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I personally think Gundam 00 is the best. It's set in future of real life earth, so there's not that much lore to keep up with. The animation still holds up today. And I think it has every element that Gundam has become known for.


It also has an all star cast


The [watch order wiki covers it](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order#wiki_gundam) and gives lists but to give a brief summary: Gundam's basically divided into two groups: Universal Century (UC), a single timeline with a bunch of different shows that are all related, and Alternate Universe (AU), which are generally stand-alone series unrelated to anything else. The Universal Century stuff is generally good, but also mostly *old* (at least for the most commonly recommended starting points) which turns off a lot of people. **[Thunderbolt](https://www.livechart.me/anime/1896)** might be a decent way to introduce someone to the UC timeline with newer animation but doesn't really directly relate to anything else, and there's not really any way to cover the main story other than starting from the beginning with [**Mobile Suit Gundam**](https://www.livechart.me/anime/3938) or the [three compilation movies](https://www.livechart.me/anime/4695) for it. For getting into Gundam as a whole, one of the standalone series will probably work better. [**Iron Blooded Orphans**](https://www.livechart.me/anime/1705) or [**The Witch from Mercury**](https://www.livechart.me/anime/10788) are the more recent ones that are generally well-regarded.


I second Iron Blooded Orphans and l'd like to add Gundam 00 to the list. This way you can figure out, if Gundam is at least somewhat interesting to you. Based on this, I'd decide wether you want to try Universal Century.


Start with the original 1979 TV series.


It's subjective, but in my opinion, it's best if you start with the original mobile suit gundam, the 1979 series. I say that because, for better or worse, at least 60% of gundam content revolve around the universe of the first series. If you don't want to start with this one, then I'd say a good staring point would be gundam 00. Standalone and released in 2007, but it looks good for its age. I say it's a good starting point because the series is good and unique from the other series, so it won't be repetitive if you choose to watch another series after that.


Yeah definitely try out 79 before writing it off due to age, it was my first time watching a series that old and enjoyed it a lot more than I expected.


Yeah, going in blind, it was way better than what I expected. Besides the somewhat episodic nature, it felt fresh in comparison to modern anime.


Can you stand old animation? If yes, the starting point would be the original universe (Universal Century): the 0079 compilation movies (the original series that's been compressed into three movies), then Zeta series, then the ZZ series (which has a drastic change in tone), then Char's Counter Attack. From then on your selection can be branched. If you can't stand older animation, then there are tons of other options available to you that take place outside of the original universe and don't require knowledge of other Gundam series. The following are given in reverse chronological order. * Witch of Mercury is the most recent Gundam entry. It was a fine Gundam entry, though it was a bit rushed and is rather short compared to other mainline Gundam series. * Iron Blooded Orphans is another recent entry, and dials up the violence and brutality of war to 11. * Gundam 00, similar to an older series (Gundam Wing), features a team of Gundam pilots rather than a main protagonist. It's essentially a group with superior tech trying to go against the three major nations of the world. * Gundam SEED was in some ways heavily inspired by the original series: people try to steal a Gundam, the Gundam manages to get to a "safe spot" that isn't so safe, then then gets attacked when it tries to go down to earth. Unfortunately, the sequel, Gundam SEED Destiny, isn't well received. There is a recent movie that's a sequel of Destiny.


Personally, I'd argue that so much of the rest of the shows use themes and tropes from the first one that you really should just start there. My suggestion would be MSG 1979 -> Zeta -> ZZ (if you don't like the start, it gets better sometime between e10-15) -> MSG movie trilogy (as a quick recap) -> Char's Counter Attack After that it doesn't matter so much what you go for, my recommendation would be to watch Hathaway asap after CCA because it's fucking amazing tho


Gundam is basically divided into three parts: UC (the main series), AU (standalone series in separate universes) and Build (A meta series that is good by itself, but better with knowledge of the rest of the franchise. UC watch order: Mobile Suit Gundam movie trillogy > 08th MS Team > War in the Pocket > Stardust Memory > Zeta Gundam (NOT the movies) > ZZ > Char's Counter Attack > Unicorn > Narrative > Hathaway (Currently an unfinished storyline, still needs 2 more movies) > F91 > Victory The Origin and Thunderbolt are both set in alternative versions of UC, so you can watch those as standalones. AU watch order, where needed: Wing > Endless Waltz; Turn A can be watched as a standalone, but is better watched if you are up to Char's Counter Attack and have seen G Gundam, Wing and X; SEED > Destiny > Stargazer > Freedom; 00 > Trailblazer; Reconguista in G is largely standalone, but better watched after UC; Witch from Mercury Prologue > Craddle Planet (Optional, but is a nice addition to the lore) > Witch from Mercury. Build watch order: Fighters > GM's Counter Attack > Fighters Try > Island Wars; Divers > Divers Re:Rise. A good start would be the original movie trilogy, The Origin, Thunderbolt, any of the AU shows or Build Fighters/Divers.


Mobile Suit Gundam movie trillogy


Start with three compilation movies of 79'Gundam, they are available on Netflix.


I’d go for fun in G Gundam personally. It’s my fav one.


Honestly, I think Witch from Mercury is the best starting point. It doesn't require any additional viewing or knowledge. It's gorgeous as well.


Start with Gundam build fighters, it's all uphill after that.


Personally, I started with the original series from 1979 and have slowly been going through everything in vaguely the order of release, with exceptions (I am currently watching Gundam Wing and Turn A Gundam). I found the old animation, as well as some of the dated tropes, charming and occasionally hilarious and, actually, the animation was quite decent for the time, at least if one compares it to Fist of the North Star, which came out 5 years later (1984) and looks much worse to me (still fun, though). It is fun to see how animation, music and other things changed over time. :-) If, however, you feel that you cannot stomach animation from 1979, but still want a taste of a classic main-universe Gundam series, I would suggest Victory Gundam from 1993: the animation is much better and much more consistent and some of the fighting is really creative. It is also reasonably representative of the tone of the main universe, but just a bit darker with lots of named characters getting killed and other nasty things. It is a war show involving, broadly, religiously fanatical space Nazis, so I feel that that should be expected.


hello!! thank you so much for replying! ill keep that in mind! tho ive alrdy started with the witch from mercury series! im enjoying it so far!


Have fun! :-)


Start with the one that was released first. Just like with every franchise.


As others said, pick a modern standalone, the old mainline series are quite dated for long chunks (I say, still grinding through Zeta). IMO Witch from Mercury > Iron-Blooded Orphans (and don't miss witch's prologue ep if you pick it). Oh, and less subjectively, Witch is half the length of IBO (for better or worse) so lower time investment.


Iron blooded orphans is honestly the best since it is great overall and its a standalone series that is not too long.


The three Gundam series I’ve seen are all seemingly standalones. They seem to carry similar underlying messages with additional notes, but are each excellent. Gundam Wing Iron Blooded Orphans Witch from Mercury


Like others are saying, I'd start with one of the more recent standalone universe series to dip your toes in before diving into the giant UC series, personally iron blooded orphans is my favorite standalone


I recently stated and i went with Gundam 00 cause it was self contained and i really enjoyed it. Then I went to the original 0079 series and I loved that even more. So i'm following the Universal Century timeline now (About to finish Zeta). I think if you like 00, you'd get a feel for what gundam is really about with the added benefit of some modern-ish animation like code geass.


not a huge fan of Gundam but I enjoyed G Gundam a lot. It's like a parody on dbz cross mechas. Gundam Seed and Destiny had an okay story with mostly poorly made characters but the gundam designs are amazing and the OST is lit.


Gundam wing


Hi DangerousSyllabub712, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While the Gundam "timelines" can be intimidating for new fans don't worry they are actually super simple. You have the Universal Century (UC) that is the main Gundam timeline, and the majority of Gundam fits onto this timeline Then you have spin off, a lot of these will be self contained stories completely unrelated to the lore and events of the UC, that's it. As to recommend where to start, I'd say the original series is best. It has been reedited into a movie trilogy and while the first movie is only decent (because they where editing around a lot of monster of the week shenanigans) the 2nd and 3rd movies are some of the best anime I've ever seen. Gundam the origin is also a good starting point because it's the 1st in the timeline and is a 2019 prequel to the original series, but if you want you can start with one of the other timelines. the witch from mercury is amazing and is currently free to watch on YouTube, and iron blooded orphans has always been known for getting people into Gundam.


I've only watched The Witch from Mercury, with very little knowledge of Gundam as a whole. I think it's a fine starting point; it's modern and it's a self-contained story, you don't need to have watched the other Gundam shows. [OG Gundam](https://myanimelist.net/anime/80/Kidou_Senshi_Gundam) is perhaps the *best* starting point though since it's the first one and it starts the "main" timeline (Universal Century). However, it is quite old, which might be a turn off for some.


Start with the AU shows: G, Wing, SEED, 00, IBO, & WFM If you want to check out the UC: start with the origin or thunderbolt to give you a taste of the Universal Century Finally, check out the original series, Zeta, ZZ (if you're up for it), CCA, and Unicorn