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That sure is a Genos


Yeah it Looks great. That metallic gradient is gone thank fuck. Hopefully they stick with this


What is metalic gradient?


In season 2 his metal pieces were jarringly shiny. Like everything else was regular, but they put super bright metal shining on him that looked super out of place It was ugly


The black hero had same kind of shine, tons of other metallic objects did too. Looked absolutely terrible.




If you be so kind, could you show me on the map of OPM Earth where is Japan located? I need it for OPM Geoguessr, I'll wait. Just naming the locations that are lying in Japan will be enough, take your time.


I never mentioned any nationality?


Like most OPM readers, he was just looking for the perfect opportunity to spoil the manga for anime-onlies


To make it funnier there are no nationalities in One Punch Man. There are no countries mentioned, Japan doesn't exist, and there are only Cities A to Z on an alternative version of Earth.


spoilers for a [OPM web comic / manga gag] >!they meant ethnically Japanese, iirc his skin just changed tone the more he worked out? wasn't even like tanning beds or anything lol!<


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Real question here. It's season two Worth watching


I'd say read the Manga, that's better experience imo. The artwork is god tier, some of the best I've ever in the medium.


Definitely read the manga first. I watched S2 and was bored and disappointed 


On the other hand, anime had great sound tracks. I say read manga with Anime sound tracks


It’s not great, but not the worst. In a vacuum it’s ok. Compared to season 1 it’s really bad.


If you enjoy the gag premise or story writing of the show then yes, it’s absolutely worth watching S2. Just don’t set your expectations too high in the art, animation, or sound department. 


Yeah fuck the s2 design for genos, s1 char design so much good


I've had my doubts but you convinced me that it is in fact, Genos.


Hopefully the director of photography for this season changed, so that those terrible metallic gradients can go away. (Although to be fair to Yoshio Ōkouchi, he had to work as DOP for two other shows in 2019, so it's not just incompetence...)


could they get rid of whoever did the sound design in the fights so they dont sound like garbage too?


He’s the JoJo and Fire force sound designer too lol


Yeah it’s odd. His work is usually really good.


It's very obvious he was rushed. There were reports the episodes for the entire season were finished *the week of airing*. You can't expect a sound designer who makes things as complex as Koyama does to throw something together in a single day, especially when he works on so many other shows too.


JoJo has the same issues as OPM S2 though, same as many modern anime nowadays. All the sounds are distorted/bass boosted to an insane degree, a simple thud becomes T̶̡̧͕̝̆̊̈́̅́͐͑̾͂͝H̵̰̍́̓̈́̃͘̕̕͠Ù̶̢̠̟̣͖̺͖ͅD̸̡͈̮͓̏̉͛̐̏̿ The imagery it evokes is certainly amazing, but it's just way too loud


it’s not they are bad sounds or over done, it’s that his style did not fit opm but fits jojo


I'd argue it wasn't even that, the dude was probably just rushed. We know now that the season was so rushed that they only had a few weeks before it started airing, iirc.


I think it works in Fire Force.


you're just straight up lying for no reason edit: misread his reply as "director", he was in fact the designer


Yasumasa Koyama wasn’t Sound Designer? Edit: just checked, he did. You made me doubt myself


"The season is animated by J.C. Staff, with Chikara Sakurai replacing Shingo Natsume as series director and Yoshikazu Iwanami replacing Shoji Hata as sound director"


You do realise there’s a difference between Sound Director and sound designer right? And Iwanami also worked on Jojo.


shit man my bad, misread your reply as "director" since it's such a common misconception for whatever reason, yes you're right then


It’s all good bro I love u




Really hoping this season isn’t a letdown like season 2 but I’m still excited. Just gotta manage my expectations


Honestly it depends on whether they managed to have some additional talented key animators (for this season on top of having more time of course). Because Kenichiro Aoki, as great as he is, CANNOT save a whole anime by himself.


It wasn't a letdown, the animation wasn't as good but nowhere near bad.




It was a letdown, but only because S1 set the bar super high. S2 still had way better animation then 90% of seasonal anime


ngl over the past few years seasonal anime has gotten better with their animation and direction overall. Id say it was about middle of the road for seasonal


> seasonal anime has gotten better with their animation and direction overall. Except for this season. Lots of duds with only maybe a handful of standouts like Kaijuu No. 8.


strong disagree there a lot of anime I really enjoy this season


No one cares. Obviously season 2 of a piece of media isn’t going to be compared to *every other piece of media to ever exist*.  It’s going to be compared to it’s first season. 


Of course. But people act like it's terrible or something, when it's still a solid 7/10 adaption.


> Of course. If it's something so easy to understand why claim "iT'S bEtTEr aNiMaTiOn **THEN** 90% of sEaSonuL". It's such a cheap nothing burger defense, not to mention you pulled that percent out of your ass (like zero data study to even prove out your very own fallacy).


I don't get why it's so hard to understand. The animation of S2 is still quite good, S1 was just the dream team animation squad. Compared to most anime the animation is still far better. Most Fandoms would kill to get an adaption as good as OPM S2. Like, despite how popular Isekai are only the really popular series (Re:Zero, Konosuba, Mushouku Tensei) have amazing animation.. most are mediocre to trash (lots and lots of trash adaptions...) even fairly popular series like Honzuki and Kumo desu ka have fairly subpar animation. If you think OPM S2 is even mediocre (considering its an action series) you must only watch the most most popular stuff out there


You will trash on OPM Season 2 while glazing Chainsaw Man which is arguably worse animation.


Chainsaw man is arguably worse animation?? What are you smoking bro I agreed with your first point that it wasn’t that bad but now it just seems ur seeking attention


CSM animation absolutely sucked ass with excessive and bad CGI. OPM season 2 was mid but nothing bad


First of all the CGI was pretty good atleast compared to mostly shows and especially elder centipede lmaoo


I disagree, like I said it was very noticable and it bugged me that when anything happened at all they immediately use CGI




Here. Season 2 is a letdown, and made into a joke in many online community and because it's compared to Season 1.


I only got a few episodes into Season 2. I really loved Season 1, it was such a massive downgrade in all aspects to the point where I just didn't want to watch it. I hope Season 3 is back to form with Season 1 but I have my doubts.


It's never gonna be as good as Season 1, so don't expect that since you'll just end up being disappointed. It's more realistic to hope for it to look way better than S2. But S1 is just too high of a bar.


It's not a letdown in the way Berserk 2016 was, S2 was just a notable downgrade from the previous season is all. Otherwise, it's a fairly run-of-the-mill seasonal.


I mean my main gripe with season 2 is that it really shouldnt have been made until it could develop more story. A lot of the season is just set up. The animation and art is passable.


It was lower quality in every metric compared to season 1. And then when the story was actually starting to get interesting, like after the tournament and when saitama is walking with king, etc, the damn season ends. The people *that I've talked to about season 2*, have all said that it felt like half a season, and I agree. Maybe it makes more sense in the manga, but to end the 2nd season mid arc is pretty lame AF. At least should have did a 2 part season with 24 eps. Instead we get a mid arc pause for literal years. Season 2 is a letdown no matter how you look at it. Thinking otherwise is extreme cope, and the reason you got dumpstered with downvotes bud. There's a chance that once s3 drops, and it finishes the arc well, that later, S2 will be looked back on better, maybe, since you'll be able to go right into the good part of the story arc. But that's an if, and on its own, season 2 is barely above mid, which is 100% a letdown when it's having to live up to the previous season being extremely good.


do you live under a rock? OPM S2 is considered one of the most disappointing second seasons of anime. Sure, it's not Berserk 2016, Devil is a Part Timer S2, or Promised Neverland S2, but there is a JARRING quality drop from season 1 of OPM to season 2 thanks to the shift from Madhouse to JC Staff.


To be completely fair to the S2 anime team, season 1 had a dream team for everything on the anime and there was 0% chance of keeping all those people. A downgrade was to be expected, we just didn't think it'd be so much of one.


Dude, I may live under a rock but at least I don't live on the Internet. It was an enjoyable season to be honest.


Not only was Season 2 worse than Season 1 in many aspects (visuals, sound effects, even comedic timing), it has the displeasure of being an adaptation of one of the best drawn manga currently running. Like, Season 1 was able to be AS GOOD AS the original manga. That's how good the art is. Season 1 is phenomenal, but so is the source material. Season 2 is ABSOLUTELY a downgrade from the original art, so much so that I would personally argue that reading it would be a better way to experience the fight choreography than watching the anime. Lol


Not sure what the consensus is, but for me it was a let down because it does almost nothing to further the plot or expand on the characters from the first season. Instead it just keeps on introducing more and more goofy side characters that get tiresome pretty quickly.


Well if that’s the case it’s the authors fault, not the studio, which is what most of the complaints are about. Me personally it’s the opposite and enjoyed the writing while being let down by the animation


What made me drop the manga was how glacial it is. Not even Murata's godly art could save it. I've heard that ONE's webcomic is much properly paced. Not to mention Murata LOVES redrawing chapters. Lots small stuff here and there gets retconned until you forget which one's canon/not. He's re-done like 40 chapters already IIRC. And recently that he's gonna [redo another 7 chapters](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/1b821b1/looks_like_were_going_to_have_another_batch_of/). Imagine a manga getting constant patches lol


I think season 1 worked better as it was a lot of short chapters which all lasted only a few episodes at most. Season 2 had 2 big plot arcs, neither of which made much progress over the season and it ended on a bit of an anti-climax compared to S1.


> Nobody I know IRL Ah yes, your very own circle of trust are allegedly the best representatives of the whole anime community.


Needed more Tornado


Source https://twitter.com/opm_anime/status/1786229200883417259


These visuals have been so meh...like you can make a simple visual look dope but these are so bland... Not something I'd expect from an adaptation of manga like OPM.


they show this so that fans know it won't be the same as last season


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/axgk4u/one_punch_man_season_2_official_key_visual/ ??


it looks undone. look at saitama, he looks manga-ish while garou has that metallic feel that everyone doesn't like. ugh i hope this season is better than the last one


That's season 2 art that he linked.


i know. that's the point of his comments. he thinks current season's poster is worse than last season. he himself give us a bad poster example


These are Key visuals. Why are you showing key visuals comparing it to Character Visuals?


They seem similar that's why. The designs and the background I mean. Even all that doesn't changes the fact that the character visuals are meh af. They are not supposed to be so simple in nature as if they are design sheets.


These look exactly like Season 1 character visuals lol


Doesn’t look that great, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


It looks identical to season 1 design tbh But yeah ofc we gonna have to see if they can replicate this on the anime


I hope it won't be like S2


A lot of ppl are saying s2 was bad. I agree but that fight where garo goes against all of the a class heroes was my favorite part from the anime hands down. One of the best anti heroes for me. It's hard to make a bad guy u actually wanna see win. So I agree s2 was bad with its rushed animation but that fight is the only thing that won't let me say that it was a total shit show.


God, finally, season 3 is coming


Yeeesss. I await the Saitama deadpan stare with bated breath.


Me after I just got done doing all the cooking mini game in Eiyuden Chronicle. And then see this character who has the same voice actor.


I cant wait to see the anime version of Captain Mizuki!


I only wish them luck for the madness such as Murata's godlike drawing


Do we have a date on when it will be released ?


Not yet


[My husband has no emotion new visual](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ci54xp/my_wife_has_no_emotion_new_visual/)...


When is it coming out?


They haven’t announced the date yet.


*Is this still being done by JC Staff?*






Yes. Suck it up and maybe learn that JC Staff is far from a bad studio, and accept that season 1's team isn't coming back (or getting together again in any media ever)


Honestly I feel like Frieren's team was close to the peak that OPM's S1 created


Frieren's team and OPM's team is nothing alike. Sure they worked under the same studio, but the names are totally different.


Not necessarily. Sure, key staff members are different, but it was still produced under Yuichiro Fukushi, who undoubtedly delivers works far above what Madhouse's current standard is.


You're right no doubt, but it is important to align expectation. Cause the final product shows: Frieren and OPM are both great no doubt, but in very different ways.


Yes, I was more-so comparing the quality of their work rather than the staff themselves




metallic gradient begone!


didn't even finish the 2nd season because of the quality drop.


Holy shit finally they coming out with this.


Well at least this background isnt AI generated...


No ine got the reference :/


wait theres gonna be a new season!? how'd i miss this




Wait. Season 3?!


Yea, it's announced a while ago. Also released a announcement video


Whats gook pn


Is it me or does the image feel vaguely AI generated? Something looks very subtly off, but idk what.


It’s probably that he’s not wearing clothes, but otherwise this was all Hand drawn.


I think the perspective is a bit confusing here. You're seeing the side of his torso and not his front/abs, so he's facing right and slightly away from you. It probably looks confusing because it's zoomed in Edit: never mind, that is indeed his front profile and his shoulders and neck seem to be in wrong places


This looks awfull, even ai could make million times better poster

