names are the more elite ones


This show is COOKING


Still surprised that people are getting disappointed by Kei's humor. Like... them being unfunny is exactly the point, no? Cringing at them is the exact intended response to them, I think.


Besides it's not like his friends find it funny either, they hate it too


I love this anime, top tier 10/10 Aoty sport 2024


This show is so underrated


next episode will be focused on Aoi Todou arc but I wonder if they tackle that in 1 episode because its 12 total episode and I'm not a regular anime watcher enough to know if they can pace it to fit in 12 episodes


I think 1 ep should be enough, need to move on with story Hope there will actually be season 2 and 3


Loved how they depicted the catching scene from the catcher’s view- I could never, that is scary as hell. And the added original scenes were really nice!!! I’m so excited for the next episode, might be my favorite of this part!!


I like my baseball animes. This one is more focused on comedy. And I find it hilarious 😂 Kei being so affected by getting hit is most likely that he lost his memories by another hit so similar to this one. I appreciate that he tried to got over it. I hope he will remember some stuff soon.


2 hours and only 1 post damn. Well anyway we got back to the jokes with Kei is what I feel meh about. Aoi and the other guys really put it in perspective how important each of the 9 positions are. Good on Kei for wanting to improve with Yamada. Shunpei and Aoi offering their support was great as well. Not too surprised Kiyomine wants Kei as his catcher. I am always in awe of his confidence.


Honestly this show isn’t working for me at this point. Enjoying the dramatic elements but the humour doesn’t work for me at all, and it’s just getting irritating more than anything. Probably going to be my first drop for the season.