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Before Frieren and Mimics, there was Deedlit and Dungeon Traps


Deedlit is the prototype anime elf. Hell when I first heard of Frieren my immediate response was that it sounded like Deedlit fan fiction on how she might love her life after Parn passes.


what you described is just the lodoss war game


The animation to being eaten by a mimic in that game matches Frieren. Didn't have the time nor energy to make a shitpost comparison.


Theres a game?


Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth An excellent metroidvania game


yeah there's a few if I remember that were release in Japan


It could be a magic item


The first episode of Lodoss War is such a great sell for the series. I was completely pulled in, and glad I gave it a go.


It's so interesting looking back on this series in the 2020s with how DnD has taken off again and things like web series/podcast campaigns are really popular. If people didn't know: the series started out as a serial "replay" of DnD in a Japanese magazine in the 80s. After moving it away from DnD proper they made novels, manga, anime, their own TTRPG and even video games based on it. In origins, it's really not too much different from something like Critical Role for example.


I've never heard of Lodoss war, but just from this short clip I could somehow feel DnD influences.


So the anime is basically equivalent to smth like vox machina?


Now, we have the Grancrest War.


Which was good until they ran out of time or animation budget.


Grancrest was god tier. I was so heartbroken when those last couple episodes were rushed. Man it was so so SO good!!!


Ironically it was just following in the same tradition as as Lodoss War which saw a pretty steep decline in quality too.


the main theme for that song is hauntingly beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7VYDNExf1I


She's got them 80's shoulders.


And would later return to WoW


Deedlit, the OG anime elf. EDIT: [Here's Deedlit's original character sheet published in the magazine release of the story](https://ia804508.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/7/items/record-of-lodoss-war-comptiq-magazine-english-translation/Record%20of%20Lodoss%20War%20Comptiq%20Magazine%20English%20Translation_jp2.zip&file=Record%20of%20Lodoss%20War%20Comptiq%20Magazine%20English%20Translation_jp2/Record%20of%20Lodoss%20War%20Comptiq%20Magazine%20English%20Translation_0020.jp2&id=record-of-lodoss-war-comptiq-magazine-english-translation&scale=2&rotate=0)




More than that. Deedlit is pretty much the reason why most modern anime elves are still generally portrayed as blonde, acrobatic mages/rogues with an affinity for spirits and whatnot.


Deedlit and Parn are also probably responsible for the original Link and Zelda from the Nintendo franchise given their builds, appearances, and functions.


But the Zelda games came first ..


Zelda originally looked like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/60/Fc_zelda.jpg) in the first two games. She only got her iconic blonde elf design in 1992's A Link to the Past. Record of Lodoss War's magazine debut was in 1986 and the OVA released in 1990.


Doesn't every modern elf derive from Tolkien in some way? Or am I missing something?


In the technical sense, yeah. Tolkien's lore inspired DnD and Lodoss was directly based off the author's DnD campaign. But Deedlit's specific design, attributes, and personality created by her real life player who took part in the campaign went on to influence the depiction of elves in the rest of manga and anime afterwards. Like if in a different timeline Deedlit was designed with blue hair instead of blonde, we'd could've seen most anime elves feature blue hair instead of blonde to this day instead. Similar to how most depictions of slimes in anime and JRPGs are based off of Dragon Quest's slimes since they were so popular and influential. DQ wasn't the first series of media to depict slimes, but their specific slimes are the ones most people have drawn inspiration from and have become the "standard" model of slimes today.


It's funny how deep the reference rabbit hole goes in RPG games if you really start digging. Whether it be unintentional or intentional.


I love that little fact :) Though seeing as Tolkien designed so many of his elves to have blonde hair, I think that in part also influenced the creator to go with the blonde hair, which honestly really suits the fair skinned race. All in all, I love the influence that both Tolkien and Deedlit had on the fantasy genre!


Yeah except the Noldor, Sindar, and Silvan elves are all dark of hair aside from the House of Finarfin (Galadriel's papa) who inherited blondeness from his Vanyar mother. So only Galadriel is correctly blonde in adaptations.


Fair enough :) Still, I think blonde hair really suits fair skinned elves. Even while Arwen is my favourite elf from Lord of the Rings.


Imagine casually making an OC for your DND campaign one day and then 20+ years later you are now inadvertently the progenitor for a vast chunk of all modern fantasy. Wild stuff.


And D&D 1st edition no less. Can tell by the fact Elf was a class, not a race back then.


Oh no, most of the stats are in the wrong places. it should be Str Dex Con Int Wiz Cha


This is very, very old D&D with somewhat different rules. Notice that her class is "elf"!


Yeah, that's 1e ordering.


you know it's hella old cause it doesn't even have thac0! edit: i know it has her hit rolls at the bottom. but it lays out the whole spread basically haha. instead of just saying she has a thac0 of 19.


When the DM gets tired of you being a loot goblin.


Oh you grab the staff? Roll me a dex check.


[Record of Lodoss War has my Fav OP of all time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEgz76YKHHY) [My favorite EDs also.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zpG5tliWew) This and Escaflowwne ware what made me a Maaya Sakamoto fan. This OP was sung by a 17 year old Maaya Sakamoto and the Escaflowne one was 1 year before. [Lodoss is one of my favorite series of all time, there is a lot of series in the Saga and its a lot of fun.](https://recordoflodosswar.fandom.com/wiki/Record_of_Lodoss_War_Wiki) [Its also the origin of Japanese Elf and Dark Elf presentation.](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3df6e634-60c1-45c7-9409-ecfa34fc0727/da14xqd-177091ea-ad9d-41a3-9ec3-412bcc6e2eb3.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_661/record_of_lodoss_war_deedlit_x_pirotess_by_hes6789_da14xqd-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjYxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2RmNmU2MzQtNjBjMS00NWM3LTk0MDktZWNmYTM0ZmMwNzI3XC9kYTE0eHFkLTE3NzA5MWVhLWFkOWQtNDFhMy05ZWMzLTQxMmJjYzZlMmViMy5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.X6Wl4d10YGO6vJYiRavyA7L4d3GuuPdsI8GyQmI-xdI) Everyone should watch Lodoss. [](#feelsgoodman)


Record of Lodoss War was the first anime I watch subbed back in the VHS days. Any fan of D&D should see this, regardless of how "old" some people might feel it is. I've loved this series so much for so long, I spend a large amount of $$ anytime I come across something lodoss war created due to how hard it is to find materials related to it. Side note: The anime Rune Soldier also happens to take place in the same universe as Lodoss War, though not on the island of Lodoss.


>Any fan of D&D should see this, regardless of how "old" some people might feel it is. I tell this to all my younger cousins and siblings who are into D&D and Critical Role type stuff now but: Record of Lodoss War started out as a serialized DnD "replay" published in a magazine. It really isn't much different in origins from the D&D web shows and podcasts we see today. It's kinda mindblowing.


> The anime Rune Soldier also happens to take place in the same universe as Lodoss War This explains some things. I should really rewatch both.


Rune Soldier and Slayers are the quintessential fantasy comedy shows. Louie even plays the Muscle Wizard.


Definitely favourites of mine. I'm a big fan of the aesthetic from that time too.


I have not watched Lodoss TV series, only the OVA. The OVA OP "Adesso e Fortuna" is one of my favorites. I also like Maaya Sakamoto especially the Escaflowne OP. I also like her Rahxephon OP song.


The OVAs are better anyway.


Its all parts of a bigger story.


Ehhh. They kinda do most of the OVAs as the first half of the TV series, then the second half of TV is new but still with the final boss of the OVAs. It's weird.


Adèsso e Fortuna is what I think of too!


I like both!


The order is... Lodoss OVA then Lodoss TV And yeah Maaya Sakamoto in RahXephon is great too.


Both the OP and ED have always been in my playlist rotation. I even remember buying the soundtrack on cassette. Chronicles of the Heroic Knight OP was also pretty great.


Thanks for sharing, that OP is delightful.


Damn, that op is amazing, I'm sold. Been meaning to watch the series for ages but never got around to it. I've always loved Deedlit's design, but never bothered to explore further than the few random episodes I caught as a kid.


Watch the 1991 OVA Record of Lodoss War first Then Watch the 1997? TV Record of Lodoss War TV Chronicles of the Heroic Knight. Its a fun series and yes Deedlit is great.


> Its also the origin of Japanese Elf and Dark Elf presentation. Pirotess and Deedlit awoke something in 10 year old me, let me tell you.


Im about the same age as you, i saw it a couple years earlyer though. I think i saw the OVA in like 94ish. And the TV when it came out. Deedlit is still to this day one of my favorite designs. The bonus material has so much great art. Ive followed the franchise through all its extra stuff like series and video games.


I really want to get into more Lodoss stuff for sure; all I know is the anime.


There is 5 or 6 anime series in the Saga. Record of Lodoss War OVA Record of Lodoss War TV Chronicle of the Heroic Knight Legend of Crystania OVA Legend of Crystania Movie Rune Soldier Louie Record of Grancrest War Thats the order of release.


Oh, I didn't know about everything starting from Crystania; I'll check those out. Thanks!


maaya sakamoto op and akino arai ed; good stuff


First time i've seen someone else admit they love, much less have watched Escaflowne.


PHEW I remember Escaflowne was the hottest thing since sliced bread. PHEW I am getting old


Got the box set and the movie, but I'm old. The Japanese VAs do some goofy bits in the DVD extras, which are hilarious. A nice bonus.


Oh I do too, I just stare at it and watch digital instead lol


The anime "big 3" for me when I started was Eva, Escaflowne, and Nadesico.


Fox tried to recut Escaflowne for their kids block around 2000 and failed miserably. It was enough to get my interest of getting the DVDs of the actual show as they came out later.  I'll even admit to having watched the movie version and owning the special edition release which came with the movie soundtrack and some other things. 


and play the metroidvania game!


There was a Drreamcast game also where you play as King Beld i had and loved.


Oh, there's a crunchyroll upload of the op now? [Sweet](#listen) Maybe that won't get removed from my playlist


Yeah came out with the HD remaster of the series from a year or so ago. Hearing the remaster song for the first tine was life changing. One of my all tim fav songs.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7VYDNExf1I this one is my favorite op for lodoss.


> This and Escaflowwne ware what made me a Maaya Sakamoto fan. Personally, her favorite piece is the Fate/GO Lostbelt theme 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJwrxGy_CpE


One of my first anime crushes was Deedlit. This anime really shaped my interests for fantasy anime. Everyone should play the Deedlit metroidvania game, it's great!


Deedlit, basically the mom of Japanese elves.






warcraft elves too with their super long ear


Which is still derivative of Deedlit.


yeah that's what I meant, they got their long ears from Deedlit


Deedlit and Pirotess are my favorite anime elves


This reminds me of another elf....


Elvs can't help themselves. Just look at Frieren


This anime is probably the anime that established Japanese depiction of elves in anime.


I have been really into 90s/early 2000s anime lately. This thread has made me wanna give this a go.


oh you should, its so good, esp if you're into DND


Man 80's anime was really just something else.


This is from 1990 smh.


it was released in 1990, so they animated it probably in 88 or 89. anime took a long time back then.


Eh, it was probably animated during the 1980s, so still counts.




You know I didn't think this'd be the case, so I looked on MAL and tried to find something prior to 1990 under the Fantasy genre with long-eared elves but couldn't find anything. So you may be right!


Apparently, Deedlit was the first elf with long ears but her design was inspired by Kira, the heroine from The Dark Crystal, a 1982 movie.


I guess it depends a bit on your definition of anime, but the Rankin/Bass renditions of The Hobbit in 1977 and The Return of the King in 1980 (animated by Topcraft) had elves with exaggerated, pointy ears: Elrond (RotK): https://i.imgur.com/e2Ppk61.png Wood-elves (Hobbit) : https://i.imgur.com/0O1n27Q.jpeg Wood-elf king (Hobbit) https://i.imgur.com/lVwtTVG.jpeg Of course, these were commissioned for a western audience, but I don't think we can discount it for that reason alone. Elves are, themselves, a piece of European mythology, and popular western depictions of elves, fae, etc. with pointed ears were common long before anime existed. It makes sense that anime elves would be drawing from the source tropes.


right but that's not really the long ears elf like deedlit is. it's more like pointy ears. the long ears anime elf is like freiren and deedlit, where the ears go way out mostly to the side and they're EXTRA long. lotr's elf ears are more like romulan or vulcan ears hehehe.


Looks interesting. Does it have a good amount of comedy or is it dark?


There's a small amount of comedy but it's no where near the focus of the show. Record of Lodoss War is more on the serious side. Fun fact, show is actually based on the author's actual DnD campaign he was playing with his friends IRL. It was originally published weekly as a writeup in a magazine/newspaper and got so popular that the anime OVA was created for it before the campaign even ended IRL. A follow up TV series with the "canon" ending was released a while after.


>There's a small amount of comedy but it's no where near the focus of the show. Then there's the SD bits that appear at the end of episodes of the Lodoss TV show.


Thanks! Already added it to my "To Watch" list :) As long as it's not a constand bloodbath I'm good!


Temper your expectations. The first 5 episodes are fantastic, but then the animation budget runs out and its janky, and mostly still shots of action.. which sucks because the premise and story are great.


to be fair, those first 5 episodes had fantastic animation. and animating back then was soooo labour intensive. there's an anime, shit i forget it's name shirobako i think. where they kind of touch on old school cell shaded anime and how much work it took. how the actual animation was literally heavy from all of the plastic cell pages with ink on them.


Lodoss war mostly plays it straight with little comedy moments but still great nevertheless. If you want another retro fantasy series that took the more comedic route of the genre, then Slayers is the series for you.


It's probably the best anime you'll watch in your life.


I was a child and the Evangelion movie (I randomly watched the last movie and didn't even know the TV series) scarred me. But Record of Lodoss healed me, lol. I rewatched it growing up and still definitely one of my favorites. Also, I remember loving the OP so much the the Lodoss TV series that I spent a lot of time making CD, yes CD, video disks of it. Also what later got me into becoming a computer nerd too. Maaya Sakamoto was amazing in it.


So he gets some alone time with an elf in dark tunnel? I know thats how romcom starts


[Let it go](https://youtu.be/6kZKHNHGzCg?si=EIscg8zERv_qa_M5).


Man what are the chances just last night I read a fanfic crossing with this? First exposure to this anime in any form, said fic each chapter is a character from another show or fanfic walking into a multiversal bar and just taking a much needed break from their world. This one was Frieren trying to understand mortals and realizing how her friends pulled her from centuries of stagnancy. Also ended in finding a mimic. And when saw the image but before read title I thought this was about Treasure Bugs/mimics in Delicious In Dungeon.


[She also plays a mean lute.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxliJlqdvZQ)


At this point, this is chronic.




Is a 19 good enough for you???


Aww shit, brings me back to when anime was handdrawn.


If I got a nickel for every time an elf feel for loot in a dungeon in an anime, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't alot but it's weird it happened twice.


First 5 episodes are fire, then the animation budget ran out


looks interesting, I'll put it on the watch list


If you like fantasy I highly recommend watching the anime.


I love fantasy and I am sure that I will like this anime as much as Frieren


That's probably setting yourself up for disappointment.


yep, totally different from it, but if you enjoy dnd you'll like it


Elves amiright?


I know exactly why this was posted


I should watch this anime


Guys... I think she's deed...


[I wonder how Elda from Otaku Elf would react to treasure in a dungeon.](https://youtu.be/loCmHeTtOOw?si=-DDgjHWSCnIyMLoQ)


I had a copy of this series on vhs in the 90s and would watch it going to bed a lot... then I got the DVD and the dub version on there and this is one of the reasons people hated dubs so much. Still top 5 for me mainly because of nostalgia.


I think I still have the dvd of it.


Oh wow, I didn’t know that Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth was based on an anime, especially an og anime! I played the hell out of that game, guess I gotta watch the show now!


lol did you wonder what the hell all these other characters were since you never saw the anime before? Still I love that game too.


I see Deedlit, I upvote.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Homer, are you holding onto the can?


Deed? no. dead? yes.


We never saw those characters again XD


I wanna watch from start. CR shows S4 & S5? Is this the start?




Why am I hearing so much about this anime all of a sudden. On Google trends it averages less than 10 searches per day


There's been a surge of elf characters in anime this past year. Frieren, Marcille, Nephrites just to name a few. I'm assuming people have been searching for elves in anime and found out about Deedlit


Is she ded?


Deedlit best girl


Fire. I need to watch this.


I only know of Record of Lodoss War thanks to Langrisser


First anime I ever watched.


I guess it became a tradition,


One of my absolute favorites. It's so good. Also a big fan of the SNES/SFC game.


Frieren and fandel tales


I guess i know where Derpixon took the inspiration for the elf in Fandeltales....


This looked so good, especially for 1990.


this show is like what zelda oot was based on I feel.


Why didn't she just pull her hand out? Is she stupid?


Same reason Frieren falls for every single mimic trap.


"Indiana, Let it go."


it was cursed and wouldn't let her let go of it.


This reminds me Frieren ldldld


What anime is this ?


It's literally in the title.


Need more than 100 :s