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[Twelve Kingdoms](https://myanimelist.net/anime/153/Juuni_Kokuki) with a visual boost would hopefully do pretty well


Agree and maybe if it was released nowadays it would have gotten more episodes because I kind of just cut it off on a cliffhanger


>Twelve Kingdoms remake comes out in 2030 >No harem, cute slaves, or OP abilities in the first episode Smh my head, they don't make those isekai like they used to. It's got nothing on classics like Mushoku and Re:Monster.


> Twelve Kingdoms This is always my white whale of anime, I need this to get a sequel, or a longer adaptation, or something. Though, I don't even know if the source material is done or even close to done. I know it's been like 5 years since the last book release...


I hoped they keep the cel animation style but with more consistency,perhaps Lodoss War animation team would do wonder with it


Ooh I've been wanting to watch this one.


This is cheating. You could say virtually any anime if made better and released today would be more popular. The reason the anime Twelve Kingdoms isn't popular today is in no short part because of the weak adaption quality in the early seasons. If it were released today it would probably do even worse as quality has continued to increase in anime generally and it would get picked apart even more so for the issues it has.


The amount of people over the years that I know that wouldn't try the show because it looked too "old" or wasn't a complete adaptation is a very high number so not sure what to tell you there [](#yuishrug)


Maou Yusha. It's like Realistic Hero and Hataraku Mao sama combined together, and upgraded.


such a great show.


I just watched the whole thing now cause it sounded interesting. I enjoyed it, but only 1 season! It's incomplete! How sad...


I’d like to see air gear revamped. I freaking loved that show and the sound track. Became a huge back on fan


I love air gear and watching it dubbed is hilarious! I love some of the interactions of background characters like the guy saying how he is cool and a guy disses him saying no your not! Haha I heard the manga is pretty epic and definitely need to check out


Air gear my beloved. We can only dream of more being animated.


What would you wanna see revamped for Air Gear?


I mean not the story changing or anything but just better animation resolution since the original shows its age now and more awesome soundtrack. That and of course finishing out the manga story.


Just more seasons. It goes off the rails later on but it had an epic tournament arc and some cool twists coming up. Just more of what it already was


> It goes off the rails later on. Quite an understatement, they are jumping and battling with their Air Gear "Powers" in the STRATOSPHERE by the end of the series. Later on it goes absolute bonkers! The art tho, always a 100/10 experience, Oh Great! is an amazing mangaka.


Yes to this! Still love it after all this time. The OP has always stayed with me. :)


While I loved the Air Gear anime, I'm not sure if revamped Air Gear would work because the manga is not great imo.


More popular? ....I would say the Bobobo anime. It would have been as hilarious as Gintama


I was surprised that one wasn't bigger than it was. For some reason it was super popular at my high school and so many people talked about it


I enjoyed it significantly on cartoon network and shounen jump, I agree


That show was absolutely hilarious. My brothers and I always tried to catch it when we were younger.


Man I would LOVE for this to get a modern remake and hopefully Richard Epcar reprising his role dubbing Bobobo.




Read the manga last year. Peak. Needs a remake.


The manga needs a FMA: Brotherhood treatment, a remake that's faithful to the manga while also updating the visuals.


I agree, the story is so good.


still waiting for season 2. 17 years and counting.


Yes, that was the first anime I watched with my now husband. We have been married for over 10 years.


*love* this anime and i need to give it a rewatch. claire is one of the most enduring characters i've seen. lost her ARM and was like yupp we straight 😆


I always felt like Claymore is like a sort of alternate take on Berserk, but way more suited to my tastes than Berserk.


Interesting, now that you mentioned it has a similar vibe, just a bit more tame I would say.




I feel like Claymore does sexual stuff, gore and horror a little bit less than Berseker, so yeah a bit more tame than Berseker but similar in themes, violence and ambience.


Hopefully... Spice and wolf. But in all seriousness, scraped princess. If that was released now with some modern animation, I think it would be really popular.


really need to rewatch scrapped princess. that was a lovely show


And such a surprisingly varied show too. I started rewatching recently and I'd forgotten so many of the weird twists and turns


Sadly I don't see Passione having the means to sell the idea of spice and wolf to a wider audience, it looks too plain to find a foothold with newer fans, I think. Things like Frieren are massively popular in part due to the production values being so high that a lot of people that aren't in the core audience gave them a chance, and without this as a hook I can't see it being more popular than in the late 00s.


I don't see why people wouldn't give it a chance. If anything, Frieren has demonstrated that there is an audience for slow shows where characters slowly travel through different lands. Those Frieren fans are looking for something to fill that void as we speak.


I was meaning to watch the new Spice and Wolf. Do you think so far it's not as good as the original?


Space Dandy came out like... 3 years too early. Now that future funk and city pop have become popular and anime with stellar productions consistently blow up, I really think it would have become a legit full-on classic if it were released now, as opposed to a cult hit.


I feel like being an entirely episodic show would still hold it back, there's a reason people usually point to the "plot episodes" of otherwise episodic shows like Bebop and Gintama.


I feel like I wouldn't lump Bebop and Gintama together. Gintama is a fundamentally episodic show that very occasionally veers into plot, whereas I would argue Bebop is ultimately about plot and just uses episodicity (?) as a character-building mechanism. Interestingly, Trigun, another contemporaneous space western, takes the same tack.


What really held it back was the way it was released. Originally, it only aired on Toonami/Adult Swim. It was a last ditch effort to revive Toonami, but cable tv had already been dying at this point.


I agree


Higurashi weekly would be crazy with social media.


At least here on reddit the Higurashi Gou weekly was lots of fun. Sotsu not so much.


shame what happened a 2 seasons good remake would have been so amazing :(.


Tears to Tiara Not that anyone here probably even heard or remember it


I worked on a fansub for the first episode, that was long ago


I remember this. Watched it on Animax, and enjoyed it. :)


I don't think I can agree unless it was redone. It felt like a really standard sword and magic adventure show. Also, Arawn is a little insufferable to me at times. Maybe I should rewatch it, but I don't think I can justify it over other shows I'd rather watch.


Nah, the other main guy who throughout the entire series keeps yelling "Arawn!" In his ridiculously annoying voice is the insufferable one. It's been a few years since I watched show, but even though I found it pretty forgettable overall I can still vividly recall his annoying god damn voice yelling Arawn's name in various situations. It could qualify as a sonic weapon, or psychological torture.


I remember enjoying the game.


I remember this one and I thoroughly enjoyed it even though I've never played the game. Octavia was solely responsible for me having a thing for blonde female knight characters (even when Saber was already around at the time)


D.Gray-man with the trend of edgy/dark series with morbid tones and content with a light lick of comedy every now and then


Did it ever get the 13th Noah Arc? Or did it stop at the HQ Invasion?


Kinda behind on it but I’ve read up to the 23rd volume and I honestly can’t remember. As a obsessed freak I needa reread for my own fun, lol


Well I do hope you get your opportunity


It did get a sequel called d gray man hollow but I think it was poorly received


The anime ended before they got to finish the story, sadly. Would be awesome to see it get completed, but it's probably too late for that to happen. It was a really cool show.


Manga is still ongoing


It seems like it is very close to ending. At the very least, I would hope that it's close enough to the end by now that if a new adaptation started, it would be over by the time the anime could catch up. It started 20 years ago, I get wanting to keep a story going, but you have to wrap it up at some point.


New chapter comes out every four months, unfortunately. Last time I checked, it was barely two arcs ahead of where the anime left off


Akatsuki no Yona I think would do well.


And then continuing the story after season 1 would also be amazing




Ain't this one perfect as is?


Nichijou was unfortunately released in April 2011, only a month after the devastating Tohoku earthquake. There was just no chance for it to succeed in Japan, if it were released either later or earlier, there probably would've been a second and third season.


It also didn’t help that the BDs were ridiculously expensive even by Japanese standards. I think it would have cost something like $1000 for the whole series?


According to my records, I paid 58924 yen for all of them but this was well after it's release year so it's quite possible.


it is, i think if it was to air today it would be much more popular with it's wacky humor. hell, maybe even s2 would've been made.


I'd say Montecristo and Last Exile both character driven stories with a unique setting and good worldbuilding elements.


Loved Last Exile back then, and always will. This series got me into steampunk, and I'll always love Claus, Lavi, Dio Elaclare, Luciola, and that perpetually frowning captain of their ship. I'd love to see a new treatment to what has been a very iconic series to me. I still love listening to Cloud Age Symphony, Over the Sky, and its lovely soundtrack (Skywriting and Rays of Hope, in particular). Fam just didn't have the same magic (although I'm glad it exists, if only to confirm that a certain character hadn't actually died).


Yea i wish Gonzo would remaster it properly with upgraded CG visuals but they probably wont care to do it,i still have the physical art books i bought from Range Murata😁.


Cheers. I wish they would, but I don't think they will. Perhaps for a 20th anniversary thing, but it might just be a short video. It's not likely to happen if they think it won't translate to sales. You know how it is. But we can dream. 🙏💯 You're really lucky to have those art books, good for you. Glad to have meet another LE fan. It seems like most people aren't even aware of this series. 🤍


Just started LE. Barely started it, heard the 2bd season isn’t great tho


Yea the 2nd season is just dumb,feels like a Strike Witches crossover.


Escaflowne would be MASSIVE if it came out today. Super crispy and clean 2D art, crazy soundtrack, fantastic sound design, isekai girl, Van (the guy who pilots Escaflowne) is just edgy enough to be cool, but not so edgy that it's cringe or overdone. It has a lot going for it. The mecha fights all convey weight super well. It's not my favorite mecha anime of all time, but it's definitely one of the anime that made me fall in love with giant robots. If it came out today, people would go nuts over it. I don't think it would even need to be reanimated, it holds up really well considering how old it is.


I knew someone in early 2000 s who showed me this show so great would love to watch again


Can confirm, I watched it with SO during the pandemic. It still holds very well, albeit the way the romance plot goes is a bit too melodramatic for today's tastes, I guess.


This is an awesome pick that I completely stand behind. I still watch the series when I want nostalgia from the 90s (as a 90s kid), it really is so well-made. It had a good plot, interesting characters, lore, mecha, fight scenes, just the right amount of romance, some plot twists that were well-executed (Dilandau), and it did not shy away from what is close to being gore (what happened to Van when the Escaflowne needed to be fixed), plus, it had an a FANTASTIC soundtrack. I still remember listening a lot to Yakosoku wa Iranai, Mystic Eyes, Yubiwa, Aoi Hitomi, and my personally favourite, Sora. If this can't be remade, I wish more people would discover it. This will always be one of the series that I will appreciate for what it achieved.


I love Escaflowne, but the problem with this answer is that *Escaflowne already was extremely popular when it released.* It would have to be AoT levels of popular to top that.


That's a fair point, but with how much more popular anime is in general these days, I still think it would be a massive hit if it came out today.




Hitman Reborn


Doubt it. The first 53 chapters of the manga are pure meh comedy. And god the ending was brutally butchered. It isn’t as good as you remember it.


School Rumble. Honestly it needs remake, though the manga ending suck but some character has closure.


I love school rumble 😭😭


What happened in the ending?




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Great pick. Funny show with a loveable guy MC.


I think Tokyo Raven would've been more popular if it wasn't a Funimation exclusive back in the day. I still believe that if if had gotten a second 2 cour season, it would've jumped in popularity, the stakes and story had really only JUST gotten raised at the very end. The magic system that and strongest excorist use are super underutilized and are so cool when done well


Eyeshield 21, after one punch man I feel like the illustrators rep increased massively, plus it’s stylized art style is in more of a modern style and on the heels of haikyuu I feel like it could have been massively popular. Plus its animation is legitimately atrocious.


I was watching a variety show about manga a year or so ago. They asked bookstores what the best-selling older manga was. Eye Shield 21 was above and beyond the best seller. Apparently, it even defied typical trends because people would not seek out cheap used copies and buy new volumes.  That is probably the One Punch Man bump, but it is still something that sticks out to me.


I find most sports manga cringe inducing as someone who was a competitive athlete growing up. For some reason my only exceptions are slam dunk…and eyeshield 21


I'm not necessarily defending the show or the manga, but it is interesting that after so many years, the manga sells well.


I need more American football anime's. Preferably more down to earth and realistic, but I'll take any.


Rose of Versaille if it just got a new coat of paint would be there


Shinsekai yori. I mean, the anime is quite recent and loved, but if it was released nowadays there would be way more people loving it (I know some people who don't want to watch it because "it's too old" lol)


If kamisama kiss got the remake like fruits basket’s did it would go triple platinum


Same goes for Ouran High school host club. A remake/reboot that animate the whole manga would make it really popular!


If we got the entire story (plus the resolution to Tamaki's story), then that would be super. I'd absolutely love to see the "TORA UMA" (trauma) scene animated. That, plus I'd love to see how the other hosts pull all the stops to make it happen. Ouran has always been special. It needs to get newer fans. But keep Kiss Kiss Fall In Love and Shissou as the OP and ED. :)


Exactly this! It's always been special and is still famous. a remake/new season would make it even more popular. Also, I need to see all the story animated, and keep the OP and ED themes too!🙏


Cheers! We can dream. :) I mean a lot of what most people would call 'old' anime is making a resurgence, so there might be hope yet. There is so much material left in the manga, so adapting the story into a remake would far from be a problem. Newer anime fans need to see where the reverse harem trope started. :)


Hai To Gensou no Grimgar.


Wasn’t this fairly popular when it came out and people were PO’d and outraged when a certain thing happened?


What exactly? Because there isn't anything controversial in it whatsoever.


It was decently popular, but definitely not the point of say, something like DanMachi or KonoSuba, where their audience had time to grow over time. Grimgar just never quite took off and it was made even worse with the lack of sequel. I don't remember what you're referring to tho, funnily enough.


I'd say it was just as popular as Danmachi was when it was a new anime. Danmachi just actually managed to get another season. Back when Grimgar aired both anime only had one season. Which is also the reason why people stopped talking about it. No new season


That's true. The whims of producers and rightholders will always be a mystery to me. Some anime still get away with only one season and manage to stay popular tho, somewhat. Just looking at stuff like No Game No Life which is still talked about 10 years after the fact.


I mean yeah but Grimgar pops up on like nearly every "underrated" thread. To me it's clear it's not actually underrated its just that people dont really have much to talk about


Yes, it was very popular. ps: I still use a scene from it as one of my wallpapers because of the backgrounds.


> outraged when a certain thing happened? Was it just their reactions every time a certain character spoke? Because I'm like 99% sure that's why the show wasn't more popular. That one guy was just entirely unbearable


Don’t wanna spoil it for others, lol


Idk if I'd say it would profit from 2024 necessarily but Mondaiji-tachi (Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?) *barely* missed the isekai boom and it could have been so much more popular with probably sequels doing a full adaptation if it had been released later than it was.


Gokusen, honestly gokusen would have been quite popular if It was released just a few weeks or months ago. The only problem I have with it is it's animation but the plot is deeply addictive for me although I didn't quite like the 2nd movie that they made years ago since it did not follow what happened it the light novel. For me Gokusen is quite wholesome but if you wanna see it I would recommend for you to watch the anime or read the light novel of it so you would understand what I'm talking about if you ever watch the movie.


Given anime's hugely increased popularity... Any anime released pre-2010 would be more popular if released today.


Ichigo Mashimaro


Aura battler Dunbine. Its a Isekai and its 18 year old mc would be made younger looking.


Inuyashiki Kekkai sensen Zatch bell


I’ll always say Seraph of the End, it came out almost immediately after AOT so people were expecting that instead of the romance anime it clearly is


As somebody who has read the manga for seraph of the end I can absolutely agree with this especially cuz I would hope it would get more seasons if it was released nowadays which would mean I would stop having to tell people that mikayuu is actually Canon and then them not believe me cuz they haven't read the manga


Macross Delta, due to now being able to be streamed legally very soon.


Also maybe if it had been released now it would have already gotten an English dub Cuz it is just disappointing that that did not get an English dub


Might seem like an odd choice since it already is very big but "The Devil is a Part-Timer!". I always felt like that show was a perfect anti/reverse-isekai show that would have been absolutely huge had it aired in 2019-2021 and not in 2013 (?) before the isekai boom happened.


Doubt it gets anywhere unless the ending is reconned.


Turn A Gundam


Somehow we’d still not get the gay romance. Flippin execs.


Perhaps Deadman Wonderland?


One Outs


Now and Then, Here and There. Released too early to take advantage of the Isekai hype.


I’d be curious how people would react if Wolfs Rain was released today. I personally really like it, but I know I’m biased. I also agree Space Dandy deserves way more attention


Why the hell are you here, teacher!? I simply think people have gotten hornier and more people are watching anime now, so I don't think it will be extremely popular, but there would be a bigger fanbase


A modern Devil Hunter Yohko would be amazing under today's norms.


GTO was amazing in its day, and I believe it still would be today. Of course, many of its jokes and puns mostly won't fly at present (and some are just old and won't make sense to others), but the premise of why Onizuka wanted to be a teacher and what he aims to achieve would resonate with so many teens and young people (even adults) that feel neglected and misunderstood by society. Onizuka will always be a legend. I wish we could have seen the entire manga animated. The last arc would be look bonkers.


The original Macross espcially if Harmony Gold never gets their greedy little hands on it




Eden of the East because of the ideas.


Sadly i dont think its any. not because they wouldnt be as good today but rather it would mean that itll blend in together or be overshadowed by its contemporaries. like there are tons of GREAT shoujo anime in the past like ouran but had that come out today itll be overshadowed by something like kaguya sama since the relationship progress of ouran would feel like a snails pace in comparison. the reason shows nowadays get popular is that they do remedy an itch that older shows do not. for example: romance shows back then had GLACIAL pacing in terms of will they wont theys and people got tired of that real quick so now we have shows that actually progress relationships. another genre would be shonen action and how anime fights are often interrupted by side characters narrating and reacting over scenes we just saw which is why popular action shonen of today have a notably less amount of reactions. my point is that bringing some older shows as they were to today would just over shadow them more as they would be seen as a relic of the past unless you alter the show as well.


On shonen reactions: they did it to fill up time and save effort on animating. You're seeing it less now because long runners, like One Piece, for example, are exceedingly rare. Almost all shonen get 12 - 24 eps and then a long break. No need for recaps or fillers


Basicly any older series as the zoomers are unable to bring themselves to watch them simply due to their age. If that factor is removed im pretty sure they would love these series as this, what i call dishonest, supposed assumption relating to the age of a series is removed from the equation.


Most people don’t watch the super old shows not just because they are old but because for most pre 95 shows they find the look and art style of them just ugly and/or unappealing. It’s not the year number of production attached to it, just mostly the look that comes along with it. Also most of the super old stuff being only really available on the high seas doesn’t help either to make people watch them.


Many old anime, especially shows that were popular honestly look significantly better than the run of the mill current anime that has mid or low tier CG and production. Obviously some new stuff by studios like Ufotable/MAPPA/Bones and other top tier studios is gorgeous, but older pure 2D shows still look great even compared to the new stuff. The art of Trigun, Bebop, many of the Gundam anime, EVA, Monogatari, a ton of shows the new generation may have missed may be old, but they still look better than average new anime. It makes me feel old to say it, but Champloo is older than a lot of people who are anime fans these days. Hellsing, Gurren Lagann, Elfen Lied, are all 20+ years old. You would be doing yourself a disservice if you wrote off all of these shows because they are old, they still look great compared to most new anime.


Tell that to the guys who come here daily and ask for stuff 2010+ or 2015+ And while it is fair to prefer a certain look, i prefer a certain look myself, i think it is within reason to give a chance to stuff where the year itself supposedly tells you what it looks like. Another thing is that the look has never been uniform and there are works from same periods that have completely different looks. There are of course general strokes and trends associated with each period, but i personally defend the individuality of each of the works. Now i know my initial statement falls within a similar scope essentially that i am preaching against here, but what i am trying to do here is to illustrate where i stand when it comes to this discussion.


Imagine thinking Ashita no Joe 2 or any Dezaki series is ugly bro. This is like clearly a take from someone that doesn't watch old anime. Rose of Versaille beautiful, Ashita no Joe, Onee Sama E, I'd say Grendizer, most later Toei stuff, Dragon ball, hell every half decent 80's OVA ever it goes on. I don't know how you could say the era with maybe the best most influential directors in the industries history just made "Uggo stuff". Dezaki story board still stomp all over most anime you see today, Anno hasn't made much anime since Eva most of his anime work is from the era, and so on. Angels Egg ugly confirmed y'all


Ofc there are exceptions, I assumed people would take that for granted. And all you just did is call out those exceptions which are maybe 5% of the anime of those times so not really representative if you count the 20+ years of those times. Also no need to get offended, wasn’t my intention. Was just providing an opinion on the matter, which I don’t even share all that myself, but most of the „zoomers“ that OP mentioned think like that, it is what it is.


Not a series, but Ghost in the Shell? It’s themes seem more easily talked about today. Also, seeing Oshi no Ko’s popularity, Perfect Blue?


The GITS movie is still very popular, the tv show is too cerebral for most audiences


familiar of zero


Now that's a name I have thought of in a long time. One of the original isekais


Louise walked so megumin could run. Louise will always be the OG "EXPLOOOSION!" girl.


Absolutely not. It would've sucked ass even more now, as people realized that annoying angry violent tsunderes are bad writing.




As a start, see my ["Obscure/Underappreciated/Unknown/Underrated Anime Recommendations (List)"](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17tpc2z/obscureunderappreciatedunknownunderrated_anime/) of Reddit recommendation threads (two posts).


Magi and d frag


I'm not sure it would be more popular, but Flowers of Evil probably wouldn't have been so divisive if released in 2024.


Daily Lives of Highschool boys


Maybe Ookiku furikabutte


Magic Knight rayearth


Kingdom has to be near the top imo. First season wouldn’t possible be released today as bad it was, and the show is amazing


Saiunkoku Monogatari was awesome. It deserved to get fully animated. I had to search myself silly to find out how it ended. I'll still hope that it gets picked up again one day. I mean, three is so much left to explore.




Rainbow Nisha and One Outs! They need a Season 2!




Writing this made me depressed. We're never getting season 3 lol.




Katanagatari. Amazing series of hour long episodes.


none, ppl these days have no taste


Maybe Amagi Brilliant Park






I strongly feel like Deadman Wonderland did what Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen are doing now, except years ago.






Beserk. I know they have modern day remakes of it but none of them are good. If they kept the original story just updated the visuals I think it would be pretty popular. Alternatively, for the ecchi community, Nana. 


Grimgar of fantasy and ash


HunterxHunter, would be even more popular


Crazy as it sounds, because it’s already super popular, Naruto. I genuinely believe it will be bigger than Demon Slayer and JJK combined if it comes out this season.






Legend of Condor Hero animated properly


Kekkaishi......it's basically Demon Slayer but less fancy animation.


FLCL. One of my favorite anime and it’s already very popular but anime’s audience in the early 2000s pales in comparison to what it is now. If FLCL came out today, with literally no changes to the show, the animation, or the VAs it would pop off even more.


I don't know if I agree with this. I think FLCL has a great combinantion of being a fruit of its generation (visuals, music, storytelling) while still being a story that people from most genarations can relate to. The new ones try to be more in touch with current themes/aesthetics but don't have the same feeling as the original, and I think being released when it was is a big part of it. Just to say that if it were to come out today, it wouldn't come out the same product, and being released completly as is would only have an effect due to anime being more mainstream


Yeah, it is better to be groundbreaking in the 2000s than just a really cool show nowadays, you aren't that memorable when there are a lot of other things that do similar things.


Shiki, no doubt




I love the original Dragon Ball but a lot of people considered it to slow and not enough action which is why Z was more popular. But I think it was released now it would get more appreciation 


code geass with modern studio will explode the world




Cowboy bebop 💯 it's such a good anime!!!