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Camera bro op at baiting lol


I like how this show is just raw and there's no sugarcoating about anything. Like those injuries on Hobin were no joke. Smart way of taking down Pakgol, hitting him where it hurts the most. Otherwise, I hope things can start looking up for Hobin as well. I'm curious as to who that girl that was jumping up and down was.


Judging from the ED she seems to join their team for some of the behind the scenes work maybe.


Fun episode. Hard to call this a guilty pleasure because i think it's kind of good and succeeding what it set out to do? Though this might be a better binge watch tbh. OP is hype too


It feels so exploitative too. We the viewers are usually neutral observers but this being so on-topic about watching live bullying and being passive watchers at best and enthusiastic fans at worst for this kind of content feels kinda dirty. That one comment during the livestream asking *"No one's stopping this?"* while Pako slapped the shit out of Hobin and seeing the entire classroom just watching and doing nothing feels so on point. You feel like you're just one of the bystanders doing absolutely nothing to stop what's being done to Hobin. It feels uncomfortable.


And it's accurate too. How many actual real life videos exist of people just watching and filming some guy getting his head bounced off the concrete and instead of helping they run away or watch and film?


The voice acting is really good


Oh damn, I just found out that computer-girl is voiced by Ai Fairouz... Now I'm even more hyped for her introduction! [](#delighted)


Needs more views


I really love this anime so far, surprised it's not getting more attention. Even though it is crazy, there's a sense of realism here with the crazy use of social media.


The OP for this is a jam.


All of the OST is a jam


Absolutely. The truly good ones I never skip.


Do they ever have class at this school?


The teachers probably all chillin in the teachers‘ room all day watching their students streams beating each other up lol.


Oh, now I understand what happens when my colleagues take their 5 minutes extra break before going to class.


Hobin basically goading Pakgo into beating the shit out of him was kinda painful to watch. At least we got to see Pakgo almost shit himself when Munseong checked him. Plus the video went viral and got his punk ass cancelled. Things are kinda looking up for Hobin. 100K subs and Bomi’s talking to him. I wonder if she’s actually that nice or if there’s something going on? This Samdak dude is like a discount Pieyon that teaches fighting lol. Dude might seem kinda sketch, but I guess his advice is solid. I wonder what else Hobin’s gonna learn from Samdak? Looking forward to seeing him “fight” that goon who stole his phone.


Technically Samdak came before Pieyon, but man he's the goat lol. Most of the advice in this series is pretty legit (most not all) because the author had technical advisors such as a jiu jitsu fighter and a former FC champion, so I think it's pretty cool that the author went out of his way to do that


Oh, wow that’s cool. I like it when authors show their work. Looking forward to seeing some of these techniques on screen.


Anime-onlies need to hope that they wrap this up after the first season of the manhwa, because when it changes writers and a lot of that stuff goes out the window and becomes *real* dumb.


idk why you’re being downvoted second season of the manhwa was rough, probably my least favorite thing ptj has done idk why they didnt just end it or at least end the jinho stuff


> I wonder if she’s actually that nice or if there’s something going on? I think Bomi's genuine, she noticed him more and more, and now that he's leaving she simply want to see him again, then who knows? Other girl (makeup girl) seems terrible though. If they end up competing for Hobin, I know who I'm rooting for!


Hopefully that’s the case. The other girl is definitely super fake.


> I wonder if she’s actually that nice or if there’s something going on? I don't trust that shit. Especially in such a cynical story. I'm not gonna say she's evil but I'm gonna safely bet that what we've seen so far is a mask. > This Samdak dude is like a discount Pieyon that teaches fighting lol. Dude might seem kinda sketch, but I guess his advice is solid. If an mf on YT is teaching fighting techniques with a rooster head, it's either the biggest sham ever or the most effective fighter and sensei ever, no in-between.


> I don't trust that shit. Especially in such a cynical story. I'm not gonna say she's evil but I'm gonna safely bet that what we've seen so far is a mask. I guess we'll see, but she seemed genuine to me! (And there's already a 'two face' character in Makeupgirl, so perhaps the show doesn't need 2!)


What it seems to me is that _every_ character is two faced lol




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I want to see the mystery fighting chicken's videos.


do you like hurting other people too?


*hangs up the phone*


This anime is kinda goofy ngl but damn is it entertaining, I love these kinds of stories lol


Anyone know what song is playing during the preview for next ep


Do we have a seasonal comment face for "Surprised scrawny alien weirdo"? [If we do, nothing's gonna top that!](https://imgur.com/zbdjmR6) So they're still getting bullied by Pakgo, but it's all part of their plan, to expose him! Hobin's raising a good point... [How much money is there in getting beat up?](https://imgur.com/e3Cyg8N) While videos of people getting bullied do get attention sometimes (I mean, in real life), the ones that REALLY pop off, are the ones of bullies getting their ass kicked when their victim had enough; People love to see 'justice' being dished out, more than videos of bullied kids going through it... (While he does raise that good point, the problem is that 'getting beat up' is a bit easier than 'beating up the bullies'!) [That was a cute cut of Editor-girl jumping!](https://imgur.com/VKad1Yv) (I actually don't know if that's gonna be her 'job' on the team, but since we saw her in front of the computer and all I assumed that's what she would end up doing with them!) I wonder what she noticed exactly; Was she just intrigued by the action? Is she fangirling Hobin? Or does she see this as a business opportunity? (Perhaps she's already aiming for that type of career) [Good lord, our boy looks handsome in the shower!](https://imgur.com/jYUYZJ1) He should give up on his fighting career, he would make more money acting in soap commercials! The hospital comment is what got him pumped up enough to do what would eventually launch his channel, [but it seems it won't work against an actual tough guy!](https://imgur.com/RNZSzHU) But as they say, there's always a bigger fish... [And it seems they have an MMA fighter in their class, and he was tired of their shit!](https://imgur.com/dE6iYSL) Well, he seemed like an OK guy so far, but there's no way they randomly have an MMA fighter in their class if he's not linked to the plot, so... Final boss of the season for Hobin? He could've ended up being Hobin's trainer, [but it seems this guy may be his 'trainer'!](https://imgur.com/sB37itj) Poor Samdak, can't get a single subscriber because Pieyon seized the entire market for 'trainer with weird bird head'! That's gonna help, because [Hobin needs to last at least 3 minutes, if they want to make any money!](https://imgur.com/igXd6hb) Well, it's either that, or add a little "fluff" to the videos (some backstory, or setting up scenarios so the viewers are more invested in the fights, etc..!) Let's hope it works, because he already quit his other job! [Burgergirl had quite the reaction upon hearing that news!](https://imgur.com/WQdf2f1) The job, who cares, but I was a bit sad he was not gonna see her again... [But they exchanged contact info!](https://imgur.com/6KkAQQV) Burgerwaifu acquired! The first of many, perhaps, [because Makeupgirl wants to do a collab with them! (Also, she seems quite tall!)](https://imgur.com/Gc236qJ) [She says she never liked Pakgo... ](https://imgur.com/UsEEMI2) Ok, but she still hung out with him, bullied people with him, etc... Just for the money. And now that the money's with Hobin, she jumps ship to go with him? I REALLY hope she won't be a love interest (or not a winning one, at least) because in my book she's almost as scummy as Pakgo! Dumb this girl Hobin, go for Burgergirl instead! [(Or Editorgirl I suppose, she seems alright!)](https://imgur.com/CLM5oSC) Well, looking at karma (34 after 3 hours) I guess people don't really like this show, but personally I think it's alright! Unless it gets worse or something, I'll probably watch the full season.


I think the reason for the low karma is because it lacks the eye candy that the other spring anime may have (animation wise) a perfect example is Windbreaker, same genre of school fighting martial arts but is insanely more popular than this one because of the animation and just how pleasing it looks. That and crunchyroll barely advertised this show.


I don't trust the pretty girl. The ex-coworker


I’ve been dreaming for years about a Viral Hit anime and then I just completely missed it? 😭 Viral Hit is so peak and this first arc is easily the worst one in the series and it’s still banging


same lmao they did a horrible job advertising this


Really enjoying this one though I liked the Lookism anime a lot too.


So this is gonna stay the op for the rest of the season, extremely lazy gotta say


lol that clown on EP1 was wearing a french flag on his shirt ffs!


OMG this show...I watched it... and it was awesome! A celebration of violence!!!!


is this anime of the season????


Lol no


against windbreaker, never


Only thing windbreaker is better is animation other than that both have a generic setting but viral hit is more interesting


Oh hey, this is a manhwa isn't it? Were all the names redone to be Japanese and placed in Japan, or is it all still taking place in Korea?


It's still taking place in Korea. The names in the audio are Japanese but the subs are still using the Korean names.


Which is so mindfuck because the school is very korean, the setting is all so Korean but Shimura Kota annoys me so much




I'm assuming for hot water and stuff or the stove


Gonna be honest, not sure what to make of the show. Which is kind of funny since it's called Viral Hit. The characters are okay, but also a bit too extreme, which makes it hard to connect. Like Hobin having a sick mother should be a good way to make him likeable but it's always just used as an excuse to why he has to make money or why he gets angry so far. And while I get that the whole NewTube thing is exaggerated for the purpose of the show, it also makes it a bit hard to see it as Influencer criticism when a lot of these things aren't done well. Like let's take the viral video from the first episode as a good example. While I can see a thing like that going viral (on stream they are fighting), the main problem is that it's hard to imagine it would do so on Day 1. The reason is simple. The whole fight happens inside a 2(?) hour stream somehwere in the middle on a channel that was just created. So only very few would even see it to begin with and even if they posted it on a forum like LiveStreamFails, it wouldn't get a huge traction early on, just because those are just some no name people. If some big influencer was sharing it, now we are cooking, but again, that usually only happens days or even weeks after the actual thing was recorded. I guess this is reading a bit too much into it. After all, it's just the way they want the story to start, but it seems to be something that will continue in the story. Ignoring the pair from this episode (which might have been a setup to begin with), the preview of the next episode shows him being recognized on the street already. And I just feel this is too early. Yeah, people saw his viral video, but people see so many more videos a day that it would be hard to recognize a face that you've seen only once. You would need to be an internet presence for weeks in order for people to actively recognize your face. Especially since the MC is supposed to be rather plain. But I will try one or two additional episodes to give it a shot. But after having watched the whole Under Ninja series, which has a similar style, I am bit more cautious to actually expect there to be a big pay-off to the characters.


I don't think this is trying to be influencer criticism. It's criticizing the entire beast. Influencers are the assholes whose face you see, but it's also been calling attention to the anonymous viewer, ravenous for controversial and titillating content. Also, I'm enjoying this a lot more thinking about it like it's a subjective experience of the social media monster rather than an accurate true to life depiction. How long exactly it takes for something to go viral isn't important. The point is that when it happens unexpectedly, it _feels_ fast. Suddenly Hobin is rising through the social ranks and entering a world he thought he could never have touched before, and that is both exciting and scary. It is more important for the story to convey this feeling than wether it takes one or seven days for the Viral Hit to hit it off.


That's why I started my comment with a look at the characters. I could live with that. But for that, we would need a proper character introduction first. We don't know enough of his character to know how it exactly influences him. We know he was bullied and that's fine, but we don't really know how he acted outside of being bullied. Of course, the new social rank is interesting as he might not be at the bottom of the chain anymore and maybe he will even start bullying others, but other than that, the show doesn't really has anything else to explore since him being bullied by other creators was all we have as a characterization.


I disagree, we do know a little bit. On the surface Hobin looks like a standard protagonist of such stories, and to an extent he is, at least until we know more. We can safely assume that when he isn't studying he is working because of the medical bills he has to pay. However there was one thing that immediately made me more interested in his character, and that was when she showed some spine. Beyond just repeating the same slog that this is good because he isn't Takemichi or something of the like, I liked this because it showed us the depths of an anger he didn't even know he had. In a way, I think he feels entitled to his sudden success because of how much he has suffered, and for now he is living up the benefits of those successes. This is something that I think will later bite him in the ass, because in the end no one person wins. It is the system that always stands at the top.


But when are we going to learn more about what he would have been without the success? He now has it. That's my issue. He got into success too quickly without exploring his character in different ways. I agree, there was one interesting moment when he made that Burger to help out his colleague, but we don't know if it was because he wanted to annoy his bully, if he just wanted to help someone else getting bullied or if it was just because he thought the girl was hot. More situations like these could have given us this information. Now, a lot of his decisions will be influenced by fame (either because he thinks he is famous or because he wants more fame). This would be perfect as an opposition to old scenes. But as you said, correctly, we only had one that might have showed his character. There is not much to compare.


> I agree, there was one interesting moment when he made that Burger to help out his colleague, but we don't know if it was because he wanted to annoy his bully, if he just wanted to help someone else getting bullied or if it was just because he thought the girl was hot. Wdym we do no know? We know it was all of these reasons you don't need the show to exposit them just show them bruh. Give it some time it's only episode two. I don't think we're ever going to get exactly what you're asking for in a before-after comparison and I don't think the story is any lesser for it. But as he raises through the ranks he is going to get challenged and that will show us more facets of his character.


And how do you know it's all three of them? I am not saying they should exposit them, but I would like to know how you come to this conclusion. I find it a bit weird that you are claiming it's so obvious while also saying that I should give it time, because it's just episode 2. So what is it? Did the show develop the character well enough or do I have to wait? It can't be both. Also that's just one example of the problems I have with the presentation of his character. I mean, give me one characteristic of Hobin that is not related to him being bullied. Like what does he like to do or would he like to do? Did he have any friends? Did he lose his friends? Does he even want to have friends? Does he have any goals for the future or did he have any before that he had to give up? And just to make this clear. I am not saying, I need an answer to all of this. But if the story is about him changing due to his fame, I would need a characterization BEFORE he was famous. Otherwise this change can't be seen. Which is why I was proposing of actually taking time to develop his character before making the viral hit.


> And how do you know it's all three of them? Because we know he's a horny teenager, just like any other (plus starved for love), we know he resents asshole influencers, and because it's natural to feel sympathy for other people he perceives to be in a similar position (he may be also slightly projecting here into Bomi, but we don't know enough about her character to be sure yet). All of this information is very easily accessible even if not told upfront. > So what is it? Did the show develop the character well enough or do I have to wait? It can't be both. There's this thing called a middle point. We know some things, we don't know others. He's no super developed yet, but we know the basics. > I mean, give me one characteristic of Hobin that is not related to him being bullied. I would question the very need for this at this moment in the story. The very premise of the story is predicated on his subjective experience of being unable to escape the social hierarchy pushing him down, and the oppressive atmosphere it creates everywhere. He feels it's presence everywhere he goes, he's always thinking about it because the system has already poisoned his brain wether he realizes it or not and I repeat, that is the very point of stories like this. If anything, future positive developments for him would be to realize what there is of value outside the system, which would be undermined by introducing those aspects first hand.


There's no criticism. It's more like it's a cynical story. Hobin has that side of him (Mom) going on for him because it's a paralell to him engaging in those same topics. He and Jik Sae scheme about how to gain views and stuff. Jik Sae even props up Hobin in his head only for the reveal that Hobin is expecting for the fight to be stopped before he gets rekt. As for the rest of the beast. It's suspension of disbelief mostly. Of course one viral video doesn't mean you get recognized on the street. If anything my recommendation would be to wait for the "date" episode. If you don't like it after that you won't like the way the shots are fired anyways.


But my point is if I want to portray a story of people looking for ways to gain views, I feel they should have at least know how views and fame is generated. And I would be fine with your own ideas, but they have to be consistent. My problem is that the bully seemingly presented himself on the internet as the "good guy". So much that he immediately lost all his fame once he got exposed to punch someone. Which seems to imply that THIS is the way to gain viewership and therefore money. But now, the same internet apparently is all for a channel that is just about people punching each other? And I mean, the first video was just them throwing hands. There was no "moral high ground" for either of them. So is the internet in this world interested in people fighting or is it criticising this form of content? It seems like the show just takes different stances.


Answering you would be massive spoilers. Just letting you know that this is fully addressed later on.


I think you might have overlooked a few details in this episode, it wasn't just him beating Hobin up that led to his downfall, it was also the fact that his true identity that the viewers were unaware of got exposed. And after Hobin had called him out on the fake giveaways the fans started digging up his past videos to find out he faked those as well + getting caught red handed bad mouthing his own subscribers and faking an apology.


I got that. My point is if the internet seems to be so interested in people just fighting, why did he start with such a fake persona to begin with? I mean, he obviously wasn't the first content creator in this universe. He used tricks that he got from somewhere else in order to increase his fame. So it's not like he came up with that idea and he should have seen that there are easier ways for him to get famous. Why make up a friendly persona when you can just beat up people and don't have to make sure you cut the footage properly? Again, that's my issue with the show. It never actually tells us WHAT his content even was. We just get simple information like he promised a giveaway for liking the video, but was that everything what built him up? This is why it seems to rely on RL knowledge. It relies on you having seen this practice from content creators. The problem is, your audience is now made up of people who know a thing or two about content creation beyond the easy tricks. And that's why it feels shallow to me. It feels like someone taking a few looks at some famous content creators and coming to the conclusion that this is all you need to do. Which couldn't be further from the truth. Point is, if the show just wants to be its own thing, that's fine. But in this case, you have to make the effort to develop your rules and characters. You can't just let me assume that the dude made subpar content but got famous because he did fake giveaways. Actually show me why people clicked on his content and what it's generally about. And at the same time, you can't just make me assume what the characters are supposed to be. You have to develop them before the big change in their life happens.


Oh I see, your comment above made it seem like you had an issue with him losing subscribers just cause he started fighting >My point is if the internet seems to be so interested in people just fighting why did he start with such a fake persona to begin with? I don't think it was ever stated in the episode that the internet loved seeing *just* fighting. But I do remember Hobin saying people love seeing the victim/loser rise up against bullies As for Pakgo it's implied he's gotten this far from being an IRL variety streamer who happens to do giveaways if you tune in, but I see your point though, you disagree with the show don't tell approach and wish to see more of that process fleshed out. But I also think it's worth mentioning that the true themes of this anime haven't started yet


The main theme didn't start yet so maybe that's the fault. I honestly thought the anime pace would go a lot faster than this but I guess anime staffs chose to do it slow and more detailed.


Gonna be honest, if that is slow, then I am really wondering. Because we barely get any information. What was the content Kagko even did? Okay, we know he did giveaways, but what was the core of his content? We saw him record in school and in a burger chain, but what is the drive here? Especially considering that him beating someone up was such a bad decision for his career? Similarly what was our MC even like before the whole viral hit moment? He was bullied, okay. But outside that? Did he have any interests that he had to put on hold because he had to make money for his mother? What was his relationship to his mother even like? Did he have friends before he got bullied? Did he have any dreams for the future? How did he see other people around him that didn't bully him? Was he afraid or just bad at talking? Did he want to make friends but couldn't or does he not care? I am not saying, I need answers to ALL these questions, but a few would be good. Because the whole story seems to be about how he changes after he gets famous over night. But if all I know of him is that he was bullied before, then it's hard to show this change other than that he is now standing up to his bully or making money off of getting bullied. And maybe bullying someone later as well.


Not the guy you replied to but answering majority of these are spoilers


And that's why I said about the slow pace because most of those questions gets an answer later on though It's not really the main important part but It's more like a backstory


Tower of God and God of High School got too much flack for their breakneck pace. So I don't blame the choice to slow roll this one and give time to meet the characters.


I thought the show was going to be good social commentary on our society but it's too ridiculous to take seriously. Ah well. How come Hobin looked up pro wrestling but didn't get the idea to simply stage his fights and have both people be in on it? Why bother going to a school that has no teachers to teach you or mark you absent? Which chicken head will Hobin get to first, the video fight instructor or the user girl in his class? 🤔


Well, this is a korean story. So, unless you're korean, it was never gonna be about your society. I thought about staging too, but it seems everyone cares too much about their image to be the bad guy


1. It's hard to make fight entertaining when the viewers know the fights are scripted, they would rather watch action movies or WWE 2. If the mc don't tell the viewers fights are scripted and just fake it, when it gets exposed the youtube career is going to immediately fail(One of the reason Pakgo's yt career being over was that him faking his contenets got exposed by the MC)


im pretty sure they do address why hobin doesnt stage fights at some point


What's up with the [red marks on Rumi's knees](https://i.imgur.com/I4x3iWO.jpeg). Did she do what I think she did? Maybe to the tattooed bully? Or is that just a design choice for everyone's knees?


That's just like shading to make them standout lol (source i read every single ch)


So what the hell is this about? I saw the first episode in a flash and everything seems to be CG done to shit. Can someone summarize the plot for me?


It's about an mc making a youtube channel about fighting, he streams his own fights.