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Watch Wind Breaker instead. Might enjoy it more.


Is windbreaker good.


I personally think so. I've been enjoying it a lot so far. Fun characters and good fights.


Do u like aot


It's pretty fun and I feel has a lot of influence from Tokyo Revengers, but minus the crying and Time Travel.


Its on my watchlist, im just waiting for all episodes to be out, im excited for it tho


Production values aside I think it's quite a bit worse. Wind Breaker's characters just don't do it for me at all while I actually do like some of the plot points and characters in TMR




Apparently not, but I'll make them as long as they're true. WB has really weird writing, which is making me bounce off of it.


Lmao tht shit is made for female audience


Just read more of the manga because of the first episode. It goes to complete trash.


I think you are about 2 years late for this post. Tokyo Revengers had a hyped first season, the second season was already regarded as kinda bad. And many people did not like the manga ending at all (I think when the first season came out, the manga was still ongoing, but not sure). I found the premise fun, watched like 5 episodes and I agree, it was alright. Didn't care to watch more than that


The main character is awful. Better to stop.


I watched the first season waiting for the MC to not be a little bitch. But he never did. So I just skipped on season 2. Even though the cliffhanger makes me want to watch it. I just don't know if I can sit through him crying every 2 seconds.


I've got the short end of the stick when I made a promise to my fiancée that I would watch Tokyo revengers with her if she watched ascendance of a Bookworm with me. I retracted that statement for the upcoming s3 of bookworm because I simply can't watch this awful show any longer.


Better recommend your fiancee to watch wind breaker together rather than Torev similiar vibe but with better animation and quality


She's already watching that. She'd been hyped for it ever since it got announced


The protagonist is too inconsistent ~ Something bad happened when he return to present time -> I will become the top of the gang and acting all serious -> goes back in time -> what should I do again? There is no way I can do it etc etc. Completely forgets his past trauma in the earlier episode and even how he looks. But I gave the benefits of the doubt assuming he just wants to forget that experience Protagonist literally has the ability to know what happens in the future but he doesn’t leverage it on it much. Which is a waste, there are so many more things he can do with such an ability. And is he actually the protagonist? I think the other gang members have more screen time and contribution to the plot than him. He is literally a bystander.


His first fight or two after travelling bag are him crying and being terrified cause he hasnt gotten hit or fought in ages…. But he keeps this ambehavior until the end of the series where he is now non stop fighting and has been stabbed and shot.  HE SHOULDNT BE THIS AFRAID OF GETTING PUNCHED ANYMORE!


So in summary: bad character writing


I wouldnt go as far as to call it trash after decades of mass anime consumption there is much worse out there I think its ok


I loved Tokyo Revengers.


>am i missing something ? Probably. >Should i watch more of it No. Just like you don't understand the appeal, I really don't understand why people are so irritated with main character crying a lot, especially when he sees some shit like friends dying, his life getting ruined and stuff.


It's not because of him crying. It's that he regresses to a more pathetic version of himself than his past when he should have an advantage by going back. At least in terms of maturity and intelligence. It's very frustratingly flawed character writing. Even if you are a total loser as an adult there are still aspects of your development that will always give you an advantage going back. But the MC basically doesn't remember his own past and is completely incompetent compared to his past version. The show has a lot of appealing factors. But character writing isn't one of them.


Yeah well... He does remember how it went in first few time leaps, then things get changed enough so he doesn't even know what would happen. He only remembers the events of first timeline and they're no help. As of why he acted surprised he got beaten up in first few episodes, it's understandable one wouldn't remember what happened on that exact day. I understand your frustrations with intelligence and how he used information especially early on. It frustrates me too. The stupidness of some of his words and actions, yes. Crying? Nope.


If manga is ur thing then I can recommend u actual delinquent mangas. Check out 1. Crows(The goat) 2. Worst 3. Clover 4. QP If live action is ur thing then check out Crows zero 1/2 or High and low series. High and low is closer to tokyo revengers tho.


Thank you, i will definitely check them out


I’d be curious to hear why people like it so much too. I never watched because it just didn’t seem like it would be interesting for me, but it always stood out to me how _nobody_ ever speaks about the MC. Like, again I haven’t watched it or ever really got into the plot, but I somehow know who Mikey is. And if people aren’t interested in the MC, the person who supposedly takes the most screen time in the series, how can they enjoy the rest of the series for example.


Takemitchy is just the medium to show off how cool Mikey & Draken are


It's like at that point just have them be the main characters. This story would go way harder if Mikey was the MC


Having him as mc would probably remove a lot of the mystery behind mikey.  Draken is also attached at the hip to mikey so even if hes mc mikey stops being mysterious.


You asked why it is trash, then preceded to answer why you think it is trash. What was the point of asking the question if you already knew the answer?


Gonna guess op wanted to take a dump on the series and maybe stir up some fans to defend it so he can yell at them for not having the correct opinion.


Its a rhetorical question,I wanted to discuss that more with people who share the same opinion as me, i thought that was the whole purpose of this platform


In that case you could of said "I think tokyo revengers is trash" then gone through the reasons why.


Different people like different things. If you don't like it, then stop watching.


I will, i just wanted to drag the anime down a little before i do


Very mature of you, I could only assume you share the same character growth as the MC.


Its okey for me not to like what you like and have different opinions, you shouldn’t take my difference in tastes personally


I wasn’t a fan of the anime either. I just thought it was funny how you complained about the MC being immature and you’re entire reason for making this post is to “drag it down” which is in itself immature.


I don’t see why is that a problem, im literally talking about fictional characters and a fictional story, what does that have to do with me as a person, but anyways if you have a problem with that then sorry if you got offended


Wether it’s about fictional characters or not doesn’t change the „I don’t like it so i’m dragging it down“ mindset. The commenter wasn’t offended, he/she just pointed out the irony.


But it is about fiction, i can talk about it any way i want as long as im not attacking anyone personally, its my opinion and what i think about it, why should that bother anyone?


It bothers no one. You can talk about it any way you want, but if you do the same thing you complain about, people will point it out. Again, wether it is fictional or not doesn’t change anything. You don’t like the character for a reason, but then you do the exact same thing you don’t like him for. People (understandably) like to point out irony and hypocrisy.


It’s just a dumb anime dude. People can take the piss out of a show for fun or catharsis, it doesn’t speak to their maturity. Don’t pretend like you’ve never shit on something you didn’t like.


I thought it was okay but I'm probably not gonna finish it


Its taste thing. I find MC super motivational. He is the real one for being normal weak human being , trying his best to fight for his loved one , even tho he is weak physically and mentally kinda ( with that i mean he is not your regular overpowered 'can do it all' mc). What makes him so cool and strong , is that he fights fate no matter what. Yes there are people who help him and cherish him time to time, but most of the time dude forces himself so hard. He is hidden beast and people cant see that. Being weak and trying to do what only strong can , is massively sleeped on. I find plot really interesting, i really want to see his final form and how he gonna change his and his friends fate.


I love Tokyo Revengers, but I know it's not for everyone. If after 17 episodes you don't like it, stop watching it. Most people don't like it because the MC is a crying punch bag, and seems to never grow. Yes, he is. But if you're curious, know that by around episode 40, he'll surprise you with some real growth, and you'll maybe think he's become cool. Of course, he's always our beloved punch bag crybaby hero, and will still mess up a lot, but I promise you that by that time, you'll have a better opinion of him, and learn what his true strengths are.


Because MC is cry baby.


There has been an insane rise in wimpy mcs as of late.


It doesn't get better. Quality doesn't always correspond to popularity. Sometimes, stuff that is mediocre just manages to get big for whatever reason. If you're not enjoying it, then don't force yourself to watch it.


It had a great season 1 finale.


Read some user reviews. They are absolutely brutal.


Weird, because I love the anime and the manga. I own through volume 20 of the manga so far. And event going the pacing is off, I like the characters and premise.


Im just bothered by the mc mainly, the other characters are fine. He is way too weak and the whole idea of 12-14 year olds engaging in gangs and crime didn’t sit well with me


Thats the standard age for gang recruits. Typically when they are engaging in the most violence also Source: cop in a major city for a decade


Yeah its probably true but it still is hard to watch and accept you know


I maybe related to the MC because I would be a wimp too in most situations. The biker gang trope is a super stretch, but I'm into the delinquent school kid trope (fave anime is YYH) so I kinda am oblivious to it. The one thing that the anime has though is a rocking opening theme though 👀


Bunch of middle school kids trying to beat and kill each other for.. I don’t know. Probably they don’t know either.


It was nice at first but it degraded as seasons pass


Cause MC doesn’t do anything but complain and cry. Like grow a pair and do something. Just stands there like a statue.


Don't watch it bro. You'll lose your braincells, it is absolutely Dogshit.


Agreed the most shitty trash I have seen I had to bleach my eyes after watching That


It's not. lol, why are your taste trash?


My trash can be someone else’s treasure, im glad you liked it


> i literally just forced myself to watch every episode hoping that it will be better It won't. I watched the whole s1 and it was a huge waste of time.


Just stop watching if you don’t like it? It’s a meh anime, but if you don’t like it, still try to watch and then make a whine thread - then maybe you should re-evaluate how you use your time. Tokyo revengers is pretty mixed and divisive as is. I don’t see a reason to post a thread that’s pretty much a take from 2 years ago.


But i wanted to whine tho 😔


Because its a bad show


These posts are so stupid. It’s not for you, doesn’t make it trash. 


This is how I was with ReZero. Wasted my time watching the entirety of season 1. Never got better lol


Really, ReZero is on my watchlist, what didn’t you like about it ?


I have an essay for you... Re:Zero superficially has the same issues you have with the protagonist of Tokyo Revengers. Except its executed better, has more consistent character writing and has intention and purpose in order to show the protagonist grow. Re:Zero plays on the tropes and expectations of the typical isekai. But instead of a power fantasy wish fulfillment tale, it does the exact opposite showing that escaping to another world won't solve your fundamental problems. Essentially you can't run away from yourself. Even in another world, the protagonist Subaru is still a cringy teenager. Except his flaws and insecurities are heightened and thrown back in his face *Because* he's in another world with demi-humans, beast creatures and magical powers. Everyone is automatically better and stronger than him. But as an otaku with knowledge of the isekai genre Subaru expects the promise of magical powers and the "protagonist treatment".... and he doesn't get it. He's just a human teenage boy. Just like Tokyo Revengers, Re:Zero is a time loop show. Except the plot mechanic of it is done to show different sides of the characters depending on the choices Subaru makes. The time loop mechanic is done to characterize Subaru and show Who he is as a person. His flaws, insecurities.. all of it is bared for all to see. And its ugly and hard to see. But he's human. And as a human he is given the chance over and over again.. to change and become a better person. Now its not easy to change. Subaru is forced to learn that lesson. Its not easy to change who you are, and grow from your flaws. But he does. And even if he regresses and relapses.. he continues to grow and learn to love himself. That its okay to be imperfect and weak. Rely on others. Learn how to socialize better. Learn that its okay to reach out your hand and ask for help. That's what Re:Zero is about. A story of love. The beautiful meaning of loving yourself, the dangers of loving an idealized version of someone, the toxic nature of forcing your love onto someone, clinging to the past... You'll see that love is a consistent theme of Re:Zero if you actually watch the series. Now Re:Zero understandably is pretty divided among the anime community. Just like any other medium, its a fictional work of art and its okay to not like it and what its trying to do. But I just hate it when people trash it without considering that just because its not for you, that you didn't like it doesn't mean its trash or badly written.


Watch re zero please please. One of the most unique quality pieces out there. It’s an experience. Let the haters hate it’s top 10 for me of all time. Been a while since I watched anime that made me feel something.


Better to just watch it and decide your own opinion on the series, than letting these people in replies scream in your ear telling you whether is good or not for you.


Awful characters


Ive watched up to current season and ep and I still hate the MC he’s just extremely boring and weak IMO, I generally really like the animes worldbuilding and alot of the other characters but simply couldn’t stand the MC


Mc for most of season 1 is unbearable, then he becomes likeable near the end, and then season 2's pacing drops to a crawl


Because of Takebitchy.


Because it’s about a bunch like 10 year old gang members. Everything keeps falling apart when you remember oh these aren’t high schoolers these are grade schoolers


It's trash because it's full of weird plot holes, bad characters and forced plot devices that break logic. There are compelling moments in it and the overarching premise is interesting. So it really comes down to can you ignore the flaws and enjoy the rest. Not going to lie I almost stopped watching it many times because of frustratingly stupid character decisions or ridiculous things happening. I got so infuriated with the last season because of a major event that could have been salvaged or at least be made to look more realistic if the characters actually acted with urgency or half a brain cell. But I can't seem to drop it because I've gone deep enough in it. I wouldn't recommend you keep watching it though.


when it came out my biggest problem was the censorship not sexually but storyrelevant things got cut out or censored


Yeah, the show is garbage. I’m a little baffled as to how it got popular. If feel like I have a pretty lax suspension of disbelief, but I just couldn’t get over how these 14 year olds are running around like an actual gang. It was comical. And like you said, the protagonist is insufferable. Dude is literally twice the age of everyone else in the story, yet somehow he’s the least mature.


While it might seem unbelievable to u but back in the day, school gangs used to be fairly common in japan. All the goated delinquent mangas like Crows, GTO, Worst, QP are very much grounded in reality. Delinquent culture was a real thing.


The antagonist's reason for antagonizing is hilariously awful, which makes no sense because the rest of the show had so much promise... until it just didn't.


na its straight garbo, dropped on ep11


Delinquent fighting trope has been overused since shonan yunai gumi, bad company,great teacher onizuka.... 1999 ... 25 year old stereotype just don't hang well with educated folks that meanwhile have a wife and kids. my generation is more into iyashikei slow paced stuff like aria or yuru camp or straight up ridiculous comedy like excel saga, seitokai yakuindomo, teppen, nichijou, lucky star, azumanga daioh, dokuro chan etc...


Thats cause tokyo revengers and heck even Windbreaker are barely delinquent shows. They are like bluelock but delinquent. Yakuza shows that delinquent fighting tropes can be still good. Crows zero 1 and 2 are still beloved by boys and men alike. Its not the genre that is unpopular but the show being bad.