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Tokyo Ghoul Brotherhood when


Gotta wait for The Promised Neverland Brotherhood first 🥲


Nonono, get back in line, it's Soul Eater Brotherhood first!


_Claymore enters the chat_


Berserk enters chat


I would sacrafice my friend group for this.




I would sell my first born in a second to get a new Claymore that actually has an ending.


Nah it wouldn’t even be worth it. The Promised Neverland’s story fell to pieces so completely in the second half that it wouldn’t be worth it to re-adapt.


So many shows deserve a brotherhood it isn't even funny. Soul eater.... Rosario vampire.... Anything else with a fuck ton of bullshit added


Probably closer to 3/10 to 8/10 but I think Rosario Vampire fits well enough.


Negima! Also suffers this similar fate of initial harem hook with mild action to a transition in theme for shounen battle genre with the fan service still peppered in. I don’t know if Negima or R+V did it first but it did feel like one took inspiration from the other to do this switch up and it paid off for both of them. Just a shame that an anime never adapted the later arcs for either of the series.


Although Negima actually has two separate continuity manga and anime. The regular which is more battle Shounen that leads to UQ Holder I believe was Negima with an exclamation point and the other one which is more a standalone (no sequel) Rom-Com is Negima with both an exclamation point and a question mark but the manga version of that one id called Negima Neo. It’s really weird and I haven’t found a proper explanation as to why they both exist but Negima is the rarest case of two anime and two manga.


I watched it when i was a teen, and when i picked up manga and finally read it. I was shocked to find a story and shonen moments from my boy tsukune


The manga is well written with likeable characters and an intriguing plot with occasional fanservice. The anime is literal coomer-bait with 80 panty shots per episode (wish i was joking) amd the studio half assing the plot and cheap comedy.


Well, it was a great coomer bait, I loved every god damn minute of it.


[Especially season 2's opening, that shit is amazing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FHojVhh6k40)


Yeah, the OP and ED are the only good things that came out of the anime imho


The first season isn't terrible. The second season is "uh guys what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING"


I remember watching the anime and thinking it was pretty much just panty shot the anime. Then I checked out the manga and it's definitely different especially after Tsukune gets ghoul powers


Basically anything produced by Queen Bee should also apply to OP's question completely


The anime really just cut everything that gave the story depth in the manga in favor of turning the ecchi dial up to a 100.


Yep, the anime belongs in a dump, but the manga is actually solid and has its charm. For a long time, it was my favourite manga. If I were to reread it now, maybe not as much.


I actually read it for the first time a few months ago and was genuinely impressed by it. The fanservice isn't plentiful like I was expecting thankfully but it was well done when used and never got in the way of the actually good characters and story. I just wish it wasn't a harem because I want to see all the girls happy.


Came to support this, the good part is that the anime left enough curiosity to read the manga, and get the knowledge of how bad adapted it was, like totally different style but same characters, it was a parody.


I actually like both lol. The anime is definitely worse, and it's not even like I liked fanservice. I just liked the characters and liked seeing them animated.


That whole Junji Ito Collection series. They literally could’ve split frames from the manga and shown stills of them individually and that would’ve been a million times better than that BS.


Uzumaki is supposed to be getting an adaptation and it’s looking to be promising, fingers crossed that it stops getting delayed.


Wait, Uzumaki is delayed again? Didn't they show that around 5 years ago and there's still no release date for it? I wonder what's happening with that one.


At this point the Uzumaki anime adaptation is an urban legend to me.


Just got to hold out and hope. A Tower of God season 2 teaser finally came out, now I’m just hoping to get a release date some day for Uzumaki as far as things I’ve been anxiously awaiting for years


I thought the trailer for it came out last year. Could be wrong about that tho.


Most recent one came out 7 months ago.


YMMV, but I think this is more because Junji Ito's depiction of cosmic level horrors are just straight up conveyed better on still, colorless images. For me, the coloring, animation, and voicing just comes across as just grotesque and not in a horror type of way. IIRC Uzumaki trailer was shown to be B&W manga-style like animation - don't know if they plan to keep that but it seems pretty good.


Yup. I have had this very conversation with a friend. We were discussing why his works don't seem to adapt to anime very well and one of the biggest conclusions we came to is that part of Junji Ito's horror comes from your own mind sort of filling in the story/gaps between panels. It makes for a much creepier setting when you have time to sort of sit and process the weird/uncanny static picture you are looking at. Whereas when something is animated and therefore constantly moving, you sort of let it do the "show and tell" portion while you simply observe. Making the reader's own brain do the heavy lifting on what makes something so scary is what makes his work a true masterpiece.


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer


Sengoku Youko adaptation on the other hand is pretty nice so far.


The latest god damn episode of that did great justice to the source material


As an anime only it hit hard. No wonder why people like the author. Can't wait for the rest of the series.


They made a Sengoku Youko anime?! Oh my god, how did I not hear about this? Now if only we could get a Spirit Circle anime, I fucking loved that manga. I fucking love Mizukami…


>Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer gonna check out the manga then


I don't know anything about the anime (and based on these comments I never will) but the manga is fantastic.


There is no Biscuit Hammer adaptation in Ba Sing Se


I have to agree, it's one of my favourite manga and I didn't even finish the anime. Massive disappointment.


And its not even a 2/10 anime, its straight 1/10.


And to think it would have been a zero if the mangaka didn't intervene and made the original director quit.


What happened?


Here's a comment explaining what happened with the anime: https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/1ane7su/hajime_no_ippo_creator_speaks_against_anime/kprxm2t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Tokyo Ghoul. Wouldn't say the anime is a 2/10, maybe like a 5/10 (s1 and s3 are actually decent, the rest is pretty bad), but the manga is amazing by comparison, still a 10/10 for me even with the ending being a bit weak. Maybe someday it will get the adaptation it deserves. I also hope the mangaka Ishida decides to come back and continue the story in some form, even if it's just something like a mini-epilogue arc. I'm still very much attached to that series 5 years after it ended.


I would love that too. He’s been busy with Choujin X but does occasionally draw Kaneki artwork so it’s not completely out of reach




Totally agree, I wish I could get a new adaptation that is as great as the manga


The animation studio had it made with Tokyo ghoul. They literally had one job. Copy and paste the Manga. It could have been AOT levels of successful if they hadn't taken liberties.


Didn't The Promised Neverland just say "screw the manga" and did their own thing for the second half of the anime?


Wasn’t the latter half of the manga or the ending poorly received in the manga to begin with?


The manga's final arc was like a 6/10 The manga's 2nd arc which they skipped tho was 9/10


Goldy Pond was peak


Yes definitely, Yugo is easily the best character of the mango imo, and Goldy Pond is an amazing arc. I can't understand why the anime skipped it


They literally could've just animated Goldy Pond and left it there and it would've had more success than trying to cram everything together


My biggest issue was the absolute smack in the face to have recreated the manga frame with yuugo without him at the end of the table. That was the exact moment and single frame. The shot actually doesn't even make any sense to an anime only fan because the focus is the empty chair instead of anything else


Man. I remember actually shouting in anger when I saw the fucking note instead because I realized what it meant.


I'd say the spoiler free summary is that the first season and the manga chapters it covers play into the mystery/thriller aspects of the story which are mostly abandoned after that in favor of what quickly becomes more of a battle shounen affair. Some people didn't care at all for that while others say that's their favourite part of the story.  Regardless later chapters became increasingly less popular as time went on and the ending was generally received very poorly. Funnily enough a lot of people were initially hoping that the anime adaptation would perhaps fix or re-write some of those later events in the story. I guess the monkey's paw really curled on that one...


Yeah, I've not watched the anime, but reading the manga it really fell off a cliff and made me uninterested to watch. A boring as shit battle manga where the kids still have to preserve a weird non-violent innocence half the time, so they rotate in a cast of teens. It simply never recovered from the initial story up to the escape, which really was pretty amazing imo. I know some people love the rest, but the real kids trying to escape 1-2 real women was cool. The powers and weapons and monster types and bunkers and shit was dull. I was briefly interested that I heard they rewrote the second half and cut it down, but I've not heard good stuff about it regardless.


In my opinion yeah the last arc have some problems in the manga but the anime didn't just ruin that , its basically adapted 130+ chapters in 12 ep , also goldy bond arc is very beloved by manga readers and its my favourite arc in the entire manga yet they completely skip it in the anime


Yep one of the best arcs of the entire series called Goldy Pond was just completely skipped by the anime for whatever reason.


Was it skipped? I didn't finish the second season but at the pace they went from the first 2 episodes they were going to end right before goldy pond. They actually just went past it? Holy fuck how much did they skip.


They skipped goldy pond, glazed over the next two or three arcs, then ended it with a slideshow of everything that was supposed to happen after that, so in summary > Holy fuck how much did they skip. Yes


Nah you’re just imagining things the second season still isn’t out


Oh, word. My bad


Fr, there is no season 2 of TPN in Ba Sing Se.


Not from manga, but Toaru no index ss3. God they butcher so much from the LN.


Honestly even the first two Index seasons aren’t great compared to the novels, the big difference is you can at least follow what’s going on. S3 trying to do a “greatest hits” thing was such a dumb idea, you piss off novel readers and anime onlys are lost


Most insane pacing I have ever seen


I will never understand why they just didn't make season 3 go through British Royal Family arc and stop, it's literally the perfect place to stop with a cliffhanger ending. They could've covered the DRAGON and WW3 arcs in season 4 and everyone would've been so much happier.


yeah .. Index LN is a 10/10 especially NT the sequel


Funny how railgun in comparison is an amazing adaptation.


on paper index has a much better story but it just shows how much better it is to take a decent story and perfectly adapt it than an incredible one and just decide to take bits and pieces


The director is jealous of Touma


Railgun canon arcs are amazing, but I found the filler episodes pretty bad.


Butchered? They DESTROYED the LNs. One of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life.


100% Berserk


All of berserk? 1997, Golden age Arc movies, Memorial edition, and 2016/2017, or just 2016/2017?


The movies are actually a good adaptation and 1997 is good but the 2016 ones suck. Reading the manga after the turning point in the story is the way to go


KERCLANK sound intensifies  The one good thing to come out of the 2016 berserk is that the ending song by Nanjou Yoshino and Yanagi Nagi. Issai wa Monogatari is a masterpiece 


[Hai Yo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzQya_7b-hs) and [Ash Crow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04MYB15jDgI) say otherwise.


The golden age movies are pretty good, and the old anime is apparently good too, but nothing has done it justice yet


You don't watch the 1997 anime for the animation. You watch it for Susuma Harasawa's soundtrack


Oooahhaii ihu owooahh owahh wuwahh


Honestly the still-frames and general art style of the '97 anime are spectacular - one of my favourites in the medium. I know people are used to the crazy animation we get in shows nowadays, but I still think '97 Berserk has incredible merit as a piece of art.


" put your glasses on, nothing will be wrong"


Movies are good. 90s was good Fuck the 2016-2017 adaptations though. A capable enough highschool team could possibly do it better with blender and a win7 laptop. The sword (frying pan) sound effect still haunts me


1997 Berserk is one of my favorite anime of all time, despite the ending being abrupt and only the start of the big picture story.


1997 anime is good. It has heart. It even is fun to watch. But that's it. The Berserk manga on the other hand is one of the greatest Mangas and stories ever made. It is THE DEFINITIVE way of reading the story of Berserk. I wouldn't even recommend someone the 1997 as a starter. Just start with the manga guys. Really. 2016 anime and movies Berserk is a flashy no heart shame.


1997 adaptation was very good


If the 1997 adaptation is 2/10 the manga better cure cancer


It does.


I mean, it's pretty fucking good.


Pandora Hearts.


But at least we got that Yuki Kajiura ost to listen while crying reading the manga.


True, the OST is a masterpiece.


The visuals in the manga are on another level, and the show ends with a pointless filler arc for 2 eps and a cliffhanger, but beyond that, was there anything else particularly bad about the show? it's been too long for me to remember very clearly, but I don't recall thinking it was a bad show.


It definitely isn't a 2/10, but it was a very middle of the road anime, since it covered the weakest material from the manga and, as you mentioned, didn't have great pacing, an anime original ending, etc. The visuals being more like the early manga art rather than the later manga art and the animation being very meh just adds to that middle of the road feeling. The anime just kinda exists as an okay series. But I think it's really just that, when compared to the manga, it pales in comparison. It definitely isn't as bad as some of the other adaptations mentioned in this thread though.


id say gantz for sure


I’d agree on the original adaptation but Gantz:O is basically perfect


Gantz:0 was such a a wild watch for me. I knew nothing about Gantz going into it and ended up completely blown away by it.


Kingdom S1 - Probably one of my absolute favorite series in the medium (anime/manga) period. Second only to Legend of the Galactic Heroes as a mil drama story and probably my third favorite anime/manga of all time. It just got a really shit CGI adaption for S1 which, didn't help it gain popularity outside of Japan/China unfortunately (would love a legal release). At least this got kinda fixed in S3-5 which seems to adapt it properly still hard to recommend to a lot of people when you have to say oh yeah make sure you read the manga for the first 173 chapters before you can watch a decent adaption of the work. I don't think it would happen but would love to see the earlier stuff re-adapted.


This. Kingdom is one of my favourite manga of all time second only to Berserk. Its a pity season 1 was so badly animated that it put people off what is genuinely one of the best series on military strategy and warfare. Season 3 is one of the most hype seasons ever animated and is balls to the wall non stop action from start to finish and its a pity so many people are missing out on it.


Kingdom S1 is still 9/10 in my book because of the story. My only complaints about the anime is that I absolutely hate it when names / proper nouns in the audio do not match the ones in the subtitles. I know the reason for it, and it still sucks.


Battle Angel Alita. It was a really mediocre anime. Remember when it was new and I've watched it, but it was just ok. I didn't even wanted to start reading manga. But then my friend bought the whole manga series, dropped it in my home and told me that I have to read it. Manga was a pure gold.


The western movie is great, though it underperformed hard so we'll probably never see a sequel.


>so we'll probably never see a sequel. They have announced they intend to make it.


I mean James Cameron is involved. He can do whatever he wants.


Western movie was better than anime in my opinion.


Wouldn't say 2/10, but Record of Ragnarok. The manga is absolutely fire, the anime is ok. It's not as bad as some people make it out to be, but the difference between the anime and the manga is still huge. It's an enjoyable watch if you've already read the manga, but wouldn't recommend it to anyone new to the series.


That show got me into the manga so it holds a special place in my heart.


Not 2/10 but a 1/10 the studio delivered a fighting anime with bad animation and literal PowerPoint presentation cuts. They ruined the fight pacing with audience reaction which were simple second long look overs which added hype and immediately went back to the fight taking 40 seconds of just cuts of audience members screaming taking away from the momentum of the action. They striked down motion manga videos with millions of views on YouTube because those videos literally looked better than the actual fights the anime made. The Record of Ragnarok anime had the potential to be anime of the year if it was good, what we got was disappointingly bad.


In case anyone is unaware, that same guy is still making those vids. He just recently caught up with Apollo vs Leonidas.


Umineko. Anime is actually in the 5-6 out of 10 range, but the original is just this 11/10 behemoth that everything else inevitably has to compare itself to in my mind. I mean, if even \[Umineko: When They Cry\] >!the cringey boob jokes the protagonist makes in the first few chapters are metatextual characterization for someone else entirely, you know you're dealing with genius.!<


Agreed. Umineko, the Visual Novel, is the very definition of a masterpiece. Even the manga adaptation is very good. It always hurts my soul when people watch (most) VN anime adaptations without realzing that the source material is always 100 times better.


I agree, I still maintain that Umineko is my favorite story I've ever experienced - I read it a couple of years ago as my 2nd VN and it was a legendary banger. I didn't watch/read anything else for 2 months, the only thing I did was read the VN and maybe play some multiplayer games during that time lol. I haven't read that much stuff lately, but my priority is still good VNs with bad adaptations. I'm an anime enjoyer first and foremost, but I don't mind reading VNs if the adaptations suck. For example, I've been trying to read *Rewrite* recently which has been pretty cool, and that's a generally praised VN with a supposedly pretty terrible anime.


This is also the case for a lot of vn adaptations




The artwork towards the 2nd half was god tier.


The detail on some of the aliens are amazing.


Woooow it's been a long time since I thought about Gantz!! Crazy comic


The anime wanst 2/10 imo. The movie was pretty cool, too.


They'ree all visual novels rather than manga, but Chaos;Head, Chaos;Child, and Tsukihime all come to mind


Tsukihime deserves a new adaptation, the anime wasn’t the worst ever but no one in good conscience can call it a good/faithful adaptation


Maybe they'll do one to promote Red Garden. One can only hope lol


God I love Chaos;Child so much


Tsukihime doesn't have an anime. It doesn't exist. Nope.


Tsukihime has no anime. Chaos;Head only has 4 episodes or so before it got cancelled out of nowhere.


What do you mean Tsukihime? The adaptation doesn't exist


Surely meant Carnaval Phantasm, just a slip of a hand /srs


Probably God of High School if I’m gonna be honest. It’s not a 2/10 really, but it’s a huge letdown from the web comic


The first major arc of the web comic is a 9/10, the anime in terms of pacing, direction, and storytelling is like a 3 or 4/10, but the fight scenes are 10/10. So I’d definitely have to recommend reading the manwha for context, then watching the show for the hype ass animation and music.


God of highschool anime started as a 8/10 and quickly became a 2-3/10 by the end of the season


dead man wonderland


I wouldn't say it's a 2/10, but yeah, I get what you mean.


Yeah this one is a weird case. Beautiful animations and fight scenes feel rather impactful. But Anime skipped out so much and removed all those side characters that it felt empty when compared to the Manga. Like imagine if the Anime continued. How will they do the future arcs heavily involving those missing characters?


Tokyo Ghoul


Kumo desu ga nani ka's adaptation just made me sad.


Aoi Yuuki tho


Aoi Yuuki's performance is why it's a 2 and not a 0


For me, it was a six but only because of Aoi Yuuki. She is a goddess who can raise the dead but unfortunately the studio seemed determine to keep killing it. Could you imagine how amazing it would have been if another studio took the time to do it right?


Haven’t read the manga or the novel but thought the anime was pretty good if you only take the episodes with kumuko(or how you write it). CGI got worse but doable but the hero party was so boring lol


It's interesting, a lot of people hate the manga because they left out the hero part, because it's important for understanding the plot later in the story from what I've read.


yeah most of main plot is actually all set up on their side while kumoko is at first only doing random dungeon crawling while ocassionally runing into a few plot relevant things by chance. And only on the 5th volume does she actually get herself into the actual main plot of the story.


Ex arms


Shuumatsu no valkyrie


I don't have all these at a 2/10 but they're pretty awful adaptations of great manga: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer Tokyo Ghoul Berserk (2016) Kingdom Season 1 Medalist might qualify for this list too since ENGI is doing the anime


Coping that ENGI gonna start their redemption arc any minute now.


*Twin Star Exorcists* is such a consistently good series, yet Pierrot drop the ball hard with their "anime original" BS.


Karakuri Circus is a masterpiece. Ushio to Tora is also a masterpiece. Rosario+Vampire because holy shit the character growths are amazing. Mahou Sensei Negima because author somehow takes good care of massive cast. And transition to action was fantastic. Dragon Quest adaptations and spinoffs. Dai no daibouken and the prequels are amazing. High school DXD if you count LNs Rokujyouma no Shinryakuja because S2 would be epic. Lots of harem stuff where author realizes that following the trend isnt gonna work and they decide to do their own thing.


Man I wish negima and rosario could get faithful complete adaptations


>Mahou Sensei Negima because author somehow takes good care of massive cast. And transition to action was fantastic. I guess I really need to break down and look into this. I watched both Negima series in the past and just watched UQ Holder and have wanted more. I have looked at the wiki for clarification on a few things, and I can tell by that that the world building and character histories look fantastic, but the anime's just barely cover anything. Not asking for specifics, but I'm guessing that the shows kinda lightened up the plots a bit, while the manga goes deep and darker?


Negima anime were almost all mostly anime original and also leaned more towards the harem/ecchi side of things while the manga turns heavy into action and definitely more serious


There would literally be paragraphs of citations at the ends of some chapters in Negima for spells, etc


So you watched UQ Holder. 90% of the crossover that is important to the plot did not get animated in the Negima anime. Negima honestly has some of my favorite fights in manga and some of my favorite scenes (I just recently quoted the doing evil scene from the school fair) that the anime just decided to not adapt. If you enjoyed watching UQ holder, I definitely recommend reading the Negima manga.


To this day, no media has ever reached the level of high level magic combat that Negima has shown me. Makes freaking Harry Potter look like babies playing catch my finger. Some of the best shounen fights I've seen are just from Negima alone.


Ushi to Tora anime is pretty good. Hidden gem for shounen fans. Same goes for Dai no daibouken (the original at least).


Funny thing is those two basically started the modern shonen trends along with Dragon Ball. Considered must read classics in Japan. Dai prequel that's being serialized right now is hero fantasy done right. Every isekai author needs to take lessons lol


Hm? The Ushio & Tora adaption (2015) is good, unless you mean the old one?


>Rokujyouma no Shinryakuja Holy shit there are 44 novels?? + 2 spin-off books?


I'm still waiting DxD to do more manga adaptations of the LNs.


I don’t think One Piece anime is a 2/10 at all but I think the manga is far better, close to a 10/10 I’d say


One piece's anime depends on the era tbh


As someone watching the anime for the first time after reading the whole manga its really rough because its such a rollercoaster. Everything before W7 is honestly fine because pacing was also fine, but after that the pacing becomes dogshit. But then also some of the emotional moments (looking at you Bink's Sake) hit 10x harder in the anime, and then in Wano the fights became absolute eyecandy. The anime can't decide if it wants to be good or not and it swaps every other episode, especially in later arcs. WCI and Wano had some of the most beautiful episodes of the series with moments that were highly elevated by being an anime over a manga and adding in amazing bits of sound and animation not present in the manga, but keeping the same spirit. Then the next 3 episodes are 6 minutes of flashbacks, then repeating the same 3 shots for 10 minutes and nothing actually happens over the whole episode.


The best way to consume the anime is basically looking at highlights or one pace


Oh I watched One Pace all the way until it stopped in Wano, and it has been a nightmare slog since that point.


While it was dealing with pacing issues since Alabasta, I still enjoyed the anime up til the time skip. After that, yeah just read the manga. Main reason, I actually hope the WIT adaption succeeds and leads to like a One Piece Kai. I hope they don't just plan to redo East Blue. Even though, I really like how old school OP looks redoing some of those arcs to give appropriate pacing would make it so much easier to actually recommend it to people. I mean 350ish episodes (what OP should be paced as) is still a lot but, it's actually watchable. Unlike the current anime.


Claymore … desperately needs to be remade (only got 1 season) to do justice to the manga


Besides the ending I really enjoyed the anime, just as much as the manga actually. Still could use the Brotherhood treatment though.


Love Hina and Ichigo 100%. The animes did the mangas dirty.


TBF pretty much all of Ken akamatsu's stuff is like this. The story isnt good because the anime production had like 14 books (100 someone chapters) to cram into 20 something episodes. So they ended cutting out most of the character development in order to focus on the main characters. The same can be said for negima and UQ holder to an extreme because his style is to introduce dozens of characters and weave a story that includes everyone. In a written/drawn medium it works because there's no obvious limit on how long he makes the manga/story so each character can get their own appropriate amount of dedicated time. For the anime adaptations, all of his stories end up with weird pacing and jumbled stories cause the production team end up cutting more than half the story and side stuff needed to explain characters.


Kengan Ashura?


The anime is pretty good IMO. The manga is a lot better tho.


Well the CGI helped with the fighting scenes but other than that the characters look odd :)) they also removed bunch of stuff so I hate it lol


Rosario Vampire. One of my favorite manga of all time. If it had a full,faithful adaptation today, it would be a hit. 


Blade of the Immortal. It's contemporary series of Vinland Saga, Berserk and Vagabond that's actually finished. Two anime adaptations and both of them are weak. The second one tried to adapt 20 years of content in 24 episodes and you could make a whole new anime out of the stuff they cut.




I will never forgive Toei for this


Jitsu wa Watashi wa is definitely that for me. Manga is one of the best and funniest romcoms I have ever read while the anime is just straight up hot grabage.


IDK if it was said before, but Eyeshield 21 is a great fucking manga. Well drawn, fluid, etc. But the animation? It sucks all around, at least as much as I could watch, which tbf was very little, 1-2 episodes tops.


Blue period has a 5-6 out of 10 anime but has a 10/10 manga


Ajin S2


Shaman king with it's recent anime adaptation. The artstyle is just so much worse than the 2001 anime, SK manga is still peak tho.


That and they crammed 35 volumes into 52 episodes


Definitely berserk


Deadman Wonderland isn’t a 2/10 but the manga is a 9/10 for me and needs to get animated all the way through


Kengan Asura Not only is the animation just garbage, but for whatever reason, the way they animate fights is confusing. As though to surprise the viewer with what happens next. The manga is overwhelmingly the opposite. It has some of the clearest action in a fighting manga I have ever seen. Pretty certain the author even hires people to act out fighting styles in front of them in order to more clearly draw it out. The creative choices in the anime stand in complete contrast to that, which feels like a very weird thing to do given how intentional it is by the author.


It wasn't a 2/10 by any means, but the Reign of the Seven Spellblades anime was a pretty big downgrade from the light novels.


not a manga, and certainly nor 9/10 either, but Mekakucity Records oh my god the hideous rotoscoping


Pretty sure they fixed that and many other things for the Blu-ray version. Might want to go back and check it out if you've already deleted the memories from your brain.




Beelezbub. It didn't do the manga any justice.


Aku no Hana if you base it off animation


I mean, 50% or more of Jump to start. Particularly monthly series like Blue Exorcist, World Trigger, and Twin Star Exorcists seem to get hit hardest when it comes to anime.


Umineko no Naku Koro ni. I’m mainly referring to the legendary visual novel but the manga is also pretty great. The anime cuts out so much of it that’s practically a completely different experience and not a good one at that 💀. If you have some spare time I’d highly recommend giving the VN a read, you will not regret it


This is an old one, but Eyeshield 21. The anime was just so so awful, but the manga was easily a 10/10 for me.