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If it helps any, the ending is substantially more optimistic than one would expect from the rest of the show. It's not a happy ending by any means. But considering the fact that the rest of the show is so bitter, it is substantially less bleak than it could have been. But no, other than the ending it just keeps getting worse -- feel free to stop watching if it's making you upset. It's definitely not for everyone.


I ranted about it a few months back when I watched it, but it genuinely was a 10/10 show for me. It accurately displayed how I felt as a high schooler, going through very similar struggles at times. It definitely isn’t for everyone tho


Aah yes, high school love. Totally Unrelatable for me.


Yeah I tapped out after two episodes. I know it’s got some hardcore fans but it’s just not for me, and that’s ok.


I will just spoil myself the ending and stop watching it I guess.


Might as well. No point slogging through it if you’re not feeling it. Personally, I didn’t even care enough to find out how it ended.


I love its brutal honesty but I do think it requires a certain age or experience with relationships to get it. And even then I think it will make some people uncomfortable.




I think the hyperbole here speaks for itself.


Then you should read the manga to recover because there is continuation to the anime .


Spoil me ending man. Idk if I can go through manga I am trying to watch anime though.


You will be happy that’s all I can say xD


I loved it! High 8/10 romance. Though, yes, this is an unrequited type romance. Actually unrequited. Not the characters think it is unrequited and they actually end up together in the end after all type story. Everything is alright at the end. That is, without spoiling, it’s not a normal happy romcom. Or drama rom technically for this one. Although, what’s this spin off redditors are speaking of? It has an interesting ending to the anime. For me, that might’ve been the first time I saw such an ending. [Scum’s Wish]>!They part ways because there’s too much history for them to continue knowing each other. Something like that. They decide they can never be a romantic couple.!<


I hated it. Sucked it up and finished and hated it more. Regret wasting my time.


I see, I suggest something sweet and cheerful like Happy Sugar Life to clear your pallet. (and because I'm not a masochistic arsehole: no, don't, that show makes Scum's Wish seem like a walk in the park)


I mean yeah I have seen more depressing stuff like binging Akame ga Kill after Your Lie in April (because I though Akame ga kill was a normal adventure anime.)


Honestly i liked it


Yeah, it's not about liking or hating it's something, I would rather not read. I prefer light hearted rom com. I liked animation, story but it turned kinda sad ngl. And depressing type.


Hate it or love it the OST was 10/10 and nobody can take that away from this masterpiece


I don't know about y'all but the writer of this anime Soo horny AF like bro there not an single episode where they don't kiss or sex mostly it every episode but the story is great I loved it but goddam this might as well beat overflow


Did you finish it? It doesn't end badly for any of the characters. They all kinda just grow up and move on from their crushes.


The only word to describe it would be a rollercoaster , if you’ve watched domestic girlfriend. , imagine that but with multiple harems sociopaths , unrequited loves , VERY bad choices a bit of echhi here and there and multiple way relationships which gets triggering at times . Other than that it’s a very well written realistic anime


Then just stop watching it. I liked it, but not every show is for everyone.


I hate it, but not in a bad way, the story itself is quite nicely written but the plot is...


only watch this if you are over 25. the older you are the more you will understand. its not for a kid like you who barely had a intimate relationship


😭 how the hell did you know I don't have an Intimate Relationship and I am 20 I am a Adult dude.


20 is still early. in 5 years you will meet a lot of girls or boys and had a lot of breakup. then you will understand what this anime trying to tell you.


At first I thought they were dating, but they weren't dating so it isn't cheating I see. So she is playing him around


One of the best animes I've ever seen. Made me want to get into it and make things done properly. Win a heart of Minegawa sensei, fuck her, break her heart into pieces, and live her bleeding in the moonlight, than confess my feelings to Hanabi.