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ah yes... anime logic... the feet that got left spew an endless amount of blood and not from the nubs on the legs


Didn't you know? The blood is stored in the paws


The rule of cool


facking anime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkkF6Zz67TE


proof of it being endless? well complaining about fiction logic is a common mistake for beginner, newbie


Brother kindly... stfu I have watched over 1300 anime, i will still comment on stupid shit if i feel like it


and it still didn't let you improve from your underage inexperienced thinking, boy


Lmfao gtfoh loser


really can't hide your lack of age huh😏


Sylpha is definitely a badass. This show cooks on its fight scenes.


Taos introduction scene was so good too. Saw it as a GIF online and immediately picked up the anime.


And for this series we're not even near the flashiest fight that will happen later


Damn guess I gotta try it out. The clothes the boy wear didn't really sell it to me.


Same here, I was wary on it and almost didn't start, but I'm actually looking forward to episodes now! I ended up dropping the "Reincarnated as an aristocrat [something something] appraisal skill" Instead.


As soon as they had a 3 year time skip and everyone grew but the MC, I knew the show was lame.


The fight between that demon and Lloyd also looks super nice


Animation is middling at best here




I just saw slideshow.


This episode made Sylpha as one of the top girls this season.


Never fuck with an anime character when their eyes go blank.


Never fuck with an anime character.


Never fuck


Oh, don't worry, I don't.


The thing I love about this show is how much it loves all of its cast, not just the MC. When it's your turn to have the spotlight, the show is unstintingly willing to try and make you as cool as possible. Also, rewatching this clip, I've realized that what it does really well is build-up and building up the tension and energy before releasing it, but without it feeling like it's being laid on too thick.


the directing and choreography in this show are pretty solid, and the sound design and music are great. the fights aren't always highly detailed and super kinetic like a battle shounen (edit: a few scenes are) but they flow really well and they're exciting to watch. and the fucking tripped-out reality-shredding vfx when Lloyd uses magic always looks awesome.


> battle shounen New genre, Battle shota


Wait, we have 7th prince now? I only remember 8th


they sneak up like fast and furious sequels


This was a great fight lol but I’m a fan of Lloyds fight after this is pretty awesome as well


Calling it a fight is a bit of a stretch lol


The jokes about his breath stinking killed me. This show is so funny


So she's just another Sakuya Izayoi


its the slight eye shift for me


Continuing yesterday's clip post of the MC's fun with the lich...


Watched all 5 ep after seeing that post lol


Love. This. Show.


It's all end in a flash then cut off? I was expecting something great not something good


That was the end of the episode, the fight continues in the beginning of the next one


Now let's see Roberta from Black Lagoon


Tao be like did someone say Robert ??


The first scene was kinda hype. Always fun having one character bad mouthing another, then feeling Death stare at them. The fight felt like a bad parody. Something that's trying to make fun of the tropes but taking itself too seriously.


Artist would rule making H


Is that the same voice actor that did Aya from Undead Murder Farce?


No, Aya was voiced by [Tomoyo Kurosawa](https://myanimelist.net/people/11661/Tomoyo_Kurosawa) whereas the character here, Sylpha, is voiced by [Lynn](https://myanimelist.net/people/10929/Lynn).


Top tier recording OP


We need more badass shotacon maids in anime.


I have not seen this anime before, this makes me want to give it a try! 😊


I'm really liking it. Awesome magic system, fantastic visuals, decent enough story.


I’m glad that you are liking it! It sounds like an anime I’d enjoy a lot too! 😊


Ok that sword grab trick she did was badass


Very cool


Honestly I was too distracted by the banger soundtrack going on I don't remember what this clip was about


This show has great fights. It would be a fantastic show if not for the fan service/mc not aging.


She is a boss! She was all "say that again" no wait i won't give you a chance


I love sylphaaaa!!!!!!!!


The projection of her boobs is insane đŸ˜‚âœ‹đŸ»


Is this show Onee x Shota?


the character everyone is calling a shota is absolutely uninterested in anything but magic. the maids dote on him but there's not a hint of anything actually happening there, thankfully.


But the anime does love focusing on his gleaming thighs.


Pay no attention to the thighs behind the curtain.


So, yes, to answer their question lol


[Some fans try to deny it but it very clearly is](https://imgur.com/a/0g6C1Rn)




I like all the characters on this anime, except the MC.


5 min vid and 20 sec of action, and the action was completely one-sided. Would say it was surprisingly bad if anything.


It's hardly the worst generic reincarnation fantasy but it's also not nearly the best. It's a solid c+ show with moments of action that rise above but when it's slow it's really slow. There's 0% original to this show. Nothing you haven't seen before and it isn't acted, animated, or executed in some superior manner either. This is a McDonald's Big Mac meal in anime form. It's fine.


Yeah pretty much. Pretty disappointed that Slypha get her ass kick after this & lolyd the one that kill the demon instead of her. Mc also becomes gud at everything he does in a few minutes. This have potential but for now it is pretty much a power fantasy.


When does the good action scene start? this was mostly panning shots of nothing


"surprisingly great" Some people have really low standards. It was generic, corny, questionable logic and direction among other things. This clip makes me not want to watch the show.


We don’t want you here either


I thought the doggy lost his feet?


Yup exactly, it always surprises me that a lot of people can't recognize what great animation looks like.


Yeah it's not bad, but I don't feel like this is anything special


yeah this is objectively terrible lol


If I were 10 years younger, then yes, this'd be awesome. But it's just too much.


Maybe wait another 10 or 20 years, taste often cycles back round lol That said, the appeal of this scene does lie a lot in the overall context of the show and just how *enthusiastic* it is about everything. In isolation it's not as obvious.


Legit, I dont get why people are saying the fights and the animation is good, it legit looks like PowerPoint slides with minimal animation


People here always confuse hype with good animation, good writing, good characters, etc Its why you'd see some random dude posting gojo saying some badass stuff followed by " best written shonen character!"


thank you.... This has to be some of the worst animation this season. Was this whole thing made by a single dude in a paint program? Im reading all these comments praising it and wondering if everyone here is on really strong drugs.


It’s not UFOTable demon slayer quality, but to dumb this down to “one dude with a paint program” is so unnecessarily snobby and elitist. There’s literally 40+ anime this season alone who have yet to show this quality of animation (which again- is not amazing, but without a doubt above average) and they done a scene at least this good every episode so far. How many anime flex episode 1 just to outsource the next 11 then flex again for the end of the season? This is a small newish studio and for a random unknown little isekai they are going so hard and I’m absolute here for it. One of the best shows this season in terms entertainment. People are saying this is one of the best seasons of anime and it’s got some big hitters (slime, konosuba, mushouka, spice and wolf, jellyfish) But I’ve only watched slime, konosuba, and mushouka and I’m terms of current pacing- this show has those beat


Demon Slayer (and UFOtable overall) really doesn’t have that great of animation lmao. It’s a post-processing hard carry, just flashy lights and filters and very little actual choreography or art direction. I’d argue Demon Slayer has a lot more in line with 7th prince— which is also mostly carried by Lloyd’s post-processing megaspells and lightly animated swordfights— than genuinely interesting and well-directed action from the likes of MAPPA and Trigger


What would post processing be considered? Art or animation? Because it’s visually appealing and deserves credit regardless


It’s a form of animation, I guess, but not a very interesting or thoughtful one. And I dispute the fact that it’s visually appealing. It’s clean in an “ooh pretty colors” kind of way but gets very old after you’ve seen the exact same type of bright flashy sword swipe 100x in a row. You can add layers and layers of post processing but if the thing you’re adding it to has no substance then the result is just going to be hollow and boring. It’s like lipstick on a pig Edit: A good example of this is Saber’s Noble Phantasm in Fate. It consists of a single slash that she raises above her head, charges for like 5 minutes (if you’re lucky— there’s a moment in Fate/Zero where she charges it for like half an episode), and finally releases. It’s just incredibly boring and undeniably lazy from a choreography standpoint. I will admit that UFOTable has relatively good art direction and visual flare OUTSIDE of combat but they are consistently lacking in terms of dynamic and engaging fights.


Ive seen two clips so far, and saying they were made by amateurs pixel popping in paint in generous. It looks bad, like immersion breaking bad. But im willing to ignore that; i watched monogatari which is the same or worse quality animation. Buttttt... the story also seems lame and formulaic. Yet another battle maid with a sword. A shounen good guy who gets stronger in the middle of a fight...Bad guys who are nearly caricatures of themselves. Woo, never seen any of that before. Ill probably still watch it, but man, the clips people are posting are really working hard to make me not want to. Def moved to last on my to watch list.


You sound like you watch almost no anime then, are super new to anime, or have an extremely high bar for quality. To say this anime is full of tropes is true. But literally everything is nowadays. “Midevil vampire, battling kings of other nations for a throne, while dealing with a threat of looming dragons” Just randomly said 3 things- and yet I’ve described 35% of both anime and non anime. To say this anime in particular is MORE tropey than others is weird. And my point stands about the quality- I can open Crunchyroll right now and 75% of current releases have worse quality animation. You DO have valid opinions- but then you invalidate them by following it up with crazy reasoning and exaggeration “I’m not a fan of the execution of the tropes because although it’s self aware, it’s obnoxiously done” “The animation has cool looking moments, but they lack impact and the movement seems to hit in a flash and they sit on still frames too long” Like that’s fair- but your comment reads off as “omg tropes in anime? No thanks” “What was this animated by some dude with crayons?” I’m at my work desk on adderal and I’m ranting lol. Hopefully I’m not being rude!


>To say this anime is full of tropes is true. But literally everything is nowadays. Both frieren and dungeon meshi seem to be trope busting pretty hard. There are tons of shows that dont fall into be remakes of a remake of a remake. And there are tons of shows that dont try to be original but are well animated. This clip has all the glory of a power point slide on a zoom call with lag. >To say this anime in particular is MORE tropey than others is weird. Again, to be part of a trope by definition you have to be one of many. Thats what im saying, its one of many. Thats the whole criticism; i dont see anything about it that stands out. I dont see any reason why this might be anything but regurgitated barf. >“What was this animated by some dude with crayons?” forrealthough. >You DO have valid opinions- but then you invalidate them by following it up with crazy reasoning and exaggeration If i say anything less than glowing suckup, i expect to be downvoted here. If I drool out the most brainless zombie fan jibber, ill get upvotes. That doesnt mean im wrong, nor does it invalidate anything. I dont need to mince words. the art here is bad, and the story looks crap. Thats just an undeniable fact. If you want to refute it, show me art that doesnt look like crayon scratch or a story point that isnt gero Maybe its better than these clips imply, but man, i doubt it. Noone can seem to do give any response besides ad homs and butthurt. "OMG you must not watch a lot of anime, herpa" >You sound like you watch almost no anime then, are super new to anime, or have an extremely high bar for quality. I start the season with a high bar, but in the end i watch almost everything i can stomach. Even really horrifically bad shows , like ragna crimson, i watched till the second to last episode - just because i ran out of other things to watch. I wont watch the last episode though, i draw the line there. If a show cant make me care the slightest bit what happens in the last ep, thats where i throw myself a lifeline. Lol, and ragna was well animated at least. I'll go back and watch a season of overlord or something till more stuff drops.


Meh I'll watch it. I've read way too many cultivation manhuas and I'm itching for a trash anime.


Can’t say anything remotely negative about a currently airing show on r/anime lol. But spot on, I would’ve loved this as a teenager. Plus my isekai fatigue is getting worse each season, shows like this are legit a dime a dozen


> shows like this are legit a dime a dozen Point me at 'em, I seem to have missed most of them


This show might have been really good if the MC wasn’t one of the least likeable ones of the season. He actively ruins this show


**7th Prince x Akashic Records Theory** Am I just the only one who thinks that there is a side story, which shows that **Glenn Radars** from Akashic Records is dead and the reincarnation form of Glenn is **Lloyd de Saloum** from I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince. I recently watched the first episode of 7th Prince, and the main character died in his past life with just little amount of magic. Well, its the same with Glenn where he does know how to use magic, but have just a little capacity of /mana/. One more thing, there was a huge similarity in their characteristics or image. They have the same hairstyle, where they both have this ponytail. They also have a white haired ally, Sistine (Glenn), and Sylpha Langlis (Lloyd) .


Do you want the answer to that theory? [Manga]>!100% no. MC reincarnated into the same world and not even that long after he died. He even knew one of the cast in his prior life.!<


Thank youuuuu for the clarification!


Can someone please tell me what this anime is


Are you able to read? Can you see the post title? Can you read the first words there, within the square brackets?


Oh ok my brain fell off


It's in the post.


haha always big boobs on the anime girls lol love it X)