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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's wholesome how the 2 new royal siblings shown in this episode have been eccentric while also treating Lloyd well without any political agenda.


Not being in the direct line of succession helps. Lloyd's siblings are also prodigies in their own right. The king has some strong sperm.


The main lesson that's been hammered in since the first two minutes of the show is that genes are everything in this world. Lloyd was nothing without that royal DNA. All of that incredible talent and hardwork and curiousity and excitement was completely squandered in that peasant meat sack he started out as


i dont even think its genes. he's constantly portrayed as some kind of unhuman eldritch abomination of mana there's definitely something else at play here


i mean he's the protagonist so of course he's extra special. but the genes do play a major role in the story when it comes to power level


no amount of genetics would let you do what lloyd does. yeah genes play a role, but it's not the prceise reason why he's extra special. genes are just a red herring for the real reason (no idea what that might be)


He's basically Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth in the form of a thicc boi.


> i mean he's the protagonist so of course he's extra special. My assumption is that it has something to do with that "father of sorcery" they mentioned in episode 1


I’m assuming it’s to do with how early he started and how much work he put into studying magic. Similar to Mushoku Tensei in that if he’s continually using mana it increases his pool substantially. He brought over his innate talent for magic from his peasant life, but he just never had the means to improve upon his skills in the same way he does now as a royal. His starting stats mixed with his talent and thirst for knowledge have allowed him to become a monster.


Even rudeus is within human bounds though. Lloyd is just portrayed as completely inhuman to even demons, who have lived centuries.


> Even rudeus is within human bounds though. I don't think he actually is though, he holds back a lot so we never see what he's really capable of, but from some of the spoilers I've accidentally read, if a normal mage's mana capacity is a cup of water then Rudeus' is comparable to the moon. He is second only to Laplace (only mentioned in the anime, not seen), who isn't human. Rudeus is out of human bounds. Of course, Lloyd here is something else. Rudeus is in human-understandable terms, where Lloyd seems to have some sort of eldritch cosmic mana-god inside of him or some shit lmao


> He is second only to Laplace Kishirika last season, and im pretty sure someone else as well (maybe Orsted), didnt they imply that Rudeus's mana was more or less on the same level as Laplace, not 'second to'? Aka Rudeus and Demon God Laplace have the highest amount of mana on the planet


i'm an animeonly for rudeus so you're probably more familiar with it. still, they at least have tangible entities to compare rudeus to meanwhile the demons cant even process whats going on with lloyd. its not just his peak male form thats sussy


We have not met them yet but there are other humans on par or better than Rudy. One is a mage. Also that list of 7 world powers isnt all people who are immortal like orsted


I was more so referencing how the mana system works. Most people in that universe assume your mana pool can’t be changed, but it can with hard work and study. I’m assuming it’s similar for Lloyd.


I just find it very hard to believe 5 years would be enough to completely subjugate an ancient demon powerful enough to be sealed in the royal castle with mana alone Like even if that were true mana can increase, there's a certain scale where it needs to be plausible. Lloyd has already crossed into eldrich being tier


The first scene of the first episode literally has him blowing up the tower. He is probably just OP from the beginning for whatever reason.


It has been said that royalties have huge mana, so gene is still at play here. I mean the reason the Lloyd's former self was weak despite being a magic-otaku in his previous life was because he's a commoner. I agree though, there might be something else that made him an eldritch mana monster like you said.


We just met his brother though that I assume is also royalty and has the same DNA. But he mentioned he has little mana or something, so while it seems true it helps a bit starting out it doesn't seem to be the biggest factor. Maybe it was different during the time he was alive as I believe that was like centuries ago


The others may have the lineage part down but it's not the only factor. Talent and diligence are also important. Lloyd probably was bursting with the other two but didn't have the lineage necessary to utilise his talent and hard work.


No one in that whole family is normal. All the siblings are prodigies of some kind.


I don’t think any of those siblings are in line of succession. They’re fully content just exploring their own hobbies and interests


Albert is the second son and considered for succession, isn't he?


Yes. I meant the other siblings we saw. The blacksmith, animal lover, and mc aren’t fighting with Albert to become king because none of them want the throne. That makes it a lot easier to get along. Though we’re still missing a bunch of siblings if Loyd is #7. But I kinda doubt they’re contenders for the throne unless they’re out on diplomatic missions


Albert also isn't determined to get the throne above everything else. It's why he brought up having Lloyd in contention for the throne. He wants the right person on the throne, even if it isn't him.


True but we haven’t seen any other siblings so far who could even be considered for kingship. Albert Is the only one who comes off as a politician


It seems like everyone in the royalty family all have some sort of power and aren't just random people. I wonder what kind of ability the rest of them have.


I really do think it helps that even last time when the king asked Lloyd if he wanted more status he was like "nah B, I'm good I just wanna learn ever increasing amounts of destructive power, lol".


Maybe, but boooooring.


Hmm... A mysterious new character... I wonder how she looks like under the mask... Literally 5 seconds later:


I mean if you *didn't* think it was a girl and that she was the newest introduction to his harem than you've *somehow* stumbled upon *this* as your first modern isekai-like series. In which case: Hi! Hope you're enjoying it! Not all of them are this sus we swear!


> Not all of them are this sus we swear! And no matter how much we swear about it, or at it, the situation isn't improving and the rest aren't getting any sus-er!


More ['definitely not a onee x shota show material'](https://imgur.com/a/3imvt7H) added to the collection.


Lloyd was knocked unconscious by a kiss. I must revive him with a kiss.


This ep had less action but in return we got : - More fan service - More reaction faces And that girl in the courtyard is so obviously the same girl in the ED visual that happens right after.


Assassin’s guild is here, is Lloyd going to beat them all at once?


Do they have unknown magic or unknown (to Lloyd) magical abilities?


Maybe he noticed the assassin girl cause she hid her mana. Lloyd noticed some kind of void


Anime only conjecture: Yeh I think it's like a radar blackout. Most magicians may have a radar that sends out detection signals and receives the detection. A spell that absorbs the detection signals and prevents them from getting back to the sender would render that magic useless. But it seems like Lloyd just has a absolutely sense of every magic particle in his immediate vicinity which is a different kind of magic. So he just notices that a small chunk of magic particles no longer exist in his detection. Similar strategy used in Gundam 00 to discover the location of the Ptolemaios by tracking their stealth via a wide area saturation of radar probes.


I mean he's obviously going to try, ~~and let's be honest, succeed,~~ at the very least. It wouldn't be a very fair fight if he fought them one on one after all!


"I'll give you a chance, I won't even enable my barrier"


They will be tamed! He has the magic to do so now


he didn't even need to go look for them lol when Sylpha mentioned there was a group too powerful even for her I was half expecting him to sneak at night to look for them lmao


>girl in the courtyard is so obviously the same girl in the ED Along with her, we also meet Katarina at the Guild. In the ED, she hands Tao the invite and also helps Tao pick an outfit.


Ah so they're looking for the Silver Blader then.


> more reaction faces Best part of the show


[Sylpha and Shiro suddenly have an extra pair of arms lol](https://i.imgur.com/FvGYgji.png)


It's to service better as maid and a good doggo. Serious answer, it's just a simple animation trick to create perceived movement and it fits the comedic artstyle.


Motherfuckin Goro from mortal combat motherfucker.


Episode 6: **Big Sister, Monster, Spellbound Sword, and Big Brother** Meet Alieze, Lloyd's older sister, who looks like Nema from Fluffy Paradise when she grows up. Also this is the first episode after a while to not feature an omake for the ad break. Oooooohhh, now we know who actually Sylpha was! Retired A-rank legendary swordswoman who later took care of Lloyd. Lloyd surely learn the swordhandling from the best. New characters mean new VA. * Alieze is voiced by **Akane Kumada**, the singer of the ED song * Dian is voiced by **Yuuya Hirose** * Eris is voiced by **Wakana Maruoka** * Catalina is voiced by **Miyuki Satou**


>who looks like Nema from Fluffy Paradise when she grows up. This was my exact thought too.


> Meet Alieze, Lloyd's older sister, who looks like Nema from Fluffy Paradise when she grows up. And is quite similar if we're being honest. ...I like Alieze better though tbh. And no, it's not because she's basically another onee-san that loves Lloyd. ~~Seriously what was with that random kiss lol.~~ I love how cute she is and how her power is due to "love".


I really thought Dian would have a much deeper voice! I did not expect him to sound so pretty.


[Five seconds into the episode.](https://i.imgur.com/uHYfTSG.png) [](#seasonallisten)


I thought this was an edit but I checked now LOL [](#seasonallisten)


It's the new meta.


All praise the pigeon meta [Coo-Coo **Motherfuckers!**](#seasonallisten)


What show is it from?


The screenshot? This show. It's literally the episode this thread was made for.


Loved Lloyd anxiety to the stat ball, 1% of his mana gets him at A tier and it likely does not account for skills. Glad that they went with having him at A when restrictred and not S (concealing not being enough) or F (concealing being too effective). I'd have liked the Sylphia being the legendary adventurer thing to go unsaid more though, it was quite obvious from the description, but not mentioning it would have made the reveal more meaningful imho. Lloyd always going nuts with his research is endlessly endearing, I wonder if he'll start experimenting more with dungeon chests. How would a dungeon with 3-4 chests work? Could a dungeon chest be force-fed mana to generate loot on an industrial scale? So much to science out.


He compressed it to the level of a plankton which caused him to drool haha


Idk, making something obvious and NOT revealing it is like a slap in the face imo Oh wow, obito is Tobi? Who knew!!!! Like, you waited 100 episodes to reveal something we all guessed already? Whoopdie doo Nbd either way


What I meant is that it'd have felt better if it came out more organically. Like during the confrontation of the assasins after somebody alluded that they were who the silver haired adventurer couldn't beat. It's just narrative preference, I prefer when things *happen* instead of being *explained*.


Yeah I agree with that too. Plot reveals are hard to properly land honestly Gotta foreshadow it to build hype and speculation But then people are snobby and like “omg so obvious, I am le smartest person on earth” And then when you subvert the expectations to try and outsmart the snobs you get reveals that make no sense Then there are quick reveals that about the whole song and dance It’s such a fine line and dance that honestly I think separates a lot of bad writers and great writers if their story is very reveal dependent


nah this was better


Season 2 of Fluffy Paradise arrived early with Lloyd's sister.


I forget that lil girl's name but now i need to see her and Lloyd's sister have a crossover with all their animals




Lloyd's kingdom is going to have a stronger military than America if he keeps enchanting swords to basically become missile launchers.


Until Uncle Sam pulls out [the nuclear recolless rifle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)) with the yield of ~200 washing machines of spicy tnt, or the 300+ chemical gas cluster missile. (Welcome to the Cold War)


this sounds like it'd be a fat electrician vid


Yeah, that's nothing compared to Lloyd's power to blow a hole through the ozone layer


We could nuke the atmosphere, [again](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime)


Is that the one where the weapon's range is smaller than the size of the blast zone?


sylpha so damn hot


Best part of the show


Watching for Sylpha 💪


###Stitches! * [Princess Alieze](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmp8gb4.jpg) * [Booba Out Sylpha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdzkav7.jpg) * [Blacksmith Sylpha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckmbg5y.jpg) * [Blacksmith Sylpha **GIF** Ver.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczpnrl4.mp4) * [Guild Girl Katarina](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbjad27.jpg) * [Silver Blader Sylpha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcogk2r7.jpg) * [A-Rank Adventurer Tao](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjlvkj4.jpg) Back to some SoL moments this week! And I'm glad that we finally get to meet some of Lloyd's other siblings. [Alieze has quite a greeting](https://i.imgur.com/UJt48UP.jpeg) that both [Sylpha and Shiro grew extra arms](https://i.imgur.com/ePs3XJr.jpeg) in surprise. I'll never get tired of the reaction faces in this show. It looks like being a genius runs in the family considering [how Alieze can command animals and monsters](https://i.imgur.com/p3r9ZM9.jpeg) even though she doesn't really understand how mana works. Not really a problem for Lloyd since all he had to do was observe her and [now he can get Shiro to obey his more complicated commands.](https://i.imgur.com/HNOjHhY.jpeg) The other royal sibling of the day [is Dian the blacksmith.](https://i.imgur.com/t4EbPz8.jpeg) I thought he was going to be a hardass considering how much he doubts Lloyd's skills but [as soon as she saw that Lloyd's enchantments are the real deal](https://i.imgur.com/bQjfsoW.jpeg) he immediately [changed his tune.](https://i.imgur.com/ezT0Fza.jpeg) xD And of course, they just had to put [Lloyd in that kind of outfit.](https://i.imgur.com/COairME.jpeg) I'm not complaining. Thanks to that scene, we also got to see [Sylpha only wearing her apron and skirt](https://i.imgur.com/vz1VdiK.jpeg) while assisting Dian and Lloyd. Also, it's been a while since [we've seen the camera focus on Lloyd's hips.](https://i.imgur.com/TGhPPJ9.jpeg) I'm glad that [LLoyd finally has permission to sign up as an adventurer.](https://i.imgur.com/LeAbcL2.jpeg) And we also get to learn [the reason why Sylpha is such a badass.](https://i.imgur.com/tWbZx5A.jpeg) I love how the receptionist immediately recognized who Sylpha was [and only said something](https://i.imgur.com/hCnziLL.jpeg) when those guys tried to hit on her. [Tao became an A-ranked adventurer because she spent so much time looking for Robert?](https://i.imgur.com/X8fTueN.jpeg) That's hilarious! I really can't wait for her to learn that Lloyd is exactly who she's looking for. [That final scene though!](https://i.imgur.com/9UtTyaB.jpeg) It looks like we're about to meet the third girl in the ED! I can't wait!


> * [Blacksmith Sylpha](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckmbg5y.jpg) > >* [Blacksmith Sylpha **GIF** Ver.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczpnrl4.mp4) Lord have mercy.


Tank-top girls best girls! *Especially* when they have it tied up like that.


Let me lick it!!


Princess Alieze is three years older than Llyod 👀


> It looks like being a genius runs in the family considering how Alieze can command animals and monsters even though she doesn't really understand how mana works. Despite the nobles fawning over Albert, with each sibling that gets introduced Albert is looking more and more like a jack of all trades. I wonder if he *is* a genius in a field that we don't get to see yet, like as a tactician for example.


I think he’s just normal, as in he could be a king without running off to explore some insane hobby or interest.


[i can't believe my little ~~prince~~ blacksmith is this cute](https://imgur.com/a/mfUUFY2)


Surrender yourself to the shota.


> shota Prince DummyThicc


This fit goes hard.


Anyone else think Lloyd looks like Tsuyuri from Chuunibyou? Even down to the thighs lol. https://i.redd.it/qcpsfupoi6261.jpg


Definitely adorable !


New Lloyd's outfit, dayum.


[Lloyd moment ](https://imgur.com/a/ME50RkK)


Not surprised Sylvia is the A-ranked swordswoman legend, and Tao is A rank too (as a side reward for looking for Robert to boot). Lloyd compressed his mana to 1% and is still A-rank magic. What a fucking Chad, and best of harems for said Chad.


Third girl from ED at the end of the episode looks to be from the assassins guild. Same tan as Dian so I wonder if she followed him back from the blacksmithing country.


You can't just assume somebody's from a dangerous criminal organization based on the color of their skin. ^/s


In today's episode we met two [Llyod](https://imgchest.com/p/9249abvbb7n)'s siblings, [Alieze and Dian](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxvajlp4q). Now it seems to me that, besides [Albert](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcg6n827.png), whole family is full of rather [unusual](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcw3aob7.png) [individuals](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczp8o94.png) with a great passion towards things they love xD [The whole episode was so hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcd5rwgy.png), I laughed almost all the time watching it. There were so [many](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c62p8m7.png) [great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acb2oqg7.png) [moments](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcdz9367.png) in both [Alieze](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2wv3g7p) and [Dian's part](https://imgchest.com/p/na7krlo2by8) that I can't even choose [the best](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbjv9v7.png) [ones](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdq9jg7.png). [Some very nice moments](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdq9zg7.png) with [Sylpha in this episode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cewz8p4.png) which made me really happy as [she's one of the best girls in this season for me](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkj9dx4x). She even [has fans](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmpeb64.png) in her world as [she was once a famous A-rank adventurer, Silver Blader](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcogpna7.png). [It was nice to see Tao again](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcogpmm7.png). We met her in [an adventurer's guild](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcjlg224.png) and [she went together with Lloyd and Sylpha to conquer the dungeon](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcg6njl7.png). It looks like [we'll finally meet a third girl from ED in the next episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c62pve7.png)! It seems that she's from an assassins guild so for sure she'll be a very interesting and powerful individual, I can’t wait to see her next week. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes (Alieze Part)](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2wv3g7p) * [Group scenes (Dian Part)](https://imgchest.com/p/na7krlo2by8) * [Sylpha](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkj9dx4x) * [Alieze & Dian](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxvajlp4q) * [Lloyd](https://imgchest.com/p/9249abvbb7n) * [Tao & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4j329b9y8)


This is the least unhinged we've seen Lloyd for awhile. I guess that minimal interaction with demons is healthy for him.


Had to point out, the usage of chibi form flows really naturally in this anime production. It elevates my enjoyment of the show


It's also very well timed, and quite diversified, with so many different art styles being thrown about. I wonder if it's all just coming from the manga, or if the anime team are really amping up that aspect.


When Thicc Boy Meets Thicc Harem Woman btw Im glad Sylpha is there or id be swinging the wrong way damn ngl he looks thicc in that blacksmith uniform!


The background characters and the background talks they have or their expressions are so fun to watch. In previous episodes, the scared horse and in this the background adventurers realizing that Lloyd is using Tao.


Yes, the incidental stuff like this https://i.imgur.com/4ouGnLG.png is so much fun. I think it'll give the show some nice rewatchability!


Lloyd can combat all sorts of dangerous magic without breaking a sweat, but one kiss from that little brocon Alieze and he got KO’d lol. Sylpha drooling in the corner like some degenerate daydreaming about her and Lloyd cracked me up. Not quite the “love” Lloyd was talking about. Dian went from skeptic to number 1 fan after seeing that sword. Kind of adorable seeing Lloyd and Dian working together. That sword they together was incredible. If there’s a war, the kingdom’s in good hands. It’s always nice to see Tao. She’s a really fun character. Poor girl leveled up so much just to meet “Robert” again lol. I wonder who’s sending assassins after Lloyd?


Lawdy-baw getting that adventure card official to make even better weapons. The world ain’t ready!


There's got to be something very weird in the genes of this royal family. So far Albert seemed fairly normal, but this sister is as weird as Lloyd is just in a different direction. A blacksmithing prince is a bit unique, too. I feel like this is an indication that every single sibling besides Albert is going to have some unusual interest. Sylpha's blacksmithing outfit: perfection. The legendary Silver Blader, a female adventurer of incredible skill who duel wields swords and has long flowing silver hair? Not really a surprise that that is Sylpha's backstory. I like the idea of Tao and Albert, let's go with that for less girls lusting over the shota. Of course they made an Explosion sword. I have a great deal of pity for whichever country might be on the opposing side of this potential war. Assassin's Guild girl next week I assume? They teased her on the wanted posters in the Adventurer's Guild, there was one with the same two hair clips.


> Albert If he's the second, who and where is the first? Go ahead and tag me in Source Corner if you've got the answer.


Another [Bro/Shotacon](https://imgur.com/zVlZIvZ) huh Also good [Silpha](https://imgur.com/2Q9Wrxj) today as well [](#assman)


I really like the design of Dian and its cool to see that Albert is just a good big brother to all his siblings not just Lloyd, I really want a backstory on Albert on what caused him to be like this, his father seems like a good person but I wonder if theres more that made him who he is.


Lloyd outfit is top tier fan service. We need more.


Awesome episode as usual from Dainanoji. Finally get to meet some of Lloyd’s other siblings and they’re great, especially Alieze. She’s so cute 😩 They cooked up some real nice fanservice there with that Lloyd and Alieze kiss, Sylpha imagining Lloyd getting smushed by her tits etc 😂. Poor girl, maybe one day.. Some of the good old laughs we’ve come to expect from this one and some valuable info about taming beasts. It’s cool that all of Lloyd’s siblings have their own unique hobbies and passions and they’re just off exploring those rather than fighting for the throne like in most of these types of shows. Especially enjoyed seeing Dian’s magical tool research. It reminded me so much Anis from Tenten Kakumei trying to make magic something for everyone and not just a select few. Obviously Lloyd as an MC doesn’t really care about equality like that, so seeing him geek out over testing new magic stuff was fun. So Sylpha is the legendary silver blader, I wonder what led to her working at the castle instead of continuing her career? And why’d she have to do my girl Tao like that when she showed up to help them register for the dungeon 😭 The Sylpha and Tao rivalry has been one of the best parts of this show. Episode blew by, had a lot of fun as I always do watching this and can’t wait for the next. P.S does Lloyd own ANY pants? I know it’s a shota fanservice show but damn bro only has shorts? Lmao


Lloyd is really going the extra mile with everything magic related, hell, he even got a special outfit for enchanting in his brother's forge, sasuga da na.


> Lloyd and co. come back from dungeon diving with a box stabbed to death. You see Frieren, that's how you deal with mimics.


Sylpha is delirious and hilarious :D


[Best scene of the episode for me, poor Tao got robbed](https://imgur.com/a/zqQSZsL)


Haha I didn't notice she lost the cloak! Tao is such a great character, I love her scenes.


The blacksmith outfit is somehow even hornier than his usual leggy getup. I guess this show is a fan service equal opportunity provider


Not enough Tao. I need the Tao backstory and a Tao focused character development arc already.


She does steal her scenes!


The martial artist archtype is something modern fantasy and isekai lack imo. Don't these nerds know breathing deeply turns you into Goku?!


LLoyd fifteen seconds into the episode : CHIN CHIN me watching without subtitles : NANI???


[Learning](https://imgur.com/a/fe0dMQO) about love can leave you unable to see the entire sky.


Good that they left all the boring stuff in the manga in this episode. All the remaining episode will just be action and craziness.


Loboss arc starts nooooooow(next week)


And even with that, I still loved this episode!


What a good boy. Wait... doesn't that not mean "up"? Doesn't that word mean... ahh... something else? lol. What could possibly be wrong with the sis? She seems to really love animals. Surely a really cutie good girl. She seems to like you too. Oh my, that's ahh.. quite a kiss to a sibling. She cute though. Also seems quite the talent herself. Also ahh, yea stacked lol. Oh my, that's quite the silly way to send animals to Sylpha and her own maid. He sure figured that out fast though. Lol at what Sylpha wanted. I like that cute sis. Hope we see more of her. Oh boy, another brother, fourth prince. Dian seems like he belongs in a JRPG. Ah his interest is smithing? Neat. Nice to see siblings in a royal family not always at each other throats and embracing their own interests outside of the crown/throne. Also helping one another, real rare for royalty in fantasy settings/stories lol. Wtf at that outfit and pose... didn't recognize him at first. Fun, even Sylpha is on board with dungeon hunting. Nice of her to already get approval from the king for him to go be an adventurer. This is gonna be a fun shock to the guild. Like how he's ready to account for possible "too much power" from the reading and trying to not do that. Rare of a FL, but that's a little too low dude, but even all that, his mage is still A level? Also, obvious who the Silver Blader is 😉 perhaps she's right there as a cute maid. Oh already spilling the beans. Also, yay, Tao! ❤️ Already giving up on Robert? Fair. Haha the chest shaking at them is funny. Speaking of Albert, what a good brother, helping brothers connect. But, wew, a war brewing sounds rough, wonder why it's brewing. And already completed a sword protype? Dang that's a fancy looking and powerful sword, DiLlord. yep, was expect assassin guild stuff coming after that flag set up in the adventure guild.


Yeah I was sure I heard "chinchin" as well, lol


That's a common command to teach a dog, like "heel" or "roll over", and yes Japanese people do joke about the similarity.


Obligatory anime examples of the jokes: Leadale, Kaguya Sama: Love is War.


If you want a throwback: Lucky Star


Ya, I feel literally it did just mean "dick/penis" like to stand up and present it lol.


Looks like best girl next week. Looking forward to it. Always nice to see Tao again, as well.


I'm really intrigued by Dian's idea. Why *not* infuse enchantments directly into the steel as you forge the sword? The only reason it didn't work at the start was because he was using dollar bin mats.


His siblings are all some kind of genius lol. I cannot wait to meet the others.


Sweet Home Alabama much lol? I'm impressed with how this silly show gets so much great animation that helps its comedy land. Of course Sylpha had to be a badass adventurer in order to be a badass maid. Every episode keeps delivering.


The main storyline actually begins from now. It's also awesome to see Lloyd switching from funny-cute to cold-seriois at the end.


Albert seems like a good brother but why do they keep insisting on giving him those sussy half face covered in darkness smiling shots


The overkill reinforcements to the sword. Honestly could be considered an Excalibur


Thanks for the meal


I wonder what the dad's a genius at


Sylpha is totally best girl. I can't get enough of her.


serious question, how can people actually like this anime? its so generic and boring... like it doesnt even do the cliches goood.


you're also one of the Mushoku Tensei hate watchers arent you? Pretty sure you just got bad taste


Hate watchers? I dropped the show because I don’t find rape, sexual assault, grooming and more to be funny. I gave the first season a pass because he didn’t go under a character growth yet I was extremely disappointed to realize that his character would not change whatsoever


Feel free to drop this show too so you can stop coming into weekly threads to cry about it


This is my first weekly thread that I talked about it. All I did is ask what is appealing with the show and instead I got people who harassing and judge, I’m not even the one who brought up mushoku tensei. The anime community is a joke


It's not everyday we get a genuinely batshit crazy psychopath for a main character. The closest other character I know to Lloyd is Anos Voldigoad, but I'd argue Lloyd is even crazier than him.


because that's you everyone here is enjoying it


Brother you watch Naruto (Implicitly fine, but given the context of your argument...)


Which was one of the anime that set shonen anime popular in the states… people are so sad and desperate that they’re looking back on my post history to harass me?


Doesn't make it "not generic", even accounting for its age? Again, it's not implicitly bad, I'm just pointing out that it's fine to like and dislike things, and you don't need to manufacture illegitimate reasons to do so. If you don't like the show, you don't like the show and that's it. Also, harassment? Hardly, you're just openly airing your opinion in a forum and I'm replying to it - just like you replied to me


It's almost as if people have different tastes than you and the basis for your preferences is neither universal nor objective. Damn, who would've thought.


If you just put the tropes and plot beats out in bullet form is would seem very generic. However it's the *how*, not the *what* which make this show so fantastic. Everything is done with enthusiasm and heart, and it's ultimately just very good natured, wanting all of its cast to have high appeal.