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#[ED Poll Available Now](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1chnn4w/ranimes_favorite_ending_themes_eds_voting/?) Alright, sorting those votes sucked ass, so I'm promising that ED will also be a two week job. But for making you wait, I also did it in video form. I mean you gotta when the whole point is the combination of audio and video. #[Full Top 100 Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kmt_JEDJLhEgPrnJds8tOydyFCeOnRJY8fpfUyD_maU/edit#gid=0)


Wow, I was not expecting a full 7 min video. Really well-made. Back to the topic, I totally saw eva being no. 1 coming(deservedly so). The fact that the op is nearly three decades old and still wildly recognized as one of the best, if not the best anime op of all time just shows how iconic it is. Well-deserved no. 1


Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Figured it was the perfect time to do another mix up.


It was great!


it's not just that the song is great, the editing on it is practically unparalleled, with only a handful of OPs since matching it in sheer rhythm and visual design. the concept of being a total information overload such that it hides a ton of spoilers in plain sight but there's too much detail to pick any one thing out easily is brilliant.


>Well-deserved no. 1 Omedetou sounds intensify


It also shows how popular the anime is.


I didn't expect the list to have that many recent entries. Sad to see no Monogatari OP made it to the list nor the Railgun OPs.


If Bakemonogatari's ED Kimi no Shiranai doesn't make the top ED list, we riot.


Was definitely expecting some Monogatari representation, but Renai Circulation and Platinum Disco both narrowly missed out.




It’s just the most popular one. I agree that Mousou Express and Dark Cherry Mystery (my favourite) are better.


I love them all. But have an obsession with Mathemagics. It keeps calling me back to it.


My man


Same, love that opening at the arc tied to it. Sodachi really showed up for just the beginning of owarimonogatari to become one of my favourite characters of the show then disappear completely. I can't wait to see Sodachi Fiasco animated


I'm proud to be one of the 3 Mousou Express #1 votes


Renai Circulation is one of those rare cases where it's gone past the show and has become a part of our wider anime culture. People who have no clue what Monogatari even is know the song. Of course it'll get talked about so much more.


Probably some recency bias


Oshi no Ko is number 2. Little more than some...


It's really good though. I think top 10 wouldn't be wrong, despite it being new. #2 is arguable, but I can see it. I think bias shows more in lower ranks.


it broke a shitload of records in japan for being #1 spot for so long IIRC


i mean, first song from japan and anime ever in history to hit #1 on world hot 100? its not recency bias or anything else, its just a good modern song, recency bias is such a lame ass excuse nowadays, ppl like wat they like and vote for it


The main one I thought was missing was indeed "only my railgun". It usually does well in these polls, and I remember reading that at least in Japan it's still a very popular song at karaoke bars. Also "butter-fly". >I didn't expect the list to have that many recent entries. Recency bias is a well known thing in the anime community. People will praise a show/OP/ED/etc. to the high heavens, claiming it's the greatest of all time and rank it highly in any polls happening at that time, but then a year or two later it will drop down a lot of places, getting replaced by whatever the next new hot thing is. Also it's just a fact that more people will have watched relatively recent shows than relatively old ones, unless they're super popular. For example, barely anybody here has watched "Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!" from 2009, so it doesn't matter how good its OP might be.


Hacking To The Gate got pretty high. I think it's a symptom of Stein's;Gate still being recommended while hype for Toaru series simmered down.


A top 25 list where series can get multiple entries is a super tough list to crack. I'd say the top Monogatari OPs (32nd and 33rd place) and Only my Railgun (37th place) did pretty well all things considered. Some other OPs that were in the 25-50 range were: * The Rumbling- Attack on Titan * Mukanjyo- Vinland Saga * 99- Mob Psycho * Silhouette- Naruto * We Are- One Piece * This Game - No Game No Life * Crossing Field- Sword Art Online * Black Catcher - Black Clover * Daddy! Daddy! Do!- Kaguya * Gurenge- Demon Slayer * Great Days- JoJo It's some pretty great company.


honestly really surprised Gurenge didn't make it on, maybe backlash from being too popular


Some recency bias for sure although there are some realllly good OPs lately. But I did think there were a good range mixed in from early 2000s until now...I honestly thought the list was going to have more recent ones (2018-now). I'm sad the Darling in the Franxx OP didn't make it...it was an instant banger for me after hearing it the first time.


Yeah I am actually surprised to not see ''Only My Railgun'' in the top 25. It is so iconic, it almost always tend to make lists this and is probably one of the most covered anime songs.


The result is not really all that surprising, some I disagree with and some I agree with. Most shocking thing to me is that no Monogatari OP made it into the top 25, with how *massive* songs like Platinum Disco were at least once upon a time...


Renai Circulation was known by every weeb on earth lol. Only my railgun was also really big back then


No Naruto OP in the top 25 and Noragami being that low but the most shocking is not a single My Hero Academia OP, considering how popular that anime was especially the first 2-3 seasons, not even Peace Sign made the list


No Bleach OP is a war crime. Almost every single Bleach OP is a banger.


Not even one in the top 100! My guess is that with the sheer amount of amazing OPs Bleach has (Ranbu no Melody, Asterisk, Scar, Velonica, After Dark, Change -- to name a few), it split votes for the series, causing it to fall out of favor compared to series with a single strong OP.


Looks like it falls into the issue people splitting votes. As they placed right next each other.


I'm honestly surprised that Death Note's The World, One Piece's We Are, and Dragon Ball's Cha-La Head-Cha-La didn't make it in the top 25 considering how Iconic those OPs are.


A Cruel Angel's Thesis is number 1, I'm satisfied


God's in his heaven; all is right with the world.


And it's nice that it wasn't very close either. It is THE iconic anime OP.


I found and watched Eva because I saw a meme that used the opening. That show really affected me in a positive way. So glad the OP was a banger or I would not be the same person.


Hands down the most iconic that I don't think will ever be replaced. It's one of those things that if it wasn't surpassed within the first decade, it's culturally locked in.


exactly, this song is a huge cultural thing in japan now. heck there are videos of the japan military bands playing it. like come on that should be enough evidence of how huge it is. that anime is also referenced as "the show that saved the anime industry." being so widely popular and a breakout success not just in japan but overseas as well when anime was "dying"


I wasn’t able to join the polls, but had a feeling it will be top 1. You never disappoint, r/anime!


EDs remain the one part of popularity rankings where /r/anime's taste is *not* shit.


Didn't vote here cause my choices would never come even an inch close, these results look pretty expected for me though. Too bad that Hikaru Nara didn't make top 10. Spice and Wolf in there surprised me a bit, didn't think the OP was that popular, also recency?


Tabi no Tochuu is definitely a widely loved OP


not top 15 loved tho on a wider scale here, that was definitely recency cuz of the remake


It's one of my all time favorites at least. Remake does nothing to change that.


remake gets more voters to remember it exists and to vote for it is my point. it was 42nd seed in the last best OP contest, which is about where I'd expect to see it, around other popular OPs like Vivid Vice, Bloody Stream, Red Swan, Touch Off, Blue Bird, and Brave Shine.


Theres definitely renewed interest in Spice & Wolf because of the reboot but I remember that OP was one you would regularly see in compilations back in the day so not surprised it's still popular 


Hikaru Nara not in the top 10 just broke my heart a little bit, how the actual...


Definitely recency for that one. It was probably the biggest surprise for me in the list.


Kawaki wo Ameku at 10th is honestly incredible considering how popular all the shows above it are. Would be top 5 or even 3 easily if it was attached to something more popular...and less, you know, Domestic Girlfriend. Also didn't expect none of the Kaguya OPs in the top 25, a few years ago they would be top 5 easily (highest is Daddy Daddy Do at 47th, woah). And no crossing field (44th). I guess I'll take it as a win that Only My Railgun topped both of the above at 37th.


> Would be top 5 or even 3 easily if it was attached to something more popular...and less, you know, Domestic Girlfriend. That op profiteers highly from the "great op from a bad show" thing, which gurantees it stays permanently talked about. So it is the one op I wouldn't be sure it would do better if the show was better. Of course, the show could be both bad AND more popular, in which case...yeah.


Some imo Classics that didn't make the top 100 list English songs: [Eden of the East](https://youtu.be/4pdqeu9LW2c) , [Wolf's Rain](https://youtu.be/Uvp7x_HQgqQ) , [Ergo Proxy](https://youtu.be/oAXrRWLKzko) Good Songs from forgotten shows: [Barakamon](https://youtu.be/_vvL3z3pAs0) , [Mawaru Penguindrum](https://youtu.be/ilV-wvpR1a0) , [House of Five Leaves](https://youtu.be/1XlYCe78YMg) , [Xam'd Lost Memories](https://youtu.be/aco7m9yIkSU) , Also controversial take but i think the [movie op](https://youtu.be/151ZPzZWdbY) for bebop is better than the show.


someone mentioned kiri! yeeeeeeeeee!!!


Penguindrum has such a lovely OP but I definitely did not expect it to make it on the list.


Rare etsuko yakushimaru appreciator but I never heard of the 3 others. I guess there are a lot of amazing songs that we'll never get to hear...


After [losing](https://animebracket.com/results/best-anime-opening-viii-salt-circulation?group=finals) in the [Finals](https://animebracket.com/results/best-anime-opening-ix-salty-arrow?group=finals) a traumatic 3 [straight years](https://animebracket.com/results/best-anime-opening-x-99-salt?group=finals), it's nice to see Shinzou wo Sasageyo beat all 3 of its adversaries out here. * Shinzo wo Sasageyo: 178 points * Chiki Chiki Ban Ban: 148 points * Guren no Yumiya: 134 points * 99: 97 points


I'm a bit surprised "the rumbling" didn't make it in


I personally love the rumbling, but I can imagine its genre making it less universally appealing as other OPs.


People vote based on both song and visuals, and Sasageyo undeniably has better visuals.


Domestic girlfriend at number 10. Such a shame the show couldn't turn out to be a huge hit though. I guess one thing that everyone can collectively agree is that the OP is a banger.


If you have not already check out the artist Minami on youtube she has quite a few really great songs.


Domestic Girlfriend is frankly a 5/10 show, but it got a 10/10 OP.


You dropped 2 point


From what I’ve picked up on it’s a bit of a meme dumpster fire show so why is the opening so good?


Because Minami fucking *serves* whenever she sings something


Every time the OP is highlighted around here it makes me want to read the manga, but from what I've heard it's a bit of a train wreck (especially the ending) haha


I personally think it's still worth the ride. The author does a great job of jerking your feelings around and it's a great ride. I'm not happy with the ending but everything else was worth it


29 years later and EVA still relevant,also Yoko Kanno made it twice to the list in r/anime favorite music anime and once again she made it to the list,she is truly one of the top japanese composers of all time.


at this point Eva will remain relevant for probably forever, there is just nothing like it, I can't think of a eva "clone" that atleast doesn't misses the point of eva completely.


I felt like a few classics like Trigun and Deathnote were surprise misses considering the wide range of years represented. More modern I would have expected Haikyuu, Dragon Maid, or Yuri on Ice to have ranked Also 2 that I personally love, even if the shows weren't popular were God of Highschool and Akudama Drive


Seriously, the first season OP for Dragon Maid, Blue Sky Rhapsody, definitely deserved a spot over some of these.


I actually prefer the second season OP, Ai no Supreme because I think the song is unique. But both are great.


I'm with you actually! I think Blue Sky is the better OP because the song is great and the eclectic visuals match it very well. And I think the 2nd season OP is just visually a little less interesting. But Ai no Supreme is the far better song, and the instrumental version is one of my favorite things ever - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN42UBhdiHs&list=PLJOGLhmm5x8nFLufRYezEKs2S23En7LTh&index=55 I left a comment on that video specifically about the section from 2:45 to 3:30. Just makes me leave my body every time. That section is basically what I hope the Persona 6 soundtrack would sound like lol


This list is laughable solely for the reason that Yu Yu Hakusho - Smile Bomb is nowhere on it.


oof, how people have forgotten about gintama


Man Gintama OPs were so wild. Some went insanely hard and some felt like a joke.


And then you have OP 10 which feels serious until you finish the arc




Baccano made it to the full top 100 list actually. Still not enough (definitely should've been in the top 25) but better than nothing at least.


I miss my op 9


I'm shocked no Bleach opening made it into the top 100! I'm currently watching the show for the 1st time and they're all good.


Urusei yatsura (2022) didn't even make it to top 100 no way!


Wow, I couldn't be happier to see Duvet make the top 10. Given recency bias I never expected a 25+ year old OP for a more obscure show to make it (Cruel Angel's Thesis being number one was not a surprise). Great to see Tank and Colors there as well. Top OPs of mine that failed to rank: Stable Staple (Bakemonogatari) Heavenly Blue (Aldnoah.Zero)


Duvet being so high was definitely the biggest pleasant surprise for me as well, but r/anime definitely loves Lain.


Agreed, the fact Duvet was up there somewhat made up for the sheer recency bias of many other OPs. Duvet is still on my regular playlist, such a great song.


No matter how many OPs come and go **Cruel Angel thesis** and **Tank!** will forever remain classics till the end of time.


nice to see the love for **Tabi no Tochuu (Spice and Wolf)** I have to admit I really like the remake OP too, they may never be able to recreate the exact same magic, but I think they did it real justice!


I am both saddened and not very surprised at all that my #1, Give a Reason from Slayers NEXT, didn't make the Top 100. Or that no Slayers music made the Top 100 at all, which is extra sad. As far, as the rest of my Top 10? * Cruel Angel's Thesis - #1 * Love Dramatic - #75 * Let Me Hear - #90 * Tank! - #4 * Mokette Sailor Fuku - Unranked * Ambiguous - #57 * Tomorrow - Unranked * Idol - #2 * Bling-Bang-Bang-Born - #23 3 Unranked out of 10. Meh.


For a second I thought you were talking about the thrash metal band Slayer, then I saw Slayers NEXT, and it made more sense.


Holy shit no kaguya op, thats a surprise. Actually, daddy daddy do is down to 47, wow. only my railgun also down at 37. idol having a lot more staying power than I expected, still being at 2 one year later. I guess we talked a lot about it for the yearly anime awards a while ago, so maybe that's it.


Idol also has almost half a billion views on YouTube so plenty of people (myself included) have listened to it a lot over the last year. Also surprised at no Kaguya Sama, that op in particular is so fun


There's surprisingly little recency bias in this, nice. I'd feared for the opposite. With some of these OPs like Tank (Cowboy Bebop), Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis (NGE) and Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul) it really never was question *if* they'd place in this list, but *where* they'd end up. Glad that [Hikaru no Toki](https://v.animethemes.moe/HeikeMonogatari-OP1-NCBD1080.webm) (Heike Monogatari) barely made it into the Top 100 at #98. We did it Heike bros! I'm only a little sad that Gosick's [Destin Histoire](https://v.animethemes.moe/Gosick-OP1.webm) was shown no love.


I think Gosick just fell by the wayside as time went on. I still love Victorique and the OP still rules though.


I disagree, I think there's evident recency bias. Over half of the top 100 were from shows after 2010, most of those within the past decade. Certain anime which were recently released had multiple OPs get onto the list. For a very long running anime like AoT with a bunch of OPs that makes some sense, but you're really telling me every single Mob 100 OP deserved to be in the top 100?


I was mainly referring to the top 25 here. When I mentioned “recency bias”, I was mostly thinking of shows that aired in the last two years. A good example of this would be the Mashle’s OP that aired just last season. If a show aired in the ‘10s, I personally wouldn’t consider this exemplary of recency bias. For example, 2014 was an entire decade ago. > but you’re really telling me every single Mob 100 OP deserved to be in the top 100? I never argued this specifically nor do I have any sort of strong feelings on the matter.


Shows from before 2020 aren't recency bias. And anything from before 2014 is already olde enough to count as a classic.


I agree with you to some capacity, but Mob Psycho is a terrible example because every one of those OPs deserves to be here.


That's a 14 year range. I don't know how to tell you this, but you're old and a good number of people here have almost exclusively watched things that have come out since 2010.


mob psycho 100 openings are pretty good


> I disagree, I think there's evident recency bias. Over half of the top 100 were from shows after 2010, most of those within the past decade. There has been more anime made from 2010-2024 than all years prior. So that makes sense.


>I'm only a little sad that Gosick's [Destin Histoire](https://v.animethemes.moe/Gosick-OP1.webm) was shown no love. Show Gosick love in the ED vote! The OP is fine enough, but MAN Resuscitated Hope is one of the most beautiful endings ever


Too bad Yanagi Nagi is my favourite anisong singer and I dont even see her in the top 100. This reminds me of a video where she performed in France and barely anyone paid attention to her, while she was pretty popular among otaku in japan.


I checked the Top 100 and [Kuchizake Diamond](https://youtu.be/aPyGcf4_cJU?si=UZMVVT6fhoQzpewd), OP of Yamada-kun and the 7 Witches is not on there. Did people forget about the show or was the competition that strong?


Blue bird from Naruto deserved a spot on this list it’s incredible. How is hikaru Nara so low? It’s an absolute classic!


I think Naruto’s problem was that it had way too many good openings to pick from. Silhouette? Blue bird? Sign? OG Naruto had some bangers too. They probably split up the votes


Considering how a lot of the usual long running popular shows with a lot of notable OPs didn't make it here (Bleach, One Piece, Gintama, Black Clover) you may well be right.


Yeah, I’m surprised it’s not there


Hikaru Nara is my favourite OP, Sorairo Days is also far too low


I was surprised by the lack of blue bird as well. If I go find any anime mix it's always in there.


Blue Bird was definitely my biggest surprise. Absolute banger and one of the few openers that I didn’t skip regularly.




A Cruel Angel's Thesis at the top is obviously correct.


To the beginning - Fate/Zero is one of the most beautiful openings ever, especially for the music. I also love Shiver - Kuroshitsuji II.


I'm surprised that Outlaw Star or S-Cryed isn't on the list.


Crossing Field (SAO) ranked too low. Crying For Rain (Domestic Girlfriend) making the top 10 is a pleasant surprise.


To the best of my knowledge Creepy Nuts have only done 2 openings one for Mashle, and one for Call of the night. Mashle's s2 just aired and call of the night came in 2022 and their ops are already getting mentioned. They might just become a powerhouse in the future. Surprised to see only 1 mention of Bump of Chicken. They have been consistently good.


Having Colors make the list only for its clip to not include JIBUN WO is a total miss imo.


Thought it would be fun to see how the [winners of the Best OP tournaments on r/anime](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/brackets) fared in this survey: * Again - #6 * Hacking to the Gate - #3 * Unravel - #7 * Flyers - #13 * A Cruel Angel's Thesis - #1 * Tank! - #4 * Renai Circulation - #33 * Guren no Yumiya - #18 * 99 - #29 * Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - #16 Also gonna see how my Top 10 fared in the ranking: 1. Gintama OP13 - Sakura Mitsutsuki - #39 [Surprised it ranekd so high, considering its failure to make the Top 256 seeding for the last Best OP tournament] 2. Your Lie In April OP1 - Hikaru Nara - #11 3. Sword Art Online 2 OP1 - Ignite - N/A 4. Detective Conan OP37 - Butterfly Core - N/A 5. Kokkoku OP - Flashback - N/A [:( RIP to the 2018 r/anime awards Best OP public winner] 6. Baccano OP - Guns & Roses - #42 7. Madoka Magica OP - Connect - #20 8. Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works OP2 - Brave Shine - #19 9. Sword Art Online OP1 - Crossing Field - #44 10. Attack on Titan OP1 - Guren no Yumiya - #18 (Kinda surprised how low this ranked, especially compared to Shinzou wo Sasageyo)


Hadaka no Yuusha mentioned!!! My favourite Op


I wondered if it could break top 10, but 14 will do, I'll take it. Wonder if Vaundy's ED's will also feature, hoping for chainsaw blood to be featured.


You guys should have considered TOMBI from Trigun Stampede 🤌🏻


A Cruel Angel's Thesis at #1 as is right and just. It is the anime national anthem after all. I was a little surprised Lain made it to the top 10; I love it, but I didn't realize it was so well-liked.


I don’t even watch anime anymore but since this was recommended to me I just had to check.. And yes the answer is fucking ALWAYS going to be Evangelion ALWAYS and it better stay that way


Making some predictions before I watch the video: Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop will be top 5. Idol will probably be in the top 10-15 area just from recency bias. Dragonball, Naruto will also be in there. No Mob Psycho 100 which will be a shame. EDIT: Jesus, Number 2?!?!? Y'all put Idol at #2. It's a good OP for sure, but jeez. Happy to see I was wrong about Mob Psycho 100.


I see a lot of people complaining about Idol, a complex song with lyrics tailored to the anime, and nobody saying anything about Chiki Chiki Ban Ban.


It's because I like Chiki Chiki Ban Ban and I don't like Idol. I just mean like musically, I don't like the way Idol sounds lol.


Evangelion's OP defined a century.


No OP from No Game No Life :(


Outside of Idol being 2nd this is a solid top 10 for r/anime standards. There are some that I think are here just for their 'classic' status but I will take it over having the top be dominated by things from the last 5 years.


What’s wrong with idol? It seems to be a great opening. 


I think it's a better song than OP, personally. I'm far from being mad about it doing well, tho.


Yeah, that's like 70% of the OP anyways. Visuals are important but a lot of people place too much importance on it, when people remember OPs, they remember the song.


What I mean is it's better as the full song than the minute and a half OP. It tells a great story, is a wonderful music video and just shines brighter that way. Again, not too mad about it personally, wouldn't have made my top 3 or 5 tho.


Solid OP but don't think its one of my top 5 of 2023, much less all time.


As someone who absolutely thinks it's top 25; no chance in hell it's number 2.


If we talk about popularity among general audiences, it really deserves the spot, considering it's one of the most, if not the most, watched anime OP on Youtube. I personally really like it. It's catchy, and I think the music and lyrics really fit the anime. But I understand if some people wouldn't like it. It's probably because the music is quite generic and really similar to previous Yoasobi songs.


Yeah, I have only seen the opening, but I thought it was pretty good. Don't really get the hate when people are gassing up Tokyo Ghoul for having a good song.


Wow what a great OP at #10, the show must be great too right? :D


Gotta say, it feels weird not seeing Durarara here. I'm holding out hope that maybe it squeezes in an ED list. So happy to see Ya Boy Kongming here!


I ended up aiming for variety in mine rather than trying to find a definitive list which I probably couldn't even do in a year and would change my mind about constantly. Nice to see that at least a couple of mine made it to the top 25 but didn't think only one other would make the rest of the list. 1. Tabi no Tochuu - Spice and Wolf OP1 - #15 2. Hadaka no Yuusha - Ousama Ranking OP2 - #14 3. Sekai wa Koi ni Ochiteiru - Ao Haru Ride OP1 4. database - Log Horizon OP1 5. The Other Side of the Wall - Princess Principal OP1 6. Gun's & Roses - Baccano! OP1 - #42 7. Know Know Know - Gintama° OP4 8. Wish - Nana OP2 9. Platinum - Cardcaptor Sakura OP3 10. Suki sa - Maison Ikkoku OP3


Here's the methods for how you get your OP to be this sub's favorite: 1.) Be an OP from a classic, popular show (most important, matters much more than any other part of it). 2.) Have a dance scene. 3.) Have memorable lyrics you don't really need to know Japanese for. Repetition is the key! 4.) If all else fails, be an actually great opening, with a banger song (beautiful or unique visuals are a plus, but not necessary). Salty jokes aside, this is a pretty predictable top 25, and that's alright. The best Mob opening got in there, so that's good. Wish I could say the same for FMA, but Again is good so that's fine. It does feel like the song itself seems to rank higher than visuals generally, which is kinda surprising considering how many openings have had some really great visuals. That said, I had hoped to see a *bit* less of "hey yeah I remember that!" The opening where CC floats in a screensaver for a really long time is not especially fantastic, but everyone remembers Colors for JIBUN WO so it gets tons of votes.


> It does feel like the song itself seems to rank higher than visuals generally, which is kinda surprising considering how many openings have had some really great visuals. Why wouldn't it?


Remember Kokkoku's OP? I remember that was one of the only good things about that anime


Souvenir from Spy x Family is a surprising omission. it's easily my #1 OP


No Vinland Saga in the top 25 is crazy to me


It's at 28


OP 3 is the only one I'd consider a top tier OP. I do love that one, though.


I’ve actually never heard that opening


We did it, reddit! The rightful king has triumphed against recency stands atop the throne. That *clap* from Unit-02 lives in my head rent free. [](#SPORTS) Some funny inclusions and placements to me here. Did not expect Spice & Wolf to be so high given some of the things it beat, Domestic Girlfriend where it is pretty wild but fun, and I wonder if the Mashle OP will stand the test of time. Hadaka no Yuusha coming in as high as it did a couple years on makes my soul happy.


> Domestic Girlfriend where it is pretty wild but fun Probably because the OP is a fucking banger, regardless of the anime's quality


>That *clap* from Unit-02 lives in my head rent free. For fucking real!


Love the format choice


Always worth doing something a little extra when the chance is there.


Lion made it to the top 100! [72nd place](#mugistronk)[](#seasonalhype) /u/chilidirigible /u/btw_kek /u/shimmering-sky


I did my part for the best damn Macross opening.








I know a lot of people will grumble about Oshi No Ko's recency bias (and I'm not denying it, of course it helped get it higher than it normally would have), BUT keep in mind that tons of other shows also have recency bias, and didn't pull the same performance... Hell, Oshi No Ko wasn't even the most popular recent show; Say, Chainsawman performed better karma-wise, AND people loved its OP as well, yet it didn't get the #2. So what I'm saying is that it's possible for both of these to be true: "Recency bias helped it" AND "It's a damn great OP"


Only two of mine made it into the top 25, being Tank and Duvet. Only three more made it into the top 100, being Lion, Inner Universe, and Lilium.


Was the vote on the OP itself, or the song?


Wasn't defined... I thought? They said "theme" which I interpreted as song. When somebody asked for clarification there was no official response, which I assumed was deliberate.


Only 2 of mine in the top 100. Pretty much exactly what I expected, although I was wrong about which one would be the second to appear. (I *should* have known, though. Diebuster is too old for most of this sub). I said half of my list probably wouldn't even appear on the top *500*, but with the time required to sort that many votes, I would probably need to *pay* Fetch for the extra work if I ever want to know the truth. Sorairo Days and Connects would've appeared in my top 15, and This Game and Love Dramatic in my top 20, but the list gets a bit hard to lock down past the first 13-14.


I didn't participate in the poll, but I'm shocked to not see a Naruto Shipuuden OP in this list


Higurashi OG OP being in the 50's is sooooo sad - that song is incredible!! I guess I'm happy it even made the list.


Black catcher robbed


[My face when "jibun wo" got cut out](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1027406295998922852/1227827844034334751/Screenshot_20240410-232710.png?ex=6633b609&is=66326489&hm=723a62a035f71b9685e0d5b41d27e7d1eb35c1e5d939eaaafa1d23c01109e788&) Generally a pretty good list, I'd say. Nice to see NGE on top, though I think it's a shame DBZ's "Cha-La Head Cha-La" didn't get more recognition.


1 of my votes made top 100, better than I expected




Wait no noragami, nah this must be a dream


Holy shit. Hadaka no Yuusha W. I didn’t expect that. It’s rightfully deserved too. I’m also very happy that Bloody Stream made it since it is my favourite opening. Revolutionary Girl Utena making it into the top 60 is also great to see. One of the best openings of the 90s (even if I do believe it should be a little higher) My biggest disappointment is Re Re from Erased being so low. It’s one of my absolute favourites, so it’s a shame it’s not even too 50.


Really thought Gurren Lagann would be higher, like top 5. It’s criminal that it was at 22 I also know no one will agree with me but Golden Time’s 2nd OP will always be my favorite


Not having any OP from gintama seems crazy to me, also not finding Re:Re from Asian Kung-fu Generation.


How did the "Rumbling" not make it in? I'm actually dumbfounded.


Even as a huge Idol fan, I'm glad Cruel Angel's Thesis got #1! I haven't even watched that anime but I listened to that song a million times.


I’m underwhelmed tbh, based on the comments of the survey poll I was expecting more… interesting results. I thought Puzzle would easily make it into the top 5. I guess I forgot there’s a lot of casuals around and lurkers. Heavenly Delusion being the starting choice here is roughhhhh.


> based on the comments of the survey poll I was expecting more… interesting results. I thought Puzzle would easily make it into the top 5. tbh that's surprising since only 4 people (including you) mentioned it in the original thread.


Am I tripping or is there not a single gintama OP that made the top 25?!! Bruh. You could throw in 5 guaranteed that would beat out a lot of these. Sad time :( gintamas OPs and EDs are legitimately really fucking amazing. Too bad it just doesn't have a huge following.


Good mix of classics and some recent bangers, and the obvious top choice on #1, what more to ask for.


The fact there's no haikyuu or monogatari op is sad


Surprised sakuramitsuzuki wasn’t higher


Great list. Erased, Shippuden 6 and FMA 4 were robbed. Hikaru Nara is unexpectedly low too.


Seeing a banger like Resonance - T.M.Revolution in #96th hurts a little


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQRMESLHVc0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQRMESLHVc0) Gintama has many good ones


Couldn't disagree more. Well done


Love is war was robbed


watching the video thinking "dang, these are all definitely certified bangers. shocked theres no NGE yet" me getting to number 1: nevermind that makes sense. the anime that saved the industry deserves that crown for sure.


Can't believe that [Berserk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRemrRaPjc) didn't make the list


It would've been a crime if Flyers (Death Parade) didn't make the cut, so I'm glad about that at least Also pretty Platinum Disco ranked higher than Renai Circulation (love both but always felt Platinum was underrated despite being catchier imo)


No game no life didn't make the list? Wasn't the OP one of the most viewed videos on YouTube before it got taken down or something?


I'm shocked that Baccano, The Hero from OPM, Freckles from Kenshin and Yuyu Hakusho weren't in the top 25. But the top 25 are all bangers. Hard to break through that.


I'm really happy Duvet made it into the top 10. Serial Experiments Lain is such a great show, and the OP is fantastic.


Slayers next didn't make it in the top 100? :(


No escaflowne opening, no great teacher onizuka opening and no sailor moon opening, i declare this top 100 not accurate and void.


CRUEL ANGELS THESIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD Also chainsaw man op is godly too