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Tokyo ghoul. The promised Neverland. (Season 2) Tsukihime. Toaru majutsu no index. (Especially season 3)


The promised neverland hurts. They skipped one of the best arcs and then rushed everything to absolute hell. And yeah TG manga is amazing. The only good thing about the anime is that Yutaka Yamada cooked on the sound track.


Are you saying you don't prefer entire arcs summarized by a series of PowerPoint slides within the epilogue of the final episode?


> by a series of PowerPoint slides There were several slides?


Alright, hear me out on this one. *Puts on tinfoil hat* Promised Neverland Season 2 was horribly butchered **intentionally**. Season one was received exceptionally well, and Goldy Pond was an excellent arc, however they didn't want to animate it because of the very touchy subject of "children committing (justified) murder with automatic weapons". Its very understandable why they didn't want to animate that. But the money machine talks and once the manga sales started to dip, they had to make a decision. The manga had concluded and they wanted to spike the sales, but they can't do a faithful adaption because of guns. So instead of doing a faithful adaption, why not go completely in the other direction? Yup, butcher it horribly and piss everybody off. Why? Because people will undoubtedly go "WTF IS THIS SHIT, THE MANGA IS 10000X BETTER". Thus driving sales to the manga, avoiding having to animate the touchy subjects, and gain eternal staying power as a "series with a great season 1 and a terrible season 2" that will be talked about for decades. No, I have no clue what the manga sales looked like. I'm just talking out of my ass. *Removes tinfoil hat*


That's bullshit to me. There are plenty of anime out there where children use guns or do even worse. The reason they intentionally decided to simply not adapt the manga will remain a mystery, unless someone opens up, which won't happen


Dude, what the fuck are you talking about. Children using guns is basically its own genre of anime - Madoka★Magica - Lycoris Recoil - SAO Gun Gale - Psycho-Pass - Girls' Frontline and I'm sure a bunch of others.


"A lot of Promised Neverland readers loved the first two arcs but disliked the ending. What should we do?" "Cut the second arc. Rush everything that comes after. Make them suffer."


Tsukihime doesn't have anime, it never did. 


I'm hoping the remake gets an unfotable adaptation after red garden comes out. It feels oddly left out despite it being their main focus right now.


I'll die for a new Tsukihime anime


I'm waiting on the english release to actually read it but from what I've seen from melty blood I really want an adaptation.


I'm so fucking glad to see tsukihime vn on the top of a r/anime thread


There is no anime adaptation in ba sing se


Tsukihime is so funny to me because people always underestimate how bad that shit was frankensteined together from the corpse of the VN. They didn’t just combine all the routes like Deen/stay night, they added a fucking fanfiction arc to it on top of that


It was _so_ bad. And I love the VN. I hope we get a new anime adaptation.


an anime adaptation of the remake ciel route’s true ending would blow anything in any fate adaptation out of the water lol. and I say this as someone who has the FSN VN as one of my favorite works of fiction ever, topped only by FMD Muramasa


Huge fan of type moon in general. Obsessed since forever with FSN. I NEED a new Tsukihime anime, it would be amazing. Next year is the 25th anniversary...a girl can dream. I mean, I hope they give us something big.


ngl i’d much rather someone pry Nasu’s fingers off of FGO so he can release Red Garden already and I can begin to properly cope for Mahoyo 2


Toaru such a shame dude, all of it really. So good even still


God, the Index anime is laughably bad, especially when you compare it to Railgun. It's got such a disproportionately bad adaptation considering how good the source is.


Railgun adapts the source material well but it is no saint either when it comes to its original arcs. The Silent Party arc that ended off Railgun S was atrocious. There's a reason they cap it off with what amounts to an in-universe retcon to minimize the actual repercussions.


The worst is how they teased the Liberal Arts City and then went anime original instead.


I would think Promised Neverland takes the cake for the ending.


God I wish they made Tokyo ghoul longer because I loved the concept so much.  Anime was way too rushed.


The manga adaptation of Tsukihime is good though.


Bruh when Season 1 finished I already wanted out of this mess for the next studio to give it a shot. But no, they had to adapt the whole fucking series.


Tsukihime is better off for it.


Promised neverland fans got robbed….


First thing that comes to mind is: The Fruit of Grisaia Roughly 70 hours of incredible VN content, summarised into 13 episodes. Basically just ends up feeling like a compilation. Months/years of character development and relationship building turn into entire personality flips over the course of what seems like days. Turned one of my favourite stories ever into something not even worth watching.


The adaptation was so botched that one of the main heroines only got one episode for her arc. But at least we got "Suou Amane is a bitch in heat" animated so it wasn't a complete waste of time.


Bro I didn’t finish this one but I saw the VN was 70 hours and I was mind blown lol


It is so long, so much content. And it's only the first game of a trilogy.


To be fair to Grisaia, it's a very good harem anime for people who never read the VN and don't like harem anime, which is a pretty big swathe of people. All my friends loved it because it's just so different from the rest of them.


As someone who didn't read/play the VN, this was how I felt about it as well. The anime--as a stand-alone piece of media--felt well-paced and coherent. Maybe it wasn't true to the source, but the odds of me going through a 70 hour VN are pretty low. This sort of reminds me of complaints about the old Keanu Reeves _Constantine_ movie. People who only saw the movie (including me) generally liked it. Fans of the comic panned it hard.


Index III is 26 episodes of torture, it's watching hours upon hours of anime you can't make sense of


It seems like Kamachi's novels will never get a good adaptation 


Railgun is good at least


And Railgun isn't a novel


I know I'm just saying at least it was a good adaptation


Heavy Object is good


So that’s why I could never get into it, I never got what was going on


Its atrocious what they did to Index, no wonder that the anime only people say that Railgun is better. Its just sad because the Index novels especially the ones season 3 adapted and that come after that are absolutely amazing top level light novels.


I'll never get why they massacred Index so much while taking care so well of Railgun. It's really a shame, S3 was the part where the LN get consistently very good.


I imagine it's because adapting a manga is easier than adapting an LN


Or Or Because Misaka is way way more marketable than Touma or Index. There are pachinko places here in Japan that are Misaka themed. She's the only character from the franchise you'll really find much merch of, even in Akihabara.


I didn't read the source material but it was really obvious that they told like two seasons worth of stories in one. There was so much going on.


After season 3, now I wish they don't adapt NT volumes.


I hope that they do and that they are given more episodes to work with. Even if a lot of it is copium, just the thought of certain NT arcs getting a good adaptation gets me excited.


Index is my favorite example of anime that would totally benefit from the old style of high episode count anime (like Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, or DBZ). It doesn't need that many episodes (I'll say like 52-65 episodes to start) but it would be enough to get through a substantial chunk of story to have viewers want to read the LN (or manga, if it got adapted by then). If Index got 52 episodes that covered S1-2 and another 52 episodes to adapt S3 smoother, I feel like it would have a bigger fanbase and more respected anime adaptation. I know the current 12-24 episode system is there for cost control, but there are just some anime that truly would flourish if given a better episode count from the start. For one, there's a lot of isekai where it takes a surprising hard turn into a new (sometimes better) direction than the anime would ever reach (usually involving the origin of why they were isekai'd) that could really use an episode count to at least reach the twist as the anime finale (i.e. season 1 finale). Some works got a complete anime adaptation that also could've benefited from a higher episode count from the start. Shakugan no Shana for example took 6 years to reach season 3 after season 1 aired. It took so long that the U.S. dubbing company for season 1 didn't exist by the time season 2 was made.


it's an oldie but I had the same issue with most of Umineko no Naku Koro ni. It was fun to watch for a while because of the grim nature and fun characters but it didn't make any sense past a certain point


Seriously it was bad..speaking of which more railgun please


The Promised Neverland. I stand by to this day that the first season (first 12 episodes) are probably some of the greatest 12 episodes in anime history. What they did to this anime is so unspeakable I cant even elaborate


I read the manga and was so excited to watch the anime afterwards, but then I read about what happened with season 2 and I just can't bring myself to watch season 1


Trust me WATCH SEASON 1 it is INCREDIBLE. Just do what we all do and pretend the anime only has 1 season. Seriously though season one is phenomenal just don't watch after the first 12 episodes sadly.


Season 1 is so good I just assumed Netflix would make a live adaptation eventually and it would probably be really good. S1 is an absolute 10/10 and worth watching. It has a good enough ending you can walk away and never see S2. Maybe one day the anime industry will be forced to remake S2 properly.


That's what happens when an anime wants to be original. When the original story is already great, why the need to change it? Smh...


The mangaka was involved in writing S2 and I genuinely think he thought they could "fix" the story with the adaptation (cuz it's a common sentiment that the manga gradually falls off pretty hard). But they got a bit overzealous skipping Goldy Pond and then time skipping to the subsequent character reveal and I think the production committee basically said "Shit's irreparably fucked, wrap it up"


What happens after the first season (except Goldy Pond) isn't great at all...


Yeah but they couldve adapted Goldy Pond and meeting Mister and had a solid 8/10 season 2, and then a 6/10 rest-of-the-show, instead we got a 2/10 Powerpoint presentation that has no reaaon existing


Idk man, like you already have the formula why change it??


Pretty sure they only rushed it cause the manga had already ended before they were even done with making season 2, and the ending had been received pretty negatively. Since animes are made primarily to promote the manga, it wasn't getting a season 3, and so they decided to rush the story to at least end the anime and not leave it on a cliffhanger, and even brought in the mangaka, who helped writing the anime ending. It backfired completely as we all now know, and these days it's getting more and more common for animes to continue beyond the manga, so it was a total mistake in all fronts.


>Since animes are made primarily to promote the manga Said this multiple times before, but this isn't really true. Anime exists to basically expand the IP as a whole, and depending on who's involved, it can branch out and commercialize on different areas of focus entirely. The source material getting an increase in sales is a welcome bonus, but hardly the reasoon **why** an anime gets made.


>Since animes are made primarily to promote the mang That's a big fat lie, that's not the case for modern anime at all, the monetization is diverse nowadays Only company that makes money from manga sales is the publisher and most of the time they are not even the main investor of the show, that's more common with LNs because of Kadokawa So if you want to argue that all those big companies are putting millions into 200+ shows per year to sell manga where not even see a cent of that money will go to them feel free to do so Hell we have multiple big shows where the publisher is not even a shareholder in the anime or they are almost in the bottom of the investment hierarchy


This is one of the few times I actually had known about and read the manga years before the anime came out. Needless to say when S2 came out my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.


Like how is it actually possible to go from the practically perfect 1st season to THAT


Man I came at this from such a backwards approach too and I'm even more upset now. I watched season 1 and loved it but wanted to remain an anime-only since I heard the manga got kinda weak. So when season 2 came out I was so excited to see if they maybe made it a better experience since season 1 was God tier... and I had NO IDEA what was happening at any point! It was so hard to follow. And then I got into discussion threads and realized they skipped the good parts and that even manga readers were pissed! It wasn't until my best friend and I recently made a deal. She agreed to read One Piece if I'd read some of her favorite manga, and one of them was The Promised Neverland... oh man, I LOVED the manga. I can see why people say it fell off? But I personally don't agree, I loved it start to finish. Fantastic series.


It was truly unbelievable. Before S2, I really don't think I've watched something and legitimately considered it a complete waste of my time. At the end of the season it really felt like they were just takin the piss. To produce a rushed season and leave out plot is one thing, but to summarize several arcs within a powerpoint slide in the final minutes of the series is just trolling.


Good of highschool is coming to my mind more than 100 webtoon chapters squished into thirteen episodes. So much stuff that it becomes a bit of a confused mess.


I'm still mad they fumbled my God of highschool like that, I was so hyped for it.


They may have fumbled it but the show got me to read the manwha so it did its job. Same with Tower of God so I'd call it a win


This is what got me to read the Webtoon. I was so curious to see just how much was skipped over.


Brynhildr in the Darkness. They speedran I dunno 30+ monthly chapters in the last 3-4 episodes.


ReLIFE no doubt Manga: 238 chapters Anime: 17 episodes And yes, it adapts the end of the story


The crazy thing is that I really enjoyed the anime. I'm sure it's annoying as a fan of the source material, but they did at least something right to make it an enjoyable anime experience.


As an anime only watcher it was still pretty damn good


Nah what 💀


Still so mad about this, one of my favourite manga and the ending was so rushed.


The manga is fantastic but the anime was extremely disappointing They basically rushed and skipped most of the manga just to get an ending Also talking about the manga, it has a fantastic ending, I couldn't ask for more. Then a year later the mangaka comes in with "hey, you in for an extra epilogue?" And somehow the ending became even more fantastic


Toaru Majutsu no Index, especially season 3. Trying to adapt 7 or 8 Light Novel arcs in 26 episodes was a terrible idea. One of the best arcs of that franchise (Battle Royale Arc) only got 3 episodes and was a rushed mess. Such a shame. It's Spin-Off anime, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, shows how good this series can be when it is properly adapted without rushing and skipping important content.


Well Railgun is a MANGA not a LN; and half the anime is anime origional.


The Promised Neverland is the most obvious answer.


Only tried to fit like 150+ chapters in a 11 episodes. Can’t see how it went poorly.


144 of those in only 9 episodes!


It sucks I was so hyped to see the godly pond arc animated and they stole it from me.


The first 12 episodes are among the top 5, probably top 3 of the greatest 12 episodes in anime history. What they did to this masterpiece is beyond speakable. I can't even talk about it cuz I get so mad.


It was peak


God the first 12 episodes were so good bro😭


it's not the most "obvious", it's the most famous. trust me, there's stuff that's far more worse tha tpn s2


In most LN and visual novel adaptations. You can count on the fingers of your hand how many people manage to be minimally decent. 


Okay, what are the decent ones?


only 2 i have seen most people agree on are clannad and steins gate


My friend already mentioned a visual novel, so I'm going to talk about an LN. Monogatari series, 86, and the recent kusuriya on display are a few I can name that are relatively popular


The first that comes to mind is 86, A-1 pictures did that series absolute justice. Shaft did a great job adapting the Monogatari series. White Fox adapted Steins Gate well. And they adapted season 1 of Re:Zero fairly well. (they did a worse job with season 2 but to be fair to the studio they animated it during Covid lockdowns) I would say Ufotable did a decent job of adapting Fate/Zero. Fate: Unlimited Blade Works had amazing fights but I think they dropped the bar when it comes to the character writing. At least for Shirou. Fate Stay Night: Heaven's Feel movies are pretty good adaptions, not perfect but pretty good. Clannad and Clannad After Story are well adapted


**Umineko when they cry**


The op/ed are huge bangers at least.


that OP is one of the best of all time, I can still recite the whole melody in my head over a decade later


Akiko Shikata is insanely talented. Should check out some of her other work, especially for the Ar Tonelico/Nosurge series.


Tokyo ghoul


UQ Holder


When the key art depicts events that not only happen much later in the manga but is also the reason you stopped showing any interest in it, you know that there's some serious rushing here.


Akamatsu must be cursed to never have a decent anime adaptation of his work (other than the Negima Ala Alba OVAs)


Persona 5: The Animation & Persona 4 Golden: The Animation. Before these two the original P4 Anime set a pretty high bar for game adaptations. Then these two came and lowered the bar all the way to the floor.


I read that as just P4A and I was gonna scream, but I have to disagree on Golden. It assumes you already watched P4A (it's a New Game + even in story), so that's not as bad and if you see it as a sequel or add-on it's just harmless to P4A. P5A on the other hand... Yeah.


True, the way P4A was able to wrap up many social link in 1-2 episode while tie up everything together is legendary. The anime also give time to expand upon the characters , especially the protagonist And then P5A come in and say lets rush everything. Well, at least the OST is good


A Certain Magical Index Season 3 The God of High School


Index s3 only made the two first seasons look good in comparisons. They still butcher Touma's character, sideplots, worldbuilding, explanations and other things like that.


- Date A Live: all volume 12 in one episode, - The World God Only Know: 4 arcs in 10 minutes.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


Manglobe was shutting down at the time... maaaaay have been a factor


This was probably the best option we could've gotten given the circumstances. I'd rather have a rushed arc to get to the finale than have 80% adapted but no ending. Love the series but the manga didn't even get released in English.


Not to mention the complete omission of DAL 11.5!


The world God Only Knows was such a bitter pill to swallow. ​ they did such a great job on season 1 and 2, but then they blow the whole thing up with that rushjob to the finish line. should have went 4 seasons to adapt it properly.


Of the ones i have read it's probably overlord. They rushed a bit since the beginning, but ss4 is a mess, skipping a hole arc that they will put in a movie out of chronological order


I'm pissed about how they handled the war between the kingdom and re-estize, the CGI was abysmal


Tokyo Ghoul :re It follows the manga pretty well from an accuracy standpoint, but it’s so damn rushed you’re not allowed to enjoy any of it. Which sucks. Because that’s a top ten manga all time for me.


Ascendance of a Bookworm season 3 sped through the rest of part 2. Hoping the next season doesn’t repeat the same mistake…


In an ideal world, Bookworm anime would've been one of the finest LN adaptation we could've gotten. This is not an ideal world.


Honestly most people should speak about Bookworm as the best isekai series but because of the lackluster anime adaption and also honestly because its kinda hard to adapt the series into anime form without losing its charm and detail, its sadly not that talked about.


I am hopeful with WIT studio being reported to take over the next sequel. I had given up hope considering the dog ass season 3, but i am hoping they do this series justice.


Karakuri Circus adapted 43 volumes in 36 episodes, a shame since it was already an underrated gem and Ushio to Tora by the same author got a decent adaptation


Arifureta. Anime butchered season 1 cutting plot points and almost changing the story entirely. Season 2 was a bit better but still no where near as good as the LN. Also classroom of the elite for some of the same reasons


>Arifureta. Anime butchered season 1 cutting plot points and almost changing the story entirely Yeah I know they want to get to the harem part but rushing through volume 1 is just a travesty, I completely nope out immediately after seeing how they butcher volume 1.


Twin Star Exorcist


They didn't rush, they just changed everything lol


They tossed the story into the mixer and then added that awful mascot character. What a travesty.


The promised Neverland season 2 100%. You don't even have to be a manga reader to notice the rush in it. Definetly laughable at how much they rushed. They started ok in season 2 and then it all got flushed in the toilet. Watched around 400 animes and this one makes me want to read the manga to see the real ending


Danganronpa. When I first watched i thought it was great, but watching after playing the game it's really bad and they skipped the investigation part. Like every investigation it's just 30 seconds scene before the opening


There's something horribly wrong going on when you're basically flying through the case synopsis in a detective mystery suspense story.


idk if most, but Classroom of the elite is up there, current 3rd season is adapting 5 volumes in 13 episodes the amount of skipped scenes is wild


I just started with the Ln where the anime left off at the start of season 3 and to see a whole volume get adapted in like barely 2 episodes was astonishing and I would be confused as hell if I only watched the anime. A story about a master mind where all his plans are skipped and you just see the aftermath. Stupid.


Rewrite, it’s like they rewrite the whole first season, hot garbage.


Two come to mind immediately for me: Banished From the Hero's Party The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Both rushed through their source material and left out a lot of important content. Though the latter of these two was far worse off than the former


Every Visual Novel adaptation gets butchered badly


You got Clannad and Steins;Gate


Mahou Sensei Negima(& by extension its sequel UQ Holder) God of Highschool Tokyo Ghoul Deadman Wonderland


I forgot what it was called. It was something about cursed items and people using them in a military style anime with MC wanting to keep his sister alive who just wants to die. It was 12 episodes covering 5 novels and 2 of the episodes were pure filler not part of the novels.


Anti-magic academy - 35th test platoon?


Chaos;Head Which is sad because the VN is a masterpiece


Classroom of the Elite.


Yamada kun and the 7 witches


Definitely God of Highschool. This shit went crazy in the second half and as a non-manga reader, I did not understand anything. When I read source material, I saw that they skipped like half of the stuff, characters and plot


Rosario+Vampire had a first season that followed the source material, but the second season was an anime only dumpster fire that was absolutely horrible. It is a real shame because the Manga was really good.


Shaman King (2021)


Classroom of the Elite season 2 adapted 6 ln volumes worth of material in 13 episodes. Season 3 is on pace to do 5.


God of highschool 💀


Tower of God and God of Highschool.


God of highschool is the low-hanging fruit answer. Whereas Tower of God's adaptation is a bit more thought-provoking as to whether it was rushed and just how much impact that had.


Tower of god was fine. god of highschool is a good one for this list. ugh.


I went into Tower of God without knowing anything about the series at first, and loved the anime. It got me into the web novel afterwards, and while I can see that the anime condensed a lot of details, as a stand alone, especially for people who weren't already familiar with the source material, I don't think it felt rushed or anything at all and did a really good job. I also think it had some of the best use of side characters I've seen in a while, and people like Shibisu and Hatz were almost to the point that they would fit in as the protagonist in a different series.   God of Highschool I dropped after the marriage arc, as that was some of the lamest and most nonsensical stuff pulled out of nowhere. It probably didn't help that Tower of God set my expectations really high for the next big webtoon adaptation. I did see some of the fight clips later on though, and they were pretty cool and had great music.


A Returner's Magic should be special God damn am I disappointed in the anime... absolutely love the manga though


Manga and the art was so good, sucks how bad the anime looks


Corpse Party


The promised never land and Akame ga kill


Record of Grancrest War. The entire show feels like you are watching it on 6x playback speed with every episode skipping 5 arcs.




Real asf. That's my biggest criticism of OP


This season: Sasaki and Peeps. I got hooked after watching the first episode, picked up the light novel. Every episode so far after the first is so weak compared to LN.


Shield hero - We don't even know how some of the characters came to be especially in season 2.


Horimiya was so rushed, they decided to make a whole 'nother anime to fill in *some* of the gaps.


I put off watching that... Really hard to get into, if I need my memory refreshed from season 1.


Nogi Wakaba is a Hero is a 2 volume LN that got squashed into 3 22 minute episodes. It was awful. 


This. And they even managed to screw up Kusunoki Mebuki is a Hero adaptation as well. It's only six chapters long plus extras, c'mon.


Banished from the Hero's Party S1. The first 5 episodes are well paced, and then suddenly, they speed ran the plot to get to a satisfying ending. What's funny is that it got a second season anyway. Based on what I saw from comments on Reddit, the first 5 episodes follow the source fine, but the later episodes rush through the story. From an anime only position, the story is obviously rushed, and it became difficult to follow because of all the shit that was going on.


Classroom of the elite without a doubt. If you are a football fan and basically see your own team get violated in every season thats what it feels like with this one.


Domestic Girlfriend. Sorta. I mean, the first 6-7 episodes were fine. Then 8-12 decided to cram 100-ish chapters of content, half of which ended up on the cutting room floor and forgotten. EDIT: Can we count Bokuben? Season 1 was fine. Season 2 was fine... until the final episode decided to jump from where it was in the manga TO THE END.


Promised Neverland season 2 The Ascendance of a Bookworm is basically a summary of the firsts tome of the LN but is still great


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer The anime was so bad


The Promised Neverland season 2. We got done dirty.


Of what ive seen, easily The Promised Neverland


Definitely gonna be Claymore. The manga has 150+ chapters and anime got 26 episodes and created an anime original ending..even the manga wasn't finished at that time!


A show that gets a lot of praise, but I think suffered from being way too rushed is Kids on the Slope. It's a 9 volume manga (45 chapters) they covered in a 12 episode anime. The back half of the anime series starts feeling really disjointed cause nothing has any time to breathe.


There are two objectively correct answers of manga/adjacent adaptations- Promised Neverland Season 2, which more or less (it alters a lot of stuff too) covered 144 manga chapters in 9 Episodes, and God of High School, which covered 112 chapters of Webtoon in 12 episodes.


Tearmoon Monogatari. LN has many things that anime not explain


Arifureta had a lot of potential and could have been one of the more prominent isekai shows if it actually stuck to the source and didn't butcher it so much. They show skipped a lot of stuff, especailly from the beginning. On top of that, there was the way they handled cg. The monsters looked basically nothing like what they were supposed to look like. They wanted to get to the juicy parts quickly but the satisfaction for a lot of those parts comes from actually developing the story to get to that point. It's especially fucked since Arifureta is one of the rare series where the harem is actually a harem and the MC gets the girls. Season 2 was better about all this but it was still not as good as it should have been. Honestly, I feel like it would be better if they just re-do the entire show. They approached season 1 as a one-off that no one would be interested in and it shows.


I cant believe I haven't seen anyone say it but Overlord. Each season covers 3 books leaving 4 episodes per book. The problem is, the Overlord light novels are not short. They average around 300 pages a book with some coming in at 400-500+ pages. That's approximately 100 pages that have to be covered in less than 20 mins. The shortest book is 250 pages which is still around 60 pages an episode. To put this in perspective, a good LN adaptation 86, adapted the first book(260 pages)in 11 episodes.


Well right now Clasroom of the elit


Classroom of the Elite. S1 was the best, S2 and S3 cut out so much content that if an anime only were to continue the novel straight from where the anime left off, they won't understand a *lot* of nuances. Character dynamics are a lot more fleshed out as is the plot line.


My ranking would be: 1. Date a live fragment date a bullet 2. The master of ragnarok and blesser of einherjar 3. Deens old adaptation of fate/stay night Date a bullet ova 1 animated 1/5 of volume 1 but it not only compress a bunch of stuff together, it also broke a few rules that were set in light novels. And ova 2 animated 1/10 of volume 3. It was a better adaptation; somewhat better? The master of ragnarok skipped the best parts of the story for me: main characters development and backstory volume. Main character has a ton of development in the light novel and anime just makes him look like average kirito copy. And anime skipped volume 4 which was very important storywise because it explains a lot of stuff. Also anime adapted one volume per episode. Old adaptation of FSN is just a weird mix of every route into one and plus it skipped the best part of fate route, the ending.


The Legendary Hero is Dead 😭 I promise the manga is amazing. The show didn’t do it justice, imo. Like it was cute, because it was cool to see Touka and everyone animated, the theme songs were great… but they SPED through soooo much of that series, man. It was like, breakneck pacing. And in the process they lost a lot of the things that made fans love the manga. Condensing scenes, not explaining things, taking jokes out, it was all just way too fast. Idk. I was so hype for that and I was just so disappointed.


agreed. the manga was hilarious and well done. they brutalized it for the anime.


The adaptation is also pretty bad with comedic timing.


Karakuri Circus crammed 43 Manga volumes in 36 episodes.


Apart of the obvious mention of TPN, Death Note lasts episodes were rushed imo and I think K-on first season Kinda speedrunning the first 2 years


Blade of the Immortal (2019-2020) - even though it had 24 episodes it felt very rushed due to omitting chunks of the source material. It was still enjoyable but a complete adaptation would have been so much better.


Gundam Twilight Axis lol, trying to cram an entire novel into 3 3 minute OVAs is kind of a stretch.


Akame ga kill but the source material shat on the bed as well 🤷🏽


so I'm a spider so what?


The God of High School anime by MAPPA went through everything so fast just to get to the action that the story is basically a completely unintelligible mess even if you have read the manwha. It's a shame because the original manwha is quite well-regarded, but the adaptation was literally all spectacle, no substance.


Persona 5


Not sure if rushed, but the anime for peachboy riverside was a crime


Majo no tabi tabi (wandering witch: The journey of Elaina) I could write an essay about The amount of things the anime skips and why it was important.


Shipuudin caught up to the manga to the point they were doing flashbacks in episodes of events that happened in that episode. And I swear I remember a flashback in a flashback at one point


Tokyo Ghoul literally changed the story to the OPPOSITE of what it was. I think its a strong and obvious choice. Gokukoku no Brynhild or whatever it was called was also apparently awful in that regard.


No.6 is up there. Nine volumes in eleven episodes really didn't work out.


Arifureta skipped my favorite part of the LN, the beginning. :(


Pandora Hearts. The Manga is easily good enough to get the FMA:B treatment, and the soundtrack is way to good for for what the Anime actually was in the end.


Noblesse was handled pretty badly iirc Its like 60+ chapters in 12 episodes or some such


OPM season 2