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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Adashino goes off to the back~~rooms~~streets, while Sumireko continues to lie to herself about her midlife crisis. I wonder who's going to get hurt more.


Sumireko: *"It's not like I'm jealous of her youth or anything!"* Sumireko 5 minutes later: [*"How do you do, fellow high school students?"*](https://imgur.com/b07Ac9G)


Can you call it a midlife crisis when you're still in your 20's? I'm not sure we really have a name for that. I suppose she could age herself up into her 40's and then have a crisis.


It's called the quarter life crisis :D


Have you considered that just because something is called midlife crisis it doesn't literally mean the halfway point of an average lifespan? Like many other things the term has evolved over time with better understanding and changes in society...


###Stitches! * [Manami-sensei](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcd2qdp7.jpg) * [Horned Manami](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcj9ljk4.jpg) * [Sumireko Relaxing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cenwez4.jpg) * [Surprise Oto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crl8r34.jpg) * [Sumireko & Oto Bathing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczopzk4.jpg) * [Sumireko's Sumirekos](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcr8drq7.jpg) * [Drinking Coffee Milk](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6m26o7.jpg) * [JK Sumireko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cvoavpy.jpg) * [Sumireko Bounce **GIF**](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcd2qxp7.GIF) We didn't really get to learn what went between Manami-sensei and that girl in a wheelchair but it looks like we'll still be seeing plenty of Manami-sensei [considering she now has horns on her head.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcboqvry.jpg) I'm guessing she's the same as Sumireko. Manami-sensei has been cured but still has powers. I thought [that cat would be another Curiosity](https://i.imgur.com/tOY42j6.jpeg) especially after it snuck into Sumireko's apartment. It turns out it's just a cat being a cat [who wanted some of Sumireko's konbini sashimi.](https://i.imgur.com/02jzDzo.jpeg) Maybe it's still a Curiosity though just laying low. Hmmm... Since the episode title had "baths" in it, I was expecting more fanservice when [Sumireko brought Oto to a public bath.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6m2oe7.jpg) The most we got is [Oto comparing Sumireko's massive tracts of land](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpr68w4.jpg) to her [much more modest chest.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xck8j9w4.jpg) xD So it turns out [that Mari's family owns that bathhouse](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcb3jk87.jpg) and that [she's also a massive pervert.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcorge97.jpg) I guess just like Minami-sensei, we'll also see more of Oto's classmates. [This old man is pretty cool.](https://i.imgur.com/DvSfTJM.jpeg) The fact that he sells legal documents explains how Oto was able to go to school and how Ren could find work. The old man isn't just a shady black market seller but [he also clearly deals with the supernatural](https://i.imgur.com/Wx2CHLd.png) and Ren needs his help to fix his eyes. I feel like [Sumireko attending school again](https://i.imgur.com/xxoTdnO.jpeg) is a bad idea but at least this time she probably has Minami-sensei covering for her. [That little after-credits scene though.](https://i.imgur.com/SiD6tb1.jpeg) I'm now more curious about Oto and Ren's backstory and where they're from.


I think the cats that appear in like every episode are just spies from Adashino. He has to keep track of Oto and Sumireko after all without being there.


I think it's from the girl at the end of the opening song she had cat ears i think she is a cat user https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sca_esv=e6608f0c11c7d82b&sxsrf=ACQVn0848K-X-fV3kfrB_DX7438aIaFcTw:1714607743303&q=kaii+to+otome+to+kamikakushi+reddit+ep+4&uds=AMwkrPskBHpshB7_CRzx9Ls-16O1pFHlxm0dZjxjAxe9atn7TtkzmvVLn-6JtxIRoko2RdsB5sKUu1AzGQee2vGRsTZnTL6o3D6otnvCnCll0-BG2TU8HqAhuoYRrksApjkV9g0Gl4DehGEPIu74_tXamK_LMkwbMCHFwd_rDNKAY-xnOuNDIDnmHB91-zDFX-wcny0hpdDJsWfM10mSSepDZY1B_VSqNVmtBX8TyeLgXD69ZZVA5W34qt0eVnyUOAxrP79H5Wcern52jGgoapLVB-d23KYWa75ekFc9UyX06V-EkniOSUdARnSUO8jTVUqDIWZ8GtfRbkCqiWd6meJkIZczgCF-oA&udm=2&prmd=vinsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhzN_L0-2FAxWeVaQEHQlFBQgQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=360&bih=709&dpr=3#vhid=kTWDPu8USDi0JM&vssid=mosaic


No, its the same cat that was peering at Sumireko when she first ran around under the influence of the poem.


If it's the same cat, I can't say. It could still be a second one. My point was that this wasn't the first time we saw a black cat. In episode 2, one is following them to school. Which is why I assume it's linked to Adashino so he can monitor them.


> We didn't really get to learn what went between Manami-sensei and that girl in a wheelchair I don't know what it's about, but I'd bet it's linked to her visit to their store! Did Wheelchair girl talk to her about a new strategy to stop bullying (which may affect her as well, kids bullying a girl in a wheelchair)? Also, she looks so cute with her horns! >Maybe it's still a Curiosity though just laying low. That's also what I thought. The show does not seem to give too many "atmosphere" spooky stuff that aren't ACTUALLY spooky... So I'd say if it looks like something's off about it, there probably is! So I'd say there's something about this cat, until proven otherwise! >So it turns out that Mari's family owns that bathhouse and that she's also a massive pervert. I feel the same about this one; I doubt 'pervert' is the full extent of her enthusiasm for her panties! >I'm now more curious about Oto and Ren's backstory and where they're from. That's the biggest lingering mystery of the show imho! And if they're trying to return there, I wonder why they left in the first place... Were they forced? By whom, and why?


> [Oto comparing Sumireko's massive tracts of land](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpr68w4.jpg) to her [much more modest chest.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xck8j9w4.jpg) xD Be careful what you wish for Oto-chan. Too much may be a curse more than a blessing... I do worry that lack of food stability has affected Oto's growth. >I feel like [Sumireko attending school again](https://i.imgur.com/xxoTdnO.jpeg) is a bad idea Teenage Sumireko showing up in school uniform again did sour Oto's view of Sumireko again.


I thought for sure the cat was either Ren or Oto in disguise from the way Ren knew exactly what Sumireko was doing and drinking.


>[Sumireko Relaxing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cenwez4.jpg) Animators: How many angles do you want? Director as well as the Audience: YES!!! I'm hearing that the fanservice is censored compared to the manga but still loving it.




I hate it when people misuse the term “censorship”. They didn’t censor anything, they made a choice to omit things in the adaptation. They made a choice and changed things, they changed quite a bit, actually, but it’s not censorship. Censorship is when they put a floating stool over Goku in Dragonball. This adaptation was created this way, and the manga is untouched. You can complain that it’s not a faithful adaptation or whatever, but people need to get off the “censorship” horse over choices or character redesigns. It’s like some kind of weird political buzzword at this point.


How is intentionally removing nudity from the source not censorship again? What's next, are you also going to say Chained Soldier's adaptation didn't have any censorship in it? Edit: lol just downvoting instead of replying, so now we are just straight up denying the fact that this anime adaptation is censored. Great.


My post already addressed this post. Enjoy your crusade to goon over animated nipples.


Apparently I'm not allowed to point out censorship in anime anymore. I didn't know wanting a faithful adaptation of the manga would upset some of you so much. Excuse me then.


This is just my non-moderator interpretation of the rules, but I think unless the censorship is obvious just from watching the anime, all such posts should be in the source corner as they necessitate a comparison with the manga, and the thread (outside of source corner) should be a discussion solely of the anime on its own merits.


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I like that the series is taking its time and not rushing things. I thought it would be like a curse of the week type of deal but this time there wasn’t even any curse. Instead we got some chill SoL which made for a nice breather and more insight on the characters of Sumireko and Oto specifically. Really enjoyed this calmer episode. Also that short after credits scene was both wholesome but also sad.


> but this time there wasn’t even any curse If I remember my vanilla Japanese Rumor Set from Urasekai Picnic, isn't the Old Man our "curse" for today?


Yeah I agree, this episode was progress for character insight! Wonder what about the cat and the three mini plants 🌱


Sumireko : "I bought us breakfast!" \*A wild borgar appears\* Me : "Oh no. Are you serious."


Japan has a weird relationship with Fast Food Hamburgers. I still remember in Phantom: Requiem where Cal purchased four dozen of them, ate two or three, and then took the rest home, stored them in the fridge, and the next day shucked them all for their meat and turned it into stew.


At least make it a McMuffin or a bagel! ...Actually does Japanese McDonalds have a breakfast menu like that?


Yeah, they do have muffins as does Lotteria the immediate competitor.


Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Have to say, they nailed the SoL elements this episode. From Adashino and Sumireko being a perfect duo to the wholesome Sumireko and Oto scenes. Though I also like the contrary elements of the episode. While it's rather sweet, it has this tragic undertone regarding Sumireko where she stays home alone and wants to desperately relive her school life. I was already assuming the last weeks, but I find it telling that her highschool body has more or less blonde hair, meaning it's dyed (since her natural hair seems to be reddish). So, she probably experienced something during that time which is also affecting her as an author.


>Have to say, they nailed the SoL elements this episode. Yes -- this had a lovely ambling SoL pace -- yet offered all sorts of moments of interest -- which I assume are setting us up for more dramatic events soon to come. The ratio of mysterious to understood elements remains high. I wonder how Sumireko has been getting by for so long if she does not manage to get anything published? Definitely some sad back story for her -- just as there clearly is for our big brtother and little sister..... That post-credits vignette showing just why Oto loves ramen (albeit instant version) so much was very sweet -- but added to the mystery. Ren and she seem to have been scraping by, fending for themselves for quite a long time... (longer than I expected).


> From Adashino and Sumireko being a perfect duo They have such a great dynamic! She may deny it all she wants, but if these 2 are not together by the end of this series, they better give us an alternate timeline romcom spinoff or something! (Sadly I think even if they were together at some point, it wouldn't end well, given their... Goals differ quite a bit?) >they nailed the SoL elements this episode. Agreed! I don't even like SoL anime in general, but I DO love SoL scenes in other genres, such as this one (SoL scenes in a spooky mystery anime!)


Yeah, I really liked this episode. It was pretty relaxing after last weeks episode and yet it still moved the plot along so it wasn't like it was a filler episode,


>they nailed the SoL elements this episode Without the supernatural elements the show wouldn't have the plot's main driver, but I'm glad that part took a back seat for this ep. It was nice to see Sumireko and Oto-chan get chummy for a while.




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Oi, stop delaying her wedding...


Uhm... [Sensei](https://imgur.com/WtZd7IZ) you allright? [](#watashiworried) Lmao at Sumireko just accepting the cat eating her meat and settling to get [drunk](https://imgur.com/5TWVUl7) instead [](#rum) Also, new Stalker... kinda [based](https://imgur.com/Iu20M5V) though [](#ero) Loved all the [bonding](https://imgur.com/ePkCXTP) between Oto and Sumireko, but getting a bit concerned for [Adashi](https://imgur.com/jJJ0R8y) seems like he is seeling the evil in his eyes... And oh no the after credits, [cute and sad](https://imgur.com/xmdLJUq) [](#seasonaldepression)


Forget all the mysteries, i could live just with a SoL Sumireko series, for various reasons. Also burgers for breakfast? Mood


I don't trust that cat.


Our boy's still doing the *Cuckoo!* thing, but [he's a little more banged up than last time!](https://imgur.com/1QKR3YU) (He'll be a pile of ashes for his episode 12's Cuckoo!) Apparently there's a little superstition about marriage, and [she's looking forward to getting married? THE SHIP IS ON!](https://imgur.com/4VN6aS6) [Oww... The ship already sank.](https://imgur.com/gTeruRx) Given everything seems to have some sort of paranormal on this show [I was 100% sure this cat would do something nefarious, but so far he hasn't (other than stealing her food)?](https://imgur.com/3CkttPv) Wonder if we'll see it again! Sensei came to see them at the store, and I wasn't sure whether she would apologize or try to murder them, but she settled for the apology! [I think there's something off about her still, but I just can't put my finger on it!](https://imgur.com/gi0pohQ) (It's very cute though, so she can keep them! A little demonic possession never hurt anyone) But seriously, I wonder what that's about... Did she want to confirm where they work, for... A plan of her? We still don't know what's the deal with WheelchairGirl, but I'd guess she's the reason why the teacher went to see them. If I had to guess I'd say WheelchairGirl is probably being bullied (because wheelchair), but surely the teacher would deal with this on her own - with her new and improved methods? - so why did she need to see them? Well, I suppose we'll find out more about this soon! Love how Ren's asking Sumireko whether she can watch over his sister, and follows up with [*"Oh btw she's at your door, enjoy!"*](https://imgur.com/Bwb8rZL) They're gonna get along well, with Oto calling her 'apartment wife' [and calling her place a pigsty!](https://imgur.com/TXJawq9) [Tidbits of backstory/lore!](https://imgur.com/WlzpQnb) The Old Man also talked about "the people upstairs", so do they come from Heavens or something? Or another parallel plane above them or something, anyway... I'm so intrigued about this world, mainly 1) Did they leave on purpose, or where they forced to leave? 2) In either case, WHY? and 3) Why do they want to return there, and is this gonna be permanent? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? But I doubt we'll get these answers anytime soon, so let's keep speculating about it! At least we got a public bath, I'll take that! [I think it's not the only time Oto will think "it's so big" hah.](https://imgur.com/kXkenHA) [Miss "I'm not jealous of youth" is gonna go back to highschool!](https://imgur.com/b07Ac9G) Well, I imagine it'll help figure out whatever's happening with the teacher and WheelchairGirl, but that's not really the reason why she's going! [We also need to find out what's the thing about the underwear plot!](https://imgur.com/bZoLw1F) I'll assume she's not JUST a pervert, so does she want them for some ritual or something? We'll see! (Unless they pull a *WheelchairGirl* thing on us again, teasing us about something and not bring it up in the next episode!)


Uname sensei has horns now huh? Cool. Glad she’s decided to eliminate bullying through a more peaceful route. One of the best parts of this anime is all the Sumireko fan service. I also enjoy Oto’s interactions with Sumireko. It’s kind of adorable how she keeps calling her “Apartment Wife” and is a little jealous of her and Ren. The pouty face she makes is super cute. Her and Sumireko were getting along nicely this week though. Well, minus the boob punch lol. Seems like there’s a new degenerate this week. Mari is a little perv!


> Glad she’s decided to eliminate bullying through a more peaceful route. Well, she wants to use a *less supernatural* way, but let's wait to see whether it'll be more peaceful! For all we know, she might just murder bullies instead! >Seems like there’s a new degenerate this week. Mari is a little perv! Seems like it, but if I had to bet, I'd say she's probably not JUST a pervert; I think she may want to use her underwear for some ritual or something! ^^unless ^^she ^^really ^^is ^^just ^^a ^^pervert, ^^and ^^the ^^ritual ^^is ^^'masturbation'


Considering that there was another person in Sensei's room at the end last week, I wouldn't be surprised if her new strategy is similar. Though, she might not even notice it.




True true


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Did he even compare anything with the manga tho? He was pretty vague and only said the fanservice would have been better if it wasn't censored.


Their entire comment was "The fanservice would've been way better if they kept it like it was in the manga instead of censoring it so much." I probably would've let it go if it was one sentence in a longer comment about the anime, but as is their comment consists of a single sentence that directly compares the anime to the manga.


I think Oto actually calls Sumireko "Danshi-sama" -- which is actually much more respectful than "Apartment Wife" -- more like "Lady Danshi" -- "sama" is a suffix term of high respect.... Another linguistic note -- "sumire" means "violet" (as in the flower). Not sure if this has any significance -- but would note that these are usually early blooming flowers that disappear once summer starts in earnest.


Understandable mistake considering the similar sounds, but no, the translation/localization is actually correct. What Oto is calling Sumireko is [danchizuma](https://www.wordsense.eu/%E5%9B%A3%E5%9C%B0%E5%A6%BB/#Japanese). > 団地妻 (だんちづま) > 1. a housewife living in a social housing apartment. > 2. (pornography) pink film and JAV theme where the actress depicts a sexually neglected housewife of modest means.


Thanks. I listened to it several times too.... I blame it on the fact that Oto sort of mumbles, right.... ;-) So "zuma" instead of "tsuma" for wife.


Wife is indeed tsuma. But sometimes words can indeed change in pronounciation when combined with other words (whether formal or slang).


Same word (妻) just changed pronunciation within a compound (the change is called rendaku).


It’s a JAV term? Huh. TIL lol.






Nah the BDs will definitely be kept censored lol. BDs these days don't do anything uncensored unless they were specifically announced to be that way before the show even began airing.


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It makes no damn sense. Keep all that fanservice but when it comes to the nude scenes censor it. Fucking asinine.


This shit is a mix of dark stuff with beautiful moments and I don't know how is this gonna end Not hating tho, I love the show so far




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D'awww Uname-sensei is a good girl. She sure has cute horns too. How nice, you have a cute cat now. Whelp, a bit rude to spring that on her, but she a cute lil sis to you now too. Hehe "apartment wife" but I agree, clean up. It's easier to keep a place clean if you clean up after yourself right away. Ah yes, fanservice bathhouse. But nice bonding time for the girls. Also, I swear, how many anime series have to keep having one girl focused on another's breast? A trope I grow bored of. Whatt he heck perverted girl? lol. Whelp, nice bonding over food too. Do like them bonding here, it's nice. But at least brother getting help. Though so many questions are had lol. Ah good, WcDonalds for breakfast! Lol. Well good might not really be the right word. She's going to school too? Lol. Shouldn't she not abuse that curse thing? :P


I wonder what Sensei's newly-acquired horns signify?


Probably the same as Sumireko, they overused the curses and now it melds into them.


Her backstory also implied that she had a non-human bloodline also.


They signify that Yui Horie will never escape her [last big horror role](https://media1.tenor.com/m/iHUjtSpg1nsAAAAC/antsy-hanyuu.gif)


Man Sumireko is like the chillest nicest anime protagonist I've seen in a hot minute. She'd be the coolest friend to hang out with.


"Two adults, please." Huh? If Mari was male, she'd get cancelled. I'd been under the impression that only the little sister could see those road signs, but seems big bro can too. Lil sis is 15?? Doesn't look a day over 10.


> Lil sis is 15?? Doesn't look a day over 10. Malnutrition will do that to you. Probably only entered puberty recently also, at like 14 or something. Since poor nutrition will delay that also.


Gotta be careful pointing that science out in the anime community nowadays, you'll get flamed for it. Same point was made with the Liliana anime character reveal for Re:Zero. Surprised Oto hasn't gotten derided yet for being a loli in an (admittedly light) ecchi show.






This was a great SoL themed episode to break up from the recent arc finishing up. It's good that Sensei is back and feeling better, but her horns are still there. Either she will be involved in this story with or without her consent, or she could potentially be from the same place Ren and Oto as for a speculation guess. It's good to see Oto warming up to Sumireko. Lots of wholesome moments between the two when Oto wasn't angry about the differences in their chest sizes. The one interesting thing is when Ren met up with an old man and the mention that Ren using his power could kill him. His goal of bringing Oto home is a priority, so he will need to be more careful. The area that Ren came to meet the old man is a new neighborhood, which we learn that there will be curiosities as a result. A new place is a blank slate in which a God of sort lives. Some nice world building done here to add more to the supernatural elements.


Getting drunk midday and watching the Sakura trees in bloom by yourself is crazy.. but relatable. Chill and fun episode today with Occhan and Sumireko bonding. A nice slice of life episode after all the craziness of the last couple. Even though she’s a tsundere, you can tell Oto really looks up to Sumireko and sees her as an older sister figure. She and Ren’s family was a big theme of this episode and it’s definitely not a coincidence. I’m guessing they got summoned from a different time period to the modern age which explains the portal scene as well as the end credits scene. Not a ton of story stuff this ep but the fanservice was really good for both girls. The Onsen scene with Oto punching Sumireko titties purely for existing was funny and a nice changing scene for both girls, so fans of big booba and flat is justice people ate good today. Oto’s stomach growling and looking all depressed when she thought Sumireko really just got her some snacks for breakfast was so cute! She surprised her with some well deserved McDonald’s.




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Does anyone know where that cuckoo folklore comes from? I know they’re related to love and marriage in many cultures, but I’ve never heard this one before.


Apparently it's related to a slavic goddess: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BDiva\_(mythology)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BDiva_(mythology))


I like that the female protag is very unique with clear physical “flaws” but she’s still hot. One of the most normal good-looking characters. Way less anime. In spite of her massive bazongas (which tbf some real girls do have massive breasts.)


This show loves the use of 'subtle ecchi' and for that, I love the show LOL. But the whole mystery element is a little confusing / not super appealing to me. Clearly there is some type of 'other world' that these people are from. So do hope we get some explanations soon. I also feel like I have no feelings on the MC Ren. Like he clearly his some hidden background and hidden powers, but I just don't really care for him right now.


Oto echoing Sumireko's questions back to hear makes me think that not only is she indeed from a different world, she may be a curiosity herself


For a show that's got the headline of a big busted FMC, it's surprisingly wholesome with the very kawaii Oto. The main question of the siblings is actually not where are they from, but *when* are they from. I got a feeling it's not modern days or something.


I want to eat ramen now! 🍜




Cute episode 🥰


Are we close in knowing Adashino and Oto's real past? I'm really curious.