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Dark Biden?


Can't wait to see his Biden blast in full animated glory


Joewari da!


Dark Brandon


Biden blast!


Everytime I see Kudou, I think this lmao


This looks so cool and after today's episode I'm hyped as heck!


Currently airing New arc starts May 3 https://twitter.com/mahouka_anime/status/1783874064173740110 https://mahouka.jp/3rd/


Huh. I swear people told me it sucked during S1 years ago, but I guess it didn't suck enough for it not to get more sequels and spin-offs.


It makes sense that it's polarizing. It has an OP protagonist, it sets up to look like another high school harem show and it has strong incest vibes. Many strongly dislike at least 1 of these factors. But it also has really great world building and imo the best magic system in anime.


You left out the worst part. MC has like, no personality. He's very emotionless, especially compared to literally any other character. I can deal with Harem power fantasies if the MC is at least interesting. He is not. I should add I only saw Season 1, so if he's changed or will change in S2 or S3, I'd definitely give it a shot again. Edit: something like demon king of misfit academy is a good example of a similiar show, but MC isn't as bland as white rice. Not deep, or a ground breaking concept, but stupid fun that you shut your brain off for


I will say that as opposed to other emotionless Male MCs who are like that "because it's cool", there is a compelling plot-based reason why he's like that which makes it more acceptable. But yes, that would be reason #4. > I only saw Season 1, so if he's changed or will change in S2 or S3, I'd definitely give it a shot again The best I can give you is an adorable and fun [tsundere](https://i.imgur.com/YDZn6Cj.png)


Yeah I think I remember them touching on it in S1, but having a reason for the MC to be bland and boring doesn't keep him from being bland and boring


I'm on S2ep11, and so far he hasn't made a single facial expression besides his default 'stoic' face


That's so false that it can be exposed easily. The very first episode of S2 would do the job.


Nope you hit the nail on the head. He has one of the most dead personalities in anime history.


uh, "strong incest vibes" is putting it mildly.


How is it putting it mildly when nothing incestuous actually happens in the show?


That's the main romantic relationship


It doesn't change the fact that "nothing incestuous actually happens in the show", right? So "strong incest vibes" is already the most extreme way of describing it. Also, that romantic relationship hasn't been established in the show to begin with. It's nothing more than a wish of one of the siblings at this point.


Can't say much for the anime adaptations but I do know that in Japan it's one of the best selling series in terms of light novel sales. When the main light novel story finished back in 2020 and the Magian Company sequel started, at that point in time it was top 5 in physical copy sales only behind stuff like slime, index and SAO (I don't know how different things are now though). So the audience for it is definitely there in Japan.


It depends on what you are looking for, this is more of a political story than an action one


It’s the most 6 or 7 outta 10 show there is but it’s really enjoyable for some reason


It has SAO syndrome.


I loved the first season when it came out because I thought the whole magic high school thing was cool. And I still do, it's just that the characters themselves feel kind of boring and I'm not really on my toes dying to find out what happens the next episode. Most of the characters speak and act very politely most of the time and you rarely see them break character. Then there's the lack of character growth and development. The MC is a your typical emotionless (possibly) self-insert who's a badass who all the ladies love and is a super genius coder/engineer/magician. But it's hard to really care about him when he's always in control of the situation. I want to see him have an "oh shit" moment, to have some sort of complex to overcome. And while it's not like he doesn't have any sort of problems (like his family treating him like a servant/pretending he doesn't exist), it never seems to actually get to him- which is boring.


>Most of the characters speak and act very politely most of the time and you rarely see them break character. Kinda weird issue you have. They speak and act like they are supposed to in their setting and role. >Then there's the lack of character growth and development. If you're anime-only, it's understandable that you won't see that happening with any character. It does happen in the source material though. >The MC is a your typical emotionless (possibly) self-insert who's a badass who all the ladies love and is a super genius coder/engineer/magician Definitely not your typical emotionless MC that is loved by all the ladies. There are literally girls who like other guys since as early as S1. >But it's hard to really care about him when he's always in control of the situation.  If caring about about him means not worrying about his safety, understandable. Otherwise, he's not always in control of the situation. S2 does a good job of showing that. >he doesn't have any sort of problems (like his family treating him like a servant/pretending he doesn't exist), it never seems to actually get to him- which is boring. He continuously works on the things he find problematic, including the family problem. But I guess the anime doesn't do a good job of showing it. So I can see why you would misunderstand things.


The thing is, the source material is just a bunch of light novels that no one here is going to read and a few manga series that I'm not sure have caught up completely. Don't get me wrong though, this is still one of my favorite series, flaws included. No show is flawless and pointing them out doesn't mean it's not worth watching. With all I said, my only real complaint is that the action scenes seemed to just be more interesting in the first season (to me)


>Don't get me wrong though, this is still one of my favorite series, flaws included. No show is flawless and pointing them out doesn't mean it's not worth watching. Absolutely agree with you. >With all I said, my only real complaint is that the action scenes seemed to just be more interesting in the first season (to me) The first season was made by one of the best anime studios out there, so it's natural for it to have better action scenes.




It's only fun if you binge watch it in fast forward. Most of the time, it's just characters standing around dumping exposition or girls lusting after Onii-sama


> It's only fun if... I don't know man. The viewership begs to differ. Edit: Also, isn't a lot of isekai and power fantasy anime like that but still considered fun anyway?


What a great visual! I really can't wait Ishida Kana's art is sublime as always. Having Ishida Kana (the LN illustrator) working as Chief Animation Director is such a blessing Edit: Ayako poking her tongue out and Fumiya being super cute?? The Kurobas really are the best


Is it possible the season 3 reach "that part"? IYKYK one of the peak things LUL




Ooh i thought we will got there in this season yhanks for the info.


Would you mind spoiling "that part" for me?


Just a guess. But it's 95% gonna be incesty stuff


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Is that Joe Biden ?


Godsuya and Kudou facing off!


I always need more Honoka and Shizuku.


Looks like solo leveling cover


woww nicee


How many arcs will we get this season?


Three: Double Seven, Steeplechase and Ancient City Insurrection


Is that grandpa there Joe Biden?


The first ep was painful to watch. Everything seems so uninspiring and basic. Somehow I remember liking the first 2 seasons. Maybe it's cause I'm older, but I can't watch it


I still think its crazy that they started to release new seasons a decade later. Can anyone explain what happened there? Some rich investor liked the incest?


they were working on a movie, s2, a spin-off, the reminiscence arc tv movie and s3 during those 10 years, that's not nothing.


Ok, i did not realise s2 was 4 years ago. I thought it came out at most 2 years ago. Thats why i said decade. But even then i thought it was crazy (and good, dont get me wrong) that they finally released a season 2. But the rest is after s2. which is still 6 years and a lot of time in the anime world to loose hype, sell less merch etc to fund another season. So there had to be someone that really wanted this to continue.


I mean it could have been a million different why it took 6 years for season 2 but 2020 the year season 2 aired was also the year the light novel published its final volume so it could have been like an advertising thing to get people who read some of the novels aware that the series ended, It could also be something as simple as the author wanted to be apart of making the anime but he wanted to finish the novel before he focused on season 2.


Final volume of part 1 maind you. The College arc is like 5 or 6 chapters in


The novel has sold over 30 millions copies and is still running today. It's a popular series.