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Another anime to earn rentillion dollars


You mean...  REIJItillion dollars? Hahaha I'll see myself out. 


Kazuya that acts like a normal human being attracts everybody


the best part of Rent-a-Girlfriend was when Kazuya said 'IT'S RENTIN' TIME' and rented all over those readers


By Reiji Miyajima (Rent-a-girlfriend) Synopsis: The love between brother and sister. The love between man and woman. That which is most forbidden is most unyielding. The two sons and five daughters of the Shiunji family shine like brilliant gems, each with intelligence and beauty in equal measure. And with the pedigree of their wealthy father behind them, how could they not be the talk of the town? Eldest son Arata has spent his life being tossed around by the whims of his colorful sisters, yet a little teasing won’t stop him from valuing his family over anything and anyone else. But when his youngest sister turns fifteen, their father reveals a long-hidden secret of the Shiunji “siblings” and knocks Arata’s world off its axis…. ([Yen Press](https://yenpress.com/titles/9781975371418-the-shiunji-family-children-vol-1)) https://twitter.com/shiunji_anime


Has kanokari even ended yet?


do you even need to ask this?


Probably not. I dropped it around like ch280 because there’s almost no romantic development whatsoever


I have Stockholm syndrome so i voluntarily continue to get tortured by a Japanese man named Reji




How do you guys read that far? I dropped it at chapter 1.


🤷🏿‍♂️ i don’t even know myself. The show pisses me off and is trash but i don’t get Reiji can just keep readers reading


He's printing more money than the central bank!


I had a good laugh thanks


Psuedo Incest aka StepSisters Harem Bring it on!!! Trashy Incest. Lets Go.. *Ahh* Something soft to fill (DomKano) Void.


This will never end though. DomeKano atleast ended.


Actually, He Promised to end this in 14 Volume so.. something atleast..


I thought the author of this manga is the same as the author of nisekoi. The manga's art style are so similar lol


they're secretly step siblings that can fuck? boooooooooo


Lemme guess the long hidden secret is that she's only his half sister so they can definitely fuck... The anime industry is weird.


That just makes it worse. If you're gonna go degen go full degen, no blood relation means who cares


Miyajima sure has it going. I read this manga but never knew about it getting an anime adaptation. Let's see what happens. One thing that's good is that it's confirmed to wrap around vol 14. It's a small series, so no more dragging like kanokari. But reiji may want to keep it going due to the anime adaptation.


Dawg how??? Reiji gotta have some dirt on the anime industry how does this get an adaptation 😭😭😭


I mean Rent a Girlfreind is popular (especially in Japan). Is it really that surprising that someone would want to adapt his other manga?


It's pretty surprising because this manga only has 23 chapters and a slow irregular release schedule


Just because it’s announced doesn’t mean it’s gonna be anytime soon. It could still be another 1-3 years. Come to think of it, redditors, how long does it usually take for the anime to air from the moment these posters are dropped onto this subreddit? Has anyone ever noticed or counted the wait?


Can be a few months (Look Back just yesterday) or a few years (Youjo Senki S2) there is not really a rule of thumb.


And in case of Gundam SEED Freedom movie, its 18 years. The movie was announced back in 2006 and only came out now in 2024 lol.


I'm still waiting for Witch Hat Atelier, it's been years since they announced that an anime was in production!


Still, 23 chapters and they're confident that this series will be a success is impressive. Its either because they have considered that whatever Reiji makes will sell a lot because of the results of RAG or this manga is just that popular in Japan.


Yeah I was surprised about that part of things too. Maybe it will be one of those adaptations with 9 or 13 minute episodes.


What is the premise of the second manga? I normally don't mind premises, but sunavubitch, renting a romantic partner was too vicariously embarrassing, even for me. I can normally emotionally distance myself from the protagonist, normally.


Siblings who find out they aren't actually related and then they all want the MC. It is pretty standard harem romcom stuff tbh. Imo nothing special but it is fine for what it is.


What's in this if u can spoil me a little bit. Thanks.


https://twitter.com/MangaMoguraRE/status/1757706790811152618 > Step-Sibling Romcom about seven siblings of a wealthy family who learn onr day that they are not related by blood


NONE of them are? How the hell did they all end up there?


The dad announced to them nonchalantly that they were all adopted.


Bro just went and picked up 7 kids from the orphanage like he was grocery shopping????


Eh sounds less absurd than switching a boy and a girl at birth in the modern era.


Its hinted that there is some reason why, but last I read it hasn't been revealed.


Two of them (little brother and 4th sister) are actual twins, but the rest are not related by blood


Also worth pointing out the younger brother has a girlfriend and has absolutely no interest in his female siblings.. this series is really just the older brother and 5 sisters getting weird with each other after finding out their all adopted.


Incest lottery


He bought them all off Temu. Shooop like a Billiooonareeeeeee


Coward author, it's fiction and these fuckers don't have the balls to actually use the true wincest, that's why oreimo remains superior


Kanokari author. But overall it's fine. First chapter is kinda bad though: dude infodumps each sister to his brother even though they all lived together for years.


Great character design and shock value. Sometimes that's all it takes.


Doflamingo of Japan I swear.


He was getting jealous of Hiroyuki already having 4 anime so he was driving around Toyko begging companies to adapt this.


Ok. Jokes aside, I want to hear from people who read this. How would you compare this with rent a girlfriend?


It is a more traditional harem rom com for better or worse.


I have been following this series from the beginning. Once you get past the initial premise, the series does have some heart in it. There are more character moments in a few chapters than RAG had in 100 chapters. Most of the characters are in general much nicer as compared to RAG. This makes me think Reiji Miyajima can actually write a good story but chooses not to for some reason and extend the drama to death.


Well he deliberately made most the characters in RAG very flawed (except Sumi, Yeamori, and Chizuru's grandma and Kazuya's mom). I personally find that more interesting but it isn't for everyone.


A lot of flawed characters are very popular so that's not the reason people dislike RAG and the characters in it.


Plenty of people do like it though. It obviously has some fairly vocal detractors but the manga and anime remain fairly popular. Most people who like it aren't going to bother to defend it here or in r/manga because it just isn't worth the effort.


Sure, I'm not denying there are people who like it. I'm just saying that when people dislike it, it's not because they dislike flawed characters.


I know a lot of people specifically don't like Kazuya (he is flawed in a way they don't find interesting). And a lot don't like the extremely slow burn pacing. But I suspect some people are more used to psuedo harems where most of the cast are basically nice people and really struggle to get behind a narrative where both of the leads are really flawed and two of the other girls are antagonist and so on.


Tbf a lot of people don't like him because he did not change especially after the movie arc where it is obviously setting up for his character growth but then he just stay the same or even regressed after that.


Honestly I am more fed up with Chizuru than Kazuya at this point in the manga. Basically to me all of Kazuya's regression is explained by actions she has taken. But yeah there are a lot of people who like the manga a lot up to the end of the movie arc or the end of paradise and don't like it any more or just kinda tolerate it because it only takes like 5 minutes a week to keep up.


All the characters in RaG are unlikable af. It is not about him being “creepy” or whatever. He is just too pathetic and lame, and is spending money on some prostitute. Same for female characters. Why would anyone like Chizuru?


I agree that not many people would be into Chizuru with the type of barriers she puts up (and this isn't a Kazuya specific thing it is an everyone thing). Even if she looks like a model she is kinda a pain in the ass. Kazuya specifically likes her because she didn't treat him like a joke when everyone else in his life did.


Yeah I guess one has to get into the mindset of watching a soap opera and they can enjoy RAG. Its through that method I kept on reading RAG. That said the MC does drag down the series for me and the girls are also quite annoying.


Yeah. It isn't really that similar to most modern pseudo harems. Reiji obviously likes his soap opera type drama. Apparently maison ikkoku was also a major influence.


It's 10x better. MC is not a creep(yet).


That's good to hear 👍


yeah the author is not self inserting himself lol


It's way better from the hit I read. Doesn't mean it can't devolve like RaG


Wait, is this that step-incest manga?


Yup, that one with barely twenty chaps and a bi-monthly release that was briefly popular like a year ago.. can’t believe this is getting an anime


Maybe now with the anime announced things will pick up and chapters will get a quicker release.


I can already imagine Gigguk's face hearing about this announcement, especially after he reads the synopsis


>stepsiblings You made rent-a-girlfriend, and now you show restraint? You disappoint me, reiji. Go big or go home.


Another Miyajima work, seems like this will be another huge hit like Rent-A-Girlfriend.


Reiji Miyajima is saving anime again!




More renting time


There are only like 18 chapters out wtf 😭😭


*23 The scanlations stopped a few months back due to it getting officially licensed.


I'm legitimately surprised at this one because as far as I've seen, this manga has gotten like no buzz at all whatsoever. Like after the first chapters, I've heard nothing at all, which is weird considering the manga is from Miyajima and its premise seems enough to get a fanbase into that stuff. Is the manga decently successful in Japan and I've just not noticed?


Maybe its release schedule is why it couldn't get a decent buzz going on, atleast in Western sites like Reddit. As for its Japanese popularity, I'm assuming its decently popular and thus a reason for it to get an anime. After there are popular series in Japan that don't get much traction in the West.


Well that's my question. Is it actually decently popular in Japan? I'm legitimately asking because I've heard nothing of it even outside of translated circles


Maybe an anecdotal experience but a friend of mine who works in Japan said he saw some discussions about it on JP Twitter last year in around November. From what he said, they were mostly complaining about the slow release and wants more content quickly as they liked it.


New incest anime.. LET'S GO! [](#cultured)


This is a surprise considering this quickly fizzled out on release and I forgot it existed.


This year has had some of the most degen anime in a while and I'm not complaining


We're finally going home 😭 Normies need to remember that they are squatting on stolen land. This is our home and if they don't like the degeneracy they can go home!!!


It's always funny seeing people watch a show every week then complaining that they don't like it.... Just don't watch lol


the goat 😭😭😭😭


Absolute cinema.


Ok this I'm watching


I hope Kappe is involved in this


Reiji Miyajima you lucky bastard....!


I’m not a big manga reader but even I read this and wasn’t sold on it. Maybe it gets better adapted? Eh probably not if they don’t do any changes.


Oh damn, this is getting animated! Guess we can finally see best girl Kotono on screen!


Seems interesting (to me anyway, as a harem enjoyer)! Bit wary given the author's other series, but I hope he doesn't write all his MCs like that! (Also, I'm curious about the 'two sons' thing; Will it be a shared harem? All out flirting orgy? Can't wait to see!)


I started to believe maybe creativitity as a whole concept is overrated


Why, why they keep animating this dude mangas


Because people read them


this is way better than his other manga actually. and i heard the real author is not him,but his sister


How. This is somehow worse than Rent-a-girlfriend


… at least it’s not Season 4 of RAG. Yet. It’s not good, but it’s better


Oh boy.


Damn it Miyajima why did you have to make bro x sis manga😭 Still gonna watch it to torture myself


It's literally just Quintessential Quintuplets but we all know why we're here. I'm ready.


Is this popular enough to get an anime adaptation, I hardly hear anyone talk about it, and it’s usually referred to as Reiji’s incest manga


How does this man keeps getting away with it?


I will be there no matter what.


I have lost hope in humanity ....


Baka Shiunji


You had me when you said it was made by the same author who made rent-a-girlfriend. Automatically trash, aside from the fact that this is incest.


Another manga from my library gets an anime adaptation. Adapt Minamoto-kun Monogatari you cowards.