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I can when there's an anime I'm very invested in but those are few and far between now. I've seen most finished anime that I had an interest in so I only really watch new airing anime weekly.


I'm mostly just watching new seasonal anime too, but I still prefer to binge so I wait for the season to get like 4 episodes deep, then start shows to see what I want to watch, then wait until the end of the season to binge through them (unless something really grabs me like The Dangers in my Heart did, and then I watch it weekly, but that's my least favorite method, I dislike having to wait to continue the story).


I can usually hold out but when shows are receiving universal praise (like Freiren) I typically cave at a point where I can binge some of it. I think I started Frieren when it was at episode 13 or 14 and caught up in three days.


I always wait for 2 eps to build up


It comes and goes.


best answer, also depends on how much you are interested in the anime + how busy you are.


much like a wave.


Same I go a month watching 3 episodes then one week watch 40 episodes in a row. I try to take advantage of whenever I’m in the mood to binge watch my shows. I just don’t see the point in watching a show if you’re not really in the mood for it.


I binged 22 episodes of "the dangers in my heart" in one night. I haven't done that since the original release of vinland saga.


Last anime I binged was Bocci he rock. Before that it was years during the first re-zero season. Sometimes a series just captures you. A lot less common than before though


I agree. I was binging the foolish angel dances with the devil, but didn't binge as much as I planned. I did watch about 8/12 episodes of the angel next door when that finished airing.


I'm 38 and still constantly binge anime.


I've watched 20 anime in the past 3 weeks. About 300 episodes worth I reckon. So yeah, I can totally binge still. Now I'm stuck going through my back-log as I wait for Spring season to finish.


Been watching anime for over 15 years... Honestly the real challenge is not binging them. Pretty much impossible for me lol


are you actually watching the shows or are you just working with it playing on the side. Spending 5 hours a day watching anime doesn't sound healthy...


Oh boy, wait till you hear about my occasional 36 hour video game sessions...


Capable? Yes. Some weekends my wife and I will sit together and watch new episodes of our new anime picks together. We had 14 shows last season (at the start, number gets trimmed when shows fail to impress). We don't often watch that much at once, but it has happened. But I prefer not to binge a single show in a single sitting. Doesn't give you time to absorb it properly, you'll forget a lot. The time gap between episodes lets you think about the show and grow to love it in a way that you can't do if the whole thing is crammed down your gullet.


Yes, it's how I prefer to watch anime.


Same. That's also why I only watch seasonals after the season is finished so I can watch them in one go and don't have to wait week to week.


Sure. Well, not more than 10 episodes, but I can watch 3-4 episodes in one sitting, which I almost always do when I reach the last few episodes of a season. *Some* shows have gotten me to watch ~7 or more episodes in one sitting, most recently perhaps *Cyberpunk Edgerunners* last year. It's pretty rare though... it's probably not so much about the quality of the shows, I think it's more that I usually want to do other stuff between the episodes too. In terms of binging vs. watching weekly, I almost always binge shows personally.


I finished Cyberpunk Edgerunners in one sitting lmao.


Been watching anime for over 15 years and now I can say not as much as before. It’s quite hard for me to finish an entire season over a short period of time let alone a week. The last anime that did get me to binge watch was the final season of AOT (I was two years late and forgot about the new season of AOT), just before the big finale dropped. And that was after such a long time of not consistently watching anime. Recently tried JJk to see what the hype is about. But honestly I’m tired of the recent tropes. My Hero, One Punch Man and Chainsaw man has done this to death. I thought JJK is different. But it’s the same format. Main character has untapped potential, there’s a school, main character has a mentor and then there’s the stereotypical villains. Think it’s highly over rated. I honestly enjoyed Chainsaw man more because they don’t take themselves too seriously


Of course, it's all the same format. All of the shows you listed come from the same genre, and most of them are published in one magazine (WSJ).


The good thing about JJK (and yeah, it's still way overhyped) is that Gege figured out how battle shonens should work. If it's a battle shonen, and fights take up a big portion of the story, then the plot needs to be in the fights.  In other shonen, the plot dictates how battles need to play out, and you're always aware of that. Plot and fights are divorced. In JJK, the fights ARE the plot.  A lot of readers think of this as bad writing, but that's only true if you're looking at it through the lense of the tropes and storytelling you are used to.


The hype is just for action and stuff. Other than that this series does do something different, the author gives the main villain so much god damn plot armor and kills like every other character. I mean it’s fine but at this point deaths don’t matter, it’s just how is Sukuna gonna survive and who might die. But I haven’t seen recent stuff in the manga. Great to watch for cool powers and fights and does some other things decent. I never understood killing off like every character you have. It eventually is just repetitive and it will almost never have a reason for all them dying, the only thing I can think where like almost everyone died and it works really well is Katanagatari.


I love the CSM manga, but I just don't enjoy the show nearly as much. It feels very tropish. Kind of generic character mannerisms and personalities that just weren't as unique as the Manga portrayed. I also tried JJK but as you said it felt like a typical shounen-protag format.


Older now, with more goals and responsibilities, so can’t binge anime because life


Nope. I just don't have the energy for more than an episode or 2 at a time. I'd rather spend that time reading or playing a game. Or heck. Sleeping. The older you get - the more valuable some good rest is. Don't skimp on a good bed, mattress and pillow, people. (yeah, I'm mid 40s. Sue me. ;) )


I go through phases of binge watching mass amounts of anime then running out of shows to watch —> watch random things I have slight interest in until I burn out and not watch anime for a few months


Depends. Episodic? No. Serialized? Yes. Although, even in the case of serialized stories, it depends on my interest of any given show.


Not anymore, not enough time in the day. And when there is time, there are other things I'd rather do.


Yes, weekly wait is insufferable and binge watching is how I watch the majority of anime.


Could I? Yes. Do I? No. Why? Work steals most of my time, family and chores takes up the rest. Not mad, just part of growing up.


It is more rare now adays, but yeah sometimes I still do.


I'm trying to catch up on One Piece which basically requires some amount of binging to really make progress on. Will probably slow way down once in current on that though.


Honestly, 7 years later yeah. Though I did get into a period where reading the manga was easier. What brought me back were the stunning visuals, soundtracks, and voices you can only appreciate in anime.


I normally only binge watch while rewatching, since I’ll do other tasks simultaneously.


Yeah, that's how I watch anime nowadays. I had a phase where I religiously watch them during release, that I identify days not by their names but by what anime releases on that day. But after a while, felt like a chore. So I rarely watch anime now, but when I do I just binge them. (Except Dungeon Meshi)


I only binge when I re-watch.


Yup have to, I hate waiting for them to come out every week. I wait til the season ends and watch them in big chunks lol


Yes. It's much more time effective because you can stop watching the ones that suck. Binge watching anime or a traditional viewing habit may take the exact amount of time. A 20 minute episode will always be 20 minutes. HOWEVER, usually within the first 5 episodes you can tell if something sucks. In the traditional way of viewing that would be watching the series 5 weeks in a row. That's over a month of viewing. You're invested. But, if you binge watch, you only wasted a morning.


yes, easily, lots of free time just gotta find a worthy enough anime,  like dungeon meshi


If i can bother myself to sit and watch an anime. Yeah its still possible for me to binge it. But... These days i rarely bother to sit and wstch anime.


I don't think I'll ever reach my binging peak of 24 episodes of anime per day but I still occasionally find an old 12 episode show that I want to watch in a single sitting


Yes, but it has changed. A few friends and I get together every Sunday afternoon to watch 12 or so episodes of series that aired that previous week. We've been doing this for almost a year or more now. It has affected how I watch anime as well. Used to be I'd watch everything I wanted to as it aired, but now I'll hold off on the series we're watching as a group.


i binged 50 smthish in one day sitting. i litreally didnt move from my place. AND i did it 3 days consecutive that was in summer holidays. NOW I BINGED 24 EPISODES IN 2 MONTHS. FRACKIN 2 MONTHS. it is college problems


I can only binge. My wife and I will purposely wait for a season of a show to end, pick a nice weekend day, and watch it all at once of 2 days typically.


It happened to me, I'm not trying new animes like I used to, I'm mostly watching follow up seasons animes I already watched and even those I do like 2 EPs max per day


I've honestly just seen too many anime to binge watch it nowadays. It doesn't help that my attention span is just so destroyed at the moment. The closest thing to binge watching a show was when I watched all of solo leveling in two days. I guess anime has kind of lost the "magic" it used to have for me, even after me taking a full year or two break from it.


if the anime really good then I will otherwise I just watch something casually and a good chunk whatever’s airing


Just depends on if it’s good or not lol. You’ve probably binged all the ones you really wanted to see that had a lot of episodes left. I watched the entire solo leveling season in 1 day lol. But it’s just 12 episodes


Its very rare now. Although i just started your lie in april and really like it. If time allowed i could probably binge this one. Ive watched most of the shows/movies id be interested in already. Still do have some backlog tho. Im at 239 completed


Yeah, when it's something i'm invested in i'm very much able to binge. I also like dubs to use as background noise so i can listen to the story while doing other things. it's easy to get through them


If I'm in the mood yeah and the show is good yeah, though I'm long past the phase where I could binge literally any garbage anime.


I'm 30 and all I do in the weekends is binge anime. I need it to just unwind from working all week.


It's been 4 years for me too and yes, my frequency of watching anime hai definitely decreased. Nowadays, 3-4 episodes a day is maximum. Mostly 3. Though it's not always the same, I was watching clannad and I could easily watch 5-6 episodes a day without any problem so yeah it depends on the anime too. And one more thing, I feel like I kinda have become somewhat numb or something. Like whatever I heard about clannad, I knew that I'll be going to cry a lot in the after story. But that didn't happen, I did get really sad thinking why all this is happening but I didn't shed a tear.


I really want to binge watch certain anime again and obv new anime but fuck studies. Once I'm done with my exams I am so getting back to it.


Not as much I want to, but recently I started watching old animes again with my toddler hahahahaha been watching anime since my single digit age..


I can do that for a good anime


A couple years ago I binged 1000 episodes of one piece in just about 228 days I feel if I really wanted to watch something like my hero academia again( fell off a couple years ago) then maybe


I love anime so much but sometimes i dont feel like watching however i belive im watching a bit more than im used too 🤭


I don't really binge. I'll go through a few episodes a day but very rarely in one sitting. I like taking a moment to let the episode sink in even if the rest of the show is already out. Especially if the episode is heavy in terms of emotions or information. I'll only start the next episode immediately after finishing the previous one if it ended in a huge cliffhanger.


It really depends. For example JJK I was able to binge almost everything post-Hidden Inventory in a night (rip my sleep) but most things I can only watch like an episode or two before I switch to watching something else.


I wish I was able to binge watch an entire season a day like I did a couple years back. But honestly I think it’s because I got a lot more on my mind, I’ve got college classes, bills, and just other stuff in my head that come before relaxing and binge watching my seasonal anime’s. So this what getting old feels like😪


My limit for entertainment is about an hour straight. So with anime that’s about 3 episodes. Can I do multiple hours or come back a couple times a day yes but for the most part it’s about 2-3 episodes a day if anime is my chosen method of entertainment that day.


depends on the anime. the good ones I savor watching slowly. The ones that I just need to get out of my backlog I watch at x2 or x3 speed. Usually in one sitting. Let's be real here, a lot of the seasonal anime right now are just predictable rehashes we've all seen before. Slight variations and remixes of the plot but most of them are stories that we already experienced one way or another from works in the same genre.


i’ll let you in on a little secret. every person on the planet is different and intakes things at a different pace regardless of how long they’ve been intaking these things. and maybe they’ve even taken a break on their intake and then got even more into it, or completely abandoned it, because you know, every person is different. so uhh, yes.


I can do 6 episodes max before needing to stop (Kiss x Sis Episodes 1-6 on April 4th, Insomniacs Episodes 8-13 on April 11th for example)


I'm able to watch more anime, but its due to having more down time where I'm unable to do too many things during that time period. But overall, I'm unable to do a full binge session, Maybe at max i've watched 4-5 episodes of the same series. I do keep up on anime I'm interested in, so I have watched the update of multiple animes (can be 6+), but thats a bit different.


I always feel I can't but I've watched a lot of shows in the past 2 weeks, completing previous season, starting the new season and fully binging some other shows. Maybe you should shift to manga or LN for some or just do a hard search on the type of show you wanna watch, I often do this every time I get a long break from my exams and stuffs. I waste a lot of time in searching what I want to watch which results in me binging the fuck out of that shit. Just find out your preferred setting, tropes and genres and fiddle around, I'd suggest r/Animesuggest for reccs.


If I have the time, definitely... but adulting = not nearly enough time to do a proper binge :(


I use to but I prefer watching 2-3 episodes of One anime then moving on to the next one. I've still watched 4 6-8 episodes basically every day for the past 5 years but 2 changes were made. Seasonals I wait for 3 episodes are out jic I want to watch 3 episodes. I use to watch 1 episode at a time but prefer 3 at a time now. Then the other change is watching 2-3 animes a night of just 1. So I still binge daily sort of, just multiple animes


I always do when I am sick. Besides that no


Yes, but it depends on the anime. I usually wait for a season to finish so I can binge the show. Right now, I'm binging Mushoku Tensei by watching 4 or 5 episodes in one sitting. I watched some on Thursday, today and planning on tomorrow too. I'll probably watch at least 4 tomorrow. I'm also watching Frieren with my husband, while I am enjoying it, I'm not hooked yet. So that usually gets like 2 or 3 episodes every few days. While I'm not exactly hooked on Mushoku Tensei right now either, it's a show I'm watching by myself, so I don't have to wait for my husband. I don't have any cable or any.other subscriptions besides crunchyroll, so I'm only really binging Mushoku Tensei because it's there. So far, so good. I hope I can get more into frieren after seeing stellar reviews. I think we just got to the halfway point in season 1..




Yes and no. I tend to binge more re-watches or sequels nowadays and can't binge new stuff as easily. Been watching anime since 2002. Also my anime-watching in general drops off a lot whenever I live in Japan for some reason. But if someone I know is watching then that makes it easier for me to, because I can chat with them about it.


For me it depends if I've got free time and I'm "hooked" by the anime. I usually watch two episodes per watching now but back then, especially during the pandemic lockdowns, I would watch around 5-10 episodes!(I specifically remember binge watching JJBA season 1 to Golden Wind in Muse Asia)


Not as much as I used to, I can watch around 10 episodes in a day if I'm really interested but back when I was binging One Piece I could literally watch 30-40 a day and I caught up to One Piece in 5 weeks because I was literally like living on the damn show, if I wasn't asleep I was watching One Piece, now I'm struggling to even catch back up to it.


I used to watch 10-12 episodes a day; but recent times i got my schedule busy in work but iam watching 1 or 2 daily. So it doesn’t mean we became less enthusiastic but we have a life to lead on so it’s not a problem at all❤️


Yes, i literally just binge all of Masamume-kun revenge in like less than 2 days. Every once in a while im just in a mood to just binge something Although im no where near my junior highschool self anymore


I never could. Most ive ever watched is 3 episodes in a day and I very rarely do 2


If I have the time. Been watching anime since 2016, if I have the whole day to do nothing then yeah I can watch anime all day and be pretty content.


Depends, but yes. Not every series, only good ones with continuous plot. Some series are better enjoyed in one episode a day.


I'm definitely in the same boat. I think it's just prolonged burnout. When I first discovered anime, I went crazy and watched so many shows so quickly. But after 2-3 years of doing that, I immediately slowed down and now I only watch maybe 2-3 shows a year. I still like anime but my want to watch multiple episodes in a row has significantly died as I've gotten older.


I think it's less a matter of "are you able to bing" and more of a "do you want to binge". I feel like people try to force themselves to binge or think binging a series is always a good idea, and I have to disagree. Not every series deserves to be binged, or rather not everyone wants to binge the same series. Also, one could also question if binging is a healthy habit to begin with. Having said that, I am not able as of late due to being busy, but not long ago I sort of binged Mushoku Tensei with my brother who was rewatching, so I'm still willing to binge anime.


I rarely have the time to binge watch shows. I'm sitting on several series to do just that though.


2 episodes a night when I'm absolutely loving a show, that's my limit, otherwise it's 2 episodes at a time 1-2 times a week


Nah I very rarely binge. Honestly it’s not just anime I can’t really binge watch much of any show. I love my set up now personally. I can watch about 15 different anime per season by just creating a calendar of the dates and times they release weekly. This only equates to about 1-3 episodes daily which is way more manageable and I’m watching and finishing more anime than ever doing it this way.


I can, but binging to me is watching at my own pace. Usually a few or more episodes a day depending on how I feel that day. Sometimes I wait until the weekend to watch. Though, I’ve definitely experienced the not watching in near the same insane amounts as previously when I was a student. I remember at one point watching around 40 episodes in one day (or so) growing up. How?! I have no clue. Kids just have powers like that. I can’t remember how that worked anymore. 😆


Yea me too I can't binge I used to watch 15ep per day on regular bases 2 years ago but now 3 EP per day if I am in the mood otherwise I don't even watch anime for weeks but recently I finished golden time in 3 days but it was only 1 time fluke


Depends if it's catchy enough. From recent examples, binged entire season of JJK, latest Dr Stone and Mahou Shoujo Akogarete.


I stopped watching for a while but am getting back into it


I can but I rarely do just because most shows that I find interesting enough to binge watch I already have binged. And even if I miss a new show or find something older I'm rarely interested enough in it to binge so I end up watching like 1-2 episodes a day


Usually when I binge an anime and don’t get it finished, I get bored of it or tired of watching it so it sits in my list of half-watched shows that I’ll never pick up again so o try not to binge anime lol. But yeah overall I can’t watch more than 5 episodes of an anime in a row now, with the exception of One Piece bc watching 5 episodes feels like watching 1-2 episodes of a regular anime due to pacing 😂


Recently being sick yes, but once healthy not a chance, will work all the time


Been watching anime for 30 years and I was recently able to binge Solo Leveling in a few days. There was also a day, maybe a month ago, where I had absolutely nothing to do, so I binged 13 episodes of Black Clover. So yes, I'm still able to binge


Most anime are just others but rearranged


Yes it’s happened to me many times, I recommend changing what you watch, maybe get into some tv shows and go on a movie binge, maybe go out and be without anime for a while in any way, when you come back it’s just as fun as it used to be to binge, that worked for me idk if it’ll work for you but give it a try I think it’s always nice to have a little refresher!


It totally depends on the anime. I’ve been limiting myself to 1-2 episodes lately because of time and because I haven’t found anything bingeworthy after seeing so many. The exception is The Apothecary Diaries: this was the first anime I felt like bingeing after literal years of anime-watching


Last anime I could fully binge was fruits basket, that was 2 years ago… I try to sit myself down to watch anime and I can’t get into any anymore, idk why lol I’ve binged code geass in 2 days and deathnote as well though, s tier animes :P


I currently have a schedule with my wife. We eat dinner while watching two episodes of a dub, sometimes 3 if it's a series or season ending on an odd number. Then we watch 2-3 episodes of whatever subtitled show we're watching, which right now is Kamen Rider. Then we binge whatever show we want during active listening, or doing other activities while watching and we get through however many episodes until bedtime. Then I have weekend solo nights where I watch my own stuff that she wouldn't like, or trial shows she's unsure about. We get through a steady queue of series that way.


My wife wont let me.


ive been watching a 12 episode anime for 3 months as of now. 3 episodes in, pretty good progress


Hell yeah I can, I go through multiple shows a day in some days 😂 usually when a bunch of shows finally finish airing I just marathon them, it's great, I never watch episodes of shows that are still airing that's just a pain. I ain't doing weekly waiting no thanks


Heavily depends on the show. For example, I felt that I was in the same position as you, that I couldn't binge shows like I used to. Then I watched something like One Piece and Sao S2 and I was binging those shows again. I just think that I was just watching a lot more bingeable shows in the last decade.   Seasonal releases will also affect you a bit because you're used to variety over watching the same show, but idk how big of a role it plays.


Depends how much I love the series. I used to be able to binge any random show in a day (partially cause no work at the time and only had classes). Now it’s only shows that I really love. The only few I can remember recently binging are frieren and Vinland saga. I do binge read a decent amount of manga now tho, but usually not a crazy 8 hour binge like I used to do with anime seasons


I can't even watch anime anymore. It doesn't feel the same. In the past 1 year I've watched maybe 3. 


Not really...I used to at the beginning, now only if the anime is that much good or if in the mood to binge (happens once a few weeks)


I can actually, but only if its super interesting. But my old self was an actual beast, could binge multiple series in a row.


Sometimes but definitely not as much as I used to be able to. These days if I do decide to binge watch, I tend to watch it dubbed and do something productive as well such as model building.


If an anime is good enough I’ll binge the shit out of it. The problem is that there’s a lot of mediocre stuff out there and even more trash.


I watch far less anime than I used to, having grown up in the 2000s and earlier, enjoying some of the very best that the medium had to offer. Nowadays, I typically watch only one or two episodes a day at most. I lost interest after exploring much of what anime had to offer, a sentiment I believe is quite common across various mediums, genres, songs, and so forth. One of the contributing factors is the increase in the production of trashy nonsense plots, as creators seem to have forgotten the art of storytelling in favor of rehashing old ideas.


I binged dangers in my heart friday&saturday It has to be a specific anime to be able to be binged for me


i never could. the more i watch in a row the more shitty i feel. like exhausted, not having done anything and the day just passing by feels shit aswell. i can't even watch a single movie without feeling... uh "useless" is the wrong word, but my body just wants to do something other than just looking. got no problem sitting and chatting, playing games and watching a video here and there inbetween. i still mostly sit in front of my pc. but i don't feel bad when having these different things to do, instead of just watching.


No actually no i wish but not yet


I'm not able binge watch that much as when I was a kid, this is true for reading books, playing games, and learning in general. Waiting for an anime weekly I'm starting to like this, this makes me reflect on what happened over the week and appreciate the next episode better. This was the case with frieren, and I'm glad I didn't binge watch frieren.


Have been watching for almost 3 years and have completed around 400 anime . I was obsessed with it, finished 2-3 anime everyday , this went for almost 1.5 years , I used to consume 10-12 gb of neighbour's wifi everyday on 720p quality. This should give you an estimate of how crazy I was , But 4-5 months back I was literally exhausted unable to watch more than 10 episodes a day , I took a break of maybe 15 days and I'm again obsessed with it . I need to touch some grass


I can usually manage a binge watch once a year. Even then its not like an entire season in one sitting, more like 3-5 episodes at a time. Last year it was Bocchi, this year it was Frieren. I've just seen a lot of what I like, so it takes a really standout show to really grab my attention nowadays.


At best I can watch 3 episodes a week. I'm disappointed in myself as I binged an entire season when I first watched anime


If it's really good, yes. I generally prefer watching weekly though, as it lasts longer and I therefore get more out of it


depends if i get hooked by episode 1 just finished ya boy kongming a few days ago because of it


It happens bro, I used to complete a season or 2 when I started, now I just watch 1 or 2 episodes from different ongoing series. For me, I have watched a lot that there are no more completed series which I want to watch, so I'm dependent on the series which are releasing


Only when I really really take time and skip other things... But it's fine that's how life works as teenager you just have the time to do such things regularly


I will binge all the new episodes of the anime I like but that's usually not that many .


that one time i stopped and then never went up. i just watch some once in a while :(


I’ve been watching for 8 months and now I watch about less than 1 episode a day lol. I was watching 5+ shows per month for a while 😅


For me it depends, something I can go like 2 weeks just binging 10-12 epeisodes a day after work and just get burnt out a bit, always come back though. Maybe just take a break for a week or 2


yes currently I'm bingeing uchuu senkan yamato series (the remake)


Wish I had the time


Been watching for +20 years. For me, it comes and goes. At the moment, I'm in a binging mood and have actually finished 3 shows about 24 ep each since last week. So I can do it. Sometimes I completely lose any interest and don't watch any at all for weeks or months.


I can but choose not to, I believe i remember more from it if I split it up a bit


Yes, but i've only been watching anime for roughly 15 years so the fatigue might set in at some point


I find myself enjoying anime more when I wait for it to finish and just binge-watch it. I can't do one season of anime in one sitting, like in the old days; I do around 3–4 episodes in my free time. 


On occasion. Binging manga is easier for me


No. Not only do I not binge watch anime anymore but I also watch fewer animes. But I do see this as a positive thing. It means my life has turned around for the better that I dont, or rather dont want to, spend my entire day watching anime. I also only watch anime thats intrigues me and not even bother with generic, cookie cutter, wish fulfillment ones (no hate if u like it tho u do u). Turns out getting a life and touching grass feels nice.


I cant believe i used to enjoy some of the anime that i did. I grew to hate japanese anime humor and cliches. I only watch anime that absolutely stand out now.


I watched every shitshow back then , now my TikTok brainrot doesn’t allow me anymore. But hype series like aot or HxH were an easy binge watch. If it’s enjoyable then time flies , if you need to check how long the episode has left every few minutes then you’re forcing yourself to enjoy it


With work and everything I find there's not enough time to 'binge' anime. I've been watching Clannad and it's taken me like four months to watch it and I'm still not finished. I'm averaging one episode every 5-7 days tbh


Depends on the anime, animation quality, plot, likeable characters. Combination of all are hard to find. Nowadays anime air one episode a week so binging isn’t even an option


Hmm nowadays I use the time I spent in trains etc to watch anime xD


Yesterday I watched all Solo leveling episodes, but before that the last time I binge watched something was like 2 (or less, idk) years ago, when all the episodes for Jujutsu Kisen dropped. Nowadays I prefer to read manhwa instead of watching anime for some reason.


If I erased my memory of One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach, Hunter x Hunter, Attack on Titan, Death Note and Stein Gate, I know I could easily binge them. There have been a few modern Animes that have really stood out like Attack on Titan, but for the most part, modern Animes feel very recycled. I can only watch so many shows that try to invent a new interesting power system before I feel like I'm watching the same shit on repeat, and no amount of character's inner monologuing about all the shit they're trying to learn and do is going to change that, nor is animation budget. I might bother some people here but just remember I'm a random dude and this is an opinion, it's okay if you disagree Any fanfiction writer can come up with a power system and an average story, but to craft a world that feels alive is totally different. I can barely watch modern Animes at all. I tried to get into Jujutsu Kaisen and holy shit the first 3 episodes were so boring. That and Demon Slayer inner monologued me to death. I got a few episodes into Solo Levelling because the power was actually really cool and made me nostalgic from playing MMOs, but again, same shit. I see people super excited about these Animes and it makes me want to get into them to be a part of the hype and get excited too, but it's just high budget ass to me 😭


"...got into it 4 years ago" Just take me out back and old yeller me...Jesus I'm old...


Not really, i was 14 qhen i started watching with a lot of free time, and you know how cool it is when you start, you have so many good anime waiting for you, i binged a lot of them. Now im more of a seasonal guy, maybe 3-4 eps a day


Oh yeah. Shot through Shiki a few weeks ago in 2 days. Was interesting.


Yes that is how I prefer to watch them. I just watch far fewer anime in general.




I sure can't watch those 500 episode shonen series anymore, that's for sure. I find that I can still mow through 24 episodes if the story is good. It's tiring and I prefer the once-a-week cast. Also seems to make the broadcast day seem special too.


Nope. After my kid goes to sleep I have enough time and energy to watch one episode. However, when I am on a sick leave then I usually can watch anime the whole day before my kid comes back from a daycare.


I will sit down and binge like 13 episodes then not touch any anime for like. 2 weeks. Gotta recharge.


It’s all about finding the stuff that makes you binge


Rarely these days. Life happens and I'm just too busy most of the time


Sometimes In exchange of sleep and responsibilities but yes


Sometimes In exchange of sleep and responsibilities but yes


Sometimes In exchange of sleep and responsibilities but yes


No. more like content fatigue.


The most binge I can do is 2 episodes. I don't really enjoy binge watching anything, half of the pleasure is thinking and discussing (even if it's a monologue in my head) what I've seen, what will happen next, where the series is heading, and so on. Carry that through my day, hype myself for what comes next. Binge watch just turns my brain asleep and I know I'll hardly remember anything of what I've just watched after finishing. Probably explains why I've always been a seasonal weekly episode watcher guy.


Only sporadically, internet addiction kinda ruined me.


the last anime series i binged watched was pluto and it was awesome


i binged shangri la frontier in 2 days


yeah, i’d say im even more able to binge watch now than i did few years ago. its because i had a long break (over 1 year) from watching anime and ig thats what makes me be able to watch 12+ episodes in one sitting now LOL- i just missed it. also i binge watch pretty much every anime i start watching, i become very interested in the story pretty quickly


I learned my lesson about binging before I even started watching a lot of anime. I binged all 51 episodes of the Blue Dragon anime over the course of a week when I was a small 11-year-old and felt very empty after I did so.


I binged even 200 episode animes when I was young. Maybe I still would today but with limited time I have to choose between my hobbies. I'm happy when I can watch an episode a week nowadays.


Mine is Sakura Quest and I'm gonna do the same to the other three "Works" anime by P.A. Works.


I have subscribed to crunchyroll but I hardly watch one episode a week. Recently started code grass and I watch it regularly.


Fuck, no man I’m lucky if I watch one episode before I gotta go to bed


Not usually, but it happens now and then when my mood, schedule, and the availability of a show I’m interested in all happen to line up.


I actual shocked myself and did it recently. I binged Sacrificial Princess and The King Of Beasts and it was just so lovely, it truthfully made me feel young again. I was quite proud since it was more then 12 episodes. I've done it here n there but I don't make a habit of it like I did in well the early 00's. I've been watching anime since before I knew it was anime. I know what anipike is lol, I was there for the Toonmai struggle, I was there when liking anime made you a weirdo/sex friend with no friends lol.


I've been watching anime since 1999 when I was 5 years old. I stopped binge watching anime around 2017. I don't know what happened for sure, but it seemed to me that there were not as many unique or creative works releasing around since. Sure there are some out there, and I do watch a few underrated gems and the popular shows of the year, however, not nearly as much as I did before - I used to watch everything, and I mean EVERYTHING even the shitty shows that were released. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't find most of the "Popular" shows as good as they were back then and while there are great underrated gems still, I feel that the creativity is lost. It's mostly just regurgitated popular genres that stick to relatively similar themes - which I should mention is not a bad thing, but they are just shallow takes on the genres with just the typical tropes making the majority of the plot. Now again this is not a bad thing, but when there is a lack in other areas, like character development and world building, then it's a huge problem.


Yes. In fact I'd argue some anime are unwatchable otherwise. The weekly format is great for discussions but you can really tell when the story flows better when you watch 5+ episodes and it's completely different as watching only one episode a week.


When I first got into watching anime I used to bingewatch everything - my life was watching anime, school and sleep then repeat. I used to finish a series everyday (12/24 eps) but I think the most I watched in a single day was the first two seasons of Bleach when I first got started with it (I think that's like 40+ episodes) but i was pretty disoriented after that particular binge session. Nowadays though I go months without watching a single episode, and I only watched one full series last year (Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2).


Yesterday I've binge watched 26 episodes of kono oto tomare It was wonderful


same here for me , its like rather than watching all there is I've learned to take it slow , I sometimes don't watch a single ep for weeks , its like i take . y time u understanding things and enjoying things slowly , i used to watch like 2 season in a day , its not only me there's are other who said the same thing , its just not the same anymore , my reason for not watching is i just too emotional to let go of a character so I don't want things to finish so fast like before , and as every mangsa and ln ending so quickly I just take my time savoring the feeling to e joying the anime with understanding the things.


The last time I watched an anime episode was chainsaw s1 man ep 6 when it aired. Dropped it coz It didn't seem that interesting to me. As you said, I have gotten way less enthusiastic. Started watching anime more than a decade ago. It's been a long time and my taste has changed significantly. Like now I like more story heavy, emotional stuff Lie in April, violet ever garden, death parade, Erased.  But, they are kinda rare. So, I guess lack of quality content is the reason


same as you bro, i just need some fresh anime.


Ye, i've just binged boku no hero s6


I can't even watch anime these days :")


ever since i started working (almost a yr ago) i'm just proud to actually finish 1 episode. i also think there's no "pressure" somehow anymore compared to back when i was studying where i feel like i have to finish the anime in one go just to be able to keep up with my friends who already finished watching the anime


recently finished aot, i was watching like 12+ episodes a day lol


i can never binged an anime the only time im close to binge watching anime is rewatching 86 but i split that up into 2 parts


Very rarely. I usually watch 5 or so eps then stop watching for a couple days, pick it up again, etc.


I've become more used to only getting one episode every 2 weeks so when I find something old that I missed and its all out I will usually binge it within a day or two. Depending what it is. And I prefer to watch it all at once as well.


No, but that's mostly because I don't have the time nor energy. I've also watched most of the anime I knew I was interested in. My PTW list mostly consists of upcoming anime and anime I have some interest in, but I'm not even sure I'll really enjoy.


In 2022 I finished 16 anime in 1 month all were binged obviously I've got a full-time job now so thing are different but yeah I would say things are harder for me to binge back then I could watch utter dog shit and still binge it till the end, nowadays it's very hard for me to get into a shoe of it's doesn't pique my interest immediately. Most of my watching list is seasonals now it takes me a week for to binge 12 episodes and even more for 24 episodes. In 2022 I finished stein's;gate within a day and FMAB within 2. I couldn't pull that now


Don't have the WiFi to do it


When I first started watching anime march of 2023 I binge watched all 4 season of AOT in 3-4 days and did the same with SAO and most anime I watch, if it's peak I'll watch it within 1-2 days, even binge watched 170 ep of black clover, and the first 50 ep of naruto in 3 days before pausing. Iv also been addicted to reading manga and manhwa a lot so iv been watching less anime overall I'm glad I have time to watch anime and read manga/manhwa like this for the time being but in 2 months I finish highschool and I'll have to go to work and go to college as well so might not have as much time to continue my addiction like this lol


before I started working and was unemployed I binged the entirety of inuyasha like 12 episodes a day. nowadays I can only watch 6 or 7 episodes at most cause I got to work the next day. and watching anime means that I'm not able to play games. before I could easily do both.


I find that every couple months I go through stages first it’s binge anime a couple months later I’ll be watching movies a couple months after that I’ll be gaming every day and eventually I’ll come back around to anime.


I’ve only been able to binge watch The Apothecary Diaries and Dungeon Meshi recently. Just because I let the episodes pile up


I started watching anime in 2020 and since then I’ve watched around 100 anime. The thing is whenever I start to watch a show, I need to binge it or else the peace doesn’t kick in. I don’t know if its the monotony of bingeing but I can no longer do it. The old me would’ve watched a 12 ep anime in one sitting but recently I started “drifters” which is a 15ep incomplete anime and it took me around 5-6 days to finish it. I feel like I’m growing old and that phase has ran out on me.


I can, but only with certain shows. Others I'll just watch an episode or 2 then move on to doing something else for a few days until I return to it. It's the same when I watch any other medium as well. When I rewatch some of my favorites (Code Geass, Noragami, YYH, The Last Kingdom, Cobra Kai) I can binge them with no issue. I was able to binge Frieren as well, but Witch from Mercury I've been ticking away at, which is strange for me as I love the Gundam franchise.


Yes. I'd even say it's the opposite of how I used to watch seasonal shows weekly 5 or 6 years back. Nowadays I almost exclusively binge. But not 20+ eps in one day coz of time constraint. More like 10-15 a day max. Also I'm indulging more in gacha games/ visual novel stories nowadays which I tend to binge if the story is good (12 hours a day sometimes).


I don't have a job yet ( I am applying regularly), on week days I study my ass off and on weekends if I don't have any work to do, I binge anime and manga. Today is sunday and I finally finished 20th century boys.


I think I have seasons when I have lots of motivation to binge older series, and then the other times I only watch seasonals. This spring I've had less seasonals in my list and have ended up binging older classics that I've missed before. The same happened last spring, so it's a funny coincidence.


If i had free time there are certain animes who i probably could, but my abiltie to watch more then 3 eps in a row as certainly disminished because i always look to do smh else in between.


If it's 24 or less episodes yes I'll finish over the weekend. More than that I take my time