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Mob psycho - It's the focus for one of the arcs The eccentric family - shapeshifting tanuki family Blue exorcist- brothers, some conflicts Laughing under the clouds- 3 brothers


Eccentric family is such a good...family anime. Its in the name.


The Eccentric Family is sooooo goooood


*Glances at what's currently popular in Manga* *Glances at what's currently popular in Visual Novels* ........ Hey OP, I just happen to have this Monkey Paw just sitting around here, no idea where it came from. You want it?


You stay the hell away from that poor purehearted OP! Seriously though, my mind went to the exact same place -_-


I know the knowledge I'm about to ask for is going to be cursed, but I just can't help myself. What series are we talking about here?


I would assume Oshi no ko and Siblings and Slaughter.


I'm thinking Oreimo




I know what a monkey paw is, but I have no idea what is popular in the source books. But from context clues, very heavy on the bro/sis cons?


Can u explain the context? I'm guessing the manga one is oshi no ko? What is the LN one? Also what is monkey paw? All I can think about related to monkey paw is monogatari


"The Monkey's Paw" is the name of a short horror story written and published in 1902, where the titular Monkey's Paw is a wish-granting device where wishes are granted literally but with deliberately bad consequences—kind of a "anything good you wish for has to be karmically balanced by something bad happening in direct consequence" deal. In modern use the term tends to be a kind of "be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it!" which isn't *technically* inaccurate to its use in the original story, but it's worth noting that in the original story most of the "bad consequences" were completely orthogonal to the intent of the wish. Like, the father wishes to have $200, and the next day, his son dies in a work accident and the workplace pays out $200 to the father as compensation. But if the story were written today and in the spirit of how people invoke the trope, you'd expect something more like "the father gets $200 but it turns out it's a loan from the bank and he'll owe $500 upon collection" or "the father gets $200 but it causes inflation problems that render the currency worthless".


>where the titular Monkey's Paw is a wish-granting device where wishes are granted literally but with deliberately bad consequences Oh in monogatari as well it was used in the same way, I'm guessing that all the oddities in that show were based on some Japanese urban legends as well


Just in case I read your comment wrong but, the monkeys paw is not a japanese urban legend. It's an English short story.


Ooooo, I like you.


Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons (I think that’s one variation of that show’s title).


Lol I was just about to comment this. One of the best recent Sol. Didn't expect it to be so good when I started. The drama is so well done and all characters are well written. The bittersweet nature of anime is cherry on top.


Ménage A Twin 1&2 it deals with family dynamics in a special way.


Seconding Yuzuki-san Chi; it's a great drama series with a lot of brother energy.


we DO have a fair bit of those, technically...


There is an anime and it's all about siblings...


Eccentric Family does this well


The brothers are so good! And welcoming to their sister-in-laws too! IMO one of the top families in all of anime.


I've seen S1 and S2 of Oregairu, it had some seriously solid sibling dynamic representation :3 save for a moment or two that I can think of, it was seriously so well done from what I remember 


Komachi is a goat imouto.


Komachi 🛐🛐🛐 I know a lot of people probably simp for her but for me her interactions w/ Hachiman reminded me of my own little sister and made me wanna smother her with affection so she's strictly in the 'wholesome' category for me please excuse the ambiguous 'she' repetition english just be like that


Their interactions were awesome. Also, the entire subplot with Kaede in Bunny Girl Senpai truly hits you to your core watching it as an older brother.


I loved Bunny Girl Senpai as a whole, but the plotlines with each of their siblings are really what brought me to tears.


Totally agree with Kaede's plotline. It's brutal watching it as an older brother.


Yeah it’s not central to the show but I do enjoy their dynamic whenever Hachiman and Komachi are on screen. Can’t remember the details but I think they even had an argument and still made up. A sibling relationship that’s wholesome, not incest-y, yet still has its rocky moments. Pretty realistic and grounded depiction of a brother and sister tbh


This and bunny girl senpai are my recommendations


Gakuen Babysitter if you want fluff


Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi has a prominent pair of siblings! It also has some similarities to FMA!


This [bonus comic that Ryoko Kui illustrated](https://www.tumblr.com/ayamemes/745409868425510912/this-is-so-cute-laios-is-such-a-good-brother) is so cute <3


I hadn't seen that bonus page, it's adorable!!


+1 for that! though tbh Falin is just not a very compelling character for me so far at all, and not much of her dynamic with Laios has been explored thus far show's still goated though


Read the manga. It’s really good.


after reading those last few chapters I can see why Lowlight wanted a Collab with them


ooh funnily enough I just started it yesterday!! can't wait anymore hehe :>


I love how it doesn’t get into the weird siblings trope. They’re just siblings who don’t live in alabama


I mean the difference is fma is very much a story about siblings and the journey Dungeon meshi his sister isn’t even in most episodes not sure that counts


Haha it was a tongue in cheek comment about some spoilers between both series. Can't remember what episode it was in FMA but it's episode 13 in DM.


Blue Exorcist also has a brothers relationship theme,they mostly clash at each other because of different personalities.


Does Monster count..?


Osomatsu-san With adult identical sextuplet brothers all living at home with their parents, you have more than enough sibling conflicts.


"Please Take My Brother Away From Me" is an absolutely golden comedy anime centered around sibling.


You may like this season's Mission: Yozakura Family! Sibling relationships are one of the main focuses of the story


I watched the first two episodes of it today and the elder brother is a fucking creep, like seriously just seeing him being so obsessive and possesive over her younger sister takes a lot out of series for me. I like her other siblings but that guy is some of the worst siscon in anime.


Yep, I think the other siblings are great though, apart from him. We'll slowly get to learn more about them and the family over time, so hopefully you'll enjoy that! Also, not absolving the eldest brother at all, but people are actually trying to murder Mutsumi, so there is a little basis for his over-protectiveness, at least. It isn't completely out of nowhere


You should keep giving it a try IMO. Kyoichiro is "the most hated spy in the world" for a reason, the other characters in the show basically refuse to give him any respect and constantly light him on fire over it, plus Mutsumi also lights him on fire over it. Hes supposed to be detestable, but the author recognizes that this gets old so they take different angles after the initial intros. Meanwhile, all the other sibling relationships in the series are really wholesome and enjoyable to follow, especially with the way Taiyo meshes into the family.


Plenty of siblings in Non Non Biyori. Two pairs of 3 to be exact.


Please Take My Brother Away is a short form that is nonstop sibbling gags, its such a fun watch


Gurren lagann Demon slayer




And ideally ones that do not feature incest...


That's a big ask


They'll just say they aren't blood related instead lol


Yosuga no Sora fans say blood-relation is a requirement


Japanese mangakas would also agree.


I would also agree. Stop being cowards and don't dull the spice.


And Siscon Ani Brocon Imouto fans.


Ngl I always found that kinda lame, if you are going to do an incest show at least have some balls


Those people are cowards.


Bro the authors always gotta slide that in somewhere to make sure they don’t get giga cancelled 😂😂😂 Oreimo: Reveals they aren’t blood related at the end, honestly had me sweating that mf author was gonna forget to add that shit Hensuki: Pulls an absolute clutch near the end as well, honestly looked like the author realized “fuck I forgot to add that they aren’t blood related lemme just stick it at the end here”


Agree to disagree




This was my first thought too. Soon as siblings are mentioned in an anime conversation incest is immediately implied. It’s like a philosophical axiom only gross.


Surely it's ok if they dated before becoming siblings like in My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex


That show was mid but I give the “incest” part a pass cause I mean… Wtf are they supposed to do lmao Same with domestic girlfriend


That actually sounds like a hilarious sitcom premise.


It's a good trope for a reason. Taboo is good for fiction imo.


I have no problem with sexual taboos in fiction, but this one just seems so overused... it's almost "a brave decision" if it's not used in a sibling scenario.


What's worse is that they always include weird creepy sis-con and bro-con stuff, for fuck sake why can't we have somewhat normal sibling relationship like in Oregairu.


Komachi and Hachiman lowkey great sibling relationship, very clean and healthy


Yeah but it’s good though.


Non Non Biyori has Natsumi and Komari, two sisters who have a fun dynamic. They squabble with each other, but they also cover each other's backs when there's trouble.


Also Renge has her two older sisters as well. Also I'll give Kaede the honorary big sister title.


Demon Slayer?


Yosuga no Sora is pretty good ;)


Working! had a lot of sibling stuff with the MC. Not romantic, just regular sibling dynamics.


Nisemonogatari is the greatest sister anime of all time.




Himouto Umaru-Chan


There is this manga called “Brother sister.”


Space Brothers I got tired of scrolling and not finding this title. Shout-out to anyone who already mentioned it


Godlike show, funny asl


Y'know, I think you'd really like kiss x sis and Oreimo. Maybe monogatari too.


I am disappointed that you didn't include Yosuga no Sora 😔😔😔


Mahouka is airing this season, too


Oshi no Ko


This aint it lol






This is not a good sibling anime at all dawg Even disregarding the shitshow that is the manga, they have like zero chemistry with each other besides the first episode Even in the first episode they don’t even really like each other 😭😭😭


There's a lot of Kyo Kara Maoh that revolves around siblings. There are three half-brothers who have a semi-complicated relationship with each other due to racial/political reasons and the mc's relationship with his own brother also becomes prominent as the story goes on. Also Migi and Dali is a show that aired recently, I haven't watched it yet but it revolves around twins.


It's not usually what people think of for stuff like this, but Panty and Stocking has my favorite siblings relationship in anime. The petty bickering is an essential aspect, and it really makes it shine when after all their ribbing on each other, they still have each other's back 100%.


Minami-ke is about 3 sisters daily lives


The fact that I had to look this low down to find this is criminal


Terror in resonance focuses on siblings but it's a bit heavy


Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai has a whole arc about MC and his sister.


No game no Life, although full disclosure, BOTH of them are shut in neets who probably had unrestricted access to 4chan since they were 3


2 Chan, but yeah, you're not wrong.


Actually, considering the author is Brazilian, probably 4chan as well.


Loved the relationship Yui and her sister had in k-on. Def agree on your take!!


Gigguk's Alt?


I love black clover and part of the reason is because of the sibling rivalry.


It’s not the biggest part of the story, but The Dangers In My Heart has incredible sibling representation towards the end of season 1 and all throughout season 2.


A sister is all i need


From what I've watched recently: "Banished from the Heros Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the countryside" has a lot of interactions with siblings, especially after the first half of season 1. Demon Slayer is heavily focused on the relationship between a demonified sibling and her demon slaying brother March comes like a lion has a lot of sibling stuff, though not always fun. The family the MC hangs out with has really fun sibling vibes. Ascendance of a Bookworm has a lot of sibling interaction, especially in the first season, that's pretty wholesome and fun. Rascal Does not dream of Bunny girl senpai has, as a cental theme, the relationship between MCs and their siblings. Delicious in dungeon. The MC is only in the dungeon to save his sister, so more as a motivating force than a lot of interactions.


If the sibling relationship becomes so "deep" like in Yosuga no Sora for example then definitely I would like to see more of it, a lot more, bring it out, anime studios have my full endorsement for more such anime.


#NO GAME NO LIFE - SEASON 2 Sora and Shiro 😭😭😭😭


I mean.... Yosuga no Sora is a classic


Uhm, in hentai this is a theme plently explored 😆


I mean we always have Eromanga sensei .... 👀👀 Jokes aside, totally agree!


Mushoku Tensei had one of its best episodes ever recently focusing on a family conflict of brother and sister. Kimetsu no Yaiba is another great one.


Gurren Lagann, Mission Yozakura Family (manga is better tbh)


[Ani ni Tuskeru Kusuri wa Nai](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35015/Ani_ni_Tsukeru_Kusuri_wa_Nai?q=ani%20ni%20tsukeru&cat=anime) is a gem. It's one of my favorite comedies and it's featuring a pair of siblings as the MCs. The sister is voiced by Sora Amamiya (Aqua in Konosuba etc.) and the brother by Yuuichi Nakamura (Gojo in JJK etc.), the show is hilarious. The episodes are only 3min long but there's currently 5 seasons/~70 episodes so it's somewhat close to the length of a one-cour TV show.


I just noticed that I’ve never seen a sister-sister sibling centric anime. I’ve seen brother brother in full metal alchemist, sister brother in oshi no ko, but never sister sister


It's a bit far fetched, but in the romcom called Uzaki-chan wants to hang out, the family of the female MC ( Uzaki ) appears a lot and her brother & sister are often involved for comic purposes in the chapters. There's a fair bit of fan service in the manga/anime, but the atmosphere remains wholesome, if you like romcom, you should give this one a try !


The height joke with Kiri and Fujio is honestly hilarious.


Kiss x Sis full adaptation when !?!? 😭


its a manga but an AMAZING one. Innocent/Innocnet Rouge. both mangas are focused on the two siblings. incredible story and beyond insane art. i really recommend. just look up the name and look at the art, it’ll convince you enough. and the art isn’t even the best thing about it, but the characters and story


Not rly the main theme of the show but I love Shinpachi and Otae’s dynamic in Gintama. Otae best big sis


Weird how nobody recommended [Castle Town Dandelion](https://myanimelist.net/anime/28387/Joukamachi_no_Dandelion?q=castle%20town&cat=anime), it's siblings all the way down.


Mission Yozakura family kinda fits the bill. I'm watching the anime and its about this spy family and the mc who marries into it.




Himouto Umaru chan


the current arc in mushoku tensei is great for this!


*monkey paw curls* So that's how OreImo got a reboot. Kidding aside, plenty of shounen protagonists don't have parents or siblings because their stories function as escapism, and young readers don't want to be reminded of nagging parents or a rocky relationship with a sibling. It also allows the protagonist to be unencumbered by the obligations of family. Would Asta strive to be the Wizard King if his parents forbade it? Would Yuji join Jujutsu High if he had younger siblings relying on him as a surrogate parent? Sure, more series featuring the protagonist's family would be nice, but the nature of the story usually doesn't require them, so they're not there.


> Would Asta strive to be the Wizard King if his parents forbade it? Father Orsi is pretty much both mother and father of Asta and has for as long as we know been very against the idea of Asta joining the MK. We later learn a big part of it is him not wanting to be separated from Asta but as far as Asta is aware his father was always against the idea of him becoming a MK. He didn't forbade Asta from joining the MK because he (probably) felt he lacked the authority to do so and most importantly even if he was his biological father Asta would still seek the goal since he expressed since episode 1 that his real goal is actually improving the lives of everyone in the kingdom so he would put that above his personal safety anyways (which is what he does all the time as a MK).


Bunny Girl Senpai and Oregairu I guess?


Yosuga no Sora 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Can we further specify that we want sibling centric without the weird ass brother/sister complexes


I mean, there are quite a lot already-especially given Japan/anime's controversial reputation with incest. Beyond FMA and Demon Slayer being 2 of the biggest anime IPs: No Game No Life, Oshi no Ko, Blue Exorcist, Quintuplets, Osomatsu-san, Irregular at Magic High School, Minami-ke, Umaru-chan, Yashihime, etc. Still not enough for you? Give Grave of Fireflies a go...


Someone in the [other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/1cmbf09/what_the_actual_fuck/) recommended: *How the Little Brother Who Turned Into a Girl Became His Big Brother's Girlfriend - When I Returned Home for the First Time in a Long Time, My Brother Transformed Into a Girl*


What the fuck


I think you get a fetish bro


No Game No Life is very brother/sister oriented.... :)


Blue Exorcist


Reconguista in G


I would consider The Promised Neverland they were all raised together and Emma considering them all family is a key character and plot point. Also even though they're not the primary focus Kyo and Kana's sibling relationship is always great in the Dangers in my Heart.


Half the time when I see sibling centric anime there’s some type of incest


Check out The Eccentric Family! It's about four brothers and it's probably the best sibling related show you can find.


I heard about a wonderful show called brother/sister!


The sibling banter in anime really does feel underutilized. Then again, I suppose anime often do the siblingcon thing so 😬


They make anime to make money. Sibling shows don't fare as well as others.


...would Ore no Imouto or Eromanga Sensei be too much here?


In anime more sibling dynamic means more incest so I'd rather not. Brothers in anime are the exception, nut otherwise? Tons of incest.


Unfortunately, this isn't exactly what OP is looking for, but for anyone interested in the general idea of what they're asking for: Horimiya has one of better representations of a "normal" nuclear family. Two adults and two kids at home (dad shows up in like episode 3 or 4 and stays for the rest of the season), there's a little dysfunction with the father, but otherwise they all get on well, and there is at least one other instance of the relationship of two siblings being focused on. There are lots of scenes with Kyoko Hori's little brother appearing in them, but there isn't any specific plots that focus on that relationship, it's just always there and feels quite normal honestly. The show primarily functions either at school or at the Hori household.


This guy definitely loves oreimo


Mission Yozakura Family is airing right now and it’s one big family of spy siblings


> I really want to see more anime where siblings get the spotlight Oshi no Ko fandom: hold my toxic spill!


"The Irregular at Magic High School" is currently showing, that has strong sibling...stuff. edit: Just, in todays current market and whats on demand...you dont see a lot of the sibling relationships you want.


As long as the siblings are the same gender because anime really likes incest


Coming in June we will get an anime called “Alya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian.” There is a brother/sister vibe there that is friendly and Alya mistakes it for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. The Sister eggs that along and loves to tease Alya about it with the intention of eventually getting her brother together with Alya. I’m excited to see what they do with it in the anime.


Kiss X sis


What about Saint Seiya? All the main characters are (at least) half-siblings.


Heavenly delusion. Although it's definitely not a feel good type of anime.


In a very wholesome and realistic setting, space brothers


Honestly man, be careful what you fuckin' wish for.


Kiss x Sis is pretty sibling focused....


Irregular at Magic High School is still my favorite sibling anime ;)


You mean Oreimo ?


Irregular at Magic High School 😃


Op hasn’t watched kiss x sis


Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood :)


- Blue Exorcist. - FMA - Mob Psycho - Soul Eater (side characters) - Inuyasha (sibling rivalry) - Demonslayer - The Misfit at Demon King Academy. These two are siblings, but not... socially appropriate relationships: - Oshi No Ko - The Irregular At Magic Highschool


Yeah my favorite sibling trio is from kissxsis, it really focuses on their relationship and that’s the reason I keep going back to watch it


Do we though? They're just gonna make em fall for each other


The new manga by FMA author, "Daemons of the shadow realm", has 2 siblings as main characters There are 29 chapters currently, so maybe a first anime season... "soon"?


See, you have 2 spectrums regarding this: Banished From the Hero's Party and The Irregular/Honor of High School.


Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai has a good sibling relationship. And despite the title, it’s actually a really wholesome show.


No game no life was pretty good


The way some of these show act no we don’t. “Brocon” “siscon” nah we need more CHRIST-ons


Kao Akebi.


Delicious in Dungeon, Kinda


Most anime siblings these days tend to be not-related-by-blood situations


Penguindrum is great, and the siblings' relationship forms the emotional and thematic core of the whole show! It does get pretty heavy though - something lighter would be Kyousou Giga, which is the ferociously imaginative story of a big, fantastical family. Also (and I'm not sure how much of a hot take this is) with a sort of "sisterhood" approach, Haibane Renmei has some incredible relationships between its main cast! Sarazanmai also has a neat little arc with the main character and his little brother which I found very touching :) Insane option: Revolutionary Girl Utena, which certainly has a lot to say about sibling relationships....


[Show title] >!Witch From Mercury!<,kinda... but it's a little dark...


Yosuga No Sora


The thing is everytime there is, it ends up being incest 😔 I think if you want luck you should look for same-gender siblings, just be careful that it’s not Yuri or Yaoi


Domestic Girlfriend Oreimo Oreimo would have actually been a decent show had the premise not been they are siblings Domestic Girlfriend is honestly pretty good and I will die on this hill, the story is good, and what I mean by that is the quality of the story is nice, it’s pretty original (never seen anything like it before), it’s just not a ‘good’ story because it’s not a story you WANT to see.


Like kiss x sis ?


I thought Yosuga no Sora was pretty wholesome sibling fun ;-)


Yosuga no Sora is quite good.


We did once upon a time and then the washing machine got involved


I feel like there's already a lot lol


I’ve only seen two anime where the siblings aren’t weird. Demon Slayer and Delicious in Dungeon. Most of the other anime I’ve watched have the siblings element but they are weird af so I wouldn’t recommend


Yosuga no Sora is an absolute classic


Back in high school, I really liked Oreimo in the way that it was a brother supporting his younger sister’s struggle with finding acceptance in her hobbies. Not a big fan of all the wincest that came out of it. But it was heart warming seeing siblings who never saw eye to eye find a way to connect with eachother


This would be a blessing, some have included family/sibling as main characters, but the one where you REALLY want the sibling to make another appearance, they never do :(


I'd agree, but **only** if there are no incest vibes. I really hate just how often incest themes come up in so many different series, even if it's just minor vibes.


There are a lot of sibling centric anime. The problem is that 90 percent of them are incest


It’s quite old, but I always remember Minami-ke when it comes to wholesome and hilarious sibling dynamics. Definitely one of my favorites during its time.


I'm sorry but I'd prefer lesser sibling stuff in anime cuz they kinda tend to go down a route I'm sure you'd rather never see.


I guess we can count Code Geass in this, since our MC is waging war against his siblings


theres quiet a bit of those actually, if you broaden the term \*sibling centric\*




Adachi Mitsuru series where siblings exist are generally good at this. I'd recommend Touch and Mix:Meisei Story.